Brief: Last week Ann yelled at them on the air and then called each of them “an insect… who wants to be black more than green… has a husband who is also a veteran.” Also, how and why was he caught? (Lookup July 19, 2009, Driven to Distraction: Drivers and Legislators Dismiss Cellphone Risks, By MATT RICHTEL) Now Rush is all hushed. I had to get a cell phone in 1997 because I was being evicted every six months and just graduated college; how do employers call me? So they came in and shut me down, “to infect the champions.”
7/20/2009 1:37:04 PM Rush says it is not over yet with the Maddoff School of Conservatism and our recruitment. He also mentioned the “iPhone” and did not explain this. My laptop has a Xingular wife-fi system and I had a brand new Xingular “Rocker” phone which has a iPod in it. Both of my cellular accounts were perfect for two years; then I switched to Xingular to use the laptop feature and iPod. The entire account was cancelled and somehow they added 300 dollars because they said they were giving me 1000 minutes twice for problems and lied; then expected me to pay for 1000 minutes to say they were sorry. If you give me 2000 bonus minutes in one month because the service is so bad, make sure you add it on there for real. Now I am in a two year contract and it is only four months in it. Why did they want me to work in cellular for 22K doing customer service? (Rush says, “People like… (he) will chop you into liver… a bunch of communist measures… improving… 2:39:22 PM right Snidely?”)
Ann got a new iPhone at the time because I was going to cancel it and get that and was interested in it. So thanks a bunch to Rush and his cohorts; he – labor unions and the Democrats are behind this financial Pearl Harbor on our life. For ten years I had to make 10 calls a week to customer service representatives and constant demands for money and blame; just flinging mud and threats about collections and being billed regardless. This is why Ann yelled at them on the air and then called each of them “an insect… who wants to be black more than green… has a husband who is also a veteran.” That was their financial Pearl Harbor and also the aftermath of 911 to suggest we were powerless and they were in full control; 10 calls a week for over 10 years to argue about rewriting our life and pleading or begging. Now we find out they are 911 terrorists and radical moles.
This type of “opposite argument” was used when I was a master tow truck driver. When you must be cautious or there is danger; you skip safety. When it is a frivolous or simple task; you have some 100 per cent conviction rate. You run out of gas and screw up the directions; you take it out on others; I learned not to say anything to you. It is like you are snide in every position and some dictator we cannot comment about. Intel says you are teaching us how to take extreme risks by this opposite and 100 per cent conviction rate.
Like I said, when it is very dangerous, very risky, and very slow cautious movements; you seen impervious to use maximum or full protection. Then if we comment, you all blow up with this anger and internal rage; as the teachers in life and your Irish-union power. You make it about pay and extreme risk or risk taking; how capable you are; and how you have some internal rage or psychopathic sleeper terrorist in you. Now you hide some terror and communist plot to recruit us or how we caught you; not even an apology but full steam ahead and “shut up”; do you want to die; you barely made it. Again, this “infect the champions” and united as partners.
You also present yourself as detached and uninterested or in control always so we have to “shut up… do not doubt you” or face some blue collar and idiot war path to subjugate others. The same “teaching us about life” and using the police to end it is the long patter here; a reckless life and taking risk to direct anger at police or frivolous stupidity. Then you did this same drunken vicious idiot with rage and homicidal impulse with the princess Sarah Connor, JC, and little union boy upstairs also. It is always how great you are and how you are so much better; we cannot doubt you or question you. Why you wanted me to be a master tow truck driver I do not know; but I broke every record before you all fired me again using the police. No room for the help of an idiot who keeps saying “we barely made it out alive” suggesting you had danger around the corner. How many times did you set me up with some insane customer or situation?
Rush, I am going on record and telling you to your microphone I am appalled by this “Republican Revolution” in 1994 and how your partners are all standing firm but silent on why you were partners on the run and hiding. Mitch McConnell is labeled as the top Republican on Health Care and I remember he was one of the gang of five who stood firm and their ground when you laid siege on this country. Now the CEO of Ford is asking him about how the government is involved in financing and may impose severe punishments or obstacles to the sale of vehicles by the strong automakers. So I have not heard a single word why he is one of your partners and handling our complaints when you are not handling them very well and were lying through your clattering teeth. My advice to the CEO’s is the monopoly laws back during the robber baron days; it is called unfair competitive practices and a wallop of a victory for an inspiring CEO.
