Dear Ann Coulter Letter: Let’s see if she can answer this one on a professional level! You are hanging on to a friendship; why worry about love or who you are going to end out your life with? Now it is Texas? The problem is how Ann is doing all of this so she can avoid being hurt; but that is how or why she is getting hurt; why is she this blind or so destructive when love, happiness, and joy was all hers and what she wanted? Doing this to avoid being hurt or going to be hurt anyhow? (Read below: I don’t care anymore; keep exploiting your life and ours, it will last and bring you happiness! Why do I brag about court marshalling you for exploiting people and not being able to stop?) http://www.revolutionpac.org/
These people have a complex and dysfunctional life and they feel others do not have the capacity to love them and respect them. They live life with no brakes, exploiting each other to the end even if the most hellacious death befalls them; nothing can break that ignorance and nothing can break this cycle of destruction. They will destroy each other and exploit each and every one of their relationships and empty lies to the very end and then think they are or were loved when they don’t even know who is important and who they should be loyal to when they die or live out the rest of their life. We are dealing with people who may be smart but stupidity ends up their worst enemy. We are dealing with people who do the most outrageous and dangerous things; only to ask why life turned out so insane or bizarre. I am sorry but I am not as strong as some of them even if they are not made right and are very powerful. I too wish I could snap my fingers and a new world or life would appear.
You cannot fix life in a snap or destroy it thinking one day all will return and nothing will be lost. They leave life knowing they made others very disappointed, angry, and disgusted; but they somehow find worth and pride in that and think they are leaven heaven for a better heaven. Heaven is not where they are and this world is so messed up for a reason; stupidity eventually overcomes them; they are fighting it and hiding it all. As I said, they don’t even know who to spend the remainder of their life with and don’t understand the bonds in life cannot be fixed or replaced; they will exploit human life to the very end. It did not take but a day for Ann to go back to her old ways, exploit as much as she can and not be a victim.
Here is a mystery only Ann will be able to answer or figure out. If she was dying of a disease 2 years ago; ask her to what length I would go to be by her side. Ask her how much time she would spend with me. Now ask her about today and if she only had one week left; what has changed? Why is it so hard to face reality? When you fall in love, some people think it lasts forever and they can fix anything wrong with it (it is all lies, where is the crime, I only love you, etc…); I do not know what is wrong with these women but I am just disgusted sometimes and even with number 2. Let her do the walk of fame and exploit her way to the very end and ask what that last week would be like and if she is happy about herself?
Ann has spent her entire life trying to be like me and as strong as me; to hang in there all the way as number 2. It is funny how things turn out and how I see her now. Like all these women, they paddle and swim to prove themselves up an unforgiving river but what is worse? Who is she trying to prove herself to now if not me and if I am no longer hers? She barely got that right and barely lost that. Want to know why this world is so screwed up and the people in it make me sick? Did I mention a kidnapping and terror plot recruitment? I have already court marshaled her; is there anything left of her fantasy or life? Who does she want to spend that last week on earth with or nobody? This is how wars begin; lets not be a victim and retaliate.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009 I was listen to others shows about Rose Kennedy in 1995 and was watching JFK Junior a few months ago and his Greenwich wife; and recently Eunice Shriver and wonder if it has anything to do with the death threats I was getting daily (upwards of 20 times from the unions and Israel-Zionists; they kill their own and are cannibals). They said Kennedy was the most important, the last surviving, and all of his accomplishments which we cannot reverse any of at this time because Bin Liking is going to strangle whitey and the going black panther on this country. It is all phony and a pathetic act to cover up all of this failure and debt while they rip off the nation and the world. You are that stupid and that phony. Your religion, ethnicity, and political affiliations have a direct impact on your health and your longevity. We are in this to survive; not listen to smack talk daily or be kidnapped by fools and losers. All of them exploit others and expect to be exploited.
I find it very funny and hilarious how the Irish union upstairs keeps acting like an alarm clock. They were going nuts today about how bad they wanted to talk and was acting like they were important; it is the law of diminishing returns and they just a red scare and a swarm of bugs; when they pass life is great. I didn’t know why you wanted to talk to me but then I really do not care because when you call, I basically hang up and go into my comfort abode and bliss. So I think it is a joke your Irish unions would call me incessantly when I do not know how to put it really and was hoping you are sane enough to get it; love America enough to know when you have been beat and the rope gets shorter and smaller. However, your cruel hoax just gets nastier, more demanding, and basically transform into this terror plot and menace. So I think it is funny you feel you are managers and can call me when and if you want after how badly you have tried and how delusional you are when losing it all.
