Friday, July 10, 2009 Sean Hannity is lamenting the Fox News channel and also his bosses. Hannity is now talking about “all off the record” parties and how reporters (and him) are not allowed to blog, talk about, or discuss it “if you cannot agree to this then do not attend.” Hey, especially when you can face murder, terror, and other criminal charges and loose your entire life Sean Hannity. He is referring to Ann, they snap a picture of her flirting or talking to men and then write some wild story; now Sean Hannity is caught in this trap and it is nearing its end. Sean I spoke to Kathleen Parker about this and Ann. I spoke to several people and I saw it with my own eyes and your weasel act; which the upstairs people are your emissaries for Clinton and Israel. Did you know they are in a cold case and the police or someone dirty-corrupt is blackmailing them? So this is about blackmail?
Hannity, tell the people upstairs to keep it up and try to do the exact same thing you did; Ann and I knows you are the exact same “take care of his own brother, especially if they are living in poverty.” We live in poverty when you arrived and decided to recruit us for this communist and terrorist plot and now you make it as if we are so privileged and you are some god send; can you even face the reality? The reality is this has blown up on you and it is coming to an end and will the more you fight it and make ridiculous charges. Fox News knows you are a liability and the public hates them because of what you did and how you are trying to get away while they make you more and more powerful and the exploit this for ratings.
Let me tell you what you Irishman do over and over; daily and weekly to both Ann and I; or who other like the public. There is nothing to stop you or deter you, nothing. The more we fight you, the more you increase vicious attacks and what you call penalizing us for misbehaving and ignoring you. We hate you, why would we not ignore you? You demand our life and our entire fate. How do you beat that as far as communism and terrorism; you ought to know your Ted Bundy and Charles Manson act is bad for the conservatives and right wing. What if you loose it and go on a shooting spree or blow your brains out on TV? Hell, you keep trying to attack my sweetheart and I did foil your murder plot while you claim is romance and love. Fox needs to get rid of you, put you in your place, and Ann and I will teach and tutor Carrie Prejean just to make sure you never return and get the death penalty. You can ask Rush to be your partner also.
Sean is talking about payments. How you recruit me for a terror plot, I denounce and fight you tooth and nail – near to the death, then give up and head to another country and you still refuse to give this up or stop, then try to drive my 20 year consort and love away or humiliate us (with a foiled murder plot I had stomped on and killed), then to keep trying to kick start and finish it; is just who you are and now you wish to take care of us? Isn’t that kidnapping? I will destroy you and expose you and I will make sure you never work in the industry, any of your cohorts, and you get the death penalty. You think this is a game to throw lies and see if it sticks? Did I mention three years in federal prison and a home invasion and massive vandalism and ban from working?
Sean says there is a chance “we will loose in court… teetering on the brink of bankruptcy… willing to take care of the problem with massive payments.” Keep your filthy disgusting ape like Irish hands off our life and keep you rape and child molester money and shove it up your ass! Go ahead and offer me 10 million; offer the families of the 911 victims (who I hate probably because I hate New Yorkers) that amount each to make this go away; see what they say. Now you know how I feel and how much it boils in me. Bitch you are talking to the masters of war not your bitch. You are talking to royals and very intelligent people, not your girlfriend who you like to call everyday. You just do not get it do you and you feel this fantasy can be money or wash away your fantasy or total lack of reality?
Offer me 10 million Sean and see what I say if not go to hell. You see the difference between you and I; I can make my own money and do not need your poor and worthless ass. We, both Ann and I, became legends overnight and you still try to deny and stop this but cannot. You are almost giving up after 10 full years and over 10,000 attempts. Do you want me to tell you to go away and to fuck off again or one last time? Maybe for the record and so the public and the authorities can record it also before they get nailed by your evil deeds and bribery? You see, we are not apes and you all are total apes; so can afford to tell you to take your poor ass dirt money and rub the corns on your smelly feet or your labor and ending fantasy with America. Now you think you are important and valuable.
Let me kill your children and give you a million and see if you like it. Then let me tell you how angry and how I am ready to kill you every single day for the rest of your dirt bag life. “We do not need money… this is why government must get out of the way”; well we do not need you and never did. We still have to fight your terror plot and this recruitment or promise to take care of us. Something is seriously wrong with you Sean Hannity and worse your Irish bunch upstairs, “confidence.” You won’t get respect in any country or if you were rich and not a dirt bag conservative, right winger, or American. What makes you think right now you will chance this relationship or recruitment; you hate the Vietnam War and we had to fight in it; now you wish to say we had to die and you want to reverse it and the impact on hippies, losers, liberals, and communists like you? Kiss my fucking ass and take your money and buy you a new Irish pride and fight. I think you all are worse than Neanderthals and so are your unions. Maybe they are as blind or worse but it seems universal with you all, “I am worried about my friends… Democrats.”
