Tuesday, July 21, 2009 Here is an inside joke about Rush O’Bin Limbaugh or Sean O’Bin Hannity. There is a reason why they do not travel abroad. It is almost like an open joke how some government out there know they are 911 terrorist and would have some wild natives with a bone in their nose butcher them and chop their leg off while they say how it is about sex and money; “it is really hard for me to be powerful or a leader if you cut my leg off… please put it back.” There is something wrong with this idiot and their love or sex calling also. The model with the smoking adorable face has a chubby-greasy haired nostril flaring fatso who loves men. So while we tell them 100 times every single day to go away, get lost, and stop trying to take over our life; they think it is some love tap. “We do not know how it will turn out yet… stocks are going up and they have the money to afford this?” Rush knows we hate the Kennedy’s, Irish, and don’t care for the unions.
Rush says, “They think we are stupid”; no we do not; we know you are homicidal maniacs who think this is about power and control. So you do this on anyone who is happy or the champions. You fear and live in the happiest-greatest country because you are worse than a peasant commune looking for respect. Now you are terrified of that same greatness and what you did; made a mess and a total disaster. You keep saying how this was “just in case we were interested… guessed and got it wrong… trying to infect the champions.” There is a reason they butchered you all and you came to America in search of freedom. There is a reason why you are doing the exact same thing here and looking to blame your enemies or go beyond your life and religion. 7/21/2009 1:59:52 PM Why did Rush just say, “Destroy us.” We are too kind to “destroy us”; but we are much smarter and stronger than you “guessed wrong.” You hate life, you hate happiness, you hate strong-healthy-perfect people; you hate the country that breeds this and their parents. Rush knows we know they are communist moles and why they did 911. he also knows Kennedy is fighting the psychics right now and we know everything.
You are empty, a human rodent of an insect nuisance, and the governments of this world would butcher you if they ever found out what you did and are up to. You have to take over “home” and do this to us. Who else is dumb or kind enough to protect you? This is why you always use the cute, smoking hot and adorable girl and it always leads to the road to the fat, chubby, and smelly flaring nostril ones who call guys “creepy.” Did I mention going to our parties and sharing our life by stepping on beer bottles and cracking your head open? We are supposed to just fall in love and have sex with a disgusting creature who is professing their love, power, and show-off “leveraged result-driven” life while their leg is severed and the governments of the world is ready to butcher you? All we have to do is release you to the world; you do this to the masters of war, their spouses, and their families? Is that what you want or what we want?
Real classy and a world class act; we do not butcher the pretty, talented, and smart people; nor say we are equal and demand the same; but “they think we are stupid” and we are too kind to actually wish this ridiculous life you live. We have to call you 10 times every single week about bills, scams, lies, etc… we have to yell 100 times a day to go away and get lost. You call that love, sex games, and power? You use that cute and sweet voice to suggest we are creepy? So 911 were about this love-sex game and profit-power we are going to butcher up? Didn’t they butcher you already and had to flee to the freest and greatest country on earth and torment the happy and strong people? So now you fear their happiness or greatness? Do we hide all this or openly discuss it with you and what you did? Why then are you hiding it and trying to seek full acquittal? If you get deported, who will offer you protection when an army comes for you?
It is odd how you cling to World War II. Interrogation ends the moment you go on a murderous tirade and also cannot confess or admit to all of this “interrogation” we keep hearing of. If it is merely interrogations, then why don’t you just “do as planned” and “get us out of this.” We can openly and directly discuss this and even the left wing is offended by all this sneaking around and “taking power.” We have a homicidal murderer pretending to be a terrorist and doing this for profit; then they expect us to marry and mate with some ridiculous chubster so they can complete some Ted Kennedy like “Mary Jo” drive off the bridge and run away drunken night of partying? Are you serious? It is bad enough to use the cute princess to market the greasy haired chubster; now you think it is power and leverage in our life because you are sensitive and made misjudgments? They are going to butcher you for 911 and all this terrorism; no less what you did to us you child molester.
