Tuesday, July 07, 2009 Rush is pressuring Obama and it is believe that Obama is trying to take it to the boss and get Rush to back off and maybe thrown out. They are throwing him out there and locking the doors “don’t come back if you get caught” and it is a threat to Obama. However, even rush says it is a disaster and total fallout; so Obama may be upset about the level of usury and pressuring him to perform or rescue them. If he rescues them then the fallout will be immense and if he attacks or goes after his bosses, they will retaliate and threaten him from inside. We wanted Obama to do the right thing and they are telling him now to keep steaming ahead and do not look back or come back. He must present a complaint to the bosses and tell them he cannot keep running into a brick wall and have them pressure him to steam ahead; it is too obvious and he blames them for the fallout. So they are blaming each other and trying to decide which direction to go except the right way.
Rush Limbaugh’s game is easy to figure out, “why you are such a hypocrite when poor and why are you such a hypocrite when rich” but he is the hero of the poor and the communist mastermind and terror plotters operating deep behind enemy lines. The skills they are presenting is world class but it has not done a damn thing to change the relationship, expand his options, or recruit any new recruits. We took care of all that; similarly, the fallout from it is massive and he is struggling daily to respond to the combat, injuries, sitting in and laying wait in his foxhole, and us doing the same. Mentally, paranoia is setting in because he does not know who to trust and as animals, they beat each other over the head also but must rely on their religious story to get them out of this one because the evidence is too overwhelming and indefensible. Rush thinks staying in his foxhole will put two sides in a stalemate and it has not turned out this way so far and looking to be a favorable strategy.
Here is what I heard about “big Bertha” and “momma Irish” union organizer upstairs. We call her “big Vaughn” for displaying this hip and rock star like mentality where she acts cool and is a pure psycho. So I heard FBI did a probe on her to see what type of fight she has to be on this world class level and to be doing what she is. FBI said she got a big one ripped but she would just “roll over and play dead.” So they really did not get a chance; but when she comes home; she portrays herself as “Sensimilla” the South American guerilla and right hand woman the Che and his Maoist sympathizers. We are not the ones going around pretending or declaring we are the most murderous, vicious, and most controlling terrorists on earth who can kidnap and do this in broad daylight.
So let’s see some new CIA recruits bring out the terrorist we know is there and who she is either trying to portray herself as or keeps yelling, “you are going to cry, not us.” We do not cry big bertha and big Vaughn; we are at the world class levels. So is she playing tough, super tough and this vicious crazy woman terrorist, and ready to kill someone because she is mad as hell; or is she world class and ever seen what female CIA agents are like on the world class levels? Keep in mind, she is Irish and IRA so chances are she is a baby factory and is mad about being repeatedly rejected like Sean Hannity has been. Big Bertha and Sean said this could have been a messy ending and we concurred; but they wish to resolve this peacefully and honorably; and we disagreed there.
They keep advertising this so they must be on the world class level and murderous killers who want to make you cry. She said even if she was caught detonating, an M2 pineapple up her vicious dung would never stop her from attacking and being a mad woman. They are superior and the best we have ever seen as terrorists; high grade and almost blood thirsty. Bertha is so vicious and psycho; you could catch her rigging explosives or sniping at our troops and shoot an explosive mercury round in her and she would scream and yell back how vicious she is and how it was sexy. I seen terrorists and I never knew they could get this Irish and union; could never ever imagine a human being this superior. Laws are mere words; not genuine like they are. Nothing scares them and even the most vicious military is not able to match their world class levels. They treat us like rag dolls and talk to us as if we are their girlfriends and always in trouble. It is clear and transparently obvious; this is a superior and special breed of human beings called Irish and even more sophisticated, union.
Tuesday, July 07, 2009 First off, I have filed a report and complaint with the FBI about stalking my family and suggesting the attacks derived by the Navy was part of the kidnapping and harassment of my immediately family and spouse. My brother lives in a Navy town and also have I had a nephew named Cole. Then I am getting mail from the same Navy town about my college loans which is directly related to the 911 terror plots, a kidnapping, a terrorist recruitment plot, and something Sean Hannity said to us. Here is what he said, “By the way, I did go to college but dropped out (funny, I was forced out after one year at computer science college because my life was insane and I had so many personal problems)… but I never wasted my time with college loans and worked my way to where I am now without any government assistance.”