The next problem is with this Kathleen Rebellious of Kansas and the near ventriloquist act she proposed as she went on the talk shows to market the Obama “cost cutting crusade” because they Democrats are unsustainable. I see her personality and character a major flaw to the female and feminist politicians who are currently on this cost cutting bandwagon we keep hearing about and our imposition of sustainable economics and policy or face destruction and possible fallout by the public. She is close to fraud and corruption with those statements that are intended to misrepresent and garner the trust of unsuspecting or desperate people. I found them obnoxious, callous, and borderline a nuisance; yet the Obama administration is going full steam ahead and right on our bow. You keep mentioning GM and you keep saying these are big labor bosses; what does that have to do with GM, medical care and this Republican Revolution we are battling with?
The question to her was whether or not Obama will have universal or single payer health insurance by his first year; she said nothing. When asked about 25 different business aspects of a solid business plan; she said nothing credible. When asked about cost cutting and why they are marketing cost cutting and sustainable economics, meaning some real mathematic formula; she made one credible statement “we are working actively to reduce fraud in the medical insurance industry.” I can roll off at least five cost cutting methods, five. Do you remember Bernard Maddoff and how he got people to pay into his panzer scams and money making scams; well this is a cost cutting one; understand? The difference is the wording and the strategy. I see this Revolution and I also see how we are struggling to fend off and fight it since 1994. I have heard comments by you stating you are steaming and going nuclear and I hear pure silence by your partners. You and your partners elusive mannerism is going to get a lot of rancor and retaliation.
Rush says Nancy Pelosi is going to “seek reason” and also “seek efficiency” but the details are very vague at this time and they cannot answer clearly questions until it is passed. Rush also said this is not over, he wants Ann as an iPhone hostage to prevent some nuclear or some head on attack. The austere and beautiful Sarah Connors upstairs, the union leader who “cannot be overruled”; wants to be captured and wants to know what the CIA or Pentagon is going to do to them if they are 911 terrorists and communist moles. They have Clinton, labor union leaders, and Israel on the line; thus wish to be captured by the US military.
Last week Ann yelled at them on the air and then called each of them “an insect… who wants to be black more than green…rank and file… has a husband who is also a veteran.” Here is what we need to know from Rush O’Bin Limbaugh, Sean O’Bin Hannity, or any of their emissaries we have caught or identified. To do what they did with this economic Pearl Harbor and to lay siege to our life and the country to fix a communist plot using a terror plot and struggle with us openly for nearly two years; they must have a valid and credible reason or cause. Once they execute, they cannot go back and rewrite our life as they are masters of. How do they undo their predicament besides being captured and talking directly to CIA or Pentagon? Capturing us did not help and brought them combat and waving the white flag; try more pliable source?
• Did they talk to Ann daily to suggest this is not over or had ever begun?
• Did they used to date or hang out with Ann on a regular basis, some regular schedule outside of business or casual interactions?
• Is there some log or schedule to back up their statements and behavior such as spending 2, 4, 6, and 8 hours in one day together?
• Can they substantiate their claims and “total lies” or “obsessive stalking to murder or injure” with a private life outside of TV or radio; a personal affair? Them being the boss and infecting the champions is not a sufficient excuse; nor is their worth or lifestyle.
• Has Ann ever come to see them beyond interviewing or confronting them to “stop” and end this standoff? Has she come to town for this specific reason or to stand and be their partner voluntarily?
• Can they provide emails, chat, secret notes, or some written form which can be verified and release the charges against them as bogus and substantial? Some form of daily communication and “talk to her like your girlfriend.” If so they must release this in public or else they plead guilty as charged and the accompanying charge they are 911 terrorists seduced and cornered by undercover military agents.
• The use of one photo, some book promotion event, casual business meeting, conversation, conferences, persistent pandering, and leverage and control as a spy master to cement or exaggerate a complete sexual fantasy or partnership-sting which led to terror plots, communist moles, espionage, unions, violence, and a sordid tale about a murderous rampage and political fantasy.
• Is she hiding her whereabouts and displaying evasive behavior to avoid or conceal where she is, what she is doing, and have some close family member confront you or fight you? If so, what did you say to him or her? Or did they say anything; such as lie about how she is in love with them?
