The story of the Moynihan and Clinton families in Fairfax, Va.:
Wednesday, July 15, 2009 Sean if you have a bone of morals and ethics in you; you will recognize your masters and back down or end this while you can. Rush has signaled he is going nuclear and I have had to listen all day to feet stomping; how angry you are, and basically a continuation of this. Your only option remaining is nuclear; if you wish to win this and you have tried to wage war and engage in combat already. We brought you to the table and now you crawl and stomp on the floor about how you are still dangerous and vicious. I take it seriously and I take the squirt gun on my chest seriously. Just remember, in every stand off between terrorists and commandos; they courage ends the moment they are dropped and taken out; usually it is without any warning.
I have listened to John McCain act as if he is some miracle. He would do like Bush and push a sneak attack then does a tax cut. He would also ruin the Republican Party as he claimed to be moderate and reaching across the aisle. So it is impossible to get rid of you all and the Bush-McCain families from politics. McCain would have screwed this up and covered it up like Bush; no accountability and embarrassments disappear. Go after this conspiracy and the 911 terrorists. We also know you all are going full steam ahead and ignoring all the facts; and your spy ring is full steaming to nuclear also. You have no conventional levels remaining. We made sure of this and you came to the table and have not presented any kind of terms or offer worthy of consideration. So if you want out while you can; let me inform you that Rush and the Irish Princess has stomped on the floor all day and want to go nuclear; we are dispatching military intercepts to them and they are entering the danger and kill zones.
Sean says, “they will all leave the country because they do not want to pay for this… meaning they will fart a stink into public… pull a Bernard Madoff… an instant joke.” That is not their tactic and Intel just told me they have a militant arm. They know the military is not afraid to take them out or bring them to their knees; they had all their strategy reversed and is in tatters; what is left? Exactly. Sean is lying and is not backing out; she says “it is all a lie.” The last people you must answer to is the military and when some emergency arises like right now; you have no power under martial law. You can be deported; so how do you stop martial law or marital ones where you kill off the opposition? Sean, we have been playing this game for some time and used to run South Vietnam against you VC and insurgents. You will also bring us to the Peace Treaty or some diversion. This is what we will face when we impose martial law against your terrorist group and spy ring and you will strike and equalize; Intel confirmed it.
Want to tell me who has advantage when the country is under attack and martial law? You or us? Who is on their knees and has been defeated on the conventional levels? What other military card do you have available if it is conventional and under martial law? Care to tell me? What are you searching for right now and what are you trying to trace and find? Some right wing HQ and some operational base to dirty bomb; what if it is robotic; you scoured CIA and the Pentagon already. You are trying to seek all of this from us; we know. We have enough right now to put you in martial law and military detainment. We know it is the Catholics and the Irish backed by the financing of the Jews.
At least we do not dream about Sean’s wife or his son! How did he get here again? Is it over with you and this wife swap with Neanderthals and peasants? Listen to what made Rush cry like a baby:
“Rush said, “you cannot get any higher… already being leveled against them.” WE know this and we know they have total invasion and the infiltrated the Presidency after 1989. We stopped you. You may want to ban them from all defense, military, and security details until we can resolve and round up all of them; while you can; we surprised them and had a similar run-in and they pulled out weapons, duct tape, and hand binders. If you get in a run-in with them; Rush says, “Knew they would be best friends.” Yes, Ann and I are best friends; thank you for commenting. They say you are so insecure and deranged. Why don’t you break the silence and stop telling us to shut up and then go away! Go find someone who likes you or respects you to give love to; stop being meek and silent and just go away or die. What a total loser.
I tell Ann and we kiss every night before bed Rush; did you know this? I say, “Give me a kiss sweetheart… I love you” every single night. Ann says, “I am so in love Alex and you know this.” Ann tells me I am her master almost weekly. I never hear a damn thing about you or Rush; I hear it from you all the time. This shows you how insane you are. Now you want my wife just like that? Let me think about it and get back to you tomorrow okay! I am her master, she is proud and says this, we kiss every single night; and you keep saying “this is not over yet… we will be back.” Rush is crying and hurt 7/15/2009 2:44:02 PM; imagine how Sean feels. Ann is a human being and she has biological needs like all other women; but I thought it was just her and me. Where did all of this come from? She tells me it is casual and business relationships; interviews and how she is always organizing. She is just power and makes critical decisions. Now she has obsessed slaves who throw themselves at her; then turn into terrorists.