I am glad they hate college and education or anybody who is intelligent and nonunion. We happen to despise the union after this ordeal and also the Irish. They keep telling me college and education is stupid; yet feel they are my masters. I am and was a straight “A” student. I am and was the second ranked computer science programmer at Virginia Tech my fresh-sop year. Now I am in some recruitment program for spies and terrorists but am backed by the unions, Irish, Jews, and Catholics. I thought counter-intelligence was trying to contact me or show me something; then people began dying and massive attacks; then we could not respond or determine who was behind this. It was like the mock town at Quantico, Va. And so off the charts insanity it feels like someone is playing with your reality. The only difference is people die and the injuries are real and they talk to you day and night about how you are their prisoner.
I have also filed a complaint with the FBI pertaining to Virginia Tech and trying to post some false APB on a shooting nutcase from North Korea who went and slaughtered students at the same college I went to over a girl. The same problem I had when I was at Virginia Tech and bombarded by female invites and dates while in a relationship. After this, I entered clandestine services, was trained one on one by federal agents, and also entered the military after Ann and I got together in 1989 and night school. I had no intention of dropping out like Sean or Rush did nor ever signing up or being recruited for their terrorist and communist plot. If they were exploiting or using my life at the time; I was not aware of such or cognizant until or upon returning from the military in 1993 and my new mission in 1995. To get that mission I had to wait for a formal retirement and civilian status. I could have traveled the world and sent for Ann to marry me. Instead, our plan was for her to meet up in DC after graduation in 1998.
I have filed both a domestic and international complaint on this terrorist and spy group which was well hidden and in a sleeper mode before 2001 and who seized and was settling a score with my family, Ann’s, and this country because they blamed America, the military and some right wing destiny which rewrote their dream or political career. They felt it was a conspiracy to oppress and end their career and life; a death wish. I have documented and used anonymity up until we could confront and seek some response from them after a full decade of this stalking my family and humiliating us for being royals and a military family. It is all growth, profit, gain, materialism and how dependent they are but how we are revolting against their success as masters. Now it is about how they set a bomb off in our life and they can go and have a blast while we figure it out and catch them if we can. They are the cutting edge and control us and the enemies when and if we want to negotiate and resolve this peacefully.
If this was about Vietnam, then my family royal status and military tradition had run South Vietnam and the attacks on the north. If they had been shadowing Generals who ran the war; then they had all of them or their families under some form of special detainment. They were launching 100’s of frivolous charges and allegations in some secret trial by a Gestapo force to suggest we were prisoners of war and must surrender our life and be drafted for their new liberal war they were replacing the cold war with. We were forced to turn in our citizenship and flee the country but were contacted at the last minute because they were trapped and had all my security in place as I had requested. I was to unlock each in a safer location and where they had no access or power; a safe zone.
I have filed formal complaints with the FBI about charges regarding a kidnapping, injuries, slander, and a slew of crimes so long; both the military and CIA do not even know what to do. Part of those charges pertaining to a Catholic, Irish, and liar who has befriended and tried to get close to our family or makes comments to torment and harass us about decades of either detainment, oppression, or some surveillance by some psychopathic spy group thinking we must defeat and remove them. It is documented how all the ethics charges had originated from the left wing and was a sleeper and super dangerous spy group operating in America with some evil intent of calling us hypocrites if we were poor and hypocrites if we are rich. We are royals or came from that background, along with a military family tradition, so calling us hypocrites was one sided only.
Now Sean Hannity has been confronted about talking to our spouses and family members in a lewd and inappropriate manner and not even attempting to conceal the effort or his fingerprint all over our life which dates all the way back to the 1980s. It is a little scary to have a demented Irishman or Catholic; when you are neither, peering at us with a telescope and our fiancés, wives, and life partners and hearing this mild exaggeration, “We really blew it on the economy… got set up.” These are very serious charges, not a simple “blew it didn’t we” allegation. Those are life ending allegations and charges but we would rather overlook those and go for a mother load; combat and engagement with this spy ring and sleeper terrorist group; it is the mother load after the cold war. At least I have halted the process of bigoted charges and the hypocrisy of arresting us after we file a complaint. Are we bigots or hypocrites to file a charge on them for being rich or poor?
