


I developed Satellite Warfare to combat the spread of nuclear weapons and we have shorted the gap between nuclear and conventional forces; no longer needed in my book. There are approximately 200 chapters. Most were written and researched while in college from 1988 to 1998; I researched it by taking over 190 credits from different universities. They also span from childhood reading since age 8 and up (military science, weapons, martial arts, etc...) I have been getting ideas from people about doing a complete series; all at once. They start off with pure science and ends with a complete understanding of where this world is headed and two particular topics called economic sustainability and totality; then it introduces the reader to a new series of books on satellite warfare; the science and the art. Naturally, they call me the father of satellite warfare and I have put in over 20 years to this field of knowledge; perhaps the best in the world, but my readers will judge who is the best in their world. To get here; we have taken harsh punishments, suffered torture, was kidnapped, humiliated hourly, and had our life trashed and rewritten by no fault of our own. That is called terrorism. That is called war.

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Saturday, June 20, 2009


Friday, June 19, 2009 Ann has spent a lot of time perfecting our relationship and also making it perfect. It has to be near perfect. She knows and has been with me for over 20 years and I have a very strong personality, very strong. I do not think any of these men will ever have the guts, balls, or even nerve to invite them over or attend an RSVP from Ann if I was there. I also think it is some fantasy in their minds where they are suicidal and will take this fantasy to the grave. Maybe Ann can help them and speed up the celebration. I do not go after or mess with all men; only the ones who contact me, stalk me, or make a threat on my family. It is hard to tell who people are and what they are capable of; so I first blamed Ann for most if not all of these bad experiences. I side with Ann because I been with her for more than twenty years; she has never lied and would not lie to me.

Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity is the strongest of all; some ring leader and rank. They have rank over Drudge, Klaus, Bader, Lott, Gilbert, CPAC, Maher, Edwards, etc… and if they were not chased off and harassed; chances are they are in the ring or passed the litmus test. In other words, they opened the door for Limbaugh and Hannity; they played ball with them and this spy ring. As military, we do not and we call in reinforcements. Rush and Sean is challenging all of them and they know exactly what they are doing or trying to do with Ann. She is their prisoner and I had already been but did not tease them. I observed and learned what they were up to.

We are spy masters and we know what we are doing when dangerous spy masters target us for termination. Once they infiltrate, they must hold the mole hill if exposed. Whose playbook and strategy are you pushing? You never report the terror plot or what you are up to Sean? Sean said they “could not sue us” and knows they will get war unless he talks. We are not allowed to sue them or challenge them legally. It does explain all these open complaints and charges of terrorism, conspiracy, espionage, kidnapping, etc… Sean also said Michelle Milking is on the same playbook “fingerprints all over… red flag… medical health care… ensure communities.” I do not think this is about medical care Sean; but Sean finally implicates someone we had already known. He never even mentioned Dick Durbin from Illinois.

It is sort of a game of king of the hill and if someone showed me less than an effort; Ann put her guards down and did not perfect and make our relationship perfect; I would scorn her all day long. She knows my personality and carefulness. I also cannot make it an issue with Ann unless they come out and say so because their goal is to stop her and ruin her life; not defend it or reverse anything. Their goal is to perpetuate lies, rumors, and perpetuate negative karma. I know Ann is trying to perfect and make perfect our relationship and it is hard to say she intentionally did this to ruin her own work and efforts. We see this clearly with Sean and Rush; the king and spy masters of the army of the damned and communist moles. There are a lot of witnesses who know I do not shoot randomly and how accurate my aim is. I never miss and hardly make a mistake. I can put a bullet in a bullet; then do this day after day. We are not going around claiming it is friendly fire or apologizing.

I can also list out the dates when I was at bars, beach, traveling, living, went to dinner, etc… Ann has to match it and if it matches; there is no doubt in my mind. No matter what people or anybody says; if we have an exact match in dates; I know the truth. Even if it is he said she said, I know the truth; Ann was telling the truth about these men and they were lying through their teeth and then claimed to be friends or trusted. Now they must win my trust. To win my trust, they must offer me the truth because I don’t like liars. Then I will ask Ann if they are telling the truth or if I can trust them. So Ann will show me a parallel life and dual reality; when I went out to dinner, when I dated people I despised, when I played along and was undercover, etc… She owes me no explanation when it all matches up unless I get a threat. If I get a threat, they get a federal indictment and investigation. They are going to also have a lot of problems on my side and on my project.

I admit I am not happy with the record but Ann says it is total lies and all lies. So far either she is lying or these men are no damn good and suicidal and deranged fans or stalkers. As time clears this up and the lies are exposed; Ann does not have to say anything; it is up to them to get an invite to our life. Ann is not their recruiter, they kidnapped us. I am not their recruiter, they were stalking and shadowing Ann to exploit and steal something sinister. I will always side with Ann and did not before; but she is proving to me what she said and told me is true about these men and how she was in tremendous danger and may have slipped but it was not intended to piss me off.

