


I developed Satellite Warfare to combat the spread of nuclear weapons and we have shorted the gap between nuclear and conventional forces; no longer needed in my book. There are approximately 200 chapters. Most were written and researched while in college from 1988 to 1998; I researched it by taking over 190 credits from different universities. They also span from childhood reading since age 8 and up (military science, weapons, martial arts, etc...) I have been getting ideas from people about doing a complete series; all at once. They start off with pure science and ends with a complete understanding of where this world is headed and two particular topics called economic sustainability and totality; then it introduces the reader to a new series of books on satellite warfare; the science and the art. Naturally, they call me the father of satellite warfare and I have put in over 20 years to this field of knowledge; perhaps the best in the world, but my readers will judge who is the best in their world. To get here; we have taken harsh punishments, suffered torture, was kidnapped, humiliated hourly, and had our life trashed and rewritten by no fault of our own. That is called terrorism. That is called war.

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Friday, May 21, 2010


History of Westward or Manifest Destiny: It is clear and almost obvious the Catholic Church has been around and the most powerful force in the North Americas. However, many of the communist policies and laws intended to overthrow or spread communism and crime in America has been or specifically enforced by the spies and rogues we have ferociously been in a fight with. We describe them as communists but they are bullies turned terrorists; not certain which position or who they are; so they live through us and claim we are their hope. The Catholic Church is a large commercial and public enterprise that has been shut down and unable to expand further in the Americas for various reasons outside of conspiracy alone. So the bully is the lunatic part and the civil rights or victimhood is the slow and arduous herd like nature which spread missions all over North and South America as a prison system which bred tremendous crime and poverty. With the standards so low and with the mismanagement of banks so high; they set the insurance or guarantees for personal wallets at a miser 100,001 dollars and now 199,000 which is a drop in the bucket to what the problem truly is; agree to low numbers or least work with high ambitions and corruptive lies. The winds of communist expansion blow east to west like the sun and now we know why. Therefore, the natural expansion was Asia where it ended in the 1960s. This problem with communist and labor go back as far as the 1800s and has caused the police forces to be infiltrated, infested, and used as a bully pulpit while the poor and communist claim to be victims or a protected class. So this large herd of humans cannot make it in North America and has waged war; the debt covers up and hides the legal grievances and total disaster which is imploding quickly. The only option is to siege or hijack the military base and make it an internment camp or a Gulag re-education stronghold.

Moment of Memory 2: Around 1989 or so we got a letter in the mail about a Fairfax County program to "fix up" houses. It would be a loan from the government to remodel the home in order to boost the value of property tax and spread the loan over a very long time. Why they did not call it a home equity loan is unknown. So around 1990 or so; my father fixed our house up finally after 20 or so years. The entire house got a lot of work and he chose a contractor he knew well. It was magnificent; almost a new house with a huge driveway, new landscape, fences, roof, and additions. Then in 1993, after returning home from the Army, it was only my father and I; everybody had left or moved away. I was in college and advised my father that he was over 65 and working two jobs. I wanted him to slow down and relax for once; maybe find something recreational. He has never had a moment of joy or period of comfort; always a work-aholic and keeping busy. I recommended he rent one room out to someone. The next thing I know; this lady friend of his rents out the entire house and it is trashed by rowdy, VC like, strange people you felt sorry for. I listened to their story; then I got bullied by their lies. They were nationalist and defiant but hid this.

Around 1994 and returning from the Army, I would call the police 10 times in one week. These were not hippies; they were fresh immigrants and those who had been in re-education camps; radicalized or traumatized. Once I had this Buddhist guy who I swear was like the labor unions by his shirt and said "knock it off." He would do as Chris and Sue did upstairs; use a spy camera, look for a way to disrupt or harass us, and felt we are their hope but they did not want to get hurt. So poor and worthless; they somehow took over our life and was in our home. I also told my father someone was following me and who he thinks it is; did he have enemies or someone he recognized as I described him. He said to try to ignore them. Then it got bad and things got crazy; so he said to call the General and talk to him. Scott Wilson used to mention how he canvassed neighborhoods for house fixes; maybe robbery or spying. So if this is about communist spies; they were construction and canvassing the DC-VA area. It is the same spy camera and the same bunch. Rush kept on saying Scott Wilson; it is his father and what he did for a living. They hit the entire VA-DC-MD area and took it over with this master spy plot.

