


I developed Satellite Warfare to combat the spread of nuclear weapons and we have shorted the gap between nuclear and conventional forces; no longer needed in my book. There are approximately 200 chapters. Most were written and researched while in college from 1988 to 1998; I researched it by taking over 190 credits from different universities. They also span from childhood reading since age 8 and up (military science, weapons, martial arts, etc...) I have been getting ideas from people about doing a complete series; all at once. They start off with pure science and ends with a complete understanding of where this world is headed and two particular topics called economic sustainability and totality; then it introduces the reader to a new series of books on satellite warfare; the science and the art. Naturally, they call me the father of satellite warfare and I have put in over 20 years to this field of knowledge; perhaps the best in the world, but my readers will judge who is the best in their world. To get here; we have taken harsh punishments, suffered torture, was kidnapped, humiliated hourly, and had our life trashed and rewritten by no fault of our own. That is called terrorism. That is called war.

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Monday, December 27, 2010




We know one of the principle employees behind this is involved with or in control of the US Army Mental Health or Psychiatry Department. We also know based on the Anthrax attacks how connected they are to the World Trade Center attacks. The people behind this insanity are the Army Psychiatry. The doctors and nurses do not see eye to eye at times and the gap between this can be devastating to each side. So not only do they not see eye to eye; they do not get along well with those they serve with; specially the Pentagon; the secret side. In danger, a human being must conceal or use camouflage; and this applies to all involved, a degree of insanity. The courage to express this insanity is the first step to recovery and denial.

The laws protect the rights of individuals in many ways. Slandering the name or reputation of someone is a crime. Slander can turn into bullying or sheer terror. We know this was a negative impact and also slander; to smear or impose negative outcomes or opinions. The source is difficult to flush out but the FBI has their HQ working diligently on cracking the case and undercover agents are constantly seeking new leads. The problem is this enemy has waged war on us and we are under full attack; full attack modes. No single individual is every a sole accomplice but based on these "individual" attacks; it is made to appear as if no goal is intended or harm. We know who is behind it and why; it is the labor unions, the Democrats, those near skid row, the liberal radicals, the mafia and their army of the damned, the Catholics, Jews, and anything from washouts to ruffians; the finances of the undesired but born in America politics. They leap out, hide behind corners, and try to keep the pressure on others while incessant demands or communication is set up with the established power. It has been described as a hostage situation and extortion effort. Without payment or the proper respect, it can lead to negative or career slander; a form of suicide not prosecutable by law. These attacks and bizarre events are intended to have maximum damage; not peaceful protest or non-violent types of protest.

These attacks were or are consistent with previous attacks. They are creative insofar as they block or deny expulsion by a rival. The primary financiers are both black and white suspects; all linked to foreign and adversarial foreign foes. The problem is the rights of individuals and their right to participate or seek employment. When this rival and unknown element is panicked or cornered; they make false claims, seek pity, use sex as a weapon, harass or harangue others with verbal abuse, use baseless threats, touch or tinker, and concoct an authoritative response such as police actions.

Since enlisting for service in 1992, nothing in life has been right. Things fall apart constantly and it is a struggle to fight off one surprise or attack after the other. War was waged in an informal way by these domestic radicals; a larger group than expected. It begins with slander and a downfall; it leads to being cornered, expelled, or a total blockade as a hostage. There is no escape and death is the only way out. The slander is compiled over time and decades; as wool and a gag order by the courts. The false or misleading events, some facts or events are repeated and propagated to influence or bias authority and power. Slander is used to silence, submit, and also to poison individual lives until total destruction is reached; with no end in sight. When a vulnerability or handicap is exploited; it is intended to impose grief, pain, emotions, and a volcano of vulnerability. These type of attacks show up repeatedly in 1992, 2002, 2006, 2009, and again on December 15, 2010.

Since joining the Army, it has been uphill and a struggle just to get by in life. The mystery is inescapable and also unexplainable; a total denial and blockade. There is nothing but daily problems and anguish; a sense of ruining into objects and blindness. The end result or goal is disgruntled Army service or opinions. The voice of the enemies permeate the trouble and bad employees; a sense of disgruntled service with rivals or adversaries. Life goals become undesirable outcomes. Even in a state of "Retired with full honors" it is a nightmare and terror. Nothing good ever comes out of these outcomes when this rival and political enemy is present; we know them to be Democrats, liberals, and labor unions (mafia, left wing, criminal spies, Italians, Irish, and Jews); all lack a sense of Protestant ethics. They conceal the inaccuracy or harm imposed on others; those they feel are weaker, lesser, or subhuman. It is even more difficult to prosecute for robbery or slander. The gap or the degree of bad employees is similar to a virus or disease; it spreads. The problems hang over the heads or remain a cloud of doubt for decades and even centuries.

The use of background or finances is the open loophole. It is an upsetting triumph over this "Born in America" trickery and lies. Those behind it or escaping expulsion avoid ridicule or adverse punishments. To them, it is one step from skid row; government service and military service can be the last stop and hope of those groups identified and banished by regulations. These attacks are diverse forms of scare tactics, propaganda, ridicule, anger, bullying, slander, false information, misleading investigators, and happen in a sleep mode human beings are constantly in. Human beings exist in a dormant and ommiting dormant mode; it is more superior than any reality. Only those highly involved with psychiatric procedures, medicating others, and terrorizing them; know about this dormant state and how to manipulate it. All of this trace back to the black bag and dirty tricks of specific groups who are or have been banished. The way to avoid or conceal this is to point out or make others aware of dangers, enemies, and violence; terrorism. People are in a dormant state, they are reluctant to look or observe when danger is coming or in front of them.

The motive of this slander is either bad blood, a gap between two sides of authority, a bait tactic (lure), control, Godless crisis, or trying to inflict the maximum violence and damage on others (subordinate or superior ranks). This enemy terrorizes people and keeps them as prisoners; mostly by allegations, rumors, or incoherence. There is a hedge-dodge of irrational behaviors and a life line; born in America and superior by standards of the law. The officers involved are in dire straits and facing extreme expulsion procedures. They use protections or exploitation of weaker or subordinates to hide or conceal this adversarial courtship; an infidelity with the law. In politics, it has surfaced with hidden agendas, bribery, kickback, or corruptive procedures. It is a secret union of leaders around the world and high technology simplifies their communication and expansion. Their strategy is to win at all cost and defeat any opposition. Where they find or run into an eruption of difficulty is when they are unaware of top secret careers, undercover, or surveillance by the legitimate authority. They seek handicaps or vulnerabilities; then set forth a plan to erupt more and more. Over time and by careful planning or paling around; they are able to seek judgments or nit-pick at will.

On December 15, 2010 I boarded a bus for Washington DC at 12:45am. I arrived in DC at approximately 10am and took the metro to the DMV in Virginia; then headed back to DC. I boarded the city bus and headed to Walter Reed Army Medical Center around 2pm and arrived at 3pm approximately. The information desk referred me to Ward 73 and an appointment was set for a follow up. I have or had internal complications I was worried about. After the sit down, I asked that an open wound be looked at or asked if I would need to wait until the follow up; the assistant referred me to the Emergency Room and said to walk in there and ask for a bandage and treatment. I proceeded to the ground floor and emergency room. They admitted me and asked a few questions; uneventful and pleasant, the staff very friendly and warm. Then they sat me down on a bed and began to treat the wound. The nurses left and in walked a female; I presume they are or were officers; not someone who just walked in. They began to chat with me on an informal way; never asking if they could talk to me or not, if anything I said was part of any arrest, or disclosed my rights. I did not ask them for ID or knew who they were because it was informal; I felt they were nurses and part of the treatment; to determine how the wound occurred. Two females did this over the course of an hour; an hour had elapsed from 4pm and now it was 5pm almost 6pm.

Then out of nowhere the nurses treating me turned belligerent and were in what appeared to be a "gang mentality." In their mind, I was the enemy and they had made up their mind how and to what degree I should be mistreated. They began to tell me they were admitting me to the hospital; this caused me to answer back "no you are not because I am only here today for this wound and have to go home to NY tonight." The tone of their voice began as orders; then it escalated to in-your-face loud and with the intent of making me agree or submit. During this exchange I did try to talk my way out of it; telling them I know my rights and basic detainment procedures. The maximum detainment time had elapsed (2 hours) and if they were not pressing charges; they could not stop me from leaving. The person who was in my face and screaming at me was a nurse with a beard; he also wore glasses and his mental condition was psychotic; keeping me in the dark and explaining to me they had all the right to do as they pleased. It felt as if I was a prisoner; so I began to ask questions. By then we were shouting at each other, "Stop, stop... if you do not want to treat my wound, then just say so, there is no need to harass me... Listen, if you want to keep me here, then you must press charges; otherwise, you have to call the police... Okay, I can tell you are not helpful or wish to help; I no longer need your medical assistance or care; I will treat the wound myself with a doctor... Can we get the police here; I would like to press charges." Four officers from the DC Police arrived on the scene in 10 minutes; the entire office must have heard the yelling back and forth. The treatment and how they make you feel is abominable and abhorrent; always thinking they are the police or some security force; yet not knowing any rules or laws of detainment and arrest.

After the police arrive; the nurse finally discloses probable cause. He says a female said I threatened her, I said "what?" I felt they had really lost their minds now. I began to argue with him in front of 4 officers and asked them to witness the exchange; I knew something was wrong with the female and this male nurse. He was psychotic and wanted to harm or impose his will on others in an illegal and harassing manner; to bully them. He was best to let the DC Police handle the situation. He began to say how the psychiatrist had accused me of something; I did not even know who he was talking about or what rank they were; if they were only nurses or if they were hitting on male patients in a romantic way. Our chats were joking, laughing and trading jokes. Now they had gone nuts. I took the care of making sure all 4 officers were present and witnessed any exchanges. They saw what occurred; the male nurse had convinced himself without any accuracy to the charge. He repeated and kept repeating the same thing when I asked him to tell me why he was detaining me and on what grounds, "You threatened a female." I kept on asking him after I heard this, "Did you say I did this or did you just say I am being charged or accused of this?" He refused to say a word and looked away as if he was frustrated or having a bad day; as if I was difficult and making things more complicated. I told him he had no right to treat me this way; my distinguish life and career in the military. Nothing could or did deter him and the female was very suspicious while I was joking with her; unresponsive or unemotional to good jokes. To the naked eye, this appears to be intimidation and a scare tactic; the reason is there is a very important law suit and criminal case with the labor unions and politicians in upstate NY at this time; already underway. The injuries had arisen by combat and battle with a radical labor union group and locals, known for antics, crime, mafia ties, and violence. The female psychiatrist said more than once, "I am from Buffalo, NY" while talking to me and it just went by my head what exactly she was speaking of.

