I developed Satellite Warfare to combat the spread of nuclear weapons and we have shorted the gap between nuclear and conventional forces; no longer needed in my book. There are approximately 200 chapters. Most were written and researched while in college from 1988 to 1998; I researched it by taking over 190 credits from different universities. They also span from childhood reading since age 8 and up (military science, weapons, martial arts, etc...) I have been getting ideas from people about doing a complete series; all at once. They start off with pure science and ends with a complete understanding of where this world is headed and two particular topics called economic sustainability and totality; then it introduces the reader to a new series of books on satellite warfare; the science and the art. Naturally, they call me the father of satellite warfare and I have put in over 20 years to this field of knowledge; perhaps the best in the world, but my readers will judge who is the best in their world. To get here; we have taken harsh punishments, suffered torture, was kidnapped, humiliated hourly, and had our life trashed and rewritten by no fault of our own. That is called terrorism. That is called war.
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Rat-Dog Rush Bin Limbaugh on why he is going on and on for over twenty years and upwards of twenty years calling someone a common nigger and resisting arrest; he claims he is the police or they are the police union. The story of Hurricane Katrina and the Chocolate city; alien or inevitable; also 20 years and when this began from 1989-2009:
Sean Rat-Dog Bin Hannity keeps referring to the Freedom concerts and the long trail of either coincidence or implanting-suggesting impropriety or guilt. Rat-Dog Bin Hannity is always blaming and condemning; trying to shoot down his arch rivals and showing up always at intersections or the same locations (city, town, events) and then telling about wild tales of sex, romance, deep intimacy, fist bumps, and suggesting a real date-romance or marriage. Is it true and will it paralyzes his arch rival and this dog fight where another one is now on his six and locked. Can he shake it even if we know he is the red baron and how his defense maneuvers are already known? If you take a look how they move and the sensation or residual permutations that are barely visible; there is a sensation of surrealism and a dream like state. What we described repeatedly until dead bodies or open chest wounds. It is very romantic and idealistic; meant to blind and dull the senses. It is unstoppable and terrifying.
Here is what Rat-Dog Bin Hannity keeps mentioning over and over but cannot bring forth any logical connection or solid story with a seamless lie or glue of a rip-off or deceit; to prevent any counter argument and truth. It is hard to explain it now he is caught for the entire plot which we can trace 20-30-40 years ago. The 2003 Freedom Concert; Ann Coulter somehow appeared at the very first one for a book signing and was with him all the way back then while the Maher “leave me alone” problem was furious. Rat-Dog Bin Limbaugh admits to it all and adds a few with “F you… complex… now easy to see.” What he is doing is studying a single woman, then writing down “fragile, handle with care” and trying to be a gigolo or some Romeo; to be a con man and used car salesman like the movie with Arnold and Jamie Lee Curtis. That movie is about them. The entire plot and from egg to 911 to global police is explained. If you are in the way, you are resisting arrest; but it is total lies.
From the Sean Rat-Dog Bin Hannity biography and sounds like a spy-mole-sleeper recruitment of a female he is flying behind and trying to shoot down; part of it sounds like my bio and it sounds like what Ann likes and hates:
“In June 2003 he talked to his wife on the air about it and she admitted that it bothered her first, but the real problem was he fidgets with it and has lost the ring three times. After buying him a new ring each time she no longer worries after Sean spent some huge dollars on a new ring for her on their 10th anniversary - her third upgrade. She trusts him because of his morals anyway. Sean says her one fault is that she can't cook and that he is a much better cook then she is… He can't believe when young conservative kids call his show. He says he wishes he was as smart as they are when he was there age. All he says is he did tons of things he wouldn't admit to and was a complete jerk and a total idiot. He says he finally got on the straight, right path around age 22.
He lived in NY until age 18 and then moved to Rhode Island. He was totally broke when he moved out of his parents' house and had to borrow $1000 from his father to get an apartment. After paying the security and first months rent he was broke again. For years the most expensive car he could afford cost $300. He spent a couple hundred on a Ford Maverick repairing and painting it himself. He started out at the bottom to make ends meet as a dishwasher in a restaurant. On Thanksgiving the chef walked out and the owner threw him the chef's hat and said, "OK, kid. You're the chef." This crash course enabled him to survive as a decent cook in his bachelor pads. He then moved to Boston and eventually CA.
When Rush started there were 180 talk radio stations and now there are 2100. One of the first big political figures Sean interviewed in Atlanta was the Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich. The two started a friendship, which lasts to this day. After three years of crafting the show in Atlanta, Sean got another chance to move up - to the top. He says one of the most memorable shows was when he debated a Klansman on the air when they were having a rally nearby. One memorable experience was when they put up a giant billboard sign of Sean near a diner where he ate. One day he went by and said someone pelted his face with eggs. He couldn't believe someone could hate him that much…. In January 1997 Phil Boyce, from WABC 770AM the biggest radio station in the world, called him for their 11pm to 2am show. We he left Atlanta the papers said the two highlights of 1996 were "The Olympic Bombing and Sean Hannity leaving."
For Sean's radio staff James Grisham was hired as a call screener for the show. Sean gives all his staff nicknames and calls him Sweet Baby James after the James Taylor song because James was so nice. James is Sean's brother-in-law having married his sister, whom he met at a church picnic, long before he ever heard of Sean. He screened for his show for awhile, but moved on to one of his first loves - computers - helping to run the computer network over at Fox News… On September 10, 2001 Sean began the national syndication of his radio show. As you know the world turned on 9/11/01 as Sean and millions of others were forever changed from the horrible days events. Many people who were starved for news of what was going on in this new world of terrorism turned on talk radio for the first time hearing Rush, Sean and others and haven't turned it off yet. Because of this, Sean's rating climbed and by the summer of 2002 he was heard on more than 200 stations across the country including 9 of the Top 10 markets. He was named the fastest growing syndicated talk show in history - a claim also made by Michael Savage who has a show at night. The final Top 10 missing station was Philadelphia and was a thorn in Sean's side. He finally got on the air there in early September 2003.
On August 29, 2001 the Hannitys' had their second child, this time a girl name Rebecca. Sean says she can't date until she is 40 and can live at home until she is 60. The last member of the family is his dog Snowball. Don't let the name fool you. The name is only because the dog is all white, not because it is tiny, actually weighing over 40 pounds… He took his son to the zoo around this time and let him feed the goats and his wife flipped out because the goat slobbered all over his hands and she thought he would get sick from all the gems, but Sean said, "it's just a goat." …During the summer he went out to Utah to interview Edward Smart and his family. They were the parents in the huge case of the disappearance of their daughter Elizabeth Smart. Most people thought Edward had something to do with it, but Sean adamantly defended him the whole way. Till date it is a matter of legal proceeding to prove whether she actually ran away or was kidnapped.
On August 20, 2002 his first book "Let Freedom Ring: Winning the war of Liberty over Liberalism" was published. He dictated the bulk of the book into a headset while he drove himself to work every day. No limousines here. He said it deprived him of sleep sometimes being up until 4:30 am. The book is about how liberalism caused 9/11 and if it isn't put in check we will get hit again. His publisher Judith Regan describes the cover photo of Sean as "very presidential". This sparked a campaign for Sean to run for president in 2008 after George Bush steps down. Sean thought it a joke until people started calling in and an unnamed Republican White House source was quoted on The Drudge Report that Sean is the type of candidate they are looking for. Even talkers magazine had him on the cover as the 2015 president.
On July 11th (2003) he held his first annual 'Freedom Concert' with all proceeds going to the foundation started by Oliver North called the Freedom Alliance. The money went towards the education of the children of all the fallen soldiers in Iraq and beyond. The concert took place at Six Flags Great Adventure in Jackson, NJ and featured Darryl Worley, Sara Evans and Charlie Daniels. Sean did his radio show live from the park as well as a book signing with friends Oliver North and Ann Coulter to raise more money for the charity. Sara, her husband and kids even spent the day at Sean's house. The low point of the night for Sean was singing "The Devil Went Down to Georgia" with Charlie because he claims he can't sing and got nervous and screwed up some lyrics. He does admit that if he could sing the only other job he would want was as a country music star or to be Garth Brooks. He doesn't know about the women throwing themselves at rock starts though, he says that never happens to talk radio hosts. This isn't true because he does have callers who tell him he is attractive. He plans on making it a yearly event because it was so much fun and Sara Evans has already signed on board for 2004.