We asked you if you wish to dispel the attempted murder charges. To do so, you must prove the eight premises which would explain your behavior in telling me Ann was in love or engaged to you and how I was not to talk to her when she told me she was in direct danger and needed my help for doing the same thing to my life and murder plot. What you called a “death sentence” and our last chance to show our love for you. If you do not show any evidence; you will get attempted murder and a foil murder plot on two people; then conspiring to cover this up; no less the 911 terror and other murderous rampage to leverage your sensitive life and hate-racism policies; for profit. Princess Sarah upstairs is bringing mommy over to help her, did you know this? I scream go away at least 10 times daily and blast music; she comes back the next day like you. She is your messenger and also for the ring leaders. Now she wants to be captured by CIA or DOD for some prisoner swap? What are you the IRS?
Why are you living in the greatest country and a gigantic military base alienated from the truth and reality; then kidnapping and leveraging power over our life in some terrorist way to suggest we are in your prison or some terrorist camp? Now you are on a murderous terrorist rampage “for profit only” and created this “Bubble culture” we keep hearing about AIG, Bear Stearns, and most of all Goldman-Sack. You’re the IRS and this taxing rampage is paying for what? Shouldn’t they butcher you and make you suffer instead of allowing you to live in the greatest and freest country? I will pray for you. This will be twice in history you were butchered and now it is by the greatest and freest in the world. Now who are you and what are you?
First you are homicidal murderers doing 911 like attacks; now you think you are also the IRS and doing the same legally? “This guys ego… all he cares about… it is not about healthcare… help everybody… punishing the rich.” Now you think you are the rich; some elite and powerful group of spies in our life? Do you understand the charges you are trying to escape and lie about? Do you know we are too kind and smart to deal with a human rodent like insect such as you are? At some point, we get tired of a bastard sucking on some master nipple or a fat loser telling us how powerful he is or how much we love and need him. Now we have to listen to a drunk Irishman tell us he is going to beat us up every single morning and throughout the day. Now it is about fair wages, we do not have the votes, our welfare is at stake, and how medical cost will stop the diseases or medical problems they try to add to our life each month. Oh, and how loud their bikes are. If they are wishing to escape poverty and do not know what to do, then do not “do not know what to do” in our life or country; no less tell us every single day how powerful and how scared we are of them.
It is like seeking revenge on a serial child molester and serial killer; who is the criminal and why is the law giving you power and freedom? It would be easier if this cat-mouse game ended. You think we are in love with you and life partners! That is the terrorist recruitment trap you put us in. The world is going to butcher you for being a failure and loser; now do you want us to also? Why are you here and will you ever leave instead of being mean and abusing us; you call it “for profit only” you sick fat demented loser of a chubster. We are in love with your power and protection? You are the police? This is twice you were butchered in history and this time it is not about profit; you are an open joke and you feel sensitive and had “serious misjudgments” which you can deal with and punish yourself?
“We do not have the best health care… they come here for it” so we are invading your life and stole your lands? We just somehow cannot see straight enough to know who is lying to us or who is doing what to whom? People come to America to raid your life? They come here to work in the lettuce fields because you refuse to and make a decent living so they return home and start a business. They come here to work at the most intelligent companies after they go through six, eight, or ten years of school as I did; only to run into you and your mole group of terrorist sleepers. People come here not even expecting to see a child molester show up in their life every single day to demand we bow and declare our love for some human rodent like insect sneaking around trying to take power or rewrite our life. Your murder spree is because “they come here for it” and medical care? They are our teachers in life and “national coaches?”
