Monday, June 29, 2009 Let’s see if Sean Hannity has anything new to add to the Rush Limbaugh show. We struck gold with Rush and him ready to take down Bush and his administration. I do not think Sean will ever step over that line or step forward but Rush may end up taking him down. Sean might now want to make it to retirement but he works his butt off and slaves over the machine and the bombardment of propaganda. Let’s see if Sean talks about Michael Jackson, gay underage and polygamous marriages, and goes off on Bush as Rush did. I do not think and I really doubt if Ann is interested in any of these guys but they bombard her and flood her life with interest and admiration; maybe they will wait till the end of time?
Sean as far as you, Rush, Bush and all these other men; here is the best way I can describe your experience and my relationship with Ann. “So why is Sean trying to finish the job now and why has he finally given up if he was their best chance to get even? Ann says go away and get lost loser but in the worst way; imitating what they did to us and why. So why are they still here so mean to us? After it is all said and done, Ann was a miracle to my life as I was to hers. Ann is not madly in love, trust me; and I would not tolerate with anyone who had a personality problem; one little thing and it can cause permanent problems.” Ann likes to and causes a lot of problems but they hijacked her marriage, best friend, and imposed severe hardships for a full decade and more. Now they cover it up. We are catching you and charging you; you are not catching us and charging us; how the hell do you get away with this terror plot and infiltration? You must have full and total control of the government.
Rush says she does not care and I cannot trust her. Rush and this spy group has a message been peddling the idea “white people made you poor and oppress you” and then reversing it with “Irish, Jews, liberals, fugitives, terrorists, communists, stupid people, maniacs and unions are your friends and heroes.” It would work on an idiot or one of their sissies but not the best in the world and elite psychic commandos who can map their brain and explain every single function. They are blind and do not even know our powers no less their powerlessness. They get so angry they sick the police, go in some tirade and stomp on the floor all day, follow us around the house like they are going to murder us, and act like they are going to kill someone each time they are humiliated and made to crawl.
If they have control of the local police; they will recruit serial bank robbers and try to recruit terrorists to do their dirty work. That is how they train them to be confident and to not worry about anything; they will cover the police and the legalism. They have control of the police and want full control of the security forces. They keep testing it until they can do this in the open and without any fear. This is why they have no fear targeting FBI, spy hunters, military personnel, or anyone who opposes them. They have some type of cover or political protection; maybe control the police. Oh the drama between Sean Hannity and his assistant Alicia who get along so well and Sean enables her to be married and would never foil or sabotage ours; never. He openly talks about their marriage as if he is their father and best friend, “that is the problem; they do this in the dark of night and then ram it down our shoulders.”
Sean is rolling off about the Constitution but I dare he tell us what they were up to and did; dare him. Almost as good as Madoff was in scamming others, almost. Sean thinks it is play time and he and Alicia have this love-hate relation where he is such a drive and influence to her life. Here is the test; would he dare invite himself to our house when Ann and I live together? It is not fun and games and the charges on him are not playful; they will result in severe punishments. The usual act and union tactic, “we did it for our family defense” and his kids again. Has Sean ever said, “maybe he is wrong… maybe he is blind… maybe this is a knee jerk reaction to paint the Irish wrong or mistreat them… maybe he is playing our bluff.” Play the bluff and lets find out Sean but I want to know if you can add to Rush or wish to take down Bush and the Democrats as you claim. That is like going after your sister or mother. Turn in your mom and family Sean; learn from Rush.
I am never wrong and do not make mistakes. I would never take this chance and pursue Sean every single day unless a good reason was there. Sean Hannity is a phony, evil, a terrorist, and a communist infiltrator. He said himself, “I am sick of being discriminated against and being poor” as if I and other terror plot recruits were supposed to consider the gospel. Just like VC, just like blaming the Pentagon after a bombing, just like using injured kids as propaganda. We hurt him and his family but they cannot tell us what he did and is involved in. We have to catch him if we can and when we do; it was just fun and games. It was just pretending like they do in prison to survive and drive you insane. Street punks do this in prison and get beat up, almost killed, and beaten to the point where they are permanently damaged. They did this to me constantly and then would ambush you or jump you. Sean takes our test and think of a code so complex nobody can would know. Also, you know I will ask you to tell me or else it will be decide and leaked. I do not think you have a fighting chance; this is why the change in strategy.
