6/26/2009 8:57:12 PM Sean Hannity and Newt Gingrich is using the energy bill in Congress at this time to scare everybody and also gain. This tax is insanity and I got an insane day also with some garnishment or attempt to collect in the mail by the Treasury. Is Obama the rescue team or is he the terrorist and attacking team? We know Bush was the enabler and also linked to those behind the terror plots; Rush insists it is Bush and his family from Texas who were the moles in the 1960s; why would they be behind terror now?
We know for a fact Sean Hannity is involved with 911 and this recruitment because he said this “Ask the hardest questions… now having a tough time… thanks for telling us… reversing course (you are welcome, kidnap me anytime you goof and do my spouse the same also – why not recruit me for a terrorist group or spy group and ask me a litmus test)… promised these jobs (so I lied)… well where is it… America’s compensation Tsar… stuff it in their pocketbook… most of the people in that room are overpaid (crime does not pay Sean Hannity no matter how much it will benefit the country; you can draft us for a terror war but we just don’t like you).” See, they are behind this and they did this.
That was Tuesday June 23, 2009. Ann went on Hannity the next day and “asked Sean the hard questions” on his own show and he froze and did not respond to any of them. Who is copy-chatting and literally steals everything in our life and hides this kidnapping? Why would we answer him and also give him military secrets when they “ask the hard questions?” Now he got asked the hard questions by Ann and me and he just goes into weasel mode or communist spy ring mode. At least we do it in the open and not like some terrorist group or a spy group. Sean is who we are looking for and they keep saying, “Give us a break” and “it is only oppression.” It is not and that is a complete lie. Sean finally explains why he is suicidal and swore not to be taken alive and some final rampage instead of a raid. Rush was reluctant to say it but Sean would not; he did this week with Mark Stein and Mark Davis. Mark Levin has not taken that step. Newt Gingerish has not taken that step either.
Today there was some kind of garnishments and tax insanity in DC as retaliation. Rush was merely mentioning and hinting to the tax rush in Congress; then once I checked the mail, Sean followed up; it is from Birmingham, AL and Madison, WI (I have to contact the special office in San Diego, CA). I think it is them and this should have been taken care of in 1998 when they forced a bankruptcy. Newt Gingrich then came on the media and said he is going to raise the punishments for those who “skirt the financial responsibilities” and extend the law to 10 full years on your credit report for bankruptcies. Newt and Sean is using this to gain and exploit to intimidate and make us dependent on them. They are on both sides.
2008 is the year they got word. 2009 is the year they fall. They are in serious trouble and trying to find, locate, and kill whoever “knew everything” or else it will be used back on them; like now. Someone has the evidence on them, the hard evidence because they were defeated, smashed, and then caught. Who will cut whose throat first before the inevitable will make it to retirement? That is who they are trying to capture also by using us as bait and who they wish to capture, lure, and kill. That is who they are looking for and felt we would lead them to them or use us as a double agent. They will kill them and keep them as prisoners like us. As the governor of New York said it, “the people’s business is being denied by the Constitution.” So killing who can take them out is the people’s business. It is not just one side; it is both sides looking for who has that evidence which caught them.
From then on I hated his guts and felt he was behind it or had something to do with it but he advertises himself as an Army brat. I got Generals and the entire military echelon babysitting me when young; who is he? So I am not going to say anything and will contact the authorities that we have an active node and they are playing chicken with federal indictment and arrest. Sean was saying how it might pass and got Newt on to inform us to call and put pressure on the “leaders.” We can file another bankruptcy and file a warrant on them for obstruction of justice in a terror plot; but this is the same thing with they caused in 1998. It is the exact same thing and a replay of battles. At least they are finally breaking up and not able to reverse what they have done. Rush said they have to reverse it and fix it.