Do you have any other requests or offers besides filling our life with joy and answering to us every single time we say honey, dear, and thanks? “Loud and clear” and one last thing; I would pay 11 million to see you suffer for the evil and the crimes of calling yourself an American and pulling off and nearly getting away with this grand deception and completely criminal insanity. I never knew a human being and especially the Irish and the unions were this evil and this much of a dirt bag. You keep saying how rich and valuable you are; also how you were discriminated so badly and was so poor. It sounds like you got the story backwards and do not deserve our pity but wrath. How long have you tormented my family and what the hell did you do to us and others? You do not even want to say because you fear the punishment and the wrath of the public. Why are you a leader of this country and living in this country? Can you explain that one? Do you rape and molest children also? Would you ever report it?
Your Irish pride chases a 16 year old kid in high school by using some female spy to torment and harass him while he works to combat and raise money to combat the unions. I would pay to see you fry and get the death penalty; my own money once I get the chance to make it and when you are dead and gone from my life instead of “wishing to take care of us.” Ann and I will take care of our own and we have for over twenty years; how do you think you got in this near death and life ending situation? Let me guess, to promote communism, Irishmen, blacks, civil rights and the 1960s, a spy ring and a murder spree in America and the world? Now it is too late for you and you think it can go away this easily and your money is worth the joy of knowing you are dead and gone? You still think I am “just in case you are interested” in your terror plot and how you wish to take care of Ann and I?
You see the difference between you and I; I am not a communist and a terrorist; nor do I make money evil and speak for my stupidity. This is why we are masters of war and this is why you are a dirt bag Irishman. Tell your messenger Katherine Moynihan, your Kathy Ireland dream, she looked so cute and adorable but we know what the problem is now and the secrets. She kept wanting me to meet her sister (is she an SDS leader or radical?) I could not get any information on her and had I known she was from a prestigious family or linked to some Irish politicians, I would have headed for the hills. I was raising money to combat the unions at the time and was too young to know I was being stalked or had a murder plot on me. What the hell are you using an adorable girl to target a 16 year old kid to be a terrorist or communist? You even knew I had Generals all around me and real Army commandos.
You all are sneaky little bastards and so evil and desperate. You use the hottest models and money to lure victims and unsuspecting people who are vulnerable. She has a temper and cusses like a sailor; it was very weird with the face of an angel. I guess that is the Moynihan family and the Senator from New York or the Clintons. I tried to find out as much as I could or why her family was tailing or coming in our trap for an alien. She was a chaser for you and setting up a recruitment for the unions. I am writing the story for the investigators; you used sex and money to lure us and say you wanted to take care of us when Ann and I take care of our own like the Army. Like I said, she showed up right when Ann and I got together and I could not get any information on her or find out who she was; she covered it all up. All I know is it is the Moynihan family and she is linked to you Sean Hannity; this terror plot and communist plot. I don’t even like Senator Moynihan from New York and he is a welfare guru.
You communist spies are all the same. You think you are so superior and can buy a poor or destitute military officer, soldier, or other here and there. Let me tell you something you bag of shit; we and you have a unique quality, one fights to win and the other fights and always looses. But our pride and honor speaks for itself. Now you wish to throw money at us again to win back your pride and this spy network and terror sleeper mole which you want to hide with your pride and millions. This is unbelievable. It is not only an insult but shows the criminal insanity and the sheer outrage you instill in the masters of war and royals. It works for you because you are a dirt bag and now you have a life full of regrets; take the cyanide pill or face the fire and show your true colors and pride. We are going to test your pride and your worth right now. The world is watching you, Rush and all your cohorts like a catfish on sand and flopping to survive. It is the Irish and the families.
So you do not see any reason why we would not hire you or see any reason why you might get the death penalty or get fired from your job and a manhunt for your mole and terror ring? You don’t see any reason why we might want to deport and get rid of you? None whatsoever? As a partner, you do not see any reason why we might fight you to the death and how the courts view you as a vicious rapist or child molester? So you call this power, gain, profit margin, and growth when it is a collapsed political fantasy and your lies? Your Irish, Jewish, Vatican, and Democratic history in America do not see any reason why we might be a little angry and defend our life from you by getting rid of you? You keep this up and your people will suffer boy; trust me.
So Bush got caught fighting the same battles as you did, “gain, profit, growth…” and did what you did and also got caught. Now, maybe this lesson will finally put you out of business and you will not keep these recruitments ongoing for ten years or twenty years; try to talk to us military masters because we are the pride of the nation and ready to trade in our citizenship and denounce the leadership, and maybe you will learn the difference between a dirt bag ape like you and us. You need to stop messing with the military and trying to force us to defect. I have never seen a traitor such as I am witnessing with you Irish and union trash.