After he completed his first book, which he called a real struggle, he proclaimed he would never write another book. In the summer of 2003 he announced he would indeed write another book called "Deliver Us from Evil: How to Defeat Terrorism, Despotism and Liberalism." which will be published in early 2004. The title is self-explanatory. He wants pictures of Bin Laden, Saddam and the Clintons on the cover to go with each title. Chapter 1 will be "Evil exists" where he talks about mans' inhumanity to man. Then he compares Churchill vs. Chamberlain, Regan vs. Carter and Bush vs. Clinton because he doesn't want another 9/11 to happen. (Ann Coulter may not be one of them but she is not the slightest bit worried about being blamed or losing the edge; looses all of it in one dumb mistake; to protect and denying her weaknesses which are prevalent and easily detectable now. She is not the slightest bit worried about criticism for extreme risk taking or a full circle court marshal on her. That is very egregious and a display of very bad problems; it is a very powerful case against her.)
His hobbies include playing Tennis, which he taught to his nephews and now they can beat him, cooking, reading, computing, skiing in Utah, listening to country music (except for the Dixie Chicks), playing Scooby Doo on the Playstation 2 with his son, and driving his "gas guzzling" SUV - a Jeep Grand Cherokee, his wife has an Escalade - the deluxe. He loves to grill every weekend too. He would like to play more golf, but doesn't have the time. He believes in the second amendment and is a firearm owner. Don't rob his house because he says you will be shot.
On Sunday morning he watches his friend Tony Snow's show on Fox (now hosted by Chris Wallace) while on his Elliptical treadmill. He was always a casual cigar smoker until one day in December of 2002 when he was smoking on his porch and his son came up to him and asked him what it was. Since that day he decided to quit for his health and family. He sums up his success by saying he is the only show that allows the left so much airtime for debate. This may be a contributing factor, but the truth may be that he is just a nice guy, so much so that many of his three-hour a day listeners are liberals.
He also doesn't let people get away with anything and is fiercely persistent. He is also honest as can be. If Sean says something, you know he believes it. He even likes Howard Stern who you would generally think would be distasteful to Sean, even though he doesn't always agree with Howard, he likes and respects what he has accomplished. He learned from the king, Rush Limbaugh, that being nice and backing up everything you say pays off. He is also more accessible than Rush who takes very few calls and has virtually no guests - something unequalled in the talk business. Instead of being another three hours of the Rush show, Sean is known for constantly mixing it up in what he calls his "shoot-out segments" with celebrities and leaders from the left. While Rush is a brilliant unstoppable conservative juggernaut, Sean is more like one of the guys and is very approachable.
He is against abortion except in rare circumstances of rape and incest. He is also against homosexuality unless it is kept private believing the government should be kept out of the bedroom. In 2002 he did have a crisis of faith with all the scandals of abuse to boys that was covered up by the Catholic Church. He has plainly said the pope was wrong on the cover-ups and wrong against the war on terrorism. He painfully admits that it is embarrassing for him to admit he is a catholic now. The only time he's been liberal was during the Dusty Baker controversy when Dusty said that blacks were more suited to the heat than whites during baseball. Sean was adamant that we are all the same. He said that would be like saying that is why whites are more suited to ice hockey. We are not all the same that's why men, women and other races have different qualities. We are equal, just not the same.
(Reports said Ann Coulter was there and traveling at the same time, how and did she consent to this?) In August he went to Cincinnati, which was a new radio market for him. He made an appearance in front of 4000 people that was supposed to be protested heavily. In truth, only 8 people showed up to complain. He also did an appearance in Indianapolis since he had to be there anyway because of a family function. On August 14, 2003 Sean was on live for the East Coast big blackout. It would be his longest day staying on the air from 3 until 8 including straight hours without commercial breaks.
(Sean Rat-Dog Bin Vanity says he has exclusive access, travels with us, and is always there like a spiritual Billy Graham friend; a total rip off artist; he claims this is an interview and not a kidnapping and abduction as described by spying on us and recruiting us) On August 26 he did a live broadcast from the Maryland state fair, which was also his wife's birthday (he bought her a piano and US Open tickets). Guests included the Governor, G. Gordon Giddy and Oliver North. The next day he achieved an overnight news blitz by interviewing California Governor hopeful Arnold Schwarzenegger. Sean spent two minutes just asking rapid-fire topics and getting Arnolds' take on them.
Question like was he pro life or pro choice, for the Brady Bill, raising taxes, etc. Arnold answered almost every one of them without batting an eye. No other journalist had bothered to do this with him. Afterwards callers were amazed at how great Arnold sounded. He may not be conservative enough, but he didn't duck or dodge any question and was straight forward. Sean got calls from all the morning shows the next day - Fox and Friends, Good Morning America, Inside Edition, Dayside and radio interviews to talk about the "big" interview. He usually doesn't do anything at this time except play with his kids, but this time he made an exception. On August 28th he did an unorthodox move by having Dennis Miller take over his show for the day. He did a fine job, but the highlight was when Matt Drudge called in and challenged his negative comments on Rush Limbaugh and wondered if he was a fly by night conservative.
(Watch the movie with Arnold and Jamie Lee Curtis where a used car salesman meets real life secret agents and gets the surprise of their life!) In late September Sean went to California to do a live town hall meeting with Arnold Schwartzenegger. He also had Tom McLintock on later in the week. No matter what people said he liked both candidates and wouldn't endorse either of them. He preferred either man instead of Gray Davis. On October 2, 2003 he went to Philadelphia for the NAB conference where Rush Limbaugh was the keynote speaker. (Christmas’ and Ann Coulter how much more can you ask? Ann says I do not want anybody to know anything about my private life and threw them on wild goose chases but was busted finally.) Tony Snow took over Sean's radio duties that day. Sean also spoke and did a live taping of Hannity & Colmes in Philly that night.
(This may be the Ron Silver eulogy Ann Coulter keeps hinting about. Ron Silver was following Ann to Washington DC and I mistook it as someone trying to talk to me using the West Wing; it was loaded with secret messages. However, I had asked Ann about Christmas and she wrote that eulogy for some reason.) For Christmas 2003 he sold certificates that guarantee to person the get a signed first printing, first edition copy of his new book. He says the certificates are very cool and make a great gift for any Hannity fan and they'll be the first to get the book in February/March 2004. He continues to do live shows around the country and in 2004 plans to do a "Hannitize the Vote" tour to get people to vote Republican. He was also excited that the December 2003 issue of the Spider-man comic book featured him. He took the longest vacation of his syndicated career from Christmas to January 5th.
(Why did they have to get me out of the way and try to put a wedge between Ann and me in 1998 so we did not get married or meet up? A massive attack came and they said do not come out of your house or else you will be chop liver and destroyed; they are having a gigolo try and block-shut that door; then replace or open another door quietly so we drop the charges or cover up 911 and skirted off. If there is a peeping tom and a stalker, here is when it began in 2003 and he keeps hinting on 2003 and wasting a lot of time; some campaign trail where he keeps saying he was on stage with his wife and their friendship is much deeper and not understandable. Once a woman is violated, they become silent and cannot talk about this; a mental trauma is there. An expert needs to be assigned to her because they said it was an “indirect rape”; exactly as she described and a rape-murder-no evidence abduction. They do this by opening doors and shutting all of them at the same time; a system of reservations and super secret RSVP to inner circles.
Rat-Dog Bin Hannity says he does not want to jeopardize his loving marriage and sacrifice it for Bin Coulter. That makes no sense. Ann may or may not hold personal affections and sympathy; it is not known because she might be doomed by the truth and apprehending him. She apprehended him and them by flying elusive until I was able to bring in an interceptor and show my belly and demand he land or be shot down. What they did was wave the white flag and then tried to set up a high level and secret meeting which then got 10 layers collapsed on them. It was a trap, a sting, an avalanche, and designed to not be escapable. It was a diversion from the Canada plan where a secret raid and all the data would be released on them all at once and all hell breaking loose. We are dealing with a very volatile and dangerous situation or group. If they fail, the consequences for them and their personnel globally can be deadly.
Rat-Dog Bin Hannity claims there is a lot he is not telling and Ann says she has to be careful about this; she gave only vague or the usual “on the line” and controversial; to play along while telling them to leave her alone. She may be culpable as well and can be implicated in this. Logic says to vacate and get behind the police lines before being raided or go to the military commando side irregardless of your role or revenge seeking. Maybe you are damned and you doomed by the truth; you can still live on in life and start over. They cannot start over, they are pure evil. Do not pretend to not know the consequences for aiding or conspiracy; no less perjury or obstruction of justice. He is locked and tracking Ann; trying to shoot her down and get close. The degrees of coercision is intended to strong arm and hold others captive while demanding a private army to do more or this murder-terrorism-profit-police and add more authority and power to the beast and ape. It is raw power and evil
To do this after the major surprise, he is trying to tell some story which cannot be told; but if Ann gives him a legal defense and plays along; she is and wants to be a willful participant because she cannot get back in; he will be wearing not the star and stripes; just stripes. He has been asked what his logic is or what evidence he has; Ann says he is stalking and a peeping tom; I have verified a major assault and onslaught which I cannot even describe. I have dispatch a General to warn him about the Freedom Concerts, the movie with Arnold-Jamie Lee Curtis, and approaching any military personnel using concerts-charities while he is a primary suspect and terrorist-mole-spy suspect. What he is doing is egregious already but to just walk away and ignore it is ridiculous. It is too late for them and they are caught; they will loose in court or the battlefield; face the reality and the belly of the beast.)