Are Bush and Obama going to make it to retirement or will they get each other? They are giving out a lot of money to make this go away and bury us and it. You all work to the bone and copy us all day; remember that if we have evidence on you and you copy us; there are no guarantees you will not be taken down before or on retirement day. You might work off some of this and end up in jail your life. Sean this is a “Catastrophe.” Let them make a mad scramble and then collect the evidence and issue warrants on retirement day or when they think it is over. Before Slander (2002) was written, this was a civil matter, now it is a war, treason, espionage, and terror charges. This is no civil matter. Why would they use a terror plot to cover up slander or stop us from announcing a failed recruitment by terrorists? Answer is, they knew we knew and felt it was a conspiracy and were after “those behind it.” Yes, those behind what? That is the hard questions they are asking. But why do they want our work and us to give them our life? Is that similar to the People’s Temple? That is making it worse and digging a big hole.
6/26/2009 3:54:22 PM I am not sure I understand you Rush or the union goons upstairs. You know I have security and very super tight if I caught you and smashed you. Yet you play this game believing I have none. So I will open the door and let you do what you want and right after you retire and cannot work anymore; I will present for you all the evidence and how you slaved or dug holes for your life while sneaking around with this terror and life of crime to steal everything. Remember, I let you do anything you wish and the game is whether or not it was for nothing or if you will ever reach retirement being a terror plot and communist spy ring. If you want to retire, you better figure out what we have on you because you slave day and night or take the most dangerous risk for nothing.
So the guy is messing with my stuff means nothing unless they can escape security and body guards who may have them under surveillance and want to wait until they have no chances; if they are still around; then we get the life of crime and your loot. So you tell your goons, unions, spies, and moles or saboteurs; my security is good and we caught and smashed you; so they must be much better and if so; then what do we have on them? So if you know what is good for you, you ought to begin and clean your defenses because we are headed right at your entire retirement and plot. Tell New York the same; it does not matter unless you make it to retirement. Sell all the drugs and steal what you have to; make sure it does not end up as someone’s or your side getting rid of your so they can retire. We also need something to do when we retire; such as catching goons, spies, and murderers. I would get rid of them and cover your tracks now.
Friday, June 26, 2009 I have been trying to get information on Michael Jackson’s death as I was intrigued when Farrah Fawcett lost her fight with cancer. I know the song “Beat It” and “Untouchable” is about you Rush and you love it. It is your dark side. You have been very quiet today Rush and I have been trying to teach a kid how to fish as I am a master salt and freshwater angler. I spent my entire youth on the water and on the Chesapeake Bay. I will say this, from what I know about you all, you treat men, women, and children’s the exact way you treat adults. I had to scare off a lot your “goon offers” before and thought you are disgusting and will not stop.
So I think you may be living some dual reality and universe with Michael Jackson and his legacy. I know he liked kids a lot and so do you all. I do not know why, but we differ quiet a bit there and I like Ann and older women. You are obsessed with Obama and obsessed with us. You watch Ann and I daily and in our own residence and private lives and I am not a famous person or celebrity. You are looking for money and some payment but keep saying you want to promote me. Do I pay you for freedom and join your communist and terrorist group or are you out of my life after I make a payment to you? You never told me the details and what you wanted; only hints.
Here is what you said, “global warning… Obama is no different… won’t matter if they limit our freedoms one way or the other…” and now you are speaking about Ian Smith and Rhodesia, “Obama is nothing more than an old school colonial.” You do know that Britain disavowed the Rhodesian state and Ian Smith launched a civil war or a colonial war based on no backing of Britain and fell very quick. I believe the Rhodesian Scouts as they are called, lasted a few months against what is today three African nations. As a matter of fact, the US Army has a command post which deals specifically with Africa if you are interested in this or wish to trade salvos; there is a US Army team who are exploring strategies and tactics for Africa. I am not part of it.
About my tomato plants and the problems of stomping on my stuff, the good news is a wind storm and thunderstorm got them but you all did not. So if they went by a natural event and not by your hands; I am okay with it. The weather people said it was going to hail and I knew the front from Michigan was rolling in. That storm wiped out Michigan nearly; so I was expecting golf and baseball sized hail and damage. So long as it does not come by your hands or your New York union goons, I am okay. I am not going to make a victim out of it. I also met a guy and his little brother the other day from California while crawfish hunting. So if you got something to say, go ahead and tell me.
