Thursday, July 16, 2009 Understand what is going on in their minds and how it is about power, total control, and only winning. We are merely in the way and they are unstoppable. Rush says when they can sneak or gain access in our life; they can betray us, seek total control, and drive us apart and in a state of total confusion and vulnerability.
I hope the public is beginning to recognize the hell you have or are putting us through with you near obsession with my best friend, life partner and consort. I do not know if women know what this feels like but it is exactly the same feeling when some stranger puts a video cam in a public dressing room or in some shower stall at the community center. You do not expect it and you cannot really prevent it. Then again, they do it for their personal use and it makes them feel powerful or more powerful. This communist spy ring and terror plot has no limits; none and they act innocent while they force themselves in the life of others and cover it up with some fantasy about being the police. Both Ann and I do not even like the Irish; why do we want to be stalked by them?
Now consider a neighbor or someone on the block who sneaks into your home and sets up some form of video cameras to study you and your spouse because they are fixated with the female and wish to increase their chances with her. The same “telescope” culture in the city but this time they come into your home and set up cameras. Then you catch them in your home or doing something which is so appalling and disgusting they will not admit to it or stop because they feel them more powerful and can have their way. To them it is no big deal. We are dealing with total losers, total stalkers, and people who take extreme risks by violating the rights and privacy of others. Murder is in their blood and so is being a genuine felon or thief.
So we ask them why they do not fixate on the sex habits of their own wife or give their wife attention and love but wish to set up spy cameras in either public or private places to unlock this secret and mystery they have pulsating in their pants and life. It is nearly homicidal levels and some uncontrollable impulse to kill, stalk, and take extreme risk. Now you know what it feels like to have Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, and Ann’s stalkers trying to chase off her consort-partner. They will not take no for an answer. Their own spouses are repulsive and disgusting; obese and smelly, oily and greasy hair; basically worthless and throw away; used for incubating an ape like child and to give them an image they are well put together when they are not. They must hate their own life.
So if Sean wishes to talk about our life and is not invited in our sex life or private life but has decided to instead of asking; we will gladly discuss his, his wife and his boy wonder kid named Patrick. I hope the media and the press gives them the same invasion of their privacy and the near “spy cam” in the locker room feel as they stalk his wife or his ape like kid who will probably be raped by age 14 by Sean’s close associates and his wife might have an affair to get even with him for neglecting her and acting in such a repulsive manner; she has no defense for him. They are obsessed with Ann and Ann told me of this and attacks me because of a fantasy they have with her and a very dark stalking and peeping tom fantasy to fulfill some power they must have over others.
Consider why the topic is always someone else’s wife and her sex life or habits? Sean has not come out and said it; but his wife does not enjoy his choir boy “I am Mr. Cool” lack of manhood. I bet he does not service her and she may have a yeast infection or some severe form of vaginal infection which is intended to induce a divorce in him. This is why he strays and cannot stop fixating on other wives. In this case, it is about murder and using surveillance to inflict harm or to use it against some victim who is not weary of violence on them. Then Sean uses the excuse as romance or fantasy with the wife; so we only need a home invasion like South Florida or Little Rock. He must know the routes, daily routines, and fixate on it. In other words, he is casing someone and is confused who I am or why he knows nothing.
I would bet that after his wife had his ape child; he is repulsed in seeing mini-Hannity and how he is destined as a goon or some terrorist. You can hear it in his voice; he is taught to torment and bother others while incapable of seeking respect. So she flaps in the wind after this and Hannity’s meat should not be too intimidated by the big meat pocket that is missing his meat per se; and he cannot feel it between them. It is like taking a vice to a surgery operation; Hannity does not know what to do and is an idiot. So his wife tolerates him but after two kids; you and I know the giant stingray wants to flap the wings and butterfly out of there.
It is also clear that Sean Hannity is dysfunctional sexually and has a dark side that is violent, overpowering, and enjoys violating others who does not like them or has invited him. So his son has this bad seed. Lacking testosterone obviously, he will begin to have wet dreams and fixate on his sexuality at age 12. Bombarded by mixed messages of other strong males and his father’s corruption and life of crime; he will start early in life seeking love from the playground. Patrick will begin to play with the penises of other playmates and begin to fantasize about his Irish priests which Sean will offer to them as a gift.
