Tuesday, July 14, 2009 So have you figured out your source of power and why you feel more powerful than us Sean? Your Irish and what Pat Bushannon calls “ethno-nationalism” does not understand English and you act backwards to what others tell you. If we says “Irishman go away” you hear “we love and adore your stench.” If we say “don’t ever lay your hands on me again and let go of my god damn hand” you hear “grab harder and hold on for dear life.” Do you see the problem? If we tell you to go away, let go of our life, and to get your filthy hands off us; you grip harder and harder, try harder and harder, and convince yourself you are some partner and with us to the end.
Nobody in their right mind can even rationalize your behavior and neither can we. We do know it is some Irish tradition and some union pride where you stomp your feet loud or rhythmically to suggest it is a protest and you are in some Zulu war dance. I think if we cut each finger on your body off and ask you why you refuse to get your dirty demon nails off us or let go of that cleef paw you keep gripping harder with; you will say “oh my god, that must really hurt you, please stop before we cannot get along or cannot unite.” You see, you cannot understand English and we can prove it by cutting each finger off until you let go or ease up your grip. Did I mention how much of a pervert you are with your hands and stubby fingers? We can prove this by cutting one finger off at a time to determine when your threshold is to let go and flee as a communist and terrorist.
In a full decade, I have screamed insults and some of the vilest words at you. We have sent the Terminator to teach you some manners. You have cuts all over your fat and disgusting body. Your hair was pulled out one by one until it was only peach fuzz and you got one finger left to put on us and you think it is some game and touch us lightly instead of stopping the bleeding of the 9 other missing fingers. Does that sound like you are very bright and got to where you are because of “do you know how much I am worth?” I have to blast rock music such as Disturbed and Godsmack at you just to make you go away when you tell me you are more powerful. You blow up and cannot even think straight when you hear that music.
Now listen to this mentally ill Irishman talk about what you all are up to and why you did 911 in the name of ethno-nationalism instead of “ethno-centralisms.” You see how your ethnicity and Irish pride make you a liberal? You see why we see right through you and how Protestants despise your bottom feeding and banking ways? As I said, we can test this by first using our life as bait, letting you put your hands and dirty scum bag stubby fat fingers on us, and we can tell the Terminator to cut each one off to see when you will let go and get lost.
You got one pinky left now, use it wisely. If you watch Terminator I and II; you will understand who you are and why you are so insane and such a loser. It is like a fat bald smelly fat union-Irishman sweating all over you and groping you as he tries to kiss you and your family. You call it power and being more powerful; and you know for a fact and for real why it lead to you having no fingers right now but a worthless pinky which is usually up your ass for the little pleasure left of your life.
“The larger issue here is the enduring power of ethnonationalism -- the drive of ethnic minorities, embryonic nations, to break free and create their own countries, where their faith, culture and language are predominant. The Uighurs are such a people. Ethnonationalism caused the Balkan wars of 1912 and 1913, triggered World War I in Sarajevo, and tore apart the Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman empires. Ethnonationalism birthed Ireland, Turkey and Israel…. The contrast between insouciant America and serious China today is instructive. China is protectionist; America free trade. China is nationalist; America globalist. China's economy is export-driven; America's base is consumption. China saves; America spends. China uses its foreign exchange to lock up overseas resources; America uses foreign aid for humanitarian assistance to failed states. Behaving like ruthlessly purposeful 19th-century Americans, China grows as America shrinks.
Without the assent of her people, America is being converted from a Christian country, nine in 10 of whose people traced their roots to Europe as late as the time of JFK, into a multiracial, multiethnic, multilingual, multicultural Tower of Babel not seen since the late Roman Empire. The city farthest along the path is Los Angeles, famous worldwide for the number, variety, and size of its ethnic and racial street gangs.”
When and if you want your fingers back; let me know and I will go and look for them on the street. Hopefully, nobody ran them over and a bird did not peck at them too much; but you think you and Sarah Connors lives upstairs and we have to call 911 about some bullies because you are Ma Barker; I mean Clinton does. You do not learn and you get angrier and angrier but the simple and easy problem is you need ESL and English classes so you can hear and understand what we tell you before you have that last little pinky cut off and have a full club to beat each other over the head with.
The worst part of this is you think your white and black trash is the police and you are going to arrest us or conduct some investigation, some important or official life worth praise or to take your attention from something important; that is like raping a girl and telling her fiancé and husband she does not even care and does not like you. I honestly do not think you are human and if you are, then you are probably the dumbest son of a bitch we have ever discovered on US soil. Even black people beat you up and call you a worthless breed who feels politically powerful. We should send the Terminator and keep him on you until you go and pick up the trash you left on the street and a truck runs over you while admiring your big finger. You see, it works out pretty good in the end and is actually a great joke about your life. You take it so seriously and think you are angry and more powerful because we are stingy with your fingers.
