Wednesday, July 08, 2009 Sean, what the hell is this “Sean Hannity derangement syndrome” and how many times did Ann refuses to give you her number, assistant’s number, and home number? How did you and Rush get mine? You are like the union upstairs; soon they will need combat pay and insurance to cover any insurmountable injuries. To give you protocol, the military pays a little under two hundred for danger pay or what I call combat pay.
As a media joke, I do not think you get combat pay or will ever. Did you read Ann’s article; she finally wrote one about you! It is you and Rush-Sean ( he says “stunned… even the police showed up… vendors shocked… how to press third parties… get out…”) Sean just said, “when they say bed… you know we cannot talk about that” why I do? I told you, if Ann and I have been together for over twenty years; do you think I pussyfoot around things or talk to her like you do? Alicia is getting mad and now hitting on me or wants to get back at you by hitting on me Sean.
Ann is ready to respond because she just said bed and Sean Hannity is a total lie and Intel confirm this because they did security when I was not there for her. Sean, as an idiot it is called hearsay; if you insinuate and use hearsay; you can force convictions and dupe yourself and others into a very dangerous position, such as now. Ann has been with me for over 20 years; I promise and I swear to God. She is getting even with your rumor mill and you could not track down one single shred of dirt when it was there all along but you had me as a kidnap victim.
How come or are you saying you had me kidnapped and under surveillance and did not know? You liar, when did you know Ann and I were or had been together; also, if we have been together for over 20 years; then it is kind of odd what you are saying to me and everything you have said or warned “do not talk to her” or this fantasy of yours and how Ann and I find it shocking how we are intimate together. If you cannot figure it out, then you must be completely deranged and an idiot, “we really messed up the economy didn’t we?”
You have it right there and you have been on me for 24 hours. I just gave you every single detail and now Ann has come to the connection we are sick and tired of our kidnapping and stalking by your spy and terrorist group. I also told you I had broken up and foiled your murder plot Sean and you feel my information and charges are inaccurate and unchecked? Are you a nutcase and loon? I have documented everything; however, you are the mother load. If we get you, then we get your entire global enterprise and the number one spy group in this world.
Now, who in the CIA or FBI would pass that up? They will be a legend and 911 is in itself a mother load; we want the entire mother load so tell me how inaccurate my information and intelligence is again. If you go and check the article Ann wrote and all I have confronted you about; you will see a seamless and near perfect case on you. Sean says, “he can’t afford it” meaning how poor they made me because women used to throw themselves at me and they held me down for over a decade to a point of poverty. That is a good way to recruit terrorists and to say “we are the same and animals… you are butchers like us and cold blooded murderers.”
Here read this from (www.anncoulter.com) “But instead of being honest and saying, "Oh well, it was a good ride while it lasted," liberal chatterers indignantly demand: "Is this not the greatest betrayal a public servant ever committed against the people?" On one hand, liberals are enraged at the heinousness of Mark Sanford -- whom they didn't vote for -- for not resigning and, on the other; they're enraged at Palin -- whom they also didn't vote for -- for resigning. The peculiarly venomous hatred of Palin is driven by women of the left and their whipped consorts. All that needs to happen is for a feminist to overhear two Nation readers saying, "I hate to admit it, but Palin is kind of hot" and ...”
Sean is avoiding the matter completely and said how he “is not allowed to talk about bed.” Sean I talk about Alicia, your wife, and the hookers you constantly hire in South Florida for $5000 an entire weekend. Rush made sure to hook me up and here are my exact words to the smoking hot 22 year older, “I am prepared to offer you $15 dollars ‘cash’ of my own money - for your services and possibly dinner.” She blew up and got so mad; but she sent me all these hot naked pictures of pool parties, high school, shooting, prom, etc… Did I want it? No. I told her “I am willing to negotiate and work with you on this; how about $20?” She refused and had to have five grand and I asked if she wanted to be friends and she cussed me out. I said, we bonded and talked about very private things, are you sure we cannot be friends or buddies? Sean that is you and why you go to Florida all the time. Rush has some enterprise down there. They look like Palin and five grand is just the beginning. They all have husbands and boyfriends also but are from very rich families.
So I am way ahead of you Sean Hannity. Was it cool to be a big player? Yes. She was slightly older than Carrie Prejean, almost as smoking hot, and was just someone’s daughter who likes to drink and party. So you tell Alicia it really does not faze me and I leave them with this sense of fulfillment. Alicia is in love with Ann and I; Sean brought on her dad to introduce us. I do not know Alicia but I know Sean and it is always a total lie with him. So either Alicia is a helper and in the lie or she is being duped and his next victim and mistress or casualty. Thank her dad Sean.