So this scare tactic or harassment was terrorizing me. I asked to press charges and to speak to the DC Police. He said he would accept the complaint and would get all facts; beginning my counter or my right to file charges for making false or misleading statements to investigators. He inevitably interviewed and spoke to the female. When you are telling jokes and the only response the female makes is "I am from Buffalo"; there is something wrong. The DC Police officer said he just got there and does not know what is going on and will begin to get names, compile events, and wanted to ask me a few questions. He said to tell him what happened that day and how this went from getting a leg wound treated to detainment or police involvement; I told him I had no idea but would tell him what occurred that day. Also, I said I was upset because I am expected on the return bus at 10pm that night. This was a major frustration, the treatment was horrible, and I was made to feel like war was waged and I was a prisoner. If there was brass involved; it is clear and obvious they are criminal elements. Also, if there are damages from slander or defamation; any business loss will have to be charged to the Department of the Army and punitive claims. I did not want this and kept saying, "Hey, forget it. Don't worry about the wound, you are not helpful and I no longer need your help. Can I go now?" Each question I gave was followed by a facetious comment or some condescending comment to impose a will on someone. The intelligence of those involved must be questioned and scrutinized because the violation and the treatment were outrageous; what if I walked out and they laid a hand on me; to restrain or impose brute force? I knew my rights and they were way over the line; and getting more aggressive. When you detain someone; you must make it clear to them; if they flee or walk away, then you can charge them with fleeing the scene. You do not get in altercations or argue with them on guilt or impose sentence; this is why the police are called. If you are the police then you can exercise police powers. This was a lunatic and a psychopath. He was not only hostile; he was in your face hostile.

The DC Police saw everything and how nuts these nurses were. The female was spreading paranoia and involving her staff or buddies in the melee; so it should be scene as violent because they are rattling the swords in this manner. It could be romantic or some game they play among coworkers; possible more than known presently. So they were and are loyal to the baseless and false claims. If it was so serious or such a threat; why did they not ask for escort, witnesses, or make an effort to apprehend the crime in progress? This was a harassment or scare tactic; meant and intended for a reason; or a hate crime. They are also testing the limits of lying in the military UCMJ; but on a retiree and distinguished military veteran who has been proven and well known at the Pentagon and FBI. So there are 4 officers to witness this while they have no witnesses of who is doing what. I had to ask the officer to press charges if they were going to hold me; to make a formal arrest. I had to inform to the nurse; if you wish to do what you say, you will need the police and you will have to arrest me and file formal charges. They skirted this also with no accountability. As legal eagles they were jeopardizing their career and the US Army as an entity in this standoff. This will go up the chain of command and spread like wildfire because the FBI is already involved in a criminal case and the person writing this is the principle investigator. The group is based out of Buffalo, New York and there is a long rap sheet and history of violence, espionage, trickery, lies, and all sort of chicanery to include death threats, murder, and scare or intimidation tactics.

In the presence of the police they threaten to use chains and if needed; will use restraints. I kept on saying, "You are nuts and lost your mind." Then the lead DC Police Officer took me aside and said, "Mr. Nguyen, just go along with it and everything will be okay; you have my word. If you just do as they tell you, this will go better. We are here to make sure no harm is imposed and I will take your complaint and follow up on it. Just go along with it for now and things will be much better." I trusted him and agreed; telling him a few comments I will not disclose and why. I also told him this has to be the same people involved with Major Hassan; totally nuts. This was slander and defamation in front of the entire emergency room, staff and patients. You do not expect people on duty or in the military to act in this way. The reasons is very easy and this will be brought out later how it is related to Major Hassan and the Fort Hood attack; they do not get along with those they serve with; formed a close unit relation; and this was some test or litmus. It is the same behavior and intimidation tactics of the labor unions which is intended on testing their leaders. They will sue for not taking their best interest in mind or an adversarial relationship; a hostile work place. It felt terrorizing and inescapable; I even said, "Stop, you are now terrorizing me." So this was about control and minorities; do they think alike or act similar? The only threatening comment I had made to the psychiatrist was how I did not like the grunts I served with and was in schooling; a top secret MOS. I did feel that nothing in life worked or improved once I joined the Army; being changed out by blacks primarily and even fist fights with a few while in Basic and AIT. The stronger force won and they chased me out because after 11 months I asked to go back to college; the fittest and strongest prevailed.

So this attacked felt like they were trying to throw a wrench in the system. The people behind it trying to toil and tinker; to ruin travel plans, business strategy, to panic people, to act as if they were valuable or a victim; and doing so in the most condescending way possible, in your face. Had they been successful and made this detainment on baseless or empty charges; the criminal and civil law suit would be won; it is expected to go to trial in 20 days. So from Walter Reed they cart me on a stretcher to the Washington Psychiatric Hospital. There are no more confrontations and the DC Police are doing an acceptable job; following up and fact finding. I told the investigator to contact Jennifer Amo of the FBI; to know I am and have worked as her partner for the past 4 years. I do undercover and very dangerous assignments for the FBI and my handler is Agent Amo. This was an attack and it was a major risk; intended to railroad the pending criminal trials. The Washington Psychiatric Hospital treated the situation differently. They felt or viewed me as possible drug addicts who wandered in the emergency room and required detoxify or a quick interview for possible detox treatment. The doctor made sure to point out, "If you get lawyers involved, the Army will retaliate and you could be asked to pay back any retirement paid to you and this can be $400,000 or even $900,000 for the entire life of your career. Are you trying to tell me you lied and are faking your paranoia and mental illness?" I looked back at him with a blank stare and told him; am I guilty of something or are you? They release me the following Monday and treat my wound; the stay was excellent and the staff acceptable to friendly. They did use "admit to psychiatric ward" as a panic button or scare tactic by psychiatrists. There are many cases of sexual abuse or harassment by females (Tailhook, murder plots, insurance scams, love triangles, training fiascos, rape at USMA, etc...) The FBI is on the case in Buffalo and knows the skill level of these lawyers and the possible punishments by the federal government.

Also, when asked about my career; I made it clear I have a Top Secret MOS and write books on this; an expert. What you see is not what you get; not always. I am the author of 4 books and the Pentagon knows me by name; also my family history and those who raised me as a child. The question here is who they were. Why are they using race to toy with or tinker with other races? That question will unlock the Major Hassan case and unlock the Fort Hood attacks. Almost similar to enlisting in the Army; things were ruined or a total disaster once again. There are clients waiting for me and there is a schedule or itinerary. Therefore, like before and so many other attacks; the treatment or abuse on a subhuman level points directly at the US Army; also imprisonment or cruel torture. This was paraded all over the TV and around the world as if it were a secret the Army was trying to hide or could not escape. All of this comes to one single ending; the Pentagon does not like or want the personnel they hire or serve with; it is a hostile and adversarial relationship. This message is to stay away from WRAMC. The baseless accusations were not directed at military officers and did not involve rape, sexual harassment, groping, or any romantic interludes. This was just a pure threat and attack, random and senseless. It was also concealed and hidden. Luckily, the damage was minor and the counter measures were effective. Had this been a suicidal bomber; the result would be difficult and catastrophic. John Muhammad, another Army veteran, had targeted the NIH and Bethesda Medical Facility about his life ending mental problems. He claimed the Army turned him into a serial killer; the same with Timothy McVeigh. All of this was a total disaster and intended to have very negative impact. Due to the involvement of the FBI, a report must be generated and logged to all HQ investigators who are arresting or prosecuting the other cases; this is still an open case and the investigators are closing in as backup. It is also very political and a lightning rod; the use of race, force, and killing. This report will prove the merits of these facts and truth.

Based on the totality of understanding, these bizarre and unexplainable attacks are intended to have negative or debilitating impact on major operations and plans. The risk levels indicate a high value target. The support group goes into the chain of command and immediately identifies them as a possible target. It is intended to be "in your face" and to the maximum irritation. It is not an upsurge of nuisance when taken dead serious and will result to bad judgment and career ending bad decisions. The only conclusive summary is negative, life pending, and negative impact on others or circumstances. All of this paranoia and dislike of coworkers or those who serve in the military; trace back to the Psychiatric Department; specifically, do dark and light skinned personnel think similar? Are minorities as violent as or more violent than their counterparts, why or why not? What effective measures can be implemented to communicate an effective strategy avoiding mental illness or anguish of myth, mystery, or conspiracy charges? The concluding facts indicate a power grab or an exasperation; to escape expulsion or dereliction of duty because military and government service can be a saving grace for some while others outgrows the potential of government service and go on to bigger assignments. The fear and paranoia brings out violence in some, especially when they are the enemies or a rogue element deliberately and purposefully doing negative or life impacting chicanery. It is an adversarial relationship and they do conceal this secret or the violence we have witnessed imposed on others in the most senseless and debilitating ways. The FBI and the government are in constant battle and struggle with these outlaws or criminal spies; not able to detect them until it is too late and too weak to respond. They do and say what you expect to dull your senses and then out of nowhere; you get the biggest and terrifying surprise of your life. As we have witnessed in the past; it goes past the officer ranks and involves minorities both dark and light skinned. This enemy is a soldier’s worst nightmare and they must be stopped before it is devastating. If not, then it is your worst nightmare as these criminal trials ongoing indicate. In a military system, there is no escape for either sides or anybody. The acts are done out of spite and the evidence is baseless to completely false; senseless or incoherent. At the core of all this is espionage; high technology and weaponry. This is not about rank and file, coworkers, or those who serve; it is those you serve with and what they are willing to do.

Friday, December 10, 2010



There is a girl I grew up with who keeps surfacing. I felt it was coincidence and ignored it and the repeated intro or cupid game. The female is named Wendy White. Wendy was always an oddball, never fitting in and quiet. In HS I did not even notice her. After HS and after returning from the Army; I went to the library I had once frequented 3 times a week. Wendy White was there and she is the identical face of a mysterious case in NC, CO, and the Air Force. Again, you cannot tell the difference in how they look and you wonder if it is a trick or some type of F/X or facial reconstruction. Wendy is what I call a total loser and the library is fitting of her personality. I did get the impression she was coming on to me but it was so far from my thought; I did not even think she could be horny or had sex on her mind. These females never initiate any conversation or make an effort to say hello; yet they grow frustrated, angry, and controlling. So I cannot say it is she; I can only say she keeps reappearing. It took me a while to recognize the face; but the name came to me. Who did Michelle know or who was her arch nemesis? It was Wendy from 3rd grade. When Michelle was scared off; Wendy moved in but literally scared the hell out of me. Then they were dragged through internet chat rooms and sex was used back at them; to mind their minds explode for seducing us. If you bring the picture of Michelle Theer to Thomas Jefferson library and show them; they will finger Wendy White. The same with these other look alike or imposters; why? Worse, they are complete opposites or holding onto secrets. Wendy was more of a tool then evil; an ugly retard. These women appear to be severely obese, lying, luring men, and have female lovers or trying to have babies for welfare or to incubate a recruitment plot.