So why do you like little children or youth and see it as a “disguise.” Is there some logic to it, “do not understand… education and intellectual plane… understand nothing… lie to others… why they do it… deprive… followers and you are the enlightened one… his father was a Marxist… only about power… regulate your privacy and behavior.” You got that right and you did all of the above and kidnapped us. You treat females the same way you treat men; you do not even show them some understanding and help them out. You also should talk to the US Army about Africa; they have a command post set up for a discussion and forum.
Ann tells me that liberals like youth while conservatives like age and elders. As a Presbyterian, I grew up around very wise and powerful elders around Washington DC. The Presbyterian denomination is very Calvinist so there is a sense of hands-on, rugged individualism, carpentry skills, and a life of knowledge. The people in charge is not the pope but a committee of elders; I have never felt threatened or had a single problem but the Presbyterians stress academics and scholarly work. Being a scholar is really emphasized. My father used to keep me busy all the time reading the dictionary and doing homework if I had none. The insanity of other religions is not looked upon in good light and your mental faculties are stressed as a life long pursuit and an emblem of your honor. So I am in very much disagreement with you and Ann and I have been working on this for a long time.
Ann and I are almost identical; like to the T. My fashion is the same. My hair is the same. I flirt the same way very feminine and graceful. I am demure as Ann is, to seek marriage and family. I get angry about the same things. It is literally like living my own life through her and vice versa. You are reading our life and like everyone, we wish to retire and work hard for gains we reap in the future and not presently. We make sacrifices to save. I hardly ever spend. I live on a budget. I am always hurting for money. I am not a cheapskate but I am very frugal and efficient. I bought a fur coat in 2006 at a thrift store and orange slacks; and I bought a white fur vest for the first time at a thrift store; Ann followed suit.
I get obsessed with things and then move on once I reach the plateau. From age 6-12 I was obsessed with warfare, firearms, fresh and saltwater angling, travel, and reading. From 12-16 we were obsessed with sports; all sports and every sport. From age 17-28 I was obsessed with motorcycles and engines, racing, speed, and high technology. I have motorcycle jackets up until 1997 when I sold my last bike, my 1989 Ninja 600 jetted and fitted with every racetrack upgrade by a professional racer. I bought my first property in 2006.
It was not until 1989 when I got with Ann and joined the military that I began to throw everything away and only focus on Ann, this book, our life work, and my schooling and college. I have a goal and a mission and was obsessed. I scoured every textbook ever known to man and had the support to answer all my questions. So both my mind and body is like a razor. I do not go into it half-assed; I become obsessed. I was obsessed with programming and computers; then obsessed with satellites my entire life. I have reached the plateau with satellites and programming by 1995 (age 23) and was able to focus on other interests.
I traveled around the US and enjoyed Canada; it is nearly identical to the US in attitudes. I make friends easily and people know I am quick to the jokes. I am a real heavy metal type; not a fake but the real stuff. I describe myself as a heavy metal, surfer, comic, and total package. Almost everything I do, it just comes easily and I get bored easily, I have to be challenged. Ann says I am a natural and my motor skills are so aligned to my thinking capability; I can scale a tree or a building with one hand. It is like hating yourself.
I would not describe ourselves as religious but we put more effort to be decent people than you all; that is for sure. You target people in first place and with superior talents because you are in last place. Then you demand I change your diaper when I cannot even stand your stink, but neither can you. Yet you think you are angry at us and we are denying you of rights and the people’s work. The governor of New York said he was going to dock the pay of legislatures if they did not return to Albany because “the people’s businesses is being neglected and blocked by constitutionality.” I have never heard a governor threatened to dock the pay of the legislature or assembly.