Keep in mind, these are peripheral charges to the existing investigation which both I and Ann are working on and all the above is juvenile court for what is to come. We are talking about as criminal and as psychopathic as a human being can get and then repeating this level day in and day out for over twenty years to get even, settle a score, equalize, rewrite the national destiny, save their broken life, and steal as much as possible; off the charts insanity and violations. So to hear Sean Hannity say, “We really blew it on the economy… got set up” is a mild exaggeration and indicates the severe mental disorder or the level of psychosis he is struggling with. We can either go after the mother load or try to get all of them or one little weasel and pervert who will not stop talking about our fiancés, spouses, life partner, the details of our kidnapping and recruitment, and also how much they need us and our angry dependent partners.
Again, now it is about how they set a bomb off in our life and they can go and have a blast while we figure it out and catch them if we can. They are the cutting edge and control us and the enemies when and if we want to negotiate and resolve this peacefully. Recently, I have been getting daily harassment from upstairs (vicious hate messages, screaming and feet stomping, no escape and they know what we are up to, angry hate retaliations, demands to mate, playing with our laundry, mysterious medical ailments, verbal threats and demand we move, stomping on garden plants, throwing grass seeds in garden areas, dumping beer on plants (or dangerous chemicals), and this idea we must surrender to the Irish and unions while they talk to our spouses as if they are ex-girlfriends or their current girlfriends.
It has been a year struggle just to free our spouses and deny the mistreatment. The people behind this and who are in this trap set as far back as 1980 is Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Mark, Mark, Michelle, Newt, John, Colin, and the usual suspects we call liberals, moles, sleepers, Catholic, Jews, Irish, and the unions. It sounds like the Democratic Party but it is not; we are disruptive and revolting against their success and terror plot. We must be hypocrites to rich and the elite but are poor and must hate ourselves as hypocrites. It took them twenty years to figure out they are hated and evil but now all they can say is “We really blew it on the economy… got set up.” These people are lawless, they have and will trash the constitution, do not follow any rules, want to know what America can take or we can take, and demand protection or treasures to steal. Why should the laws protect them? Just round them up, deport them and burn their belongings if this is the game, terror, rule book, and what they wish. Do not bother to ask what we can take or what America will take until retaliation or war in America erupts. They wrote it and it is from their rule books!
At 7:30pm Sean is talking about how made he is about a New York Post article which said Michael Jackson had needle marks all over his arms and legs, had a wig on, his hair was reduced to peach fuzz and was eating nothing but pills. Then he says military families are inundating his emails with support letters and to thank him. We all love IRA, weasels, and your garden variety psychopath. Sean says, “what am I supposed to do… ignore all that?” He says people are flawed and evil and he is also but blaming us, America, recruiting and kidnapping us, inflicting emotional distress with near suicidal convictions to suggest they are murderous and cannot be stopped is a good start of his problems or hypocrisy and lies. The constant effort to treat or talk to Ann as if she will save him or is his girlfriend ticked people off just a tad also. Stalking her and trying to go to her home in Florida is kind of disturbing. Playing these stupid games with people who are out of his league and call him a rotten Irishman is a little bit upsetting. Flooding our life with lawlessness and demands about how they wish to help is a bit overwhelming. Claiming everyday to be rich or elite when very poor or how poor people hate you when you are evil is just a tad of insanity. I can’t really think of much more for now but that is a good start.
Now Sean is trying to describe some political view and experience or why he kidnapped our families. The stories of being poor, victims, struggle, and the typical Catholic and Irish story. We came from both experiences and do not have a one sided story or spy ring for the poor. Every time I talk about you dirt bag Irishmen the goon and the fat bag lady upstairs starts banging and throwing things. Did I mention horrible kids and a nightmare to public schools? Sean, do you have any comments to applying the same rules you abide by and the lawlessness you live for to your life and your own people? You know Rush and you were beaten badly and lost it all. Your spy and terrorist ring is in the final hours and we can apply your rules to your nest, spy group, supporters, etc… military commanders can order villages burned and just like Vietnam if your guerrilla activities are underground; napalm and carpet bombing.
So you are beat, we just need the details and for you to embrace the Constitution and laws which rule out espionage and terror. If you do not you run the risk of retaliation by Generals or the Pentagon; they may burn a village abroad and deport all the nationals here illegally. What I am saying is your fight is with the Pentagon and I can only advise them based on my observations and what I know about your breed of human beings. You declare you love of America but it is not a good fit for you nor is the positions and jobs in politics. They are screaming and yelling upstairs as if they are going to prison and will not be taken alive.