You can always blow your brains out? Rush says, “Nobody has touched her… tax laws allowed”; Rush, you got to be an idiot; we have been together for over 20 years and knew each other since childhood. Why would I sit there and waste my time; I manhandle and have zero tolerance. You have no idea what Ann and I are up to in our private life, how we plan, and how you are shut out; stay out also. Ann is no angel and she has openly said this but nobody has kissed her but her best friend and life partner. I can tell you her favorite… what she does not… how often… if music… favorite smells… the red zone… I know what Ann loves and what she likes… I can tell you how often she shaves… I been her mate for over 20 years and we had a grand plan and cover story; it is over Rush; your standoff and terror plot also. She tells me all this stuff and we talk about it all the time because we share life together; it is not a big deal. Break the silence Rush; Sean can also and your hope you dope! Silence!
7/15/2009 2:50:58 PM Stop sniffling and crying as if you are deranged and have some relationship with her; you are a peeping tom and ordered to let go of the bite on her life. Either that or openly and directly discuss this. One failed date should have ended this and a full year of this already should be enough; nobody else is carrying this out. Not even MSNBC or the liberals. Rush sees this as his “destruction” and taking his entire reality. It is called head fucking you in espionage terminology and Ann is one of if not the best in the world. This is why you are so dangerous and will attack on a nuclear level. This is why the military and the role of the military is essential to stop the bad in this world; there is no legality or no criticism you level us with. You treat us like criminals and your girlfriends; we have to bend over backwards and have our reality overwhelmed.
It is no joke you are a head of cabbage, Babushka. I am much younger than Ann and she acknowledges me as her master and always have been; totally in love and fulfilled. We openly talk about very private and like we are man and wife; it is no big deal; this is what you mind is on all day long with me? You are trading your Irish princess for Ann and want me to love your gorgeous Sarah Connors and her ape kids? Haven’t you given up and abandoned this after ten full years of this and us cussing at you? This nightmare and horror never ends. You are fucking nuts and a total deranged loon. You feel hurt and are crying while demanding my consort as a negotiation to stop a nuclear strike? This is how we make this end or the terror strikes to stop? You are going to go nuclear because the US military beat you conventionally already and you are crawling?
Do you think your wife’s body is a big deal or seeing her naked? She told me about how you all were stalking her and hid how you are peeping toms; it is a turn off and makes you think she was raped. How about touching her or kissing? Exactly. We talk about it like a couple; you impose yourself and put your fantasy in our life. You know we have zero tolerance for adultery and pit us against each other. We shut you down and your entire reality which you are brainwashing and head fucking us with. I can write a book on Ann but who the hell kisses and tells? Also, if this is shattering your ears; you must be an idiot and do not know why people marry or have marriage and family. We do not cheat either; there is zero tolerance, zero! Ann will confirm this and she will wait till the end of time. Business or casual relationships are impossible with you all (army of the damned) and you are so meek you keep this ongoing your entire life of fantasy.”
Do you still care or need to know what we are going to do with our life? You are the ones right now who know this is a disaster for you and you will not survive. Do you see a rescue from your wife or this fantasy? Ann did a major rescue; why do you care about her and wish to scare me off; murder plot? So now you all are going nuclear? You have not filed one complaint yet and you are going nuclear? US Army and defense forces; circle them and put them under protocol; do not make any false moves. Shows who we are dealing with and the accuracy of this story and entire plot; it took 30 years to catch you. Now we stalk you and invade you life or have kidnapped you at any time for any reason? So why is this over ten years long?
Thanks for the sex education class Sean. I do not think Ann or I need your help or any education; I usually make sure she is well prepared. I am sure you would love to jack off or stand outside her window still; and while she and I are together. Have I mentioned your Irish princess or the hippo upstairs? Not once; not even Alicia and check her out and what she was up to and boosting your credibility. Maybe Ann and I might get tattoos; will that convince you and make you convinced? Shall we take a picture and show you? Put it on your gravestone and show your kids what you are or were up to?
Shall I tell them your only weasel escape to cover up 911 was to finish the job and this murder plot on us? Want to debate it when you are older or when your kids understand and pick up a book on it? Let them judge and read the year long transcripts? Will you face them as you are facing us? You threatened us with a nuclear attack and we said do it and we will put you in your place. “Everything you say is a lie… it is all a lie… fear of a law suit”; no it is not all lies; Rush has already said; “you all have no idea” and listen to what I said to him afterwards. You think you are taking chances and are at off the charts risk beyond the Black Panthers in the 1960s because this is about racism? You are a stupid Irishman.
You are doing all of this because it is for racism? Before it was a “secret sex, affair, and romance” and now just racism. Once again, the story changes every single day. You linked a the “respect” defense to 1998 and me walking down the beach at Ocean City, Mad; that is Moynihan family and the Clintons. You were busted for a murder plot and said you were going on a rampage for racism? You got Fox in trouble. You got the Catholic church in trouble. You got the Irish and Unions in trouble. Your whole family is in trouble and you bring on David Limbaugh also? You all are going nuclear because under martial law and facing deportation; you must surrender under our terms and turn over this spy ring and terror plot; violent or only espionage; it is conspiracy and now a deeply hidden conspiracy.
