Monday, June 08, 2009 You would think that after almost a decade of stalking and tormenting our family to be some new recruit for this communist and terrorist plot; they would just give up and die. Instead, they are going around and doing “you cannot hide from us” ambushes like on the last two shows of Kudlow. Ann told me she is disgusted by my attitude with her and wishes you die or have a horrible death for wishing upon and putting this on our life. Keep in mind, had you not been a communist and terrorist plot we caught violating every single law on the books; our life would be normal and good. Now it is almost as bad and we feel better by the moment. It will take time to recover from your wounds and injuries.
Ann said she had done something which made her feel “guilty”; it had to do with engagement and some love note. If she even cared about you; she would at least say something or protect you. Seems like she is playing the same game you all are doing on her. She said before the photos made her look very flirtatious and always trying to pick up men; so she decided to “stop it” by saying “what do you mean just pick up men?” It was supposed to drive you over the cliff. Instead, you saw it as an opportunity to test if she was serious and you began to stalk her and get closer. As you got closer the danger of your cover being blown increased and you formed a encirclement, what I call the murder plot broken up.
So Sean kept saying “engagement” and trying to tell me how he and Annie was engaged and I asked her and she felt guilty. She did not come out and say it; Hannity did but he justified it with the Freedom concert, “she hardly ever goes out”; then he said “we have our own engagement rings”; and then this barrage of Rush Chris Steak House and dozen roses. Ann did not tell me if he sent flowers or dinner invites all the time; and she did not tell me about the dinner with her and her mom. Ann said Hannity was doing what Kudlow is doing now; setting up ambushes with terrorists who are also legal maniacs. So she had to bring her mom in and to talk to him; win him over; and she invited him to dine with them. Hannity saw or interpreted this as an engagement but he never knew I had been with Ann for over 20 years.
So when he found out; he began to beg me daily. He would never say why or if he was close to her. In his mind, he had convinced himself and was stalking her intensely around the US. It goes back to Cincinnati, OH in 2003; posted on FReeP which Annie said never happened. Some event where she wore a belly shirt to a speech in Cincinnati and took the stage with Hannity; I was already out of commission and Ann said it was some stunt to announce they were coming or on attack. This is about legalism and what Rush said to put Ann’s kid on the Supreme Court for a very secret spy and terrorist group. Ann told me about the black men and the white men they tried to set her up with. She described it as cupid which she did not fight but made drew them in and made them work hard for; so now they got a surprise.
Hannity did not make up any stories after this “We do that on the First Date” challenge by Ann. The only thing Hannity could provide was the Freedom Concert, doing shows in New York or flying in from Florida (which he flew to Florida – never meeting Ann in Florida because she could never explain it to me; one on one and in her own house); then Hannity did not make up any stories where both Rush and him were making up the most absurd things. Annie monitors and calls when they talk to me about her to verify or hit back if they lie. That is how and why they are in the situation they are in. Annie also said there was no “one on one” with any of these men; then cited a dinner with Mickey Kraus. Who the hell would or could put up with a girlfriend or life partner like this?
I do not think I or Ann could put us through this unless there was a really good reason. What is that reason? Is it fun and games or does it have official business behind it? Maybe spy hunting and terrorist investigations? Why Ann would risk her own life and marriage for idiots or washed up radio hosts? I am disgusted and disappointed with Ann at times demanding answers and asking her if she is done yet, “do you want to be a good spouse and a partner or just play games with everybody?”
Ann said she got really depressed and felt helpless with the stalking and trying to ruin her life. You can see what they do on the last two Kudlow shows over the Sotomayor nomination. This is their legal contact and hitting back. It is posted they want war and made no effort to resolve this legally; then came the JFK type Irishman maniac like I have upstairs; acting in unison with the unions. You can see the race bullying and how they use race to influence terror plots and investigations as Rush had said. The upstairs people are Clinton and Israel; if the unions and Clinton cannot resolve it; they escalate it to Israel and they take it to the battlefield and kill. That is how they operate clandestinely.
Ann did say she was depressed and felt low self esteem as result of years of bad pictures, stories, playing cupid with her, bachelor party invite speeches, photo ops, and trading blow by blow. They call her a racist and fascist; she goes on a date with a black man. They call her husbandless; she shows them her life partner. They call her a slut and a right wing hooker; they get the challenge of their life. Want to know what I got from her or hear her say? “Alex, it’s them; they are doing it… they know about us and are trying to stop us by coming between us. What I did was hurt them and got them to waste all that effort on both of us.” Is it true? After almost a decade of this; Hannity is still going around about how they are engaged and Ann is in love with him; I think he is in love with himself and won’t verify any of this. He like moles and spies are sneaking around while getting caught.