You justify 911 and Democrat politics with 911 and Irish power or union violence? As I said, they will butcher your stupidity, fake myspace pictures of cute skinny models, and ask who you fear the most; your country or the “creepy” world? “It is for the Democrat Party… 7/21/2009 2:40:56 PM… (umm… ummm… cotton mouth… ummm) kook city… more phone calls from you…” Rush has his circle of friends and supporters calling in for a love fest and advice. Rush do you actually want to be arrested and go to prison where they will pick on you and butcher you for all that you have done? Is that a logical ending to this or release you to the world? You are like the headhunter who sits and waits patiently in the living room with a butcher knife for those who dare walk in your den. The only planet left is Mars and they will accept your power and elite kindness. So how are they “infecting the champions” or the strong and healthy; then arresting a suspect for terrorism when it is actually a sting on them and a mission so important they want to be part of it even if they wrecked it? Is it because they are more powerful or more stupid and liars? Why do they wish to live and share life with the greatest and happiest; then arrest us for our kindness to them already?
You are still trying to fight the best and the greatest, no less the smartest after getting beat so badly, you waved the white flag to make it stop and people are still laughing at you aren’t they? Now you tell the greatest and smartest they are murderers and suspects when your drunken state has no explanation or education to even defend yourself? Keep in mind who is still fighting and how the losses are stacking up and the entire reality is about to give and collapse on you. The punishment is not even spoken at this time. So without any education or purpose beyond criminal intent, malice, and to instill fear; you fight and keep fighting the most ethical, honest, and greatest. If that is not a testament and witness to your magical powers and captured number one spy ring stature; then what is? As we said, they will butcher you in your own home and home field; wait until you meet these militaries abroad. Oh, to try this on the CIA and Pentagon right here and now; is how insane this is.
We just love the F-22 debate and how the “jobs express” and “jobs experience” of the Republican bacterial coalition of Saxby Chambliss, Newt Gingrich, Jimmy Carter, Sean O’Bin Hannity, and Rush O’Bin Limbaugh; is trying to sell us one fighter jet when we can have 100 UAV’s that deliver twice the armament using half the fuel and you can smoke and eat a pie while in route. Also consider how the B-1 and the bomber is a missing link and we are using a 50 year old intercontinental bomber still which is a gas hog but still a good value. Congressman and this jobs express have no business in Defense Spending but they have just given Obama his first victory; so we will applaud the President for smashing the jobs express and pushing the country deeper in depression and anger. We are denied all rights and life, arrested as a suspect, and we find out it is the same idiot the world always butchers and mistreats; now they are turning on the greatest and their masters. We should cut the numbers of the F-22 down by ten each time this problem arises. These are not Republicans at all and we know it. Usually we say to the left wing, “this is a damn god forsaken shame.” Tell them to stop writing these worthless books and flood the market. It is like a mole and a trap everywhere by the school of Maddoff conservatives.
If we have to tell them to go away and knock it off 100 times every single day and to stay out of our life; can they rationalize why their kid needs to be buried first? It has no reason and is senseless stupidity; all pure criminal threats and pure terrorist domination. This is why you have to kill their kids and ask if they can understand why it takes 100 denouncements every single day and throwing the kitchen sink at them even. They feel the more they do this, the better the partnership and relationship becomes because they have a right to disagree and no crime is present. If they cannot explain or write it down accurately; than it is pure criminal insanity even if they keep saying how powerful and how we do not have the votes. They are brain dead and lack education or too overweight and repulsive to be loved and seen daily. They drive away customers and business with some sorry appeal or demanding they buy things. In other words, they screw up everything, even our lives.
They are brain dead and the only thing left to escape poverty is profit seeking murder and crime. If they cannot rationalize it and write it down; tough cookies and get ready to be ripped apart or waving the white flag which has been banned due to the persistent recurrence of the same problem daily and even hourly; the leaders are trying to talk to us all day long and to express how angry they are with us; ready to kill someone and we must pay them some booty. They cannot even rationalize why they have kids and keep on having them. That is the only way to stop them, evil, or terror plots. We guarantee an instant result to terror plots when and if that measure is taken by the military because it will rationalize their actions. Do not accept a white flag from this renegade group of left wing moles and terrorists. While they are alive, there is nothing to stop them; you must stop their kids and cut them off at the finish line. They are getting more powerful and expanding by infecting the champions with zero education and rationale; only pure power and criminal intent. It is to escape poverty and murder is for profit. The machinery is their kids and the baby factory.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009 O’Bin Hannity is still saying “Obama-care… not over yet” and should be real careful how he uses it because he referred to a specific lady last time. Now Ann is going to have to go on his show and scold him or yell at him while the entire world is laughing and sharpening their arrows. “Sue me… then get lost… confidence in saying it… views superior… why it is on… hard work… teaching about life and how unfair it is… make peace.” There is a major league problem with the ethical values and the verbal ethics of O’Bin Hannity and his admonition and daring gesture to sue him if we can stop him. O’Bin Hannity is not even disputing or trying to tell a lie anymore; he is merely daring and shoving it back in our face.
