So we will let him spend the entire show on why they are in the terrorism, kidnapping, adoption-guardian industry, how good they are at what they do, recurring rape dreams, and the emphasis of sex or violating others in the most incessant and unstoppable way; which is still so well hidden; they got caught finally. If profit was the only motive; then why stop with adults? I am not going to discuss anything else; only what we saw and the experience we had to go through; they can correct it or deny it as usual before being caught lying or changing the story. Why not cure a child or a very young person against their will or clandestinely; to control their mind completely and train them to be a captive or some prisoner for their love games and sex perversions?
Here is what Bin Limbaugh said off the top of my mind and with Intel, “you have no idea… this is just the tip of the iceberg… we are sticking to our plan and are satisfied with it… the proper use of terrorism… having so much fun… more fun than a human being can have… one hand behind my back… with half my brain… wandering off the reservation… ditto head… just scandal.” What does that sound like to you if you were beating around the bush? What did I say to him all the time, “you are the best fighter out there… this is above the Kremlin… most dangerous and blood thirsty mole (terrorist) ever captured… had no idea we knew and outfoxed him… we know everything.” If you read the chapters on serial killers; there is reason to believe we are subject matter experts and can teach the subject. Bin Limbaugh even describes you as “penalizing… wants you to behave… show pain… must respect success.” How do we respect cold blooded killers and the antichrist or the devil? How?
Thursday, August 20, 2009 So let’s ask Bin Hannity now that we have busted and captured his mole-spy-terrorist ring. We know they are in the business of kidnapping kids and also for various reasons; mostly profit. We also know they are very-very good at what they do and were bombarding us with very young and bizarre pederasty when we did not want it or know who the hell was doing this. The people upstairs are not going to say it; but said we know everything; so maybe we do. All I am saying is they would never do this on their ape children or spoiled brats; but they will with others. Also, I always wondered who did the Jon Bennett when I was hanging around Russ and Pete Bennett from high school and college then. Also, they blamed the parents. Nothing made any sense. The best explanation so far is, “make their life hell.” That is not false but it is an understatement; drive them to suicide is a better description and deny all of it if they can.
“Liberals are always ramming their morality down our throats… all lies… why not adopt… invest in schools… (Or pretend to be partners and promote them in secret while exploring their sex and what you can get away with).” Now he is going off on death panels and medical care; the show began with lies and denying if they were in the business of kidnapping or rape. There is a really good way to find out, make him chase a woman he knows nothing about and see what he says and acts. Or go after her lifelong buddy and love interest and pretend to be a parent or guardian when they are not and not even liked or won’t stop romancing us and then harassing us to cover it up as if it is sexual harassment and a sex offender; we know it is inappropriate behavior and now he denies the mere mention of kidnapping and how young the targets are or why. So what if they mess up or something goes wrong? How do they prevent their victim from escaping or calling help? I am just saying how quiet they were before; when the same words were mentioned and now they cannot explain it accurately. We say harassment and stalk, they say love and romance; to date and waiting for a bone.
“Nothing more than political retaliation for Obama-care… GOP investigative agenda… detailed list of employee… timing of this suspicious… very outspoken about… corruption charge.” They even got a Filipino to defend them (every time I go to Bethesda medical, they always assign a Filipino doctor or a doctor from Africa and you cannot choose who you want if you use the government system; now he is denying it all and how far back it goes. Why inflict emotional pain on a 16 year old or try to recruit them? Why even risk it all at this level? In the movie American psycho; they show how child molesters work; that is the exact same as them; the face expressions and how you are totally unaware of it. They are very good at what they do, trust us. They had 911 widows promote them and Ann laughing and joking in pictures with them; having a blast and a cover story how it is love and a close friendship. How many times have I mentioned perversion, sexual insanity, constant emphasis on kids or very young people you do not want to meet and get entangled with, and the age of the home invaders (all teenagers and the report about leg rubbing and some meek choir boy love).
So we will let him spend the entire show on why they are in the terrorism, kidnapping, adoption-guardian industry, how good they are at what they do, recurring rape dreams, and the emphasis of sex or violating others in the most incessant and unstoppable way; which is still so well hidden; they got caught finally. If profit was the only motive; then why stop with adults? I am not going to discuss anything else; only what we saw and the experience we had to go through; they can correct it or deny it as usual before being caught lying or changing the story. Why not cure a child or a very young person against their will or clandestinely; to control their mind completely and train them to be a captive or some prisoner for their love games and sex perversions? “People are starting to get it… see through it… 8/20/2009 7:26:03 PM… finally admitted Hannity, you screwed up… (and having a Filipino girl who makes odd facial expressions is going to save you, the anti-Rockefellers, the anti-Vietnam and Kent State, and history of Ohio-Michigan).”
It is easier to grab or kidnap a child or young kid because they are not too set in their ways and can be taught easier to be one of them. If it is about money and only power; why make it about substance or respectable? As their kidnapped victim and someone they kept saying conspiracy to; I can say it was molestation and sexual abuse or attempted had we not known and were so aloof. They had no idea and clue until April of 2008 they were dead. “Don’t give money… love how some of these guys give away your money… most expensive provisions… (Ann just called and confirmed this… she said “they are in this industry and doing this… go forward more aggressive”; that is two witnesses) called reconciliation… what we call nuclear option… to compete with private insurers (stay on the topic)… this is the Holy Grail… exhaustive efforts… what they cannot get will ram down your throat.”
