Tuesday, June 30, 2009 Here is why Sean “Khmer-Irish” has problems and is a rogue. He feels that if we are kind or nice to him; he will be kind or nice to us. Break that rule or ask him to leave and go away; they will attack and kidnap you. Hostile is not the word, maniacs is. It is the same Irish and union mentality which causes Rush to stampede Sean’s union ties and how he is a big union boss. His dirty work is being done by the local 82 upstairs and another Khmer-Irish who follows me around the house to tell me they are ready to murder someone and how they will retaliate and penalizing us for not being kind and trying to escape their kindness or kidnapping. Does the FBI know Sean has a bunch of losers who call themselves a spy ring? From the CIA manual; a rogue is a spy group who is against everyone except their alliance or inner circle. In this case the 911 plot was pure profit and gain.
Why then would he go after military personnel, spy hunters, anti-union proponents, very educated scholars, royals, superior masters, etc… is it because we are not kind to him really? Could it be rivals or could it be he is running a spy ring in America? What a farce and a cork full of lies, he is a terrorist and a communist mole. He just said, “What do you want us to say?” Well, if you do not go to the press, write a confession, tell someone close, drink the cool aid, or document your exploits; it will bite back. How hard is for you to find out. Oh my god, Sean Hannity is running a spy ring and operating a nest out of New York claiming to be conservatives and masters morphing from a communist one and cloning the right wing. Call CIA and FBI and ask if they know this yet? CIA is like tunnel rats, give them time and they will sniff you out and destroy you from within.
Love, sex and romance is very confusing and like the Duke Lacrosse case, the Meredith Kercher case, the Alabama girl, and so many other date rapes and women issues; we have a disaster and mess. Ann says what she did was nothing wrong and motivated by blind hate towards them for the kidnapping, espionage, and terror plots. They feel she is a mistress and is “really into” them; not able to resist or deny the facts. What facts? All we get are innuendos and photo ops. All we get are tricks and lies, influence, and perpetuating lies. Rape is a very difficult matter but the facts have no been presented even if they keep claiming there is no struggle or fight. Rush and Sean say there is no fight and struggle right now. If there are no facts and a struggle, they must be fired immediately. It is clear and obvious a massive struggle is subtle and invisible; it has death penalty punishments. It is clear and bilingually obvious Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh are lying and so are these other men.
Why are Sean Hannity not fired or Rush Limbaugh when the struggle is near life and death? Let his wife and kids read about the struggle with him over murder. Sean Hannity can speak and explain this struggle when and if he is ready. This is the insanity of these madmen living well beyond their comforts, ability, means, debts, and political fantasy. Rush says Ann is a traitor. Either Ann has to stop pushing these problems on me or identify who is behind, “Will try to fall back in love with his wife.” Rush is saying that if Ann ever tells me, “he crossed lines with other women but never had sex with them.” Ann has never mentioned to me about “crossing lines with other men” but did tell me she never had sex with them and how she messed up. Ann did say she is no angel on fox news. Either she loves them, was bad with them, or hates their guts. The threat is huge. Is it rape and an attack? Is there a struggle and documented evidence of a struggle? That dirty little ape of an Irishman (the one upstairs doing this and struggling with us right now); did you really think you were going to get away with it or this?
We have never seen a suicide psychopath who claims to have power over others and women or is putting up this much struggle while accused of rape and murder. Well, maybe not rape yet but the struggle speaks for itself while he wants to take his family with him to hell and nearly goes on a shooting rampage about how hostile the world turned. This is how good and almost as good as the Bush family and this high level mole and plot we uncovered and know all about. So the more they struggle, the harder it will be when the evidence is put in front of them at the finish line. That in itself will be another ordeal they must live through if they do. it is a neck and neck struggle and with no consent or truth. We were very lucky to escape your death trap and kidnapping, very lucky. People see the skill level we used and the elevated fight of the best commandoes the US Army has on earth. To escape you have to be masters at CIA and have the royal marines show up.
Here is what Rush said about you on Tuesday, June 30, 2009. Read about the full struggle on the Rush Limbaugh pages and more about them or what they are up to (911 masterminds):
My emotional well being is my own responsibility, it is not Ann's. At the same time, her emotional well being is not my total focus; it is very messy and her life is not a calming effect for anyone. However, Ann has to remember that when you are in a real relationship, you loose your freedom and are expected to treat the person you love with the same calming effect instead of outrageous calamities. In the end, if she presents enough disturbances or has no answers to the random outbursts, maybe even attention seeking skills, it will affect and it will destroy the semblance of calm and nudge reality into the realm of pain, hurt, and suffering.