He will start his new book tour in February when the book will be released on the 17th and he'll appear on Good Morning America. First stop will be in his hometown of Huntington Long Island on February 21st. On Jan 16th he went to Iowa to interview people there about the Caucuses. On Jan 21st he had maybe his biggest show ever. He went to the White House on Radio Day as the anchor and interviewed Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Colin Powell, Tom Ridge and a few other secretaries. The only way it would've been bigger was if he interviewed the president. With interviews like these he lives up to his claim of providing the best political coverage on radio in 2004. In March of 2004 he lost his closest uncle and was forced to postpone his appearance in Pittsburgh to attend the funeral. He made many stops on the first leg of his Hannitize the Vote tour where he does what he calls 15 minutes of standup before he signs books. He tries to accommodate everyone.
In Atlanta he even signed books until 2:30 in the morning! On April Fools day he did almost all of the show pretending he changed his mind and was going to vote for John Kerry. People who weren't thinking became outraged at this. The problem was that Sean did this for hours instead of just minutes. The joke was no longer funny and most people got tired of it including his wife who called him during the show. He will be MC'ing the Stadium of Fire show in Utah again on July 4th, 2004. There was also be a second "Freedom Concert" in 2004 with Daryl Worley and Martina McBride. He wanted to do it on both coasts, but it was too much to handle. He plans on doing it in 2005 though. He has gotten an offer to go on a USO Tour with Wayne Newton, but can't believe there is enough people who know who he is.
His biggest fault is maybe he is too nice at times. Listeners get upset when he has so much opposition on. Sometimes he is just too wimpy to really lash out at them. Instead he brings Mark Levin on and plays good cop/bad cop by letting Mark really tear them up. Also, for a guy in his 40s his pop culture dorks. He really has no knowledge or interest in entertainment unless it is country music. Some might not think this is a bad think, but it makes him seem out of touch to a younger audience. He's says that you the listener are keeping him out of an insane asylum by listening. If he didn't have an outlet for his views he would be driving around all day talking to him pretending he had a radio show. What does the future hold for Sean? As long as you give him "three hours a day, every day" he will continue on the radio and TV every night even during the "hazy, hot, humid Hannity months of summer."
From Free Republic, : (Bin Coulter just refuses to end it and wants to live this dual life or take extreme risks until she is court marshaled and forced to leave. They all live an up and down roller coaster life and also some secret life where their spouse-best friends and most closest are second rate or sacrificed on behalf of a terrorist network, shyster rip off scams, and the office of the President. They said for that and that power, it is worth the cost of murder-terrorism.) In 2006, they really kick in as mentioned and also took up tennis in 2002, wonder why? I play tennis like either Ivan Lendl-Boris Becker-hard smashing baseliners.
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JIM ROBINSON, ANN COULTER moved from "Gone with the Wind" -- FRIDAY 8/4 [see post 93]
ANN COULTER to appear in "Gone with the Wind" studio on FRIDAY 8/4 [a "Jeffers Dodge" production] ^ | August 1, 2006 | RonDog [and FRiends]
Posted on Tuesday, August 01, 2006 7:47:25 AM by RonDog
Ann Coulter (bio)
[And now also JIM ROBINSON! founder of Free Republic]
Author of Godless - The Church of Liberalism
Cordially Invites You to Join Her
In Launching the Campaign to Elect
Jeffers MacArthur Dodge
To the California Assembly - District 47
Friday, August 4, 2006
"Jeffers I really really DO want to help -- you would be a great representative!" - Ann Coulter "I am completely honored Ann Coulter chose to support my campaign and me.
She could have chosen any number of nominees or races to support and fundraise for...
Ann believes in my unique Campaign Strategy to WIN the 47th Assembly District Race
And send another conservative to Sacramento. I look forward to sharing and discussing my strategy with you during "An Evening with Ann" and appreciate your financial support." - Jeffers Dodge August 4th is almost here!!!
This will be an intimate event at a location fitting for Ann -- at the Culver Studios in Culver City. Since 1918, they have been serving the visionaries, the mavericks and the independents of the industry, from David O. Selznick to Orson Welles to Alfred Hitchcock. Culver Studios -- commonly known as the place where "Gone with the Wind" was filmed. Walk the lot and you may hear murmurs that the mansion building is Scarlett's beloved Tara.

7/30/2009 3:01:24 PM Rat-Dog Bin Limbaugh “magic honky” says this common nigger calling is about igniting a race war, a get-in industry, opening doors, who pays taxes, is the voice of all white people and taxes, did more to harm liberalism than the devil-Satan, Ann has a friend upstairs with the Rat-Dog Bin Hannity-Clinton unions, and who is going to clunker-heaven. How to profit and benefit from murder, a guide for the police chief and the fugitive side of a terror plot:
If you have ever seen the show “Grill Sergeant” you have enlisted men who have their own cooking show and preparing for their retirement or after military career. The key is to be reputable and if you can market your name or dignify your credentials. So the military channel has veteran cooks-chefs who teach cooking classes based on where they are stationed (Asia, South Asia, Europe, etc…) it is not a bad show and it shows initiative. So the military is preparing people for life after their military careers; even officers but these cooking shows led to restaurants and five star starts up restaurants.
There is another show from Warm Springs, West Virginia that is just as good also and he is sponsored by the best cooking companies out there. That is pretty damn good and if you ask me; that is what it is all about. Bin Limbaugh was saying how Huffington Post was stealing content but they let anybody start up or anyone who wants to try their skill at it. It various from the best to the worst. I think they might get more participation in it or end up hiring a well informed staff to match Free Republic.
Thursday, July 30, 2009 Rat-Dog Bin Hannity is given a chance to court martial his arch rival erection, Bin Coulter. Will Bin Coulter defect and then defend the terror plotters if court marshaled and told to stay on their side or be their voice? Who will take her in and why? Ma-Barker Sue (upstairs) the affable Abercrombie-Fitch (90-120lb) model upstairs says do not pick on our girl and our side “the voice of white people” and the unions come to Bin Coulters side while still trying to recruit and cause a defection. Bin Coulter becomes the first victim to be court marshaled and told to stay on their side or stick to the agreement and promise of no argument or back talk while commandos-police and elite units encircle and sharpen their spears. Will Bin Hannity accept her back and will Bin Coulter be court marshaled for extreme risk taking and showing off while surrounded and encircled by commando and anti-terrorist forces? Is Bin Coulter also Mrs. Bin Hannity as Bin Hannity claims or is she the true heir to the Bin Limbaugh dynasty?
Let’s see how Bin Hannity reacts to the good news that Bin Coulter is going to be court marshaled and told to stay in his camp; they vacation the same time “feel like it is a vacation and going on vacation… for me this is my summer vacation… cannot think of a better way or cause… maybe we should have a beer together… honest… nope, don’t care who it is… just one beer together… bringing some people to this event… maybe this is not such a good idea… obvious photo shoot… damage control as his guest…” So Bin Hannity is saying Bin Coulter and he vacation at the same time and they consider it a vacation; maybe he wants to spend the weekend with her and she agreed or will.
“The people who cares the most about them…” I will say this and it is clearly evident. The two of them talk as if they are very close friends. Bin Hannity boasts about being close friends off the set and a lot more. Bin Coulter denies it all. It is a deadly game and will destroy one or the other. Ann clearly has gone on tape and acted naturally along with allowing men to grope her and does not mind. It is hard to defend her and this game of vague or always having a foot on the line but not over is getting old, almost 50. Now it as and is all a dream. Whose mind is this woman playing with? Maybe she is insane but hides it well; like them? It is all a bad dream. Being punished for this all the time and daily; she wants to be friends; how about a court marshal? What good is she for, to parade behind the lines and have beers or date terror suspects? Not her fault but not one damn explanation.
