


I developed Satellite Warfare to combat the spread of nuclear weapons and we have shorted the gap between nuclear and conventional forces; no longer needed in my book. There are approximately 200 chapters. Most were written and researched while in college from 1988 to 1998; I researched it by taking over 190 credits from different universities. They also span from childhood reading since age 8 and up (military science, weapons, martial arts, etc...) I have been getting ideas from people about doing a complete series; all at once. They start off with pure science and ends with a complete understanding of where this world is headed and two particular topics called economic sustainability and totality; then it introduces the reader to a new series of books on satellite warfare; the science and the art. Naturally, they call me the father of satellite warfare and I have put in over 20 years to this field of knowledge; perhaps the best in the world, but my readers will judge who is the best in their world. To get here; we have taken harsh punishments, suffered torture, was kidnapped, humiliated hourly, and had our life trashed and rewritten by no fault of our own. That is called terrorism. That is called war.

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Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Fighting mommy, daddy, the forces of nature, and God has driven communist labor union leaders deeper underground, more into hiding, and morphing into us for amouflage. Some god damn jackass brought them hear to trim our hedges and dig ditches and now they turned whacked and on a crime spree. Deep underground and high on some dope, they chase us around and pretend to be the police, Marines, and trying to show us their million dollar anus because they are better. Now they feel as if they are heroes, fighting a conspiracy, God is against them, and deeply hidden or super level liars. The truth is they are here to trim hedges and dig ditches; but we in no way allowed or tried to protest their arrival and victory. We are asking why they are hear and what in hell this slave and loser is doing talking to us 300,000 times secretly or on the end of a 550 million dollar law suit; trim hedges and dig ditches is as simple as it gets; not call us and claim to be a kidnapper, master, police, God, the Marines, or our parents. Even when dumber than dirt, they know when and if they are in trouble; thus, fighting back or increasing the resistance.

So why do they keep weakening us and trying to recruit us as terrorists, jihad freaks, resistance, prostitutes, total fags, fight with their ass, and keep this kidnapping or captivity on such a high level? What is power and what is control? The 1960s and the drug wars of the 1980s produced an army of resistance, an army of fags, Aides fags, anus summits, slave beggars hurting for drugs, dependency, abuse, self medication, and this parent. Humanity admits this on May 17, 2010 what this recruitment was all about. This is what the 1960s produced and why the drug wars were so important to the communist and Catholic Jew Church; the social disasters and demand for love. Fags need love, porn, money, jobs, and now medical care. Now it is on us and on our side. This total basket case feels we are in love with them and in control as a predator and stalker. To exploit kindness or the truth and to be a thief in our heart and soul; always making demands and trying to weaken us so they can do a recruitment or radicalize our life. The more you fight them or spit fire; the more committed you become; read the report and who is doing it. In the end, you are their bitch and trained to plead or beg with your anus; the female is the torturer or the master who inflicts severe injury while the male is the receiver or buddy waiting forever. They use the peeping tom camera to train a human being similar to a dog who does not need a leash; they cannot survive on their own or do not runaway. That is their world where humans are pets or bestiality. This was about drugs, low rent housing; and how the Jews profited from the blacks and the Irish immigrants.

