Recurring rape dream (do you like it or not); I am not sure what you are trying to tell me or if you just want to tick me off. You said and promised you would not and do whatever it took; not to tick me off and start a fight or loose my trust and faith in you. So you told me you did not go to the Time 100 dinner and I believed you. Now you told me you did not go to dinner with Human Events editors and do not want to date them or marry them; so why did you say this in front of an audience? Does it make you cheap, feel better, or make me have this recurring rape dream because I too have it after being arrested twice and have a tormentor-torturer from 911 right above me yelling, banging, and doing everything to piss me off all day and night (also a subsonic bullhorn). Who the hell is behind this recurring rape dream, 911 recruitment, kidnapping, and standoff with hostages and rescuers?
So if you have fans and if they want to rescue you now; let them see if they can tell what the hell you are telling me and why because you told me on Thursday you were going to bed and to hurry up. I said okay. Then you said you were going to fly in Friday on the way to New York and was stopping over in DC and would only be there from 4pm to 11pm possibly. Where did dinner with Human events come from? Why are you telling me “recurring rape dream… (Billary Bin Maher-Clinton)… is faking their deaths… dinner with the editors last night (Human Events)… marriage counseling.” You wanted trust and I did; now what? Will they save you or not? Here is a recap and the video record. Is this helping or hurting you? Who the hell is doing a Pyongyang on me? Is it you or them and it is causing me to pressure you or ask you to leave or tell the truth? It is pretty darn clear what is going on but you said you did not go to dinner the second time now after telling others you did. Who is reversing the story and why; you or them?
Marriage Counseling: Hannity Show on August 03, 2009: (Radio Transcript)
Glen Beck (Staged town hall meetings) Show on August 6, 2009: Video
YAF 31st Conference Speech-Banquet (Final Night, August 7, 2009): Video
“Hold on to your hairbrushes: Ann Coulter shares her wisdom tonight with the Young America Foundation in a dinner speech titled "Taking Down Liberalism With Beauty and Brains." Indeed.”
(This is why you have a recurring rape dream and who is behind it also) “Whoever "The Other McCain is... “they both are annoying and have inappropriate comments:”
Ann said that she was on a plane almost immediately to New York after her speech and should be in bed at around 3am. Then she said she was on the plane and then said she was in the airport, then she said she would be home in an hour or so; that was around 2am. She is in New York and stopped in DC from Florida; she left Friday noonish and got to DC before 6pm but did not spend too much time and did not get a hotel; it was a stopover from FL to NY. The blog says that at 11pm she reported Ann had a cheese fry and Ann was on a plane already by 10:30pm. I did not like the cell phone number comment or this connotation that Miss Coulter was a cougar. At 4am Ann was in bed reading and I said okay... give me an hour or so, I was talking to some new informant online. I asked Ann to post something cool at 2:30am.
Now after watching her speech at YAF: Ann, something has to change and I am tired of giving this speech. There is not enough room at the top. I do not know why; but from day one I had and have been against this; you said you were quitting, not writing anymore books and managed to keep me there and waiting. Now it is so messed up and you did win your case; you are back at it again. I said this, why must I keep hearing about you having dinner with people, men or women, when the first person you should be taking out is me? Can you explain that one. I would rather you leave and follow my wishes, you do not and come right back. It is pissing me off and it is repeated over and over. I take it that Billary Bin Maher-Clinton did this and his Pyongyang trip is who they are and what it is about. Why am I or you on his-their victim list? I know you are strong and so am I but they are cowards and meek.
You obviously have personal life problems and problems in general and I am close to considering you a mad woman who takes too many chances. So while you keep having these dinners, I will ask you once again, have you thought about taking me out to dinner before anybody else and stop telling me who you go home with. I am sick and tired of this and would prefer you moved on and just do your own thing and stay out of my life. Anyway I look at it I am unhappy. You hid that and told me last night you flew into DC this morning and now I hear you hide another dinner with the editors of Human Events and it makes me paranoid and suspicious. I am not happy at any arrangement you put forward for me; yet you throw anything at me and expect me to be. I am now paranoid and suspicious with what you tell me and what actually the truth is. So far you won everything and to be honest with you, I don't trust you and never have. You managed to fix it and now it is back to where it was.