Sean is talking about MJ and says he was “so talented” and this “was so sad… overwhelming majority of celebrities mess up their lives.” Sean Hannity really messed up his life and in the worst way possible. He has stopped pursuing Ann to finish up for Rush, Bush, and Clinton. He did think it was more effective and a better strategy to go after me but this would make him an accomplice and suspect. Sean says “do not know his involvement but it was not natural”; Sean you said last week you “ask the hardest questions” and tried to explain yourself or for your bosses. That is your side but again; you wish it to work and we go away like Madoff. You want us frustrated and helpless as you tell us without a full confession; just like a serial killer. You try to stump us and then say give up and go away now. The CIA is more skilled with sleepers but now they are on our side; Sean knows he is not trusted and we caught him trying to do a hit on Ann and myself by kidnapping us. Sean watches “Terminator I and Terminator II” that is you and you are chasing Ann and me in our trap; that is when we began this trap. Why are you in it? You don’t even know who you have yet. You are in a sting you idiot. Look at the dates, it is all true and we can even explain it to you.
6/29/2009 8:57:05 PM Sean just said someone was going to “assassinate us.” I do not think for one second he is a victim; I think they might beat each other over the head in order to retire and hush each other up. Why don’t you write a confession, implicate a few people, write down what you are up to and involved in, and stick it in your safe like Rush did as insurance. You can also walk into an FBI office anonymously, tell a friend or confidant, send a random email or file, go to the press and newspapers, or write a memoir. I do not think for one second you are a victim and have named off whom is behind it, which you fear, why or motives, etc… When we make fun of him and he gets jealous; he rolls off how much he hurt or injured us or why we are not happy in life. Then he says he is totally happy and fulfilled. (The Irishman upstairs is making noises again and stomping.) I know who they are and how dangerous they can be. It is so phony and a total lie. If people knew what they are doing or did them would freak and go homicidal but honorably.
I have yet to hear Sean move and take steps like rush based on what I know and how he plays his cards as a fugitive, on the run, and being hunted down. Sean is IRA and he is a terrorist and hit man with “exclusive access” or information to itinerary, press and media, and can have the goons upstairs who are agents and union goons contact Israel as they keep escalating it to or Clinton. There is no defense for Sean Hannity at this time except some VC propaganda. He has not taken one step to stop the inevitable except attack us or implicate the hostages and kidnap victims. He has yet to mention the “murder plot” or the many we had to foil and scare him off and make him give up on Ann. Ann tried to do the same thing and they panicked and arrested me to check if I had a wire or file. Sounds like they are very nervous and do not know if they can get away but want to portray this while they think out what to do; they have no escape but think it is a conspiracy; here is there chance to confronts the other side. You got caught recruiting and being a sleeper dialed up to strike back at the empire. Sleepers are difficult to catch. You can go after their stable or use bait to fool them but sleepers are super secret. A sleeper is almost impossible to catch and we should not be having this dialogue.
The movie “Terminator I and II” is exactly what Ann and I went through; also, when they hatched the plot and began this. We cut them off and they did not have any access until 1998. Look at the dates on that and double check your operation and when you began this failed kidnapping and assignation plot or defection. Now watch Pulp Fiction and check the date; that is when I graduated from college and Ann came to DC so we could get married. You did not know about Ann in 1998 and was playing cupid. I knew play by play and what you were up to. They want the inside scoop and have been waiting for this moment for over 20 years.