You can comment and you can go and watch your own decade and crime spree in the movie Terminator I and II; most especially when JC meets the Terminator and calls home for his dog. We do that all the time. The problem with Ann is when I tell her to “hang up… they are dead” she keeps going on and tells me to listen to what you are saying and to see if I can understand why it keeps going and never stops. So I said, “What? He is a communist and cloning mole, his mission is to be clay and to copy your keys without you knowing; what do you mean look how much is coming out of his mouth?” You mouth and life is like human aggravating garbage pale.
You’re dumpster and white and black trash power is really annoying. You call it respect and anti-corruption. It is nonstop and 24 hours of total lies and propaganda. Nothing is true and nothing is real; if it is, then it belongs to someone else. So she won’t hang up and I am saying to her; I hear it; the threat and danger is high; do not go home and do not talk to him. Ann will say, “Hold on, we have to stop them” and keep going and say now listen when I say this to him. Then I show her the bag of your fingers and ask him if he can pick his ass now or stick his finger in that fat disgusting leather bag of Texas chainsaw psycho upstairs. Stop bitching and stop threatening to arrest or investigate others when your finger is cut off for not letting go or sticking your finger up the ass of little children, vulnerable people, or helpless people. Now you go after the King and find out you caught the Terminator and crawl to get away.
So if you are missing fingers and know you had your hand all over people and they were screaming at you to let go and to stop putting your hands on their body or groping them; I have the bag of fingers and there are some littered on the road but the birds think it is evil and nasty tasting but it was up your ass too long. So you may think and Pat Bushannon might think we get along great; but the truth is we play this game with you and demand you get your hands out of our pants before we cut your finger off and eat it. So keep thinking you will get full acquittal and how the President will pardon the “New Black Panzer Party.” I had no idea human beings could be so fake and so evil and criminal; how murder and lies could be day in and day out of this. The word ruthless, manipulative, tyrants, cruel, and psychopathic is nowhere near who you all are. We cut off every finger and left only the weak one; and you keep it up your ass like God put it up there to make you feel good. Any guess why you are embarrassed and your stench so bad?
We know it is the Catholic Church, the liberals, the army of the damned, and your defeated broken Irish-union power. Watch that scene when JC meets the Terminator and calls home and how you pretend and killed the parents like 1960s radicals; then try to find information on us and what we do on the other end. That is the exact same and your life flashing before your eyes. You are no Republican and you are no conservative, not one bit. “They were afraid they were going to be sued… that is the case… you can come up with any convoluted argument you want… did they… the answer is yes… minimize and institutionalize racism…” we know you look beyond your party, beyond your Irish power, beyond your union, beyond white and black trash, beyond your church and cult religion, and beyond your comrades for blame; in this case, it was so inflammatory and deceptive it hid the 911 plot and a sleeper communist and terrorist group globally. That is how good you all are and how criminal and sleeper deadly.
Sean says, “it did not work for Trent Lott or George Allen when they were accused of being racist… we have to hear all of this… backed off.” Sean do Ann and I look like those two and do you think we actually are the Terminator and cut your fingers off for misplacing it on my car or accidentally flicking us off? Are you honestly that insane and delusional? I told Ann to hang up and what I heard was unbelievable. You wanted our HQ, contingency plans, security, and have some attack to destroy us or else we will bring you to justice or apprehend you. Now you want a full acquittal for 911 and murder; and you feel that your political future is gold and how powerful you are.
Someone said you were a human rodent and try to use niceness so you can get kindness from others. Your arguments are filled with half truths and require someone to add in the important and core parts. Your life and personality is so filled with lies and deception they think you do this to control a hostile environment and enforce your code of Ethernet ethnic ethics which border on insanity and psychopathic begging. It is just your weasel act and the idea you can use stimuli and control factors to control a hostile and gullible environment outrageously.
Do you see us power hungry and making a mad dash for power and domination; or doing this while you hide behind and copy our life? Sean says “we have a little bit of a misunderstanding…we have to get to the bottom of it here… reading from a Script.” It is like you are the boss and God and we had to watch your handicap ass try to sprint. Oh no we are not; you see the documentation and how long this sturdy case on you is or how long the struggle to bring you to justice. We can bag all of this by next week and put all of this behind bars or in the guillotine.
We can even return the bird pecked feces invested fingers back; you know fix it if we can find it; calm and relax you. You are using maximum defense, maximum cover up, maximum lies, maximum trickery if we closed and shut down all options except a few remaining. If you apply maximum honesty and maximum truth and cooperation; we would not be struggling for over a year openly and 30+ years secretly trying to figure you out and catch you in the act fixing it. You think we broke it and foiled it; the Terminator did. Go find him and fight him over a mole and sleeper plot discovered and infiltrated.