Maybe this might work to get through your rampage to make us lovers and your prisoners if we tell you to not even look at us or say a word to us; if you do we will burn your belongings and deport you; no less give you all the pain and suffering this country wishes to express and tell you to your face. Is that going to stop you and is that going to put you on your needy debt ridden knees and make you go away and get the hell out of our precious life? If not then maybe we need to use a more forceful method? How long do you Irishmen and union nuisances plan on keeping this up for; because this is being broadcasted and will determine your fate here in America. One of us is going to denounce our citizenship and one of us is going to leave; decide who it will be and how much effort you with us. Either you will or we are. Keep putting the effort in it and rack up more charges until we burn your belongings and run you out of the nation. Jobs my ass.
DAY ONE: “Have you ever had all your attacks reversed?” SEAN TELLS HIS SIDE OF THE STORY.
Thursday, July 09, 2009 Sean, I do not understand your spy and terror group so maybe you can explain it to me. It seems as if when we speak among ourselves, with friends, close associates, and our spouses; you replace everybody’s name with your name. Then you turn around and tell us you are our rivals and superior, the army of the damned and you are angry and ready to kill someone. It seems as if you think we are always talking to you or about you when we are not, do not give a rats ass about you, do not care one bit if you die or killed yourself, and wish you just out of our life even after you have ruined and made every effort to torment us. Is there some mental problem with you or is it some character trait about the unions and the Irish we have yet to discover?
Rush says you do this to tick people off and you are the weakest of the bunch; thus you put this act on to suggest you are the strongest and the most powerful. But it seems you do this to Ann and the fat cow bell upstairs likes to do this daily; as if you can sleep with us, share our intimate moments, share our memories and good life, and you are some hand bag we pee on all the time. It is not as if we hired you, it is you are trying to steal something or take something. So when we talk about our spouse, our friends, and our associates; you feel privileged to either replace it or fantasize how it is you. You have a severe mental disorder and psychosis and it makes you murderous and terrorists.
Did you do this as you grew up also and snick you nose in the most private and intimate parts of people’s life while you go out in public and try to pretend or suggest you are not psychotic but are actually part of our life? For real, you have not outlasted the people who hate your guts and wish to put you in pain? You violate our privacy and use deceptive marketing to suggest we are your life line and you are such close friends and associates; partners. You do this when we are in high school. You do this when we have romance. You do this in business and even politics. Do you have any borders are you just some nomad who wanders and loiters in the life of others.
It has been a year and you try to disrupt our private life and privacy. You violated it all and we feel the sting of some thief and peeping tom. You think we are your girlfriends and talk to us as if we are and your life is repulsive and disgusting. Your looks make sure we puke and you act as if you can tell us to go away. Then you try to kidnap and rewrite our life only to find out it is a trap and you got slammed and await a death penalty. You scorn is vicious and near psychotic; yet you have such a repulsive life and think we are always inviting you and including you in our life and private conversations. Do not blame this country, our greatness, or how you fought in WWI, WWII, and any other. You are the dirt bag and scum of America.
Your stupidity is one thing consider how disgusting and repulsive your people are. Even your females do this while you think we are masters and partners. If we are on the bottom and worthless like you it would be one thing; we are not. You have no remorse and no regrets also and we try to live our life the best we can while you seem to not care one bit. It is as if we are always talking to you and about you when we do not care and pray you die. Don’t you think that is strange and maybe suspicious? Doesn’t that tell you something about your union and Irish mentality? You feel you are being tough and won’t be denied. You love to touch and peep on others as if we want to have sex or you are our little bitch. I do not get it, you ruin our life and leave it in total disrepair while you still call yourself partners and we are trying to bring you to justice or wish you dead; but you still think we must sleep or share intimacy with you or are always talking to you.
Every single time we have happiness; you disrupt it. When we make friends, you have to step in and be part of it or feel we are talking to you. You then turn around and try to market this idea you care deeply, your intentions speak for itself, and you are always welcomed. You do this in politics also. At some point, you and your people must change you behavior or face the full brunt of your tricks and lies. We wish you dead and to die, not love you or wish to be with you. We are not talking to you or wish to ever; we wish you dead. You are a complete weirdo who have tormented or terrorized every aspect of our life since high school. Had I known the Moynihan family and that girl Katherine would do this; I would have cussed her out; but you all hide it and lure us like predators or do not say a word as if we have some dual reality.
The ordeal you did to Ann is one thing. The ordeal you are and did to me is unbelievable and shows your human and moral spirit. Is it any wonder your repulsive murder spree came to a deadly and sudden halt? It is like you did this to drive us apart and isolate us in high school and now you have to finish some job and ruin our life while you go to the bottom and want us there with you to be some moral support. Then you think you will rise and hit the top with us or be legends when we hate you so much. You think we will strike a deal and we will come to some resolution; some power sharing of our life and some peace treaty. Dude, you are a total psycho and a total weirdo. We are not talking to you and you are not our spouses, girlfriends, or even liked. We think you are a bunch of losers, weirdoes, rapists, child molesters, and worse wish to put that pain in our life. People try to be nice to you but you take this way to far and keep saying we are your friends and you can stalk and unload this on our life.