“You have to come up with… club… we are nasty… retail-trade… they know bill is going to cream you… shut up… who is going to win…” as you can see I am still asking myself what the hell is your problem and why you are kidnapping me to fight me when I am one man and one army. I demand Army strong, to be the best you can be, and expect you to be an army of one. You on the other hand and these people do not believe in any of this and fight us all the time. Don’t ask, don’t tell is like a joke to you but you just said it is about power and you are a club (spy group and espionage agents with foreign government backing) and you always tell me to “go home” or join you and I moved out of the country and was disgusted.
Either you had to kill me or I would gladly trade in my citizenship than be a communist or terrorist. When you wish to trade that; let me know again. You tell me I am the problem and Karl Rove said we “are released” now because “it is not going anyplace.” At least I would move to another country and trade in my citizenship while you badger me and secretly recruit me while you pretend to be some club and protectors; you are a communist, terrorist, mole, and super secret espionage group and want both Ann and myself. We are military and we gave you the fight of our life. Even in 2009 you are still making threats, vandalizing my life, scorning us, and acting like hostile barbarians who cannot wipe your ass because both you and I cannot stand it. I have some advice, wipe your own ass and do not tell me or kidnap me and tell me how angry and violent you are and I should either fear you or behave around you or the left wing, “we are cooked… they are using it as a fund raising event… they are a couple… walk away from their President… worried about this… identical formula… bunch of corruption… the corruption (FBI needs to hear this)…”
Here is the other kicker; you still refuse to turn over this spy and terror group who are so comfortable with kidnapping and taking hostages for some recruitment and sadistic approach to wiping your stinky butt you cannot stand or know what to do. At least I would rather die or trade in my citizenship before joining and letting you subjugate me while you lie; but I was coy and used my killer instincts and character; my military training to defeat you and look at it now; all that pain and grief and I am holding the trophy and look at the first, second, and third place. All your effort and you are in last place.
Look at Bush and the Bush administration; for a mole and sleeper family; they have the gall to be angry with us. You have the gall to be angry with us, which is your arrogance and problem. If you wish to document honestly, then read what we said about you and what you did. Now your problems are just beginning. We got this from the Clintons trying to bat for someone and beat out those who we call friends and are closest allies; your defection scams drive us into ruin; you give 24 hour effort and use back anything we do to cut us down, cause medical problems, or used back for ruin.
You bugged and had CCTV on us while we were in god damn college and we did not even know, then you come around and tell us as if you are watching and feel proud. Then you try to mate with us or steal our marriage; then you sit here and talk about how our spouses are so in love with you and the left wing. You offer everything or anything and it is disgusting and violates every single law so we have no escape, excuse, or can refuse. I was offered boys, girls, drugs, terror plots, etc… We hate the unions and labor if not already. Look at how well documented this is and our life is. It gets worse from here because of whom I am and who Ann is. What you feel is fear of punishment.
Then the effort was to cover up and hide what you did with daily threats, intimidation, extortion, and frivolous law suits and police tactics. That is still ongoing. At some point Ann and I would like to get married but you are making this really hard and we are not trying to make this worse; you are. Why are you still doing it and also running loose; we would like to get married and spend life together but the biggest threat on earth is here in our life and country; look at what they did and tried, “there is a huge profit potential… there is a huge need for the people who tried it… if there were profit, we would have it… don’t believe any of these conspiracy theories you hear… amazing cost to it…”
Rush, just a few days ago both you and Sean Hannity said you did a complete reversal and a 180. So this profit and adventure must be a fantasy that caused your life serious harm and will be fatal to your future and our own life. You keep saying there is “huge profit potential” and how we are revolting against your success. Let me make this clear, if for one moment I felt you are a capitalist or a right winger who acts on principle; I would not smear or slander you while documenting what you did and asked of us. You will do the same and ask others. This is about power and a left wing club remembers, you said this today, check the notes and time 1:54:49 PM. That is called a blatant, incoherent, and illogical excuse or lie, “just to say they created some miracle.” Well, you cannot kiss someone and make them faint or make people scream out loud when you are on stage.
