Does Ann Coulter have a mental illness or a gene which causes her to frequent bars, dinner banquets; do her hair every week, dress sexy, upset men, and hate rapist and child abusers? You decide if she has this mental illness and needs marriage counseling. Also, the Marine Corp offers legal advice and counseling for terror suspects and kidnappers. Who broke her marriage if she did not break her marriage vows? That is what she is sick of and fed up with; this is what she is fighting for; her name and honor. So who broke her marriage if she did not break her marriage vows and swears to this but is being struck down and scrutinized; all she worked for is now gone? Ah-ha! Bin W. Bin Lying wants to know how much of the 2 trillion in stimulus, TART and American Recovery money went to executive bonuses and charity that was chosen such as the Imus Ranch! You all are the best I have ever seen; how do I sign up? I changed my mind and need a few bucks now.
From: http://getthehelloutofmy.blogspot.com/
(MSNBC calls Billary a witch with a B) and (MSNBC Tina Brown, What is wrong with my ex girl Hillary; want to get her out now) “telling you, she is fondling herself there… while she is talking as if she is itching… (We all need to believe in someone and find love in this world if you ask me; if you do not believe in someone how can you love them or fondle yourself? Ask if Billary masturbates still in the sink?) God damn, Bin Limbaugh is laughing how his stalking and romance went south and is a crapper now. Let me guess; it is all Sara Connor Paling? (CNN Wolf Blitzer on medical; changed the way they live life and manage the level of medical expense they are currently burdened with – take it from a nutritionist and expert on fitness; it is the truth!) Does Ann Coulter have a mental illness or a gene which causes her to frequent bars, dinner banquets; do her hair every week, dress sexy, upset men, and hate rapist and child abusers? You decide if she has this mental illness and needs marriage counseling. Also, the Marine Corp offers legal advice and counseling for terror suspects and kidnappers.
You ought to know better than to call a naturalized citizen a "common nigger" and try to knock up his girl; but now you know what it feels like in my best Puerto Rican accent what it feels like to rumble with a fist class comedian. You actually think you got me and my ex honkey honey-juicy melon on the run and in your pocket don't you? Think again Bin Hannity, think again dead cracker with the slave ship.
Thursday, August 13, 2009 Rat-dog Bin dead cracker Hannity says this is a campaign to shut great Americans up; no matter how these town halls go, it is just a concerted effort to limit speech and shut you up. He says we have seen this about Vietnam and other protesters, their own government is lashing out at them; wait till he shares the economic news with us; all of this is the left wing and the usual way of Chicago politics. It is the unions and the mob which seek to impose on the federal level this fat guy gets rich model; to nationalize it yesterday; friends in the media are waking up from their slumber; the trance and thrill down their legs; dare to object what is going on because they are wrong; seeing what Washington is doing to families, you and me, and how they shut us up. They just want to speak out and power centers do not like it. He has been arguing this since he began his career and debated Ann Coulter and others about this all the time; unpatriotic Nazis; polls sway, succeed in convincing some Americans; made them more sympathetic. (Ramble and ranting, psychobabble or what Bin Limbaugh says, “no truth… no facts… words only describe what is happening to them” that is not what is going on).
Bin Hannity says they do not even want to acknowledge the truth, don’t know what they are talking about, don’t like… don’t like weakening their defenses, forget the truth; to weigh in and speak to the people; they are dumb, stupid, and ignorant; can see it all now; this is insane, grow into a full healthy adult; it should not be guaranteed you can, you are not with us any longer good-bye; dictating what you can and cannot have now; who you can be with and choose to associate with; arguing all of this and the same reasons; looks calm, intelligent one in the room; White House have it all wrong and say they are all mobsters and Nazis, right into their camps and making it a disaster; (Ramble and ranting, psychobabble or what Bin Limbaugh says, “no truth… no facts… words only describe what is happening to them” that is not what is going on). This is not what is going on with Sean Rat-dog Bin dead fish cracker Hannity; simply not the truth and is not going on in his life. This does not happen to Bin Billary, Bin Limbaugh, or immigrants who work hard and love their country; never. Who is in control and the police here? So like usual, they raided me first and claimed to have bad investments needing to be policed; it is a grand heist and a massive trillion dollar bonus for executives.