Now you think we are always talking about you and you must listen for the smallest morsel. You think our life revolves around you or your church and religion; how powerful your Irish is and how it gets you in any door. You are a god damn bastard and if anybody ever goes through the ordeal we did; they would know how we feel. We cannot seem to get rid of you and the more we fight the more you viciously penalize us. How do we get rid of you and bring you to justice; burn your belongings and deport you or declare war on your ass? Does it take killing you before you understand or get it? Now your “oh so” Srebelius is discussing the same damn thing your union and Irish ass has been peddling; medical care. You gave me a slew of medical annoyances and it will take at least a year at Walter Reed. I could be rebuilding and doing much more important things while you run loose and think you are still in the game.
You think everything is fine and no punishment will ever arrive because you almost got caught or we do not know what you are up to. Your Irish breed is a comedy routine and a tornado; why do you act normal in front of the public? Srebelius is speaking for you and on your behalf and she says “we know we cannot fix the economy before we fix medical care.” Well, there is one way to fix this and that is to fire you, burn your belongings and deport you, or wage war on you if this is all true. Now why are you a 911 terrorist and why would you respond to these severe repugnant allegations and charges; are you repulsive and repugnant but are going around pretending as if your assimilation powers are superior? We are not talking to you or with you; we wish you dead. Does that register or do we have to inform you of this every single day and how you share our life and won us or own us? You keep saying how much you are worth also or your show.
Would you like to at least defend yourself or provide a good explanation why you are this way or deserve to die the most painful and cruel death? It is like a nightmare with you all and some pervert always watching and studying us closely. Did I mention the murder spree and the communist plot? Every single time we talk about happiness or the joys of life; you magically show up and we are perplexed and repulsed by you. You think you are there to help and some partner. Now you think we are trying to kill you and are a sociopath serial killer on a murder spree. If I hear more of this, we will wage war on you and rid this country of communists and terrorists who are behind 911 and are waging war to be our partners and steal our life. You have a serious mental problem you bastard.
Why do you show up at the most intimate and special moments in life when we do not know you, like you, or wish you there? You did the same damn thing with Ann and showed up on this end at the concerts and she knew this because I was so mad and told her. I go to a damn concert and you show up. One time some Puerto Rican half-Rican stood next to me and said nothing and then threw gum on my seat and I did sit on it; that was at the Romantics concert in 2007. You were at the Josh Todd one and Tesla. You all were at Saliva and the bars I go to. Only in Canada did your repulsive ass not show up or hideouts around the United States. It was so refreshing and a moment of peace to live life without your ass. Are you alive to test if bombs are live or to test if bullets are real in warfare? I do not see any other use for you as partners.
All Sean can say or do is act panicked “banks in trouble… I hope you all are happy with Obama… there is conflict among Democrats and how to pay for it all.” It is the unions-Irish and how they are hated by everyone but they are acting as if they are socially mobile or superior. We say America and act like they are our girl. It is as if you have no life and this is all you know how to do or act; you say we are at war but we do not want you or wish you in America. Why are we forced to wage war on you? Did you ask us or wish to ask us? You keep saying we have to seek permission and seek approval from you. Why do you exploit and wish to control helpless and vulnerable people using pure criminality and psychopathic behavior if you are so poor and destitute? We are not allowed to be happy, we cannot have joy, and it is always talking to you and about you. Now we have to mate with you and you are our partners and there every step of the way.
How can you go before the public and act so repulsive and hide all of this? Sean says he is “Presidential… this is weak… fix you here and there… policy governing kicking in…“ You mean you came to America to show us this? You are in our life to show us how insane and annoying you truly are and call it Presidential and how much your show is worth? Sean asked if we do this… well, what do you think you idiot? “This is what being insecure… pedicure and manicure… I am sorry but I am horrible.” That is all you can say or how you explain this, “You all are with me… I had callousness, blisters, and broken hands all the way… I am very, very, very secure… you don’t like yourself… how they acted.” They said where you at because here we are. As Neanderthals, they are behind the hate and racism policies along with a lot of crime and communism-terrorism.
So we do not like ourselves now. I don’t think you like how great or intelligent we are and how self sufficient, “I sprung into action immediately”; I think you have a serious problem with other human beings who try to be nice or the best they can be. You know the military saying “is all you can be… army strong” well; you obviously do not understand it. Now you say, “I think you do not like yourself… low esteem… insecure…. Have you ever seen all your attacks returned to you… capped… hard to believe…“is it any wonder or guess why you are a terrorist, were on a murder spree and a 911 caller? “In case you are interested… I just gave you the analysis and now you do not want to move on… I have to move on.”
So we were failures and did not like ourselves now or when we began or when you kidnapped us and tried to recruit us “just in case you were interested” and you still after we threw everything at you and cussed you out daily and brought you to near suicide and ruin; you still think we are interested while inert? We are explosive now and you are inert, “oh my god, you cannot have it both ways… I did not know it was this bad.” For real, you think we are always talking to you or about you but we wish you dead. Caller says you must be “the most prepared person in the world… when he took office.”