So why are you pretending to be glamorizing Barrack Bin Liking’s trip to Martha’s Vineyard and his kill whitey campaign; while at the same time you phony up your outrage about the hellacious care bill you have been upset and angry about all morning? I turned the radio on two hours in your show and you were rambling with some woman about yelling, shouting and unplugging each other and how you expect it to happen; boo hoo. She thinks it is great, you are claiming she drives you crazy, and you neglect that T. Kennedy, the most memorable and important of the Kennedy’s; has passed away today and was a broken man. He died a broken man and you joke and fake this outrage about how you despise health care.
Thanks to you, this day has not gone well and I refuse to get involved in your rampage and kill whitey campaign which is going on in the United States. All of this calling others a common nigger (calling me all kinds of hate names for over ten full years); false claims I am spreading hate to the white race (which is how stupid you truly are and your fascist loser honky life); and now it is about how much I want to talk to you and buy insurance or some protection racket because your idol has passed away and you are faking the outrage about his medical bill? How phony can you losers get and how fake can you take this? Only he knows what he did with his life and how disappointed and angry others are with his lies and political career of deceit.
I am not going to say a word but my advice for Ann is to ask if she wants to be loved or not. I am so fed up with Ann and how she is trying to make money off of me or make it look like such; another angry man in a long list of them and hell awaits; she knows there is no reason to hang on and I did court martial her; why pretend? That is the woman I like and want because she is a nobody, doesn’t pretend to be powerful or professional, and cannot exploit my life or my work and life. That is who I want; not one of these insane power hungry bigots and guilty politicians. Everybody is fed up with them and all of them and Ann is with them; she is not who she claims. So if the girl who sent that is out there; I would love a real friend and to get this mess off of me. I got hair like her and her muscles are just like mine (awesome). The dream is going to end and quickly; do you even know who to spend your time with or exploit?
A lot of women look smoking hot and hit 10 levels while she drops to 1 or 2; you cannot recover from that; not at her age (maybe she has super natural power; all of them are insane): http://www.revolutionpac.org/
How many times does someone have to be disappointed or disapprove before you realize it is your fault and it is time for you to go or end one side or the other? I give you oxygen; you blow smoke. It is dysfunctional and you tell me you do not want to end up by yourself and lonely. Maybe you are insane and drive others crazy? Maybe my life is busted and broken for a reason? What did I say, I let her off and she is right back at it. All she can do is cry and say how hurt she is and show her the crime; it is called a plain mess. Ask her what level of love she felt a year ago and what it is now or why? You have two cards left of 10; make sure you can at least be friends; at least. I have more friends and more conservatives than you do; and I date more women than you do also! This is what you get Ann for having the psycho upstairs talk for you and exploiting our relationship or my rescue. I do not want to be a victim and have tried to court martial Ann; I brag about it to her. I too do not want to be a genuine victim or a casual victim of these people.
Ride it while you can and as long as you can make it. I hope you have a plan after and know who you want. I have said NO across the board and I want nothing to do with your broken and insane life. I refuse to pay money for dinner or to meet you also; F you… I have better things to do with my money! I have women who do need me who can appreciate my money and life (what little I have). At least I am happy and not miserable (greedy, selfish, power hungry, and a very bad judge of character or events.) When did I ever ask for this or your life? I stayed and stuck with it because you said “I am quitting” and that bought you 3 or 4 months. That girl is the real deal and the vibes is awesome; not phony and always to be forgiven. That is basically what this is about; forgiven. I was mad at you because you messed up my plans and did come out victorious; but that does not mean you are cherished and loved.
Start using the magic and super natural power; create love and make others happy when they are not. Then say how it is the liberals and they cannot see it either; and lead the conservative charge. She is using her life like I am and thinks we are applauding (a really good way to get yelled at and told to leave) Can she explain it or what she is doing? Why in hell would she want to stay with someone when she even knows she is no longer loved but tolerated? Here is the worse part, she thinks marriage counseling will win back all the failed opportunity. These people are nuts and cannot do anything right; drive people to the point of misery; call themselves conservative; blame it on those disadvantaged? The damn feminist and union hippie upstairs says they are with her and my manager; that is a double nightmare. Tired of being exploited and used as a money maker; exploiting sex, dates, dinners, affection, relationships, etc… They are all con men and a bunch of no good thieves.
Here is the inherent game and cruel hoax. We are not against the CIA, FBI or DOD; we are against these people however. They are going around and kidnapping and abducting people to make them defect or double agents. Had they presented ID we could have done a background check on day 1; but tracing them was the only way to prevent them from escape or stopping them. Now they are saying we are going against America, the President, Congress, the CIA, and all kinds of fabrications and frauds to include how they are the police. Had they presented ID on day 1 and not day 2500; when a raid was needed to end this; we would not be in this situation. They come to America and sneak around; that is the problem, then say they want to help and are the police; do as they say or want.