I have listened to Ann and how clever she took what I had told her, my battle intelligence and reports, and did the opposite. So where I presented maximum fight and every combination of a maximum fight possible, she presented no resistance and became the amour. Well, she is not the enemy of course but she made them think she was also. But here is the problem with this reality and this interlude with this political fantasy; what they think of her and what she and I know is true has to end at some point. So the struggle here is described as a total lie by the people who are struggling and also perverted in description as a fetish for rape and various violent and forceful acts having no meaning, no consent, or any truth.
So when or where does the struggle begin? Does it begin in 1998 when the kidnapping, struggle, and resisting recruitment began with this terror and communist group behind 911 or does it begin in April of 2008 when all the evidence was laid out on the table for them to either dispute or deny? Funny, because that same struggle is as intense and in full force up until July of 2009 with the exact same people who were convinced they had gotten away with the entire matter up until April of 2008. It is a shame when we count up the lies and the total amount of efforts to escape punishment and correlate this to their political fantasy and adventures well past their means and financial debts.
Let’s see if Sean makes any comments based on our side of the story, his side, and the vicious and long struggle we have been in. Sean also claims he is happily married and puts all the blame on Ann and me. Just like a rape crime, his story does not match the accusers, the story, and worse the vicious struggle with him and the constant escalations. All we have to do is prove a struggle occurred with him and tell our story and Ann’s and he can get fired for various things; but we want him for something much bigger; much bigger. Let’s see if he shows any remorse or shame or is going to put up another day of blame and struggle; then complain about his hostages and captives. To file a police report you must have two witnesses.
To have a crime, you must have a motive, an act, a serious act and repetition, a body or a victim, and a confession or details. Is there one event to suggest Sean Hannity may be up to no good? Is there one event to suggest he lives well beyond his means, debts, and lies? That is not what we want him for, that is just to highlight his grandiose delusions and the vicious struggle as his captives, complaining about captives “terrorizing women, children… 7:50:02 PM”, and perpetuating lies to cover it up and blame the victims and hostages, such as his wife and kids; to make them suffer for his crimes. Sean says he was not and is not terrorizing us and there was no daily struggle or a struggle with Ann or her lifelong partner and friends.
Sean says she wanted it, he is her number one fan, goes to Florida and likes tennis, had dinner with her mom (which means not interested I presume you adulterous psychopath terror plotter), she never misses a Hannity event, and he never terrorized her marriage while lying how he was happily married. That is not what I had in mind with him but it kept coming up and he wanted to know every single detail and proof we have sex, had sex, or lurid details to fulfill his fantasies no less political fantasies. Rush says he is a powerful union leader and very angry; very. Sean is so angry he is ready to kill someone and wants to penalize us or anyone who witnesses him doing a major crime or helps a hostage of his. Sean is not a big union boss, he is much more. He is a master spy and a propaganda sleeper. This is the worst they get when it comes to spies, menu of spies, types, and what they are capable of.
The record will show he is suicidal and slipping. Sean knows this will follow him and if he is fired, the transcripts will follow him. It is better to end it before it is too late and not perpetuate it to cover up a terror plot or kidnapping. I tried to warn him and to stop digging or moving when in quicksand. You will find my location fixed. You will find Ann’s location known. You will also see Ann fondly confides in her best friend and who she is madly in love knowing he is military and will put up the fight of his life. Will anyone catch him or his terror plot if it has so much profit? I will not repeat what Ann says to me about him but does anyone think she is interested or telling him “not interested” and stop recruiting us in the worst way? Recruit us again… and again… yes blame us and wreck our life.
Oh he is just asking the hardest questions for ten years and did not do anything wrong. Sean is play fighting with the enemies while we are under attack. So while he is doing this to us; he is looking for the real fighters and the leaders; that is how he got in this situation and why Ann is his playmate or how she dooks it out with him; she told me that. Sean cannot hit anything but he copies everything and only stands on tax policies; but what else is he up to we do not see? What he says is like the tricks he has been caught for; he is living a political fantasy and cannot hit anything. There just no reason to believe a fraud or grand deception is going on after hearing total lies from him.