This is so deeply hidden, you are going nuclear. It is just about racism? It is a 30 year trap and sting; it is only about racism really? Rush even said he cannot fix the damage to the media and propaganda machine. He is not able to fix this; ask him he says it all the time. He said it was getting worse every single day and he wants out. So why do you think he is going nuclear? How about the Pentagon or the CIA flex their muscles so you know this is no joke and not to make one false move or carry this out beyond your own life. You want to take the cyanide, that is fine, or commit on the air suicide; that is fine. At least leave a detailed suicide note so we can solve all of this already.
You even know we have everything and if you tell us; your reputation is even worse. How worse can you get? Can you tell me? How much worse can this get? If it is this bad, why are the Terminators not enjoying life? What about me and Ann? You think we sit there and do not know it is no big deal? Our god damn life is on the line and our god damn happiness the more you play games; you think it is some game? Every military is on high alert. It is just fear of a lawsuit and about racism? Nigger, this is not about racism; can you read? You can call Ann a chink lover. It is not about racism and we do not care about your racism. Can you get over this racism part for now as we have also?
Exactly, “if you want to be part of the program... big push now.” That is what you are talking about Sean, very good. We did not and will denounce our citizenship before we are recruited and join your terrorist and communist program. You are announcing you are moving to the nuclear levels and super secrecy. David Limbaugh says we “a way of arm twisting those who do not conform… implement system… turn the screws.” We are heavy metal rockers with long hair and open minds; conformity is not on our minds. Stinginess to the truth is. We can get you for perjury and conspiracy to commit treason right now. We do not have enough evidence to build a solid case for terrorism and mass murder; sure you wish to risk conspiracy or choose the only card left; nuclear. You know I will shut you down at the last minute; at two seconds.
You can end this standoff and this wild off the charts murder spree right now and it is not about conformity; my hair is half way down my back; I do not think anyone feels I am a strict tyrant breathing down your back or arm twisting unless you wish to file a complaint on me with the CIA or Pentagon? Do you think you will survive on their turf playing this game and announcing you are going nuclear? How long can you drive while we knock out your tires, axles, and you run out of gas? You better figure something out and stop saying you are going nuclear to equalize and match us because you have no conventional options remaining and if you did; it is now gone. “They are going to try and hide… disguise it… Pat said… not working as objective fact… nobody is listening to him anyways… it is higher… it is unbelievable.” So we will ask you why you tried to engage in conspiracy to hide a 30 year sting just to catch you.
Now they are agreeing and say “we know the statistics… everywhere it has been tried…” so why is David Limbaugh trying to say we are arm twisting and trying to make him and Levin conform? You want to listen to rock, metal, surf, ride wheelies, and have long wild hair like me; oh, it must be the ripped jeans I always wear or the orange slacks and fur vests? You want to follow me and conform? Yes, everybody knows “there is a conspiracy” and they said, “my god, come to our side… will have to kill us; 7/15/2009 8:20:37 PM” at least it is on the record. We are not predators so we do not have to join any side. I did not know we are or were on any side? I had no idea there were two sides. I thought it was all silence and shut up? Odd who we are dealing with (Hannity-David Limbaugh-Pat Waddell) and we got no information or intelligence to solve or end this standoff. Ann hangs around all communists; all of them are. No wonder they attacked her and had her as a prisoner. Let’s end it there, they are hardcore and so deep they must take the cyanide but chose to go nuclear because martial law is what they fear.
Recorded: Sean Hannity had no comments to Rush’s announcement of conspiracy and going nuclear; they said they know there is a conspiracy and “for god sakes join their side… have to shoot them.” All Sean has is death threats again; this time not on Ann but I and I will flick him the finger! You said that 10 years ago and look at you know. You Irishman are more stupid then we thought.
Listen to Rush describe how he will go nuclear and never turn over or surrender to the authorities:
I will try to send out as many efforts to resolve this as possible and just give you as much information as it takes. You have to back down and surrender because if you are this point and wish to go nuclear or point that squirt gun at my chest to hit me and anger me. The stuff you do is insane and boyish Irish stupidity. How about the street punks to start a fight and give me an Obama beat down "you don't know me... you don't want to know me" and that fake street lingo where a professional fighter will take them on the ground and severe their esophagus and talk to them. A real fighter will want to know why he makes all that noise and what kind of professional he is. He will ask them to be calm as he lets them up for some final fist fight with air wheezing and bubbling from some former ape who really knows nothing about fighting or courage; it is like honor in a fight and taking or teaching that honor. It is hard to scream and fight when you are sucking down blood and air bubbles; your opponent is asking you to be calm and try your best. This is how asinine it is with you.