If the death of Amy Baker is a clue of who they are; then it does lead to Michelle. Then it leads to many more Michelle’s and many more locations. This was another girl I had grown up with and she is snow white pure; so I thought. The cases described seem to isolate coal miners or mountain people. The only Marty I know is my supervisor at the NRTW; a labor union legal defense fund. Was this rhetoric or were they luring unsuspecting people? That job led to the Moynihan and upstate NY; the stupid of them all, the Irish. This all felt like a prison system and they had clandestinely taken over or were sneaking up on the officers. It felt as if the Irish, Italians, Catholics, and labor unions had seized control and they wanted you to choose whose side you were on. I believe their leader or officer was Kerry and Kennedy. This spy ring centered on rich or powerful families; they demanded we have sex with them or brood their babies; to be trained for some life partnership. Meanwhile, we were obligated to surrender our secrets, life work, and all we possessed to this spy ring in case we are dead, died accidentally, or were taken out by some enemy. The story is we grew up together and this is where we used to live; the killers. Now how do we prove Bin Hannity and Bin Limbaugh are behind this and the point of contact; as high as we could climb their ladder and chain of command? If we do; then this is who the 911 terrorist are and who contacted us for twenty years to torture and torment our life. This female and lesbian problem; is not apparent in Amy and Michelle’s life; however, making babies may be part of it. They need Michelle; Amy was no longer valuable because everybody had left the area; even Amy.

The case of Michelle (Fournier) Fear and her Air Force husband began when he is stationed at Pope. This is the air wing of Delta Force. Michelle begins to chat on the internet; what I describe. I observe some stranger or psychopathic spy constantly trying to control, trap, and force them on me. My goal was to allow Ann an easy way to contact me or relay secrets; things just all the sudden blew up. Ann tells me to lure them, do the opposite, anger them any way I can, and maybe they will leave us alone or be scared off. We are doing this exactly how we had been now or had done. To solve it and to do anything; even splitting up and taking extreme chances; this murder is corresponding to the murder and kidnapping in Ocean City, Md. in 2002. The murder of Captain Theer sounds like the home invasion in 2006 in Niagara Falls, NY. I had described a loud bang or noise (only 1) and a lot of suspicions. The culprit will be the US Army; oddly, this is aimed at Delta Force. So we know this was the same criminal spies in the military constantly trying to embarrass each other or get ahead. I swear to God; look at the pictures of these people and look at the ones who were caught by the police. Am I loosing my mind? Wendy is a classmate of Michelle Quinn and Amy did not know who Michelle was either. Wendy White kept on making love appearances or some crazed sex romp; at least 20 or more from 1993 to 1999 while in college and returning from the Army. Was this a decoy or were Wendy and Michelle talking through each other; leaking to see if anybody caught on? This is also why I chose the most gorgeous and stunning girl at the beach as a decoy; as deterrence and to abuse them. So Michelle flees to New Orleans; there were a lot of girls from New Orleans at our HS. I had more sex than any of them but gave it all up when I met Ann. That is a lot of missed opportunity.

The only reason why I was on the internet was to waste time and scream at whoever was behind this. Also, I need to prove I was trying to find Ann and once I did; I did not have to open up some secret method to relay messages to her. So they were doing this but I did not think they would go so far as surveillance cameras in my home. I knew it was in my car; but it does not appear they have any respect for the self preservation of anybody; not even themselves. This also had to do with Columbian females or Columbia University (Presbyterians). We know the Ames Case leaked the attacks and what they were up to. Wendy White would walk in front of me or “display” her feathers each and every time I went to the library and I had to often for college. It just did not strike me she was a freak or was trying to get laid; but the frequency level made me less suspicious. At first, I said to me “you got to be kidding me.” I got the idea she wanted a quickie or to go in the bathroom and be some sex slave based on how I knew her. I was not happy to see her and the only other female who acted in this manner was Alice Hansbarger; the teacher of retarded children for the County of Fairfax. Alice one Saturday morning walked down the stairs in a wedding dress and stood there (striking a pose or a photo) and it was the weirdest sensation I had ever had. Alice is also butt ugly and a roly-poly; but I was evicted so many times I had to rely on this residence. They must be or was behind this and felt I wanted to sex them, go freak zooids, or marry this repugnant criminal spy. They kept on telling Ann and me how Ann was obligated to have sex or do as they ordered.

What is odd about this case is how Ann tried to describe this to me and what Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity was doing. Ann led them on and to a confession; they were and had made up so many lies to test her loyalties. The ending of these two cases did not end the same; Ann my life partner portrayed herself as either bad or unfaithful; but so did I to lure this enemy and spy. How can I blame Ann when it was my idea and it worked like a charm? I blamed Ann for taking too many risks, enjoying their company too much, and not fighting back; way too dangerous. Ann was and had to run for her life once they found out or picked up on what we had done to them or did. So these criminal spies are actually the former communists and they use these females to protect military officers or gain access into the core of the Pentagon. It is not just one case; it is one after the other; nonstop and endless. Then we also get the largest case of all; the 911 widows propaganda. Even the last names are scary; Fear, Manly (Melissa from Milwaukee at Sacred Heart University), Bukstein (Russian), etc… all labor unions, former miners, or Irish and Italians. DC and VA is crawling with domestic and foreign spies; if you do not know this or notice; then you are dumber than dumb. What surprised us were how it fell under one umbrella and one leadership; the same secret revolutionary organization and now 911 terrorists. As we describe, they are recruiting and assigning rank, mission, and assessing value or compensation packages; jobs. That is the buzz word; do you want a job or not? Before they kept saying leave and avoid them; now they claim they are doing anything to avoid us.

The case of Marty Fear surrounds his wife and a 9mm. Someone wants to know why I shoot almost 1,000 a week out of a Beretta in 1990. I shot just as many out of an MP5 type submachine gun. I had gotten to the point where I could do this blind or natural; then I stopped. The answer is not pilots. Pilots and officers carry pistols and specialized ordinances. This was 10 years after I was at the Bryant, MD shooting range with federal agents. ATF and FBI agents trained me at this facility in rural MD near the PAX Navel Base. I went to PAX weekly during the summers as a child for crabbing; then a deserted town of Hollywood, MD. I got the impression we were being followed by Koreans and Filipino; yet they appeared to be allies. Rarely were there any white or blacks; an invasion of strangers. Whoever owned Bryant shooting range shut it down and then opened it with fees for using the facility. We assume it was the local government and city hall. I assume they were practicing there also or ran into federal agents and military people but did not notice either. We assume the bulk of muscle and the Olympic level athleticism is why or how they came to the conclusion Alex was Delta Force; because General Hamblen is the instructor to all Special Forces and all US commandos. General Hamblen has more combat than any US officer up until his retirement in 1970 due to Agent Orange and a tumor. The same debate was conducted in the 1980s with Love Canal, a dialogue. We describe Catholics and Jews behind this lousy immigrant and labor union problem; not Pope AFB. Hunter’s Crossing may have been the same neighborhood I was canvassing for book sales in 1989; I sold coupons and then encyclopedias part time. Fort Meade is another installation identical to Fort Bragg (AF, Navy, and Army personnel). So these are surrogates of the Pentagon.

The suspect (Diamond) has a constant facetious look or a wanderer smile. This means that he is not as disciplined as officers would like to put in the effort. His inclusion in the Special Forces or Airborne was based on his skills and not a full evaluation which can be for the entire life of the pilots, Sergeants, and officers. In other words, if he is flying a brand new Stealth airplane; the community does not need to know he is getting off. His wife is also judged based on her ability to put out deception; not lies. In this case, Michelle did not put out as expected and ended up “sexting” with men on the internet as we reported. Women cannot send off or send out pheromones males pick up on; even though some do inadvertently. Michelle’s looks changes in the pictures and it is awkward. To cover up what Bin Limbaugh and Bin Hannity was doing; they made up lurid and vulgar lies about Ann; meanwhile, another crew surrounded her and either gave her as much noose as they could or tried to destroy her so they would be cupid. This process is called breaking down a human’s will to live, their defenses, and their inhibitions. We describe decades of this type of abuse and torture. The problem was trapping them, identifying them, and retaliating against them. After Ann asked for help; she could not believe and was filled with “blind rage” at what she heard and saw. So she gave them the entire noose they needed and egged them on; this is when it got really dangerous and humiliating. So if we are or were that same pilot; then they are trying to steal the Stealth plane. So we used sex to deter them while they used sex to seduce us; adultery was on their end, not our end. We were expected to surrender our life, wealth, possessions, and unite or share life with this spy ring and rogue religious criminal spy. This was about secrets, not sex.

To summarize, I would describe it as a female spy ring and if it had a Madame, then the only person who comes to mind is either Linda or Moynihan. Linda is my ex; Moynihan is some princess that came around after Linda nearly drove me insane with her stupidity and sex. If a seduction and sex was used; then those two fit the bill. How these other girls got involved are not certain; maybe missed opportunity. However, I describe it as not sexual; an emotional need. If you marry or accept one of them; you expand your rights to having sex with all of them. It does not matter if they are married or not; they are worried about getting ahead, jobs, and ditching their lousy female companion. I describe multiple married females or mistresses from Linda, Suzanne Robertson (bike path girl and real estate agent with two kids who rubbed my hand with her privates inadvertently), Carla the CA military brat, to Valerie the fat Tex-Mex from San Antonio, to a lot of other femme fatales. I try to document how they used sex as a seduction or adultery to seduce; and how I used it back or deployed a counter-measure. I would try to get them in trouble as much as I could but they accused me of acting either illegal or unlawfully. They were pissed and mad I had won at their own game and abused them into thinking they had won and it was a walk in the park. Meanwhile, Ann was contacting their leaders and talking to them on their own spy network and spy media channel. This threw them in a worse tizzy and it came to a screeching halt when they were let in on a huge secret. They neither believed it nor would halt as ordered; thinking nobody was ever on to what they were doing or trying. The word is deterrence and we laid down enough deterrence so that we would not be victims or face a total disaster and firing squad. What do they expect us to do besides deterrence, wage war on them? Avoid them? Play along and get caught also?