So his wet dreams will begin early; approximately age 12. His confusion with life and bad parents will sway him to bad love with his mom and being sexually exploited by his dad and his psychotic mentality. It is believed Patrick will inadvertently find DVD’s of gay porn in brown paper bags hidden around his play environment; place there by friends of Sean Hannity. Patrick will then become addicted to gay porn projecting the behavior of the characters and actors to his priest and his fathers’ family of trust. Patrick will then get lewd with them and rub up on them slowly; suggesting he is craving for lust and some gay experience. Sean will deny him and let him have play time with his associates.
Meanwhile, Sean’s wife Jill has sought counseling and decided to have an affair. If he is, then you know she is. But after two kids; she wants the Cadillac of studs and gigolos. Years of being deprived; she resorts to extreme sex with close “clients.” We are talking extreme size and extreme risk taking. So Jill will begin to slip from the marriage and as the kids are grown; go on trips with the girls for the weekend. It begins as getting even with the husband and ends up as sex with multiple partners and in dangerous situations. There at the hotel she will have a pleasure filled and weekends of nonstop raunchy sex which Hannity has deprived her of and focuses on other spouses and torments them until arrest is pending. It is a way to seek revenge and hurt back.
Sean will become paranoid and monitor her; suggesting he knows and is in full control of her movements. Then Jill will cruise the internet and meet younger men where she chats with high school boys and texts them all day long. Eventually, they will be close friends and met. It will be friends only; then innocent massages and hand rubs; then lust and kissing deep in the rear of the throat. Nearly choking on another mans tongue; Jill will initiate sex with her younger partners and abandon the Cadillac she yearned for but wants to explore because Sean Bin O’Hannity is fixated with us and spy cams in public places or shows. It is uncertain if she will find love or if it is an escape; where love is only obtainable when with a younger man of a high school and college age. Her objectives are simple, to escape the control and abuse of Sean Bin O’Hannity and his terrorist life stalking the wives of happily married couples to torment and punish them. To betray them and seek total control and to betray and try to ruin them.
Sean loves to put spy cameras in neighbors’ houses if he wants to have sex or kill them in some home invasion. We have two fantasies in one. We have projection and severe delusions. We have admission of power and seeking total control and power over others who do not like him. The record will show how they typically make entry into the home of their opponents, use surveillance to get back or control them, and does not let up or stop even when caught. Meanwhile he is obsessed and fascinated with the sex life of other women outside his own marriage and pursues with surprise and risk that is near suicide and terrorist levels.
This fantasy is growing and the interaction of study a victim is causing his pulsating urge to kill and have sex with a vulnerable person stronger and stronger until he has no control of himself and his actions. So he is taking risks, engaging in dangerous behavior while his children are around, and even tries to suggest nobody knows or how easy it will be for him to deny or block the stronger and stronger urge to rape and kill. It is through a spy cam and a fixation with the spouse of others he finds power and a mission to have total control over them as some inadequate and inferior police fantasy. Sean cannot control the sexual fantasy or the urge to kill; but it began as the urge to kill in order to finish the job; Ann seduced his and caused this to be the tumor in his infatuated mind. He cannot get a date but is reluctant to attack and kill; even if he is casing her and her husband.
Sean overlooks she might be investigating him and says she might be hanging out with radicals. He cannot get a date and is scared to because of his spy cam and his fixation trying to case her and her consort-partner. So he and Rush concoct a plan; a wife swap; the gorgeous Sarah for the gorgeous hippo union red head princess Sarah II. If you check the records when this began and when it turned bad for them they are obsessed with both Ann and my sex life even if we are fiancés and been together for over 20 years. It is clear they do not want to debate and wish to resolve this; what they want is to know if they can finish the job and get between Ann and I; why they will not say but it is about sex and love supposedly; a terrifying sex game and dark secrets. Rush just said “they want total control of us… someone does.” We don’t even like the Irish no less union leaders. They think it is only betrayal and seeking total control over us.