So O’Bin Hannity is still proclaiming how it is not over with Ann but has not answered any of the eight premises which will clear him of attempted murder, stalking, and conspiracy to kidnap or inflict emotional distress and slander the personal reputation to a spouse or fiancé. After all the struggle; he is still after the most ethical, the smartest, the most purposeful, the greatest, and trying to instill fear and emotional distress as the entire world is laughing and asking how stupid his uneducated life truly is and if he can logically and rationalize his behavior? Is it pure criminal or homicidal impulse? O’Bin Hannity just called it “really hard work… promises… saying exactly opposite of what is being said… smart people want to slow this down… not even fighting this any longer.”
We hope Fox News and the EIB is paying attention to their superstar and their money maker “as his career is going down the drain” because they may be criminally liable and acting as an enabler. O’Bin Hannity is being confronted and is trying to block any and all actions with some legal defense and challenge to “sue him” or suggest he will sue his employer for punishments or stopping his terrorist rampage using the conservative and right wing to advance a left wing plot. The public is getting a chance to study a vicious and the most advanced criminal element and also espionage spy this world has ever wished to butcher for doing this day and night to suggest they can stop the smartest, most educated, most ethical, most purposeful, most happy, most restrained, masters, masters of war, and the future leaders of this world. He and they have nothing; all they do is use the most vulnerable and helpless as an excuse; such as his annoying children. What else can he use to fight or who else?
O’Bin Hannity has made violent threats or comments to suggest violence on his colleagues and someone he claims is his girlfriend and is in a year long struggle to get his bite and this kidnapping off her family. Then he is “why do you trust him… put your confidence and trust for so long… someone who is wrong so many times”; the point is he is doing this to scare the hell out of the public, the authorities, the people who were undercover, using those undercover as a hostage and get away, and threatening retaliation if all of those above do not back off while he is on a homicidal rampage or was stopped in the middle of one. Wonderful immigrants who have come in our life and government looking for freedom and respect aren’t they? All we here is how powerful and how much better they are; it is all criminal acts, none is academic or rational thought. It is like the abuse of a violent drunk or a child molester.
Wonderful fight this drunken Irishman and the union upstairs (Clinton-Israel coalition) has going with the Democratic Party. The worst part is they keep saying we love them and are their girlfriends. The worst part is they keep arresting and trying to suggest we are murderers; they have been butchered before and suffer discrimination, hatred, and severe poverty; yet they insist they are teachers in life and the “national coach.” The worst part is they keep saying we came here to ask them for medical care – we are not; they are “Kennedy is… not about money anymore” 7/21/2009 7:28:37 PM; no the Irish and Catholic Church is; the unions and GM. Rush said it is for the Democratic Party.
7/21/2009 7:35:33 PM O’Bin Hannity just said, “if I want to take… we are that powerful… blue dog sitting in that office… they have been burned… taking over banks, financial institutions… what does it mean to me… not going to put up with this… all these lies, Hannity was right (Mr. Prez)… tax the rich to get it… sense of complacency.” O’Bin Hannity does not realize the CIA and Pentagon is reading this and knows who we are dealing with and what weapons we have against a common drunk. This is as insane and the devil can get; as criminal of a rampage the world has ever scene. Obama is their chaser and enabler; to pardon them like Watergate. Both the right wing and the left wing are trying to end their careers.