How vulgar and fag land can this sex and ex industry get? We have abduction, stealing children, murders, and sex offenders. Now the cameras are on them and they are the model fags; all of them. It is some prison camp and the trainers and teacher are upstairs; training the kid. They did this before in 1989 and did not get detected or stopped. Then was stalking us and showed up again and again. Now the primary negotiator or abductors want a kid and are described as some sadistic repulsive looking fat ass that attacks like a lunatic and is insanely jealous of females or love. The retard kid like homo negotiates with his anus and reports we are dangerous and a threat to them. They know the cameras are on them and all of them are married or buds. I report a peeping tom camera and Ann reports sex tape pursuit and some lunatic sex offender; control. So the insane kidnapper wants a kid and is going to pair it up to a brother or her training I describe as lunatic behavior and incessant bullying (200 to 500 times a day and constant calling); anger and blowing up at them; hot heads and Irish fighting power. Are they weeding out the men and the boys or some sodomy dungeon by a band of Texas Chainsaw moms? They have a boss and we know who that boss is because we caught them all. They negotiate and surrender with their anus or captivity; a slave mentality or benevolence of this political bunch. Their leaders said not a scrap is wasted and they are fighting to keep their homes. This is the leader-follower relationship we are in and they are trained; we are not and do not understand why they beg or do the anus loose lip talk; it is disgusting and offensive; and they do not stop or get it. The problem is when you confront them or catch them lying; they begin to cry incessantly or show guilt; then are F'in with your mind again or stalking like a predator. I think after what I have seen, they must be dropped or killed; just beyond deranged and a lunatic.

So why are they the permanent underclass, a thief, viewed as inferior and a total kikin' idiot? Why in hell could we come up with a charge of stalking or severe stupidity and sentence you to a death sentence? So crime and being a drugged out thief is how they regain their pride and pick fights? Now they stink up the prison, the environment, and have a new model or pilot program to show the world; well, let’s hear it. We have put our sex shooter prostate down and are not going to pick it up; so take the first strike phonies hooked on phonics retard. Oh yeah, there is serious money in oxy and chronic and we need to get in on it while we can; you will wait and always be there for us. Oh yeah, the gay industry and million dollar anus will wait forever and always be there for us; now it is all bruised up and a hate crime. These mind games are Jeffrey Dahlberg type of fag land anger with America. So this is their fantasy sex land and the role of these females; busted and all of their communist, Jonestown, sadistic, kool-aid, and hidden training camp. What church has so many fags and negotiates or begs with their anus? I swear on the bible, they beg with their anus and feel it is hate or violence on them; "what the F is your problem" as if we are busting and raiding the prison camp finally and met the guards or secret police. So all these women are trained to torture or anger their kids; to abuse them and train them as captives and hostages; we are too defiant and too hard to handled; now too powerful for the entire left wing so they do what they are programmed to; beg and talk with their male anus or this female dungeon. That is why Limbaugh and Hannity are acting the way they do and appear to be on the verge. Even the women are like this. Odd, they morph into undercover cops or the secret police. Just your average all American family of communists and bomber plots. Again, they break down and cry incessantly; so that you become committed and feel guilt or do not notice what is going on.

Do they know why they are terrorists, thieves, and so stupid? Even their women know how to use their mouths but do the men? Is it their men or women? If you confront them or catch them lying, they blow up crying and are offended; and then think you are in love with them and cannot live without them.

So what is the problem with the fag upstairs and why does he keep saying he and they do not care? Do we? Why are we interested in his million dollar anus and fag mouth? What we care about is him to shut up and refund the rent because the problem is severe and he is a total gagged fag who keeps attacking or talking. He cannot smell the fag problem or why the mouth is running in such a grotesque and vulgar manner. You tell him to wipe his ass and the fag acts as if he is angry and defiant. He acts like a million dollar slut on butt patrol. Anus fag wants us to hate and beat him so he can get off the military base upstairs; but getting married allowed him and Sue not to testify; that is why they put a child molester, total fag lunatic, and million dollar anus so near and to call all day/hourly; that was over 300,000 calls, lewd acts, predator, and anus check by Mr. Hate Me. They call to ask why others hate them and why they are right; we are mean. Rush claims he cannot change who he is and we have a mental illness; they can treat it and destroy it but it might lead to death and a very complex surgery performed by a communist buffoon and homicidal anus wart. Again, we keep stating the same thing, total fags and obsessed with us or focus on our escape. (Peeping tom, police across the street, living together in back, all renters and watching the peeping tom camera, guards and helping us but was caught, McVeigh Crew in back and upstairs, dope dealers all of them who keep pushing it on us; FReeP also.) So why is dope and high quality chronic so important in making friends?