Someone had known Michelle and I had been romantic or lovers when young. We grew apart and life went on. When she returned; someone knew Michelle and Amy were cousins and we were all friends; no hard feelings. They may have misconstrued and got things all crazy; as with Ann and Alex. In 1988 when Michelle and Amy were at the beach; things did not change but life did and had moved on. Michelle was okay with this and our friendship is strong; but so is our tragedy. The only problem is the only person who could not or did not; someone who felt Amy was talking to Michelle through Amy or was relaying secrets back and forth. Michelle is not crazy and neither was Amy; they avoided others when possible. Michelle never spoke and Amy was outgoing but did not trust people. Amy knew people did not like her. However, Wendy was always a step behind us all. Wendy Smith was the opposite; a diva, Mormon, 1400+ on her SAT; full scholarship to the best schools; and a top athlete. Odd how Wendy Smith left her telephone number in my senior yearbook along with Suzi (and a few others); but Wendy White kept on showing up or talking for someone. It was hard to imagine a librarian was trying to get laid, have a crazy sex, would try so hard, and was so incessant or determined. That is what it felt like while Wendy Smith was always a cold shoulder; that is, a cold shoulder that left her number. So Wendy may have hated Michelle and worse; grew suspicious when Amy Baker replaced Michelle after she moved away. There was never any competition and if there was; they would loose to Ann eventually but Alex viewed it as an annoyance and repugnant. Wendy looks like a Nun and worse; looks near sighted or cross eyed. It is just out of the scope of possibility for females to act like this or what was described in 1998; fat, obese, flaring noses, junky beat up cars, ripped car seats, missing hub caps, pants pulled up to their breasts, hair that stunk, total eyesore, and a complete idiot while gold dust sprinkled on her genitals to make it look rich and acceptable. Now it was sex with Irish and blacks; even worse.


The only “Daphne” I have ever encountered was the construction worker down the street. He one day married short haired beautiful woman named Daphne. She had a son from a previous marriage and like Eddie and Bobby Meyers; needed playmates. So Jeremy played with us; but Jeremy was a brat and had a personality disorder. So Alex avoided him while the older brother DJ was nice and kept them as friends. Daphne eventually moved on and got a divorce; moved away with Jeremy by the time Alex was in HS. The father had been living on our street and stayed there; he worked for “Cardinal Concrete” and was paid handsomely. He paved the driveway for Colonel Madeleine Chavis; our neighbor and subordinate of General Hamblen. Col. Chavis was tough as nails and if you have seen her pictures in Vietnam; she wore a smoky hat and wore the yellow cavalry bandana with sunglasses. Madeleine is a tough female but never a threat; she only kept an eye on us and made sure nobody was out of line. Colonel Chavis was not a lesbian and she had a life partner; but she spent most of her time at the Pentagon, traveling often. The only problem we ever had was when we shot birds on her roof; my brother had to retrieve one off her roof. When we got our dog; he brought home dead birds constantly and it was funny. My brother and I were taught how to shoot and fish by Mr. Neubauer; and we got really good. I read every single book at Thomas Jefferson Library about shooting and fishing; every single one. So there are no other Daphne’s. This Daphne is hot, white, and a diva.

This other Daphne sounds like what happened to me when I lived with Troy on Kentmere Square. Troy was a JFK looking Navy Captain with a brother in the Air Force. He may know these other people but I do not. Troy was arrogant as arrogant can get; never met any DoD people (and looked like Valerie Plane) who was this arrogant. Trevor his 20 something sidekick would bring girls over and hop in the hot tub; it was annoying. Trevor also dented my brand new vehicle; smashed in the rear door before it was repossessed on the bankruptcy. I never thought or suspected Troy was gay; just cold and very mean; almost cruel. Troy was from Wisconsin and the only person I had ever known from Wisconsin was Melissa Manly whom I spoke to online in 1998. Melissa was a rock music expert and I asked her about Wisconsin. Other than this she gave me no clue on what she looked like (blonde, skinny, high class, rich, and had a blood disease called fibromayalsia). I do not think Troy or Trevor had any blood diseases but the girls they brought over looked like hookers from the gym. One ran around naked and would come over when Troy was not home. I had met her several times at Gold’s Gym years earlier but never naked or about yeast infections. Then I went to the doctors because I had bad breath. The doctor told me the yeast infection is from lesbians or a girl that may have kissed, shared a glass, or swapped saliva with. I told her I had kissed this girl one day and it was a joke because she was so ugly; we are talking butt ugly kiss or Austin Powers Fat Bastard kiss. So after I had to declare bankruptcy; that was it; Troy evicted me also. I look at Troy, I see Valerie Plane; same face, features, style, attitude, work, but different gender. Troy would give me backwards advice and it always got me in trouble or some negative outcome. I thought he was sadistic or did not want to be bothered; so I left him alone or let him be. His neighbors were the real suspicious ones (Mistress in a Jaguar with rich men over all the time and the couple who complained all the time about the people living next door.)

The only person I know who is deaf is my father. After being in heavy combat, an artillery officer, and fierce battles; his hearing slipped or faded. It was hard to communicate with him so we were expected to care for ourselves or did as expected. We had baby sitters and could pick up the phone anytime and if there was trouble; plenty of guardians to knock on the door of. It was so strange how Rush Bin Limbaugh showed up and what he said. My father knew the military Generals who launched a coup on President Diem of South Vietnam, his brother, and who sent them into exile. My father was also very popular with his men and his people; a Buddhist and Presbyterian. He never once stepped foot in a Catholic Church but did marry a woman of a Catholic upbringing. So it may have been just that; revenge. So here I am talking to whomever contact us and seeing where it leads. If they use sex or seduce me; I do it back. If they lie or show any suspicion; I amplify it to anger them. So I use sex back and want to get a visual; some way to ID them or pull them over and run a check. I am not a police officer so I cannot just jot down their name, run their tags, or have instant results. To draw them out or make them full of rage and jealousy; I would talk to 200 girls at one time or limit chats to 3am to 4am only. Ann now knew when to meet and when to relay messages; one hour only. So on one level; they would see or spy on me talking to 200 or even 1000 girls; but Ann would slip in under the radar and say hi. Another defensive or evasion tactic is bars or clubs. If they were gay or sent some clue; you visited strip joints. If they were spying and you knew it was the same people; you make them watch porn and heterosexuals. They would peddle child porn and gay porn; so you go into chat rooms and bash them; start fights and this would frustrate or make them give up to the Home Alone kids.

I describe this and the financial records will show this. I am trying to flush them out and have to panic them first. This strategy was successful over and over in 1993, 1995, 1997, 2000, and 2008; they did show up. Once they were stalking heavily; I would stop or cut it off immediately and wait at a club or bar to see who showed up or who was the odd ball (all male, all white, all Asian public places such as restaurants, bars, beaches, etc). After I knew it was a black suspect, I headed to Ocean City, MD and picked out the most stunning and gorgeous girl I could find. OC is a very white beach and has always been. In the winters it is a ghost town; not more than 50 people there. How do you hide? How do you show up in a bar or feel comfortable in the summer when 100,000 people are there and rent is 1000 a week? Robbery? Murder? Kidnapping? How do you pursue Alex in 2002? This is what I am or was thinking; how to set up my line of defense and do escape and evasion. Now look who showed up and got trapped in it. It took less than 5 minutes to find Lori and she dropped her bikini to let me know it was okay. She was very demure and only wanted to be friends; I think. I cannot hire a private I to follow every lead; so we had to do it ourselves and surprise them. The question is who they are and what they want. We get the answer finally and it is not pleasant or worth repeating. So the murder of the Fairfax couple (Katherine and Alex) came at the hands of the Navy and an athlete. They were trying to overwhelm the situation but Ocean City was difficult territory; also my stomping grounds. They had tried to chase me off or keep me away in 1999 by throwing oil on the bridge and causing my truck to loose control as I left the beach. I was looking for a job down there and had spoken to some girls all night about this. They will loose me had I lived there; unable to keep up. This is why I got so mad at Ann for not showing up or dragging her feet in 1999.

Even going to lawyers was difficult because they would ask; who did this and what is their name. Well, let me see: Moe, Fred, and Curly. It was so subtle it was difficult to prove at first, very difficult. When they showed up; they all said Ann and I had to have sex with them, marry them, or forfeit our entire life over to their power and control. So that is how we panic them and break or cause them to tighten the grip, control, and get closer for a better look. Ann did the same thing but it caused total hysteria and panic; mine was subtle. I am not able to use sex as a weapon on the level Ann is able to. It drove them insane when they had to figure out who was who with 1000 or more girls. Yet they acted like advisors, counselors, and our partners in life. They did this to Ann also and it was so annoying. I do not know if Ann’s beach strategy was deployed or successful in 2000, 2001, or 2002 but I told her to show up there in 1998 while a senior. Then I ordered her to show up in 1999; then I decided to move there in 2000. I packed up and left the area in 2000; only coming back on the weekends. Now to talk or do this; they had to travel the US and go in bars and strip clubs. Will they show up or can they keep the pressure up or will I break them? So what does iBush do? He goes and chooses a DHS boss from the same state (PA) and a Vietnam Vet to oversee 911. Ocean City, MD has 50% from PA and the remainder from VA; very rich condo owners. To live there, you must know someone or work at a bar; get a job there. Most people have parents who own property there and live rent free while they work the summer. Linda had a condo there her parents bought and this is when Scott Wilson snuck up on me and I woke up; he thought I had passed out. I could not tell what he was trying or getting ready to do; but I have extra sensory perception and woke the moment he knelt down. He was also startled when I woke up and began saying how he was seeing trails; on LSD trip. I was still a minor and we had been drinking grain alcohol all day; so a lot of people were passed out.

The whole point is to make this stalker and cruel enemy to feel uncomfortable, deranged, horny, screwed up, stupid, fake, and inadequate anyway we could. The goal is to keep away. The goal is not to talk or contact us. The goal is no thank you; do not show up at my work or school. The goal is to tell them to F off and go to hell. Everything we did was futile. Even after they were caught and spilled the beans; there was no let up or end. The porn and insane behavior is to get them to keep up; in the most inadequate and uncomfortable way. To make them sweat and hyperventilate. Nothing did work; at least not yet. The murder of the FBI agent was intentional in Falls Church. This was the office all this was reported to; odd how she was killed minutes from my house and where we grew up. General Hamblen lives not more than 5 minutes from 7 Corners. Look up Queen Anne Circle in Sleepy Hollow and how far 7 Corners is; that is how close they got. The General told me he had a shotgun ready for them; even if he was in a wheelchair. I think they were really scared of the General because of his tested and amount of combat; who he trained. General Hamblen trained every Cold War military and helps to form the Special Forces starting with the US Rangers. He is the one who brought them back in Vietnam during the 1960s and the Green Berets. He worked closely with my father and the South Vietnamese leaders; only trusting one or two, no more. General Hamblen knows the rules of war; trust only those who fight for you and how you expect them to. Until their loyalty is known; trust nobody. They had already blocked any chance of West Point; but my brother got in easily. I was more of a loner and Hollywood type; like Ann. To say secret or top secret is an understatement; how about ultra super duper top secret? Now we are in the same ball park.