People do not know how evil and sadistic you truly are. After over a full decade, yes ten long years, there has not been on day where a knife was not on our back or in it. So your miracle and how you make others scream while on stage has a trick to it, this profit you keep telling us about has a kicker; it is at knifepoint. Not one day has gone by during a full decade have you not used a knife at our throat or one in our back; yet you are able to sit there and tell the biggest lies and the world’s greatest fraud the earth will ever witness and see. I wish them to take a good hard look at how we view the same event.
Who is telling one side and who is yelling the other? It is not as if both of us are nobody and do not know what we are dealing with or who we are dealing with. Who are you dealing with and who is charging you with a communist and terror plot we have now? I am not charging you because I imagined a fantasy; you showed it, showed what you are working on, asked for help, then demanded and attacked us after years of ignoring and ridiculing you. I know who I have and when Cheney, Rove, and Bush all link up to you; we then know you are sleepers and a spy ring. Your legal defense is shabby if not very tacky. There are a lot of eyes on this and I think you know and I know how wooden and perfunctory you truly are with your own life and your own demise.
Read Mark Stein and how he admitted he was a communist. He literally explained to me what you are up to and why; now how do you go to college and get that kind of thinking or work? Now you want to be teachers and are jockeying for positions to teach Pentagon and CIA officials? That is like crashing your plane into their house or work place. Did I or anybody hear once how we came to you, solicited your wrath, did not avoid you or steered away whenever you try to ram us, and the scores of chicken games and power plays you obsess over as profit? You cannot even wipe your own ass and cannot stand the stink or the punishments; what makes you think we will or how you can get angry with us? Profit?
Do you have any defense for your actions beyond profit? Or is it a lie for a fantasy of power which blew up and is a disaster because you just said it “effort to become competitive again… save us from this… got a call from Congressman… from Virginia (source is from someone who went to DC and resided in VA)” 2:10:21 PM. “Wanted to buy off the Senators but… trying to reach independence by year… and reach (unknown) in twenty years while keeping cars affordable.” Not one day has passed without a knife at our back or in my back, not one, and you claim I am wrong every single day and how you have been with us all along and to the end. Do you think I believe that? You knew and know our talent and our ability; you know and knew who we were but you said we were the problem and could not defeat you because you were “too big to fail” and “were killing people and making them sick” but also the protectors. Who protects drug dealers and fights the same battles, spies? Who does this in South America and the Bush family? “Recycling the same lies” is very accurate and also the 1960s.
If you have a defense, I encourage you to listen closely; when we say we want a terror and communist plot; we mean details so we can bag this today. Not in ten or twenty, or thirty, or forty years (Rush says Bush was responsible for Jackson’s death; I think it was the drugs he was taking like steroids so he can start dancing again; a cocktail of dangerous ones and the depression of his life). I will leave it at that because the more you delay and stonewall us; the worse it gets and people are documenting your doom and how long you can keep this ongoing and keep up this act. It gets worse and worse, it never stops, you cannot make it go away, the only option is suicide or face the charges and our initial discovery; this is discovery. You think you are the same and our equal; as rivals and someone wishing to hire and recruit us because you dominate and are superior.
I am and have been honest beyond revealing battle, military, or information which is detrimental to the military or nation. We want to capture you alive so we can bag this today; but it is slow because I too walk on eggs and am severely injured by your failure and false fantasy. You are living in a big and demented fantasy and I hope you realize this and stop portraying it as your excellence or superior Americanism. Your energy level is nearing 3 or 4 out of 10. You put us in the negative range and I was operating in -4 sometimes. So if there is a hell and you are that tough as I am; then we will know soon enough or you will gladly provide the communist and terror plot that at last count is over 60 years old and two generations long of evil deeds on us. I think you can go in the negative range and you are not close to it yet; Sean Hannity is. I badger him daily about giving us vital secrets about our enemies while says he cannot speak the truth to enemies and adversaries (Karl Rove said that).
End of day and week.
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