They fight the idea and do not wish to break the silence while they already knew and said to us they knew and had to take drastic measures to fulfill the kidnapping; Rush just said 7/16/2009 1:25:10 PM “change the family relationship… population control measure… change family structure… forced marriages… large families have to be punished… and to ensure there are no beneficiaries.” Rush verified the murder plot as “no beneficiaries.” If the authorities or public knew what they were up to and doing to other human beings “work solely for Obama… pay them whatever they want to pay them” they would be horrified. We are talking serial killers and John Wayne Gacy, Jeffrey Dittohead, the Green River Killer, and Ted Bundy level of thinking. Now it is about how it is not over and how much they love instead of some home invasion in the life and family of others because Ann seduced them and reversed their criticism. To do that she got put in a very bad position and extended our life.
Sean and Rush need to be taught a lesson. Sean knows his wife after two kids is very unfulfilled by his sorry life and how he throws himself at other women and upsets people by ordering them to be his friends. He butchers up relationships. Then we find out we are under surveillance and being subjugated or he will do something crazy and try to make out or make up with our consorts and wives. He even lies about it to confuse both of us.
This is in the record; he uses exaggerations and business or casual relations to suggest severe incest, sex games, and extreme sex or multiple partners. Meanwhile, he is servicing himself with the enterprise of his mentor and the former Georgia Gold Club girls in Florida. The feds had shut them down but did not get Newt. Now he is placing his son and family in this sordid tale and absolute dysfunction of his life. Sean is also going on the air and giving sex education classes when his sex life is completely dysfunctional and psychopathic.
Sean, your son will probably adopt your bad seed and begin to masturbate about men when hitting age 12 or puberty. Then he will begin to suck his thumb and fantasize about being a sissy like his father. He will then begin to loose interest or respect with you wife and you will keep him on your lap as you fiddle with his bung hole to mess his mind up like you do with everybody. The lack of love and contact with your wife and this secret life of a psychopathic terrorist and spy will cause him to feel he is in a broken home and has impulses he cannot control. He will learn from you that success is a raping matter and not be taught how to treat people right. Sean has denied Jill a daughter; or a fresh victim.
I think Jill will or has her life planned while he works to the bone. You will find condoms, very sexy clothes, night life dresses, matches to bars, and other suggestive clothing which has no part with your life in her wardrobe. She has her life planned. You will also begin to discover her selection in condoms and dildos are increasing in size and color. Your socialist and Marxist views are influential to her life and your associates. She knows you do not give a damn about her and you will screw their life and their kids up; she has to figure out how to get out of the meat machine you have her in. She cannot hold this in and will eventually reach out to a lover or some Cadillac she is yearning for all these years of mental abuse by a terrorist. She will bloat and begin to gain weight; blaming it on cancer or some illness. She knows that denies the beast when it wants to feed.
So Patrick seeing this and her opening up to the chaos of your life and the sense you cheated her and denied her a fulfilling life; will have boyfriends who will make up the pain and destruction you caused being a total freak. You will put spy cameras on her and even watch her have sex with other men so you can get your kicks off but know you cannot be part of it. That is the fantasy; you are not in it. Women hate you and they ruined your life and you feel the rage inside and the temptation to kill them stronger and stronger.
Patrick will adopt your views of “that bitch” and hate his mom; calling her a slut and a dick hound. Patrick will think she takes him to the gym for other reasons or looks at muscle men because of him. Sean will wonder why she is into fitness and going to the gym all the time. She will even try to meet other gym dick hounds and adopt their slave mentality and wish to be dominated. The sexy soccer mom or tennis mom is an enabler; it allows nobody to be suspicious. Later on in life, Patrick will pick up on and remember what he was not able to see before. His view of women is warped.
As you and Patrick play tennis together more and more and share the locker room; you will bond and begin to have “Childs play” in the Sauna and hot tub. From what I know of you and him; you must find acceptance and love; even when falling and nothing is there to grab. So this bond, anger, and total internal chaos will lead to intercourse with your own son and his greatness as you adopt him as your number one fan and also spouse. The logic from innocent tennis to extreme sex with your own son is unexplainable but we must stay away from this; it is too logical and commanding.
Patrick will show bizarre behavior such as sniffing your feet while you are asleep. He will read about how Irish men and their toes are a symbol of power. He will fixate on dead bodies who do not know what he is doing or cannot stop him; sniffing odd body parts. To you it is a fantasy and real; to us it is sick and as disgusting as you can get; but you cannot stop this and are powerless to the impulses of rape, incest, molestation, and spy cameras in dressing rooms or neighbors houses. Even public humiliation and threat of arrest is not enough to deter or change your behavior. I have never heard about targeting the spouses of neighbors and married women like I am watching and seeing; but it is clearly real.