Although I describe the suspects as Catholic and Jewish liberals; when I got my first job; it was all white. They came across as bigots or racist; some unity I was not part of. I did not think much of it and this was Logicon; a Defense contractor at the Pentagon. After Sprint PCS, I knew we were dealing with a secret revolutionary and communist group; yet the skin color now indicated the labor unions. So when asked by lawyers and the FBI in 1999; all I said were the labor unions and black radicals. Given what I knew; I deployed what aggravated or was kryptonite to them; similar to wearing garlic around my neck. I been with Ann for almost 10 years now and I am telling her, “it is a trap… keep away until I can figure out who is doing it and why… meet me or stay close okay… I need you to remain in the background and sneak up on them.” Once Ann and I knew who it was and why, I asked Ann to talk to them; hence, “How to Talk to A Liberal” and “Godless.” If or had I known them by name; we could respond better and I could take this to the FBI and police immediately. Instead, they kept saying I had mental illnesses and was crazy or lost my mind; no I was under heavy attack and in ferocious battle with these criminal spies and radicals. As they felt inadequate and defeated; they blew things up or flew planes into buildings as a sign of anger or warning. When they were extremely scared and having a heart attack in 2008 to 2010; an eruption occurred again but this time in plain view; it was Bin Limbaugh and Bin Hannity and they were locked on Ann. The degree they were stalking us, invading our privacy, and spying on us exceeds the Soviet Union and our worst fears. What they did was far worse than any terrorist or enemy on this earth; than claimed to be friends or business partners. We do not even know them or like them; total strangers.

It was like a cruise missile and Ann began to travel, go to safe houses, and carry a weapon as I had instructed. I planned her defense and would quiz her often. I told her if she left her home without armor or some defense; I would kick her ass. She blew kisses at me when I said this but was lucid and conscious for battle; so I said gear up. Then I had no idea or expect how she battled them. Yeah for the females and who this enemy is. The case of Daphne Wright indicates this is about Catholics and Protestants; the Pentagon; inter service rivalry or traitors; and biographies. General Hamblen taught military classes in Madison, Wisconsin back in the 1950s after WWII due to being shot. He was disabling so they gave him a desk job until he volunteered for Korea. Then he got shot again and was an advisor in Vietnam. He and my father had their bases overran but refused to talk about it near the Ho Chi Minh Trail and Cambodia. In WWII they held off the Nazis during village sieges in the dead of winter and while starving; the Battle of the Arden in Belgium. Then he got a brain tumor and they retired him; but he kept going. Colonel Harry Summers was just a subordinate but well respected at best; also an embassy employee during the final moments. There are pictures of Madeleine in Vietnam as an officer; but she lived next door and had a desk job now; she saw a lot of combat. In combat a Colonel and General wants a secretary who can keep her wits in fierce combat. Madeleine was that officer and assistant. When a firebase is overrun it is sheer terror. The attackers will shoot, stab, and kill anything living; that is how it was told to me also. The US Army set up guns like the Arden campaign and the “Strategic Hamlets.” The use of artillery was how they won and defended cities.

We grew up with Brian Summers; a military brat who strikes you as John Riggins the Fullback of the Washington Redskins. If a fight goes down, Summers’ jumps in the front of it; he is a prankster and always laughing. Summers lived, drank, slept US Army as I knew him and this is why my brother turned out the way he did. I was more into girls and reading; constantly traveling. Colonel Harry Summers has an odd story also; joining the Army at age 16 and lied to the recruiter. Colonel Summers reported to General Hamblen and helped with the evacuation of the embassy. General Hamblen knew Presidents and many four star Generals; but they do not know him. Like Ann, she knows them but they do not know her. I washed the dishes, did day prep and cooked occasionally. I did the same with my first job at Chesapeake Bay Seafood House by using my brother’s ID. They made it as if I was a bum, did not work, was lazy, and could be easily criticized; slander. This felt like a cruise missile right smack at the heart of the ammo battery; no culprit. When Bin Hannity was asked about Katherine Moynihan; he said “Kathy Ireland” and how he met her while in Santa Barbara in the 1990s. I met Katherine finally in 1990. She struck me as Ms. Perfect and showed her breasts and her best assets; a private show. Lori had dropped her bikini while at work and in an empty room of the bar, as a gesture of compliant or established loyalty. The two were so stunning; you could not choose between them; but there were other girls of this high caliber before; only 5 of them in 20 years. He said she was stunning and he did not realize how nice Mrs. Ireland was. When I asked him, “what do you expect us to do now” he replied, “I do not know but if I were you, I would get a job.”

So maybe I and everybody else are imagining this but it makes more sense than they do. They do not want to deal with it, conceal it, and said nothing. So Annie did as asked and tried to get them to keep away; they not only ignored her; they painted a picture of how close she was to them and sent out warnings to keep away. It got ferocious and the only people who could respond were the people on Alex; those in the building already. If they had any chance of escaping or getting out now; upstairs had to make a desperate effort; they were there to observe and spy; now they were felons and fugitives. Ann said a lot of these men: Guccione, D’Souza, O’reilly, Maher, the entire Fox News cast, Gutfeld, FReeP; would not halt or stop. Meanwhile, they tried to hit on her and make others suspicious or see Ann with a double secret life. That was what made her put them in so much pain while they stalked and chased her across the US. Only a few men did the reverse such as Trump, JJ, and people that Ann said had nothing to do with her life or ever was. Most if not all the pictures were strangers who came and went in less than 24 hours. So if she was who these men claim; she got away with it and worse; exposed them for who they were; whom she set out to confront and say “stay away from him, we are a couple.” How it turned out they surrounded her and said to stay away is total insanity. They had the motive and they had the access. So it was not a murder investigation; we were trying to prove they poisoned us or inflicted injuries that had the motive, malice, and intention of killing our life and partnership. There is our statements and theirs; two totally and separate versions. One was rosy and innocent; the other was guilty and vulgar. Without a body and confession; all that was hidden was circumstantial evidence; they bungled it and why. How it all was foiled?

How I would defend a firebase is to build it on a cliff or have an airlift. Then I would tell my men to get out of Dodge at night while I demolition the entire base. Once I was the only person there or a few loyal men; I would parachute into the cliff and blow the base with the enemy on top of us. We can watch with the delight of a free fall and a chopper waiting below. Ask me questions, I would ask a subordinate block or give orders to evacuate and do not look back. We will be fine so long as the jackasses are not around, in the way or constantly complaining or attacking us. So if they put us in a similar situation; it would never end the way they want no matter what they did, how hard they fight, or if they try everything in their arsenal. If anything; the base and all we have will go up in smithereens as they wine and dine in our loss. Do you think I care or give a rat’s ass about a firebase? So the Arden Defense is not a bad tactic or plan; it depends on the kind of enemy we have and if we can ID them. If we cannot ID them; we cannot defend our ground or fight for our life; how do we synchronize our watches? Do we act like this day in and day out? No. So why or how come the attacks stopped when they could ID us but it was only to apologize or conceal what was happening? We could now ID them but they knew who we are and were.

They knew Annie and I did not just meet or had a one night stand; it was no secret. They just could not defeat her and always at the last minute, they got a hell of a surprise. So who do they think has the brains, brawn, and stealth to do this? Them or us? The birds (my messenger to God and this hurricane and earthquake duty) told me they do not see it the same way or call it how they see it; too selfish. It can cut one, two, or three and more ways. So are they going to question birds and drag pheasants into court to prove I consulted with them or threatened them? They are and have been the messengers; real live feathered birds. Did anybody pay attention to what environmental terrorism or drunks did to the birds? There was too much anger and resentment between both sides and the gap was based on good and bad; liars and the truth; do the right or wrong thing; wage war or be happy with life; and now this total disaster. Who has the right to be mad or bad; us or them? Who is important or can act with such arrogance? So that is who we caught and who this criminal terrorist truly is. I had to listen to all the lies and then listen to Ann try and explain it without ruining her case or letting them off the hook so easily. Ann was telling them if they were going to take her out; now is their last chance. She got them so mad and so frustrated; they got Alex so mad and so frustrated; then they got both Alex and Ann arguing about how best to defend themselves or if they should stay or fight.


Let me make this clear. We got this way because a few of us felt the need to stick together throughout our life and think 20-30 years ahead. We got this way because an enemy and a foe gained access to reduce that 20-30 lead. That enemy and foe is now trying to make up and repair for a 20-30 lead by doing several things. They at no time were close to victory or ruining our lives; so they felt it was crucial and necessary to take us out physically. They gave repeated warnings and tried repeatedly to harass, intimidate, and scare us off. They made it clear they would kill us or anybody who tried to perform a rescue; to challenge them. Several federal agents and military personnel were thus killed as evidence those warnings were real. This caveman and enemy has not caught up and gotten much worse. They were never neck and neck; not knowing where we would lead them and we did not know where they would lead us. If we are able to think 20-30 years ahead; we can definitely figure out and expose what they are up to and doing. So we did and that is the end of story; or is it? No, now they were close partners, living in the same building, on top of us, and had us surrounded. We flipped them out so badly they surrounded us and tried to keep us in a ring of fire; a form of captivity where they can check and trace who is closing in on them. So this is how we got this way and most people will agree that both Alex and Ann are perfect. Most people will describe us as perfect for each other; one compliments the other; they are self reliant and the least likely to be dependent, homeless, or constantly complaining.


Follow up 1: There is a guy at Va. Tech named Scott Holkum who looks exactly like John Gotti in his 20s but the name Holkum only is a slight of Homolka. So there is no match there. Scott was the roommate with a chubby, goofy, and offensive Filipino guy I nearly punched. He would get drunk and got obnoxious. There were times you just had to say to him, "if you do not shut up or just go away, I am going to punch you; so choose." Now I recall the trouble makers at Va. Tech; they were the two next door to me (A new wave guy and a quiet hick type from Richmond) whom I did get in a fist fight with. Then there was Scott Holkum and his Filipino roommate who were the most obnoxious and outrageous liberals you could imagine. Eventually, they were just ignored. The Virginia Beach people appeared to be very liberal and very multi-cultural; some form of competition with us always. When it came to girls; they were so embarrassed and total losers who could not even get a date. So if this was the communists or labor unions sneaking up on us; then they were the Virginia Beach people on level 2 or floor 2 of Thomas Hall in 1988 to 1989; spying. Their names were Scott, Darren, a hippie who looked like Jim Morrison from the local area. The entire atmosphere and climate was the 1960s so there was a lot of pot. It seemed as if the Va. Beach people could not get any girls and some had major personality issues. A few did hang out with us.

