To the customer reps and emissaries upstairs: We know you all are behind the shoot-up, go and do a mall shooting or a college campus; and for god sakes, shut the hell up and stop calling me a common nigger upwards of 20 times a day. The public is going to massacre your Irish bacteria and Zionist drunken stupor and you are no 90-120 Abercrombie model; stop acting as if you are and making inadequate. Blow your brains out if you have to also before a campus or mall. Can yaw dig it?
Here is what I do not understand Bin Hannity. You calmly go on national TV and “share the blame” with us about how you have to keep your pants up or else be blackmailed. We will to interview Jill O’Bin Hannity. I wish to ask her and present to her this case and also ask how many times either she, you, or one of your “customer service representatives” have bombarded our life with sex parties, singles club, used Abercrombie and Fitch pictures on misplace.com or other social networking sites to promote some hellacious bacteria like human being we call the “Irish bacterium.”
Mrs. Bin Hannity is going to have to step up to the plate and answer some basic questions since her bacteria of a husband refuse. Since 1993 I have been forced into awkward situations which begin with some Abercrombie model and ends with a hellacious obese nose-flaring greasy haired gobbler and loser of a female and male. It is like a beast and I was near perfect and could have won body building competitions. Ann and I were supposed to get married until one of us was kidnapped or the ship was taken over. Then the other was kidnapped and held captive; so the other one came to the rescue. Now we both are captives but have a “hands off” policy devised by Mr. Bin Hannity. They forgot to inform us they were spies and psychopathic stalkers wishing to interview us for a 911 terror plot.
Since we were supposed to be married but could not and a chase was on; we became closer and intimate. It is not a life of sin but you ended up in the core of the trap, the core. To get to the core, there are at least 10 layers of mazes to engage and negotiate. It is so intricate you cannot get out. Had this recruitment and 911 terror plot not occurred; we would be married and your moles-sleepers behind bars in a raid. They were being raided and in grave danger; that is true and accurate. They are in worse and quadruple the danger today, understand? It is called extreme risk taking and neck deep in being a traitor and sleeper terrorist. Mr. Bin Hannity has already stated how the Kennedy family became so rich and powerful, “Kennedy is… not about money anymore” and became Zionists and this sleeper-mole cell.
We wish to know if she lives a life of shame and sin now after all of these failed attempts to expose you; that is the key; we both are under the surface and now we submerged and pulled a sting on your sleeper-mole-911 spy ring. We did not need dead bodies to know you were serious or naked pictures of you to know that later. My point is based on the story about a girl named Katherine Moynihan to who experts fear may be a “chaser” or a recruiter; sent to terminate or harm John Connor, the leader of the future resistance against bacterium in the war on single celled isotopes such as the likes we have here. You do know we are a military family and we ran South Vietnam with a circle of Generals? This is no joke or game. Who are you in the movie, we know who we are.
I want to hear you tell me how many times your bacteria of a husband has gone on the air and said he was happily married, openly suggested romance with Ann Coulter and still does, is being accused of being a peeping tom, stalking, harassment, persistent workplace hostility, inappropriate behavior when having kitchen sinks thrown at him, and trying to attend our events and military balls. He is dared to show up at one of my events; I have the most ferocious and lethal bodyguards and you see me in action on the movie Under Siege. That is Ann the pin up girl. You see how my attitude with her changed when we got in fire fights? I am a major league weapons expert and the founder of satellite warfare; you can read my books.
Here is a weeks worth of reports documented as “sin based life” recruitment effort; dated July 20-27, 2009: http://getthehelloutofmy.blogspot.com/
Now here is the story of Katherine Moynihan of the Moynihan family. The story of the Moynihan and Clinton families in Fairfax, VA; how did this become an Irish and Catholic fight with the unions and terrorism; http://moresuspects.blogspot.com/
Now here is the story of who appears to be the clone of President Hilarious Clinton and their super mole spy group known as the Bin Kennedy-Texas spy ring. Now if you tell me how many times we have been propositioned or held hostage, then this will clear up a lot of facts in this case and the 911 plot which begins to develop around 1986-1987. The end of the cold war left spies in the US and globally in despair and serious risk of attack; they had to send in Delta Bill to black them out and it was a total failure because someone went delta ass on their big stinky life. Now we are in the final phase and have your old and new master plan which leaves not much left. You can surrender, give up or give us the information we ask for and demand; or face the mob and their curiosity with you all also.