It sounds like either you do not know how to act or you can fool us by hiding this as a terrorist and communist sleeper mole. You talked to my Ann as if you own her and she is your property also and she has not rescued you once and you still keep this on going. She says you cannot stop talking about her and talk to her like a girlfriend; but you show up when we are happy, joyful, and we have to figure out who you are and why. Now you say how “my two kids need a dad… looking for a dad.” I bet it is that girl Katherine Moynihan and her Navy father who started this crap and our ordeal; then it moved to the Clintons because of her. You look normal but take a look at what you are doing and how sneaky you are. You are worse than a peeping tom.
Sean is now saying “don’t hate us… everything is better now in your life… Rush’s dad fought in World War II in Burma… Mark Levin’s book is on the NYT number one list for over 10 months…” you have no idea how much trouble you are in do you? Both Sean and Rush feel they are having fun and games; jollies with Ann and I as they are our partners and so close to us. Sean just said, “everyone knows he is dead… thanks a lot and give the Democrats everything… I love them”; sure okay, whatever you say. Do you remember when we began this and I said, “Sean, you know and I know that an audit is being done at this time by FBI and CIA to check if you are in espionage and terrorism… if a paper trail is present.” You freaked out and said how you hide your money and do not trust banks and financial institutions, rightly so in this climate.
Check the records, I recorded that and you retaliated with some collection company over my college loans and then followed up about how you went to college and dropped out, worked construction and… and never had any government help ever. Maybe that is why you are such an idiot and so dumb embody this Irish pride and history. How and why your retaliations is going to make up this idea we are talking to you and there in each aspect of our life is odd also. Your rule book says we cannot experience or express joy and happiness when out in public, at concerts, at bars, or in hiding. You will find us and make sure of this. You are like the terminator on a 911 high, “he is meddling with Israel… backs Iran… going to raise taxes.” Rasmussen said, “Have we ever known Republicans to be stalking” and Sean says, “Okay thanks Rasmussen… two great guys with us along the way… thanks for joining us.” He and Rush won’t say it but Rush said to Ann’s face, “I am a pure red state” while Sean only said, “I am sick and tired of being discriminated and poor.” It was Mark Stingy who finally admitted it and said, “What is your resolution… there are a lot of wealthy people.”
“Have you ever had all your attacks reversed?” Yes I have, it is called “tick for tat” and is a strategy of nuclear strategy and brinksmanship. I studied this formally to develop the backbone of satellite warfare which I called “US Resolve” and it ended up on Dick Cheney’s office along with my casualty and body count in the struggle with Israel from 1940-1995 which included UN peacekeepers, lords, regional magistrates, embassy personnel, etc… Tick for tat is also a zero-sum game which was developed by liberals to harass an enemy but we did not take it serious and chose mutually assured destruction because it is the last shooting match on earth and suicide to engage us or what you keep doing; brandishing and pointing weapons at us to warn us or intimidate.
As I have told you, in satellite warfare, you get one shot and only one; misread and underestimate your enemy and you will be annihilated; so you were annihilated as you can easily see. You may want to go back to the drawing board and propose a new strategy or just quit as we hunt you down like a goose who laid the golden egg. Your strategies are all liberal forms of nuclear warfare and the strategic nuclear theories developed by the John F. Kennedy School of Government called “gradual escalation” and hybrid first strikes strategies. None of them were useful to me. The gap between nuclear and conventional is closing in and up due to robotics and also my SATWAR program.
You are talking to the founder and developer of it and the US Resolve posture. Do you believe it now since you failed to steal it as the number one spy group and terrorist group in America? You took a major chance and showed your cards but we are not interested and on the border of Canada for a reason. So are you us “just in case you were interested” in what we are doing? Why now? “They have the research… know what they are doing… I am a proud member.” I will love it when your doom arrives; it has taken over a year to get your bite off Ann and listening to your total lies about how she was engaged to you, went to your concerts, and how interested you were; totally one sided.
This is totally one sided and you know deep down combat has left you with insurmountable injuries unrecoverable and the federal forces are tracing your blood and have the dogs on the hunt. I got blood all over my mouth and it tastes sweet, “all the people are catching up… liberals are always catching up… they do not have all the facts.” Want to share our joy and be there every step of the way Sean? This is so one sided and took near death to capture and prosecute you; I wonder if your secret police will snuff the final hours? This is the legendary mole; hypocrite’s poor and rich, hypocrites left and right; backwards.
It is always the same “you barely made it” or “you almost did not make it out alive” or “we like to live life on the edge also”; which causes you to sink them and say, “yeah, we barely made it and we can see you did not.” You see what I mean when they are in government, on the police force, or serving in the military or security positions? They get away with murder and think they are some genetic pool we enjoy working with and need. They always think they are in control and we barely made it with them when they never or just stingy with the truth because we can fix this quickly and immediately.