Also, they still feel they are managers and bosses; powerful crime families and the voice or soul of this nation. The problem is they are linked to Zionists, Israel, communism, rogues, banks, crime families, radical immigrants, liberals, labor and Catholics, the damned, and the poverty movement. Terrorism gives them the police powers they need to make arrest or detain political enemies. They hate Hilter and Stalin hates them; but they steal land and the life of others by invading and siege; they must expand and get more resources and debt or else implode with civil war; what choice is there if it is a conspiracy as they claim? As predators and serial killers; the antichrist is not going to show ID or let anyone trace back who is behind it or what they are up to; that is why it is a cruel hoax and total lies.
The strongest of all is the unions; thus they own or run entire cities and the corruption there. We are not against America or the CIA; the President or anyone but it is impossible to get good and high quality work from this cruel hoax. They would have gotten away and made a clean terror plot and heist had we not done a few checks and detected them; then when the effort to ID then began; they put up a massive attack and terror plot. I think that says it all but they still insist they are helping, we need them, want to buy insurance, or are our promoters and bosses. We got close to them as bait and exploiting their faults and weaknesses; had we not, they would be in power and gotten away with no witnesses or evidence; zero trace and you would shine their shoes as we were forced to also. This is a major link between Zionist, Irish, socialist, terrorism, crime families, and a bunch of menaces and failures who think the country is evicting and hate them; we wonder why?
Here is the rule and I hope people learn from what we have learned about you all. This is a very liberal group of rich white men who want to expand and move behind their comfort zone. They think that this century has been a conspiracy against Jews, Liberals, Catholics, etc... and the impetus is the CIA, DOD, and other economic market allies. Mostly, they are elitists who sneak around and hide in society because they are hated and treated like a weirdo or foreigner; never finding their niche in society besides banking, money making, or a smelly materialism which they can demand or leverage respect. So they are upset and losing ground. They think it is a conspiracy and was demanding I tell them everything or cooperated; I had to feed them information and be some double agent as they sent me to their strong holds; to be some ears and eyes; meanwhile, I signed over my entire life and they would give me opportunity, freedom to pursue my talents, and made sure harassment was not a daily and hourly occurrence. If I refused; then it was torture, harassment, or some home captivity or pursuit to inflict maximum mental distress.
Ann was telling me they were pushing my buttons to see what angered me or my weak spots; so I put on a face and just ignored what I could for years thinking it would go away; it never did. Not once did I get a written request. None of these people ever let me run a background check on them; but they claim they are like Bin Limbaugh and Hannity. It turns out they are linked and the voice of these people: Bush, Clinton, Kennedy, Zionists, Irish, DMC and (part of the GAP), some white or superior white ring of leaders, anti-military, anti-right wing, liberals (part Catholic also), and the usual people kicked out or left behind; those whose experience in America was not welcomed and were abused. They were unified under the umbrella of union and some secret grand strategy that stretched deep into the Kremlin and World War II. Here is the kicker; they always set up meetings and talk to us without ever writing it down or letting us run a background check. they feel in total control and run a background check on us; nobody is allowed to run one on them. they leave no trace; no name; not face; not way to do this background check.
Why or how did they talk to us for 20 years nonstop without any suspicion or obstruction? That is the question; no background check, no name, no ID; death threats all day long and it comes down to saying yes on only four areas: unions, Israel, liberals, blacks, and surrender. No name and no background check; only torture and kidnapping until a yes is on all of that. So, make sure before talking to them or letting out any information; cooperation or passing secrets; a background check is possible and their names. That is the problem and who this is. These people flood here and are a parasite on America; but they have their hand in all of your life, mine, and want to keep this under their total control to approve or grant permission; thus are the 3rd enemy and the rogue; the other enemy out there who sides with both and can hedge from total destruction. This is the traitor and in the superpower race; they are both the ghost of Hitler and Stalin. Their game is murder and profit. If they cannot achieve profit, then control and power is just as good.
(On Wednesday, August 26, 2009 someone said he should step down because his travels and affair left the state of South Carolina paralyzed and nobody knew what was going on. Someone was digging dirt and stalking Ann as they were with me; so putting them in pain and ripping the little curliness off their head is fine and I applaud this. Bring me the wig when she is done and I will burn it and laugh!) I find these people pathetic and bigots; just a load of crap and a cruel hoax; that is government and someone can fix this country by suing them and ruining them; they will get a medal and a handshake from me. They hate Hitler and Stalin hates them; but they steal land and the life of others by invading and siege; they must expand and get more resources and debt or else implode with civil war; what choice is there if it is a conspiracy as they claim?
