Tuesday, June 09, 2009 I have to say how disgusted I am with you and Sean Hannity when I listen to both of you and some guests. Even Rove, Cheney, and the slew of left wingers who Annie had to get her mom to come to the studio in order to stop the attacks and ambushes on air and with vicious verbal abuse and pure brainless Catholicism. Labor is known to be brainless and vicious and you all exude that quality. Now Sean is bragging about dinner with Ann and her mom; not even telling the public why her mom came to the studio; he would attack little old ladies and trick them. So these guys, race bullies, have no soul and have no care or worry about consequences. We see all the characteristics of terrorists and both Sean and Rush have admitted to being terrorists and behind terror plots. Rush will not say it on covert levels; he says I know what he already knows. Sean when I asked him to consider one day a face to face meeting and confronting him with stalking, illegal bugging, invasion of privacy and what they call "indirect rape" of a female; said he could care less what we thought or felt because he is IRA.
Now we have to listen to all of their PR and propaganda while their kids and family are used as some shield. Just like union goons and mobsters, "we did it for our family and country" is always the defense. It is a fact they are going to hell. Sean when asked to spare his children this documented history and do the right thing; Sean says they and his wife are coming with him to hell. That made me totally disgusted with these people and we all know they screw their kids all the time. Sean said they are leaving this earth with him. They can read about their daddy when they understand and review the tapes of him. That is why he should not and cannot do this. Look at Rush; Rush is in the open and now exposed as a spy and mole; usually they take a cyanide pill. Check out or study what the new protocol and contingency is or how they do it. I have never seen captured spies and political enemies act in this manner. They have no soul and blatantly state how they do not care what consequence is coming. Why? They are truly in charge and we are truly hostages? How long can they keep this up and what will happen when his wife or kids read it? Rush has a family and they did not disavow him; they were also fighting and writing poetry about how great and how it was true but so what. Things were fine and they were in control of everything. Then things really fell apart when we gave them small bits of evidence only he knows about.
I showed him the last line of defense, the latest technology in military intelligence, and a host of things he knows is so secret he could not even snoop or get his hands on. When we gave them the APS satellite or explained how to use it; they felt sliced bread was just invented only to find out I told them it was a joke and only a torture device. We have ten grades higher. If it was not a trap; I would not release it. If I know it will get them in trouble; then of course I will release it hoping they grab or fall on it. Sean just said it is to "scare us... when are we going to get out of this political wilderness." So that just gives you a taste of who we are and were dealing with and you can see Sean and how psycho and evil he is. Do not be fooled by the cute kids in his studio every week; they are coming with him is how he explained it. I doubt for one moment if he is headed to heaven; we can ask.
Dear Sean Hannity, do you think you will be going to heaven? "We must reject the failed policies of Republicanism... the values of Ronald Reagan... now they are going around lecturing... the most radical associations (with conservatives)... Powell has changed, I haven't..." I am done with Sean but was going to prepare notes for the Rush Limbaugh show. They have been on the attack for the past week and have almost shut me down on the internet. My hard drives were zeroed and had I not had very bad experiences and disks wiped out weekly, fires in my computer, firmware and BIOS attacks; I would loose a lot of data and work. I printed out all on hard copies and have it all on disk. Then I have it backed up on the internet. I got hit by hackers in 2006 to 2009 almost daily; I changed the processing time to 4am and they complained about sleep. Ann and I would stay up all night together; go exercise and talk when I was out riding and by myself; either on my bike or motorcycle. When I traveled around the US in a FED-EX truck; Ann did not let me talk and would talk to me so I could drive. It is dangerous sometimes late at night to talk to your best friend while driving professionally.
Ann doesn't even get jealous or mad when pretty girls propose or proposition me for marriage. I have had a lot. She knows nobody will beat her and how close we are; she knows no woman has that power or can even distract us. I think she also wants to show that faithfulness and commitment; to have these men throw themselves at her and then not say a thing. I hated when they played cupid and introduced me to people I hated and wanted to strangle but felt they were superior and hot stuff. I was so angry and they were so psycho. They cannot even walk up and introduce themselves; that is how stupid and psycho they are. They think it is some secret power and we must fall to and surrender or face some wrath. It is total rape and so psychotic; they fail and try 100s of times and then 100s more. You want to kill them and blow up but they never say a damn thing because they are freaks and so inferior. They know the humiliation is coming and are so scared of it like Rush and Sean; how "superior and morally superior... totally unaware of what they are doing... mind control... manipulate and distort the masses... once they are in control it is impossible to stop them"; Sean Hannity can even describe what he is doing 12:22:33 AM 06/09/09.