We have tried to alert the public and the federal authorities; the only way left to scare the hell out of us and the only way to terrorize us outside of conventional forces is to do the unspeakable. We knew this and you can see it; so they and the public must do what they can and must. This is not the Republican or the conservative movement; who they are is what we caught them as. They are seeking blame and to blacklist all right wing, conservatives, and Republicans; an Irish and Jewish hit like 911. It is called blaming the smartest, most ethical, most honest, and most self sufficient; to argue the reverse and make them take risk or put them in danger. We see this as a repeated pattern and seeking out weaknesses. They are fighting the public and if they wish to lie about this, then the public will treat them as such so long as the authorities cannot catch them or needs to hurry up. We lost six years due to their cover-ups and legal obstacles and blocking maneuvers.
“We are in this together… we can pool our money together… everyone can have security… the only problem is human nature… taking the easy way out (yeah we know teacher)… everything is government run… free… everything will stop… (so killing will kick start it) has been proven time and again (Stalinism)” O’Bin Hannity is suggesting this is some kick start for what they are doing but he is so clandestine and we cannot make him crawl or wave the white flag again. We had to do this to get them to this point and figure this out; and suffer dearly. O’Bin Hannity says, “We have… (list of women)… infect the champions.” Rush did say this was strictly profit driven and is a disaster now, no thanks to us. Then O’Bin Hannity says it is the Irish and Catholic last hope; not over yet. After this it is jail and the poor house. Is there anything else out there or any other alternative? They underestimate others but this is how they got in this position now; if they fail this one, then it is it. Loose this and they go home with nothing.
O’Bin Hannity said the Democrats, left wing, and liberals were not supposed to oppose him or declare them grossly unethical. This sleeper terrorist and mole group is after “the Good Ole’ Boys Network”; for what we do not know or for who. They wanted to “bury the Republican Party” and expected to be greeted as liberators. They did not expect so much retaliation and such opposition, even from the liberals. This is insane and as criminal homicide as you can possibly get. This is why I had said Georgia has never put up any Republican element and has a tradition of Democrat and military infantry; no officer levels. Officers usually come from the North and strong academic backgrounds; Georgia is also one of the terror sites during the Olympics and a weird case about a black serial killer.
8:10:06 PM Newt Gingrich said he is going after the Army Generals or the military elements. “This is demoralizing… beat us back… (‘why don’t they just sue us… they don’t care…’) facing opposition… (Breathing hard) budget office did not find anything… increased pressure… debate is not over… (it is borderline insanity that is all) every opportunity to drive up the deficit (military and Pentagon)… exact opposite of the Obama approach… not weak, only fake… got pretty angry… actually mean it.” O’Bin Hannity asked if he can see it. “It frightens people… can’t say it is Bush’s economy… said they have become more conservative in the past year… voted for change-changed what we believe in.” Newt Gingrich says this is only fake and the public will recognize it is not weak; it is insanity. This disaster is the work of madman and homicidal murderers. (Irish-union upstairs is slamming things!) “Let people decide if they want to vote for… something better… (O’Bin Hannity says run for President in 2012) you and I will think about this seriously in 2011… (Laughing) I think we have found an American solution… leadership and we do not have it now.”
Jesus Christ, O’Bin Hannity says, “We will have Ann Coulter on tonight… she will speak out about this.” He still thinks she is in their conspiracy and has not injured them tremendously or told them to stop acting as if she is his girlfriend and interested; it has been over a full year and he is asked to provide 8 methods to explain his behavior; it is clear they are playing the same game she is playing with them and this selective truth or silence. Ann said she was sick and tired of this and some feeling of total jealousy or embarrassment; so she has been saying it is time for them to go and be removed. She has been yelling and confronting them; nothing. So how do we tell them no when they invade and come across the borders? Now they are helping the Republicans expand or cause? We love horny drunks and repeating “no” over and over. We love VC and labor leaders who are violent drunks and dirt stupid but madmen; every woman’s dream and wish. I keep the picture of Princess upstairs in my pants also because no man can overrule her; we love VC and being a POW.