It might be innocent and no big deal but I get one story from you and then you come out and tell me a different one. You said you were flying to DC Friday morning and then only staying there for the conference and was going to NY by Saturday and was on the plane at 10:30pm. If you keep lying to me, or telling me it is no big deal; I will repeat how you have a lot of reasons to be unwanted and not trusted. Anything you throw at me has not been good enough and I have asked you many times to end on a friendship and leave. It stays neutral; you win 2 you loose 2. I asked you to go now that your life is better and so is mine; I also said that the dinners had to stop and you may want to take me out to dinner before any stupid event makes you feel guilty or makes you tongue tied. You have put a level 10 effort in this when I sought the best woman I could find. You managed to tick me off so much and claimed it was lies and innocent; or business and I cannot tell the truth from lies by you. I said I wanted your court martial and you managed to slide by that one; now does that sound like love to you or something seriously wrong with you; maybe too slick to get rid of? These people sneak around like the KKKlan and do this under the dark of night or to conceal their politics.
Why didn't you just tell me you went to dinner instead of telling me you flew in Friday morning and was wining and dining? I do not even like Human Events anymore nor enjoy being with you because we argue too much where you are always silent and do what you wish; then try to make it up and I get stuck with it. Then you tell me love stories and I believe it and we are back at arguing. Just let go and leave if you are this powerful, this courageous, and this much of a woman as you say. You may be worried about me and my disaster may be the result of you and your cursed life; but now I am starting to get really pissed and my opinion is really negative. You create the hate, I create the vibration, and then we argue why you try to take advantage of it or me. It is not good when I ask for your court martial and ask you to leave again while you just ignore it and tell me how you need me or love stories-memories. This is the last time; you have to put a foot down and live up to whom you are. To be honest, I have never wanted this and you have some guilt-need and cannot just let go and live your own life. You fill my life with hate and I do not like it. I am asking you to leave and I am asking if you will agree or have some more excuses. When you have had your fun; pick me up also, that is all I have to say about your tornado. If you wish to go to dinner with them and brag or hide this; marry them and stay with them no matter how goofy or platonic the weekend was; please, do not challenge me with it.
(Next day) Now you tell me you did not have dinner with Human Events editors and want me to be upset with either them or you because it makes you cheaper and cheaper, you are being blamed, and makes your rape case-suit stronger? So now you are lying to me about doing this but someone was lying about you before? So you have to struggle now to clear this up and do not know who to sue? It is to disrupt our life and my speeches-work and they are paid to do this? Why do I need a demonstration of your recurring rape dream when I too have it and keep being reminded that some sicko 911 terrorist is in full control of my life and is showing me how powerful they are with pain, emotional distress, and malice? I see it as trying to end it and they see it as some continuation of a kidnapping and hostage standoff to cover up 911, murder-terror plots and even a so called love story-disaster. So let your fans and my fans save your marriage and this love story, here is an excellent start:
Marriage Counseling: Hannity Show on August 03, 2009: (Radio Transcript)
Glen Beck (Staged town hall meetings) Show on August 6, 2009: Video
YAF 31st Conference Speech-Banquet (Final Night, August 7, 2009): Video
Iraq was not a good guy and a bastion of Middle East stability; but then so wasn’t Afghanistan. Given the terrain in both, it is easier to introduce Democracy to Iraq and nearly impossible to Afghanistan. Knowing this the Soviets invaded. I would suggest before going to war for 7 years to flip the battle upside down. If you can defeat this terror and Soviet based logistics of a cold war past machinery, then do this in Afghanistan first and if you can do this less than 7 years; move the battle to Iraq. Also, if solely for democracy and a pre-emptive strike; then Iraq should be the USA now. If you want to foster democracy in a region so debilitated by Iran-Israel and what is now US foreign policy; then these were bad if not horrible choices. There are a lot of bad guys in this world and to invade the easies and leave the strongest fighting or feeding the weakest the logistics and weapons; is suicide and bad political choices. People die for no reason but of stupidity and lies; now why am I grilling you about this and your speech at the YAF conference? Bush made a mistake strategically and his entire administration is scandal ridden; I never said Sadism Hussein was a good guy and his removal was a bad thing; but like you, this drags out and you insist on challenging me.