Bin Hannity says he is involved in these high level meetings. Not any more, bye! 8/13/2009 7:28:39 PM Take the plea bargain and the counseling the Marine Corp is offering; it will not be offered again and is logged. Walk away and do not take the initiative and you have no way to repeat it or make this claim by the government-Marines. They are here to help and respect human life and the laws; they are good people and will do anything possible but it is up to you and you must not keep declaring high level meetings; take action and preventive action to protect yourself from being raided and getting the death penalty! This is not what is going on with Sean Rat-dog Bin dead fish cracker Hannity; simply not the truth and is not going on in his life. This does not happen to Bin Billary, Bin Limbaugh, or immigrants who work hard and love their country; never. Who is in control and the police here?
So like usual, they raided me first and claimed to have bad investments needing to be policed; it is a grand heist and a massive trillion dollar bonus for executives. Bin Hannity says they are being offered after life care and some prior death offer and is refusing it. Yeah we did. We are unified on that, what is your point? “They are not telling you the truth… I’ll tell you next.” Why are they not telling us the truth or do we know it already? Bin dead fish cracker says he gets paid a lot to oppose the President. Can you tell us about some of the work you guys do to earn such big cash dollars? Is there anything illegal? I am scared, what does someone do to earn that much? Can you give us a hint or write it down? Bin Limbaugh was vague but he said if we wanted to be paid for them stealing the APS satellite, we had to sign up and work for you. (I said it was primitive and is not going to win your trial so they began using it on me for months; it was Israel-Billary-Irish unions upstairs.) He just said they took out 8:14:16 PM and this can go on forever; it can take years to recover from all of this (ask the 911 widows); they are so desperate and there is no evidence of that 8:15:53 PM; want to spend as much money as possible on… (Last rant for the day, now or never) I am telling you folks… if you speak out then you are part of the angry mob.
MEETING CLOSED FOR THE DAY - 8/13/2009 7:31:20 PM.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009 Bin Hannity, did you know that when they electrocute vicious criminals, they have to put a plug in their ass because a river comes out? Sometimes, the eyeballs pop out. Can you imagine if you get yourself or those close to you, who you claim to love in that position? I am not going to ease up and sit her and have the fat cowbell upstairs tell me how I am such a prick and so powerless against their torture and harassment. Even how she teaches her little six year old hooker how to play with the minds of others; a sociopath and psychopathic cleanup spy-mole like her is going to strike fear in the heart of seasoned combat and masters of war that Bin Limbaugh is bragging about by associating himself with? Why is he begging for life and she trying to suggest she will strike fear daily into the hearts of seasoned veterans? The Marines have contacted them and is offering them a plea and legal counseling; take it or leave it; it is documented. Do not say no counseling was given and “did not want to die… do not know what to do.”
Is she seasoned and has seen combat? When, where, and in what terror camp? Just note that when they electrocute terrorists and 911 spies; they have to plug your ass, your eyes, and foam flows out your mouth; I did not know they could impose the death penalty on some kid for being a terrorist also. For someone who has never seen combat or what it is; she likes to be a torturer and a hostage taker-terrorist. She cannot even hold her ground and even if a female were to smack her; she would cry and pull the offended and princess act. Women are the worst soldiers and under high combat and vicious fight; never win or can hold their ground. There are some who in combat can be good pilots; but when it comes to knife and hand to hand combat or Special Operations; that man cow upstairs is matched up with a world class warrior; who is she kidding and with a hooker of a puff kid? I do not know what is wrong with you honkies sometimes; we know you are the worst soldiers and you try to act as if you know what you are talking about.
A real warrior will cut you in pieces if you pull that madwoman or chickens hit act of how great you are at warfare. It is not funny and not a clever brainwashing act. There are tests on women and combat; they usually faint or get raped. The level of terror is so intense; you have to imagine parts of your body being cut off and someone eating it to know what the relationship of war is about. It is a teaching moment and that is a meticulous and seasoned warrior; not one of you honky ass union fools who want us to know you are Irish and have so much fight. Go and ask those in real combat how you will fare with the best warriors and technology. One mistake and 20 seconds of breath is all it takes to prove you are such a moron. It is the dumbest and stupidest thing I have ever seen or heard of. Warriors are professional, they have no emotions and will cut you up honorably and are lethal. This is no beauty pageant or masquerade party to embarrass one or the other. You are so brainwashed and so insane; you have that Hitler gene they are talking about. I bet if a woman smacks that mad-cow upstairs; she would giggle.