It is so one sided you expect to survive this and this is your home, we are ordered to leave and shut up or be penalized (stomping on floor again as we said that – can you tell Bertha she is overweight and to understand security is not amused and the secret service said they got her; she is totally whacked and acting vicious; angry all day and penalizing us). This one side is not over and won’t be until what? Justice? War? Death? Terror? Israel wins? Clinton escapes? Do any of you expect to survive this nightmare and ordeal for real with the Irish-union sleeper cells? They said where you at because here we are. As Neanderthals, they are behind the hate and racism policies along with a lot of crime and communism-terrorism. They are and were behind the communism but were hiding it as Nazism and cannibals.
It is like the standoff in Greensboro, NC with the communist union and the shootout. You all wish to shoot it out with the Army and the federal forces. I think you lost that one already but think you are still in control and angry as hell and ready to murder someone. I hope the Army shows you what combat really is and how Irish-union does not stack up and is really tacky. They said “kiss their ass and bring it on.” Tell the Generals and the Army we got 911 terrorists who want to shoot it out and real combat. They are superior and “bunch of bums drawing a government check.” That is Sean Hannity’s attitude also. The drunken frail Irishman upstairs keeps saying, “so where they at and you said the cavalry was coming.” They want to shoot it out, trust me. Let the Army level them and show them what combat is and how superior they truly are as vicious terrorists. They said where you at and here they are; want to talk this out or be penalized more?
We definitely must be talking to you and we share the most cherished and happy moments with your terrorist group. So penalize us and declare war; that is your only way out of this. Your fantasy and story is totally one sided and total lies. I did not want to betray my best friend and life partner; but she kept crying and pleading with me to believe her and I said; I will give you the benefit of the doubt and she was so scared; I am the only person she trusts and her best friend; I got her here and now. So have showed no remorse or worries up to this point thus. Let’s just say that your silence and lack of cooperation speaks for itself; we can bag and complete a full investigation by next week.
You have no idea and care about the pain and hurt you have caused for others and feel it is your “right to disagree… you must think for yourself… no one will rescue you… I wish you the best in life.” Now Sean insists we are his students; you do not have a single degree to your name or academic work; no record of any verification. You have never served one day in the military or know Generals, what military families are like, protocol, or how to talk to anyone; you see everyone as your student in life “to take over his life… extremely harmful… learn not to do what he did.” We really hope you do not waste more time and cause more pain and suffering by finishing up your mess yourself and writing a note with all the details so we can piss on you forever. They said where you at because here we are. As Neanderthals, they are behind the hate and racism policies along with a lot of crime and communism-terrorism.
I had to blame her and scold her about total lies and then you kept on pushing it as if she was the Scarlet Letter; look at you now you psychopath. Ann cannot deal with me cutting her loose and forgetting about her. She waited all her life, waited for over 7 years to and traded in her life to catch you and replace our mission in life to this one here. She did not complain and said “we can adopt wonderful kids.” I asked her to hurry up and how much more of this do I have to listen to? It was all one sided and rape, murder, and a massive struggle while you said, “here little girl, come to me and let me show you love and peace.” This is what you told me and Rush told me as “finishing the job Clinton could not.” Your buddy Louis Freed is going around and promoting Sotomayor also along with your sleeper moles in government. Your super secret Irish-IRA has links to the police in America and politicians of the machinery.
Pat Bushannon is a spy and he is some diplomat. He keeps telling us how they want to resolve this peacefully and is defending Sean as a reasonable person and his conscience; “Sean I think you are right… this country is further center than he is” and he is the voice and leader; but he is not. Pat B. is a diplomat and trying to be a Carter like pariah. It is one sided and so biased but they will always talk it out and debate it to resolve this peacefully and have a valid disagreement. That is the Irish and now we are stuck with them on the conservative and Republican side. Along with us every step of the way as partners and our tormentors and teachers about America; I think leveling them is going to fix this country. They are all nationalist and always say foreign countries are peddling influence and in a culture war; they are plain stupid. Pat never talks about the unions, the United Kingdom, the Irish, or labor; he is always on or side and it is one sided and biased; Israel is the boss; Bush was freedom they and they are releasing us. Hey Pat, check the math and test scores; this country is better off without you all; you ought to know this as a conservative and Republican.
I think Pat, Sean, Bush, Rush, and a lot of others realize this country is better off without them but they keep flowing and coming to our side to be with us every step of the way and we cannot figure out how to get rid of them or catch them as sleepers and moles. They use Reagan’s name more than Jesus and tax cuts as a saving grace. We say friends and they think it is them. We say happy and they show up and wreck it. We say marriage and family and they stand between our families while kidnapping us. They should and ought to know but are pretending as if we are in some disagreement and they have a right to not share our life with them as we are hypocrites to them. Yes we are bigots to the Irish when they are right wing or left wing. Now they dare the Army to level them and get in a shooting match with them but we are not invited and we are not going to share in any victory because they are our partners in crime and there every step of the way to help us. We say honey and they always say yes. We say baby and they always say yes. We say right wing and spy hunters and they always say yes. We say American and they remain silent and hide. Who the hell is this and what the hell is their problem?