Sean, before Ann; there was over 10 other girls and 1 fiancée or serious relationship. Alicia is not up to speed with the women I have been with before Ann and those who wanted me for a serious relationship but I think for Sean Hannity it is doable. I don’t cheat and never have cheated on any girl. From what I know, I would ask for a blood test from women who rescue you (karpet-kitten your #1 fan).
To rescue Sean, you must put your life on the line or be duped. Sean gets combat pay to be a terrorist, stalker, and a kidnapping recruiter; (Alicia’s dad is getting on Sean’s little rumor mill and lies; also his life as a kidnapper and terrorist. He should be a dad and warn his daughter of imminent danger but they are lovers and she is his mistress) Sean says, “I am so glad when I can bring families together” just like the weasel act he keeps confessing and telling me about. Your hell is too far in hell Sean; it won’t ever go away; however, some advice about stalking; don’t stalk and play others as the victim and you will never dupe yourself; just say no. So you are right, I cannot afford it but I am sure you can but not for long!
Sean only said, “up for sale… consumers… loosing business… warmer summers… Nazis in World War II…” That is fine and dandy. However, this is about the charges we are charging you with and confronting you about after a full decade not know who the hell you are and who the hell you think you are. Now we can clearly see who you are and what you are up to and also how good you are at it. If you have something to say then please use your freedom of speech and say it and I will record it for the record.
Sean has mentioned the word “Nazi” over 20 times this show and it is not exactly sure what he is insinuating or presenting. Sean has pulled his weasel act and gotten our minds off the controversy and his dilemma. Now it is about all these people who need our help and he is the gateway or the middle man; to plug them into others who are powerful. We get kidnapped and are in some clandestine recruitment and wish to throw the book at him and he keeps pretending he is our partner, unshakeable, and has a very short memory. People are pleading to us to help them and how Sean is their voice or doing such good works. Yes, Sean and these fund raisers, all these charities, and being so kind to us.
Sean stop the weasel act and find a someone to confide in. We never get the truth but he is never stingy with anything such as the truth and getting rid of him. As a weasel he is an invincible spy. His mistake is a major one because he should confide in a very close friend, not a family member and tell them everything to clear his name in case something happens or who can defend him property. Skirting around it, beating around the bush, hints and allegations, insinuations, and fighting the US military is a death pact and worsening his dilemma. You cannot fight the “I only hit her over the head six times before she died and panicked; with I never tried to rape her or harm her, ever.” It does not matter if it is once or six times; the story will be six until you say it only took one hit to finish the job. At least confide in someone and let them ask you which part is exaggerated.
Now it looks like you have a female victim and beat her face in and broke her jaw and smashed her head in; (Sean says he can give us a story from England called Amanda Knox and Meredith Kercher “a story from Britain… a death sentence… I want him out of here immediately”) with a Little Rock and it is to symbolize some deranged love or rape-murder and you only wanted to hit her once but had to six times. Then when you were caught and a rescue was ordered by commandos, you fought them and got the full force of the military. Again, it only takes one hit, there is no need to attack the commandos six times in order to conceal the victim you must go back to or have not finished up the job with. Now it is some freaky drug induce sex game with Alicia and your wife also. They want to play it with Ann and I and I am like; you are insane. I never met Alicia and might not like her. What if she farts in bed? Remember, Amanda beat around the Bush while her accomplices said she was behind it and accused of the crime they did not commit.
Consider you are a suspect in a murder and they found a German Mauser pistol. Then under heavy questioning and holding you as a suspect; I say were you ever in the vestibule that day of… and you say no. Then I say do you know how to operate a Mauser and you say no. Then I pull out a receipt for the ammo of the same ammunition. Then I ask you whether or not it was a double action or single action pistol and to tell me how you shot the victim and you tell me a false story. I know it is a single action pistol but you keep telling me how it is a double action pistol and I begin to confuse you about the safety and double action trigger and you get it solid each time. This tells me you are lying; get it? My point is you cannot lie to me; but you can lie to your wife, the public, and anyone who does not have evidence or has been with Ann for over 20 years.
Sean says, “he is done… finished… do not know what they are doing 9:08:01 PM”; well, that is what you say but our surveillance teams and Intel says differently. Who is telling the truth Sean? Do you honestly want to go down for this because we can give you a trade for a bigger mother load unless you think you can outsmart us or beat us in combat? As the number one spy group, you do not get there for being caught.
