Dear Ann Coulter: Video: http://responses2satwar.blogspot.com/
So will Bin Hannity expand on the little girl who keeps on giggling and saying “I hate you” (tee-hee-haw) and running away and then keeps coming back and saying “I am big, fat, and I smell so bad and that is why you hate me” and then running off. That is the sicko and the Abercrombie-Fitch upstairs who claims to be the voice-union for Bin Hannity-Clinton-Police-labor unions-Kennedy but not Bin Limbaugh; only recently did they admit to that one and the new idea they are the voice for Ann Coulter. We understand they have been sent in a very crucial period and Bin Limbaugh said they are ruined now; so he must get someone else in there that can be a stronger voice. All she knows how to do is torture, throw water, spray deadly biological material, and be a 6 year old nuisance about how pretty she is and how we hate her. Weird who they will send next in the final and most critical period or is this all they have? Go ahead and sit there all day and for three years and say, “I am fat, ugly, and I smell but I hate you (tee-he-he)” and run off or tune us out as you are doing now upstairs.
That is as high as they can go and that is the Toxic bacteria and Irish Jackal; so dirty his feet smell like rotten corns but they kid us like playground fools as their source of power? So it was Bin Clinton and Hannity who secured our release and bail after Bin Limbaugh did a home invasion in 2006 to make this matter explainable and also have some diversion from the real story when he showed up. So when he did show up thinking the coast was clear and he would parade as a hero or our partner; we grabbed him by the hair and lifted him as the Terminator tried to wipe his nose off with the pavement? Classic but so ingenious, so why doesn’t it work? Is it because of Bin Clinton, Bin Bush, or Bin Lying badly now? Can they send in their miracle and last play before this explodes on them; let’s see if they will get rid of them upstairs and stop this while they can; who is the next world class sleeper-terrorist-mole they have on their rooster? I see you did this to a female named Ann Coulter also, “I hate you… I am fat, ugly, and I smell but I hate you (tee-he-he).”
So three days ago I had a talk with Chris (the Irish recruiter and voice of the 911 terrorist) to see his reaction when I accuse him of calling me a common nigger. He said he grew up in the projects and they are all banana eating apes, etc… and he went off. I did not say I am accusing him of calling me a common nigger I asked him if it was worth it to say this in front of or would he do it in front of five black kids and run off. He said hell yes. I said what if they bash your head in or make your jaw bone stick out, am it worth this? He said hell yes and I said why and he explains how he grew up poor and in the projects as an Irishman. I take it he was bullied and got his ass kicked for his Irish mouth. Then starts an argument and pulls out some insane idea I am making a child porn or a “Kids Gone Wild” Video starring his douche bag fat wife; yes his princess is marketable and men jack off admiring how obese and psycho her terrorist plot is and she is the voice of this now. He starts accusing me of taking pictures for other reasons and I said, look my lawyer told me to take pictures and I did; do you have a problem? He says yes. So I said, then do not talk to someone who has a lawyer asking about you. I did not say I was suing him; he was luring me and wanted the phone number. He wanted to know who it was and he was going to call them. I said if the FBI had a warrant on you, will you knock on their doors and yell at them? He said no, he has a knife that will do the talking. I said, I bet and I would prove how his knife would end up in his ass if he ever pulled it on anyone, even suggest it. The FBI or anyone would stick it up his ass. I said, I know how you fight and how good you are with a knife, but when you cut someone and draw blood, they will not hesitate to stick it up your ass. I said, do you remember when you pulled one on me and I took you down and had you in an ankle lock and you were not limber enough to do real harm; had you cut me, I would go master on you. Then once the knife was disarmed, I had your neck 90 degrees in every direction talking to you and asking if you would win this knife fight or not; then you began shaking violently and had a bloody nose. So I let you up and let go of the crab. I then said that is a real fight and what would happen if you got in a knife fight with someone or pulled one on them, joke, playing around or not. Then he said, he would cut my ankle as I had his and sure enough, there was a cut there and he did graze it. I took a picture of it and said; you can push so far until it breaks and it broke.