You can dismantle your side and survive by screwing them over; or they can turn on you and get you first. However, both you and Rush have a dangerous situation and Rush says he won’t give details and names because it is dangerous for him to do so. I do not believe that for one moment. I think Obama went to Russia to trump Rush and your group by presenting his case to your bosses not knowing if it will work or not. I know he will fail because you are completely clandestine. Your life is so egregious, you fear the absence of the Constitution and your enemies you tried this on may use your playbook and rules back on you as you did to us. You said we defeated every law suit but can you and will you beat all of the charges? You cannot and will not comment on whether you can beat any of the real charges on you. Blame God or America, or me and Ann for catching you? Oh, does that sound like we love you, want to be partners, or admire you and consented to any of this? Then why do you keep this ongoing and daily penalizing us?
You can either blame god or whoever is giving you orders; what that supernatural force is telling you. What makes you rape and act this way or stalk women to near suicide levels and try to lure them for demise and your attack? What makes the upstairs people do this everyday or you to act this way everyday where you lure victims, hold them and drive them to ruin or demise? Is it your Irish power really or your charisma? What is it in you which can hear people tell you one thousand times to get out of their life and to stop holding them as prisoners and you can act so secretly and criminal knowing it is off the charts felonies occurring? What is it that causes you to be labeled a parochial school reject and end up in the unions or as a goon and Catholic seeking some insane forgiveness? What is this power which drives you to tax people and be a burden or terrorize their life? It is not one or two things but endless and open ended levels. Sounds like you have genetic criminality and recidivism in your blood. You are a communist by choice and some supernatural voice-force of terrorism. This idea you are superior is like sex with a goat.
Hannity says “they are talking about Israel… more and more (more and war)…” and they implanted the plight of the Israelis in us or our life. Thanks for implanting how inferior and mistreated you are in our life and how we love you and wish to mate with you. You got to be insane and a psychopathic spy. What next, we are being attacked by Arabs who fly planes into buildings? “I thought he was not interested in meddling in other countries… meddling in other nation affairs… when they crack down on people in their own country… noble efforts…” Here we go about how you suck and are a victim and you are partners and we must “be behind you because your intentions speak for it.” So is it still here and is recidivism ready to end this?
Oh, what about what Rush said, “he did this because he loves his country” so which side you are on we do not know or care really; we know you are on the wrong side of the battles always. Spying and terrorism is a felon; speaking on behalf of the military or writing the manual and rules of engagement is not a felony but you make it as if it is. Strange how you never write down anything. You don’t have a degree, formal training, or anything verifiable but you seem to be masters of espionage and spying. Did you graduate from some spy academy or some evil school for weasels and propaganda masters? Your conversations and communications is difficult to trace and prosecute. I bet the military families inundate your email and thank you; sure.
Here is the problem, you are so stupid, you think and have convinced yourself how superior you are and how dominating your life is over us. You are so psychopathic, the only defense you have is terrorism or murder. We can isolate the genetics of recidivism, did you know we can destroy and identify your source of evil? All we have to do is trace that little voice in your head. I can trace it down to the little tinny-Winnie village you came from and check the genetic code, did you know this? If it is an alien, I can even call the Pentagon with the coordinates or location of my observations. We have not finished our observations and isolation. The issue of recidivism has not been fully answered. Do you have any control when there is no escape?
So is it an alien or the devil? Stupidity is also genetic and so is certain crime and characteristics. If it is the devil, I bet you we can destroy the devil himself. Try me; I will trace it, get the genetics, and isolate it to a human or supernatural force behind your spy and terror group. Why are you trying to mate and kidnap us to mate with you again? You are superior right? You all have yet to answer that one but Rush says it is about the Supreme Court nominees. So why are you trying to mix with us? We are spy hunters and masters of war, not felons and spies. Do you need a momma or a daddy you bastard or is it a laboratory of learned behavior? You need recruits as criminal as the maximums can produce. What is your genetics and that voice telling you if we know everything?