Listen to Steve Forbes and his story about Alexander the Great and Cyrus (as opposed to Xerxes and the Greeks); he knows what is keeping you alive and why you have stepped well over that line. Forbes knows what it takes to be a master of war and to defeat the number one spy group in America; the one who the CIA and FBI cannot detect, catch, or stop. Just look at the 911 case and how we blew that up also. If you can do that and defeat every security force and analyst out there; what makes you think we can crack it?
You piss me off when you waste my time. I have places to go and people to meet; Ann has not seen me for a long time also. The girl is going crazy and told me Sean. Ask women what is going through her mind. What makes you think we are special and are amused by combat with apes when it is no fun? If you can beat and fool all those people and still cannot beat one man to save your god damn worthless life; what makes you think anybody is impressed by you? You can beat millions of people but cannot beat one man. You still do not believe it and you still are getting information which shows how sloppy and blind you are. Remember, you tricked people and fooled them for 50 years and fell in less than 10 and were so roughed up; you can’t even show me your wounds like the harpoon I hit Rush with. He was Moby Dick. Being a peeping tom does not mean you own a victim or a person you are obsessed with or wish to rape; even if you view them in bed or in intimate situations by themselves. You think you own me also. Sure it is just you and them; but they do not know or are aware of what you are doing. This is not illegal and happens to many married women. We checked the laws.
By the way, Ann was laughing and told me she had you listening to rap music, hip hop, the Grateful Dead, etc… and as a stalker your dumb ass did it. Ann said Hannity had on the Haiti hat and the “Dubbie” shirts to impress her. Sean went Jamaican me crazy on us to win the heart of Ann. She listens to heavy metal and has to because of me. I blast the stuff day and night; I talk about it as if I am in the band. Can you see the security? She knows before you even sneak up on her. It is hilarious to see Sean Hannity talk about hip hop music and rap as if he is cool. Just to clue you in about the “what are you Alicia’s twin… I love Led Zeppelin… she has to see you every day.” Ann said you are also a peeping tom; Rush is also. The arrogance of you all and the near ridiculous behavior you make us witness. Have you ever seen that movie with Jamie Lee Curtis and Arnold? That is you Sean and Rush. Now watch Spies like Us with Chevy Chase and Donna Dixon; that is Ann and I. We are tied up in the soup pot as always and not even alarmed; we are laughing at you but Ann does not think it is funny and tells me to “simma down.”
I will discuss the doctors bag and the needles later and what you did with it when you found out it was about to blow up. We can have someone go and find it and we will describe it in detail when we have not or never been there. I was never been in your life Sean or ever met you; yet I know your entire love life and what you are up to. Odd or not? I just pick out someone and throw these charges at them? I will give you a clue and have; think of a code or a alpha numeric number and do not tell or write it down; now wait and see how long it takes to show up. So how did you know me and how did Rush know me intimately or down to my address, finances, family, etc… How did Bush? How did you Bush, Rush, and others know about both Ann and I at the same time? Look at your jokes and how you inflict emotional distress or pain; rice cooker, brother lives in a hut, ask the hard questions, special detainment, etc… Care to explain your side of the story since we did?
Here goes Sean about Israel, has right to set course on Iran, do as they please, does not want to meddle, can evict them anytime, have the luxury to do strikes, do as they please, etc… Sean admits he is an agent of another country and has directed or conducted terror plots which advance their policies so the public will give them oral support and then for us to see a moral cause and get behind them finally. Right, that is really going to earn you a medal and garner that get out of jail free card you wish as an acquittal and trumps everything. You need to tell someone and your side Sean, for real. We will end it here; you have to confide in someone and tell them the entire story otherwise, both Ann and I will steam roll you as we did with Rush. Check your notes with Rush; he knows he is in a deadly trap and has no escape route but I told him I left one open and he does not see it yet. They said he cannot keep this up forever and I will agree; you are worse of a fighter so you will fall faster. Rush is the best fighter out there and he takes the most insane chances; you are meek and impolite.
Prediction: The Fox News show “Hannity” will be replaced with the “Carrie Prejean Show” and the ratings will skyrocket because they will help her learn the ropes as Miss America. If she has the right tutelage and teachers; I bet she will become a major media force and a huge star across the sky. Carrie has not been through spy school nor is a graduate of the 911 plotter academy. Does anyone think she is a stalker or would kidnap royals or go on a murder spree? Alicia might stalk her and Sean might help; especially if the right amount is presented.
From the new chapter in the trilogy and struggle with a spy ring and terrorist plot, “Murder, Rape, and Struggle with Violent Political Fantasies”: On stingy…
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