You had your chance to present your case or some other story; you filled in the blanks and began to give us details of why we cannot stop you and will never. You still think you are better and more powerful; it is still going on and my security even knows this from upstairs and your recent Terminator I and II alarm clock escapade. As I said, Ann and I could be sipping Margaritas by next week and your heads in the guillotine if this was not all true. The reality is you are so dangerous and bloodthirsty killers; you have no fingers left, the Terminator is tired cutting off your dirt bag stubby fingers and the road is littered with birds; if we do not stop you and now; there is no telling what else you will do and how much fight you will come back with.
Let me make this clear, your only option left is murder or a murderous rampage to remove those who know, are on the case, or can apprehend you. That is all you have left and the final hours; nothing else can save you and we shut down everything other option. As I said, we put you in a maze and trap where we leave only a few options and nodes open; we are isolating an alien and doing scientific research and tests on your clunker and trash dump. The accident excuse is not going to work but Rush did try; and then tried to hide the evidence before we showed him where it was. That boy had cotton mouth, blew up, started talking like he could not breathe, and began to spew off some alien and devil song. How come you don’t? Is it because you are a trained killer and been here and done that before? Rush almost had a heart attack, check the records and the dates.
Sean says “surrounding… just give it to us and we will be the landlords… argued for”; Sean if the Terminator is on your ass; then you are going to get one hell of a fight and you got only one finger left and it is not a trigger finger either. All you can do is stick it up your ass and make smiles and tell fantasies. Do you think anybody who knows you and knows what you are up to and trying will let you use the Edwards Scissor-hand glove to regain power? They doing the phone trick like we are also and they know; watch the movie. Why do you keep having people who are minorities take the lead when your preference is some peasant like or “leg going to fall off” fragility that is so annoying you call it respect and kindness? It is like you are selling communism and terrorism and call it respect and dealing with bullies. Sean you are not loved and we do not want you; can you accept this? You union-Irish pervs are more powerful than a Guido.
You may call it respect where you let little girls and boys from the Philippines always come in first place or try to make me jealous. Keep in mind my charge against you in this suit for disfiguring my body building looks that took 3 to 5 hours a day of exercise, trying to make my hair fall out, trying to make me fat, and finally in 2006 with the biological and chemical toxins sprayed or place on articles of clothing and hand touched items. Then you pushed medical care and expected me to debate you when a simple explanation was enough for your stupid and dumb Irish union mentality of being more powerful and respect as you put it. There is a reason why you favor peasants and disfigure those who work on their looks and make their body strong and healthy. You all worship the bodies and this frail image your legs are going to fall off. You worship the flawed and tell me it is a waste of time because you will take any gain or beauty. The squirt gun (chest-kidney pain machine) is going to be your last toy because I hope the Terminator cleans up after we finally put you behind bars.
Get your damn hands off and out of our pants before we do something worse than cut your finger off one at a time. What if we cut your kids leg off? Is that us accepting your respect? You are waging war on human beings and also human life by kidnapping and holding them hostage; do you understand this or do you call this respect? If it is so inspirational, why are you beating around the bush and not answering or cooperating; you argue and fight still. It is as if you must be killed now as a dangerous and vicious beaten beast that has no more options. You are a peasant why would you do this? You are white and black trash, why do you want respect or us to bow down? You are an evil satanic beast, why are you in our life pretending to worship peasants, criminals, murderers, and psychopaths? Is it about respect really?
End of debate. This is how delusional and insane you are with hate and racism in America; it drives you to a homicidal and lunatic murder spree and you call it respect and your fingers are all over the road and we can see the stubby fingers and how old each are when they were cut off. You think that is respect for real? You think touching others and them harming you in such a mocking and sordid manner is reality and respect? Is child molestation respect and quiet solitary respect? You cannot and will never understand what drives you to evil when you are evil and I have never in my life witnessed such a beast and a bastard in my god owned and given life; if you can give me a sincere and honest answer once or twice, then maybe I would not feel this way but my judgments is so superior; nobody can even respond.
You seem to feel different and my judgments are inferior, delusional, and criminal and all lies. You can’t even give me one story or some account which is not total lies and you had three men on the air to defend and tell me you and they are about respect? There is some other side or a misunderstanding here? The misunderstanding is you are a peasant, see us as one, wish us to be one, and you are the superior and more powerful beast. Now the Terminator has done one on you and is going to put you in your place because you obviously have some misunderstanding with reality and the truth. It has been over a full year and you still have no one single story or legitimate defense. Every single one is a total lie and so is this love we have of you and how careful you are.