If you look at the ending; that is exactly what happened to you; now check the dates on it and double check your dates when you began or hatched that plan. You all did not stop when the cold war stopped; we did. You and your sleepers are still fighting the cold war when we stopped and went on another mission and a more important one. That is the stand off; now who are you and your personality? We even let you win and ignored you because we had a much more important mission to complete and was hoping you just left and got lost you loser. Your spy ring never left and took us hostage then put me in prison; you moron. CIA even had a “pulp” statue made of newspaper erected at HQ; check it. I will also tell you how you built up the knowledge you were trying to extract from me. I was working security and sites around DC, access control. I always had the best buildings and high profile jobs. I will tell you where you got it from and you could do it to CIA or figured out how to.
Tell me what a sleeper is you idiot. Tell me what sanitize with extreme prejudice means. Tell me what a stable is. Tell me what a drop is. Do you want more and my level of knowledge? Do you think I am mistaken if I can roll off and educate you in the entire manual and am handpicked by Generals? We can get into plausible denial. Now watch “Mission Impossible” and where you got the idea from. It was about cyber warfare and I had not know you would see sinister and evil I it. In it they use satellite warfare and cyber warfare integrated and also sneaks into CIA using fire trucks. That is what you did and where you got it from. Also, I was working for DoD at the time and got poisoned so badly (food poisoning at the cafeteria in Arlington, I sleep for two days and threw up like the movie.) someone was watching it also with me; shadowing me, tormenting me, promoting me, trying to recruit me, and I had to figure out who and why.
Here we are now are you surprised who you ticked off and who is chasing you since you are the hunter being hunted? We know and had known you always try to beat us as a rival and try to pull rank and power. So where is the alien we are hunting and who is the leader we are searching for; you found ours; surprised now? If you found our leader, what does that tell you about the trouble you are in? Understand now? It is almost a mental game between you and me, arch nemeses, but I need backup and reinforcements as it is nearly 10,000 to 1 odds in your favor. How did I smash and beat you? You have to reverse everything and fix the media; that includes fixing the 1960s plot you hatched and were worried about. Whose reality are you in, mine or yours? We caught who is fighting the CIA and Pentagon globally for power and as rivals. We also got their national network here in the US and they are reluctant to tell us about it.
Now, Rush knows I go that park where the planes land as they come into National Airport across from the pentagon. I was counting the seconds and studying the different planes and engines because I am an expert on the topic. Why? Well, I was working on how to make an entry on them. Now watch the movie “Executive Order” (Look up Executive Order 9066 and Steven Seagull; I was working on this and explained I had adjudicated the Japanese internment during the Reagan years.) With Seagull and Douglas; I got the floor plans, electric configuration, what the US Army has, and every detail after on board. Ask Rush how many times I go to X Point from 1996 to 1999 (did not go once from 2000 to 2005); then something weird happened when I went there in 2006 each and every time (chasing me away or suspicion and being watched). We actually knew about you all in 1989. By 2006 you were busted and we knew everything. We have to cover every legal aspect because you are using the police to blame us. That is the terrorist recruitment plot and how you control the police for hate and racism; terrorism and the intersection with Vietnam and the 1960s. We get you out of the gate and when you hatch a plot.
Whoever it was on me did 911 to torment us and like the crazy B cow and Irish upstairs; stomping on floor, anger, ready to kill someone, etc… while we were kidnapped. In 1999, a recruiter in New York got me a private company to travel and I was out of there for good. I finally figured out how to escape, make a living, and ignore you all while waiting for Ann or trying to find her and marry her. We had a rendezvous and were changing the plans how to meet and get engaged or date. I will be honest; we needed a good cover story for being together since 1989 and ten years together. Things just go so messed up but nobody would have known we were already together for ten full years; all we had to do was meet at the beach or her follow me to the beach or a bar around DC. I grew up there and told her it sucks and you cannot meet anybody and she wrote this to talk to me about what her plan was. We needed a cover story and some romance story to cover up ten years; then I was going to write one book and take care of the kids and stay at home. Look at what you did you evil, demented, traitor, and terrorist mole; just look carefully.