Yeah take a look at what he is charged with, “eliminate… that is the word they use eliminate…” Bin Coulter said she stopped him and diffused it, “going to kill this plan… it is immoral… you have the votes… cannot blame… not buy into your lies… (if Bin Coulter is this guilty and that dumb then she deserves a court marshal) they all will have to go back to their districts and face you… more he talks about it the less people support him… (No, what I am saying is if there is one footprint to our camp and theirs and there are reports of her car outside his house or his outside hers; then stay in their camp and accept the court marshal as a badge of courage) take responsibility for nothing… did not pull her ponytail, she put it in my hand.”
Right now, every time we have them cornered, Bin Coulter keys in and they get more slippery or take off to some dinner or weekend with them. Now it is how they end the summer on the same trips or events. All the sudden Bin Coulter is carry water for him and boasting how he loves her the most and fist bumping like a weekend well spent. He may be sick of her or has stories which he is withholding as part of his legal defense. She may also. However, it is annoying how she is providing him a legal defense each and every time; so it is hard to charge him of rape, peeping tom, and murder when he says she is on stage with him; that is her husband and he spends time with her mom or family. The goon upstairs is saying the exact same thing and is protecting Bin Coulter and yelling at me now.
So not only are the 911 terrorist-mole-spy handlers calling us a common nigger, they are rebelling for Bin Coulter and saying he and Bin Coulter are a family and to “get out of the way… lets get this debate on, we can win… going to get fired.” Someone claims to know something and can speak for Bin Coulter so it must be true. Bin Hannity dispels the rape, stalking, peeping tom, 911 charges, calling us a common nigger, being behind the home invasion, and this long ordeal to figure out who is behind all of this and why. I am not going to reveal who my sources are but Bin Coulter told me she needed me and they are trying to kill her rescue plan for me which has to do with extreme risk taking and going well beyond the fire line. Like a chef, do not overcook and burn a dish and feed it or ask others to eat it.
We were kidnapped for a reason; a cover up and a way to prevent a raid; Bin Coulter is some form of escape for them and hostage bargaining chip so we will deny this now. There is now no way out. Mrs. Bin Hannity whoever she is; is no longer a hostage or the driver of their getaway car. I am in charge and I make the calls; right now 9 out of 10 pleas involved Bin Coulter. Bin Coulter says she is a prisoner, captive, and being stalked or got captured by them. She tells me one thing; she tells them another; the public gets two stories. This is why they snatched her or is holding her with 24 hours surveillance; also claiming they hang out and spend weekends together. Bin Coulter has denied this and has not ended these claims. “Everybody is in love with her… I bet you are trying to hit on her… hands off she has a boyfriend… “ Is that what Ann Coulter is saying to Sean Hannity and Clinton-Kennedy upstairs?
“I don’t want to bore you by repeating them… really need the support… working pretty well… (Caller says I am covered so I am fine… offering me… my girlfriend works in the health care industry) price is rising for this.” Here is what he is talking about. When you are kidnapping someone and call them a common nigger for 20 years, then force them to be recruited for a terrorist plot or to be some suicide bomber; most people will refuse. They do not take a no for an answer. In this case, what he is saying is if Mrs. Bin Coulter switches sides; this will end the hostage standoff and kidnapping; all of the 20 years of work and risk taking with be for no reason and worthless; not only this, they will be raided and spend their life dead, gone, or behind bars.
“Worse case happens… I have coverage… they are insuring us… my point is what if X happens… they have a heart attack… (if he is not able to exploit and keep Bin Coulter happy or content; she will wander off; we will help him and kick her can to their side and see what she does)… they will make it worse… fairly predictable statement… this is not rocket science.” So Bin Hannity is fearful and scared of us court marshalling Bin Coulter and forcing her to his side. I am denying him the cards he is using to be slippery and Bin Coulter is doing an insufficient job and a nuisance. Even with military-police forces everywhere, she has two ID’s and putting her footprint everywhere behind and beyond the fire line (DMZ) and it is going to stop. She is either a co-conspirator or a real pain in the ass and a nuisance; it appears the attacks from 2006 to 2009 are to win her to their side. All attacks after 2006 were to “offer the best deal… middlemen know… increases the level of care… keeps market forces… have government involvement… run sufficiently.”
Bin Hannity has indicated suspicion to Bin Coulter and she has not dispelled it but bragged how he is number one fan and loves her the most. Also he boasts how they are husband-wife on stage. He boasts about how they spend time off air together and refuses to disclose any of it. Bin Coulter denies it. She says it is not the “might as well call it a vacation” or “this is my vacation” because she does not have a job and usually keys in on my life. Now she is wandering off and so I get the wrong message. Both of them are holding cards and one of them must throw one down. Neither wants to and does this to keep it paperless and approvable. “My wife wrote me… put on as many voices as possible… will be fun…
Ann says she is not a terrorist and has not rescued him once; she claims he will not leave her alone or get out of her private life. She says they did not have any relationship outside of business; when her mom came to the studio it was because she was under severe attack and wanted escort. How that ended with them having dinner, we do not know or have been told. Ann said he asked them; took the initiative because she has never asked him to join her; but her mom was there and so they did; thus, he now has the upper hand and used it against her. Bin Hannity can verify this. Ann said she covers up because he was following her around and knew when she would be in this city or that one; nearly stalking to see if she was meeting a man or inviting people over. She says she did not when I asked if she ever invited anybody over.
This proves there is some burglary and if there is a peeping tom tape; it has not been released; it may be blackmail material. They claim to be the cops-police. We call them 911 terrorists and kidnappers. It took over 20 years to catch and bring them out of hiding; they flipped out and did not expect it. So they walked in some room and all the lights were flipped on and they cannot see anything. Who knows they are insane and lunatics. I personally do not think Ann is worth all of this; there are girls much younger with drop dead hot bodies and will put out. Ann does not put out and they all know this. She does not even kiss men. She doesn’t hold their hand. She doesn’t call them. She doesn’t invite them over. They call her a man and a lesbian. She calls them faggots. It turns out she had a guy but who that is we do not know and Bin Hannity keeps saying it is him. Now she punishes and watches everybody get punished for her damned life and sex kitten story; and wants to be more than friends?
Here we go again; the entire last year from June of 2008 to present day August of 2009. It is never over with them so Bin Coulter will be court marshaled for foot faults and stepping on the line incessantly. This is why she is being court marshaled; they are too slippery, using all her legal defenses, use her as an escape route, and is trying to have her drive them off and away. Nobody said she agreed; they said it is not over and they are not giving up because the Abercrombie-Fitch union leader upstairs is speaking for Ann and protecting her; her resistance and handler. Sara Conner is my handler and recruiter; she is now the handler and recruiter for the Bin Coulter-Bin Hannity alliance.
So Sara and John Connors (AF models) said Ann Coulter’s mom before going to their clunker heaven, made some agreement with Bin Hannity. Ann said Bin Hannity initiated it and then made up this story with dinner with her and her mom after the show. Then he began to hang out near her or alter the story of her life. Meanwhile, Clinton-Kennedy is telling Ann Coulter they are my mom and represent me. They were good to my family or have them as a captive also. So Ann is being chased away by mommy and fat ass daddy who were to replace my biological mom who died of a mysterious death when I was 5 years old; thus we have this recruitment and terror plot for some mole-spy-sleeper cell which I am not aware of but was called a common nigger for. Two parents, two false stories; no chance to dispute each, a rip off and “put on to trick as many people as possible.” If they are trying to win her; then she is theirs. We will confirm this with Mrs. Bin Hannity.
“Check the facts… this story is immoral… no compulsory consensual… done by other means… less repressive… suggestive… sterilization… greeted with dismay abroad… but left no choice with the time remaining… fertility decline.” We are in the stage of why they are calling others a common nigger and trying to suggest we must join a deadly murderous 911 terror plot and forcing us to denounce our citizenship or else face some “death sentence.” It is not what they said or do directly; it is the blocks and barriers which force us to do what we do; which doors are shut and which ones open. You will see this with Ann Coulter also because all they did was relayed to her. Who opens the doors and who is shutting them; no hands or prints ever; no paper trail? All they have to do is terror and sabotage and it will shut a door. A rip off comes in 100’s per month and it shuts doors. There is only one door open, to join up and we have the handlers and recruiters upstairs. It is Clinton-Kennedy-Moynihan-Unions-Hannity-Limbaugh police plot to profit from murder and 911. Bin Hannity and Limbaugh said they are teachers; not us them.