The General knew about Ann; he only hinted about this, "have you found her yet... don't rush it" . The General knew what I was talking about and secretly told me to come over and he would be home at 6pm like usual for our meet up; a code he is being bugged or watched. I told him and he kept asking about whether I found a good girl yet; not to rush it. He did not take it serious and said he would ask some people and talk to them; get back to me on this. Oddly, my living arrangement is better than how we imagined this home remodeling because in 2008; this is how and when we caught Rush Limbaugh; how I knew then it was him and sprung it on him. The FBI had just raided the Alaskan Senators home due to a kickback of house fixes, etc... so it was the exact same scam or construction gift described in first and second grade. So this is why Rush is hitting back with the platform and this huge environmental disaster; I kept pushing him on this and Alaska.

Yearbook profile: there is only one person I know who works in the construction or the home remodeling industry, Tim Parks. Timmy was our goalie and a complete junkie; always starting fights and even doing violent robberies. Tim once wanted us to rob a Dominoes Pizza delivery personnel who was Arab and had a fake arm with a hook (similar to The Fugitive, where the Jews got this idea); violently beating him and did not rob him. Timmy at beach week is whom cheap shot me or took a sucker punch; then I was forced to go to the Childless condo where Patty was already and this South Pacific crew. Tim would try really hard to be friends; too hard and in a very intimidating way. I had no idea his father was a Rear Admiral in the US Navy, RAdm. Parks. Then something odd happened; after I had dumped everyone and visited Va. Tech; Timmy showed up while I was getting an oil change (RX7 vandalism).

He gave me his card (House Remodeling) and address in McLean, a huge house. I got the feeling they were the Manson Clan with a military twist; mostly Irish. I went there and it was packed with dope smokers. The house was nice and huge; however, a total pig sty and they said the police raided it. They sat there and took bong hits all day; I recognized a few as Sean McGee, a soccer stud. Jim Laswell, a US Navy Diver in NOLA - deep or dry suit expert. A bunch of hoe like Irish women, very pretty and rough looking. All were bartenders and sharing rent; the house was basically a fraternity house. When I got to GMU, a guy named Napalm, resembled Timmy at Sig Eps, GMU. Then I never saw Timmy again until 2007. He was on and living in Colorado; skiing his way and still in construction. Someone wanted me to meet Pollard in 2002 and a gang of bank robbers, sex offenders, and a cast of drug kingpins. You can look up the case of the Dominoes, Blue Heron Drive (in front of Tori Macinini's home and Todd Hutson-whose father is CIA and whom they TP'd his home) in 1988 at 11pm. Now that I think about it; my car rolled away one day into a yard at 7'eleven and I could not figure it out; they all said they saw it roll and it was too late, but witnessed it.

There is more. There is a super bully in the yearbook; a red headed, really stupid, inferior, red head, pinkie, total loser, football type, and looks like Robert Gibbs, identical. If there is a spy master, clone, or cast with each high school profile or state; then Chris was Bob Gibbs. Chris would constantly pick a fight over me telling him off when he asked to ride my bike. He could have punched me or started rumors; but he must have told Scott Wilson and Tim Parks; those two had this predator image of me as selfish and not willing to share with them. Chris is as violent as Tim; very awkward in his attempt to make friends. Odd how his girlfriend took drivers ed with me and I felt it was strange (Debbie Lazarus). Debbie was totally out of his league and very sexy. Remember, I dumped all of them and somehow get pulled in their den by this peeping tom spy camera. So find the yearbook and trace each person and the state; is there some odd crime spree and spy ring or network like to Pollard and drugs?