No reply and constant replay of the same; then none of the eight rational explanations are provided or can be. It is just hope and delusions or obsessions. The princess upstairs does the same thing; but they will not openly discuss it or how they are the damned and fugitives shadowing spy hunters and masters of war. That is total insanity; the work and fantasies of a madman. We can wrap up and end all of this today. It is like a pirate or killer who has boarded our family ship or in our house. Now we have to chase them out or check every room. “They are just attacking again… becoming a blood sport.” They torment our family also and try to talk to them. This is much worse than fighting a Middle Easterner or some VC; it is a violent horny drunk and a peasant who wants freedom. The son of a bitch thinks our spouses and partners are in love with them and on their murderous rampage and going down with them. We love VC and chase them for no reason? You got to love when the women call, “Hi Sean, just wanted to call and say hi; you look great fighting Obama and those nasty liberals. We love you, take care.” Then O’Bin Hannity keys in with, “The Freedom Concert will be in a town near you we are going to be… come if you dare; you can be my girlfriend.” Dallas is going to love this drunk who cannot take no for an answer, “I am a horny drunk, assassinate me like Jackie. The nation wants this and voted for it.”
People sense the JFK-LBJ feeling of Newt and Jackie on our own side. It is like a horny drunk you cannot say no or stop to. Nothing stops them and they are like the Terminuisance; cold blooded homicidal drunks and philanderers who cannot take no for an answer. Plus, they want to be heroes, the good guys, and everybody to come together and help them out even if they are madman and VC. We have to love them and accept them in our hearts. It does not matter if they are in first or last place; they are always horny and drunk; going to come in our rooms, like it or not; get ready because there they are and here they cum; drunk and stupid. Some bunch of family values as they keep telling us. This is not the devil, racist, madman, or murderous terrorist; it is a dumb horny drunk who won’t take no for an answer. Why is this drunk horny IRA terrorist doing this on the Republican side and hunting the God-Boy network with pages of felonies and one terror plot after the other? 9:11:00 PM Caller says, “We see this constant (partner) pattern, not to do any harm… more positive (idealism)… what is dangerous… you just did.” O’Bin Hannity said “Republicans don’t care... more critical” and Rush said, “She doesn’t care about anybody.” O’Bin Hannity said when the nation wants it and voted for it, he is dead.
So if we hate and know the Kennedy family were moles and drunks; why would we love Kennedy II or this philandering dirt bag? So Sean has to explain that one also and what we already knew or know now. They not only expanded but got homicidal and on a murderous rampage because it is Stalinism. Rush is the communist shadow following that family and tried to do the same to us. We detected it and flushed them out or destroyed them and now here they are. Look up I. F. Stone, the life of a radical communist. How will they explain that one or this one also? It is much worse than people think; they are communist moles and terrorists. They keep saying we love Kennedy’s and wish to marry them or want them drunk, stupid, and with lots of kids. Did they really screw up and are hated-despised by the public and are dead if they vote yes! They love to be our POW and we hate their guts. We are in their reality and want us to fight back; terrorist recruitment. Sean says if the public wants it, then it is a done deal! Rush said the people wanted 911 but they have to be quiet and beat around the bush. They are under the payroll of the Russian Jews and George Soros.
The real story with 911 is the Kennedy family. They are going back in and fixing things for the Irish, Catholics, Unions, and Democratic Party. They felt some raid was coming and a conspiracy was ongoing; some chase or spy game. Then they must have got paranoid or felt a raid was coming and we were noticing some odd things. It is the Irish and the Moynihan family on this end; also Clintons. They know we hate them and are playing this game; then keep it ongoing and some quiet secret. When they felt the raid was on to the communist mole; they did 911 to reverse it; they called the masters spies. That is 911 a call to the masters.
