Wednesday, July 01, 2009 Sean people understand you may be scared and you may have messed up but it is to your advantage to give up and turn yourself in. Intel knows you are in real big trouble and also slipping; they contacted me and I have notified those involved. Now you insist to this day you have some power over Ann and I am trying to get your bite off her and to stop holding her as a captive, under surveillance, stalking her around the country or her daily itinerary, and thinking how this is what you keep saying to me, “whatever you want… anything you need.” The Khmer-Irish upstairs is beyond deranged and I have studied his dual reality and how you have transplanted the identical situation to figure out more about Ann’s private life. You are in a lot of trouble and the struggle with you is clearly documented; I mean clearly.
So I will let you explain or comment and present your case; if you have some credible or valid explanation, then you can present it as it will help your case and tell us when you decided to accept the reality and end this political fantasy and fantasy of “finishing up the job” on us. If you have your side of the story or wish to add more to it; then do so. Do you think Ann cares for your kids? Has she babysat for them? Has she ever spent time with your kids or stepped foot in your house? In order to pursue someone on this level and struggle so heavily to near death and suicide, you must present some real chance or some real valid reason or else you run the risk of the worst. I also note, we are not interested in you for that; we are interested why that stalking is hiding a darker and more sinister intention and plot involving a spy ring and terror plot. This industry does not attract your garden varieties or many decent people; you do realize this?
Rush says, “she saw something… knew all along… set you up… is his rescue… knows everything about us” and basically how you do not know what to do now. Did you talk about having kids or a family with her; because if you watch Red Eye on Monday June 29, 2009; Ann put to shame your invalid premise you and her had “sexual conversations” or intimate discussions. It is a harassment tactic to drive terrorists, hijackers, stalkers, deranged fans, and kidnappers crazy; I do this and make you all complain about a bad experience with us. Do not kidnap people for sex or living beyond your means and they will not cause pain and annoyance for you; understood? You do not even know how your kids will feel about a step mom; so why in hell would you feel you are engaged or were engaged to her? Do you have any idea how many times she has rejected you and told you to get lost or given you a hard time? Ann has not responded to this idea you have power over her; but I am sure she will rip your eyes out and castrate the little tiny tennis racket.
This has a major bearing on your reputation after putting us through this ordeal and fierce struggle with you which is clearly criminal and is motivated by hiding a kidnappings, a spy ring, a terror plot, and the masterminds who were in serious danger unless you “finished this job up.” Ann and I have scared off the majority of your defenses on me except for Khmer-Irish union leader upstairs (Ann scared off Laura twice). Why do you feel you have power over her or I if you are stalking us, have we under an illegal detainment and kidnapping, in a standoff with US forces, and asked to surrender peacefully under our terms? Maybe you are a total psychopath and have serious derangements and delusions? We can do this 100 times and you will reverse or lie about it 100 times. It has been over a full year and the record clearly shows it is a fierce struggle and a death lock. Here is the kicker; you claim to be happily married and it was all about love.
This fake story and fraud about how you and Alicia were a happy couple and you two are breaking up so Alicia can get married in Tennessee is a drive-by fracture to your broken leg already. Wearing a neck brace for a broken leg is obvious and so is her “you are the best boss I have ever had” on the air and “have I been generous to you… I want you to have the biggest reception, here is a bonus.” See the light that says, “On air” and my reaction, “who the hell is Alicia?” The drama between you two is so smutty I have to turn off my radio sometimes. Now you are going around and you are telling some cover up story about how you and Alicia are breaking up and on good terms; and you are sending her off, meeting her half way, and wish her else and return. You just broke up with her and now you want her back married? Am I making this up or delusional also? Out of nowhere you throw this thing at us about you and Alicia and I am confused why we need to know you and her broke up on good terms; so it is forever and you will follow her to the grave?