What was the other alternative; she cannot survive this by herself and neither can I; yet it is a man’s world and this is a military related matter. So Ann said she created this to get the pressure off until I was healthy again and was back in this or her life. Was she lying or were these men lying? Who is suicidal and getting ruined right now for behavior so unspeakable, they will take it to the grave? Why; let me guess, they tried to ruin her and recruit her because they love and adore her. Well, that honeymoon ended as Rush and Sean said. What do they have to fight with and how badly were they punished for kidnapping us or rewriting our life and life mission? This is a very dangerous matter and we are dealing with race bullies, terrorists, radical communist spies, and the wooden horses of a broken army of phony soldiers.

6/19/2009 7:17:52 PM Sean Hannity says, “this is something we want to be part of… well intentioned” and we wish to strangle him, fire him, and make sure he never is in our life again. He merely claims he is well intended with a load of lies and deceptions. If he wants to play the game of suicide, as Intel indicates it is all he thinks about, then keep quiet and skirt around as a terror suspect and fugitive while we demand he tell us and talk. The British were laughing and saying “he cannot make things stop… too far ahead.”

Sean we are not recruiting you and do not wish you anywhere near us. If you know who your recruiter is, then please tell us who your recruiter is. It is similar to a draft or military service, you must talk to a recruiter first and if asked; tell us who the recruiter or how you knew about this. Both Ann and I are fed up and sick of your face, tricks, and lies. You are and have been skirting around as a terrorist trying to tick off and piss us off like the people upstairs who stomp on our tomato plants when they have a federal indictment at this time open on them. Someone is not playing around with them or you. You are sneaking around trying to smear, lie, and bring out raw animalism; to tick us off and make us emotionally react to your dirty tricks and propaganda.

Sean knows that if he tells the full story of me and Ann; we can bag this terror plot and get all the people behind this using every aspect of the law and stop them for good. However, he wants to gamble his future and career for this broken and suicidal mission he is on. I have documented it so that if he does go into self destruct and drink the cool aid, we will know at least what happened and made an effort to document what we knew or could find out. They will also claim it is conspiracy, he was a victim of the system, and he fought the law and the law won. There was a reason why they were trying to recruit both Ann and myself and why they got close and did what they did. Sean is going to take the terror plot to the grave and as a fugitive. Great Americans do not do this stuff only terrorists and fugitives.

Sean finally writes his suicide note to us. There is a reason why you are risking life and limb keeping Ann and I apart or ruining our relationship. You keep claiming you are angry and we are upset with you but never telling why or the full story. You keep claiming it is a “personal problem” and a “personal feud” but not about politics because you are now “with us all the way.” You want to try to exploit us “all the way” and “engineered a plan to get rid of us” as you just said on 6/19/2009 7:36:08 PM; but you did not say why, for who, and how. When did you begin this and why? Sean says he was “hired” to do this and paid by “senior advisors… outraged from the Osama community… sought emergency treatment… after vicious attacks…”

Yes and Sean Hannity finished the job; there you go Sean; “is dangerously close” and is a hit man and a political assassin, an IRA terrorist. You had admitted this already. Now you are in hiding and will commit suicide taking it to the grave; at least we make an effort to write or document what you did or tried; we reversed every single bit because we knew every single aspect and even hunted you down and were chasing you and you did not know. Even up until June 2009 you had no clue and did not even know. That is how delusional and how deranged you are and getting. Intel says all you do is think about suicide and you do not want a trial or to say your side of the story.

You have not apologized and even made several references how you will beat us and turn this around, “sorry… but you are on your own” 6/19/2009 7:41:53 PM and we make super clear you are a cold blooded murderer and terrorist. Take it to the grave and deny us the terror plot and the plots to destroy America and others. You deserve everything coming to you and where you are going. The most disgusting part was using Ann to cover over and suggest she was this gullible and was madly in love with you; you knew the mission and what you had to do and say. Rush even came out and said it, “Bush finished what the Clintons could not.”

Sean says, “engagement with… (So he vies this as an engagement)” and when people hear this they will celebrate your suicide. What you regret was getting caught and tried for over a year to finish the job and to get others to finish your failure which we had already known and had full defenses up. We could have and would have taken out your Achilles heel and you think you are in control and so masterful; you cannot fail and get caught. Name one successful attack and ambush? Thousands and tens of thousands were reversed; all you got was an APS satellite you hit my body and Ann’s body with; to scare her. It does not scare me and I will put you in jail for a long time. You all were even hitting Ann with this and we are spy hunters, not spies or terrorists. We have family members in the FBI and are a military family. That is how vile you are and a total fucker; police my ass; a total spy and terrorist trying to escape and cover up.