So we need you to turn and make a sharp one to the plebian side of this terror plot and new cold war; which we are coming really close to raiding. They raided the Texas bunch by arresting Pollard. Then Clingon in DC. Then you grabbed me and said it is a conspiracy – thinking I was in danger and you were protection (WTF-go the fuck away for the 1000th time you idiotic bacteria). Then you kill 3000 domestically, arrest me and have me meet Pollard for some demand and swap, then you go back and try to fix this plot and rescue all the moles-operatives using Bush ‘mission accomplished Simonized’, and then try to set up a high level meeting with me again and start this standoff with some deranged lover on my end and some deranged bunch of rapist on Ann’s end. Would you like to go through that or show some evidence it was done to you?
Here is what Mr. O’Bin Hannity has said on the record: “guessed and guessed wrong, so what (stop)… this is not over yet… remove her Burka… of course they are dreaming… had to pass this or else it will go up… and now it is much worse… we know this entire hypothetical poll… banned the ugly’… in the news… if you managed to survive… then you have made your peace with how unfair life is… if all things equal… surrounding… just give it to us and we will be the landlords… weapon to prevent embarrassment… victim of it. 8:27:51 PM… Remind us when it is over… not over… Saudi wife… take off her bursa…. Clear by the day… accused of stabbing New York in the back… property tax… landlords step up…to measure his success… to wake people… Sue me… then get lost… confidence in saying it… views superior… why it is on… hard work… teaching about life and how unfair it is… make peace… why do you trust him… put your confidence and trust for so long… someone who is wrong so many times… Kennedy is… not about money anymore… if I want to take… we are that powerful… blue dog sitting in that office… they have been burned… taking over banks, financial institutions… what does it mean to me… not going to put up with this… all these lies, Hannity was right… tax the rich to get it… sense of complacency… We are in this together… we can pool our money together… everyone can have security… the only problem is human nature… taking the easy way out (yeah we know teacher)… everything is government run… free… everything will stop… (so killing will kick start it) has been proven time and again (Stalinism)… (wants) the Good Ole’ Boys Network (bury the Republican Party).”
Here is more: 7/20/2009 7:14:50 PM Sean starts off with “starting to sense… abandoning ship… loosing support… not going to work… cheating… getting louder… getting meaning… striking out as if he is over his head… losing… nervous Democrats… doesn’t have the Midas touch… getting worse… sensing political capital… political price to pay… unfortunate we are the victims… impossible to reverse this thing…” Sean is going to bring the guy from MI-OK to dispel all the facts against him? Am I okay? Someone call 911 if not. Sean is caught thunderstruck, juggling the biggest lies on this earth; murder, love, career, success, etc… This is a two faced, mean, angry, hot headed bacterium, lying, cheating, stealing, and how he views himself, a “weasel” whose wife cannot even cook and spends all his money.
Here is more: "scare us... propagandize about us... scare us... anything to get his agenda past... bankrupt the country... already... it is madness"; "Government screwed this all up"; “I agree…” and some suggestion we agree or this struggle which “is not over yet”; “intimidate, harass, barest of numbers… go along with this monstrosity… pressure them… fighting in these districts… right to opt out of this because future is in jeopardy if they do not… this is all true… not convinced when push comes to shove… if they can stand strong when we need you on this… stunned by criticism when they got home… blue dog Democrat will come along and save the day…”; “Weapon to prevent embarrassment… victim of it 8:27:51 PM… Remind us when it is over… not over… Saudi wife… take off her bursa…. Clear by the day… accused of stabbing New York in the back… property tax… landlords step up… ruins everything he touches… a really good guy until he starts talking politics and I cannot stand him…to measure his success… to wake people… and his.”
Here is what Bin Limbaugh said and why they would go nuclear if we did not give them Ann and keep this ongoing… to call your Congressman if you want to do that… nobody has ever laid a finger on her or touched her”; “we guessed wrong… seeing for who he is… weak and capitulating… I hope those words are strong enough for you.” Bin Limbaugh was sniffling and near tears. These people are psychopathic terrorists trying to gain access to military balls and weddings. They took over the teaching business and feel they are the “national cock-coaches”
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