They don’t care about cell phone bombs in Israel; they care about taking over in the US; the mother load. You have a major alarm going off. If there was a raid, it was shut down in the US and some contingency took place. They shut us down and murdered off the loose ends to protect this mother load and HQ. Then they shut down the military and shut down any raid and kept this secure for almost a decade. Then all hell broke loose in 2008 when they were still sneaking up on both Ann and I. The Kennedy family knew Ann had known they were a communist mole group because of the Moynihan on this end and what I was saying also; we had one and a chase was on. It was Rush. That MI-OK was about a raid on this mole and sleeper plot.
They got nailed several times and were snooping around. Also, they were looking for a military equalizer or some raid coming either domestic or global. If it was out there, Bush and 911 shut it down and they wanted revenge for attacks on their family (JFK Jr.) So they are fixing it, it is a total disaster, they are fighting the psychic commandos by removing or lobotomizing the ones with the information, and they know both Ann and I hate the Kennedy family but they keep acting like horny drunks who come in our room when they want. Labor is washed up, the black movement is in disrepair, the communist is desperate for something and fear raid or militaries out there, they have to fix things in America and the US cells, unions are hated, media propaganda is shut down, and now some raid is coming.
What would you do if you were them? Can you stop psychic commandos? What if they know everything? You just had two very risky teams blown on our ends. You just got raided and shut down. There is only one door for access to us. We finally got reinforcements from the CIA and Pentagon. Would you do another 911 to scare the hell out of us? Bush shut down this raid and they took the wrong guess as Sean indicated with 911. So shut it down now with Mumbai or Jakarta; tries. Now we are saying, either you can tell us or we can tell you. So what they have to do is switch sides and pretend nothing happened or take over and seek total control; we shut that down also. There is only one way to scare the hell out of us now; only one. Now they have shut it down, they are doing a massive recruitment and filling up both sides. You are just a tool in a chess game. Both Rush and Sean, the Moynihan, Clinton, and upstairs, and the surveillance and police all know we know their entire master plan and their conventional levels are shut down and they are being tracked; they suspected this before and now know after the movies I had showed them. They keep saying we are in love with stupid horny drunks and terrorists. Yeah and what the fuck am I doing on this god damn detail; I was supposed to get married. Would you be pissed or cuss; what happened to my beautiful mission?
Instead of sitting in some Ivory castle or writing books while Annie went on TV; we are chasing some menacing horny drunks. Instead of being fed grapes daily, we are out here acting like some ground level operative who is upset and some comedian. It is really great to be living on some ledge where we are about to join the unions or must profess our love of the Kennedy Klan. Three years ago, they were going to sneak up to us and we knew it; they wanted to know how big the contingency on the other side was but did not know after all this combat; a cook did all this? So we were out of here had they taken over the Pentagon or CIA; a massive contingency of 911 moles. Then in April 2008, they got the answer in a surprise attack and freaked; we were sitting right next to them as they snuck up; did not know who else was next to them and spooked. Nobody made a move or tried. They sent in grounded Orca and he began to flip his fin and do jumps like a happy camper and we asked his if Moby D. knew how a bone spear was in him but too chubby to notice? Then he literally had a heart attack and started saying he was in love with Ann and so wasn’t some other horny drunk 911 mole.
The key is they know we are sitting right next to them and said it was bipartisan. Next thing I know all hell breaks loose again and the contingency against them hits a magnitude of overwhelming numbers. Now after some cleaver butchering and open flame grilling; the entire mess is unwinding and they are trying to kiss butt as we ask why I am not in an Ivory castle with a baby strollers; why am I breast feeding a terrorist and mole who loves my nipple? For over a full year, we fought two primary antagonist sent to clear this up and they brought in one after the other mixed in with a few unsuspecting decoys. Ground level operative my ass; where is my hairdresser and tailor; no less my servants who throw roses where I walk; did I mention the list of injuries they gave me and why? Did I mention they called me nigger for over a full decade and tried to marry me off to some chubster with flaring nostrils and greasy hair, who was being marketed by her adorable smoking hot babe friend who is always silent? They even dress the same and call me creepy. Now I have some weekly comedy routine and have about six books trying to explain what the hell I am doing living with some Irish drunks and the union in New York. They think this is a disaster and call me a ground level operative looking to make a name for them?
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