“He is the one who did this… it is a depressing moment… if you asked me for a beer I would go… not hold back… not intimidated by… not intimidated by the sight of him… why that meeting will never happen… you are driving all that way to Dallas… you still have a pretty long drive to my concert… you are going to Dallas…” Bin Hannity is stalking Ann or showing up at the same place to stalk her or create some plausible denial “to make it happen if you want… show up for you” and this is why Ann covers up and says, if they see something they like, they know it is not them in the fantasy or bed. “Maybe some game to play with… summer vacation… not going to be here… (Why is he spending the entire month in Texas and who is the spy in Ann Coulters camp who is giving out her itinerary? That is dangerous and they are 011 terrorists who know flights, private information, family information, who she dates, etc…) “it is so they know we are dating… 7/30/2009 8:20:22 PM” Bin Hannity just says he is doing this not as a threat or to kill her in some final blow as we broke up and scared off; it is only to pretend he is dating her.
Is Bin Coulter playing along or forced to be a prisoner and hostage? She says prisoner-hostage and in some nasty dialogue with my kidnappers telling her to get lost he is dating one of their terrorists. She how they are isolating each and denied any emails and communications; no paper trail or notes to confirm this. The only verifiable data or proof is what it posted and written. It is a big, bad, and nasty struggle and Bin Coulter makes it double worse by playing along. The people in this murder or death sentence as they call it; scattered and ran after April 2008 and began reading all her emails and tracking her so they could snuff and block any effort for a rescue. How do you do that? A terror plot, close the doors and leave no evidence. Look at the entire plot and how they figured out a way to kidnap and abduct someone without any paper trail, then call them a common nigger for upwards of 20 years and leave no evidence. Only until you can trap them and trick them bit by bit will they reveal the 911 plot. Bin Hannity says that asking him why he called us a common nigger and perjuring himself without knowing who was behind it “made it much for difficult for him to defeat.” Now comes the medication parts and the answers.
“Do not appreciate the fact… at any given moment they can face danger… their life can end at any moment… stop a madman from taking everything they have… group of people out there who can do this… teachable moment for you… projecting your life on a teachable moment… “Bin Hannity is using the 911-police-murder plot to reinforce his police defense. It is almost unshakeable. He can do this with Bin Coulter also and it is really annoying and menacing. Bin Limbaugh calls it “indirect rape” and paperless or almost a crime; all the doors are shut and you must consent or get the death sentence. This is also the same people who are calling others a common nigger defense.
Any security or body guard can confirm this. When you are seeking a stalker, shadow or a deadly assassin; no less 911 terrorists who leave no evidence; you expect an alien and do not rule this out. There are zones. There are cores. Like martial arts, certain zones or rings require a specific defense or style. When you are in the last core or ring; then it is time to apply the most lethal and dangerous martial arts skills. The same here. By following her, being in or trying to be in the same hotel, trying to spend the weekend, to gain access, and to use total lies and fabrications hiding they are deadly lethal 911 spies-moles-sleepers; you are stalking and playing a deadly game. They did not release peeping tom videos yet but it is the same thing. If they are the police, there should be no shame or effort to hide the total lack of morals, ethics, or murder plots. This is as deadly as a stalker and kidnapping can get where all doors are shut down and only one door is available or one option. All else is killed off or sabotaged and destroyed.
“That is not even cheating… we have not even had a flirty IM… (Caller says divorced… emotionally abusive) we are not making out in this relation are we… (stage 3 cancer… survivor.. type of cancer in blood… scares me to death… very disheartening… talk to you at all cost) friends of mine who have gone through treatment… celebrate success, beaten the odds.” This is like the home invasion (police, jealous boyfriend, cheating girlfriend, going crazy, politics of police and domestic issues, race and calling someone a common nigger). Also, Bin Hannity did not know in 1992 I worked in a hospital and the cancer ward. We are or were doing some research on this and I cannot disclose it. My military records will show I worked in infection control and the cancer ward.
So all of this stalking and finger pointing will lead to one question; do you know anything about Ann Coulter or me or is this kidnapping to say you do and suggest we only have one option out of this? (Caller: since they dropped the charges, it is neither here or there… do not stick to the words they are ruling on… ignore issues... here it is, it is a disregard for words… conduct… intends to disrupt the public.) Nobody has accused Bin Hannity of calling Ann Coulter a common honky or a hillbilly hick; maybe other words but not a common nigger. I am a minority and I am asking them why they feel it necessary to call me a common nigger; can they prove it since the 911 plot has no paper trail; we have to do the Canada Plan if we are going to raid them and I do not plan on sticking around to be honest. There is no protection and we are not going to be on the bad end of the stick again and again. At least Bin Hannity mentioned chat and flirty IM’s. Why are you stalking us, claim to know everything, rewrote our biography and now; this.
When I was in the military, they warned us that they could find out any information and we were warned about several things such as taking drugs with girls or mixing in a bad way with the girls. So when that came up; we had a meeting and said no way; it is not worth it. Strippers who want to date us and get high are not worth disobeying your command or boss-nation. The same applies with Ann and her current situation; it does not have to be about sex all the time and she knows this; it can be mixing in a bad way or inappropriate manner. I asked her and she said there was nothing to tell. That was over a year ago when she said she needed my help and was in danger. I was headed out of here to do the Canada Plan and raid on this terror and spy-mole-sleeper cold war.
I told Ann one more argument and she cannot be trusted and she said okay and agreed; then turned around and caused and created an argument; so she can say why. Did she back out or is she turning herself in and a court martial, he must go to their side now. She is not able to make it on this side and it was with Bin Sanity the Irish bacteria; he was telling the truth. She may have cheated or went to bed to do a rescue or to apprehend a fugitive 911 terrorist. She only said she needed help and I had to marry her to find out or know more. She claims and openly claims there was no sex beyond me and she will only admit we have a long standing relationship. The language and the comfort is a no brainier; but no man has ever said different or no enemy has either. The only written data is here and by me; that dates 20 years ago. Why Bin Coulter would take such extreme risk when entire militaries, police forces, and Generals are looking is not know but she may be a crazy or mad woman. If so she will perpetuate and keep taking extreme risks with no sense of how to explain them “it did not work as I had intended… a total disaster also… I messed up.” As far as infidelity to me, “only you… only one man in my life ever… it has only been about you and I.” Now ask why she is being court marshaled? Is it all total lies or being used as a drive away vehicle and share the blame?
“Afraid to admit it… that is what people like about me” Bin Hannity is not saying he had sex, he says afraid to admit this. (Talking about Osama with Caddell) There is a reason why Bin Coulter is being court marshaled and if it is about sex or infidelity; then that has not come out yet and some other honorable reason. She is going to extraordinary lengths for disapproval now on both sides and her most trusted. As a best friend or friend; she is okay; I have no qualms about her dating habits, life, or freedom. In a relationship she may rub others wrong or send the wrong messages. She goes to extraordinary lengths to have certain people hate her and certain ones adore her and it has gotten her in so much trouble and she thinks the world revolves around her sometimes. If she needs help; then she got it and can defeat or join up with them now. Otherwise, she cannot keep dragging this out and being some escape vehicle. Nobody knows the true story and the more she hinders the trust level; she must accept fault and responsibility; not say it is all lies and how she shares the blame. Bring a body part or crack a bottle over their head. If my work or some “so called boyfriend” did this; he deserves a bullet in my book. Taze him or break a bat over his head for ruining your marriage and life, peeping tom, and attempted rape. It sounds like some mutual consent and friendship which is deadly; that is the best way to describe it, deadly.
“It is much deeper… had a beer… do not understand”; no this Bin Hannity stand off is deadly and suicidal; to the death and Bin Coulter has beat him and gotten the better of it. Bin Hannity has lost everything; is Bin Coulter going with him? It would be nice if a kool-aid party was thrown in Dallas for all of the ring leaders. I am fed up with the idiot life living by an idiot partner of mine. The best course is to court martial her and tells her to stay on their side and lock the door and windows; secure the cellar; and have round the clock gaurds. Bin Coulter has not come out once and rescued him; not once. She has disputed him and pissed me off with dumb decisions; but she says no sex and nothing else; Bin Limbaugh says, “Go away and leave me alone.” Ann Coulter has been telling them to leave her alone and go away because of 1000s of dates, single parties, and lewd or stupid behavior. Some were so painful it was hurtful and the most humiliating experience “she does not care for anybody… has a chip on her shoulder”; from Bin Limbaugh it means they tried to kidnap or rape her. Then the final result was to lure or trick her into some state of adoration to get rid of her. She called her best friend who landed on her and look how it cleared up and fast.