See, Sean is not as stupid as we think and he knows what he is doing is evil and what enemies and traitors do. The man has no soul and thinks Ann was in love and wanted to marry him; I asked him if it ever occurred to him to ask her or find out if she was playing mind games or just seducing them because of the ordeal and attacks on our family? Could he be making a mistake and might want to just check one fact or ask her once? I asked him for his dating record because he was either brain dead or clueless. He kept exaggerating more and more as his fantasies and derangement grew. I could not believe what I was hearing and why; he came to Ann and they made contact with us. Ann's trap and my profile worked. She threw the baited net out and got them to come to her or lured them to this point. You see Rush and see how we got them? He got a harpoon scar and cuts all over for a reason; he was in a vicious fight. He has no bragging rights and had no idea what surprise we had in wait or will.
The same with Sean, the moment he found out about Ann and me; my internet went dead; Ann's email sight went dead; I was blocked on almost every web site out there. Then they said I was warned to not talk to her and Ann got furious; she waited over 7 years and this was the happiest time in her 47 years. We spent almost the entire week up all night. I wrote her love letters all day and every day; which they read. They were so jealous and so angry. They wasted so much time on our kidnapping and were sure they had destroyed us and stopped us; I was near to switching my citizenship and launching a massive counter offensive. I could not find Ann and she was hiding on the internet again; they were watching and had been watching me also. They wanted to know if we were chatting late at night and who fed me intelligence on her life. How did she know about the recruitment and terror plot which she got near them? I was at the dinner table and dinner parties with them also; both Ann and I would literally socialize and entertain them. They were always suspicious of us; thinking we were going to jump on them or freak on them; so you can tell they knew but was not sure. They could not tell until we told them but they tried very hard to lure us or make us talk. Make us talk is more accurate. We were not ready and I planned how to avalanche them with pressure to break them; the violations were so severe, how could they ignore the damage or PR problem? So they came out of the woodworks as I had planned.
Ann had them on one flank and I had them both in a frontal and side flank. The only way was to reverse and back down. They tried to smash it and I put them in a submission and a death grip. Now they do not know how to get out and it is documented and the story is solid; no holes; it is verified by the terrorist and communist plotters; they know what they walked into and got smashed by. They knew we knew and how they tried to get us to talk or tell them our security, bodyguards, and what we knew. Nothing worked and not one clue ever; asks them. Alicia says, "They knew it was coming" and how she just got engaged and how happy and joyful they are at this time. Sean Hannity, like Rush Limbaugh is acting like he is not in pain and nothing is going to endanger him or bite him. He is on the verge of a mental breakdown and suicide; says his wife and kids are going with him. We are talking insanity and psycho terrorist spies.
When they knew Ann may have known or saw something, the plots which I fed her, they had to get close and check it out. She wooed them and was able to open her life to them using her female persuasions and charm; her sexy female demeanor; it drove them nuts and they jumped at it. They did not know there was another team behind the scene and protecting Ann while I was in a coma. Only a few of my security stayed with me while in a coma and near sedentary. Ann was up and active so they were sent and assigned to her while I was out of commission. They made good use of the "go find out what she knows." Ann is in the second position because the point man gets hit badly and is the most skilled. The point man always uses skills and intuition to avoid danger but draws them out; he is both bait and also hits the hardest. That point man is the hardest job and they get hit the hardest by trial and error sometimes. You cannot tell what is out there and until they ambush or show a position; you cannot check it or call in reinforcements. Sometimes, we have to get the flashlight and take the gear off and it is total darkness and absolutely lonely.
Try this for twenty years and chasing after a massive predator and spy group. We even have something they really want and they know we have it. It would change the entire global balance of power (Sean just confirmed they know we have it and they want it badly); unfortunately, if he did not see the dangers before; it will be ten times worse when they even try. That is just a warning; when they show us ID and give us ways to verify them; we may entertain the thought. We have something they really want and need badly. We are talking about so badly; they can loose every single World War from here on. We can literally yank that string on them anytime we wish; and they know it. That is why they are taking such extreme risk; it is the point of no return; not level red or 10 dangers, level 20 danger.