Follow up 2: Victoria or Tori is the girl I dated in 1st grade. Tori was head over heals about me and would walk with me everyday until I got so annoyed with her we got in a fight. I do not remember why but I had to abuse her to stop. I felt really bad and I was so young I don't remember why I was such good friends with her and then had to break her heart so badly. Her last name was Macini (Italian). She was so traumatized by me ridiculing her and cutting off our relation; her mom pulled her out of school and put her in private school. The way she was all over me and how she carried herself made me feel repulse I think; but I cussed her out and did not remember why at age 6. She was a nice girl and good looking; so I was cruel to her. She grew into a proper girl who was conservative, quiet, and less wild and reckless; this is the type I had wanted but she did not age as well by the time HS came around. Tori's father looked very smart and was an architect. Her sister was a cheerleader and a knockout. Francine was friends with this girl Kim (Kimmy) who came to my work at Chesapeake Bay; both stunning cheerleaders. Tori ended up more like a Tom Boy with short hair.


When he arrives in the DC area; he never steps foot in the NE, SE, or PG Counties. Instead he goes into the richest, whitest, and most paranoid areas. Immediately, Montgomery County is the scene of a killing spree. The Police Chief is black. He then goes into the second richest location (other than Bethesda which is richer than Rockville) Fairfax County. He goes to Manassas (lower to middle income) and then near the Occoquan region (very white). Finally, he goes to the Falls Church area; the heart of the Asian community in this area. Falls Church was first Vietnam-town and then Korea-town, and then it was various other Asian or Hispanic communities. The DC Sniper knows the neighborhood of DC and how to navigate it.

The ghost patterns are based on the obvious. He is communicating and signaling the police. So the ghost patterns are based on opposite movement. He makes them go right; so he goes left. He makes them go north, he goes south. This is based on what I was doing from 1997 to 2000 when I reported this to the FBI and high speed chases. I would make them chase me all over; go down one way streets; and play a similar game. I described them as a black group so I went to a white neighborhood. I said they would box me in; so I knew secret places where it is easy to merge, escape, or reverse directions. This is my stomping ground and now he is trying to talk or prove to me he knows how to do ghost patterns when hunted. I did this all the time; I describe going in bars; I describe various escape and evasion methods. Things changed in 1999 to 2000 when I went mobile to shake them or try to frustrate this stalker and spy. My credit cards will verify where and how I did this. Someone is studying or is frustrated; so they are trying to retaliate; they learn very well and how to escape being hunted. You do not know who it is; but after a ghost pattern, you have a better idea or a visual.

They knew we knew and were on to them. I used these ghost patterns and signaled surveillance or backup. I used these traps to get them on NORAD IV. I asked for satellite backup and to watch closely as I would drive by a watch or a security detachment. I would say, "Okay, let me let them close in; let them get comfortable, and then disappear on them. When they find me, sit at the corner and I will describe who it is and if you can see them. Follow them to their home and put them under constant surveillance. If you cannot or are not sure, place them on NORAD IV and auto mode. I want to know where they go and who they meet the next 30 days. I need a head count and if they come back or not; disposable. Find their safe house and HQ." This is why I also got one of the most reliable cars on the market, a Toyota T100 truck with street ratio gears. I got them to also go to Nags Head and a secluded beach. I waited for them to show up and a black man in a red Caravan showed up on the beach during the winter.

If this was for a Lorton Prison escape; then they need to locate a safe house. They avoid NE, SE, or PG County for some region. The crime rate is high in those areas; so the terror or propaganda is not as successful. To create the chaos they did as expected. The DC Sniper got the ghost pattern from me; I invented it and used it on them from 1997 to 1999. They increased the stalking and pressure so I got out of Dodge. Then in 2006 they did it again and I decided to get out of Dodge, USA altogether. I was going to change my citizenship. My credit cards and cell phone records will prove all these claims and verify the story. They hit me with the bacteria (Anthrax) attacks in 2006 and then 2009-2010; maybe to avenge Tim Russert. Russert tried to pin me for the Anthrax letters to NBC after he tried to win my allegiance and trust; that trash heap Irish MF. Russert wanted to work together and have some chase in DC; so they might use me to learn how to hide and evade hunters. So they panicked me and also fell victim to several layers of deception and a flawless trap; the only man on earth who can defeat satellite warfare forces and hurricane duty. So they targeted and tried to learn off the wrong guy and also the best one who destroyed them. The clown pissed off the wrong people but wanted to kidnap or use non-communist force on their turf.

Keep in mind, I had to waste a lot of time, keep them preoccupied, and make them think they had won or I was an open target. I was ready but I also was impatient with how long it took until we could take their stinky ass out. They were using advanced Soviet and Israeli tactics which can be very difficult to defeat; very difficult. I had to trace it or use this bait and hook method to locate their HQ and determine a pinpoint or precision defense. Insofar as the war; we will win but they were given very many battles and like all foolish or over confident strategist; they end up on the short end of a total disaster. Now they were neck deep or too far too go back; no way out. They are now trapped and must figure out a combination to escape; we will watch and see how they react. How stupid and ridiculous they are did not come out until the end when they were total clowns. I knew they were copying everything and growing stronger by kidnapping and impersonating; so I shut my life down. I set this clever trap and used Ann as bait while I waited for 10 years to retaliate with satellite warfare God force. The drug industry is less dangerous than the spying or espionage industry. Now they are involved with dangerous people and terrorists.

The communist and liberals moved in a lot of forces to this area since the 1970s. After the area tripled in size, they were ready to launch an attack. We got the eye of this storm and we knew they knew the Vietnamese moved to the DC area for a reason; find that region. The immigration to the DC-VA area was retarded. It frustrated people how adversaries would pile up or place the capital under siege. Now they regret it and what they did but they cannot change our minds or the official historical records. They felt the new arrivals were insulation or guards; so they moved their guards in and said they never run from a fight. So why are they running and drowning now? Muhammad knows this and he goes into these hot spots or strongholds to shoot random victims. These areas are very rich, they have a high military population, and the academic scores are some of the highest in the nation. Montgomery and Fairfax are two of the highest education locales; so we were chosen as teachers or some trainer by kidnapping and fighting for our life. That is how they got stronger and why they keep impersonating us as we filed attempted murder and all sorts of stories. Now we do it back to them; to live by the sword you must die by the same sword. They curse their firing squad which is not a good sign or character trait; this shows how Romanian despot and stupid they truly are.

So the question they are looking for is who can defeat them. So let them answer the question; can anybody defeat them or outsmart them? They stink as much as Katrina's ass. They are lucky their stinky Katrina ass did not get killed by NORAD III OR NORAD IV. Now all they want to say is how angry and powerful they are; even bolder and smarter. Everybody knows they are evil spies and need to find a new profession or trade. Yet they are flipping out and trying to huddle up while begging and whimpering; "go away... leave us alone... do you want to get hurt... drop it will you." They do not care and are shameless; so they call daily to tell us "we should be embarrassed and feel ashamed." So now that their communist spies are gone or have run into walls, buildings, or shot up the neighborhood; iRush Bin Limbaugh and iHannity Um Bin liberal labor keeps calling us to tell us how they feel and what they see on their end; as Big Brother. They are at the mercy of the world but had us at their mercy before by waging war and exploiting America. This is how they got strong; by kidnapping and using us to wage war. So clueless is one thing; how courageous they are dumber than a snail is a whole other world. They are okay with the fact we are stuck with them and treat us like bullies; a useless pussy or a total psycho? They claim we are dangerous and they want to know us or love us? Go and sell drugs you communist moron; your chance of survival is greater and the punishment is much less. The punishment is less in the drug world but even they hate a clown who is courageous; so it is a toss up on why they are not very successful.

This is what they did in the Cold War and we busted them and this is how small their mind is; a nut. They use a game of death, war, to grow stronger and step on the bodies of the dead. So they put me in a coma. They dosed me with massive Haldol and Respiratol. I hope they realize that when they loose their mind, flip out, and watch me laugh at them while they pass a tube in their body to get all that crap out of them. You live by the sword, you die by it; and if they get stronger; then we will learn how they did it. They are flipping out and despise spying or the trade; but if they walk away it is a death sentence and a guilty plea. I don't pity them a bit and pray to God to murder them; we know Jesus will and smash their phone or spy network. We would like to interview them in their senior days also; flip them out for talking to us or spying on us. Let's show them how stupid and how whacked they truly are; they look better flipping out. So this is how the Cold War ended; and how miserable they truly were and got. They can sue God and pray to God; don't pray to me or stalk my loved ones. They should find a career and job they are actually good at or can make friends doing. All they do is blame other people or terrorize them; a shoulder to cry on. We love the clown whimpers and how they wake up twice as courageous as the day before. If not insanely courageous; then they try to study or spy on us like big brother; now they make an effort to get along or understand us. Why not sell drugs; they will be more successful and the punishment is much less.

So why is a college political science expert told to get a home in Montgomery County? Is it the Police Chief? Is it a safe house? Is it because the wealth and the hidden secret, “they are kind to minorities?” Or is this a spies nest and hub? In 2006 a girl named J. Bukstein makes contact after over four years of this. We go out and she takes me to Italian restaurants in Rockville, MD. A new immigrant and Russian Jew; her parents are well to do and have their own construction company. I invite her to NYC for a week and she shows me around. She brings me to Brighton Beach where everybody speaks Russian, “Little Russia, New York.” Then she asks me if I want to live down in Ocean City where she is moving to and headed. Ann has just moved to a very white “stalker proof” beach (Palm Beach, FL) and I felt this was odd. She said I will be sharing a room and bed with her and her boyfriend splits the rent with her. Then at the last minute; she moves to Orlando, FL. Around 2008 an eruption occurs in the Orlando area. First is the murder of Caylee. Then a Sea World trainer is killed. Julia was taking classes for veterinary science and wanted to work with animals. The story ends there and now kicks in with Sue Place in upstate NY. So somebody is moving with me or is giving advice on where to move, set up a safe house, where to find a Russian wife, etc…


If you want to see a case of crazed females and people who are total disasters but act in a manner to suggest they are loved, competitive, or can beautify the life of another, then it is the case of Matt Baker. Matt has married a female who is a roly-poly mess. From the get go there is a physical presence that is not right. However, based on the preachers description of his wife; it is for certain she had a major downfall, was growing detached, and used sleeping pills and other ways to counter act the hell and the total mess she was in. It is difficult to pinpoint her motive for killing herself; but there are a lot of problems with her and a lot of reasons not to be with her. We are dealing with the same type of deranged humans and these are very religious and normal looking ones.

First of all, this or these women who Matt Baker has around him are crazed. They are not competitive. They are the type you want to say, "well if you were to loose 20lbs we can actually get somewhere" or "maybe if you got an education we can actually see eye to eye." I am going through the same hell with these types. They torment Ann while they claim to be so loved and trusted by me; yet I had been fighting them tooth and nail or calling them all kinds of names while they acted in the most superficial ways. Nothing about them is competitive. It is better to leave them or get away before something bad happens. They keep coming around and trying to deal with their total mess. Even devout Christians mistake people who “take good care of themselves” with those who are “blessed”, “stunning”, or “above average"; this is a classic case of all of the above. Some human beings enjoy their own inferiority way too much and against the desires of others. This crowd is a very devout religious group and Bible worshipers.