Caddell says, “you can ask me until I die… it is none of your business.” There is only one suspect left, Bin Hannity; no other is left in this struggle if a deadly stalker is out there. Coulter claims it is almost a kidnapping but instead of closing doors, all of them are opened and others closed; a protection racket, money scam, and criminal syndicate. It is about the Presidency. If she had a kid, then she already had one but gave her egg to another female. Bin Coulter feels insecure because I dominate on everything; mental, physical and it is evident. Coulter is a subordinate as they were warned repeatedly and told to back off. They insist after 20 years stalking or studying-recruiting-promoting-teaching us clandestinely or without us knowing; they know better and know us better. Now the story is “we guessed and guessed wrong… so what.” They tried to recruit us and failed. They tried military or combat and failed. They tried tricking us and failed. They tried total lies and failed. Not much left and not much remains. The only one who is a major threat is Bin Limbaugh and Hannity; the two big bosses (number 1 and number 4 only). These two are serial killers and as deadly as they get. To suggest they are the police as they insist is how deadly they are; no morals or truth; pure criminal power. They are freaks of nature and chosen not by random or chance.
Treating people well is not in their genetic code or moral value. They do what they have to or need to perpetuate this spy-mole-terror sleeper cell to a new recruitment. They want on the global stage and to stand by others, “when I am on that stage… I just want to thank you… for those of you who got Christmas presents.” If he has a death blow on Bin Coulter he does not use it; I used it on her. For their reputations, they are clowns and lushes. “He didn’t lie about this… is she a liar… blaming… all she did was regurgitated what the President said… that makes her a genius.” They are in a deadly game and they know it; but I busted the murder plot, busted them of the 911 plot, and got them to confess to our kidnapping and this common nigger problem where we get some judgment and forced medication for lies. I never said they are or were racist, the voice of whites or Satan; I said they called us a common nigger for upwards of 20 times a day.
So nobody will play a real or deadly card so the military-police will; Coulter earns a court martial and told to stay on their side if she loves the excitement and extreme risk taking; to show off while the militaries are surrounding them and asking if she is some mistress or hooker on parade? She is boasting how she is cleverer and more criminal genius. They take that and use it to walk away and she is driving it. If she wants to join them; she will say and do it now. She will join them by default and they will accept her. “Get me out of here… she is clueless… I know… have no clue…” she enjoys men as peeping toms and enjoys being watched naked even if she says she covers up. The last line of defense for the 911 plot is Bin Hannity the Irish Bacteria.
With this much pressure and in broad daylight, his underwear is knarly black and he thinks it is romantic and women want to see it or sit next to him. He says, “Some life saving drug she needs… that is all you need to know” and it is blood. Ann said he is lying about some blood problem or any blood miracle 7/30/2009 9:47:42 PM “Sean Hannity and his wife have donated thousands… (stay out of the military and stop trying to recruit military personnel Bin Hannity; we have Generals who are not a bit happy) you are benefiting from this… thanks to our friends.” Bin Hannity is warned about recruiting military personnel and trying to and will have a Generals respond to what we know about him or this new cold war. There will be a meeting with the best military Generals to express some discontent about recruiting or approaching military personnel using money and charity events. From what the Irish Bacteria is saying, it looks like Bin Coulter is on their side, has been and is going over there and staying there. He is blackmailing her and will play this game until one of them is dead or takes it to the grave. They have not broken their deadly pact or love-sex “death wish.” He is still saying this is why she is doing this and taking extreme risks to be with him.

Crack a bottle on him! The new masterpiece, “The Good and Bad Movie Called Show Me Your Boobies”:
Wednesday, July 29, 2009 So let’s ask Rat-Dog Bin Sanity some questions and his female audience along with many females who are reading his sexual exploits. What would happen if Bin Coulter cracked a beer bottle over his head or delivered his flattened penis ran over by cars and trucks? Would she be a victim of severe abuse or an aggressor driven to some lethal joke to tell him “leave me alone… leave us alone… stop filming me privately… how dare you break into our homes… who invited you in the first place” and a host of other facts-issues being ignored? Would this make his legal case stronger or weaker? Just like a war time professional enemy or terror group who parades a captive on camera and makes them read things or say things while a captive. This is rather advanced levels and not your common brut or thug. This is the best we have ever seen, almost alien abduction zone. No rape kit, no paper trail, no evidence to suggest a crime had taken place ever. Not bad if you ask me and probably as expert level as elite commandos have ever witnessed or seen; it is a shame we caught all of them and will destroy-eradicate an entire generation of sleeper-moles.
We know Bin Coulter is being used as a vehicle at this time. She claims her vehicle-life was threatened and hijacked by the 911 terrorists but they are using her as a legal defense and to get family members to sign on the dotted line. As mentioned in the Rat-Dog Bin Limbaugh page; he had to insert the family part and getting a family member to agree to this kidnapping, terror plot, recruitment, and rip off. They do not even know it is a rip off. So Rat-Dog Bin Hannity has us both as a captive and must get one of the family members to agree and sign to the murder of the other (Like the Movie Cold Mountain) and why two teams of operatives are on each end and side. By ripping her off and trying to tag along or show cover up how two people are being held captive while this is ongoing; he is going to fist bump each and show they are not (like all POW-hostage tapes) and then try to present a false picture for the cameras and TV. Quite ingenious and shows their master spy and terrorist ability. So let the women out there decide if delivering a flattened penis or cracking a bottle over his head helps his legal defense and if Bin Coulter is acting like Bin Fondaled?
Ann has claimed to be a captive and this terror group claims I will not move out of my residence. That is both of their arguments now. To walk away and not leave a single shred of evidence; but can Rat-Dog Bin Hannity go into a court and explain his case if Bin Coulter takes it too far and does not fight back? This is the problem, they are both silent and both claim to be chasing each other; just not for love-romance. Bin Coulter will have to deliver a solid performance and deliver his ear, his flattened penis, crack a bottle over his head, or cut a part of his body off so the evidence is on her side and to suggest she fought back during a rape-grope-murder similar to the Meredith Kercher and Amanda Knox case in Italy. Do not have a beer with him and talk about this; he is a 911 terrorist and you are the legal vehicle he is using to drive off and away. Either you get out of the vehicle and escape or face criticism for falling in love with some kidnapper, engaging in wild sex or love taps, and rolling over then calling it for what it was. Insane risk taking and a murder plot foiled at the very last minute and when nobody could win cleanly.
Let me also make evident and conspicuous how you said "we guessed and we guessed wrong... so what" and have gone on some smelly public relations tirade about how the "people wanted this" or "they desperately need this" as creditors have file suit and garnishment papers with the federal government. It is not as if you are disputing what you did, you are saying we cannot fight back and you can impose as much pain and suffering while you rip us off more and are caught for all of this. You claim or keep saying how Bin Coulter is on your side and I know why she looks this bad; she is trying to capture you and bring you to justice. I have disagreed and tried to perfect her options and work but even I am not able to raise the level of quality sometimes. She adopts similar strategy and it comes out or ends up a total disaster. So this cat and mouse game is on a back drop; that same back drop as before when creditors and garnishments were filed and you acted like some master of war and some powerful human being. In the last ten years people can research my credit and the garnishments and match it to my life; then ask how or why they just take no responsibility and sit there and think they will walk away and rip more and more off.
The problem with Bin Coulter is she said how she must stop you. So she is taking extreme risks, she claims you have her as a captive also. I noticed you cling and bite and do not let go like a pit bull. So now you use and rip off our work as your legal defense and try to just walk away or drive away. The vehicle is the same people you kidnapped; the undercover people who witnessed what you did and somehow managed to get you to surface and show yourself. This was when your world collapsed and we told you there are at least 10 layers on top. So Bin Coulter is being criticized for not realizing she is not super human; she has not done much or has given her life; not money to this cause and my life; and has bet it all. I can understand that.
What I do not understand is whether or not she realizes I have called all my military friends and sent reinforcements. There are armies, spy masters, the best of the best; not from one nation but the entire world contacting me and I think I did a decent job and told a few jokes. The level of reinforcements is tremendous but that does not deter this group at all. Almost like the North Hollywood shootout where there are impossible odds. All Bin Coulter can do is be a nuisance and confuse us; she will soon be a real threat because I know how you are escaping and trying. She and I am the vehicle and you are telling her to drive us out; like Patty Hearst and whether or not she was doing a stunt. The FBI also knows you are targeting my family and there are FBI retired agents on it; I would not advise trying anything while in broad daylight. Rat-Dog Bin Limbaugh was angry and said we were spending his money.
I will take comments 7:11:38 PM, “Have to apologize for everything… tomorrow is beer night… this is their economy… take credit when nothing goes right… (We live in their world and they are dictators – self sufficiency is obsolete)… no to the Chicago way… does what they want… (Rat-Dog Bin Sanity is saying is Al Capone and we are bad employees and citizens) in the end they will do what they want and what is best in their best interest (911 terror plot)… asking for leadership… insignificant… public option is optional but the devil is in the details”; notice how he does not see their plight or tirade as a crime or hope. There is a part of their mind cut out and missing; as if someone operated and cut their brain out, “they will do what they want… will fall right in line… that is what is going to happen.”
