


I developed Satellite Warfare to combat the spread of nuclear weapons and we have shorted the gap between nuclear and conventional forces; no longer needed in my book. There are approximately 200 chapters. Most were written and researched while in college from 1988 to 1998; I researched it by taking over 190 credits from different universities. They also span from childhood reading since age 8 and up (military science, weapons, martial arts, etc...) I have been getting ideas from people about doing a complete series; all at once. They start off with pure science and ends with a complete understanding of where this world is headed and two particular topics called economic sustainability and totality; then it introduces the reader to a new series of books on satellite warfare; the science and the art. Naturally, they call me the father of satellite warfare and I have put in over 20 years to this field of knowledge; perhaps the best in the world, but my readers will judge who is the best in their world. To get here; we have taken harsh punishments, suffered torture, was kidnapped, humiliated hourly, and had our life trashed and rewritten by no fault of our own. That is called terrorism. That is called war.

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Tuesday, January 6, 2009


1/6/2009 12:52:48 PM Background information: Sean Hannity has been given a message whether or not he wishes to send a clear message to the federal prosecutors on his case. The message is simple; does he want or wish a provocation, to escalate or de-escalate the later. The important facet of the video is the consideration of who he is; ie: Irish Catholic, no college degree, in dire straits, etc… the question is what is the force behind his actions if not this hope and change or showing any sign of reform or remorse? His goal is to show how human he is and why he is not part of this terror plot we were woken up by. His actions speak for it. Imagine if he was your partner and how he treats his own partner in crime. Now imagine how he would treat the federal prosecutor who is asking how well he thinks, if he is able to piece logic to his actions to establish a sense of rational motive or intention.

His first state “pretending to be the victim” defines his entire provocation. Then he references the “they are victimizers” which he will defend the entire show. Watch the level of condescension from him; remember, Ann Coulter has a law degree and was mentored and trained exclusively by a long line of US military Generals (including myself); this from a person who claims to support the troops. We get a first glimpse of how they operate and how vicious they are.

Again, Sean restates the case against him by the prosecutor not considering what the investigation is about, a terror plot, orchestrated to break away and become more difficult to fight and more important; to send those chasing them in a vast tail spin for this second level tier. Immediately, the prosecutor stares him face to face to gauge whether or not he is a real human being or what stare she will get back. Sean plays it off as playful and looks away repeatedly; while provoking more and more escalations. So he feels it is fun and games but he does not understand what sadism or torture and even what terrorizing others is defined as. To him it is fun and games.

After the stare down which is a way to say “how could you” or “touché” or “classic cold war espionage” the game of betrayal falls on the one who plays it. Sean also denotes how intelligence has no bearing on his cruelty and control of others; a clear sign of disrespecting those who really deserve it. He does not show his anger inside.

Ann says it was a set up and how it has been a long time. “They cancelled you” is his first response. Ann then says how Hannity makes no sense because both she and Newt Gingrich is all over his web page. Sean uses fear of termination to quiet her; an intimidation technique. Ann then explains what the set up the liberals were doing to her was; “to book me so I would not go on… then cancel” Ann then defines her case about “loving him so much… having an argument… I was wrong…” Hannity now realizes Ann might not be talking about him but to him. To explore whether or not he is on solid ground; Hannity asks about how Ann had run ins with others over the years. Ann responds, “not with NBC anymore.” Sean is stopped with the Braun statement.

Here Ann tests to see who is in control of the conversation or whether he wishes to stop. He says “they are now denying” which Ann knows Hannity was referring to the 911 widows’ affair. Hannity knows that NBC and CBS were about the 911 widows. Remember, Sean is a high value target and suspect of a long investigation. “Were they backing off out of pressure or were you told you were banned” Ann begins to feel the pressure of this plot against her. Ann says she knew the whole thing and so do others.

Now is where she begins to upset their motives. She is a hot writer and with six best sellers; why turn away ratings and money? Are they suggesting their ratings will plummet or sky rocket? “I knew this was a set up” which does not detract suspect 1 the slightest. (Note: we are at the two minutes and twenty mark) Ann now goes into her situation “gets results” and “compared to getting fired from…” Ann says why is there chatter when the rivals are “chugging along” and soon to be bought off (note that is being bought off and why). This is how a hostile take over happens; viewer discontent.

Now Sean says he rests his case against her. Note he refers to William Ayers who he is obsessed with for some reason. He makes an odd comment about how Ann’s book is thoughtful and he loves it; he means her. Now he goes into the plot and this promotion of theirs to become Presidential where they steal everything; even your soul. Now there is an odd comment about “different views” and terrorist suspects; do they get a right to speak or not? Before Ann can answer, Alan cuts in so she cannot reply. Now suspect 2 (Colmes) claims to be getting it right and to give Ann a chance. She did not reply and goes back to it before the disruption. The situation is a total set up and fraud.