You will see identical accounts from both people and documentation of all of it; not a mistake or a single missing piece. Ann will dook it out with him; but me I will corner, wound, and then finish him off. I wrote the book and manual as a master of warfare. Sean had no chance to begin with but he used force, arm twisting and primitive methods to beat us over the head. He said we could not use force to get him to release the bite on Ann or her life which involved stalking and “finishing the job.” (Someone said Sean is suspected of life insurance fraud and may try to cash in) Sean has made some very erratic comments and statements. I am not after Sean for lying about girls or tormenting our life about romance. Sean knows what I am chasing him and will not let go of him for; it has nothing to do with women. It is about his political fantasies. Intel says child molesting for some reason; I have not been informed of and do not want to stray or loose focus (Ask Ann about the father who adopted son and got busted).
Controlled demolition Mr. Hannity, I will take a name and a coordinate to verify it is factual and not a wild goose chase. We can verify and check who they are, whose spies, who they work for and much more to identify them; he need not put any blame or direct us on how to do our work or finish the job. Sean is a major prize and trophy once captured and can give us a lot of intelligence. We are not worried about your forces taking Honduras; we can send SF down there and take it back and drive them out in a week or less. Rush been doing this all day also.
Alicia and her marriage, who? Sean why do you keep mentioning Alicia, I thought you and her broke up? She goes to all your concerts and dines with you right? You send her notes and have intimate conversations right? Have you ever sent her flowers or taken her to Ruth Chris? She was seen in the same hotel and same place right? You were going through a break up and were harassing her husband and now suffering from a breakup? Now you are complaining about how small her reception is and how you are giving her a bonus. That does not sound like you and her are going through a breakup; aren’t you suicidal? What is causing it, maybe Alicia?
Alicia and her marriage, who? Now you expect me to think “the Sean Hannity” will just roll over and give up as he goes through a breakup and watches her marry her true love? Is this some joke? We should be seeing dead bodies. Sean should be living in a house on Sunset Blvd. shooting heroine. All of the sudden life is beautiful and just perfect and his daughter and he are going through a breakup? What? Now it is to celebrate her send off and new life and not a break up? Do you expect me to believe that? Shall we get the rape kit and check for forcible entry? The actual wording is “forced unlawful carnal knowledge” if you must know the encyclopedia term about your breakup with Ms. Alicia.
Sean says he dares we sue him and he has witnesses. Keep hanging yourself Sean, the more you talk, the more we know and the more you hang yourself. Unless you know what hard evidence we have and how we got it; then you do not know what you are in or what you will face. All these liberals after you and nutcases; right; you may check the record how this struggle began and how it got big, intense, and really big. It is available if you wish to read it Sean but I will not let you see it yet. You are not allowed exclusive access or special privileges. It has been over a year. Can you explain this struggle for over a year Sean? Why did you have a bite on Ann’s head and why didn’t you let go? How many murder plots did I foil and why did you take such extreme risk?
You can cross check it with the Rush Limbaugh pages and what both of you said. Just because we have not proven it yet and have not issued a warrant does not mean you are scout free and safe. You are saying this, catch us if you can, we will do a terror plot and see if you can stop it and keep doing it. You did the same probe with Ann and tested us as bait also. That was how you got caught before, do you have dementia? If you are all that; you would do it so we can catch you, those are the real test. It is imperative you stop Ann and I from falling in love to complete your end of the mission; otherwise it all implodes and collapses. The reason you kidnapped us cancels out if you cannot stop Ann and I and now you break up with Alicia and send her off? Get real you psychopath, we are psychic; I keep telling you and warning you. Kidnappings do not work unless you can finish it off Irishman. We have not disputed you enabling Ann’s career or banning her for life on your show. There is no need to right now. I have not disputed your tax policies. Sean is using people who are on his payroll to build a lie and a character witness.
Sean if you ask and check the video of Laura Ingraham, you will notice she got spooked and let go of the bite on me; then did not come back and has not had problems. Ann Coulter appeared on Laura’s show twice in July 2008; check what they had to say and the exchange of words. Check the records and how Ann confronted her to say he is mine and we know what you are doing. She then had to do this again once in March 2009 after I asked Ann about sharing a bed with a man which Laura said while I was in bed. I asked Ann if she ever shared a hotel and bed with a man but no sex? Ann said no absolutely not, and then made a surprise appearance on Laura’s show, check the transcripts.
