Dear Ann Coulter; you did Glen Beck and the Hannity radio show on Thursday August 06, 2009 and I went to bed early. Then you told me you were flying to DC Friday. Where did dinner with Human Events come from and then you said you never went and it was false, you swore and promised. Isn’t this more explaining for our marriage counseling? So now that I missed the Hannity show and it was rebroadcast, I hear Sister Alexis Glick on there and you show up and Bin dead cracker Hannity does not say a thing about you and his horny kid. What is he hiding and why didn’t you tell me about the radio show and Glen Beck so I would stay up and catch it? I went to bed and you said you had to fly into DC and to come to bed. So thanks to you I missed both of those shows but finally it listen and you told me you did not go to dinner on Thursday with the editors of Human Events; how did you manage that? You cannot do two things and be at two places at the same time. The Human Events editors’ checks out or did you tick me off for real and forgot to mention it? (Ok sorry I missed both shows, I did make it up?)
Look how brainwashed this whitey Bin dead cracker Hannity is and how he got his audience so brainwashed; they eat out of his hands literally. So I am not sure but I think this fight was on August 6, 2009; I fell asleep and did not hear about the cage match. The gorgeous sister Alexis basically knife’s the dead white slave master and dead cracker Bin Hannity and then says he fights like a liar and a girl. Here is the details and the fight facts; be careful, the white devil is so brainwashed his honky ass is pretending as if he is not a dead cracker and slave trader. They are so insane and so doped up they can’t even recognize a brother or free slaves who are rescuing the white sisters who are being used as some blonde hair blue eyed concubine for a cult leader and a dead honky slave trader with 911 planes on his slave ship.
So here is how the gorgeous sister Alexis knife’s Bin Hannity and holds him up by his hair plugs. Alex first goes on and describes how his brainwashed dead honky white bread ass is a close family friend of hers. She says his honky slave master child (with J-Lo) is always checking his Blackberry (notice he is calling a Negro a slave with the “black berry” use of sports); I think Alexis is saying Sean Bin dead cracker Hannity is not only masturbating in the sink over Ann Coulter but also Alexis Glick! However, he is not in a dog fight with any military commandos. The facts are clear how close she is with his kids and he is trying to hide this; Bin dead cracker Hannity is clearly hiding this relationship so J-Lo Bin Hannity will not seek a divorce and alimony. She is asked to be a servant on his plantation and watch over his rotten half-negro slave trader ape child. She notices he uses a blackberry.
The gorgeous sister Alexis (my name is Alex) then is struck with servitude and ask how he ever sleeps or how Bin dead cracker Hannity can sleep? After being whipped a few times and manhandled by the Irish Bacteria in an offensive manner, she says she does not know how he does it or gets any sleep over this entire matter and show. Probably branded by a hot iron already by Bin Hannity, he then throws a recurring rape dream at her and says she is embarrassing him and to stop because she is talking to her master and what she is saying is not real; the gorgeous sister Alexis, now is struck down by his recurring rape dream and constant frustration of having to fend off a vicious murderer and hitman-911 terrorist and must stop. Be careful sister Alexis, he will strike like a cotton mouth agitated or a water moccasin that is cornered.
I have not sat down over dinner and asked the gorgeous sister Alexis if Bin Hannity actually masturbates over her or if she has looked in his sink for radioactive and toxic green biodegradable biohazards. Alexis wants us to know she spends a lot of time with the slave masters and is one of his servants; Bin dead cracker Hannity says she is jealous of Ann and I and she wants as much freedom and how he has ruined their lives. Alexis is fighting the slave master Bin dead cracker Hannity over who is his number one fan. She pleads with the white cracker slave master about how much time she has spent with his blessed child chosen to be the future king of his plantation; Bin dead cracker Hannity tries to hide is agitation with her and asks her to stop again and she tries to control the passion. The point is she spends a lot of time with him and his kids and he is a bad person and only wants her gone for speaking out. I have never met Alexis or know her, I know she is gorgeous and a powerful business woman I might have met in 1998 at a conference in Baltimore, MD. I will have to sit down at dinner with both of them and clear up this mess with Ann and Alexis fighting over Sean Bin Hannity.
Bin dead cracker Hannity now cracks the honky whip and says “used to kid around about this… “And the gorgeous sister Alexis cut him off with a slash and thrust; and goes Underground Railroad on him. Alexis says he used it for control over her and Ann to make them jealous and to make them fight over him. (Note Bin dead cracker Hannity does not mention Ann Coulter and Pat Cordell going to be on his show later.) So Alexis says he used it for control and she is trying to stop them by knifing them; damn right sister, knife the dead cracker. She then says “used it to take them off the road” and then Bin dead cracker Hannity sees the red light and pushes his eject button and stop button; Bin dead cracker Hannity then says to our white sister to shut up and go back and pick cotton for him, “justifying all of this.”