By the way, Ann said one day she is going to stab your ass for trying to rape her and make up what you did to me. We will try to bring you to justice but you will get mauled if I divorce and tell her to marry Bin Hannity and the Irish poverty. You keep this up and you follow the course you are on and I bet it snaps back on you and the people you made suffer or ruin will have the final say. Ask your wife and ask your kids to read this and what you did or have done. Ask them how they would judge you and what they would say to you and those whom you hurt and continue to? You have no respect for human life, none. You just said you want to go to heaven? I do not think this will happen, for real. The more you delay and the more you hide this; the less the chance you will make it to see them be married and have children. That is a lot of dead people and for profit; a lot of espionage and a lot of concealing and years of living a lie on the run thinking you made it to heaven 8/12/2009 7:41:08 PM.
I am not evil and do not worry about capturing terrorists dead or alive; you should thnk about that one. I have a clear mind and pure heart; sorry for you and F you scum bucket fag. I do not even like the 911 widows and I feel their anger. Did we mention SDI and the leader of the future resistance? You honkies are all the same; nobody believes you and Ann will have to do something crazy or insane to have me or others believe her. Look at you and how you go on the radio and feather your way to terrorism and such a wonderful leader or powerful leader you are. You honkies have no respect for others, your kids, your family and even your own life; Christians usually can see themselves. You make others see you for who you are not. So all this insanity and kissing and making up from Ann will damage her future and fight; so she got court marshaled; at least throw a bottle at you. All she does is doing get together, drink champagne, spend weekends with you all and expect me to love her and marry her; she is a complete joke and traitor coward. I would throw a bottle or spray paint you; something to show protest or her idiotism. She is a good cook but horrible warrior.
Ann makes a good cocktail waitress or a sleazy flight attendant; not a national hero or to even suggest this or mention it. She got court marshaled and the biggest insult a warrior and military member can ever get from who she loves and adores. That is why she is a threat. All she has is dates, get together, love notes, rumors, and family events, etc… that is how she will be known and treated; worshipping cabbage heads. I cannot get rid of her and make her go away. She is doing more damage to her own relationship and marriage than you and your spy ring are. Even if we cut you out of it; she still screwed up badly as she wants marriage counseling and then goes to some dinner banquet and party. This is like me joining Al Quesada or being recruited and I called you “yes master” and “you are God, you are the revolution, you are my future.” Now she got me all brainwashed also but I hear you all have had some good times together and so with her ring of terror. If I did that or if I acted like Bin Jane Fonda; they would hang me for being a vile honky that especially has no respect for any human life.
Now you see the light also? The fist bump pictures all over her web site is classic. (Almost like the pictures on myspace.com where you need pictures and anything! I had to start stealing party pictures and cool ones to I looked hip in 2007.) So how does she expect to do this or finish this out? She just got court marshaled and hung up on every time she calls. She is smart enough not to now. She has to like deliver your ear as a traitor and a maggot cocktail tool. Go ahead and ask her what her plan and exit strategy is; exactly, I have to give it to her and she butchers it all up. That is the voice of God and how she is going to finish out her life as unable to win or defeat herself. A recurring rape dream is like the Patty Hearst story; why full participation? She is a dead head, there is video tape of her everywhere, and she wants to get married (tee-he-he, I hate you too Sean Hannity.) Security began to pick up on it also and I would ask her what the password is and she would not tell me. Like she is testing me to see what she can get away with.
Now if I ask her what the password is, she says “are you kidding.” So I go guns up and advise her to take 10 steps back, turn around and do not try anything liar. My way of doing things is to ask her to take 10 steps and on the 5th one, kick and tell her please do not walk away when I ask for a password; it is a matter of life and death, not a joke. To let you know who and how I am; I will do a drop kick to the back even if she is my best friend and say, “when I ask for a password, I do not need a question in return or walk away; second check, give me password and base value please, no jokes.” She starts giggling and flipping her hair and going on TV to say she is gorgeous and has so many fans. For that I court marshaled her and sent her on her way. She has been playing this game with me for some time and made me feel horrible; I felt she was some hooker. She got everybody brainwashed and is this unprofessional at this level and this degree of extreme danger for her. Let her explain and have her write out every single Christian explain she cares (tee-he-he).