So he is not getting away unscathed and if he wishes to play ball, I said this to him. I asked how he was doing and if he wanted to make a few bucks. If so he was yelling and arguing how it was worth calling someone a common nigger and having your head bashed in. He said he did not call me this and I said, you did not but you were arguing about and yelling how it was worth it. Then you asked me why I am fantasizing about your wife and kid (snapping pictures) and I said; my lawyer asked for them and he demanded the number. So I asked for a business card or firm if he wants to make a few bucks! Let’s see if he wants a few bucks or not now that he is in a trap and there is no way out? Play ball and give me that number and we can get him a few bucks!
8/6/2009 7:09:27 PM “They are going to blow up this whole thing… swastika… they are clueless… they are going to mess this whole thing up… attack the Fox Channel… attack Newt… Karl Rove… part of the insanity here… lowest approval rating of any time now… turns out they have these meetings… to review polling… develop their packaging… “ It is called a bungled recruitment and effort much identical to the Bin Hannity attempt to stalk Ann Coulter and steal my biography and replace it with his and mix a few bits he knew about her. This is why she does not want anybody to write a biography on her or know anything; but they stalk her and place her in a peeping tom show; even watch us talking and intimate when she calls. They know when Ann and I are talking or doing it openly. Has it or anything worked, no? “That is part of it… going with the only bill available… 8/6/2009 7:12:57 PM they will be going in the opposite directions, we have to face facts… blinded by agenda… dangerous.” Ramble monger and a true Irish bacteria.
“Americans want result… just not what they think… real socialism”; he means a Thelma-Louise Pyongyang rescue where two Americans are picked up by their bosses and we hear about the Dark Knout-Joker and some CNN Billary Maher on July 27, 2009; before this rescue arrives because the polls are dropping so badly and heading to the bottom; it will not recover. Did it work? Did a pull a Pyongyang on the US work to free the Bin Limbaugh-Hannity 911 terror plot rescue? We will see! “I don’t know if we are being set up… trying to help… crime and borrowers.” That is disinformation; ask the Irish union upstairs and the labor unions. You idiot, you publicize it and do not say it is a trap or will expose you mole-sleeper-nut job. This is like or liking the Jersey Girls and 911 widows; what is his position on that? Man, you have these people so brainwashed and scandal ridden while you write books on it; we secured this and encrypted it to taint it and trace you.
Exactly, we had who we wanted and the master plan and now there is some rescue? They don’t want a rescue? Billary-Zionist-Irish-Catholic labor unions-Kennedy are not on our side or in our camp Bin Hannity; you liar and fraud. Both you and the upstairs people keep saying we are partners and to accept your greatness and total control over our life. This is how it turned out as you being a kidnapper to both cold war superstars and you claiming to be her voice, my voice, and this love story which is actually a murder-terror plot. If you do not get a rescue; you will go down and people will know you suck that badly. There will be an exodus and nobody will ever listen to you or have another terrorist recruitment plot. Going Pyongyang benefited both of you and also dignified the beer summit. Odd how Al Gore sent two single sex couples into Pyongyang and Billary flew right in there and picked them up in a matter of hours! Wow, that is hostility. It is for you and Bin Limbaugh, you are that special! Two innocent virgins for won captured 911 terror suspects and their bosses.
Bin Hannity is reading off accusations of hate speech. Am I hearing Bin Hannity complain about propaganda? After they said they are a propaganda machine and masters of this, “manufactured… vicious attacks?” Well, when we can get an honest answer to valid charges and not one, two, or ten different stories; maybe we can tell who is brainwashed and who is delusion and wearing a swastika. I said it before, just because you called me a common nigger for almost 20 years and then kidnapped us for ten years and did this upwards of 20 times a day; I never said you were a racist, I said the propensity and the machinery is clearly there and so are a host of valid reasons. All those reasons have a perfect fit but you did not deny any of them. The only person was Bin Lying -Osama who had a beer summit over your rescue or Pyongyang which blew you up also. Now was the beer summit a trap and you were not sure it was? All the sudden you are not sure if it is a trap? It is clear when you are called a racist pig and why you cannot answer truthfully or even apologize (written) as we are demanding. Do you know who we are and who you are; who you are now talking to or was? Do you still think you are in a love story? Even black people are calling Obama an Uncle Tom, fascist, a reactionary, a racist pig, and some rescue for Bin Limbaugh-Hannity.