We love and always dreamed about Kathy Ireland; and Sean says I met her and Katherine Moynihan was so nice and her family so important to our life. Good god, this is just unbelievable and the million dollar equation is how to get rid of them and tell them we want to, would like to, would politely ask, and wish to know if they know; we hate their fucking guts and wish to strangle every single one of them because they ought to know as great Americans our life is so much better before and after this. They want a shootout and will kick our ass in two seconds. They said where are the body guards, who is going to rescue you now, the Army who, and where they at if they are going to get here ever. In other words, they are saying here they are and what the hell we are going to do about it? Sean keeps on saying “America under siege… you want to be part of the show.”
They want to shoot it out and want to know how much we will take and America will take for them; where they at; they are not going anywhere. Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh are recruiters and want to say “just in case you are interested.” He could not coax Ann to love him and join but talked to her as a girlfriend. That is also why the murder plot; she and we can identify him and Rush said, “she is too close to them.” So Sean can tell all the lies and one sided romance story he wants; I just got confirmation from Intel; Ann can identify them as recruiters but I was not able to until we sprung a trap and they freaked out. Ann has been leaking my work for years. It fits like a T but she is giving them encrypted details which she will unlock and decrypt if not already. This is why she had no life from 2002 to 2005. The intelligence I gave her made it; my distress calls made it to my family and the authorities.
Sean just said why 911 was called also; “just in case we are interested” but did not say who we are? Sean just said his lawyers are preparing his will 7/9/2009 10:52:03 PM. He means he was so close to writing Ann’s; she told me she was a prisoner and was signaling me with some “eye blinks” similar to the pilot during the Persian Gulf War. Search her site and the date in April-May 2007; he is the World War II developer of it and died; I sent 100’s of them ten years ago to Ann and then cut her loose. I had no idea what the hell and who I had harpooned and we set a trap before I got arrested for trying to contact the Pentagon for reinforcements and my gear; they want a shootout, for real.
I was asking if I should go and contact British Intelligence we are under heavy attack. Ann must have panicked and fled the area also in 2000. I kept on meeting messengers of hers, I think. She did not or was not sure exactly who was behind her end; she says it is either Rush or Sean; now Sean because he refuses to give up or stop stalking her. Sean you are busted and you need to draft your will; you got that right buddy and baby. Intel said we can do this with or without your help and those in it are not safe and will turn into cannibals.
Intelligence Report: Intel says that Chris upstairs was involved in a cold case murder which took place a long time ago. It has never been solved. Someone is blackmailing them because the surveillance is everywhere here but they do not know who is blackmailing them. So Chris has an indictment for some minor federal charge and is in another investigation still open for years. He and Sue are cleaning their image and trying to outlive their past. Sue is the rescue and in charge; the brains and how he got back his life. It could be her blackmailing him, his best friend, her mom, nobody knows at this time but it is related to some cold case years ago and is still unsolved. If you go through his file and his name shows up; he is the killer. This is why she had a kid with some other man and wanted me to give her another. She wants it to have a soft face and brains; all of them are goons and have learning disabilities around here because of toxic waste.
I repeatedly like Sean Irishman Hannity rejected them and she had her mom come over, her brother and they are all psychopathic and look like some axe murderer; yet they feel we share life with them and are angry as hell. Rush may activated them as lepers. If you contact the Buffalo, NY FBI; let them know they have the cold case solved and he is being blackmailed by possibly the union or someone who is involved with Israel and the unions. It traces to Sean Hannity, Clinton, and Israel as their masters. Their life is over and they will take it to the grave because he is really mad at how life screwed them over and living low because they have no fight in this. They screwed up and are being used by someone else. The result is the same but they are given a chance to finish the job and a way out. He keeps telling me how he has only 8 years left and he is out and getting out of here. They got him a job after prison and returned his life which is being blackmailed.
All I know is Intel is telling me he is the killer of a cold case a long time ago and got away; but someone had him under surveillance and watch like myself; pissing us off daily and agitating day and night. Then they are blackmailing them but they do not know who it is, yet they have too many people above them to talk or turn witness so they predict they will take it to the grave because their families involved and others. We do not know what the cold case is about or what details; only it is in their record and it happened a long time ago and he was in prison for a long time and she had a baby with some soft looking guy. She could be the one or his best friend; some handler or boss doing a contract killing for someone else; something like that; I got the alert and they relayed it to me. In other words, he is a skilled killer and has done it before; why he is standing us down and our skills in heavy combat. Intel says he is a recruiter and was giving us a way out; to recruit and is linked to Clinton and Israel; and Sean Hannity.
