Wednesday, June 10, 2009 Sean this thing with Paling; I have no comment on Paling. It is up to her to tell me what she or McCain was up to. I heard from others and Ann told me that an anonymous NYC politician was soliciting a bribe or teaching her to accept one. Thus something about privileges and Yankees tickets; bribery, Yankees tickets, a limo and Sean Hannity; Ann then changed it to Tennis. She said she ignored it and felt it was a "pitch" for a bribe and felt you were the one behind it or a "handler" where you would go to some Yankees game with her as friends; then the limousine would be some soiree to impregnate her.
Ann ignored it and said she felt you were behind it. I have seen you and you are a total criminal and weasel. You are a god damn communist mole and terrorists; did you forget to mention the Clintons? Oh you are so honest. Ann did not go to the Yankees game and went to a tennis game and then you come out with all this tennis crap. Ann said it was an anonymous pitch and someone made it up and she ignored it to figure out who claimed it; nobody did and she felt you were a "handler" who was recruiting and contacting her clandestinely. You all have violated every single law on the books and waged war on the country and you sit her and lie about this romance with Ann with shows the fraud and the fear of punishment.
Sean says, "Truthful" and "genuine" to the allegation by Ann. So Sean was up to know good. He is a cold blooded killer. He thinks Ann is in love with him and likes him; he is a dirty stupid Irishman and I don't mean to be up front but I have to deal with his contact upstairs. To them it is all about the unions. Sean admitted it and Ann threw him off with tennis. She said her father took her brothers and her to a Yankees game but nobody did as friends. I too have never been to a Yankees game. Ann said she ignored it and it grew bigger and bigger but she did take a defensive measure. Also, I asked her basic maneuvers we work on; did you throw flares, yes; did you get in front or rear, rear; did you do a counter, yes. Sean is stalking her as a handler he says "contacting to... relations and problems..." and 8:16:37 PM taping.
I knew he was stalking her and was a communist mole and terrorist. The crap he tried on me also made me feel like punching a worthless and inferior Irishman who has the IQ of a rodent; and then tell him I will be glad to accept an assault charge. We are talking about a stalker and a communist terrorist acting like our best friend and coming close to harm us and ruin our life and he will not give up. Read the documentation on him and this is when he is avoided. I got the Khmer Rouge Irishman upstairs doing this daily about how he is a roofer and God. It is insanity with them and they are so inferior and stupid you would not believe or imagine. They think they are superior, we are their prisoners, and we will do as they wish and want. The man is a deranged stalker and cold blooded killer and he acts all bubbly and cute. The British predicted that Rush was going to commit “on the air suicide” and did; I will ask them what Sean is going to do when he says “they are coming with me” when speaking about his family; I said “Sean, think about your family and what you are getting them into, it is not worth it; this will last forever.” Read the transcripts and flip out also.
The worst part is both Ann and I come from a spy hunter family and I am both royal and a military family. He is saying how much money he contributes and gives the military. Then who we are and who he is defines the insult; that is like us asking a communist to defect and kidnapping them to, scaring them, chasing them off, etc… they capture us and called some head shrink or voodoo doctor. They saw and are shooting as high as they can. Going after military people, spy hunters, acting like them and pretending to be better, than stealing their life, wrecking every aspect of their life; now they claim they are right wingers and ultra conservative; we are not able to keep up or go where they are and they have nothing to show for it. No college degree, no twenty years of white papers, no history or tradition of military commission or spy hunting. We have all of the above and advanced degrees. That is our terrorists. That is our communist moles. That is why they violated every single law ever written; now they act cute and bubbly as if they did nothing wrong and nothing is wrong. We are just not good enough and the “intimidation will stop all punishment” on them. Hannity just said this and explained the 911 terror plot 8:37:08 PM “the intellectual firepower to fire back.” What is their message? “Shut up” and “you are trying to get us killed or in trouble” and “we know what we are doing and what will happen if we get caught.”
Newt Gingrich said because of our record and past; then because of his record and their shows; “nobody wants to help us” now. He knows the link with Vietnam and why this is also about Vietnam. That mole is from a US Army family as well; a traitor. Newt is in with him and he knows he is on the cover of USA Today; the front cover and who is reading this. The R revolution is over Newt, “it is very sad… clearly the direction they are going in… do not care if your loved ones live or die.” Keep him in mind when they cart around their daughters Jackie, Liz, and several other psychos. Liz went bananas then put the cute face on. That is why these are the best spies and the most dangerous we have ever seen before. They beat the McLean and Portland Spy Ring. We would have never caught them but them trying to convince us this was racism and hate; a mass conspiracy to destroy them or the left wing. Newt said they are going in the same direction as us but we do not know who they are. Could Newt be doing bribes for the “army of the damned” and is testing people before kicking them out?
Hannity is stating how Israel has to take out Iran now and always looks at both sides of the problem and always adjudicates both sides legally, honestly, and fairly; this is why the conflict is almost a century long conflict and Israel has a long list of UN Resolutions demanding they bring to justice those who murdered UN observers, Lords, and to return the lands taken by the Palestinians. Oh nothing is going on with Sean Hannity and they were never caught as a communist and terrorist group in America. They were never caught spying and bribing politicians. It is just self defense and he has to take us out and now because it is mere self defense; we know what they are up to and will stop them or bring them to justice. Sean, you will have to kill over one million people; are you up for the challenge? You have to bomb and kill at least three governments, six intelligence agencies, and a lot of Special Forces commandos.
I will give Dick Morris a chance to be an honest broker; I am not sure about him. I will give him the benefit of the doubt but; we got major league spies and a big problem.
This is disgusting. I am going to eat dinner.
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