After a decade, he and they ought to know how far they will get with the espionage and spying effort. Open their eyes and look at them now because it gets much worse if they know we have what they want. This is nothing, it is about a kidnapping and terror plot; but many including myself think violating all the laws is wrong. They will not say the same with us because you don't get to this level or that level if you are not fully checked out and are totally trusted. Whoops, a really big mistake; really big. They have yet to accuse or come out to suggest we have broken the law or are bad people; write it and ask for a response; it is always about allegations, rumors, hearsay, and a host of pressures and intimidations. They are scared beyond belief the moment they take that step and that is how we like it; they are well aware how much danger they are in and can get hit anytime, anyplace, and anyhow.
All we have to do is release the files and evidence on them and they will be dead! Sean did say they were not backing down and the destruction we are doing to the country, economy, jobs, and a host of other unverified and lies to play with our minds. If we release the video tapes and files; they are dead and will be raided in hour’s time. We can talk to them and we wish to confront and ask a few questions before accusing anyone or ruining their life. We wish to know if they can or will demand a legal resolution since it is an act of war on the country and espionage. Nothing they say will matter, but what will they tell us about them and what we will have to tell about them; how far will they drive their innocence? Note, Sean said they are coming with him to hell and he is not going to back down. Do you see him telling anybody what they are up to or have been? They usually take a cyanide pill; these particular ones vow a rampage.
(The Sean Hannity Show comes on) Do you want to explain to me why you and Clinton and Israel are in a dual reality? Can you tell me why we have a communist plot and mole? When I first moved in and my residence was invaded by race bullies, this 911 plot (Rush Limbaugh claimed responsibility and Clinton did and the name is Jason Conte whose father is a New York cop); I had dinner once a week and went out several times with the upstairs contact to the Clintons and Israel. I can tell you everything about them; they cannot tell you a thing about me; that is the trick. They had their mother over a few times and she acted suspicious of me. Mean is not how I describe them; argumentative, in your face inferiority, and trying to push back harder. So Sean, Ann follows my lead. I dine with them, Ann dines with you. You make me meet your mom; she does the same. Got it? I stopped going to concerts and keep getting lured to 100s of them. When I go, they always ruin my time or the tickets are reserved; then security opens up the floor to the general admission and I am telling them to get lost, this is a private section. So I drank with the Clinton and Israel spies; and I see you paralleled it; I have even gone several rounds with the union goon and put him in every choke hold known to judo and jujitsu. I showed him ankle locks in a wrestle and he got so frustrated he pulled out a knife.
When he told me he had a knife, he went on the ground immediately. They are sent and you are sent to kill us and now you know you make one wrong move and my security will nail you Irish IRA ass. You care to play with the US military; you do it at your own risk. But I will dine with you and I will party with you; then tell you everything about you when you know nothing. I knocked out Rush, you, Clinton, Obama, and just about every mole and the entire communist movement; do you think for one second the US Army is going to back down to a few IRA terrorists and communist moles? I could have pulled the hair follicles out of his head and talked to him when I crabbed him and twisted his body in every pretzel move imaginable; that did not even cover on the ground breaking techniques which I happen to be a master of. I have contingency plans for all vulnerabilities if a killer came at me. You have to find my vulnerability first; then deal with my contingency plan. You Irishmen are not all that and much worse. He been running his mouth recently also.
The number one list in Ann Coulter's kidnapping (or stalking and captivity) is Sean Hannity; the egg was Bill Maher. The reason was Bill Clinton and Hillary. In the last moments, Sean was desperately trying to get a date and even came out blatantly on the air; he never got a date from Ann. He has yet to give up. Also, he brags about hanging out with her at CPAC, Freedom Concerts, dinner with her mom (who was intended to prevent him from attacking her on his show), and how he is such a close family friend. The first person he needs to be friends with is myself and understands Ann is a subordinate. She is a great assistant and her financial management of family matters is impeccable. I have to challenge these psychos and they just avoid the matter and refuse to tell the truth. Sean has lied blatantly and keeps asking when we will have the courage to confront the truth; he has a show and he sees his career almost dying and he keeps saying nothing needs to be clarified or brought in the open. Sean told me the most absurd thing, Ann was in love with him. I have just about as dumb as an Irishman can get union goon and Clinton emissary upstairs (like Rush Limbaugh) and to think we are in love with them is like eating dog doo-doo. To them it is not out of the question; but to us it is.