Alan says they cancelled it because a war is going on? With who? Ann then asks him why they are not talking about her book and worried about the show. Ann says she wood love to. (We are at the four minute and ten mark) Ann now goes into the book which is a message to me and my life. In 2000, I had interviewed hundreds of female strippers and a few male strippers “undercover.” I wanted to know what sort of person and problems drove them to this profession and whether or not they were promiscuous. Aside from the rebellion and insane junky types; the most common phenomenon was the single mother of two, three, or more kids. The profession allowed both financial and parental time but the typical “stereotype” of strippers was false. These women were not married but they had life struggles raising kids and no regrets for their choices.

Although we will skip the issue; the point is the intentional promotion of illegitimacy. The next part is the funniest comment she has to make on the show and how children who have black fathers and white mothers who are abandoned; end up associating with their fathers who abandoned them for the idea it would become a gift to life opportunity. Alan then goes into an attack asking why Ann does not explain why she is not married and we go back to the 911 widows’ affair. Now there is the first sign of true pain or something wrong; something very deep and sinister eating her out from the inside. You can see how it stops her in her tracks and she looks downwards not out of shame but hurt. This is the only time ever on video has Ann Coulter been stopped in her tracks like such. You can tell there is something troubling her badly; yet so difficult to even explain; she avoids it completely.

Again, “you get married to have children” is part of her story and she gets back to the surface of the water. Someone hurt her badly on the topic of marriage; she cannot even look into the eyes of others. Remember, it took years of counseling before you can even talk about this matter and the trauma and ordeal; it takes years before you can recover enough or be strong enough to even discuss it. To get there you must go through intensive therapy. Ann is not ready to discuss it; it is not over for her yet. She is still hurting badly because of it and surrendered, almost stumbled. It is like saying “I killed your husband so what are you going to do about it?” Ann openly displays agitation and being harassed by suspect 2. Without proper therapy, there is a mental blockage which I have described; it is hard to reach the surface to do this. You can break down easily and this almost came; thus, the mental blockage. It is common behavior of trauma victims.

Ann then makes a funny comment on illegitimate children of mixed races which Alan does not find funny at all. The idea is if you take away illegitimacy; crime and violence disappears. “John” then touches Ann on the leg and she tries to react in a positive way “trying to distract” her. Sean wants the audience to know he and Ann are on a touching basis. Touching her was not in the proper or right context; it is meant to upset and also to suggest this “touching friendship.” Before this, Alan asks Ann if “this is accurate or not” and Ann says “it is accurate.” Hannity is badgering Ann about her sex life which he spent months on; he refuses to ask Ann directly. Why does he ask other men but not Ann directly? “John” in mid thought could mean someone she knows or a John, someone she does not know. Ann stated and pleaded under duress; no romance or intention was ever an issue with Hannity (from her side) but women always deal with men trying to get in their pants, such the case now. Sean was denied severely and was led to believe he was getting closer and closer to her.

The next part about “pig” has to do with doing something and then denying it. You can tell what is on their minds and what they wish to talk about. Sean now gets into his pursuit of Ann; a choice “not to give up on” etc… Ann says why she would give up her stable relationship for one of crime and chaos. Hannity has been breaching and overstepping his role in her life; almost strong arming and arm twisting how great life can be with him while calling it choice or consent. He does not ask directly. He is unable to deal with his impulses and the strong forces of his admiration of others or his hatred of them which brew into a nasty sexual fantasy of violent thoughts and relentless terror of some subject. Sean is asking why Ann does not surrender to him or give it up; on free choice; the same issue applies to him; the free choice to leads to a life of crime even if she wanted it badly from him. The issue again is illegitimacy and victimization; single parents. Sean now admits he is wrong and why he is “selling” his religion; he feels material and resources are the choice.

Ann says the plot on her has to do with illegitimate and an intentional drifts to make her a bastard. Now their arguments are summarized to marriage and family; the result of crime and violence which was as Ann Coulter points out; a liberal plot to promote crime and violence in America. Now the law must adapt new clauses to deal with the bastardization of society and the promotion of crime and violence on youths and anyone in the way. Hannity then asks if anyone has the guts to put Ann on their show, free choice, as he determines it to be. Again, Hannity is interested in Ann about this matter for a reason; he does not understand himself. He seeks answers from Ann which got him laughter. Ann views it as an attack on the family. An attack by the courts to also promote this illegitimacy and violence.

Ann finally satisfies Sean’s wandering hands and tells him she only will have sex in marriage and will wait till marriage and she does not believe in illegitimacy or breaking up beautiful adoptions. Again, sex and marriage prevents violence, rape, and unborn futures. So when you have a child in marriage or out; be prepared to fight to the death for the future of that unborn. However, when you chose the illegitimate victimization; the bread winner will be a victim of this world. There will be rape, violence, and crime.

The interview on CBS is top secret and deals with revolving issues.

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