Moment of memory: This serial killer is going by their yearbook also. In 1998 during job after job of firings; I got a stupid job at Tysons II mall on this row and leg machine store. Inside was Roxanne who had a son on the Police force. Oddly, Roxanne showed me the yearbook of her and Bill Clinton in Little Rock Arkansas. I did not believe it until she showed me; but she did not say a word about those days. When I looks, he had been a blond bombshell but the years gave her beefy hips and a slight rump; still very attractive. So if you wish to cross parallel this period of Tysons, Tysons II, Leven and Hannity and Tysons, and the Mclean Hilton; you will see the intersection of his yearbook and High School. She would not tell me anything but her son was the police officer we are looking for maybe that night on 95 South; Scott Wilson is link to Linda and whom had raped Linda, so she says; and then Art Truro was her next boyfriend who was Hispanic. Arturo lived a few houses down and she told me the most bizarre story how she lost her virginity and the days as some stray ally cat. Oddly, I was pulled deeper and deeper into this; but she said nothing about Deanna or Michelle next door whom I frequented often; maybe they were stalking them like Edwards in NC.

The Clausen were the reason why Patty Inspinger had come on me when 15 at Ches. Bay Seafood; easy and there if I want it badly. I treated Deanna and Michelle like I treat Ann, or try to; with respect. Linda was a mutt and a total fraud; a pain in the ass wart. Her brother was a total goof and they called him "beaker" and it was bad. I thought this was odd since she went out of her way to look like Michelle Clausen; my babysitter and Ann's age and whom I chose as my ideal woman from five drop dead gorgeous ones I grew up with and considered older sisters. Michelle and Deena are stunning, best looks in the entire state, but they do not like men or treat them well; however, I was like their little brother and respected smooching. I think this was some warning or closing in or getting closer and closer.


First, do not bother trying a vaccine. They are too defiant, lawless, and think they are the same fake B'tards we encountered around DC-VA. However, I set a deadline of July 2010 for the return of the rent; refund for being housed with dangerous felons, sex offenders, terrorists, and using a peeping tom spy camera to make me feel unsafe or being watched by a secret police of the unions, Catholic Church, mafia, and communist-Nazi imposers. They claim I am obligated to teach them; they are the police and the same, better, and on the cutting edge. I got Sue to confess, "you are our only hope... we do not want to get hurt" on May 20, 2010; Hannity also goes on attack with Ann and so does FReeP or this Cali-police.

So far, there is only hints and allegations. HSBC wants to pull out while they are telling me to leave or get out alive. So my drive today was full of agitation until I reached the post office; then it was some teenager with his girlfriend; picking a fight and stare down. This time the investigation and bust is over; so I do not have to play by their rules. He of course drove off where last time they did not and went on attack. They are not white spermicide; at most they are IRA or white labor union members; communist. Also, to track or trace them; we know they implant ear devices and remove them; you have to dig it up and go layer after layer as we did to the command center upstairs. They know they have a death sentence but are as defiant, the same, and better; and we are their hope because they do not want to be hurt or blow up; we must.

We are going through the same breakfast club; struggling also; and must back down; population loss is okay because it census business and McVeigh said "go home... leave." They need to find the messiah and who can read them the 7th Seal which is written in Ja-Hon language encryption of the Christian tribe Whoami. Only their friends and labor union construction workers can decipher it; near genius. Their music is from The Police and Sting; message in a butt, send ya mo SOS, I be eating you, and our favorite hit Rocks-Ann. They must have a parade and be a hero sandwich with us.