We have questioned and also did a mental image of Hannity. All he has to do is thinking of a code word and it will be repeated; nobody can know and he cannot write it down ever. What makes his secret terror plot so safe? We questioned people who had nothing to do with this also. So if the 911 masterminds and this communist plot was out there; we got it. We got all of it.
What Ann says she did was use them for cover and friendship. Like her mom going to the show; it was to reduce the attacks on her and myself. I was being pounded daily and in prison. We are talking nonstop verbal, mental, and total invasion. I used it to climb their totem pole and climb higher; defeating or hitting them until they escalated it. They are interested so you must keep their interest while giving them just enough to be angry and pursue. They are so careful with surveillance or police equipment which can prove they are guilty and behind this. They will arrest you before talking to you and after. If you have a wire, it will be gone or destroyed.
Ann knows I use this weakness on her such as “You are the one who went to dinner with him… you are the one in the slut pictures… look at the dates and who has the hands all over you…“ She is paralyzed when I say I don’t care what reason or what excuse she has. She knows it is an attack by me because I have never seen a girl with so many stalkers, death threats, and problems transferred to my life all at once. Her life landed on me in less than a week; they were all over me. So Ann did animate and anger them so they could be interrogated but I treat her on a very bad level “just shut the F up and answer when I ask please. You don’t need to hide that from me or sugar coat it.”
So Hannity did come out with this engagement and what Ann told me as “special access” to her life. She said it was just fun and games until he spoke about a rampage and his kids and wife as his victims. I told Ann to get the hell out of there and “see what you did now… you have taken this too far and he is not a human being. The boy is totally psycho.” Rush was doing the same thing. Maher was a proxy for Clinton. Edwards did this to me and was courting me. Clinton gave them access and Clinton has been fiddling in the shadows while we lived around and grew up in DC. It was probably Chris Liebig whose father is a major union lawyer and well connected in DC. He broke up my ring of close friends since a childhood; so I got a girlfriend and took off and broke away. After I was arrested Chris showed up several times in the jail as a defense lawyer and was close with my federal defense lawyer. They keep thinking we are friends but will not tell anybody what they are up to; we discovered this as a kidnapping.
I had asked Ann if there was ever a reason to make these “rumors” stick. She said there were never 1 on 1 situation; so she did not consider the dinner dates as a real date. I asked in the case of Rush and Hannity; was there a “he said she said” and she said no never. Then I asked if Maher had ever gotten 1 on 1 time to make up rumors; she said never ever. So the stories are from a crowd of people. Ann says they look very bad but will not talk for a reason; that reason was the terror plot and some big criminal event they are harboring. It now makes them (like Justice Souter) an accessory to a crime. By stepping down he confessed; but he is still an accessory to a terror plot which we are seeing now; racial bullies, sent to bully their own race.
If you check the record (Christmas 2008) you will notice a very difficult conversation with Ann pertaining to this dinner with Ann and her mom. Hannity is the one who told the story and Ann rubbed it in with “why didn’t you make up some stupid story about sex in a car while the kids watched?” Ann says Hannity relived it over and over like all stalkers; but relieved himself with a hooker when struck down and blanked. Ann said, “I never ever once…“ supposedly meaning she played along but never stepped over that line and said let him explain or else it is his name and career on the line. Coming to someone’s home, watching them undress when they do not know it or writing anonymous letters to someone you fantasize about; is not love or a reason to attack her husband, spouse, life partner, best friend, etc… Hannity has yet to give a strong enough reason to excuse his behavior. Ann is not saying because she said there is nothing. I really despise the slut pictures and the dates on those pictures where hands are everywhere. For whatever reason or to say “stop” or “knock it off”; I just despise them.
So Ann does ask I understand and I have treated her with an almost whiplash paralysis. That is how I am and I find women ridiculous and really not worth the effort. When she is wrong and I say “can you please shut up maybe fall in line because we have a major problem” I sort of expect that. Ann says I denigrate her after what she went through and how hard she worked for us. She is correct there; she worked to near hunger strike. She works and did really impress me with sacrifice and waiting forever. She don’t understand in battle and combat how disciplined and how denigrating it can get. Maybe if she hits bull’s-eye and can hit “one shot one try” than she would not feel denigrated; that is part of the ridiculous and near absurdity. Other women call it female persuasions and how women get what they want in life; they use love and sex to aid their influence and to open doors; it turns out a massive mess in the middle of a massive battle.