It will take a long time to radicalize and may take over 300,000 times and over 20 years of stalking and a peeping tom camera. So ask them why they are ready to die, do not know what to do, and why the million dollar anus is bruised up; now after this fantasy of rough sex; they do not know what to do with the purple rings or the girlfriend problem. Listen to the 48 Hours and whose eyes they are telling this through or who attacked the Pentagon with Reality TV; the TV War; anti-Vietnam; and this copy sad sameness’. Is it scary or is this a beat up and trying to bruise up the million dollar anus? How can they do that and to such a one in a million? How do you cover it up? Now we know why he was castrated and why Sue wants a kid/baby. Now we know what the sex tape and all of this peeping tom camera is all about; layer of smears for a wider plot. What was my reaction to their home initially (dog crap everywhere). So Mrs. McVeigh speaks and tells us why or the absence of women from the bombing plot; don't ask don't tell; all total fags undercover and wish to talk. So the Diva is the female, master queen, and she wants a kid and is totally obsessed and unwilling to suspend their operation and effort; unchanged by any events. They are mere pawns and too deep in this to go back or give up. I describe her as a torturer, a mind doctor, and some butcher who is demanding captivity. So they cannot get our kids and any of the genetics to make them stronger or which dominates the battlefield; now both Ann and I are worth even more! Our price and value as legends blew the roof and they kicked it up; not stopped. They continue to refuse rent refund, we are dangerous, and barking back hourly, "when are you going to leave... go home... we are angry." When and if they cannot gain love or advantage; they break out the drugs, prison, or mental illness charge and begin the brain surgery.

So the anus summit began in 1989, 1991, 1993, 1995, 1998, 2001, 2002, 2006, and ended or supposed to in 2008; but they began insane attacks instead of crying incessantly this time and in 2010 kept on doing anus summits where they beg with their ass and claim we are dangerous and threatening them with hate crimes or violence. Meanwhile, they cover all of this up and the strings of murders, rapes, sex offense, drug wars, communist implosion, espionage, thievery, and a life of crime as moles and traitors on the loose in our life. Ann and I could have been married and traveling the world in 1993; and then in 1998; and then now in 2008 but this has yet to end. Now the FBI has to beg fags to return our rent or figure out how the hell to do a medical evacuation after we caught all of them and they even know who we are and what we are charging them of. The Limbaugh and Hannity handlers are trying to do PR and explain what the hell they were thinking, what is on their minds now, and how the hell do they want us to treat them or apprehend their future.

How does the Anus Summit end? Sue the "American Mom", Chris the Anus Beggar, Limbaugh and Hannity are marketing a death ray that is more of a torture device. A death ray does not inflict pain, theirs does. They are marketing this and continue to address it or chase us around the house; only inflicting pain or trying to intimidate. However, when asked to pick up the wallet; they knew the danger and did not. So beyond this point, they could not play any other moves and kept sinking their hooks in, pleading with their anus, and repeated themselves over and over to appear busy or having some impact. That is how the Anus Summit ends; they had their own derision of a phony death ray. Rush blows up a platform oil rig and brags how it will get Obama looking like Bush; and then they keep calling us all day and night as if the million dollar anus was what we always wanted or need. So it keeps repeating and lacks the love story or fairy tale they set off on; now they are angry and claim they have their hooks too deep in our life; both Ann's and ours. They move and act in unison. In 2008 and 2009, they kept checking for surveillance or a shadow; not knowing the level of heat. There is no end to their insanity; it is fighting a fag who thinks he and she are our masters or bullies; who we love and cannot get away from; worse, they offer you the anus erasure and you stare back with the same blank stare or anger.