Ask any security professional who would ever marry that thing and keep a partner like that louse and flee bag; for the 100th time, password please and who the fuck is the weasel boyfriend? (8/12/2009 8:17:52 PM Bin Hannity just said “their socialist friends… thugs… we develop the knowledge and procedures… why destroy all of that after investing… it is out of control now.) Here is one of her doziest, she dated a Jewish guy or lived with him to teach me about Judaism; LOL. Why the fuck do I want to learn that or that evil giggle she says it with? I was jumping up and down and kissing her face; she is that pleasing and that meaningful. Now she says she might have a mental illness or a personality disorder. ;-) Yeah sure and it makes you a slut right? So all of you got me brainwashed, look how brainwashed we are and how they lie incessantly to cover it all up. Someone broke her marriage but she says she did not break her vows; she claims she has a mental illness or a gene which causes her to frequent bars, dinner banquets; do her hair every week, dress sexy, upset men, and hate rapist and child abusers? You decide if she has this mental illness and needs marriage counseling. Who broke her marriage if she did not break her marriage vows?
(Just so you know, there is a gunnery sergeant (who-ah) trying to make contact with your emissaries and offering legal and counseling services to you to end this; there is no way you can say you do not know what to do, do not want to die, and express some helpless feeling where you are compelled to do what you did and are. They are merely offering services and you cannot keep saying that when counseling and even legal services is being offered; contact my brothers in the Marine Corps; if you want to talk to the real brass and power; I bet you will go farther with them than me, I am so brainwashed I think I am your “common nigger” after you called me this for upwards of 20 times a day. They do not have to keep saying how the unions are in high level meetings or they want to talk.) How and when did they know they had the death penalty and why?
The story of Sean Rat-dog Bin dead cracker Hannity begins with the upstairs handlers and powerful union bosses. They are hospice and wish to take care of us; however, they will cripple and take us out first. So an accident is needed and the couples will take care of their prisoners. Both contacts pretended to be family friends; were the money; a conduit to end this; and making-securing contracts and defection. One story was romance-marriage. They began to activate after the home invasion and arrest; pretending as if they would drive us to court and would fight side by side (911 terror trial run - yes we knew and did not take their bait; it was thrown out there many times.) I was driven to the court every month for over 12 months; sometimes to the store and I did test how far they would go; they are hostile and did attack. If pushed to the limit; they would end the act. The way they did this or pretended was alcohol and drugs induce state. When I met them, living with dog feces everywhere was a big sign and indicator. There were a lot of odd and strange events; some phantom vandalized and someone ripping my clothes, spraying things on it, super duper level of terrorism-biological warfare.
They began to activate early. I was ran over (side swiped) by a gorgeous female in a red Ford Explorer whose license plate was forwarded to the FBI. She identified herself as the police and friends with them. I went head on into her car and bounced off injuring my wrist and injuring my shoulder; the FBI got the entire report and it is on file. This is when the activation began (Note: all that was forwarded and described in detail with a box truck from Ohio trying to run me over.) I have the write up somewhere and can post it all. This was when the contacts-handlers upstairs turned and flipped; they began their raid and assault daily-nightly-hourly. The goal was to make life hell and say move out now or else face death or destruction. I forwarded this to the FBI and said I will keep them posted. Things changed and got insane around Christmas 2007 and January 2008; it was also a surge in January 2007 when I began to post online. Bin Limbaugh began to help me write my book and knew what he wanted me to say. (Bin Hannity did not show up until July-August 2008 once Ann went on his show and he began to fight back and leak out)
The people upstairs activated the same time Bin Limbaugh did; no friends though; Bin Limbaugh was the voice of reason and the right wing. After April of 2008 the upstairs went quiet and was in hiding for 3-4 months. They were observing; then they activated and we pulled a raid on them. They said immediately, "they know everything... we do not want to die... we do not know what to do... we cannot fight in war but want it." All of this is documented and what they said; there was also a female voice on a subsonic bull horn. She wanted war and was calm; she was calling orders and shots; a spy. The question when you review the records and notes is how they knew this was about 911 and death penalty charges. When Bin Limbaugh was raided, he freaked and they went quiet; then they went nuts after they knew things were getting bad and out of control. Still not fully convinced, they all felt the coast was clear and nobody was watching or it was them losing their minds and imagining some paranoia and instinctive fear. We are throwing cards, one at a time, slowing beating them and showing them how and why; there is none left.
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