This show is about Ann Coulter today. I have been asking questions and finding mistakes with my number 2. She is madly in love with me and I heard men tell me she is lying and in love with them. They told me various stories and how they were stalking her for dirt and to destroy her; but first they would make massive money on her or use her life as a vehicle to power. Now, she tells me a different story about kidnapping, terrorist plots, sitting next to them, how obsessed they are with her, etc… She says it is total lies and I got nailed and struck down again and again. So they have to present for me and the records a truth or fact finding effort; not all lies and phony stories or financial fraud. Hear it here first and listen to what they said, are saying, and have to say.
Now they are accusing us and saying we did this to them? We got close to them, are a joke, want a fight, want to be partners, all about money, we are losing, they are gaining their confidence again; and charging us and blaming us? We are the masters of war, why the hell do we get blamed? What crime did we commit besides being perfect and intellectually awesome? There is so many witnesses and so many people who read the exact same and tell a completely different story; how did they get this reality? Bin Limbaugh says we are Delta force and he wants to join as a fat bum; the official ankle grabber and butt sapper. I need facts, truth, and oratory speech will is about reality; not what is happening to them or their life! Knock it off we are trying to get married and fulfill the joy in our life Bin Limbaugh and Hinney; this is really counter-productive and you are not helping one bit; not one bit at all and we cannot win when you do this; this is a smear on America, her future, and our future. I cannot go on living life as a lie and this phony mess.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009 The bag lady with the rope and potato sack wants to ask, “you all are not mad” and then began the morning long banging, slamming things, her child hooker prodigy jumping up and down, talking to us all day, etc… I think the best policy and the one we have tried to enforce but cannot because it is an abduction and kidnapping is to keep them at a far distance and do not give them access; zero tolerance. They will extort and claim how they did it for their family and have to eat; or what she said when caught, “we are corrupt… we don’t want to die… we do not know what to do.” Ignore them if you can but in our case, we had no idea they were at this level and going around foiling military operations, stealing military secrets, and trying to beat us out or destroy any opposition. They are the third enemy on the battle field.
Bin Limbaugh admits to 911 and knows now what happened to him, “after 911 we had to find who was behind this… had to go to war… they had to be destroyed… waging war against the CIA… prosecuting our own interrogators.” Who did this and when? If I understand this, they went into an armed robbery and heist with 110 per cent gusto and somewhere during it went psycho because they were detected and attacked or waged war so a diversion was present and a major threat. Now they want a full pull out and what was once 110 per cent is now 20 per cent lies; even covering up or alibis do not work; they know it is not a guess and can see every stage of this. So he admitted this for the first time on August 25, 2009 and says once again how we are waging war on the CIA and interrogators; when it is them who is penetrating it or seeking control over the USA, CIA, and DOD. 911 was not foiling our mission; it was a diversion and a major threat so they would not be raided; they felt a raid was out there and did not know or when it was coming. Where and when was what they had on their mind.
The only difference with this 3rd enemy is they try to get close to us in order to fight and assassinate us; to take us out or to smash all military operations and missions. Do they think lies and excuses will work and who screwed up Vietnam? We are investigating that war also. “They are racist and so forth… “Both sides is trying to get close and claim how they want peace; their reason for this is to screw up and rewrite our life; to make us infinitely angry and mad because they are such a loser and a total mess; a human stink bomb and dirt bag. So all day long, they steal everything and think you will have a breaking point and will surrender when you are helpless to them rewriting and stealing your life. If you fight them; they wallop you and use 24 hour surveillance and study every single second of your life with the intent of using it against you or cloning and finding how you obtain power and influence; what your success is. Once they have that they go to where the fight is or where this is needed (military, CIA, justice, FBI, etc…) as a mole and a double agent spy; a traitor.