Israel is the destabilizing factor but Afghanistan is where the bottle neck is. If you can do this under 7 years, then move to Iraq and invade it with the remainder of the time. These leaders have nearly broken the back of the military with their charade, ignorance, and your cheerleading; now you keep challenging me with photos, pictures, lurid stories about rape or stalking; and then challenge me to catch you or trust you if I can. Well, I did and now you are making poor decisions and doing insane things, like before, which causes me to not trust you, loose confidence, and scold you repeatedly; now I am asking you to leave and your enemies and my enemies; those who graciously implanted this rape-torture-terror-recruitment-sleeper mole recurring nightmare are jumping on the opportunity to attack either you or me and claim they are freeing one of us if not both; some hoax and hostage rescue hoax. The truth is they are behind it and you react to it but in a very awkward manner to drag it out and cause them to attack. Stop and stop challenging me; nobody ever questions my master of warfare status; now you do?
Let’s do the math, 911 terror plot and trial still open and totally lacking effort; Iraqi’s jumping up and down the Satan like meek W and his scandal ridden inheritance to Obama now is gone (sort of déjà vu with me?); and an essential battle in Afghanistan to cut off the flow of logistics and weapons which is the farthest eastern point of all this. Someone got it all backwards and almost broke the god damn back of the military and look at it now on the 7th year of much work being neglected. Now you keep telling me and saying (I was joking only and challenging them) each and every time you go to these secret dinners (if they are) and hang out with horny men who want to marry you? Do you not understand why I am asking you to leave while you keep saying “marriage counseling… recurring rape dream… know what they are doing when they accuse you of it… wondering who was doing it and who to Sue.” I have the case on my end; it is linked to yours; that is good enough but all paths lead to Bin Clinton-Moynihan and back to the early 1980s.
You made poor decisions both ethically and strategically which was supposed to copy mine; will you keep challenging me and causing me to not trust you and push you away? Is someone going to rescue you as Bin Clinton claims he is and the upstairs people claim to be also as my daily tormentors-torturers? Bin Limbaugh blames Bin Bush and he says they were only finishing up what Bin Clinton could not because of impeachment. This shows you why the country is where it is and why the problems are so enormous; it is nearly backwards and the essential work is neglected while the hard stuff is being preached by Ann Coulter evenly and in unity with others who are very bad leaders but are powerful and have money. It is a shame she is in their club and in mine simultaneously. These dinners are the same way to pick wounds and have this recurring nightmare; sue someone or who wrote it, sue Human Events and stop dining with them or lying about it.
Some of these things are beyond you but you want to prove you can fix them and be self reliant. That is fine, but if you are in my computer science class and we have 45 minutes to write a very complex program; I will rank 2nd or 1st and you will rank 5th or 8th if ever in this type of math related algorithm to form recursive measures. I am not impressed and you said you messed up and it was a disaster; just not your fault; they say you share the blame? I do not know who to believe and why you keep delaying; take them out and let me strangle the fuck out of them. It is a doomed country, bad people, bad leaders now, bad history, bad blood, and a lot of people who want to survive or get away from this asylum of jackasses. The military said it is easier to remove them from a battlefield than what we are seeing now; so it will be at least 20-40 years and we do not have that time for this. I need 20-40 years shaved down to 8-12 years but nobody can do it or wants to, they are addicted to power and being a dodo head while giving speeches on how free they are and how this country loves them; such this voice they are America and our kidnappers.
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