I also know you are targeting the smartest, greatest, perfect, and mixing it with your dirt bag breed. The way to do this is to starve us and hold us prisoner while you humiliate and bombard our life with pressure and attacks; then like what you did with Ann; “here little girl, come here sweetie and let us fix this.” Talk to her like she is your girlfriend and invite yourself into mine right? Stalker? Prisoner? Surveillance? Won’t let go? Trying to finish the job? That is your murder plot on both of us and I foiled hers while mine is more clandestine. If I isolate your genetic problem, I promise you will not be the police any longer or in control. I also bet it will be the end of your political career; terrified? So is it still here and is recidivism ready to end this?
Sean says that 911 happened because 7/7/2009 8:36:27 PM “the right hand did not match the left.” It is like the Constitution matching your life or you being partners with us or how insane and psychopathic you are and can explain it. Listen to this, “the people wanted this… proper use of terrorism… hate and racism… war on poverty… war on terrorism… moral support… seeking permission… liberal draft… holocause… political view and experience… army of the damned… invincible… unable to respond… profit margin and growth… want him to fail.” Oh, you are so masterful and such a genius; this is why you got caught and still do not know how, why, when, where, or if it will end tonight? So is it still here and is recidivism ready to end this? Just remember who you are doing this to and how you will fight this in the future when we say to deport and destroy your evil. Your insanity has not beat the science and will not.
Someone is crazy and is bone blitz insane or on drugs. Worse, you will say we are the same, partners, with you to the end, and if how we would get behind you if we saw a good cause. So I say we consider catching your mother load, burning your belongings and deporting you because that is all your rule book has in it. Trust me, you and your side are in trouble. If you are an alien or have them behind you; we will know and we will catch it. That is the voice in your head, got it? Do you need me to explain in detail and scientific terms to your idiot life? Some felt it was drugs in your water, food, or even some bacteria or virus. It is not. Yeah, why don’t you sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up for once before you get in more trouble and withhold evidence we already have? So is it still here and is recidivism ready to end this?
From the new chapter in the trilogy and struggle with a spy ring and terrorist plot, “Murder, Rape, and Struggle with Violent Political Fantasies”:
““I love her speech; it has been more fun watching than chattering heads on TV. People who really hate her guts are deeply disappointed in her decision. They are liked; they are talking about her like an ex-girlfriend. They are totally over her but they just cannot stop talking about her; no I am over her… she is history… I feel even sorrier for her than I do for me; but they can’t stop talking about her. (Why?) Because she is magnificent; who is the last politician they said was a hick, wasn’t going any place, and was stupid-I think that was Ronald Reagan. She has this amazing ability to connect with people and as Nixon said, they are not going to have Paling to kick around anymore, I mean that’s… I do understand, I think it is insane people are describing her speech as either bizarre or rambling. I guess you could say that about anything. They also called her ugly; it is just one of those things they say.” - Ann Coulter on Hannity (Death is Imminent), www.foxnews.com ; July 06, 2009 -
“It was extremely illuminating, she spent half a million dollars defending her from these ridiculous and frivolous ethics charges. And by the way, another one was filed today. How about we have some right wingers investigating who is behind who is filing these ethics charges; this one today I think was about the travel and the password system for using the yahoo account for her emails and… she personally can spend half a million dollars, the state of Alaska has spent half a million dollars, and by the way the lieutenant governor is a totally great guy so she is leaving Alaska in good hands and the business of Alaska won’t be eaten up by idiotic ethics charges; and now she can go off and write her book and give her speeches and be what she is supposed to be which is a huge star. (Hannity says predictions ridiculous and no imminent death pending) Did anybody criticize Arlene Specter or Jim Jeffers for letting down the citizens of their state (chuckle) for switching parties and withdrawing? No, it is a totally different standard for Sarah Paling and no surprise the feminist movement came out of the left for liberal men or rabid sexists, though I must say I think a lot of the hatred, the majority of the hatred, for Paling is coming from liberal women in New York who have overheard their boyfriend say, ‘God, you have to admit she is good looking.’ - Ann Coulter on Hannity (Death is Imminent), www.foxnews.com ; July 06, 2009 -