So it is a big turn off and if Rush or Sean is trying to turn me off and get Ann back in their trap and spell; they need to make up more stuff and risk their career. The only other option is to fall on the sword. Ann says there is nothing, not one shred of reason why I would or can leave her. I tend to not be so enthusiastic and feel disappointment and disgust at times dealing with this. She does throw herself at me even after 20 years and is so comfortable; can fall into deep depression and near silence for days when I turn and go ballistic scorning her. She is still vulnerable to it and says I am talking in a way which takes away every dream and aspiration she has ever worked for. To her, life began in 2008 and gets better and better. To these people and her enemies, it is straight off the cliff day after day; it is a nose dive to the bottom.
I have a tendency to view women in a different light and won’t waste my time with an unknown person or molding a mess to something better. You either get it right or not; I get turned off. If you show one small bad trait; that is it, there are no second chances; the only reason why Ann got special treatment is because of over 20 years and how she was my best friend always and through the worst things life could ever offer. It was no fault of mine or hers how life turned out but it is our work to make it better for each. That is how I view it and grade her; is she doing this for herself, someone else or us? She always says us and I wait and wait for something to show me she is lying or not telling the truth; she must have ran circles around all of them and beat them so badly they are speechless. They watch their life crash and burn day by day. They cannot fight back or at least shut her up.
What makes me mad? Was it one dinner with Mickey to get Donny begging or more than one dinner? What is this about bachelor parties? Does Hannity fly to Florida to get a hooker or get his kicks with…? He won’t say or mention any of it but someone posted the “David Horowitz Restoration Weekend pictures” along with the “Roast and Toast” which upset me. I had challenged others to watch how skilled Ann was and the next day she was in tears and saying how she did not intend… it was for only demonstration. I am at the point where I am so sick it is such a turn off and so blatantly not amusing. It is like playing a game to an empty audience or while the stadium is closed. Maybe before there was a good reason; but it will be very hard to make more excuses and stories. It is hard to trick her and each other now; why try?
That LA trip came out of me asking her “why is all this from LA or California?” I did not talk to Ann for two weeks and told her to stay in LA. It was some B-day party; dinner; some show where she stayed for two weeks between them; some video of her and a bunch of people in some restaurant drinking where they were fighting for the microphone; then she had that DVD and car rides where she was talking about watching TV with a “boyfriend”… who I suspect was me but she used no names. The DVD was a bad acting trip and she kept saying how she had regrets in LA and would not have done some things in the past. I am sitting her and saying “what the F are you talking about… it is such a turn off and I am so sick of this.” The only one who talks is me and the only one who claims anything is me; and I sit here and listen to Ann about why these other guys are copy cats? It took 7 damn years to answer this question, “Did you date Ann Coulter” and Bill Maher finally admits it was a hoax and they are “absolutely friends.” You know the guy is lying through his teeth and is scared into silence now. What is worse silence or self prosecution?
There comes a point where you know you have a bad one and fight with them because they do not want to be a good person or have the capacity for love; but they need you and keep you there because they cling and life is over for them. You fight them not because they need you for the right reasons; meanwhile they make excuses to keep you there. It is a turn off and I am not amused by Ann one bit. It is a big turn off. There comes a point where fighting with someone is meaningless and repeats for the same futility; to hurt them. It is self destruction and self destructive. Ann said all this caused a mental problem; “blind hate” where what happened to me and her both caused her to view others differently and fill our life from total joy and happiness with blind hate. I will agree. She has an odd way of showing blind hate and love.
Since Ann contacting me in 2008; I notice how I am beginning to hate women in general and even her. Her personality is extremely difficult and her battles are very life changing. My feelings for human beings in general are being affected and the blind hate of this totally inferior moron in our life and being kidnapped has literally brought out the demons and devil in what was once normal people. Day in an day out as their captive and hostage. I am glad Ann is able to recognize and separate herself from these battles until things improve; to see what she is doing to us and whether or not she is able to fix it or reverse the permanent damages. I rewrote her biography and restored it. She has opened that door and restored my fate and financial freedom. Every goal of the terrorists have been blocked or defeated and they use that to ask for “empathy.” They are suffering badly from a fierce fight and want us to let them go and let them live. They are not asking or asking for consent still. They were defeated on every single level and all they had been “look at the pain we put you in… it makes others cry.” So they must not be in pain to be trying this or doing this? Nice try… at least they admit they are terrified; all that evil and homicide was for nothing and a future getting worse and worse.