These females are not heroes and they are about as annoying as a mess can make. They make deranged statements and it is almost a witch hunt about how mean others are or how they are mistreated. They will call each other angels, protectors, torch bearers, and all kinds of symbolic heroism when they should be more critical on themselves or make an effort to be bias. The preacher is surrounded by these people and is also involved in an affair with other women. However, if you were in his shoes; you have a family, a female who is a total disaster, and other women who you need to marry or find to get the hell away from these types. So they fight over this and this appears to be the punishment because his wife is on the verge of losing her sanity and slowly slipping into her own world.

Matt Baker describes a woman who is growing reclusive, detached, and depressed over the death of their daughter. She gets to the point of needing a straight jacket. I would be scared to be in the same house with someone like this that is deranged or very defensive. Some of these ladies are so repugnant they will say to their spouses, "don't you dare touch me" when that is the least on their minds. It sounds good and it makes others intimidated or focuses. The emotional toll and the slow decline into various symptoms of mental and personality disorders are consistent with events. Matt Baker never says "she made my life hell" or "there were times where you could not stand her." Even her parents acknowledged she changed and had problems. Her physical appearance and personality is clearly evident. We are dealing with the same people who are abandoned or feel abandoned.

Surprisingly, there is no MRI or anything to put more blame on the deceased wife. However, I would have gotten away from this type of person had I been the preacher. Everybody noticed she was having problems. These problems had an impact on how she saw herself and her sexuality; her ability to have more children. On the night of her death, she appears to be staging a romantic evening; or at least knows there is something wrong. In other words, she knows her husband may divorce her because she is a total mess or a failed wife who will soon be hospitalized or need long term care. So she is mixing alcohol with drugs in order to fix herself and it is making things a total disaster. She tells him to go gas up and get a movie while the kids go to bed. Then she probably lit candles or did some obnoxious act to make she wow him or rekindle the sexual appetite all females must have over males to stay in marriages. It does not work and she ends up getting too knocked up that night.

So that female disaster did screw up his life, make him desire another female, caused him to stray from his marriage; yet those females and her family refuse to see things as they are. They made excuses for her and tried to make things fit where they did not. The preacher may have tried to get rid of his wife instead of telling her to get lost; better to get insurance and make a few bucks if he is that evil. Yet the more she is in his life; the worse for him. He did not bad mouth her; they bad mouthed him. There are ways to get rid of people besides killing them in cold blood. So you knew this female was going to ruin his life and did. Yet he still loved her and stayed with her for some reason only a fool knows. Based on his description of his wife; she slips into a state of derangement or is becoming bed ridden. She is using medication to counter act this and trips to the doctor make her more nervous, self defensive, and angry. That is just the way it is when human beings are not competitive, slip into this deranged state of mind, and charges at others or loose grip on how they should act and behave.


It started as a high stakes chess game. To win you had to defeat about 100 to 1000 opponents. All of them had a history of spying as communists and a legend as enemy killers. The chase began when each mask had to be pulled off, one by one. To win one had to find the other, for what is not yet known. Who will find whom or will the two partners in life going to broken hearted while this game with rogue masked enemies winds down. They go this way and that way, not knowing if there is a mask or not; unable to tell by their own trickery and deceptions what is real and what is their imagination. Harm and destroying others is their only mission; to seek the pity, generosity, and kindness from the force of good and the secrets which make victory possible. Do they know who they are chasing and trying to destroy, or do we? If one of them finds who they are looking for, will they deliver the fatal and final blow; or will we? With each mask pulled off and defeated; a new secret emerges and a new path; where do all of them lead and why? What we observed and logged was shocking; but it shows who we have and are dealing with.

Now we ask the death penalty to be served and damages levied; but this enemy is not through yet. They hold clandestine talks, seek to meet with us 24 hours, and wish to talk it out. We document and detail who said what to whom; also why. We not only ask for the death penalty, we ask for damages and closure to this demonsterous and ridiculous foe. They claim this was only about sex and they were or are in love with us; a very close friendship and partnership. All the lies crumble when we take off our masks and reveal who said what to whom, who was lying and who we caught by sitting next to. Now nobody on earth could save them and only the best in the world could have done this to a sneaky deadly foe such as this foul rotten corpse; but they refuse to let up or end this on anybody's terms but theirs. Money had always been a problem and still is; however, this was no longer about money; it was personal and it was about survival. It feels like a training program and we are told it is a test. We are forced to care and tortured until we show them pain and subservience. So not only are they pretending as if we care; we are given an ultimatum if we wish to survive and live. The ultimatum is to shut up and go away; do not make it worse or make matters harder for them. They begin to flex and kill more and more; to dignify their failure and to prove they are not inferior or vague.

I began my college career after 1988 and worked off and on as a security guard. The only place which terrorism or Middle Easterners, or royals had become part of my life was at the Islamic Saudi Academy (ISA). The ISA is where the royal family sends their staff and children. The school is guarded 24 hours by private security guards. Schools were never any of my security assignments, only this one. I usually go to special events, water treatment facilities, high priced office buildings, courthouses, etc... The Saudi embassy is next door to the CIA and they really do not get involved with US trade or lousy immigrants. If this is anti-royals and anti-elites; then the labor unions have a bone to pick with the royals. The treatment they get, the sexual offense, and the airport problems are typical of these lousy immigrants who flip out when they see Middle Easterners or royals. The people who threatened my girlfriend and contacted her were labor union, white, black, and radical immigrants; not Middle Easterners or whom we thought about in our minds. They claimed they were the American people and knew what America and the history of greatness was in America; superior. It is odd to look back and recall who contacted us or who keeps crashing into us while trying to bring out the worst in others and make them violent; radicalize them.

The damage to the Trans Am was not permanent. What aggravated and caused problems were the vandalism and the cutting of wires (brakes, spark plugs, etc.)? When the car was purchased in cash in 2005; it was driven from NJ to VA and put in a shop immediately. The restoration process was off and on for almost a year; then the car was placed inside an enclosed public storage facility. It sat there for several months until it was brought to NY. The excitement of driving this dream car and using it finally for a personal vehicle brought out euphemism and excitement and a week of "risky maneuvers." So the law enforcement community does have a complaint and it is minor as the damage was. In other words, a muscle car was pushed to its limit for two or three days and that may have upset people but was not against the law. It was reckless but the donuts were performed in empty parking lots or under close supervision.

So the arrest by the police and the damage or flooding is not certain if damages are assessed. The police made the arrest but the initiator or the cause of the false and malicious prosecution; similar to Tim Reassert of NBC and false charges in 2002, made the police look very bad and caused damage from mistakes. Did the police vandalize the car? No. Did someone use them or exploit their trust to invoke a sense of paranoia or victory? Yes. Who is to be punished when lies are at work and those lies result in horrible consequences to all involved? Also, the vehicle restored did not have a high value to force law enforcement officials to fall on the sword. The car was purchased so that it could withstand the ferocious battles, attacks, and the constant vandalism every single owned vehicle has faced. Here is an example of the long history of vandalism of all personal vehicles:

1. Subaru GL 4 door sedan: engine blew up while in the US Army.
2. Mazda RX7 - 10 gallons of gear oil was dumped in the rear cabin while at Pep Boys, Annandale - VA.
3. Mazda 626 - sudden death of RX7 and mechanical failure; 626 was leased and door was smashed in by friend of roommate. This car was involved in a bankruptcy while in college in 1998.
4. Toyota T100 - after bankruptcy in 1998, a truck was purchased to withstand harsh realities. While at beach oil was dumped in road and the truck went head first into a Jersey wall after several 360 spins. Then music students across the street continuously backed up into it or the side view mirror was repeatedly smashed out. The final vandalism occurred in NY when repeated "fainting spells" were detected. There was a history of tampering with drinks or some form of "date rape" drug. These clues were collected as an entire process of investigation and detecting anomalies. The T100 after daily high speed chases and reports to the FBI about a black radical group in VA; had suffered a burnt out gear, front frame damage, side frame damage, and a host of severe abuse. The abuse and longevity of this vehicle was unmatched.

Note: A Ford Super Duty F-350 Van was purchased for commercial use and did not have any odd or peculiar damages. A CDL was needed in 2000 for this commercial use. The only odd event occurred in Adrian, Michigan and then calls to the employer by a New York couple while en route to Ottawa, Canada for a delivery. While asleep in Ontario in 2002; nuts and bolts were "thrown" at the truck while it was at the T and A truck stop on the QEW. Not knowing what the sound was; one of the screws punctured the tire and a new tire was purchased at Canadian Tire in 2002 for the return drive. After this four new 4x4 truck tires were purchased to make it look aggressive in snow. There seemed to be an end or a long break from 1999 to 2002. This was also the first American made vehicle and it was not vandalized.

5. Buick Park Avenue - music students backed up into the rear quarter panel and it was fixed for $600 in cash before the car was sold. The Buick was owned for only a few months, fixed up, and then sold. The vandalism occurred while the car was being sold in 2006.
6. Trans Am Convertible - the vandalism on the Trans Am was only after moving to NY in 2006. The car was never titled or driven; always under cover or some storage. It was restored and placed in hiding for emergency use. Further fixes were planned to make it a show car; however, it had less than 1000 miles of road use after being purchased and titled in 2010. Of all the cars, the most damage was to the T100 and the damage to the Trans Am was mostly appearance or to erase that show car look and feel. It was purchased for these high speed chases, unusual fainting spells, nimble and predator characteristics, and ability to withstand attacks or vandalism. Like the T100 it stood the test of time and proved itself to be a good choice for this duty or these types of attacks. By enveloping, panicking, and egging on those behind this; a determination could be made on where it led and how. By denying previous attacks or addressing them; the envelope could be pushed and it led to cutting spark plug wires and dilapidation. Now a total summary and legal defense could be pieced together and criminal charges could be levied. The most blatant evidence is the spark plug wires and the most dangerous was the unusual and sudden fainting spells.