Rat-Dog Bin Sanity needs to understand who is on top and where he will be in five or ten years. My Generals and I will love to see him at our events and parties. Just like high school; we will know how he rolls over and talks a mean game. We will also record and see the change in their life, attitude, and what he says as his legal defense and case. Ann has put her entire life in the pot and said do it; ante and let’s see your cards. What they are doing now we do not know. They have lost the card and poker game “you are not buying their propaganda… do not answer to… arm twisted by… they think you are stupid and will vote them out of office… I can tell you the Democrats are afraid… they are afraid they will loose control of Congress… troublesome signs… Obama’s mortality… (Problems everywhere and public is resisting and tired of this) a lot of problems here for them… afraid of his deficit spending.”
Rat-Dog Bin Hannity was supposed to talk about the Freedom Concert-Rat-Dog-Trump “leave me alone” problem. Understand they are calling us a quitter and not them. Ann is being called a quitter. I had been for doing the Canada Plan. They are not quitters “but they have persevered… approval ratings… right to do so… believe in important causes.” He is going on and is not commenting about the Freedom Concerts, how many Ann Coulter went to, and what happened at them to make her go to a Rat-Dog concert with Trump or if he knew the story at Trump Towers. “This is beyond anything we have seen… how can anyone oppose them” you cannot; that is why we are the masters of war and you are nothing more than rip off shysters and con men. Rat-Dog Bin Hannity says, “We had a terrible summer.” Who are we? Did he mean Ann and him in 2006? Or did he just mean Ann? Who are we, the captives or the prison guards and terrorists? Rat-Dog Bin Sanity should search Fox News and the arrest of the paramedics-ambulance while a life and death situation was underway. The police union has not made one comment or one statement on it.
Fox News - Trooper Chokes Paramedics after pull over in Oklahoma (Watt’s territory):
This show is not about him and “had a terrible summer”; this is about the Freedom Concerts, how many Ann Coulter went to and the Rat-Dog concert. How did she end up going to them or did she ask him out? Was this another fist bump trick and is Bin Coulter maneuvering to sue or take him down? Rat-Dog Bin Hannity sees her doing what he is doing and is insanely mad-jealous; thus the murder plots when they did not stop but was going to muffle where the voice “stop” – “get away from him” – “we know you are 911 terrorists” – “what I am doing to you now”; he is trying to locate and silence that voice while keeping an eye on the hostages.
If you have not watched the interviews with Greata Van Susterin starring Obama Rat-Dog Bin Limbaugh then do so and look at his face and match it to Michelle Milking. Now watch Obama Rat-Dog Bin Sanity’s facial expression: (Video on Fox News with Greata):
“They do not realize they open the door for us… what kind of political pressure is he putting on him… do not know what exactly the political ramifications are… had David Limbaugh on…” Rat-Dog Bin Hannity is trying to do what Rat-Dog Bin Limbaugh did on Fox News throughout the entire interview. Notice how his face chances, what he says, and how he keeps fighting the current and stream. Rat-Dog Bin Hannity is not making any ground on this fist bump and the Freedom Concert; why Ann Coulter was there; what they did; and why Rat-Dog was needed and Trump. “Do not realize how screwed up this is… how these people have screwed up everything.” I saw Ann gambling with me at Trump towers; she bets the entire pot and double-down on it then wins. I followed her also and she was able to 60x 500 and I was able to 90x 40 dollars. I came out with over five grand and began with 40 dollars. We doubled down everything. She would throw the entire pot out there where I would not go over 300.
“Do you want to go to France… or the Mayo Clinic” Rat-Dog Bin Hannity seems upset and is yelling and on some tirade; for a 911 terrorist; “suffering or not… why should they provide for… no you do not agree with me, that is the problem.” Just walk away Rat-Dog Bin Hannity while bodies are everywhere. At least help the wounded or call 911 for them, not try to drive off or away Rat-Dog Bin Sanity. A lot of people will say the classic Terrorist-Police scenario; to pretend to be the Terrorist and steal a uniform. They have our clothes and vehicle and we are in it also. They admitted it is our uniform and we are the hostage rescuers; they want to stay in the vehicle and we are trying to kick them out and run them over, and then back up. The story and the ten long years of struggle, standoff, and combat are gruesome and explain who they are.
Crack a bottle on his head and sue him for the Freedom Concert! He is sneaking into the military balls and show, “get the heck out of the way… taking responsibility for their own life” just not by self sufficiency. They do not believe in self sufficiency as I try to point out or kidnapping people. How about stalking or kidnapping? The home invasion in 2006 in New York was a diversion and revenge motivated for Trump; he thinks I am Trump @ $. I am dirt poor right now; how about everybody else? There is nothing to rip off. Only an ape like paper trail. I can also shut down and declare bankruptcy but left a window open and the back door unlocked. Rat-Dog Bin Vanity does not even want to go into why the Freedom Concert, why have a Blake Shelton concert using one of the radio stations of his; and the home invasion in June 10 of 2006; the same week. He thinks I am Donald $ Trump. They are looking for SDI and failed. They must figure out how to have a diversion and end the investigation; to seek closure.
Here is the story in 2006, the entire year. In 2006 it began when they backed off. Then they began to see a plan surface; Ann moved and hostage 2 was selling and vacating also, buying a resort condo and all cars. Location he is going is known, calls made, and arrangements made. Then a trailer and storage was done. It took 3 months to find an apartment once I got here and plenty of time to catch up. What are they up to and why? So they began to ask and I was asked almost 100 times. Their goal is to cover this up and if it gets out, the suspicious and egregious paper trails will expose a major conspiracy. There must be a scapegoat, diversion, and something to say it is real but a bad day or experience. This is not master level spies and super duper secret spies so powerful; they make up the Zionist-Israel alliance and the Irish-Kennedy alliance on the other; add the Democratic Party in America. Their goal is to rewrite the Constitution and fix their grand automatic strategy. They saw SDI and wanted it; but could not get it; almost.
Erasing the mind did not work. A mental defect and crazed person did not work. The list of excuses is dwindling down; all of them used. The only option is to do a home invasion, make it a ten year case, and it will overwhelm and cover over the last ten years of problems. Now you have a new case; sounds like the old one; we have real injustice; and we know why they are calling us a common nigger every single day. Now it is not about slander or 911 anymore and lost. That was too big so we had to “duality” it and this was the Duke Lacrosse Case. They have a list to check off. Neither Rat-Dog Bin Vanity nor Rat-Dog Bin Limbaugh has even spent a day on either of this; it is a cover up and not a core focus. What is the core focus? They always put you in a financial or some trap, a stranglehold to kill you. All rapists enjoy the pain and fight of a victim before they die, to see pain and grief on their face because it makes them feel powerful.
So we will go back to year 2006 and see what Rat-Dog Bin Vanity will say. What he says now and what he says when the evidence comes out will show us the penalty and who he is. “Fight… disgrace… showing compassionate… agree to take them in (massive union hub here and only Al Qaeda in US)… laugh at (we are terrorists)… budget… (degree of cronyism and corruption in New York)… ready to mutiny… throw it down a slot machine… not against gambling but… throw a quarter in a slot machine and become a millionaire… (It is like Vegas, they bus in old and rich people, you go and blow off some money, tell some stories, and have a good time. It is where you go for marriage and to just blow off some steam or see some shows. If you see it more than this, you have a problem.) It is like Vegas and Rat-Dog Bin Hannity even is trying to lure Ann to Vegas. Rat-Dog Bin Hannity has not said what he did before, “on stage with his wife.”
Rat-Dog Bin Hannity does not want to revisit 2006 and it must be stressed why he is avoiding it but not 911. 7/29/2009 8:13:09 PM Rat-Dog Bin Vanity says this is “about pride” but notice that what he says is never heard; you have to be able to tune into their special language and encryption. They are calling others a common nigger, trust me. He will do it for over 20 years and have you buy his material and go to his concerts. Rat-Dog Bin Hannity speaks of Country music and his love for it but when we ask him about the Civil War or the South; he is an idiot. I am what they call a southern gentleman and a Virginia country hard body. “Welcome to my world… how do you know Rush.” (Caller says “here is another one for you… birth certificate.. you are a great American). As a country boy or southerner, he does not know anything about the Civil War.