Rush says your gay parade and impulse to dong each other is the result of “pressure”, reality denied, collapsing suicidal tendencies, and mostly “death threats”. The only love you will find is with your son and Jill will begin to upset you and do things to deny love and affection for both you and the apes. She will begin with a girlfriend and move to bigger things. Jill knows a fine man when she sees them but life has not gone well and she enjoys the dildo much more than the reality you have given her. She will have to go into court, answer interrogation of federal prosecutors, and be accused of loving and supporting you while you had a murderous, peeping tom, and terrorist life. Invited to firehouses, she breaks down and cries. Seeing widows; she is filled with rage. Sean will also get Patrick’s ears wet and I predict it will be Jill; to side with daddy and to get him in the family business. She will sleep with a butcher knife and one eye open; ready for that evening with the beast; the next time he is hungry.
If Jill Hannity looks through the bank accounts; she will probably see the payments to South Florida for 5, 10, even 25 thousand because these are the same hookers in the Gold Club of Georgia. Yes, Newt Gingrich has connections and these hookers in Georgia are the ones who get 50-100 thousand from athletes and have no limits on their sexual appetites. Newt gave Sean a taste of paradise; look up the Gold Club in Georgia and see if Jill can compete with those women. Even if she lost weight and got doggy style every single night; Sean would never go Irish on her because she had two kids and he does not have the goods. It is not real to either of them.
Sean will also torment Patty while using stories about Florida to go into a trance like state about how Patrick is floating up and down on the ocean and feels the water between his legs as the waves push him in and out. The warmth of the sun on his skin and how the calm of a wave crashing against his body as his legs rise up and down like a W and the Bush family. To Sean it is mere betrayal and total control over his son; to us it is disgusting and repulsive behavior of a sick and demented psychopath who fancies spy cams on the wives of others and who seeks love and romance in the private life of others while he tells both partners they are together. He tries to be the friends of both while betraying one and trying to rape and murder the other. Just like a sick and sadistic serial killer or some well paid hit man who gets his kicks when beaten and denied. He has to come back again and again until he wins.
Jill is also going to swipe bacteria on her rectum or libido to inhibit the moisture and yeast production. This will signify how superior she is in playing with Sean’s mind and the power she has on him. She will then seduce Mr. Hannity to eat the bacteria and he will anxiously because he is that stupid. Sean does not know she is laughing at him and wears two or three pairs of panty hose to just spite him and make his breath stink like a pig’s pen. Sean will then go to town thinking this is the secret life of terrorists and he is happily married when Jill hates his guts and he knows it now. Sean is not aware of the bad breath and will gross out other women who think he is a toxic waste site. Women do this to men often and men do not realize it.
The problem with Sean and Rush is the amount of control they want over the life of others; they demand total control. Jill will feel under total control. She will manifest these bacteria and swab her vaginal area periodically with different strains until Sean is a toxic waste dump. This is to drive Sean away from this sexual control over her. Yes, Sean Hannity declares his love for women and then uses spy cameras or surveillance to watch them undress and follow them through the day because a terrorist’s life is dangerous and he must know when an attack is coming or a raid.
If Jill turns on him and turns him in; Patrick will finish the job on mommy. This is about control and it is obvious he has none over Jill and is stray. He is not “interested” in Ann but more obsessed and has no control over it. There is a man in between this fantasy and he has struggled with this man refusing to let go of the bite on her; convincing him she is his or his property. Sean must compensate and symbolically create some realness and some reality which is so real; he is constantly confusing it with fantasy. Thus, he will ask her to go on you-tube and make videos addressed to him as she poses as Ann. We will also tell the public of this as Ann is not aware and ignores him as he closes in and puts her in a trap.
Sean must be masturbating profusely or taking his anger and impotent failure out on Jill or some hookers who may resemble Ann. Asking them to wear cocktail dresses or wigs which resemble conservative pundits; to talk or say things which he likes to hear softly. To make it more real; he will have them send him love notes or some form of confirmation while he avoids the fixation of his obsessions. I have also tested both Sean and Rush when I openly talk about Ann and I or our sex life which I never bring up but they refuse to stop pestering us about. Even confronted about extreme behavior and severe violations publicly; Sean is not deterred or weary of danger; instead they grow more and more vicious and determined.