I want to know about child abductions and the use of profit or to learn from experience. We know how good you are and we want to know how you got this good and better than the best serial killers; who taught you torture and to do this? I told you we are psychics and this is difficult to prove on our end; it is not admissible in court but we can surely win the credibility of others and let it all fly. Even if you told me you did; we still are limited in evidence and power; hearsay or confession is not enough. Ann says she will and is going to ask you one last time before you get the new salvos; take it seriously. “We are afraid… we fear his Democrats will not stick together… if he gets that far… will kill him… fear large majority with liberals… large share… Republicans will refuse to end debate.” Stay on the topic and focus or else I will tell Ann to begin slow cuts again and new information; unless you want all of it at once.
Neither Ann nor I have control over releasing all the gates because we cannot stop you or apprehend you. I can influence those who rely on us capturing and killing you; if that fails, then we abandon the process and we did in 2002; I control about 90 per cent though of that decision and have many contingencies. We are seven years behind schedule because of you. Again, I want the truth and do not play your weasel act and go total bone insane and pathological liar on us; “Very transparent and very devious because that is what they want to do.” (I will give one example, public exposure and constant attempts to brainwash; want to admit to this? It is disgusting and you keep doing it to desensitize people; it is shocking; so do I walk up to you and knife you? Not you, but your associates.) How did you get your name Bin Hannity the dead knifed cracker honky?
“I have to be a father… what a great life… (Sort of Michael Jackson and his success being paraded and using force) folks it is free… completely free… leaders.” I also want to know why you wanted to send me out of the country; does that jog your memory and maybe kids who are abducted are also sold and taken to distant places and taught; are they returned? If you are very and super duper secret at abduction, kidnap, rape, murder, and recruitment; what are the rules or is there any? How do you do this with total perfection and execute; do you practice of dummy subjects? Maybe build a small model town and practice plans and methods so you cannot be caught or detected? How do you execute with total perfection and are not able to rationalize or think out who and what you are?
Strange how you had a suspicious Asian female to match Ann and me in a heartbeat; almost like a clone and at this level; we can tell you that this began a long time ago and you prepared a long time ago for a massive fight. Now explain that one and at this level? Bin Limbaugh even said you targeted Ann and me for our genes and brains; we are your perfect blueprint. If you can figure out or get our genetics; you can gain tremendous victory and power; but who would you use this knowledge on? This is how evil you bastards and mole-sleepers are. Do you think I take any shit from you or do not know and have to get counseling for the shit you do?
We were total black for twenty years and just last week you saw Ann; now you see how my skill level is as good or better? I am even more deceptive and camouflaged; that is how you got caught and you felt we were mentally insane, phony, stupid, playing along, powerless, a child-kid, etc… If we prepared 20 years ago; why do we report up to 30 years of this? You can say what you want until we say… did you do this… did you know our side of the story… when did you feel you may be mistaken? When did you first get a fight and resistance if you kept saying it was a conspiracy in 1998? What was a conspiracy?
“Why did you do it…? (160 years of slave history) do not want a master… model that works.” Stay focused as if we just caught a serial killer. If you review every single case with serial killers; they have no idea until they investigate a single event; then they can link them; that is what we did. So are you a serial killer? Your footsteps are identical but power and total control over the life of others is your true objective; you prefer them alive and can make more profit alive then dead; serial killers have no business or interest with keeping their captives alive; they have killer impulses and uncontrollable emotions. It is like digging a hole; why keep digging? Ted Bundy, Jeffrey Clamor, and even unconventional serial killers (Russian, Ramirez, and Atlanta or race motivated killers-psychos) usually get caught for one or two things; then admit to 100’s of things. We are going to cut through the chase and tell you to admit to 2000 and we will call it quits there; agreed? Let’s consider what Bin Limbaugh said and on record.
Let’s just say you have no idea who he is; why would you throw your life away, your family, risk unprecedented and unpredictable risk if you do not even know him? Why? Here is what Bin Limbaugh said off the top of my mind and with Intel, “you have no idea… this is just the tip of the iceberg… we are sticking to our plan and are satisfied with it… the proper use of terrorism… having so much fun… more fun than a human being can have… one hand behind my back… with half my brain… wandering off the reservation… ditto head… just scandal.” What does that sound like to you if you were beating around the bush? What did I say to him all the time, “you are the best fighter out there… this is above the Kremlin… most dangerous and blood thirsty mole (terrorist) ever captured… had no idea we knew and outfoxed him… we know everything.” If you read the chapters on serial killers; there is reason to believe we are subject matter experts and can teach the subject. Bin Limbaugh even describes you as “penalizing… wants you to behave… show pain… must respect success.” How do we respect cold blooded killers and the antichrist or the devil? How?
I will leave it there for the day and you can decide if you want to stick with your buddy and what he has done or what we know. “Done by an outside entity will be an act of war… 40 per cent do not graduate (mad)… going bankrupt… ran the country into the ground… true… why do you have faith in those who screw up what they touch… fight… why do you believe in those who screw up so much… change... why do you trust him.” Okay you need to hurry up, I am cutting this off in three minutes 8/20/2009 8:27:35 PM; it is thunder storming like crazy here. “It is about right and wrong… I will tell you how to fix it… (Bad answer and believe).” Even as a capitalist, I ready to defect and have an exodus; I used to believe. Why trust this guy or what he is selling?
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