Do they know her personal life outside of stalking or surveillance and captivity? Sean and Rush keep saying they “guessed wrong” and has not once guessed right and it is a disaster. So those are the criterion which they must meet to suggest some hospitable treatment or abiding to the rules of detainment if a cause for detainment is there. The cause and the actions that follow are very important, their story is some cupid or romance with us where they are to infect the champions and are obsessed with multiculturalism. It is not some 911 terror plot and recruitment effort as we described it as and sprung a 30 year trap on them so secret; we did not know until they showed us who they were.
Our story does not suggest our “special detainment” was met with proper treatment, did not instill a sense of trauma and the traditional rules of hospitality. It is so sordid and the accusations so carefully hidden; it is the act and behavior of serial killers and uncivilized human beings trying very forcefully to assimilate and fight by using near murder tactics and to keep this persistent for over ten full years. Why are they semi-apologizing and avoiding a sincere one to get what they want? Why are they avoiding an open and direct accusation or answer when it will cause them to just “want to get out of here?” The behavior of the accused and the secret life they are living is so intractable; they must be shot if they are to be stopped from going nuclear; they cannot undo this or fix the media as they are desperately trying.
7/20/2009 2:16:07 PM Rush said, “So we did it… I do not know what to call it anymore… an unidentified woman… (Caller says critical-care unit… the best… they need it… consultant… they need it if they got it, no guessing… end of the line… she doesn’t show up for appointments… really embarrassed themselves…) got turned away because they could not pay… (Caller says saved… called insurance… report them to local news agencies… refused us a ride home in ambulance…) you are exactly right, care givers are care givers… (Caller says hanging it up… false information, false cards… so much write off… malpractice… hasn’t gotten a raise in 20 years… I hate this… take care of sick patients… making husband’s last days memorable… the day I refuse patient care… no you cannot have that… bow-ties… they want to see a few patients… more funding from…) are you sure she is trying to do that? (Caller says… My wife and I… doing the right thing) Good call, thank you so much.” 7/20/2009 2:30:40 PM
Sean O’Bin Hannity’s message is simple; it revolves around the unions and this army of the damned. The escape of being fired or life ending financially for his secret life; an internal rage and anger, nearing homicidal and the serial killer impulse to kill and assimilate; based on a fear and a feminine female character. O’Bin Hannity feels he is some teacher (Look up recent obituary of McCord from New York-Ireland) and the history of anger against the British, the poverty, the alcoholism, the sexual abuse of their kids, the piety expected from their spouses, and a broken or dysfunctional life which results in this anger and internal rage on others. If you want to experience the most humiliating experience and be called a nigger daily no matter what race you are; that is our teacher; the Irish bacteria.
Sean and this clandestine radical mole group portraying themselves as a business group and a capable bunch; are teachers in life. They want to teach us about hard work. The meaning of freedom and liberty; how they wish us to feel their rage and furious wrath if we do not give them what they demand. Also, this teacher is trying to show toughness to pain or rejection; mistreatment and the discrimination and poverty their own race thrashes them with. They hate their race. They seek victimology and a dream to be black; while unqualified and portraying themselves as powerful and capable. O’Bin Hannity is good enough; he is clean and articulate, and a great American! They say it is not about race or division, then call you a nigger every single day until you cannot take it anymore and they drug you up and put you in prison. When you get out, it is back to calling you a nigger again and ongoing now.
7/20/2009 7:14:50 PM Sean starts off with “starting to sense… abandoning ship… loosing support… not going to work… cheating… getting louder… getting meaning… striking out as if he is over his head… losing… nervous Democrats… doesn’t have the Midas touch… getting worse… sensing political capital… political price to pay… unfortunate we are the victims… impossible to reverse this thing…” Sean is going to bring the guy from MI-OK to dispel all the facts against him? Am I okay? Someone call 911 if not. Sean is caught thunderstruck, juggling the biggest lies on this earth; murder, love, career, success, etc…
Here is what the Irish bacteria said last week, "scare us... propagandize about us... scare us... anything to get his agenda past... bankrupt the country... already... it is madness"; "Government screwed this all up"; “I agree…” and some suggestion we agree or this struggle which “is not over yet”; “intimidate, harass, barest of numbers… go along with this monstrosity… pressure them… fighting in these districts… right to opt out of this because future is in jeopardy if they do not… this is all true… not convinced when push comes to shove… if they can stand strong when we need you on this… stunned by criticism when they got home… blue dog Democrat will come along and save the day…”; “Weapon to prevent embarrassment… victim of it 8:27:51 PM… Remind us when it is over… not over… Saudi wife… take off her bursa…. Clear by the day… accused of stabbing New York in the back… property tax… landlords step up… ruins everything he touches… a really good guy until he starts talking politics and I cannot stand him… To measure his success… to wake people… and his”; and then Rush said they would go nuclear if we did not give them Ann and keep this ongoing… to call your Congressman if you want to do that… nobody has ever laid a finger on her or touched her”; “we guessed wrong… seeing for who he is… weak and capitulating… I hope those words are strong enough for you.”