So you broke up with Alicia and wish her well now; slip her the big check in her pants. Why is your case so much different than hers? O’Reilly even asked her on his show “why are you like some of the other conservatives who refuse to speak out about…” so asks O’Reilly, he is on our payroll also right. Can you explain that one a year later? Now why is the near death struggle with Sean and Rush and the unions upstairs who are Clinton and Israel? It is not that, it is who Ann and I are; you did not just break up with Alicia, you broke up with us. We are mad about that one and were going to bag this spy and terror plot. I have not messed with Laura; O’Reilly did; so go and ask him. Ask Laura how fast Ann jumps on her if she just looks at me or hits on me. The same with you; you talk smack about her and you to me and she is on the show the next day; look at the number of appearances from 2008-2009 and check the transcripts. Ann does not listen to Rush or Sean; she lets me tell her from 2006 to 2009 and set you up.
This is how I knew Ann went to dinner with Rush once. Yes once and he said he stayed out late and till 4am. The restaurant was Elaine’s in Manhattan in 2007 and Jimmy Walker was there with him, not Snerdley. Rush was using it to make me jealous and Ann went on the Mark Levin show and told me or said it; check the record, she said “Rush was insanely jealous and knew then.” Mark Levin says she recorded it and I can go back and check. He is right; he also knows he is tagged also. How many conservatives write about their dog when I only had it on myspace.com? I also studied every supreme court case while in federal prison; who is shadowing me?
Did Rush know anything at the time or what was going on? Rush was courting me in 2006 feeding me junk; talking to who he kidnapped and had as a hostage. I did not say anything until April of 2008 and he flipped out, freaked, and could not breathe. He could not believe we caught the sneakiest mole on earth and the communist master spies, the ones behind the 911 terror plot and our recruitment and the 1960s. Check the records before April 2008 and then afterwards. Rush had both Ann and I under surveillance. So how did you come along Sean? Sean said “we tried to stop, you tried, I tried…” When did you know?
Mark Levin says, “We want to turn ourselves in… want to be connected to the power… truly great people… reason why he wrote the book.” Hey I don’t like him copying every minute while living in %$%#% terror plot big brother house where Khmer-Irish union goons stomp on the floor day and night and tell me they are ready to kill someone daily so I am intimidated and behave as I am penalized daily. Levin says they are “rogue” and want to turn themselves in and be hooked with power. He means let them go and forget about this or else. Leaving says, “This is why he wrote the book… rogues… want to turn themselves in.”
All along I thought it was to insult us, be a rival, beat us over the head again, this struggle with a terror group, stealing our life, rewriting our biography, and to complain about their captives and hostages for getting ahead, kicking them out, and seeking independence and self sufficiency. We did not struggle with Leaving, but he seemed like he was spying and copied our work; then tried to beat or outdone us in a quest for power. Now he knows the white flag is the only book left; surveillance, cheating, and copying our life or not. We thought about that, encryption, and added clone proof security measures. Gotcha you little weasel! Yes we knew and got reports about cloning also. You will not be able to clone either Ann or myself, impossible. It is already built in.
Mark Levin is a complete thief and crook. He has been shadowing us like Rush and claims they are rogues who are in the conservative movement. What the hell are they doing in there? Also I would denounce and castigate him because he has no white papers or research in economic sustainability which is actually the source and the intelligence field. Given he has no white papers; he once felt they could be rivals and match us but know now there is no chance. He knows this is asymmetrical and 3rd and even 6th dimensions sometimes. I would walk him like a dog in the field of philosophy; Kant, Hegel, Spinoza, Hobbes, Moore, Heidegger, Socrates, Plato, Rousseau, Nietzsche, Descartes, Weber, and then school him in classical literature.
The problem is what Ann said about Rush, “he is insanely jealous” and why is that? He is watching his kidnapped victims and hostages prosecute his entire life while he is schooled and discredited on each and every matter. Mark Levin is Rush’s response to the academic gargantuan Rush is facing. When Sean acts normal with Alicia, he forgets we are not gullible and who goes into politics. Liars, crooks, communists, morons, losers, spies, and a very few decent people; we know they are not the decent people so that does not leave much left to desire. I am a little offended they kidnapped us and now try to steal our life even more before addressing what they did or tried, then superimpose rogue spies on the conservatives.
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