


I developed Satellite Warfare to combat the spread of nuclear weapons and we have shorted the gap between nuclear and conventional forces; no longer needed in my book. There are approximately 200 chapters. Most were written and researched while in college from 1988 to 1998; I researched it by taking over 190 credits from different universities. They also span from childhood reading since age 8 and up (military science, weapons, martial arts, etc...) I have been getting ideas from people about doing a complete series; all at once. They start off with pure science and ends with a complete understanding of where this world is headed and two particular topics called economic sustainability and totality; then it introduces the reader to a new series of books on satellite warfare; the science and the art. Naturally, they call me the father of satellite warfare and I have put in over 20 years to this field of knowledge; perhaps the best in the world, but my readers will judge who is the best in their world. To get here; we have taken harsh punishments, suffered torture, was kidnapped, humiliated hourly, and had our life trashed and rewritten by no fault of our own. That is called terrorism. That is called war.

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Sunday, February 8, 2009


2/8/2009 7:49:57 PM Sean, I have put my foot down on Ann’s media escapade. It is obvious she kept me hidden and then asked me to help her with this and I have grown disgusted by her and the entire situation. The only reason I accepted her back is because my mental block released and I was able to talk about things. Also, she nearly got herself killed and did some daring feats. Where I conciliated with and admired her; I now despise her. If she was hurt and had been hurt at any time; she could have contacted me or emailed me and said, “I am sick of you hurting me and breaking my heart; I hear you are sleeping with other women; so you have one week to get here and fix this; here is my address; your train/plane ticket; and your deadline. Either you show up or not but I am moving on.” That is a real relationship and a real human being not a twit or ass. I hate all her friends and what is the weirdest thing; you talk like her man.

Ann told me you had been “pretending” as if you and her were much more than friends and you said how men do not go up to women and ask them to marry. Ann also said there were things between you which she has not explained or requires further explanation; whether or not it was infidelity I do not know; but she said you were going around pretending to be in some relationship, real or not, with her. So are a lot of men and only one so far has openly challenged her and others of having taught her everything she knows about sex for the last 20 years. Ann has been dumped twice by me. It is all documented and there is nothing secretive. So why you talk to her like I do; befuddles me. Ann told me you only wanted her on your show and to yourself. You tried to ask her out and get a date. You conspired against your wife; but Ann said you knew. I am just fed up with Ann’s life; I don’t hate her as much as you all; I did care for her. She got a storm and a reckoning coming but displays no God fearing trait. She feels she has a special relation with God and me; an experience she cannot explain. I talk to her as if I have been married to her for more than 20 years; openly about sex also. I taught her everything.

I have notice that when you scream and shout; throw a hiss fit; or go on a tirade; she comes on your show. Maybe she plans it first and then you do it later to make it appear this way; I do not know. But there is something going on which she admitted to me about and it has to do with marriage. She said you tricked her. So I do not know and am getting really sick of. It seems as if she is afraid of you much like she is afraid of me. She comes when you call. You had spilled your guts to me and spent months either explaining or how you felt. I am telling you right now okay; I taught Ann Coulter everything she knows about sex over the course of twenty or more years. I dumped her twice and we did stay together and now she sent me an email telling me to be at her house in two weeks or hit the road like a dead beat dad. She is hurt and fed up with me. Se is tired of sitting at home and being abused like a bad spouse or woman. Yet her life is a disgrace and I tried to give her the prince charming story and the most incredible life story; she messed it up in six months. It took only six months. I have never seen a woman with so many problems and so many enemies. Hell I am becoming one also.

So you tell me; why does she come kicking and screaming every single time you call her like a trained puppy dog? What did you train her with and what happens if she refuses to come when you throw a fit? We caught Rush and we almost caught you, almost; but you were not a biggie fish so I let you loose. Why the hell did you cut my phone lines and block my email and say “my web guy took them out.” You are behind politico or Rush also. You already know Ann is no stranger to the bedroom and how openly I talk to her about it. I tried so hard and gave her the most wonderful marriage; it took her not even six months to loose it and squabble with guys she wanted there for her or around. She is like boys to men and I am Metallica; the two cannot share the same stage. CPAC spying on her, keeping tabs, YAF and fresh sperm, her sordid storm and her denying any impropriety; does not work any longer. I have never hated a wife, a woman, or a female; Ann is taking me there.

She is plugging in and pulling hard to connect with US Army commando heritage or someone of that background; she is a disgrace and has been shamed. This is why she does the dirty work. So you tell me if you can; everybody is listening. Either you are a freak and a fraud “come rip your mic off” or you know something or have something. Ann says you keep pretending and are obsessed but could not get one date or dinner. Are you going to keep on letting me chide you and embarrass you? The messages you conveyed are documented here with quotes and how I interpreted; none answered. Like Ann, she is silent and says, “I do not want to make it worse” so she better answer the 10 pages of letters I sent her unless she is guilty and a total disgrace. I am not letting her tornado near me and you obviously are stuck in it. Ann is very indirect and is as vicious as her reputation says; however, she ever raise her voice with me and challenge me like you and I guarantee you I will take that fight of hers and stick it up her third ear.

To me Ann is a dork and a geek but she got very beautiful, smart, and successful. She is ten times the woman I used to run with or dated. Yet she has tried so hard to be like me and aspire to be as good as I am. To hear me chastise and call her a failure hurts her badly. So why do you have power over her and why does she come running when you call? I see her as a dork and a geek; my life is so busted up and a mess it is not funny; but this is why I am on the borders and trying to cross it. Now I have tried to make new plans and they do not involve Ann whatsoever. She can fly around and go to VIP dinners (I hear CPAC throws a bash) all she wants; when the storm hits and reckoning is in order; she got to deal with the demons; I already had to and can kick their ass. To me she is and has been a geek trying to be like me and live through me; and I come from a very proud and long line of military commandos which grace and honor rolled into one total package. She did all this just to say she deserves a love story and now has angered me.

So why does she come crawling or tooting when you call her? What story do you have if any, whether you have any power over her? Her enemies are thorough and you bugged her home, hotels, have CPAC watch her all day, sneak cameras in, and are in my god damn apartment. Ann has lit my fuse and I am a powder keg, call me an M16 that will shoot you full of holes. Ask her if she feels she has disgraced me or is a disgrace and see what she says. My life is so busted up and I have so many enemies now; I do not need more worries. I do not need to worry about Ann even if women call me a miracle for her; her skin and head is so thick; I do not know how to deal with her any longer. So why does she come on your call and hiss fits?

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