As I said to Ann a year ago; keep exploiting this and push the limits; it will last and it will bring her happiness and everything she has ever asked for or dreamed of! Ask her… she is one of THEM and also asking “why is this happening to me” and “what did I do wrong to deserve this?” These people are doomed and do not understand why things happen to them. I hate to say it but they are all Jews acting as if they are Christ; then wonder why bad things happen to them or how much bad things they can impose on others (kidnapping, terror plots, constant torture and spreading hate and insanity of bigots). That is the world and who they are; love it or hate it. They spend every waking moment exploiting human beings and I also do not want to be one of their victims; Ann tricked me and claimed I was not a victim of hers and she is on my side. Now ask her who I am and would I spend her last week on earth with her or why? What if she begged? Ask her to explain and show her intelligence; is it about victim hood or just the sensation?
These god damn honkies are insane and lost their reality; they will exploit and destroy each other to the very last bitter second. They are a damned group and bad things happen because of their religion or lack of it. It is hard to set a standard and tell them to do it right or do not do it at all. Ann is the exact same way and will secretly screw things up; it is a form of mental retardation. All they can do is exploit each other and live out some phony life. What the hell am I to do, impose a god damn dictatorship to crack down on insanity and frauds? It is a damn culture of this and they are predators; to trick the senses in order to be loved and cherished. What you don’t see it or them either?
White people made Ann hate other white people and she sort of lost touch with who she is; one of them or us? Ann knows this shit is not funny and she pretends as if I enjoy the joke. They have no clue who they are or what is right and wrong. Emulating me or being my partner gave her a good excuse and mission. It made love and marriage meaningful and rewarding. She is going to loose that very quickly and has; twenty years gone in 90 seconds. To her it is a joke and fixable; all she has to do is keep exploiting people and putting on a façade because it is all lies. See why they all are insane and drive each other nuts? What exactly is a cruel hoax and why is government this? I am in her experiment also and she has been told to shut up and to stop being too detailed or psychotic.
Ann is one of them and she wants everybody to know this; but she has not done anything wrong and is seeking love by exploiting relationships. Don’t feel bad, I didn’t even get dinner or an offer; and I had to pay or buy a ticket. Again, imagine what your last week on earth is like and ask if you are going to change it or not? I am… Ann will say “you are the one who screwed me over and bailed out; I did nothing wrong.” She has been saying this day and night and begging me to give her a chance or to respect her; the bond of 20 years of intimate friendship; I also have a psychopathic woman who asks me every single day “you mean you are not angry” and I am forced to be reminded why I am so angry and this recurring rape dream. Now who is doing what to whom?
Ann has tricked me throughout life and there were times she was so detailed I felt she was a nut case or a mad professor; I had to tell her to shut up and use common sense and less details; now it seems as if she has no common sense about her and has emulated my entire life and I must hate myself; why? I forgave her for all the tricks and smart ass ways she pulled on me; I never really enjoyed them to begin with. Why did it turn out this way and why am I looking back and asking if she ever did anything right or if it is just her way of fixing things when they do not turn out in her favor or her enemies favor; they both will exploit each other to the end and to the very last second. Is this about respect or a worthless life seeking it? There is not much respect floating around and what is left was taken from her. They have given her a cancer and polluted her life and she is making it worse and worse with her lifestyle.
I am not sure if all human beings are like us. They are just evil, sick, and power hungry people who love attention or to be the center of the storm. To have others rally around them as if they are a parent or powerful religious figure. If you ask me, Ann has lost sense of who she is and has; she thinks she is me or my voice in this kidnapping and horrific nightmare. I will tell you what she will try to do; keep her distance and exploit it while having the time of her life or stomp on that peddle to the very end convinced she did it for a good reason; all of them are like this and insane. We can go through a checklist and ask if this is inane or not. Being with me for 20 years and every waking minute and she still does not know who she is or what makes me happy?
Ann does not want to be a victim and she fought as hard as she can so I am not one; I ended up half short but better off than what my enemies had planned. I am tired of being a victim and Ann claims I am not a victim of hers even if I feel like one; she says it is not intentional and she is sorry but does not want to shoot her mouth off and make it worse. Ask her if I will risk it all and drop what I am doing; regardless; just to be by her side if anything happened? Why not now regardless of who was right? She is just one of those people who like to push the envelope and feels powerful and loved. She does not know who to spend the final parts of her life with if nobody? Someone asks what is wrong with her or if she is a girl in a bubble and allergic to human beings and must have indentured servants around all the time? I brag about court marshaling her, what more does she have if not to be a real human being? Talk to your best friend and only person you trust Ann; tell him if you are a real human being or a total mess?
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