Sean “Bin O’Hannity” will become an insider joke and hookers in the industry will sever and disconnect their business relation with the “Irish bacteria.” They will make him do insane things because his breath is so bad and infested with some yeast machine. His son will also adopt his father’s bizarre life and begin to masturbate profusely in dangerous rose bushes or in neighborhood girls’ windows. Tennis rackets will become “instruments of sex and domination” and wrist bands or head bands will become “instruments of torture.” Terrorists always improvise or live this “last supper” type life before their calling and the end. They want to be happy in the final moments and we can even tell when it arrives.
The big question is Jill. How will she react to be cheated, pissed on, denied love and sex, and stuck in this reality? Can she go to daddy Rush and find some salvation or payment? Rush is the impetus and the cause of this but only likes it in the butt (gay). If she kisses or has sex with Sean Bin O’Hannity; she will pick up the bacteria and bad breath. If she strays or gets caught; she will loose her alimony even if he is behind bars; she must force a divorce immediately and quickly. She also has to figure out how to put Bin O’Hannity Junior to be a ward of the state.
Both Bin O’Hannity and Patty are being trained by a master spy. He will take her out and use spy cams on his mommy and watch her with men as his anger grows and grows to a homicidal level. She sees other conservative women so happy and fulfilled and her own husband with a ski mask and also spy cameras used to watch them and fantasize about them while in dressing rooms; also going to their houses to play a sex game which is beyond bizarre and to him not a joke and fat fantasy. Same with Rush, they cannot tell reality from a joke; so they will dress in women’s clothing and do as their vixens and divas tell them to do.
What we can do when they are arrested is check for semen or body fluids on their underwear and clothing. Jill may have another child but not by Bin O’Hannity. This will spite and denounce her hatred or anger with him for destroying their life and marriage with his secret life. Sean will raise the child for another man until he is captured. Sean was also giving us his kids and Princess Sarah Connors upstairs was aggressively and homicidal to another child and our champion genetics. They put forth so much effort to steal one of our kids and our genes; theirs is toxic and worthless. As royals and legends; they want to be part and plugged in to this and Jill needs to understand this and why Bin O’Hannity and Rush is acting this way. We do not want to be partners with them; they demand to be.
It is sad because Sean Bin O’Hannity is losing his religion and his boner rate is shortening. As he goes deeper into insanity and refuses to back down; the stress will wrinkle the tally-wackier; Jill probably will ask him if and when she is penetrated by the beast. Jill feels life is slipping and may set up her own spy cameras, send her flowers, or buy her gifts to create this “imaginary friend” she is being denied. She will then begin to have sex daily with this imaginary friend using porn tapes and bizarre snuff films to show her power over and of men. To be a life partner with Sean, she must be tough and empty inside; so the only reality is fantasy and we know she is not in Sean Bin O’Hannity’s fantasy because “she has never been touched” and what both Sean and Rush thinks is their virgin sacrifice. They will go nuclear and strike nuclear if they do not get a virgin sacrifice.
We do not know if Jill is as bizarre or tolerates Sean. We know Alicia does and wishes a ménage a trios with Ann and I; not. Alicia and Jill must discuss if they will share Sean and if they can “hook up” or watch each other on spy cam; their family name and passion. So Alicia may already be trained for lesbian sex and Jill might be the diva in her life to fulfill every wish of the boss. If this is so, then we should find spy cameras, rape kits, and even surveillance equipment in the possession of Alicia and even Jill. If after arrest and arraignment we find biological and radioactive waste on their underwear which matches Jill or Alicia; we will know what kind of dinner party they are having.
We can also trace the trips of Jill to Florida also where Sean gets his kicks and is trying to say “Ann” instead of Gold Club hookers from Georgia. These hookers are the most expensive in the world. There is no telling if Sean Bin O’Hannity and Jill enjoy this form of swinging and entertainment but they sure wish Ann and I to be involved with their wild and winning ways. So we can check up with the bank account of Patty Bin O’Hannity or Jilly and see if they too are into this form of Floridian Gold Coast Tiki lounge. We can also check for semen or biological material on the cotton of Jill. Is she monogamous or actively seeking a mate also? It is Sean Hannity who is trying to spy on us and ask if we are into this sordid life and swingers; also he wishes to make payments and price or cost is no objective.