Sean keeps saying “buried evidence” today; usually he does not repeat it. The movie “Mission Impossible” is about tactical satellite warfare and the use of cyber warfare; “Goldeneye” is satellite warfare and “Under Siege I and II” is about satellite warfare. It is encrypted and depends on what I am working on and need details for such as the belly of a 747 and the electrical schematics, CCTV, and security. So I do not want to talk about it as it is a lot of material and encrypted; it is impossible to read it or interpret it unless it is between me and the Generals who handpicked me. So they are shadowing me and watching the same thing but do not know what is going on, until they see the Mission Impossible and get this idea about profit and “burying the evidence.” It was how they wanted to “sneak in the CIA” and can beat it; but it was comical about sneaking into CIA; that is what they did and the Bush’s are the masters of this.
They thought we were or were learning how to sneak in CIA and we were not; it is encrypted and depends on what we are working on; training by my honorable and trusted Generals. This was how they snuck in CIA and used terrorism; then assonated or did ambushes on us. We are the good guy, which is the difference. Now watch the Alias series and the hit on Vaughn; that is what happened and why Ann “did not care.” Sean says, “she was there… going to give a blow by blow… we are worried.” That is the early years from 1990 to 1999; Ann was there and saw it but she was helping and so was her dad. Listen and watch as Sean trying to slip in and twist Ann’s arm to love him or surrender by giving him what he wants. Sean is a 911 terrorist and so are the upstairs people; it is their final hours; almost 60 years of political spying and overthrowing the government; their last act and last shot. Screw this up, it is game over. This is why the size and so many people. If they fail, they will never get another chance or can recover, never. They feel a secret group is hunting them and had foiled and known everything. Would they stop them now? Can they stop terrorist attacks if they know or caught them?
The reason for Alias is 1999 when I kept saying to seek my dossier; I am protected. I need reinforcements and am under attack by the communists to seek revenge. All I can do is sue them or get them for slander. They are all over and on high levels. Alias is a more accurate story of Ann and I but it is encrypted; intended to calm down and stop the suspicions and police raids on us. I wrote to contact the Pentagon and obtain my dossier and they refused and arrested us. I had begged them to double check and how important it was to be careful and use caution. I told them over and over to contact the Pentagon and seek my dossier immediately; we are under attack, they are terrorists, and they just murdered an FBI agent and a lot of people. They said I was doing it. Take a guess why things are so messed up; why the country is almost fallen to the left wing and communist moles? Now take a guess why I am pissed off and so angry; why every single day I get scorned, feet stomping, harassed, and have to listen to them every single day try to slip by and squirm out of the trap they are in.
Take a look at where they are now and what I am saying to them. It is an insider’s game and a mental game; they know and I know but nobody else knows. They know it is over and they have no chance, thus, “we don’t want to die” and “we do not know what to do” from the upstairs people ready to kill someone if we get them caught or ruin this last effort. This is the final standoff; they cannot recover after this; never. If they do not shoot it off and what they have in their arsenal, the chance will never return. So how did we open nodes, activate them, and throw a net so far and so wide? Ann is better at that but she knows how to get their attention and get them in the nodes. If they are released, they are not who we are looking for but only a suspect. I asked if they wish to file a complaint or have one instance of being mishandled; we have a lot. They are primitive. So why are they national and refuse to explain or tell us what they were up to?
How do I know? We know everything and about them. How did we get here? They know everything about me; except the cards I have or can play on them. I am not sure, they are nuts and are silently dumb. This will surprise them and inform them of the contingency on their tail and been hunting them; they just need someone to dook it out and we did. We dooked it out with terrorists, sleepers, and communist moles for over ten years had us under 24-7 detainment and surveillance; and talking to them now; this is their last stand and they are not letting go; definitely a game of death with them. If they fail and cannot fix it; they will loose and that is it. Rush said they did a 180 and reversed everything; they had to and can only try to fix the media and keep trying propaganda. It is not working for them and they are near suicide; they cannot make it stop. This is who the CIA is fighting internationally or have been; they are in power and very powerful domestically. Here they are and this is them; they do not think I have a wire and have one on me 24-7; we have nothing to hide.