Gorgeous sister Alexis does not even blink and starts plunging her gorgeous body at him and does the X slash and cross checks before plunging in and says this will add more money and it is about more money! Our slave master Bin dead cracker Hannity now begins to argue with gorgeous sister Alexis and her business acumen. Slave master says he is giving up his plantation, slaves, and his slave ship is sinking. He says he is the one who has to give up his liberty, freedom, and is going bankrupt because he is a dead cracker and a dead whitey. Look how brainwashed this half Negro slave trader is! Sister Alexis now says that is how we got here, living well beyond our means and now must pay at face value. Hell yes sister gorgeous! Slave master and white prostitute Bin dead cracker Hannity now sees the blood all over the decks of his slave ship and in the waters; holds his bowels and says “it is all out there now.”
Gorgeous sister Alexis does not stop with a flesh wound and plunges again and says, “if all of that is true… taxes will go up” and the slave master Bin dead cracker Hannity just rudely and like a white devil ends the call on our gorgeous sister like a murder-terror plot without even addressing it. Slave master Bin dead cracker Hannity was also hiding Ann Coulter on his slave ship and we will have to see what she has to say about all of this need for marriage counseling, taking a healthy male and making them near dead, buy their products and books, and how to make a murder-terror plot sound like a love story to cover up a kidnapping. That is the white devil and the flotilla of slave ships that sail and night to avoid being boarded and avoid anybody finding out what they got on board or what mission they are on. Odd, he hid how Ann Coulter was going to be on Thursday when she said in her speech she was at dinner with Human Events and broke her promise about not doing anything to cause an argument or causing more suspicion and loss of confidence.
“I certainly hope so… a lot of these blue dogs… didn’t really like… left wing loon democrat… kind of laughing at this… unhurt of… marriage counseling is not covered under health bill… serves them right… (Cordell comes on, “One goes down and the other pops up… accept less than that… tell a blue dog from… assume they are for Half ass whitey Obama but we do not know.”) There is one thing I would like to ask you (Bin dead cracker Hannity says who he voted for President) A… B saved his presidency… Half ass whitey Obama will sit back and claim credit for Republican policy… (Cordell says, “you are taking away my Presidency… attacking me as a fox… on the kool-aid and cannot think for themselves… started with the AIG bonuses… not the government who told us… million dollar bonuses… it was the good Democrat Andrew Cuomo.” Bin dead cracker Hannity puts Half ass whitey Obama on and bunch of clips; note Ann has not said a word about how upset I am with her and what she did or why. She is avoiding the matter and so is Bin dead cracker Hannity who is running to who else but his wife J-Lo Bin Hannity.)”
(Bin dead cracker Hannity says Ann is actually Bin Coulter and in with them on this kidnapping and 911 plot. Puts Ann back on…) “listen to Republicans in the future, we warned you about this… Democrats always promise to raise taxes only on the rich, it cannot be done… (Still Ann does not address anything and takes off to her conference) it is their money (says this is about her money, irate people) federal employees… (Does not say if she snookered me and why I am fighting her; only how it is her money and here we go with both legal defenses and how they are getting away; as I said to Ann, she is not their legal defense lawyer) feel like they are being lied to…it is the whole…” very good, Ann acknowledges that I feel as if I am being lied to by her and being snookered and it is her money but I had nothing to do with it; she says it is their money. If this occurred on Thursday August 6, 2009 when she did Glen Beck, then she said nothing but she has the half Negro slave traders and dead crackers brainwashed so badly. Way to go sister! She is also admiring how the gorgeous sister Alexis just knifed her rapist quicker than I could and is a real lipstick soccer mom and not a genuine victim.
Ann does not comment about how I am upset with her or this dinner she says she went on and then retracted. She just says it is their money and feels lied to; really? I got the impression kool-aid was being passed around and we are asked to drink it or follow them to hell and do the same. She says it is just their money and that is all she is going to say. Refuses to comment about how upset I am with her or was; and the promise she made to me about doing whatever it took to avoid an argument or this recurring rape dream implanted by some 911 terrorist recruiter and master spy. I believe this was before she went to the YAF conference so if it was on Thursday, then she told the truth and did not leave until Friday morning to fly into DC and then do a stopover for this conference. She claimed on Friday night after I heard a girl ask her how to be a good writer after reading her books and she responded with having dinner with the editors and ruining her marriage bragging about Human Events dinners with the editors in some CNS interview while in Los Angeles. There is some exclusive interview with some man who is the editor but I did not hear about whether or not they were engaged nor had an affair.