“(Hannity says we really blew it on the economy) Right, it does not matter and that is why people did not vote for him. And I will tell you the one silver lining in this because it is terrible the economy is a disaster. It is a disaster they are not fixing or changing any of the fundamentals, it is not going to be fixed and people with a basic understanding of economics knew that, know that, and can see it now. The one silver lining is there is one article in the New York Times this week about how college kids who plan on spending the summer in Paris or working for publishing houses in New York; have had to go back to working at the local McDonalds. So I hope they are enjoying the hip economy and the hip President they voted for because he is so hip. Not only that, part of their ‘pass it now, pass it now’ was unemployment could get up to 9 per cent; well, it has gotten to 9 per cent and beyond that.” - Ann Coulter on Hannity (Death is Imminent), www.foxnews.com ; July 06, 2009 -
“So much for the hysteria of getting… right, well the Great Depression and your taxes are going up. Yeah, it took six months to break the no taxes on people who earn more than 250,000 dollars a year. No, the economic plan of the Obama administration is, if you work hard you will be punished and if you don’t work, you will be rewarded. Everyway you turn, non-work or non-useful work, non-remittal work is going to be rewarded. I mean, every little story, even the student aid thing, student aid will not have to be paid back as fast if the job you get after getting your student aid and going to school doesn’t lead to a well paying job. So the less money you make, the more the Obama administration will give you. It is hard to work; it is just the reward failure form of success. That is the policy of the Obama administration so good luck with that (busted and coup).” - Ann Coulter on Hannity (Death is Imminent), www.foxnews.com ; July 06, 2009 -
“I think they think if they say it enough, maybe it will come true. I think it is brilliant; I am baffled by people being baffled by it. She is a huge, huge star; meanwhile, she is stuck up in... She can neither respond to her many admirers who want her to come and speak in the lower 48 nor want her to be raising money for them, or starting PACs, and being the voice of conservatives, in which she is. She can't do that or else she will be neglecting the state. She also cannot respond to these endless attacks on her. I mean, I don't know if others noticed as much as I do, a big part of that press conference was her saying she spent half a million dollars, personally of her own personal money of her governor salary, responding to investigations all of which she has been cleared on and she said it cost her detractors nothing to file these complaints; and meanwhile it has cost the state of Alaska millions of dollars to investigate and respond to all of these allegations she has been cleared on." - Ann Coulter on At Large with Geraldo (On Sarah Palin Retirement), www.foxnews.com ; July 05, 2009 -
"I couldn't disagree with you more, I think what she said was exactly right, she is not retreating, she is advancing in another direction. Look, she is a lame duck governor, is it her choice she became a huge-huge star. But she is too big for the position now and people acting like leaving a governorship is a step down. As I have said, who is bigger and more important Rush Limbaugh, Matt Drudge, and Bill O'Reilly versus Mark Sanford 'before the fall', Bobby Jindal and Tim Pawlenty. I mean god bless these great people who run for public office, it is not a big stepping stone. (Responding to being too big for office) Well, she did not say that, I am saying it. I mean, she is not saying that, I am saying it, it is obvious. Then she only went fishing license in Alaska, yeah." - Ann Coulter on At Large with Geraldo (On Sarah Palin Retirement), www.foxnews.com ; July 05, 2009 – “
You may want to tell that FBI agent who we are not allowed to see or know ever that if we have to explain who they are and go as far as isolating their DNA to keep them out of America, politics, or even security services in the FBI, CIA, or Pentagon’s related powers; then we know we have a major emergency on our hands. We have to listen to terrorists daily while they figure out a way to wound our forces and sneak on the force and it is that same drunken recidivism and idea how demanding high quality and a high quality human being is so difficult when it comes to a certain ethnic group, political party, liberal understanding, and this entire mess where we are trapping and chasing aliens to figure out if the voice in their head is of this world and how much of a jackass and pain in the ass we have to experience or listen to.
If we have to go so far as to ask these questions and figure out if we can identify you all before something happens; then you know we are dealing with just a minor problem here. The idea also ignores ten years of data and a mission much bigger than their lies and slew of a life not worth telling about and hidden so they can take out others. We are not ashamed to explain to them this fact and truth; but are they too ashamed to accept the reality and truth? Spies like us or just there to be a nuisance? I do not know what is going on at FBI or some of the other places but I know and have been warned about the problems with their employees and the many links they have to politicians and actually serve as one sided and more of paid protection than what we wish to deal with. So while they hunt us, we have to figure a way out to identify their recidivism and isolate the genetics we know is a total mess.
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