(Speech of Billary Clinton acting psycho) Let me inform you that your speech is about the Catholic Church, their assets in the Democratic Party, Urban centers that have high concentrations of ethnic groups such as Irish and are closely linked to JFK and the Kennedy’s. So you can play this act all day long. Next we will be in a love story, you are our bosses, we are in a labor camp or was sentenced by you to one, “kill them in cold blood”, on our side to the end, national teachers and coaches, super stars and more powerful, and some Zionist-Irish-Midwest 911 plot, “they are called the mob… you disagree with the anointed one and you will be part of the mob and called a Nazi.”
Are you spies-sleepers-Satan demons-aliens; this alienated and so detached from American society? The entire media is on your side and you keep playing this cat and mouse chase where nothing makes any sense and Bin Limbaugh says how there is no truth and no facts. Why not fake it and harm them if you are who you say? Why have and rack up more and more charges and act like a total joke and terrify people, such felons and terrorists? Nobody called you a racist, but they did report you for calling them a common nigger for upwards of 20 times a day. Nobody called you a Nazi either; we said you are displaying behavior only common to their rampage on Jews or liberals. Terrorism for profit is not how you overthrow a government or flood the police chiefs to resign or join up. I was very hurt when you called me a common nigger and I try to teach people, even blacks and Bin Lying, how to be self sufficient. Billy Ray said some gave it all and if he ever thinks of us. Now you scam us and steal our entire life, which is a Maddoff moment for you? We have to be terrorists or else we will die or made to go away? You will put us on trial until we are? Now you want a break and to walk away because we found joy in life and will be rich or grow old together; we now know who we are?
When you called me a common nigger, I took it personally and it angered me tremendously; almost to the point of going Black Panther on your ass because I know I am not a common enemy of other ethnic-races and I know I am not a nuisance and a public menace to the life of others. Do we steal everything in your life and rewrite it or do home invasions and falsely imprison the most powerful and royals on this planet? Tell us why you duck now when and if I lift my finger? How do you know me and how do the upstairs people kkknow me? You keep thinking this is a joke and some comedy routine others are laughing at you while you show how much of a genius you are. What a joke; you all are dumb and it shows badly. It is one thing to do a terror plot. It is another to meet the best of the best that kill these types. It is one thing to come to the house of the best and steals their whole life because of what they do for a living or is cold war superstars; up and comers who got knee capped. Just like a drug dealer, the profit margin is not arguable. (What the hell is going on with these bikers and liberals on the Canadian-New York border? Is this about drugs or the mob? Mesh-labs are not racist?
Go get a college degree next time you try a 911 terror plot you moron. I am not cracking on people who only have a HS diploma; I am saying next time you try this or rewrite our life while robbing the country blind and brainwashing the liberals and left wing to be slaves and call you masters. You are a racist pig and a bunch of fascists; if not then give us the truth and end this now. (Bin Mark Levin was going to say something and then hung up and Bin Hannity hung up on him, Bin idiot will dial back 1000s of times, “are you mad at me… do you hate me… we are partners… why you hate me?”) Why don’t you dress up as terrorists, invade our country, then loose or crawl on the ground as you say how happy the hostages are and you helped to make them fall in love and risk their life for each other; or maybe grab a police uniform and pretend you freed them by arresting them not once but twice in some show trial intended to seal a recruitment? Does that sound like a great plan to anyone? (Some loud biker in a hot bike just did a shout out) Now it is not such a good idea; before it was all profit and the profit margin was not disputable. It is one thing to do a terror plot. It is another to meet the best of the best that kill these types. It is one thing to come to the house of the best and steals their whole life because of what they do for a living or is cold war superstars; up and comers who got knee capped.
Here is what Newt Bin Gingrich is behind and has taught: (how to make your wife proud, how to foment suspicion, how to lie-cheat-steal to fame and have a major downfall and family crisis!)
“They don’t like social issues… do not have the power right now… don’t like books… people dumb and stupid… people are one thing and turn out to be another… we find out they are not stupid… nothing for us now… no passion… smooth talking… created a cult like following… Republican main selling points… (McCain) where was the opportunity for conservatives to rise up and get excited… it was never there… if we all just say the end is inevitable… they are stupid and want all of this… we can begin the process of unraveling this… whither on the string… in the end, if people want this they will get it… the polls… lying to the people… they do not even know what hit them… the speed… we will know soon enough… ever shrinking percentage of the population… if I knew this I would be playing golf somewhere… they have to lie when they are saving jobs when they are not… lie when they… lie what they are doing to health care… narrow bunch of radicals… spend their every waking moment conspiring… that is their only way to advance… wildly ways to better the American people.” What the hell does this have to do with you dung whole life? Again, what you said makes perfect sense to you and only you.