So we have given them a clue and it is very seamless with our story; there is not a single story yet which will fit their alibi or explanation; thus, they avoid it and know it will lead to perjury. Bin Hannity said the problem with his admission or confession is the core of this; it involves a foreign country. Well, there is the core of this and while they pretend how they are family friends and close associates; who know us intimately out of exclusive access or an intimate relationship; the charge of kidnapping, abduction, attempted rape, and pages of felonies are the real story. If they admit to one; then the entire house of lies collapses because we linked and overlapped each one so that dual universes can hedge the defense; the same strategy of leveraging power and hedging they use to form a stalemate and zero sum game. That is what this enemy is doing; keeping stalemate and will sabotage any military operation or mission so this zero sum and stalemate is everlasting. We cannot win and our efforts are socialized.
(Bin Limbaugh will spend another day rambling) “That did not happen… did not know military service and combat… him and his rival shared outlook on power.” The topic is if he has any credible and effective way to stop Ann Coulter and her life experience or mine; both of us were kidnapped and abducted. Ann got close to them but will not fight them; they kidnapped and got close to us on a non business and professional level and all they did was fight and torture; a raging tirade and massive fight; total mayhem and violating every single law. Now all they can do is ask us “you mean you are not mad.” We got close to him and know they did this. They got close to us and tried to recruit and grandstand. The objective is a contract, defection, recruitment, and stealing anything they can or kill off anybody they can get on their 3rd enemy side; it has to be totally invisible. Murder charges is just how they practice; genocide and waging war on the world is a real charge but we have every federal law violated to include espionage and waging war.
“We are coming back… we were in panic mode a year ago… (Feels safer now) crisis mentality falling on our heels… (Says it was just anger) we were angry then… national panic and fear… we are getting our confidence back… not been lost but coming back… (feels safer and does not detect any danger) foreign crisis and economic panic on the return.” Based on what he is saying; they feel the hard part has been accomplished and clear sailing and the clear skies of the open ocean is ahead. He does not feel danger is present and his confidence is returning and they are getting stronger. So they were expecting a raid and were going nuclear and homicidal to try and snub or foil it again; this time no terror plot. We saw what it was and how it involved a murder plot, holding Ann as a hostage, and fabricating all kinds of lies and stories so they could blind others and sell it; “we were supposed to do it.”
They were seeking approval and taking a vote as part of their “the people wanted this… voice of America… have all the votes… cannot stop us… too big to fail.” He now has what we did to catch him; got close but did not fight them; they wanted to promote and be our managers. Somehow Ann convinced them and won their admiration or fear; they only know fear and punishment as a crime family; wild animals and lawless. We know why they think like this and can test them (no facts, no truth, words and lies are to describe what is going on in their life and how they feel). His rambling will have to be filtered and he needs to produce now that he is not on panic and hyperventilated or cottonmouth mode any longer.
Does he have something credible stalking Ann which can back up or substantiate their story and cover up of “family aides… managers… promoting us… with us to the end… heroes… want to help… close partners… insiders… powerful voices… know us intimately, etc…” All they kept using was high priced dinners and the after parties, industry events, book tours-concerts mixed in, showing up at the same time and place or city; and Ann studying or interviewing liberals and suspects (all liberals and major left wing voices). Now a day, both of them ramble incessantly and drag out their answers while covering up and hiding the real story; more of describing what is happening to them or how they feel right now. In court they are easy targets as moles and terrorists.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009 “It is disconcerting… it upsets me to have to explain every day… I do not think this guy likes America… investigating the CIA, designed to weaken us… has to rally his base… if it takes death.” Let me summarize and make this more clairvoyant and secondhand ensconcing of what he is saying. Bin Limbaugh feels they, him, and his super secret life and ring of “Americans” are elites and national treasures. However, they feel this truth and fact finding search is destroying them and they cannot or will not survive. So far his strategy is silence and the burden of proof is “prove it.” So he is leaving a terror plot, murder, kidnapping, protection racket, extortion and pages of felonies to include waging war and war crimes (genocide related); to those accusing them and they are saying; we win all the time and cannot be caught; we are too big to fail and also too good to be ever caught. But when we ask him to check the facts and review what he did or tried and what is still alive or breathing now; he refuses.