Rat-Dog Bin Hannity is racking up negative equity and debt and when it comes time to foreclose on him; there will be a paper trail and everything he brushes aside and walks away. They love to see the pain on the face of someone when they are strangled; go and look at the records; what they said. Rat-Dog Bin Hannity just said this is about pride. They own it and taken it over. Their history has warped their entire mind where they are now pure lunatics and maniacs. Look at their statements and actions after 911, it is about pride. It is about taking responsibility; take what from who? What is the core focus? They always put you in a financial or some trap, a stranglehold to kill you. Notice how he treats Ann and other women, serial killer material. Now watch the movie Manhunter; who is the blind woman? What is he doing? Who is covering their face and why? Look at the date and when we began this. They are lonely and do love; but it is so bizarre.
All rapists enjoy the pain and fight of a victim before they die, to see pain and grief on their face because it makes them feel powerful. Now he and they can get in any military ball, circle of power, or can have shows and exploit the pain and death of others. Do southerners want to grant him his own world and planet on America? If he talks to the southerners, they will say “we will grant you your own nation like the Indian nation.” That will not work and stop him; it is about pride and taking responsibility, taxes, and disaster. Listen to his health care and tax policies. It is only tax and profit; there are no values or truth. They are so unethical and criminal, they mess up and guess wrong even if they kidnap and keep someone under 25 hour surveillance. They have so much fight and are so unsophisticated, they are not able to understand the problem and been lobotomized. There is shame and repulsion. Study Manhunter and understand where we got some of this. That book was the first book ever on these predators with advanced intelligence.
When someone says they wish to see pain on someone’s face for no reason; they are sadistic and torturous; a psychopath who has a wrath. Unless you are military; you know pain is not honorable, a proper death and burial is. You do not mutilate and desecrate innocent or civilians even if it involves killing or war. This is the difference between counterforce and counter-value killing. It is two different species. In Manhunter, they do not say why the Leeds family has their eyes gouged or body repositioned. It is to show and take a picture; to show pain and suffering. That is their pride. Rat-Dog Bin Limbaugh says this is about raw naked power and ripping everybody off. When asked if it is necessary, Rat-Dog Bin Limbaugh said, “It was necessary to get the votes.” Power is the reason and to have that feeling you have to strangle your victim and make them show pain so you can get your pride back. This is an act of revenge and retaliation after the end of the cold war. In the video, Rat-Dog Bin Limbaugh is asked about hope and he says, “Greta, I am not going to just sit there.” The reason why they claim to snake or rip off the other side is because of credit problems and reputations.
Now we can use that when they get to court and ask if they wish to speak to us about 2006 and what happened after? “Shuffle… getting thrown out… getting wet… a sure area Congressman (Jason Conte)… maybe losing your governor… (he did not mention Reynolds the guy with Conte that night in the home invasion) they were the host… giving you my genuine opinions as I see them… you can figure out who they are but it is not me… (He knows I like to listen to the Smashing Pumpkins and the song Disarm because it is about a serial killer; it appeals to him and his senses, the pain in the voice, Ted Bundy in Seattle, etc) Rat-Dog Bin Vanity is Ted Bundy clone produced by the same people and fell for the trap of that song. They studied him after capture and it is almost the same thing; terrorizing women during the 1960s and blaming, the shuffle. They know abuse and torture produces the song “Disarm.” I would sing it to them and knew they were listening.
Rat-Dog Bin Hannity is still silent about the Freedom Concerts and details; how many cities did Ann show up, what he tried, what she did, and if she played along or knew what they were doing? This is how good serial killers are also. All he is willing to say is it is about his pride. Why would Bin Coulter take extreme risk when reinforcements are everywhere and her life is being burned down? Is she being blackmailed is the guilty, or is she Bin Coulter the black widow? Rat-Dog Bin Hannity recruited her and did a lot more afterwards but is still waiting for an erection; why? “Give them a little more time, you are rushing them here… Republicans don’t have answers… rattled off”; the damage Bin Coulter is doing now as I watch her footprints shared by them is enough to give them her.
It is almost a traitor unless she delivers his ear or body part; she is just acting dumb like them. With all the reinforcements and it is damaging to her; it raises suspicion on both sides. There is divisions and battalions, why is Bin Coulter super human and doing this when it is a legal defense for them and the footprints are hers and untraceable? “If you think about running for President… can you do me a favor… I would go there in a heartbeat… go on his show… just let you go… congratulations.” We will give them Bin Coulter and she is no use to us. What they want from us; the same. Bin Coulter will gladly go and has not put up one fight and is close to violating the law. Her court martial is being processed at this time for being the vehicle and volunteering to drive them away or deny a legal case. She is giving them a proper defense and showing John Wayne idiotism.
Bin Coulter punishes both sides. They flipped it on her and use her as an excuse while she is denying several charges. If she is a victim, she is not displaying it or refuses to crack a bottle over his head or engage in self defense tactics. She wants to be a lover and bed buddy instead. To who? She is not denting them one bit and has to be rescued over and over. Also the entire division is asking her to just get the hell off the hill and she won’t. She is showing off and wants to parade some power or control over others. Unfortunately, she is not perfect and has low self esteem. She does not follow orders well either and in the most intense moments, will soon be a hostage if not already. Hence another god damn year of this insanity and her busted up life as Bin Coulter. Everybody says the same; she gets pummeled and always has to be rescued. She wants the dirty work that which others do not want.
“He is not the President anymore… met by fierce resistance… what is their plan that is the focus.” Bin Coulter is way beyond the line and criticized of behavior and she has denied it and told a different story. Apparently, this sex kitten for Mr. President may be true. Now who wants that thing? The chick is a hot potato thrown around and joked about and now with entire divisions wishes to show how strong and powerful she is? The entire military is saying get the hell off the hill woman and she is riding around to each of their camps and going to dinners, parties, etc… with radicals and moles. It is hard to press charges when invited to their parties, concerts, homes, fund raisers, shows, etc… Now she must crack a bottle on their head or deliver a body part. That will prove her anger, not theirs. I kick them in the back at concerts and tell them to get up. That is real and real protection, real security and safety. That is why. Fist bump!
Thus, the private and the public/business or casual only relations. There are two stories here and two sides; the law of diminishing returns has to be taught to her again and again. This is giving them an exit and a way to fight back and wipe out our side. Bin Coulter is getting annoying to each side and the axe sharpening. She thinks it is a Harlequin Romance and not a war going on and dangerous. The fucking military is surrounding them can she please get the hell off the military side? Go to the other side and stay there, do not come back and make an excuse again. Stay there. She is the vehicle coming to our side and she needs to stay there because they are more slippery.
“I do not know what bill you are reading but… the end of your lie… you buy into it… think they have superior ideas… fine create your own system… why don’t you come and take everything I have… sick of it… I don’t even know any of them… (Rat-Dog Bin Hannity says he believes Sinn freedom and liberty; he believes in spying, terrorism, and walking away from a disaster he created and can fix a time bomb.)” Rat-Dog Bin Vanity now claims he does not want her and thinks she is trying to take everything he has; what is he being accused of? “I will pay for your air fare to Cuba for care… now you are saying you want me dead?” When we want to go to Cuba, we will call you next time. “If we gave you choices… hang on a minute, you are the one who told me you wanted to go… repeat after me… checkmate.” Either you are delusional or you can show some contract and written document; bring Bin Coulter there with you. “I just do not buy it… in the end if given the option you would rather stay here.”
Wait, this was a love story and he was on stage with his wife. She goes to his concerts because he is the Irish bacterium; now he thinks she is taking everything he has? Is this about kidnapping, terrorism, or recruitment; or is it a love story? This SOB is confusing me and scrambling my mind; says we wanted to go to Cuba, checkmate, etc… if given a chance? I thought we are being recruited for a 211, 311, and the 911 terror plot; not given a plane ticket. Oh, he means defection and escapes his Zionist-Irish bacteria recruitment. “We are friends… no values… read his speeches… always dedicated to preserving liberties… no morals… quick break and we will continue.” What is the core focus? They always put you in a financial or some trap, a stranglehold to kill you. All rapists enjoy the pain and fight of a victim before they die, to see pain and grief on their face because it makes them feel powerful. Who the hell agreed to a plane ticket to an Al Qaeda camp ran by elements of the CIA in East Africa? Was it Katherine Moynihan or Clinton-Kennedy? Who the hell is teaching us how to be ripped off artists by ripping us off and taking everything we have including our family? Leave my family and most especially my brother alone; do we have to flush them out again?
Oh great! Next time do not talk to military personnel on a mission and if so, provide your name, rank, and branch of service. Also, I had no idea you worked for the CIA and were trying to recruit others for double agent work. Why didn’t you tell me; I would have logged it and shown you my so called dossier. Now you claim you are super secret and work for President Clinton, Bush, and Obama but CIA is trying to kill you for pretending you are CIA and hiring double agents. What if I get arrested and killed? How about asking me or discussing who and what you are up to? Now all the sudden, you were never there and we cannot prove it.
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