They are ready and have been ready to kill; take it as a serious threat and a very dangerous sleeper. They act dumb and innocent but they are not military or who they say. They do not have top secret or command anything to be doing this or confronting us. We caught them after the kidnapping, abduction, interrogation, brainwashing, torture, imprisonment, and then cover up. We are so injured because it would spook them and they hide so much we could not flush all of them out or how high they were. That is why I am so injured; each cut made them bolder and each ambush made them feel safer. They think I am wired and they are checking me out thoroughly before making supreme contact. When they were convinced; we shut all the doors and they got caught in it. Ann jumped out and spooked them big and they were ready to kill and do terror plots like a waterfall. Then I began to take Rush, Sean, and Bush apart knowing they would be jealous of Obama and Hillary; their subordinates.
Why let an undercover person suffer such or so much? It can collapse on them any day and the charade and phony lies can all come out. I do not know why they want us so much if we hate them and do not wish to join or wish to be part of a terrorist and communist group. If they enter a node, they are checked out and tagged; if they are a major threat, a team is on them; trust me; they are in major trouble and have no escape. We can bag all of them and all the masterminds in one week or day if they were not silent and retaliating. That is what you are watching and if they were aliens, I was ready and had a contingency plan. They do not have supernatural powers, mere idiots and criminal beings. If they were advanced, they would not kidnap or beat each other over the head. Sean does not mention how he and his bunch of spies are fighting the CIA globally and are secret and national in the US. Why? Are you moles and spies? Do we know this? What do we know or will they tell us?
I am being told that who we are hunting may not be human in Terminator I and II. I am going into combat and a spy trap; I am informed of and have evidence already not disclosed what is out there; now if it was an alien, this is what it will fight like and who it wants or some tricks to improve my survival rate. Ann’s father said if I had to; be a double agent for them so I can get out. My father also used his diplomatic training to advise me. The Generals were confused and angered. I am activating nodes and roping it to nodes where I control and activate based on what it knows, we know everything, and what it does not know. If it knows and tells me; then I shut the node down, and open a new node to figure out how they know. They did not pass any of it; they knew nothing or what was going on. They are not an alien or a supernatural being; it is a beast of this earth and we know this and have verified it; it is human be not a human species. We are human but they do not recognize humans.
So we are going right at them with something they want and need. Two things will happen; they will fight or I will make it to the finish line; reach the top. If I do not reach the top; then we have a major fight on and open the nodes then activate it to isolate each problem. We began this looking for a beast and a monster, an alien and we got a Neanderthal and a total criminal fugitive. I went straight into the fire and did not make it; Ann did but she too got captured and put through major pain. When my defenses could not fight them off; she was told not to try it and the strength the left was or where they set up camp was too strong. It is like the C and O canal and you open a node and release it; that is how they were caught and what I designed but it was for an alien; this is why they are in it now. They were too confident and bold; very careful; very vicious and did not care about us whatsoever; only what they wanted and needed. There is no way someone goes through the intricate canal and Ann snags them; it is impossible.
Ann did the opposite as I did by going around or under it. We ran directly into a kidnapping and a recruitment trap they had. Then deployed and employed every evasion method designed for alien and supernatural beings; we did not have any spiritual, demon, or some demon beast talks to our soul; it was human and only a human threat. It was brute force, arm twisting, beating others over the head and harassment; primitive tactics of the unions and the left wing guerillas. Someone keeps saying the FBI was taken over and is under their control. CIA is too difficult to penetrate and has too many layers of protections. It is impossible to penetrate the inner core of the Pentagon. The military is being bombarded by them and have been thus it split in different teams and sides.
Read Rush Limbaugh for June 29, 2009 and listen to him finger Bush and explain what he was up to and cannot achieve at this time:
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