Cash for clunkers and cluck-clucks right, what is your point about how you cannot get your way and must resort to a life of crime to perpetuate lies, deceit, and murder? “Going to have to end the… there was no truth… words are just tools… so the facts never got in the way… the tools are always in the way… alone up against a strategy of deceit and fraud is never a way to defeat it… facts of policy, ideology… whoever has the guts to… easier to do and you do not have to persuade them because they… are lying about it, but you have to say it… because the other side there is no truth, there are no facts… intellectually applied to our beliefs… to manipulate your emotions… create their own using words as tools…8/5/2009 2:09:48 PM“ Yeah okay… sure, anything you say Bin Limbaugh you fat moron on a 100 lb per six month diet. “And they have people in the media to make this true… all these lies… how great it is getting.” Are you done yet, “get off the plane… go and talk to the pot bellied dictator… kissing their graves… just a bunch of total BS… there is no truth… if they think you believe in truth, you are a target.” Your momma, you got nothing on me or us so leave us alone you nasty racist pig! Stop telling me I am your partner and we are joined by the lip. Again, what you said makes perfect sense to you and only you.
Anymore stupidly moments or are you going to make this a teaching moment for the nation? “They use words in your comfort zone… what you hold… what you want in life… promise to… meanwhile policies destroy it… (this must be the love story between Alexis Glick and Sean Hannity) if truthful… health care plan will remove your plan… counsel you on your end of care and end of life… if honest… our stimulus plan has not created… it has ended and replaced… he does not have the courage to say that… not just for some… he has the ability to unleash it to everybody, not just some… not the first… (Going to trying to clone it again and send up a racist pig like Bin Limbaugh who picks-bullies on rich minorities-employers and royals) backbone of their community is a vehicle he disallows… (Bin Limbaugh is pure traitor and saboteur) words are the tools that make you believe the actions that are happening to you.” Again, Bin Limbo is creating the image he is an employer and also the US government who uses debt to increase the kool-aid party for his cron-rades. The US government is not an employer but he cannot let go of this idea because he is linked to the entire Congressmen who is behind it. He has himself committed word seppuku.
(Sidekick Bin Snarling wants to know why his audience is loyal and what loyalty are all about, easy suicide and 911 Fool-aid parties) “This loyalty you have with this radio show… cherished it everyday… becoming a thing of the past.” Again, no facts and no truth in those words; all total lies and much farther than the truth, but it make sense and perfect sense to him. (Bin Limbaugh just called us a psycho) “The answer is because I am loyal to them… I do not change… can be counted on… Republican Party cannot be… the crap shoot they put up there (staged and set up like Pyongyang and Bin Clinton freeing two Americans and imprisoning the entire population). 8/5/2009 2:44:08 PM Separating this loyalty and what he just said… he could have chosen better words and rebel rousing again. I will buy all of this insanity and lies when you can explain to me why you want to reproduce and have sex with us so badly and we do not?”
NEWT (AMBER) BIN GINGRICH: Bin Gingrich, “Limbaugh… why don’t they shut up… sitting there terrified… pretty chilling and frightening stuff… killed by Nazis for not being appropriate (or a home invasion and terror plot; death penalty is not a Nazi act and if so Jim Jones and the People’s Temple are guilty for Cop-aid genocide: Bin Gingrich is a liar)… will be flying out west and will be seeing you all out there.” See what we mean and how they fight back, blame, accuse, divide and conquer; most of all brainwash people until they do things nobody would or are an animal, like the 911 widows. They forgot to tell them the true story and what actually happened, like friendly fire and combat reports. Did this Army brat do this, you tell me? Now he is saying we are behind how terrified they are? Oh I am sorry; let me call them a common nigger after they called me this for almost 20 years! Then let me sit here and act like an idiot and a 911 terrorist as I blame and act like a first class intellectual. We are not with the program and got kicked out of the right wing and into terror recruitment because we are not part of this program! 8/6/2009 8:27:38 PM It is very hard to dispute or argue about this when he does this and quote Ronald Reagan; that is like quoting John F. Kennedy. So if he quotes Regan, I will quote Kennedy (Ted).
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