Life became hell in the last year of college, 1998. The FBI was called in 1999 and a sit down was made to describe these attacks. In 2000 Tim Reassert initiated contact and tried to win trust or allegiance. Mr. Reassert used NBC and his show Meet the Press to initiate this contact while in DC-VA. A string of letters trying to explain began, they were sent to his office at NBC or Stuart Taylor, his colleague. They appeared as if he was concerned and trying to help. In 2002 and while this war on terror was in full swing; he initiated an arrest using his assistant, a female. They kept stating I was attacking them or making threats while I was under ferocious attack. Then the anthrax attacks made these letters very peculiar and they used this hysteria to make false allegations. The US Army was in the cross hairs and most especially after John Muhammad the DC Sniper. My roommates in 1999 were from Fredericksburg, MD (Cassandra Floyd, a model, horseman, and a student at Marymount University). Cassandra stole my computer and evicted me; but I recall her car was vandalized near the time I met a strange black man in the building from Chicago. This black man was mixed Irish and asked me to show him around DC and take him to clubs, so I did. I was arrested in 2002 and it took two years to conclude I was innocent and under ferocious attack by the bomb plotters and masterminds. A period of two years elapsed and the history of Tim Reassert ended. In 2006 the books began to be written and the history of satellite warfare. Among the heroes were World War II commandos (Brig. General Archaeus Hamblen and Captain Frank Neubauer) who are close family friends and the brains behind Delta Force, an elite US Special Forces Group. Their history was outlined in this book; a manual and an introduction into a brand new field and a breakthrough in developments. A total of four books were written from 2006 to 2010; they are ready to be published and categorized.

With hindsight, the problems actually began or were “in your face” around 1993. Upon returning from the Army and going to night school; the residence became a rental property. Immigrants who just came to America moved in and the problems led to the police being called 3 times a week because of constant escalations. They refused and would not back down but they did not speak English, were on welfare, or new to America. Some of them had been tortured or in prison camps. Worse, the police sided with the new immigrants and renters who were sneaky and mischievous. In 2007, Tim Reassert tried to initiate contact again. This time he used his book and his show on NBC to initiate a second dialogue and win allegiance. This time he was avoided due to the betrayal and mistrust; he made false statements and caused a disaster in 2002; this new opportunity was denied to him and ignored. He began a book parade in Buffalo and the upstate NY area. All his shenanigans were ignored and thrown aside as deception; a trap to lead to another arrest or disaster. In 2009, Tim Reassert died of a sudden heart attack and he did not or any of his family members did not try to initiate anymore contact or clandestine talks. This should have been the end to the false and malicious prosecution but it did not end. Sue Place and Chris Young took up the plight and attacked around the clock, in the same building, and with ferocity a homicidal killer would. The interviews were already taking place and they waited a few months to regroup before going on attack mode. There was a 3 month period where the only attacks were denial of service and a world class hacker. The FBI was alerted and contacted via email when this hacker was stalking at 2am and a night schedule in 2008. There is an ongoing investigation to identify who this hacker and computer expert is, a world class and homicidal lunatic with technology that supersedes the law enforcement community.

Excerpts from "How To Talk To A Liberal (If You Must)" by Ann Coulter: True Grit, June 11, 2003; and Moby's Dick, June 23, 2004. "In 'her' book, Hillary explains that the story of how Nelson Mandela forgave his jailers inspired her to forgive Bill for his infidelity. Okay, but they locked up Mandela only once. Revealingly, Ms. Stanley claims that 'millions of women have forgiven far worse of philandering husbands.' Far worse? Really? No wonder liberal women hate men so much. ...Now there's even a documentary version of liberals' Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy fantasy The Hunting of the President. If we're so obsessed with it, why do they keep bringing it up? O.J. had more dignity. ...But Clinton thinks people are dying to read nine hundred pages about his very ordinary life. He views being president as just one more episode in a life that is fascinating in all its stages because he is just so fascinating as a person - at least to himself. ...What actually happened during the Clinton presidency?"

When the home invasion occurred in June of 2006 (after only one month or less living at this address); $5000 bond was placed on the wrong person. The person responsible for this was not known at the time but soon, a $300 hot water bill arrived. Also, after 17 trips to a circus court and charges; the Trans Am was not confiscated. Sue Place came to the jail and asked if the bond was possible; a reduction had been requested and now the bond was at $3000. Sue wanted $300 and said this was the service fee; paid in cash. Then the title for the Trans Am was used while feet dragging and a circus were underway. Then out of the blue a call came in to the local police about a prowler. The police said it had to be Chris Young. Why there was a prowler was not understood or known until 2007 when a condo in Virginia was put up for sale. Now it was not the Trans Am but the condo deed; a $14,000 vacation time share was missing (deed). It was of no use to them but it caused a lot of problems and prevented a sale. The condo association began legal actions to collect $700 in condo fees and letters were sent to them to allow special circumstances and FBI investigators were used as a reference if their lawyers wanted to understand what was going on. So the Trans Am was spared and now a condo deed was stolen. Also, letters began to be sent to Rick Johnson about prostitution and what appeared to be solicitation or lewd behavior by both Chris and Sue Young, primarily Sue. In 2008, Sue began to play a “sexy secretary” where all needs were addressed, including hers. She had to be chased off constantly and Rick Johnson made no effort to address it. Finally Sue was ran off so many times she began to make allegations to fight the resistance or denial of attacks.

In 2007, Chris Young began to carry a knife and make physical threats to suggest he was a dangerous killer. This was tested when he agreed to a wrestling match. Several self defense initiatives were used to test his ability and assess if he was an actual “Tang Soo Do” pupil as he bragged about. What surfaced were a drunken and almost a deranged side to him which was helpless under professional skills and martial arts. He was put in 20 different positions and did not have any idea how to escape them which indicate severe problems with his bragging skills. Then he became violent and began to use a knife as if he could decide the outcome and had total control. Several self defense moves were deployed to test if he knew how to use a knife and he struggled until a blood vessel blew in his nose. He would not give up and was acting like a raging lunatic that would not quit or surrender. Even when he was rendered helpless or paralyzed by submission holds; he would berate and make threats which caused his nose bleed to intensify as he refused to accept the peril. He was then shown how vulnerable and how easily joint locks and submission holds he was under the power of. Even when tested with basic wrestling maneuvers; he is not able to understand the dynamics of self defense and resorts to a weapon. This was the first time he or they were exposed as either inferior or losing a fight. Now Chris Young was defeated; Sue Place decided to make up the lost ground. She began following or stalking into the laundry room and what followed were bacteria, flesh eating bacteria, and poison ivy attacks. Chris Young began to place shotgun shells in the garden. Therefore, he was forced to abandon this idea someone would punch him or he was man enough to start fights and win them. In 2009, he feinted extreme behavior when acting as if he was only protecting Sue Place when they were provoking and making deranged statements to explain their behavior. The drama and this idea they were always attacking or up to something was annoying. He was an idiot with a severe personality disorder; and a severe penchant for violence.

This set up or scenario shows who we are dealing with. They only want to survive and do not give up; stupid or not. This bragging about Tang Soo Do never was present. The use of a knife is to overpower a better or superior individual; with no end in sight, this idiot fights and struggles until a bloody nose and regardless of the outcomes or how many reasons; you are constantly chasing him off or waiting for some stupid trick. There is no honorable fight in them. They are full of hate and need a knife to gain back lose ground. Even when a knife was brandished; the outcome sought was not possible and he tried to seek more duress with his verbal skills and threats that were baseless. After showing him how futile a knife is in a real fight on the ground; no barriers is presented to test his ability to understand danger or reality. He does have total control but wants only to humiliate and win matters when the odds are far against him. After 20 different techniques; you expect him to know what he is doing or something; he even tried to pull the knife out again when stuck or suggest another hidden weapon was an equalizer. So if there is any honor, chance, mental ability, or just idiotism; it revealed to be consistent with the observations and final interviews which they denied. When ordered and taken to a heightened state; he refused to obey the ground rules and his manhood severely questioned. He refused and displayed verbal ferocity or pent up frustrations of being incapable. This game of danger arriving or death threats were continuous even if he would not be silenced or stop attacking. Now they had to change their tactics or use some other form of bullying and intimidation. This bizarre and deranged method is consistent with reports. Rick Johnson claims he does not know who to believe and is not able to determine any reason to believe Alex; nothing was good enough. He is a soldier and they said they are prepared to die. He is outclassed and severely missing a few facts; with no alibi or credible story. They were cornered and captured by undercover and skills beyond that of the FBI or law enforcement. This was clear and present in talks to the FBI who had questions and did not have to do anything. Each door they opened was shut in a reverse manner until they had no more doors to open; now it was a matter of surrender or capture as a pest, nuisance, and defeated terrorist.

Rick Johnson would not respond to any letters and if he was called; he would make a demand such as “you cannot park there… move your car immediately” or ignoring any belief they could do any wrong. He would use the arrest and the bond as a fact to struggle with his ultimate decision making. So Chris Young took over where Jason Conte had been bullying or harassing, then Sue Place took over where Chris Young had, and finally Rick Johnson took over where all of them had no intelligence or lie to squirm out of. Why they waited so long and what answer they give about 2006 to 2008; and then the interview period from 2008 to 2010 will jail them. Rick Johnson says he did not know who to evict or who to believe; yet he said few words or even bothered to write anything down or verify any facts. He even denies the amount of alcohol involved and the letters demanding he terminate the prostitution or solicitation by Sue Place. Alex was not doing this and was not a prostitute; nowhere is this “they said he was doing it.” Chris Young has more than verbal assault charges and did pull a knife and when he cut Alex on the ankle to force his release; he was pushed to the limit and backed down; a possible raging lunatic who only needs a small push to trigger him off. Pictures were taken of the small scratch on the ankle and his inability to fight back when using a knife against an unarmed challenger. So Chris Young has escalated the matter to Rick Johnson who has made severe mistakes.

He proves he is not out of control and does retreat; but he pushes people to their limits or near the edge. Now they continue this lunatic or psychopathic behavior with the idea they can deny or win. It is consistent with who they are and how they try to destroy others; even after being caught or when they cannot. They resort to extreme behavior or extreme violence to protect their escape or capture. Rick Johnson knew what this was about and he knew when and how it was no longer possible. When asked when he knew or if he received a complaint about this; he lied. He created the conditions where the police could be called easily and used a “he said she said” to erase all of the negligence and clandestine activity. He was aloof and had to be called in the final moments when all else failed. His effort was not powerful enough to hide or conceal their mistakes. There was a reason why they made it crystal clear they were powerful, warm and comfortable, or lived life with security while endangering and engaging in homicidal and lunatic behavior. Even with no chance of escape, they did not and could not recognize when to stop or when this had to end. The reason why they executed this perfectly and made so many mistakes in the end is because information was hidden from then; and now matters were inescapable. Now they hide the information and want to walk away or not get hurt; but the evil is ostensible and alarming. There is a hidden goal for arranging this crime scene and what was discovered. There was a hidden goal for the spying or surveillance. There was a hidden goal when asked to explain or provide truthful answers. There is no argument when they said they were ready to die and deserved respect or recognition for making such a failed effort or wasting so much time. If they could not escape or get out of this now; they were going to commit suicide together.