All of them have short term memory and a paralysis of mental block. He was so pissed to find out he was rewriting my life and worshipping and making our side win with Ann. Imagine kidnapping the husband and giving the wife the best job in the world, clueless they are married, then how angry they must have felt while they calmly tried to fix this by isolating each one and making them fight each other or wreck their relationship? How do you do this or are they this good? Can they do this in the open or not? (He is obsessed and thinks he is in love with my girl-big sister; still does and is not giving up)The reason is he came out and was swimming around like a whale; to show off and grandstand because he thought the coast was clear and nobody was looking. When he did; we raided them and then showed them 20 years of tracking him and them; does anybody think he will tell the truth or admit to one thing? Imagine how upset and how much of a failure they feel; let alone the fear of being captured and public stoning. This man has taken so much punishment in life and will; give him a hand!
The house of cards will collapse and detection will link him if he is that good and that invisible. Now who is this and how are they this good? Why are they here in the USA but violated every law? They want war and waged war but could not be caught; but now he says the burden of proof is on us. “Kidnappers who finally admit… because of his skin color or race… 8/25/2009 1:16:44 PM… why you should never doubt me”; we know how good he is hidden; now show up and show us who he is in the open and not hidden as some invisible demon or devil. He is on the master levels; above the Kremlin and central planners of CIA wizards; that good and undetectable. Instead, he says “they are master strategists… they are the best out there” so that we would pull back and not destroy him or end this. So if he wants to revise his story he can use this opportunity; there has to be a non-stalking or non-peeping tom surveillance (study us and steal anything valuable or of use) which is not industry related or purchased. If he paid money for time or a photo op, to gain access, a DVD, or a show or business relation; then it does not count and he cannot use it. There will be a court and law suit for this cruel hoax with government.
“We will investigate this… we will fix it… people who kidnap… people who engage in torture… who is running the show”; hey jackass, this is my marriage and future; stop F’ing it up will you please. I asked if while you were chasing and stalking Ann Coulter for dirt or to destroy her; did you find anything and wish to be my helper and assistance-staff. You said you were a family aid; well, make yourself useful and keep her entertained. In your mind it is a fling and you are keeping her happy and comfortable; in her mind she is close to you and does not want to fight you like I did. You mean to tell me she used you as a nanny and some baby sitter to calm my mind or ease my trust with her; then you got caught lying when you were confident about your exclusive access and phony friendship or partnership? Sounds like my own story and what I am describing as what you did to my own lawyer. One of us is a kidnapper, terrorists, stalker, obsessed, and wants a fight by inflicting emotional distress-harassment-murder plots. Now you want credit and a breath of fresh air for stalking and being helpful? Yeah, really helpful and sounds really stupid because you are still pedaling uphill and odorously doing all the work and effort for us. So why don’t you complain about it and tell us what happened? Go in a court of law and give your side of the story if you are a victim and a good American as you claim; a natural treasure.
(Caller is talking about the CIA, interrogation, water boarding, kidnapping etc…) What the hell are they talking about this for? Bin butthead, stick with the topic and focus; do you have some real information on Ann since she is and has been the topic of your obsession and mine own blood and guts? (Caller says he is a joke; has to stop this interrogation and pray; it is all BS; give them anything they wanted; can see the intent; guards are worse than detainees; protecting their own careers and not doing the right thing; just keeping their mouths shut; I was there from March liberals to… no torture, these guys would come in during interrogations and say we have to pray; to bend over backwards for… their argument is – God rules) “This is banana republic stuff… going after your predecessors… America is the world’s villain.” Why does he protect or swear to protect the Constitution and live under those rules again? Who put him on a slave ship called the Santa Ho A-hole to invade America with his worthless tricks and punishing life? Let’s worship a cabbage and not these lies; God Babushka rules are the Lord.