Did the person who filed the police report live there? If so, when was it made clear based on reports of sneaking around the residence, attacking and causing trouble with renters and people who could verify they lived here, how many reports of destruction of property and harassment in their own home, racial slurs yelled at or indication of a hate crime, and if any behavior which could be considered predatorily and in gross violation of what a normal person would do? Why or how did they allow someone to file a police report when there is no way to verify his address, where he lives, or where to send any court mailings such as a subpoena? The DA was asked to provide his official address and match this to the police report. Then the Police were asked to take an official police report from someone who actually lived and was still living at the residence and they refused and said, you need a lawyer and to take this to court; there will be no more investigations on this case and the Captain has decided. The people behind this took retirement and full honors. The locals say the judge and his dad is linked to the mob and Bin Hannity-Limbaugh spy ring of judges who do false arrests and recruit terrorists-moles-sleeper double agents. The payment is not made directly but opportunity for their family like the Mumbai captured terrorist.
Once the Captain was asked for a conference, three Captains came down and kicked me out of the police station stating clearly they were about to make an arrest and if there was a problem to have a lawyer contact them. They said if one more attempt was made to file a police report for a home invasion, I would be arrested after being kicked out or asked to leave the police station for disorderly conduct-trespassing. So here is the question, did they verify who lived here and how was it when they knew the person who filed a police report did not have a key, mail, or even knew the landlord allowed to make an arrest for a home invasion and place 5000 in bail on the legal person who lived here? The DA refused to answer that one in court and the judge threatened contempt of court for asking and explained this charge can carry a 7 year sentence. That is how absurd this home invasion in 2006 and three years of harassment by the union people and 911 terrorists upstairs to cover it up. These were all first insults and intended to railroad the 911 investigation which was coming to light. A trap in spring mode and almost ready but we have to wait for the ring master and the head slave trading cracker to appear. Their bosses are not even citizens; they are foreign spies.
Calling a minority a common nigger upwards of 20 times a day and making sure a rape dream recurred daily and 20 times a day was their goal and how to inflict maximum emotional distress or make this 911 plot go away. Who took the first insult and why? Then who kept the insults and hate crimes to an unbearable level so their master and superior white honky could show up and brag? Then that dead cracker and slave trader admitted it all and even the 911 plots after he was informed he was under surveillance and had an open investigation. So why is it still ongoing and we have to produce lawyers? They insulted first and we had to wait until they surfaced or hit back so we could flush them out; why had false charges and accusations everywhere to include DUI, insurance fraud, not paying bills, garnishments, bad credit, bad money management, etc… it is clear this is the white devil and we are dealing with fascist, racist, pigs sneaking around to abuse power and use insurance fraud to socialize society; Nazis. Now they don’t want to clean up a damn thing and say how this was all unexpected because we were playing possum until they surfaced or showed their face? So now we have to move and go home or be attacked and called a common nigger upwards of 20 times a day by a dead whitey honky slave trader? Their bosses are foreign spies and mob bosses around the world. Why not turn evidence to the state and the victims-undercover prosecutors?
The court transcripts will prove it all and so will the 7 motions filed; the request to subpoenas the person who did the home invasion was fought off by a threat for contempt of court. So of 16 court appearances (in over a full year and 5000 in bond); the DA and the assailment that was “evicted” (Jason Conte) never once stepped foot in court; explain that one. The paper trail is there and nobody lost their job or said anything; why? Could it be 911 again and railroading the first arrest with a second one? How is this work unchecked and so much in error if the 911 terror plotters took credit for it and described it as being very-very angry; and then reports about the recruiters-handlers upstairs stating they were about to kill someone? Not one of them will turn state’s witness and want to walk away unchecked or unhurt? They got six figure bonuses to hold their ground and cover up 911? Every bankrupt financial institution got six figure bonuses also in some grand heist to cover this entire plot up? These insect of an immigrant is telling who to go home? First they tried to fight their way out of it, then when it was impossible to win, they grew tired and tried to lie their way out which cause us to catch their top leaders and the ones directly behind 911. Now the paper trail is there and they said it is total disaster and unexpected; so why did the harassment and hate crimes last upwards of August 2009? There was never once any cessation by a dead whitey slave trader.
(Talking to Ann about her buying this ranch from the Imus’ at a decent price; if you want to get in on this and does a time share, please contact me!) Now listen to the Interview between Don and Deidre Imus describe how odd, creepy, and weird left wing radio hosts are and listen to Hannity just sit there and ignore it: VIDEO OF INTERVIEW AT THE IMUS RANK IN NEWS MEXICO AUG 6, 2009
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