In 2010 it arrived and Sue and Rush would get it at work; and then all night they pretended as if they did not care, were unaffected, and how this would never end. Hannity and a few others did the same while the police and New Yawk provided the political cover; they were desperate and in too deep already but their anus was supposed to be their saving grace and redemption of a slave. Offering their anus is some code of power and how they are not threatening; but a free ticket, a way to get off, and how they dig into freedom or get out of a bigger hole they are in. It is and has been described by both Rush and Sean repeatedly and practiced by Sue and Chris in the most dangerous and bullying way. So this is what Europe and Eastern Europe gave and gift wrapped for America. Also, they claim to be the same while driving others to suicide; however, they are too selfish and greedy to ever consider this even if we bonk them endlessly to get their bald head and naked body of ours. As stupid, criminal, thieves, and worthless as they are; they still consider themselves our teachers, some head mistress, or powerful force in our life we cannot let go of. Who was trying to make contact is on this end of Ann's life and she has them on her end also. So they play this game with her; so why don't you admit it if it is true? This time they claim to be in control, the voice of America, and caught the "Nazis" off guard; slaughtered or Massacred them for hating Jews and Catholics. They brought the holocast back in order to win it and the war again and again; to slaughter the strong and protect the slaves, weak, and anus beggars. Look in their eyes and you will see this similar look and what they had in mind or planned but was stopped and exposed. It is the same plan we describe and shut down; shut down on all fronts; even World War IV; we are in World War III and it has been over twenty years of this and still not over yet.

So why don't they just ask me the right questions instead of ripping my family apart, weakening my loved ones, and claiming to be in control or guardians? That is how they kidnap and abduct and use a spy camera. Who are they? Communist spies and now bullies turned terrorists advancing Jews, Catholics, and the Democratic Party or global crime. If they do not expand or kill their creditors and debts; they will be exposed as useless, stupid, and who they are; bottom feeders or vultures. So this is why drugs and violence are integral. This is why the police are so secretive or powerful. This is why the Jews and financial scams plague the world. This is why we were caught in a communist spy ring and then a terror plot. This is why they keep or remained in our life. This is how they erased our memory and tried to brainwash us using our own life and events; not know it was a sting and top secret mission. This is why there is so much on the line and so many involved; it is do or die but we have sent a very clear message with satellite warfare and how 99 per cent of this world claims to be peaceful and do not have the militarizes to prove it. As the weakest elements; we know dangers, strategy, and analyzed all enemies out there. We know all of them and what they are capable of or fight.

The best outcome is disaster, control, and bankruptcy; then use the politics to take over the military and US. Once they do this; it will be target practice and massacres on earth while all the enemies are shot and killed in the name of peace and profit. If they are allowed to seize power; they will go on an extended killing spree and blow up HQ or primary defenses. We know this and were called on active or high alert in 1989 as described. We did catch them and stopped them while turning over their defiant leaders who can only hide and deny it now. They will claim to be hunting Nazis and only tagging along or seeking our approval; that is about all. First it was how they sought our approval and was really careful. Then we knew what they were up to and fought them or investigated. Then it got worse and we were kidnapped, abducted, brainwashed, made to agree, and hijacked; now they are masters and we must do as told; so much for friends and approval. They claim they were merely picking our brains, common ground, and seeking approval or permission to hunt Nazis and right wing conspiracies; thus, leaving left wing plots and terror plots wide open.

So that is who they were. That was who pulled a humongous deception and re-education effort. This is what the secret police are up to. This is what they tried to get past us or need us for. This is why we were let in or checked out so heavily while rooting them out or flushing them. This is who they were and were up to; but now claim are better people and on our side; their intentions speak for itself. The murder plots on both Ann and I to cover it up has not ended or the incessant bullying; however, we have the FBI begging for my rent while they play games about a code of silence and who is to blame for the accident. Who is "her" husband and why "she" was so rejected and despised. This was about drugs, low rent housing; and how the Jews profited from the blacks and the Irish immigrants. This is what the 1960s produced and why the drug wars were so important to the communist and Catholic Jew Church; the social disasters and demand for love. This was about drugs, low rent housing; and how the Jews profited from the blacks and the Irish immigrants. They all profit from squalor and were extending a warm invitation to us from NY. All those working class groups use welfare, cannibalism, and abuse of children to destroy their family, nation, and future; and continue to.