I am Presbyterian and I can say there is a huge gap between Presbyterian and these idiots. We are talking about crap you step on and crap you eat; it is not within reality. We can be mean about it if they wish to be meaning about it but I think respect and the truth is AWOL in their blood and genetics. There is a stereotype and fairness and if you ask me; there is no doubt who these Irishmen are. There is no doubt who JFK or Murtha or Kennedy or Dodd, and others are. They have an inferiority complex Sean calls "a weasel" gene where he is incapable of respectfully and honorably succeeding in life. It is the court of their life and lies; however, keep in mind what we are investigating: 1. kidnapping 2. Terrorist recruitment plot and communist plot 3. Murder plot 4. Cover up. There is a serious reality problem and the issue of whether or not they are aware of and know what they are doing; yes fully.
The level of criminality and violation is off the radar and cliff levels; thus, the 1960s communist plot involving the Kennedy's, the black movement, terrorism, domestic terrorism, and toppling the legitimate government is real and we have it now. This is their search for what were a lost cause and a way to retaliate for what they view as a conspiracy on a communist plot and communist moles. They don't see a difference in whom and what we are; they just demand the same rewards and same life. They are hostile, barbarians, and so inferior it is a joke. They also see this as professional and a testament of their cause. They love that liberation and communist plot as mentioned; they feel oppressed as the damned. Now they meet the masters and masters of war. It is a very bad experience for them, read the Tuesday, June 09, 2009 dialogue with them on the Rush Limbaugh pages.
The terror plot was "waging war on America" for the past. They wish to put the Catholic face on my kidnapping and Jewish face on Ann's kidnapping. The British said they are serfs and their plot in America collapsed, imploded, so now they are stuck. They are not capitalists but if they do not fix it or the damage; they will be over. So Mark Levin and the "statist" are from a serf’s point of view. They cannot really adapt to capitalism but they fear the punishments of it as "the army of the damned." They associate the damned with the conservative movement and the right wing. Levin says it is about substance but that is a buzz word for "total lies." It is a good attempt to hit back and cover over what could be severe punishment. This is their attempt to match the book being written on them; they said we are rivals and do not address kidnapping, terror plots, or how we got to this point where they must come up with a good reason why or what they did. They have no answer. So if you read my book which I am not rushing and the story is not complete; they are trying to beat us to the public. It began as military manuals and a serious academic work. I also write and document if they will ever respond and address the real issues and not cover them up.
Sean has just put Mark Levin on. I asked for the "father of satellite warfare" if there is one out there and a challenger; it is Mark Levin. He is challenging my throne and my status; he says I am a statistic and he is actually me. The book on my dog Auggie and his rival and communist goon and his equal named Sprite. The research I had to do in prison while I read every federal lawsuit by both Republicans and Democrats since the Civil War (I have not written) and the college level research which takes 20 years of research and accreditation which none of them have. They are stalking this work for a reason and they are the shadow government; only Ann has it and they are trying to come up to our level and say their voice is the real ones. If they can show me the white papers it would be credible but I have not seen or heard the story of why or how it dates back to the fall of communism and the new cold war. That is our project not his. They say they are a rival and we must give our work to them because they are superior and have us as captives. Terrorists and communist moles. Exactly how we describe them and what they are up to. I think like others, it is kid talk and nonsense. This is not a military manual and a serious academic work unless you are delusional and deranged. These are real communists and terrorists and a spy ring to match the McLean gang and the Portland spy ring.
We were rewriting the foreign policy of the United States and did not know someone was watching us and influencing what we were writing and studying. I studied Angola and a few African states as part of the Middle East course; however, the policy for Africa was never developed or sustainable. Unless some new development and developments compelled us to consider it a military foe; I was not willing to write up any security studies or take a serious military analysis. The bombings in Tanzania and other in my estimation were to lure the US into that region as it had an impact on the Middle East developments. They want to know if we will go there and if they need to go there also. The Clintons wanted more presence in Africa and sent the US Army into Somalia for a ground offensive and we basically never considered it afterwards. Also, if we went into the African region; we would be in contention with the British. There was too much change in the region already and it was not good. Angola is the best case for the region and how messed up the politics is. This is why CPAC has the Portuguese link with Rush Limbaugh. The last remnants of the colonial powers are in Africa. I studied Angola intensely; the MPLA, Roberto, Savimbi, the Mao suits, visits to the US Congress.
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