(hour 1): Sean does not address the question directly and the eight demands to establish some history for his behavior and the year long struggle. All he says is “didn’t know.” O’Bin Hannity insist he is the teacher and teaching us about life. Sean is beating around the Bush, “do you know how much it will cost us… dare to speak out publicly… indefensible… beginning to show…stupid… worsen… people loosing confidence… so far out of control… hide from you… sneak this through…think how outrageous this is… con you… less than competent… can you imagine if the Bush – tried… Pelosi would call for impeachment… everywhere we look we see evidence… thinks government will bail him out… (or Lord) lost jobs… know poor… full picture how bad they messed up… isn’t working… if it wasn’t so shocking it would be hilarious…”
[caller says “you are a disaster… people changing their numbers (on him)… keep updating it… disgusted with the cost of all this (ouch)... boy I need that freedom concert (Sean says he is bringing his wife this time and in terror) Sean had been hinting about his “other wife” making a courtesy call to him – why the hell do you parade those you love or most vulnerable in disaster and hide them in the best times? Has anybody ever even seen them? Why? Do not overload them with emotional burdens while hiding your secret life. Cry like Bin-Rush!] They usually get bonuses (July 2008 for 300 million dollars) or go national with their show such as 9-10-01 as teachers of life and happiness. Rush said they are powerful labor-union leaders and cannot be overruled.
Here is what Rush said about their yes we can teacher; “this is an outright disaster… it will kill the United States… do you remember a… did 20 years ago called ‘banned the ugly’… in the news… if you managed to survive… then you have made your peace with how unfair life is… if all things equal… (If we accept communism, things would be different and have turned out much better for us as 911 terrorists and the new black panthers).”
(hour 2): The Irish bacteria has given up on being a teacher. US Army interrogators know this is nothing compared to water boarding. Sean says Obama is worried and his base is disintegrating before his eyes. (Stuart Varney of Fox) O’Bin Hannity has not commented on getting fired since he has no defense; he had been suggesting “dare them… lawyer… sue them” and how he was going to retaliate if he is fired from Fox. He has mixed messages. This group is not angry; they are homicidal maniacs and will take anyone out for whatever reason; they call it profit. Varney is saying, “about politics and power… economics” and recognizes what they are saying also, “have to have the revenue... step off that cliff again.” The Obama advisors know they are on the Titanic.
Sean and Rush has not said they will opt for a military fight when this gets bad. I have asked for military security details on them immediately because this is going south and so are they; with the ship; trying to come with us. Just like the movie Total Recall (Moynihan) and Under Siege. Private schools do not have any regulation from the military or the government; thus, not obligated to inform of their activities and finances; unless there is a reason to investigate. Odd how these rampages and shootings are always at… while the courses are taught at... (My sweetheart went to the best CEO law college to combat the left wing).
(hour 3): Why don’t Sean just admit to the entire plot rather than take extreme risk and gamble with the inability and the already problem of being caught? Once the chase is on, that is it, don’t make them shoot the tires and keep driving. If you got caught as a mole, spy, and a 911 terrorists; just chill and put your ape arms up and let’s rumble on the jungle. Lets do the one-two. The ground that is won back is not being returned to him and he isn’t either.
Ha, he still did not talk about his kid curious about how bad his feet smells and how he got the name “The Irish bacteria”; and he still thinks he is a teacher on life and happiness. Sean was trying to educate both Ann and I on sex and prophylactics. Sean! You may want to jot down some notes boy and go take a bike ride! Do you remember when Obama got a Portuguese water dog boy? Sean was at his least level of confidence from April 2008 to October 2008; then he was brain dead confident and on attack from November 2008 to June 2009. Rush has been losing twenty pounds a month in weight and said he is not sleeping and his golf game sucks rotten eggs. Both of them still feel they can ride this out and “flew white flag… disaster… it is not over yet… going nuclear… full steam ahead at them.” We cannot tell if this is over or are they trying to go nuclear; O’Bin Hannity goes on attack and then retreats on his own time tables.
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