Tuesday, August 04, 2009 I have to say that several foreign observers were angered and appalled by your totally phony act on stage at the Houston Freedom Concert. We know now why you call yourself a weasel and why it fits you so well. Even after you are busted for probably the most heinous stuff; you manage to cover it up with charities, star power, your radio show, and several leading political voices. I have to hand it to Billy Ray Cyrus; he is a class act and reminds me of Elvis. It is a shame they are sharing a stage with you and it is a rip off how people must watch you dance around on stage while they partake in your secret life. That was a really good performance by those people but you spoiled the mood and wrecked the meaning of it for them. So if people want to know who and what you are all about take a look at these videos.
Keep in mind what Bin Hannity said about him trying to share the stage with Ann, “playing games with each other… sharing stage and trying to trick as many people as they can”; so it is not really about anything but tricking people and ripping them off and if you can do a freedom or charity concert here and there; it makes you more credible. Well from 1999 to 2002 I was down at Ocean City, MD every week and the cover bands are some of the best around. So if you are using surveillance and studying us so you can write the same biography and act like a purposeful peeping tom; we see this in your near identical life with ours and your effort to say and incorporate the likes and loves of who you are targeting. You all did the same thing to me; boy, you are some selfish devil-Satan like creature from the black lagoon.
So you are stalking and kidnapped us, abduction, so that you can study, produce a match, and try to seduce us or take us out; wonderful people you are as communist-moles-spies-sleepers. I have heard about peeping toms who target married women and them saying, “It was if he knew everything about me and I began to grow suspicious.” We are not exactly sure when they decided to begin cloning and trying to make a cut-out-copy of us but we know it is impossible. I cannot tell by reading Bin Hannity’s biography from 1999 to 2008 if he is me or seducing Ann. On one level it sounds like my life or he is trying to be me. On another level it sounds like some butchered up way to seduce or try to be all things for Ann and try to sell her someone similar to who they know she loves or knows for sure.
Maybe it is to follow her around the country and pull a rip off and shyster on her and see if she falls for it or does not notice; it is annoying and also the weasel in action. Bin Hannity says it best on 8/4/2009 8:04:44 PM when Bin Clintons stage some hostage and labor camp show trial for two of their spies-operatives and then Bin Hannity acts disgusted and outraged, how he cares and is upset by the whole matter, “ladies and gentleman… cannot emphasize how farther from the truth…. Really trying hard to change who they are and the products they have.” Bin Hannity is going on the air and telling his audience and all the world (even his own side) he is scared to death and terrified about being caught when the story is about how he is embarrassment, who the hell we think we are, get out of the way, how angry and how easy it is to retaliate, how they are our voices, etc. The river of lies just keeps flowing uncontrollably and now is more accurate.
So this is their public relations and their customer service to why they are latched on a chaser, an interceptor was sent, they gave at least 10 different stories which were totally false and was used to cover up a murder-terror plot, then refusing to land when the interceptors show him their belly and caught them shooting at a decoy and what they call a chaser in the industry. Now we get some butchered up proclamation how they want to change and walk away without any intimidation or any measured response to what they are charged with and what was tried. You cannot get any phonier and as they put it, “cannot be any further from the truth… just trying to cover up… patch over what has happened.” People are witnessing the most criminal elements in the world being caught doing the most egregious crimes. The river of lies just keeps flowing uncontrollably and now is more accurate.
How about acknowledging the problem before we move one step forward to figure out how to deal with this hit and what punishment should be imposed. Again, why not seek psychiatric help before doing a terror plot or kidnapping two people they are either cloning, replacing, trying to be, steal or rewrite their life, and win the cold war by targeting two very well known leaders of and military masters for. Why even try to butcher up this sham and scam; a total rip off even more or try to explain it? “Those who are willing to stand up against this type of intimidation… will not tolerate this kind of political… intimidating every effort…” Here is the truth, psychiatric help could not even prevent or deter them from where they are and how far past the line they are. They are so far into this and know two interceptors and the entire military is showing him the belly and telling them to land; this is their response to it.
8/4/2009 7:57:21 PM So the Clinton family and North Korea drops this story about two journalist who work for Current (Al Gore) and Bin Hannity just adds on more foot to his already Pinocchio nose and says, “This could not be farther from the truth… I want you to know… changing… trying as hard as they can to be different… a new company… doing this for you and to change who they are and their products…” It is the phoniest and the biggest weasel you will ever see and now the story is how it cannot be any further than the truth and how difficult it is for him-them to change but they want everybody to know they are trying so hard to make it right and to truly change who they are. The river of lies just keeps flowing uncontrollably and now is more accurate. Did you just hear that or just live through this also? Bin Hannity is trying to say the Clintons are coming to the rescue and this cannot be farther than the truth.