We can also contact one of Bin Hannity’s hookers and swab her for toxic traceable material and determine if it leads to Jill. Although spy cams in public dressing rooms are illegal and not when put in the showers of unsuspecting victims homes; we can shorten the investigative process. We can also obtain a sample of both Sean and Patty’s underwear and measure the circumference of their homosexual crater or skid mark and determine if it also matches Jill’s stubby fingers. We can match her stubby finger to the crater and trace her protein intake. Until we actually get them to break the silence and tell us what exactly their fantasies are and why they are or have done this; nobody knows for sure what domination, violence, rape, sex, fantasy, drugs, and this sex game is about. Jill could be a victim of it and then she could be a participant like “pretty boy” Patty is.
I think the point is how Jill Hannity and Patrick Hannity will realize when they are older the feeling of impossibility and helplessness; a feeling of being raped by a criminal and worse an Irishman. It is worse enough to listen to this faggot whore like Rush Limbaugh tell you to bend over and grab your ankles as he pursues us for his Catholic fantasies and how “multi-cultural” he feels; now we have to actually listen to them describe how many times they tried to rape us; as if we did not know and did not make them crawl on the ground and beg for mercy. We are not even Catholic or Irish; no less like them. Now they want to kick it up, tell us to shut up, and say they will be more aggressive. Sean is not a ghastly fag, Rush has strong tendencies for strong champion males who are metro and sweet to his master status.
We cannot stress the year long and edging two year struggle with two men with philandering dispositions and near serial killer pathology who are targeting a family and trying to do home invasion after the other using spy cams and surveillance equipment. Then to torment us and tell us what they are up to and did to us. Their sex life consists of no fear, no condoms, no birth control, no love and no limits; hey someone go get a bacteria swab and get this answer or why they have only a few kids! This is what their kids are for; not trying it on strangers. Now they cannot reverse the extreme risk and extreme sex games. Irish women have obese butts and a disgusting toxic waste wife because they do not believe in birth control and sex; only domination. Rush said it is about power and this is power on July 16, 2009. Who cares if it is love or voluntary? Who would care if it was Jill, Alicia or Patty?
Maybe Jill Hannity and Patty Hannity will understand the feeling and know what it is like to have a vicious communist and terrorist in their life or a serial killer lunatic like Sean Bin Hannity and Rush Bin Limbaugh chasing them and well hidden for over ten years while they try to mate and seek total control and domination as some sex toy and some opportunity. We know they will never get it and will never fix their personality; so why try. People right now just wish to hurt them and they smirk back and shake their fist back in some “last supper” like ordeal where they will keep their job and go nuclear on us when they need to tell the truth and back down immediately.
We can do a rape test to see what the circumference of the exit wound on their butts are and if Patrick is able to determine who a predator is; no less Jill Hannity. So that is who we are dealing with and how it feels to be stalked by these people and on the end of their fantasies and efforts. Jill and Patrick just need to be taught how it feels but Rush and Sean do not give a damn and will murder and go full steam ahead and obtain nuclear retaliation. We will know when they are ready to throw in the towel as they said. Sean will have to explain this to both Jill and Patrick eventually; no less their parents and also their close friends who might be included in the spy ring. Are they hostages or are they terrorists also; the support group and family of sleepers?
Thursday, July 16, 2009 Rush has indicated he is going full steam “because the people desperately need this” and has intentions on going nuclear. We and the public need him because of his tax policies. So while he sneaks into our camp and does assassination and terror plots, the democrats speak openly and truthfully about his tax cuts, then we have to nuisances and threats that are edging to the center core. Rush says they are trying to destroy the West. So the democrats need material and Rush gives them material and then hides behind the tax cuts and his Republican or conservative career. Meanwhile, we have to deal with him recruiting us for a communist and terrorist plot and ring. If you listen to his material and CPAC speeches; it is based on others material solely and our work; he has no white papers or sources of this material; none. You must have some academic verification or some formal study at this level.