The drive is full of some secret police; and then some NF guy in an electric cart; just cutting edge. Remember, we are the same and this is about their safety and security. They know something is up; we are chasing the little guy; and are suspicious we are after them. So I am out to get the little guy still. So this campus is about suspicious activity and their home; HQ and how they are the secret police and know things are bad. Do not send in forces; utilize those we have caught and pull out; squeeze what we have and know because we have the leaders trapped and caught. The little fish are worthless and need a teacher or some hope; a dope on a rope they can scare and copy.

I have asked the landlord to refund the money citing how this has been a long ordeal chasing them down and how it was full of cruelty, yelling no at them, and lawlessness behavior. The people on the other end of this are ice cold murderers; so they are in a conspiracy to commit and cover up one. There is a dead body, I would say a few. They know I am the head investigator and directing both military and federal forces; they are in denial and the same; a game of cat and mouse to see who blinks or is last standing. That is who is behind all of this and why they "know what we are up to... the same." They also claim to be encouraging us and on our side; their security is priority. They are not divulging anything or budging; only matching or the same; even if this is about a murder investigation.

So starve them out; go with those we have and know lead to their leaders. A murder or conspiracy charge without bond will cause them to blink and flake. The electric cart police who has us under close watch and making us blind and blink is about all I could ID; this and some California dead letter FBI fake office they use. So it is picking a fight, a labor strike, communist espionage or a local spy game, and a suicide mission they are on. We are their teachers and they are the same; forced to teach at their schools or better it; hope. They do not want to be hurt and are extremely deadly; lawless and guilty as sin. But there is no problem or ever one. It is like a ghost cloud or a secret police - surveillance; there to intimidate, target, and make you feel unsafe; employers and bosses. It is in their ear; only an MRI will show or reveal this.

So no problem. If I can keep asking you to request my refund; starve them out and we will stay focused and keep at this; I am sure we can shut this and them down eventually; they are very clever and very good impersonating and spying on us to be the same; almost fake junk or trash. They are not white supremest; more of a B'tard and claim their skin is why or their game. There is a secret police, a dictator and undercover crew, here to intimidate and do stare downs; liberal or highly left wing to stare you down and agitate; pick fights. Watch out for them; they are beyond cruel and deadly. They did this to Mr. Frank Sauerkraut (US Ranger, Capt. Retired) when I was a child and he told me how they pull up next to you in a vehicle and stare you down or initiate a fight. It is the same as a master-dog relation; the Catholics, labor unions, and mafia secret police. Do not challenge them; they will come back and with the secret police.

So they are not budging and wish to send this message. As far as the "no problem" and "no refund" strike; my hands are tied. I can no less demand a refund than ask for one but this is why I have asked you to represent me; I have a peeping tom camera and dangerous felons on top upstairs. They have circled my affiances and partner in life. I was hoping they withdraw and let me seek US Army assistance; allow me to escape their grip or max maze. As far as my belongings and car; they can have it and keep it as spy bounty or treasure. It is worthless to me but the spy camera watches and matches; the same even if they are not on the other end.



Sen. Barney Frank look alike are the Triggar Brothers, triplets. He even keeps hinting to me about the Triggars. They showed up in police science class in 1989, martial arts class in 1989, and tried to get very close but were predators hiding what they were trying to do. Nobody knows if they are gay but the three never date or is close to Patty H. Why they came along or tried to contact us is uncertain. This one was really odd because it led to a lot of fags. Also, I roller bladed from 1995 to 1998 (25 miles often) and felt a loser felt I was their ice princess. I describe them as people who come and go; like always, not stay and become a nuisance. I treat them with kindness and got a lot of trouble and a lot of injuries for my kindness. They are not the slightest bit sorry and repeat how they do not care. Also there is Pete and Russ. They are twins who are part of the Patty gang. Pete is married to a Malkin X look alike who kept coming in the weight room at GMU. Pete claims to be an engineer and met her in engineering class; I never saw him as intelligent or a good student. Also, Russ leads to upstate NY and this copy cat McVeigh.