This 20 year ordeal led to some form of mental condition where both Ann and Alex became detached, highly suspicious, negative of any form of authoritarianism, suspicious of the police, and always thinking a peeping tom is watching us and trying to do us harm. Those behind it claim we are the same as them and we are not utterly flawed or instilled with fear; they are. We do not wish to hear their excessive force and excuses hourly but had to even if we displayed extremely negative and very hostile reactions after emerging from captivity, hostage situation, and kidnapping plot. It was how we stayed alive; however, when we exposed those who did this and behind the cover-up; they incessantly bullied us and told us to leave hourly; and then tried to use incessant bullying and torture methods to intimidate or shut us up. So while they tried to "buy ice cream" for Ann and make up; they would separate Alex and instill a POW mentality on him in order to bond more and have him think they were parents or some guardian who he could trust. This captivity was to force us to protect our political enemies; who were without standards and any value in life; we were taken to compel us to become their lawyers or face some execution and self destruction. It did not turn out this way and we literally wiped them out globally and pushed them so far back; recovery was impossible.

It was ridiculous and had not worked in 1998, 2008, or even 2010 but they kept up the pressure and just ignored the warnings. The only form of comfort we had was each other and the records show how they used brainwashing to scare Ann and to instill Alex with a warped sense of reality and distorted image of hate. Alex was to be immobilized by a slave mentality and a black man; trained to hate whites and flip out with hostility. Ann was trained into blind hate and reacting violent or hostile to all minorities; so we at times acted and played along. In the end we had tremendous difficulties and sought counseling or relief; however, the rent and medical evacuation was delayed so long our condition grew worse while their efforts double or quadrupled. We cite the State of New York who tried to profit, failed and offered a few political careers as a sacrifice; and then we cite the total lack of policing or illegal surveillance by rogue or local forces we identified in the home invasion, then the local unions, and then finally upstairs, the landlord, his employees, local leaders, local union spies, and those where communications had been set up or were blocking any round up of these monsters. They still cite this captivity was some form of help and they wished us to have a similar political view and experience; as some captive or slave trained to react violently or was a ticking time bomb by daily and then hourly abuse. That was the only way out; to destroy any attempt to catch them and stop them. It was clear Ann was affected by all the bad memories and experience and Alex tried everything to help; but those we blame at YAF, CPAC, FReeP, Fox News, MSNBC, and others tried to always exploit us and drive us apart by clinging on or riding our coat tails.

Everybody saw it and everybody knew it; but they wanted us to complain or hide behind our ability to use the exit doors. We describe them as a criminal and terrorist element and they proved to us and the world how horrible and insignificant they were when freedom and money mixed in their blood. Anybody who goes through 20 years must be handled with delicacy and clearly those who circled us and claimed to be helping or were the police tried to manhandle us and embarrass us with equal ferocity we needed to escape their deceptive and deliberate trap. The idea was not what they were hiding; only what we were hiding which could have more impact on their criminal rampage. The pattern of behavior and pure lunatic insanity from 2006 to 2010 was so single minded and focused; you would think we were the target of an assassination and murder plot. It is because we were and the unraveling it destroyed their political career and forced their kids and grandkids to bear the scars. We were legends and the most powerful force this world had ever seen; so the snap back would be life threatening. So all they could do was make it worse and worse and then just pretend they had no involvement or were in a state of crisis; on the lamb. The message and terror plot was we cannot be safe or happy unless they were safe and happy also. The standard of work was truly appalling by all involved and explains how things gravitated to such a life ending disaster. So after introducing our case to the world, we have witnesses to answer this question about why anyone would choose to be their political prisoners or what forces were at work which ultimately denied any choices. It is called gun to the head politics or a super level form of racketeering and extortion where you either do as told or pay dearly.

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