You think this is a game and has no end. If you are here now, chances are someone knows exactly what you are up to and is trying to bring you to justice and disarm you before something bad happens. I will leak some information about the unit I was training and also the training I went through. There was a reason I shot 1000 rounds per week and was trained by federal agents. After I finished in 1990, the US Army came out with the HK USP. That weapon is no personal defense weapon and there are only 200 units for very specialized reasons. That reason has to do with satellite warfare and this squirt gun being pointed at me almost daily by some new Black Panther party trying to harass and chide us. I am trying to show who and what we are dealing with; why this is so messed up and insane. You just invade our life and intend to do this for the rest of time.
That is why the USP was introduced and the units who do these missions. This was a long time ago and I was the first obviously. I train them and I know how professional they are. If you are given a tribunal and a military trial publicly; then you go and shake your fist or "I'll kick your ass in two seconds... you don't know me... you don't want to know me... pull my finger and I will beat your head in... etc" chances are your trial will not go well. Do not tell the judges you are going nuclear and will not back down. You have to back down and you got to end this because the Army is not joking and I trained these Special Forces to understand why the USP came out after we were the first to graduate the school of satellite warfare. Nothing you have done and logged suggests you wish to resolve this peacefully or even conventionally. If your trial for 911 is being held and you are shaking your fist at us; how will you ever equalize or stop the Special Forces who can arrive any moment with the evidence and will videotape you? You must live in fear and are wishing to cover this up while crawling to get away.
Now we are asking if you wish to defend yourself, add any details, and just explain or exercise your freedom of speech. It is not to scare you or intimidate you; unless you did something to bring this out and piss off everybody such as rape their spouse or try to hold them as hostage or rape them. You have to back down and with satellite warfare also because those Special Forces could arrive tonight or ten years from now after everything is well documented. Once the trial is done and you do not want to defend yourself or change this relationship; what do you expect to arise from it? Remember how you got in this situation and what the score card is. What is taking place here, is it your tribunal and public records? Anybody can look this up if they want, even your family and ask you. It is selfish of you to keep this going on in the public forum and you’re damning silence. It is not easy for anybody but at least we ask you to end this insanity and madman like life of yours. You step a foot past nuclear with these current charges and that is it. It is like you do not denounce the first round and are skipping to the third and fourth round.
Do you think you can do all of this and walk away as we catch you and bring you to justice? Now you want to go nuclear and tell us "that is not going to happen... you are not going to do that." There is a reason we are confronting you and a reason why we are giving you a fair and open chance to defend yourself. Now, it is clear you would never be so kind and gracious with us; but we will and are so that you know it is well documented and you were given a chance and fair chance to add or comment. After that, you will live in fear and those satellite warfare commandos could stop by when the final judgments is official and public records. If anything, present a story to match it or some solid defense for the record; not total lies and tricks. It is public record now. There are millions of eyes reading it. You think it is a joke or some fast getaway you can pull off? If anything, back down, this is insane.
If you are in this position now and loosing daily in the public; there is a reason. You have to back down. You are playing a deadly game with us and this nation. This is insane, why don't you just back down and break the silence and conspiracy? I can confirm for you, after my pistol training, which I was one of the best shooters in 1990 with a Beretta, they commemorated it with the introduction of the USP and it is no personal sidearm or intended to be. It is for satellite warfare and the last shooting match on earth and so exclusive, if you see it in action, then you know the reason. You are in a deadly and very dangerous position as the primary suspects; who we caught and apprehended in a sting of over 30 years. Now you want to go nuclear to match us and humiliate us? To just reflect back?
I am not going to tell you that reason but I will plead with you to back down even if I am your victim and have to suffer daily from trying to bring you to justice. However, you shake your fists, scream insults, and hit my chest and kidneys just to scream back and tell me how angry and homicidal you are. I was the first to graduate from that program and a lot more followed suit; now you know why and you see why also. You are trying to match us in military might and go satellite warfare on us by torturing us. All I can do is plead with you but the Army will do what they have to do to stop you because you have all the opportunity to comment and add for the record your side and a full account. That is all I can do and I encourage you to log facts and not how angry your communist and terrorist group is or what you will and have done to us as you bring it up to laugh back. The only way out is to back down and end this by handing over the communist and terrorist mother load; don’t worry how embarrassing it is or how mistakes were made.
You have seen the Terminator I and II; so now take a look at these videos:
Alias TV series: Stop Crying Your Heart Out by Oasis (Both five star versions by Bibo and the others). Tell us who you are in it and who we are?
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