So his rabble rousing and rambling is about making him a villain and exposing him; he is America and the flag is draped over his fat greasy pale folds. (Caller says it is time we jailed this… what is wrong with that comment?) Health insurance; only sees the opposite? He just said he is getting his confidence back and the bag lady who wears a rope and a potato sack says “you mean you are not mad” and started banging and throwing things all morning. Now, Bin Bonehead is going off and getting upset; this is no joke and I want him to take this serious and concentrate that pea head and brainwashed “hardwired” demon mind of the antichrist. I am going to pull the plug soon and do not have time for a laugh or to hear this joke of a oratory numbing stupidity. “You are pathetic… battle lines have been drawn here 8/25/2009 1:59:22 PM.” What a crock of shit and this phony ass problem with these terrorists and whom is sabotaging military operations so we are at stalemate with the enemies, nemesis, and always struggling. We are the champions and masters of war, battle lines; drop dead and fly into a building will you? How about drink the tool-aid.
Here is another one and knock this crap and BS off. I know you are obsessed with Delta Force (TX, LBF, top commando Generals, British military family friends, Operation Rice Bowl, Seattle-WTO, Somalia-1993, Gulf Wart, and the Iroc Wars); why do you keep saying this and messing up our mission and saying how we are Delta Force; we are not men in black or some KKK group with military uniforms riding in the dead of night and burning crosses on your lawns; knock it off, we are not who you think and your object of affection. Delta Force was formed by a Texan and designed for counter-terrorism work and this stuff; not being kidnapped, tortured and our life rewritten. So knock it off will you and stop trying to say we are operating illegally or violated a law, etc… I am a cook and on the USS Missouri; a powerful future leader who sees dead aliens and honkies as predators. If you take the mask of the Alien, you see it is an insect and reptile. Where did Delta Force ever become a topic or subject here? Stop brainwashing me to some foreign spy agency or nation. Knock off the Southern Command and bunker crap or this idea you are the CIA; you are not the CIA and the CIA is scratching their fuzzy head also. You were supposed to show some supernatural power if you wish to win this and we are all watching closely; so knock it off and stop the phony lies will you. I want to know if you can win this or do this respectfully?
I am sick of this phony act. What next, I am recruiting you and spreading hate to the white race or the honky you are? How about I am promoting violence on you and spreading death squads or holding a show trial for you? Or I am a military recruiter and am drafting you? What next of your phony and elusive but delusional phony life? This baboon will not stay focused and keeps rambling; says he messed up and broke his liquid diet, back to 505 lbs. and is an official whale and national monument. Playing golf is an excellent way to loose weight (why or how did you gain 2lbs? Are you an idiot?) Now he is saying why exercise may not make you thin. Sit on a stool and keep eating then. I heard you show up on Google maps.
This Delta BS needs to stop and so does the sabotage of military missions or capturing the best and brightest on this earth. You come to play or else you pay, got it? Now he says Army commandos say he is too fat too fight. You throw feces at people and that is all the fight you have; it is disgusting and can kill someone. Get hit by a Bin Lincoln log and you will get a concussion and be hospitalized. The explosive content in his pollution is toxic and nuclear; it will cause malignant diseases. “Reprogramming and body fat is key…” I am glad a foreign nation and spy ring is reprogramming us and trying to make us hungry. I am offended and ending this; drop dead you smiley orangutan and kiss my fat ass you fascist racist pig honky! You don’t gots nothing on me so talk to the hand when it comes back around 8/25/2009 2:21:57 PM. Well, welcome to my southern command and my reality, kiss my fat ass you racist, fascist, pig honky; help someone help me, I am melting, I am being attacked by 911 bullies and some foreign spy agency; someone help! Want me to start screaming again?
Outshined Live: Soundgarden
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