“It is all true… none of it is working… why even try… all you are going to see is Bill Clinton and Barrack Obama to the rescue… all these Congressman getting booed… risk the embarrassment if the deal had not already been done… what did we give up… how did they actually get out… this comes perilously close to negotiating with terrorists… take one step further (than them)… will not support their program… got nothing in return… all broken now… did not happen spontaneously at all.” Bin Hannity also says it is all true and how hard or how difficult it is for them to change who they are and walk away from this as 911 terrorists and vicious sleepers-communists as we indicated. August 4, 2009 is the watershed moment and some new confession phase or acknowledgment. We can stop it there and say it will not change anything and will be another full day of rambling and fraud; say and do anything to walk away, cover over, and let the raging river of lies flow more and more as it floods our life and tries to wash away the last ten, twenty, and the entire cold war and how those who fight and win it is in major dangers.
The Freedom Concert was to equalize and cause more doubt it could be them or why they were caught doing what they did. Now with a long record, paper trail, and years of the same river of lies; it is nearly impossible to deny who they are doing it to, who caught them, what they said or did to make the river of lies flow more, and why they refuse to land or end the standoff but instead try one phony rip off after the other; one scam and fraud after the other as if they cannot control the impulse or are Hannibal Lector who has to be restrained so they do not and will not hurt anybody. This is the total lunatic and the total madman we know or are trying to apprehend as a raging maniac who has a used car salesman personality when the heat is turned up or when in hot pursuit. The caller just called and said, “I don’t get it… you seem to have it both ways… I remember when September 11, 2001 happened… blaming it all on the Clintons… now you want it both ways.”
8/4/2009 9:13:08 PM Oh my god, the gorgeous Alexis Glick has wandered innocently into the lair of Sean Bin Hannity. Watch closely as he shows his crab like pinchers and listen to the many centipedes like legs as he prostitutes his kids to unsuspecting women who are soccer moms. Alexis is not even aware and falls for his trap, “you never have time to go out… work all the time… sleep only 2 or 3 hours… every time I come over to your house, your son is always at a tennis tournament.” Alexis is now the new adorable voice of reason and the crab like pinchers pick up on this and centipede their way to encircle her. Bin Hannity tries the Freedom Concert trick where elixirs and love potions flow as unsuspecting soccer moms are lured into a mesmerizing hotel where he is on the stage and behind the one way mirror.
Alexis has a pincher stuck in her and says, “he is trying to cause as many problems as he can” and becomes a new meal for Bin Hannity. We finally get to see the Irish Bacterium in action as he cuts his moves and charm on the gorgeous and unsuspecting soccer mom of three who is always over his house or talking to him on his cell phone records. Once the crab like pinchers are on and she is made to feel well beyond her means; there is no escaping the weasel. His name will go up all over her resume and is folk lore around the globe. There is no escape now. There is no way now to save her and Bin Hannity’s hooligan like kids is probably beating up hers or she is forced to care for them. Alexis, the poor and innocent girl is a new soccer mom victim of the pinchers of Bin Hannity; she does not even know the Freedom Concert is a powerful narcotic and a bait and trap to lure a new comrade and communist-sleeper recruit. Soon she will be madly in love with the Irish Bacterium and will be attending every Freedom Concert as he puts her name all over his resume and life.
His love spell is much too powerful, Alexis is also falling for the hooligan kid trick and how he is a daddy who has a champion hooligan and future powerful leader. Alexis said she is coming over (to the Long Island Lolita’s love pad) again and Bin Hannity is going to call her incessantly on the phone so that she must beg for a Freedom Concert ticket. It is too late for her, the pinchers and the centipede legs are much to fast and causes much too many problems for any soccer mom. Notice also how Bin Hannity misses the pick up line, “I know your three kids would love my Freedom Concert and would have a great time in my lair Alexis (evil laughter like Bin Limbaugh).” Bin Hannity lets no sweet voice and adorable soccer mom out of his lair and pinchers. We must save her and pull the pinchers off of her waist so she can crawl away before she becomes another victim of Bin Hannity the 911 terrorist who has it both ways. I cannot bear to watch anymore as this poor gorgeous girl is turned into a comrade and communist sleeper in the chase of her life by the Terminator 2.
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