Intel says they are going to dress up as the victim and freak him out while telling him the story and the details. Then they will have two weeks to move out and a team will begin a defection; get started okay. If they wish to play ball, they will signal this and if they will take it to the grave and have no cards to play left; they will signal that also. He is not going to believe it until you give him details of that night and the time bomb. They have a lot of cold cases in Buffalo, FBI office.
The company called Great Lakes, Madison WI; keeps sending me mail and I keep hearing the governor of New York telling me they are on the verge of cutting a deal with us and I have no idea what he is talking about; he may wish to talk to the FBI about it because they are handling the prosecutions. I will send the same letter to request a supervisor and to file a claim with the Pentagon or CIA because I am not able to disclose the details of this to them; they will and handle all claims or legal complaints. That is their point of contact; not me. This is a terror plot and I am not the point of contact. The point of contact is the FBI, CIA, or Pentagon. Start with the FBI. Someone will have a legal team and will have federal prosecutors to speak to their negotiating team. Don’t pressure me; talk to the CIA or Pentagon about moles and terrorists wishing to cut a deal. They are handling the remainder of this case. Who keeps screwing up my god damn sting and raid with their negotiating party?
Great Lakes refuses to put a name or a supervisor only the following: “The Debt Collection Act of 1982 and the Debt Collection Improvement Act of 1996 authorizes… Our records confirm Treasury began withholding payments as of February 13, 2009… You may reach a DCS representative at 1800-927-7667, if you have any questions about this letter… 1800-927-7667. Sincerely, Customer Service Representative”; doesn’t the Pentagon interested in this and aren’t the CIA interested in resolving this? Can I request someone to handle my little problem with the bombardment and why this was not included in the bankruptcy in 1998? They created a mess and now won’t give any details and are beating around the bush and playing some chicken game with government or last ditch effort. There should not be any access to my life whatsoever, none. I had shut down all of the access and wanted to flush them out. They must figure out how to talk to me and “talk this out” as they claim. They must make contact and have no choice in this matter. The charges and the plot are tremendous. If they do not it will show arrogance, complicity, and behavior which has no bearing on why they did not make contact with our lawyers and federal prosecutors. They must make contact and I have shut down all access to my life; all. How this one… did and why is this one constantly filed… and who and what keep wandering in?
(Why denouncing our citizenship is very real when this is done?) It makes you feel demoralized by blacks, liberals, and Irishmen. These are the bottom of the barrel and they act like dictators who are disadvantaged but are the neediest. I bet it was when I was going out with my ex-girlfriend and that Katherine Moynihan and family tried to present a chaser or rival to drive me nuts as she kept showing up all over while I had a girlfriend; this is why the Catholic, Clinton, and recruitment for this poor problem and Irish problem. You get so sick of this and they hold you down and ask when you are ready to give up. Then you have to join a terrorist plot and communism. I had a girlfriend and she kept coming around. Then when I got with Ann she kept showing up in my college course and flirted with me so I was nice but now I realize why the quiet and sneaking around. My god, they invaded my god damn life. How did she get in my life when I was 16 and then when I was 20; and how did this Irish and Catholic problem develop? I had a girlfriend and the people in my school were checked out and under close watch. How did she show up all the sudden when she lived across town? She was so quiet and never said anything but had a temper and cussed like a sailor.
This is what I am talking about. It is this feeling of inescapable control or constant appeal for a partnership by a jack off loser. They always put you with some inner city jack off who comes from some crack home and torments you or some form of disadvantaged situation where you barely make it out alive or struggle with them day and night because they are from the wrong side of the tracks. If you go into the army they put you with some jack off who distracts you constantly. This is why it feels helpless and inescapable; the quality of employees is so bad and so poor, they trying always to make it look like you escape with just your neck with them and you are disadvantaged also. Always this partnership, control over you, and moronisitic communication problems because everybody hates their guts and the quality is so poor because it is sharing power, we are Nazis, they are not perfect and flawed, and power goes to the needy and those who need it most.
It is about low quality and getting stuck with it and you feel as if you cannot escape. Now they put pressure and are again to be some joker, unprofessional and some jack off again; how we are close to striking a deal. This is why and what makes you just denounce your citizenship when this is done and we have destroyed every single one of this communist and terrorist recruitment effort and them waging war. A feeling of siege and bunker mentality because we live with such poor quality and fugitives trying to steal everything and are stupid but feel powerful and in control when they need it the most. That is no excuse for low quality and this invasion by a tyrant. Would you denounce your citizen or fight beside them if in the military? Exactly. The disaster is so massive it makes you disgusted and denounces your citizenship while they wish to recruit you because you are so angry and hate the reality. They are weak, so flawed, and you must bow down to them and how poor they are or disadvantaged. It is the god damn Irish and blacks behind this entire matter and we caught them badly.
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