Sean is avoiding the matter but did say, “8:12:26 PM teamed up on his to get him fired… if we ever get the real true story, it is tragic… seasoned adults with that natural raw talent… how he got to point of needing oxygen… living in fear… idolizing him is frightening to me… Anna.., something went radically wrong with that girl… something happened in her life… got off track and stopped his emotional growth…” Sean has already threatened to sue Fox News if they fire him. Additionally, he made a few comments he was going on a rampage and would not give up in some blaze of glory to even the score. He also said he was taking little Mo and Fred to hell with him. We have cleared all of the above and decided he is the suicide type but we never been tricked and attacked so many times to trust our own analysis. He is really upset about Sotomayor and the Supreme Court decision and says, “Franken wants to give the confirmation speech.” I think he is near a breaking point or running out “these guys are a great source of material.”
“Flying our flags high… (Constitution) advance the cause of freedom… if you are not a member of… nation of Zion… sex is on your mind always… every time we talk, sex is everywhere… as long as it does not involve touching… maybe we should call your husband and ask him sometime…I do not think we are having any affect… I will see you in Vegas…grand parents were discriminated against… do you think I do not know anything about this… Irish need not apply… (Rambling about odd topics when he seeks pity or deflects criticism, the sex kitten caller had no impact or affect, now the black plight is our history story.) My point is if we do not celebrate this we together united, the black America…” Sean is explaining why he and Rush are trying to “fix” their communist plot and the 1960s as we had mentioned.
Sean still has not mentioned why the terror plot was instrumental in this, “if continue to separate us… if continue to break us down by race, sex, gender; how do we get there… do not see us reaching this capacity of greatness.” Now he gave us the first layer, there are several layers but this is why “profit margin” and gain was astronomical as described by “fixing the liberals.” Sean is also avoiding two names in his life and who has him under their wings; George Bush and Ted Kennedy. “I am a fan of your show but a liberal… I too think you have to view both sides… you don’t have a problem with that… black folks are an accessory… emphasized the race of MJ… if you replaced black with white, what do you think the reaction would be… how would it be interpreted… racist… I thought we were all American?” Sean, I am not a fan of your show and I do care who you are, sometimes.
Sean is avoiding the clear, concise, and moment of his snowball rolling down the hill about why he has control or power over Ann and why we have been struggling with them for over a full year to get the true story and the real reason why he will not let go of her and has me under some special detainment or surveillance. He was telling Ann he had power over her but will not mention why to me. Let’s see if he will say why this shows before he leaves town on July 2, 2009 for vacation. Now he is talking about MJ and his body being driven to Naderland for some farewell party… Mark “the rogue” Levin will fill in for him and “woman begged for this drug to make her sleep… we share him like everybody else.” Sean says it is “pretty transparent.” 7/1/2009 9:12:22 PM
Let’s see if Sean will talk about kindness and why we must give him kindness when we are suspicious of him? Sean you are confused with security, safety, and kindness. Kindness is the pleasure zones of voluntary treasures we seek in life. Because it is pleasure, we repress it and refuse to engage in reciprocity when it involves sex or very private areas of life. You can use reciprocity from men; but women you must be very careful with; these are pleasure zones and to demand or impose an order for kindness from us is a show of your derangement and power as a psychopath. Mixing kindness with us the other day when it involves “indirect rape” or sex is not the real story; our suspicions are not being addressed because we already know what you are up to.
You deny the usual process human beings must strive for to achieve kindness, respect, order, and peace. This is why your delusions and political fantasies make you angry and homicidal. This is why you are engaged in kidnapping, terrorism, homicide, a rogue spy ring, and violating every right designed to protect others. You cannot identify the internal confusion with boyfriend-girlfriend, boss-staff, and mother-child; thus you fail to repress these ugly and nasty emotions or a feeling of abandonment. When you mix kindness with sex and then impose it on a woman or a female who is not aware of your intentions, they fall prey to possible harm if consent has been inhibited. You thus live in this fantasy as powerful and beyond your means, debts, and even words.