I am not going to get into the stealing elections part and how dirty you all play or are. I had researched and studied the book on “influencing elections three months prior to the election event.” It is how the CIA topples governments and orchestrates coups. You all read it and grabbed me while in college. The worst part is how you are skirting around as a fugitive, using your kids, stalking Ann and I still, using your marriage to cover up and over what you did, and using the media to ignore the entire matter by suggesting you have rank and seniority when we are the recruiters. You screwed up that part also and forget who or how you got in this. You keep saying you are the employers and we are in your mission; it is our life. You are in my life and want me to ask you for permission of my own life? To seek approval? Is this a joke or are you in Iran right now?

“You are a great American… well intentioned… want to help… with us all the way… moral support… with us all along… more powerful… moral cause worth getting behind” I have never seen total lies used to cover up a terrorist plot and radical left wing infiltrators before in my life but now I have a birds-eye view and can study you. We also know how all of these stories end and what you all are capable of.

Federal indictment. The people upstairs are stomping on my tomato plants to tick me off and upset me; to bring out this emotional disorder of your breed. Yes, the inferiority complex and your political experiences. You do not comprehend an open federal indictment and wish to challenge it with dead tomato plants; to retaliate for Rush Limbaugh, Barrack Obama, Sean Hannity and a few others. You keep telling the federal prosecutors who should hurry up and serve that indictment to save my blessed and gorgeous tomato plants “we are not scared one bit… with them to the end.” The more they wait and delay, more tomato plants die; I wish they hurry and take them out and know they have an open indictment on them right now. We do not have a federal indictment but we got your false ones served on us twice. That was the terror plots and the effort to “call this off” due to gridlock and control. Now you get the real deal and know it is deadly and real heat; nobody is playing games with you; got it? This is no gridlock and the reality is clear.

The nightmare is just beginning. If you are suicidal now, then you are in self destruct mode and mentally unstable. I am surprised you are not dreamy, saving a dollar for your kid’s tennis fund, and writing them a letter to dispel your motives. At least you ended the insane idea Ann was in love and you had exclusive access to our life and can come and go if and when you wished. Right now your financial bubble is the only thing keeping you alive and we are trying to extract this terror plot and bag all the people behind it if you cooperate and stop attacking. All you have to do is come out and say but you push this to the final hours with no escape plan or exit strategy. You can save your entire life and give your kids a good life. You may end up serving some time and getting a few charges; maybe paying some reparations. When you address this truthfully, Ann will and I will also; we are actually but are doing the slow leak method; reverse it and beat us if you can. It gets worse from here because we are the recruiters; who approved you and where did you get this from; your kidnap victims? “Sounds like a training program… all falling to pieces… running for complete safety…” if you wish to go with this story then you can but terror charges and espionage is severe. You kidnapped the professors and teachers and knew we had something good you could steal? “Learning a lot” but we are not teaching you, we caught you and are prosecuting you; you have a very short term memory and block out a lot of events and the truth. Sean says, “glad we became friends… got to know you closer.” That is terrifying but shows what we had to go through and how deranged you truly are.

Bernie Goldberg. Listen to Bernie Sean, he knows you are self destructing and a lot of people are after you. He is not going to stop it but he has to at least make an effort to talk sense to you. He just said, “Sean you have to listen to me… are we friends or not” and you said “no… you want me to go out there and applaud… and I just can’t do it.” Bernie said if you remember when Osama took the credit for the Pirates; criticism of Osama for little small stuff while the important matters go unaddressed. Bernie knows we can gag and bag this terror plot and take them out for good but Sean is blocking and playing devils advocate. Bernie knows he is talking to a traitor. Bernie said to Sean, “Stop criticizing about everything” we are perfectionists.

Immediate access and retaliation right now. The guy upstairs said Jason Conte did a home invasion because his police detective father has so much “pull” in the area the FBI would be too scared and chased off with “go home.” He said even if the FBI was ticked off, they are so well connected with the DA and the courts in the area; they would always be tipped off and defeated. It is better to just pack up and leave while we have a chance. Also, the union goon and agitator and his Ma Barker cow said if we have bodyguards and security, where are they when we need them? He said to never go to a gun fight without a gun and if we want the retaliation to stop; we have to show this imaginary body guards, “if they exist, where they at are.” So long as they control the police and state, there is nothing we can do and the retaliation will never stop along with harassment. They can take us at any time.

Go home. Confession by upstairs people and New York, “you do not have the power to take down the local police or pull. You cannot stop the dead tomato plants, harassment, access, kicking you out of the library, and more attacks. The police captains and officers are still there aren’t they?” He says we do not have the “pull” in the state of New York to do anything about it. They are not afraid of any federal indictments and the feds must take down their security, the police and mobsters. They said good luck and where are your body guards? We do not talk to the Clintons (Ma Barker) this way. That is what they are upset about and Chelsea trying to court me and missing completely or beat out by Ann and 20 years of romance already. They felt it was embarrassing already and I would not stop or give up on it.


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