This week has not been productive. Mostly, it was his denouncement and anger with us where the policy is silence and the constant strategy of “shut up” and “full steam ahead because the people desperately need this.” Rush not only refused but said “I don’t think that is going to happen” and vowed to go nuclear. Since we cut off their entire conventional levels and denied them any access or entry into satellite warfare unless they wish full scale retaliation; they vow to steam full power. Thus, we can already see the battlefield and the strategy he has because we place defenses and position where we know our forces are and are guarding. There is only one trail to the Land of Oz and we know the guard post and defenses on that trail because we set up the defenses as the founders. Why would he or they try to increase proximity and get closer? Exactly.
Rush is going nuclear and will use the dirty bomb theory as we indicated to equalize and connect the increasingly huge gap. Drifting, he is getting farther from the finish line and his ability to match us. We can strike them anytime and have chosen to bring them to justice and allow them to defend themselves in the public forum like the Nuremberg trials. So we know the battlefield and we know how they act on it; we know where we put our positions and what we deny them as escape or having combat with them and smashing up their forces. We also know which units are destroyed beyond repair and who he is able to mobilize because we either have a new suspect or he is activating a sleeper cell and a hostile area.
So we will wait patiently for the military and Pentagon. We need to increase the security and detail on this; they are going full steam ahead and that is where they are headed. There is no conventional capability and if there was, we would destroy and take care of it. They are still searching and looking for the equalizer. This is very dangerous; we need the Pentagon to mobilize immediately seeing their Supreme Court crisis and the constant bombardments to rewrite the Constitution for permanent power. If they do this; it is not possible to impeach them. We do not see them growing or taking risks; so he is calling on a sleeper so dangerous; we already know where they are going. The gorgeous Sarah “Union” Connors upstairs said the defenses can contact her and she will relay it; do not waste time and just destroy her. They are being blackmailed and guilty of a cold case murder; but have killed before.
The reason why Rush is going nuclear and how we know and can confirm this; we had already knew and we will see how the obstruction and sneak attacks are the pattern. When we accused him and told him to turn it over; he began to suggest it was baseless attacks by liberals and just a method to oust him. We know he is beyond the Kremlin and is hiding both a communist spy ring and terror plot; how do you escape and call in reinforcements? How do you keep up the attacks and vow to fight while trying to acquire satellite warfare? Do they not know that if they try to match us; they will get attacked and cannot ignore the charges on them? Regardless, they have acquired a few pieces of hardware which they have used back on us immediately and in such a blatant manner on our chest daily. Israel also said they wanted a military retaliation immediately also and began shooting and killing randomly to see if we would act on their commands.
It is just insanity and madmen who will not back down; they do not want to talk and were told to either fight or give up and they chose fight. So we can plot their path because we have blocked the trails and escape routes. They must head northward and we are positioned northwards only; full steam ahead right? Well, how are they going to equalize when they get there and how will they match the arrival party; such as this now; when they get there? Rush now says “until the end of August” and still refuses to back down and turn over this communist and terrorist plot.
Rush is going to try to preserve his job without turning this over; his wish is to put us in convulsion and confusion. To torment us as some VC force; he does not want to turn this over but he says he will not loose his job even if he will go nuclear with this. The record will show he gave no information to put us on the location of his forces who we know are headed northwards. They are using some squirt gun on us already; asking if we can stop them or will if they take the first strike and keep it up for months, years, and decades. To this spy group who we are engaged with at this time as Rush, Sean, the union upstairs; Sarah-John-Recce Connor; and a few others; it is about power, total control, and only winning. We are merely in the way and they are unstoppable.
The question is why not clear this up and turn it over right now? Why drag this out and vow to fight and put us under siege every single day while silent and shut up? You cannot get anymore criminal, any more homicidal, and any more Marxist and terrorist. To say full steam ahead in a meticulous and scientific manner is warfare and nuclear levels. Before they get there, they must take us out and then acquire satellite warfare; otherwise, he will be ripped apart again and again. That is his mission to beat us on a military level because we have blocked all other trails to HQ and power. There is no trail whatsoever; only the military one and we already took out his conventional levels; will he take the last trap door as we kept telling him to admit and turn over? He says we do not have any votes and can win this.
The story of the Moynihan and Clinton families in Fairfax, VA; how did this become an Irish and Catholic fight with the unions and terrorism; http://moresuspects.blogspot.com/
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