You just said it was an excuse to protect from being sued; you are hiding the origins and using tremendous deception at each turn and bump; but you are not slowing down one bit and we know it is total invasion. You forget we know it all. I told you to think of an alpha-numerical number and watch how fast it magically appears around the block. Why the hells do you keep forgetting this or have this short term memory where abstract and asinine stuff flows from your life and mouth? It makes it worse and worse. You dig deeper and deeper but that is how you got here. That is why the Terminator is on your case and hunting you down.
I cannot understand it. It is like one story is a new life and new situation; but you go from one to the other, “weapon to prevent embarrassment… victim of it. 8:27:51 PM” See what I mean. Reset is pushed over and over. You are a reborn every single day. Nothing yesterday applies today and it is just a new day. Ask why you are scared to put your hand on us and why you have only one pinky left; was there any reason or is the grip still as strong now? Why are you embarrassed and not us? Go and grab your wife on the ass and ask her who is embarrassed. See your total lies? You fight to the death up until you are caught and see the Terminator; then you turn into a weasel and a mole sleeper on the run.
So what do you think would be the result and outcome if you did not try to kill the King and got the Terminator instead? Sean just said, “Remind us when it is over… not over… Saudi wife… take off her bursa…. Clear by the day… accused of stabbing New York in the back… property tax… landlords step up.” If you say so and if you think it will fill the hole you dug because the Terminator or the authorities will catch up to you eventually; work your pinky ass finger off; you will love our future just like you love our future right now. That is like selling ice cream to a kid who is horny. Or maybe selling respect to a society broken down by your lies and psychopathic profusion of hate and racism. Who the hell would buy respect from a fingerless butt whole goon like you?
A friend of Sean is calling “ruins everything he touches… a really good guy until he starts talking politics and I cannot stand him… “I think that thought level is way beyond Sean Bin Ladder Hannity. He is good when it comes to giving out roses to wives, dinner tickets to Ruth Chris, and telling husbands their wife hates them and wants to have his children or loves him forever; but try to have a serious conversation with him and it sounds like a serial killer trying very hard to assimilate and has all kinds of inadequacies with others so he just brown noses and annoys them. They do not see the water boy and the demented power hungry side of him where murder and profit is real and pushes him further and further into death and risk. If they get suspicious or does not believe him; he parades his kids. Ma Barker (aka the gorgeous Sarah Connor upstairs) calls him and Rush hope and really stumped me.
Sean says, “To measure his success… to wake people… and his masters “and Rush already answered this. Here is what Rush said and defined this success which Sean revolts against daily, “bend over and grab the ankles.” If you can make others do this or your masters do this; then you are measuring his success and his ability to morph and change his success to “waking people up to us and his masters.” Capture the King and get the Terminator. His story is totally false and full of lies because it is drifting on different trajectories every day and he is doing this to make sure no “holes” are detected in one story. Mixing random camouflage and patterns actually cover up any existing one. It is so insane he can cover up any existing one already; it is a layer cake; how many layers so far? Sean is well beyond his means and living a debt of lies; cooking the books but ask if he has any other choice in this?
Pence says, “every Republican in is agreement Sean.” Have you noticed how Sean Hannity has all the sudden gotten into rock music, Collective Soul and some rock bands? He is no longer the Jamaican me crazy and the hip hop roadie who follows rap and R and B bands to impress pundits. Sean, ask Ann about Slayer, Metallica, Metal Church and some really odd stuff only the girlfriend of the lead singer would know. Music is in her blood and you got a lot of catch up to do loser. Let me guess, your son is now taking bass lessons and moving to Haiti to be inspired as a musician.
We are not saying Sean and Rush is not capable of crawling while they parade some lipstick and hair list of political officers that enjoy him putting lipstick on their butts or tickle their nose with the back room brawls, as we are now, but the nice suits and hair while wearing spandex and jeans because people are mean and now hostile to him is not working well right now. I am not saying it is a bad act but the Romanian gymnast act is taken too far with the image business and not the meat and potatoes.
In other words, they are stupid and need to have their intelligence tested before holding office or trying to take positions on tax policies. There is no verification process and even Hannibal Lector can be a Senator or do what Sean and Rush do. Heck, they tried to make us one of them and to be there each step of the way in our career; why do they think it is so messed up and such a complete disaster? Is that our work or theirs? I think respect stops when they start wearing other people’s underwear and leave skid marks the size of desk rulers. If you need it that much, keep it and don’t even worry about washing it and returning it. That is how polite and respectful they are. Sean and Rush are one of those people who make fun of others for going to KFC but they are repeat offenders at the drive-thru. Catching them is the hard part with all the security and smoked windows. So Sean, if you are audited, will we find an Eliot Spitzer account to “Client 9, 20, or 44?” I hear hotel rooms in Florida and high class escorts for 5 and 10 grand were big with you labor bosses and your mistresses.
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