Sunday, August 16, 2009 This medical bill is not about details and clear summation of criterions which people are aware of. At most it is a death panel to have the Supreme Court who lives and dies like a death sentence or a kool-aid party. As we can clearly see, the burden of proof is placed on Supreme Court nominees who know nothing about leadership, war, philosophy and science; however, they know the law and we need immediate books and documents to indicate they can steer the ship. I need to know who can and cannot steer the ship or why they wish to and refuse to answer all answers when we know the police are the kool-aid police. There is no way to avoid the Supreme Court in this medical bill unless there is a disclaimer or some means to usurp due process. Unless you wish to wipe out or rewrite the Constitution; there is no way to avoid the train wreck coming with social security and Medicaid. We can have the Supreme Court write it now and explain it; or later? The language is vague and a Bernard Maddoff hijacking.
If you watched the entire week of medical reform town halls, people are bloody mad and genuinely pissed. They have no idea how much of the 2 trillion in TART and ARRA (stimulus and bailout) went to executive pay and is subsidizing million dollar homes, mortgages, boats, cars, etc… When they find out, you will have a full fledge voter rebellion and armed insurrection. We had warned about rejecting it unless you can bill the government for services which we were doing and never once got paid or could seek closure over billed services and results. So if you watch Meet the Press and the week long town halls; people are genuinely upset and terrified. Next will be kool-aid and forced medication. President Obama has yet to address any of these decisions and the details of a rule of law if cost cutting is the goal. The Congressional Budget Office (GAO-CBO) says that this will triple the cost and add overwhelming burdens on a strained system already. Now, you do you manage this problem when the Supreme Court is not in favor of States rights to the death penalty and we keep having this debate about death?
“She has a great husband… national treasure… role model for all women… wonderful family… energy… produced change (not debt)”; do we need to say more about why she is a role model and even her critics give her credit? She produced real change not debt change. So Billary is beginning to hop on the chuck wagon and we are hearing real meat in her words. However, her stocks are lower now than three years ago and her value now should be much more than five years or ten years ago.
YAF and Jason Matterra is not credible. Frank Schaeffer (Crazy for God) was around the people who fought the cold war and the real conservatives. It seems as if they are all reformed or re-educated communists. The conservative leaders are trying to produce what Bin Limbaugh described as “white flight” and what we call an exodus, “to bury the Republican and conservative movement.” It is filled with them and worse the fraud of their exclusive access is worse than Bernie Maddoff; it is off the charts grandstanding.
I had no idea what was going on but it is beginning to make sense now if it was a "grand plot" and grand strategy to take over from within. If you notice, the military has the most expensive and deadly-lethal weapons. The positions are designed for James Bond types. Now you have this culture of victimization after the Vietnam War. If this was a concerted effort to impose a vendetta, to blame, or to recruit; then it was interspersed with anti-Vietnam sentiments; let me explain. All of their parents served in World War II and refused to serve or hated Vietnam. They hate Hitler, act just like him, and hide the idea they admire Stalin. How do you catch this major league spy and traitor in the government and military who caught us and severely wounded us?
Vietnam is not the same war as World War II. You are fighting a different kind of murderer and a unification process called civil war. In society, the poor usually fight wars. In American history, immigrants usually fight wars such as World War I and II. This is because rich people (like the royal system) undergo officer knighthood. When you draw from people who have a predisposition, you create problems; but is it a machinery and purposeful? Yes it is. It is a spy-mole and terror recruitment camp; let's explain this. There is an internal mole-spy-traitor and most of all a recruiter. All of this ends up placing pressure on the military and the government. It forces the worst and weakest in society to be James Bonds of this world.
Someone is purposely flooded the military system with the weakest elements to place operatives in the military. All military people must prove themselves in battle and are seasoned by marinated process which takes upwards of 2 to 6 years. Drawing from the weakest in society where they are prone to victim hood, they are released into some system or the system. It is an abduction and kidnapping as we describe. This is a high level and dangerous mole. We know they are doing this to bad mouth veterans and to implicate them as bad employers or who shun veterans and those who sacrifice all. You can either recruit the dumbest, the worst, the weakest, or the most murderous and criminal; they will never become the strongest in society or end up feeble by some system created by a mole and terror plot. It is intended on smearing veterans and also the military as bad employers; we got caught by some recruiter.
what you get is what you are reading, a poster child. If you draw the weakest and put them through this system; it will end up a mess and a destroying people to make them feeble. If you take the strongest and most intelligent, they maximize and use improvisation or negotiating skills to tactfully escape some recruitment or some recruitment problem designed to usurp and take over the military; it is in full swing now and was under President George W. Bush. Bush nearly broke the back of the military and Bin Limbaugh said he is an LBJ who had credit problems and wanted a new identity. It is some kind of gigantic plot to take over the world or the military using veterans also; but you have to flood the system with the weakest, feeble, most athletic-tough; and what you get out of the system are the reports of daily-hourly humiliation by the unions and someone who calls you a "common nigger" all day long.
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