R.I.P. Kimmy Il… may the last photo op with Bin Clinton be your last dying wish and may someone shoots you next time before you go Virginia Tech on us and go Pyongyang on America and pick up two women and fly them home. (Note: Bin Clinton is an assassin and killed our Kimmy)
Tuesday, August 25, 2009 “We really blew it… (John Lott article on Fox) spend on research for hookups… how you can spend this much… reckless… out of control… this is as bad as it can get… cannot survive this… don’t even care… live to regret… madness… CIA heroes… keeping America safe after 9ii… more intelligence than CIA, FBI combined… pointed it out for others to see… the strength we need to survive.” I loved it when he was saying “dinner… bottle of any champagne” or “Ann Coulter is so shy… people do not know how shy you are”; but this was the best one “This happens to be Ann Coulter’s favorite topic… why won’t you admit this is your favorite topic.” Can you get any more phony and psycho as a stalker?
“The country does not want this (or a peeping tom)… people know he is not an idiot… (we know you are a 911 terrorist) polls are in a free fall… terrorists are going to be set free when it is closed (The Penal Colony is granting them freedom and liberty; what next medical care)… don’t see them moving in the right direction there… Kim Il Jung… has American blood on his hands… I am so unhappy with America sometimes… not important enough… attracted to (says we are attracted to him)… most associated… most associated with America (or bone insane and a fraud).”
So since we are not getting anywhere, I want to ask this and it will tell us who you are and how desperate and phony; or just how evil you are truly hiding. Why are you and why have you for the past ten years, smearing some germ or virus on hand items (door handles, bike handles, steering wheels, gloves, etc…) which causes a corn or deep rooted wart and then have only white people immune to this or has some defense which I am not even aware of. It began around 1998 or 1999; one medical attack after the other to include salmonella and food poisoning; then skin diseases on my toes, hands, etc… “Got a death sentence… hate… buy life insurance… the hope is you do not get sick… about money and profit… take away their anxiety and sign them up.” So you admit it was you behind it and you are the 911 terrorists-ring; who was grandstanding and trying to recruit us because you thought we were Delta Force or some elite counter terrorist group.
Then you mobilized the US Army to invade Iraq because you freaked out and lost your mind; you knew a raid was coming and tried to stop it no less deal and delay it. There were at least 99 waves; we could not stop wave 1 to 10 and decided to let all 99 go through and shut the gates and then fight it out. So you thought my Olympic level and perfect looks and body was a Delta Force officer and retired headed for the CIA and special operations globally to shut you down so you took me out and then got my special assistant; the woman who was madly in love with me and who I call my little sister. Boy did you mess up and boy are you in major league trouble. (Look at that, they are going nuts upstairs when something big occurs! They know they got caught and we know everything.)
You have the death penalty unless you turn yourself in because the military and CIA knows you are the third enemy; invisible and causing the stalemate by wrecking missions and sabotaging-terrorism to keep the pressure up and make it a zero sum game. It is the Zionists-Irish-Liberals and the Democratic Party. “You got us… under your directions 8/25/2009 8:51:41 PM.” Yes we knew this a long time ago and have all the details down to what shampoo each of you use or the name of the tampon you prefer. We do not need to be lectured on how to do our job, how you manage us, or how you are essential to our success.
I want you to know that I knew the odds and how you had me outnumbered at least 10,000 to one; but then one man did this to you and even denied your cover up and story; you blame a the princess and the drunk with the prodigy male child hooker for this? I even denied that and do not need a lecture or to be dared anymore. Your traps always blow up on you and only lures the public and the media; have you figured out why yet? (I see you are blocking my internet and Sawma is back trying to oppress and say how you are the greatest terrorist on earth; okay so you win at cyber warfare; enjoy it while you can.)
That is what got you in all this trouble and why you refuse to go away when told or ordered; an insect and rodent of a problem; and I see you have not learned and still dare; dare to the end because you will not make it; understand? I am glad you are my manager now and I am at your mercy or you have a gun to my head and do not want trouble. I also think that is a wise decision considering you have yet to win one that counts but cannot get up now.
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