He calls us a lib because we are in combat and was kidnapped by him while he tried to steal the blueprint for the masters of the universe. Does he know when to leave or excuse himself or is he a vagrant and nuisance? This goes back to the genuine victim again and what he said was being a lib “get off the phone ya jerk.” Why would he want everybody to know he is the one who needs medical care? If you get in a fight and it is a UFC one, who is the victim if he is in a submission? So Bin Levin calls us a lib while he clones and copies our biography? How can we promote violence on all of them when we have the best advice on earth; get the hell out of the kidnapping business and the terrorism business. “They are attacking the American people.” We educated them and debated why they hate Americans, America and make clear this is a tolerant country and weasels and terrorists sneak around to take advantage of our wisdoms, talents, and strong healthy lives. We never knew this was a crime? Get out of the terrorism business before you get killed, the Marines are reaching out and offering a plea; take it or leave it. The end result is the same.
Look up Ludlow Massacre 1914: Wikipedia
Look up Columbine Massacre (1927): Wikipedia
Look up what this shooting do or does: CNN
Also Fox News Live Desk: Ann Coulter, April 18, 2009; Wisconsin Shooting, Cop Killing: video
Also Fox News: Meghan Kelly on Michael Vick August 18, 2009: video
Tuesday, August 18, 2009 Bin Hannity said “Ann Coulter is catching up to me… I hope it was not on purpose” and then goes into Bob Novak and his death. “Politicians are in the business of obtaining and retaining power… liberty and tyranny… when I say tyranny… a form of soft tyranny… changes the relationship… have to get permission… (Now he is rambling about permission and seeking permission, how evil it is).” I can be the first and last to tell him to his face that self-sufficiency is not on his agenda. Without truth, they believe in nothing or nobody. “I do not care what they call it… it does not matter… now a lethal threat to the Democratic Party.” Bin Hannity can say whatever he wants on rugged individualism; but I will tell him to his face that self-sufficiency and respecting human life is not in his scope of insanity. Now if he wants to take that challenge or any of his co-conspirators wish to challenge this; write it down, do not speak what they want us to know; tell us what they want us to believe. I had no idea we were sneaking around and operating political fantasies or crushes on others by kidnapping them or making this cat and mouse game so difficult.
“She is the second most dated woman in the country… “So what does Sean Bin dead fish Hannity believe in if not genuine victims or those who cause accidents and legal fees that spiral into debt management and terrorism? Bin Hannity claims he is intellectual: does he appeal to intellectuals? He calls us a lib because we are in combat and was kidnapped by him while he tried to steal the blueprint for the masters of the universe. Does he know when to leave or excuse himself or is he a vagrant and nuisance? This goes back to the genuine victim again and what he said was being a lib “get off the phone ya jerk.” Why would he want everybody to know he is the one who needs medical care? If you get in a fight and it is a UFC one, who is the victim if he is in a submission? So Bin Levin calls us a lib while he clones and copies our biography? How can we promote violence on all of them when we have the best advice on earth; get the hell out of the kidnapping business and the terrorism business.
“They are attacking the American people 8/18/2009 8:36:34 PM.” We educated them and debated why they hate Americans, America and make clear this is a tolerant country and weasels and terrorists sneak around to take advantage of our wisdoms, talents, and strong healthy lives. We never knew this was a crime? Get out of the terrorism business before you get killed, the Marines are reaching out and offering a plea; take it or leave it. The end result is the same. This is the same type of character who uses a butcher knife on their kids and tells others to stay away and do not threaten his crying child. This is the mentality. Who the hell challenges machine guns while in tents? Who digs a hole and forgets sandbags? Who has shootouts with militia and official guards while their wife and kids are in a hole? (Is he saying Ann Coulter does this and acts like the unions?) A liberal, Woodrow Wilson arrests both sides for mayhem? Seriously, who the hell does this?
Understand from 1999 to 2002 I was at the beach all summer and waiting for Ann; there are concerts every single night and some of the best bands. Then I actually was a contractor for Fed Ex and traveled the country to meet Godsmack cover bands in Columbia, South Carolina (Jillian’s); some clubs downtown at Crocodile Rock, etc.; then Dishwalla in Raleigh-Durham at the Fish Market; and then I think it was Three Days Grace at a small bar in Toronto, ON. What next, our hair or the way we dress? How about our girlfriends and wife? No, you cannot be going around (like Michelle M.) and call others libs and make fun of them when you do not believe in anything but how to be a nuisance and vagrants. If you are in a kidnapping plot; do not complain about injuries or getting killed. If there are questions on getting killed after kidnapping or even repeating it on someone else; read the legal and the experts-professional hostage rescuers. We spoke to their bosses.
Huffington Post says Fox has the Four Horseman of the Apocalypse syndicated:
(Speaking on Ms. Ann Coulter no longer my girlfriend but X) Michelle B. said “We are really happy about this” and Bin Hannity said, “I know.” Keep in mind their rule, there is no such thing as truth, no facts, and words are mere tools to explain what is going on in their life. So this is about how he feels and what is happening in his life. Bin Hannity said he really improved her quality of life and is discussing with Michelle B. about their “winning solution… innovation.” Bin Hannity says, “Many people are glad this battle is over… they are destroying their own hand.” Michelle B. begins to comment about audience and how he is telling the truth; “you can tell the American people what to do… you speak the truth… they are so well informed.” Who is doing the heavy lifting and who is doing the heavy breathing? Michelle B. says, “this is what they are really trying to sell… what they are doing… if you loose your private insurance… crawling and crying to the government… we may be calling him the X congressman… they are very smart and love the country… do not want this snake oil… know this will not work and we trust the innate goodness of the American people. Bin Hannity says, “You know you are the second most hated conservative woman behind Sara Palin?”
“We hate… we do not want… how they package this… not in the best interest of… defrauding moment… rewrite the contract… get lost, drop dead… you are un-American… acting suicidal.” Well, it used to work when he said how sick and tired Bin Hannity was of being discriminated and how poor he was which he claims caused him to be a hard worker and a better person. So we must and have to be evil and non conservatives if we are not poor and royals or masters of warfare-universe. Now we can finally figure out what his ideology is and how they are packaging this which nobody wants or needs. So where was Bin Rush Limbaugh on Monday August 27, 2009?
Violence on the President and the first black President: Ann Coulter has made it clear that all assassinations and threats come from left wing and radical kooks. If there is a bigger threat we have ever seen or known; than it is this terror plot and profit-murder of these spies-moles. The next most dangerous group to Obama has to be the Black Panthers and they always kill a powerful or well assimilated black leader in society. Unfortunately, we do not fall into either and Obama even claims to have close and blood brotherhood to the radical black movement. Bin Hannity would be his number 1 nemesis as a terrorist and a captured operative on a free fall. Someone will black mail him or make him do things within their own group and terror for profit strategy; but it will buy him a new life. His behavior to objects of obsession is also mistaken as love, friendship, and peace; the truth is far from what he claims and shows. I would say he is an angry white male and this causes him to scream “go home” and “common nigger” calling as reported. Obama is creating more misery and poverty than any other President and as indicated we hold him responsible for black genocide (black on black crime) and 3000% inflation on Christian whites and same experience Asians globally. We spend all this time on a few race bullies and lascivious, promiscuous, licentious, immoral and atheist trying to act American and conservative?
DAVID BIN LIMBAUGH ON HOWARD DEAN OF THE DNC TODAY: http://www.wnd.com/index.php?fa=PAGE.view&pageId=107232
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