This sugar daddy and boss model you insist is real is backed by material and expensive gifts intended on eliciting an emotional response, a feeling of acceptance, a feeling of kindness, and a defense to prevent warfare. Material to your mind and principles is war and peace to your reputation. To think kindness will prevent war or erase you criminal behavior is part of the delusion and political fantasy. Now you must feed the habit and the emotions; the power you feel is part of your political fantasy. So the selfish act to conceal a confused or sadistic love and hate emotion which is elicited by materialism solely or power; is how you try to conceal a false growth, false identity, and a false inept intention. As a meek or a sissy person, you should be more direct or learn how to be about this and you will prevent the pitfalls and failures which cause anger and resentments. You have a relentless and endless search for friends to fulfill and make this power more credible. Image is everything. Charisma is how you catch others guard down or go past their inhibitions or reluctance.
Similarly, your Irish-union mentality, which you associate with the black movement, surrounds itself with the policies and the political drives which can address these delusions and the lack of security. The protection racket and the reach you are willing to engage in are extreme due to the emotional dilemma and the risk. You also fluctuate in emotional condition become accusations to your own kind for violating that similarity and this sameness which your rogue spy ring uses to form alliances and an inner circle. You see the morphing process going on and how bizarre, unpredictable, and clinical it can become as you view the reality and environment hostile to your needs or has cut you off from power or a defense. You should and need to learn how to be more open and direct about this but instead you slip into paranoid conspiracy theories or terror plots on others; even take extreme risks such as kidnapping leaders, masters, or putting a company under your siege.
As an idiot and a pariah to the life of others, you seek to pull, shove, and force your way to power and those who you view as beneficial and with huge profit margins even if you are repulsive and act this way. Again, your image and reputation is very important so when you go well beyond your means and past the danger zones; there is no way back but hell and this death sentence of a doomed life. Had you understood the voluntary acts which human beings elicit support, love, friendship, and other pleasure zones; you would not be admonished and haunted with a life despised. Your protection racket is based on name alone and the power of names and positions. So this enchantment and disenchantments with kindness and the role of government or officials is where the disgruntled well source is boiling over.
This anger and this inability to escape the chances of struggle and worse political fantasies is why growth is impossible. When growth is impossible, your types seek power and power corrupts if sought in an unhealthy and bad way. You want control and worse full control of our life. This is why you are in a struggle with us and why you are near suicidal, your image and reputation is blowing up and you cannot stop it or elicit kindness; but you must rely on others now to throw that lifeline and expand your messy affairs and life. The amplification of your dangers and your reputation is a trestle which is so large; you have no other option but to kill someone. Remember, you first us last; that is what got you in this mess. People know who you are now and the commando units hunting you are well aware of what you are thinking and feeling.
Eventually, your circle and spy ring will be in the same boat and you will sink them also but they are as sneaky and as conscious of what you are up to; who can avoid it? Do you think we can avoid it as the masters of war and struggling with your spy ring? Your plan was to keep this ongoing and endless, as long as it would take and the last man standing or alive. Now it is reversed on you and your secrets are out in the open. So you are not trying to grow, you want power. You picked a fight with the wrong people also and you realize and know this now after kidnapping them and their family. Regardless, you still feel you are in control and our masters; angry and ready to kill someone. The amplification of your failure and your reputation is a trestle which is so large; you have no other option but to kill someone. Remember, you first us last; that is what got you in this mess. Can you really fix communism and win back the cold war?
Sean says, “They are shocked” and like a sexual predator or despicable sexual crimes, he is in total retreat and has no response on day 2 of his stand off and crack down. Intel says he is some retreat mode and bunker mentality. Several people today said, “He is in so much trouble… getting in debt is easy… no easy way out of it.” So Sean, I will end it here and cut off your rambling and weasel tricks of the day. You see for yourself and know what we are whispering to ourselves, F you and we will see you in hell. To put us through the ordeal you did, you know who we are as far as commandos and you know we live in thrive in hell; but do you? Most humans would be a rag doll. Intel says a definite no and I say you suck and F you for keeping this ongoing in July of 2009. It shows your arrogance and what punishments will be imposed on you for the terror plots. Your types never learn either. We reject your recruitment and you have a few options and terror plots left to prove your power.
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