What happened was a foiled and bungled recruitment. They came to us thinking we are like them and one of them. Ann went to them and made them think she was one of them and like them. They do not dare speak of what they did to us; similarly, they don’t dare speak about what they tried to do with Ann or to Ann. On a scale of pain, if they did not hit the 10 levels; then they are either on drugs or have no soul. Those who ignore and justify this will probably end up as victims eventually; however, look at how life is now for those who have not had their life and biography rewritten. At least we were able to stop ours and were protected enough. When they are mad enough and ready to hang these people; we will give them every single detail of what happened to us; and let them determine if it was them or if they were a victim of it. You should have hung them while you had the chance. Now you are their victim and got your entire life rewritten as we did but we trapped them and were able to strike back. We will find out how good these people are if of any use; fight them and see if they will have their life rewritten; we escaped and we fought it to the death. We hung them; it works, so it is up to them to hang them also. It is either you or them. They want empathy after everything they tried was defeated and in the worst way possible.
I will scorn Ann so hard sometimes she will be depressed and isolated for a whole week. Since we are being watched so heavily by the same people who once watched us to use it back on us and shut us up; they see it and now come around acting like a rescue and friends. Now they are saying “this is all because of us” and “we are the reason you have all these problems and criticism.” Where they were once watching and stalking us, as hostages, to torture and torment us; they now show their true colors as evil and terrorists; a complete inferior monster and scum of life; by looking for any opportunity to pounce on anyone for any reason. See who they are and what they are doing or how useful this surveillance and watching us day and night becomes? They have to gain every advantage while playing this U-boat game. They were sitting there day and night and hardly moving so it was posted how they made no effort to contact the legal contacts or resolve this legally since it was a terror plot. You can see Obama, Hannity and Clinton doing this; Rush was near paralysis.
Now they contacted both Ann and I in the past two weeks with a barrage of scorning and verbal abuse over Sotomayor. That is their lawyer and Obama is their lawyer but Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity are behind the kidnappings for the unions and the Clinton (radical left wing). They got nothing out of this so far but a disaster and live in total terror; they are asking for empathy and to understand how bad life went for them once caught or nearly smashed up and hung. If they tell the truth they will be executed. If they don’t the public will hang them; now we imposed a harsh response with debt, Medicaid, social security, and two years to make the state compliant and terror free; no excuses will be accepted and if not terror free; then the Pentagon will wage war on them. They will go after these safe havens and these mole and underground spy networks. This is a deadly game on the wrong soil and in the wrong country for it.
Watching others day and night to use it back on them is a major advantage. In this case, we get to see and view their sexual perversions; how they try to sneak into our life. We can also test their mobility and how quick they can set up in a new location. We can tell when a new or the boss comes in, or how many forces on us. The time they set up is a way to identify them; there is a lag of 6 months usually. So long as they do not know; you can test them or anything. We have ways to trace their central command and this terrorist control center; their nerve system which the Pentagon will target as their center of communications and surveillance. Knock out their eyes and ears and they are nearly powerless with no back up. It makes them very powerful and makes them appear very strong; they look ten times better when they have surveillance and intelligence on us. They can anticipate and outmaneuver.
Without this ability to keep prisoners or targets under surveillance; to have some access; they are literally harmless and powerless. They don’t have military grade but do have police and state grade surveillance. It is effective and traditional surveillance methods; we have every single means as the military and to smash up just about any military rival out there. They must challenge on the surface and not play the U-boat game because it is about blame and propaganda. It is double edges and can collapse on us. They are in quicksand; we do not go in quicksand also. We will know when they want out. Right now they are shaking their fists and making threat as they sink deeper and deeper.
They cannot use anything against us and do not know when and if they have the advantage to “influence” or “pitch” someone. We can easily trap them and already have but why would we announce it if they are ridding a bulls-eye? We want them to feel confident, rack up more violations and charges, get defiant, and attack more so they can gain more membership and come out. One mouse trap can go a long way. Meanwhile they are scared and do not know if they can take these risks so they must probe (Mumbai, Colgan Buffalo, Obama, Sotomayor, Rush, Rove, Cheney, Bush, etc…) to them nobody is this high and watching them do what they do; they are watching us. We want them to try winning without breaking the laws or corruption and terror plots; they want us to let go and not impose the law on them. It is such a gross violation, they will get executed and now the public will hang them if they have no answer.
Read the orders to destroy and verify the states. Social security and Medicaid will be put back to the states and we will now their strong hold; that will be the last standing. Terror states will be ordered to meet a two year compliance to be “terror free.” If they are not verified and are not in compliance as not a safe haven; they will be charged with an act of war and treason. They can have all funds suspended and be in dire consequences. They do not have to snake around; we can test them based on what we know about them.
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