In HS Russ got a motorcycle but did not ride with us. Was this Conte and their dropping hints? His father is some Defense contractor; maybe a Walker kind of spy for Israel who drove the same Q30 Infinity as Sheila R. my 30 something hot Persian boss. Both Russ and Pete got jobs immediately after GMU and in the highest real estate in the area (Tysons II building) where I was a security guard while in college. So they keep showing up everywhere. They also link to the beach week with Amy Baker. The condo was owned by Chris Childless; he said his grand mother had a condo at beach week. I had got in a fight with Tim Parks, Michelle Parks (Rosa Parks niece) who dated the only black basketball star in Virginia, David Edwards. So Childless came up to me and said he has a place if I did not want to stay in the rat hole Chris Liebig had rented with all of our money; some ghetto motel called East is East. It was a puke slaughterhouse and stunk but cost more than any other motel in Ocean City in 1988.

Everybody else had nice places, except the organizer Chris Liebig. So this is where I met Amy Baker and who were the ones behind all of this Michelle thing; Michelle is Michelle Parks who was friends with my sister and lives behind me. Her mom looks identical to Rosa and she used to give me lap dances in 3rd grade when I was in love with Michelle Quinn. Michelle Parks, Rosa mommy look alike, did these lap dances before they were even around; and it was the real deal. Then Michelle disappeared and came back only in 12th grade. The Filippo link is Pete and Russ Bennett; copy cats of our friends. Then there was an odd South Pacific crew with them (Marlon from Tahiti, Doug from Frances, and a few others like Suzi who had a brother with a huge Block Panther on his back). So that is the Chicago crew trying to shadow us after we got invaded. I cannot remember all of it but it is some yearbook serial killer and total loser. Childless then moved to Texas oddly; and then said he was in medical school but was really stupid. All of them are dumb and they have engineering degrees, medical school, law school, etc... So all of this is about beach week and Ocean City, Md. in 1987, 1988, and 1998, 2000, 2001, 2002.

The Yorks are Presbyterians who lived in Rochester and traveled back and forth to DC. In the 1980s; the DoD withdrew due to threats of invasion or surrender of weapons. The Yorks were working with the Pentagon on satellite and the regional technology or satellite contracts during the early period; they are not communists but were invaded by them. So Ben and Adam are friends of ours through them; like our age and also from a rich background. That is also why Mr. Davis is a Patent Attorney; it is a major spy weak spot and the FBI knew this. So they invaded and got closer. The strong DoD footprint in New Yawk began to drop after Love Canal and the flurry of resistance or violence. So they copied Ben and Adam and tried to separate or force them away while they moved in and swooped. As rivals, they posed as Catholics and labor unions but are communists and now terrorists. There are more clones and a cast of characters, just too much to recall at once.

So you can trace the history of CIA-U2-Satellites to Upstate NY and Kodak in the 1960s. Odd how they jumped on me in days upon arrival and checked my record immediately with police harassments. I think the Chrissy Yamamoto may be related to New York and the Presbyterians; they went to our church also and I did love female ice skaters (Hammel, Russian and Chinese, Gaylord, Weiss in Fairfax, Va in 1995-2006). So they match or try to match us; we are their teachers and lawyers. Triggar was bold and the first of the first in 1989; fat and total losers. Then they showed up in my martial arts class and stuck out like a sore thumb. They were not aggressive so I treated them with respect; I had no idea they were communist spies in a war zone in DC. So it led to upstate NY and satellite warfare; I am the founder of it and this is where it began in the 1960s with the U2 and Kodak. It also began with Wild Bill the serial killer in Hannibal. I blew off the Triggars and left for college, they never showed up again which was odd. Then the next to get this bold was Russ and Pete; the GA girlfriend-defiance; and then the Filipino girl. This then led to Stef Delacruz who looks like Stef Seymour and "blurted or mumbled" if I wanted a blow job out of nowhere. I was like "what... how about a phone number." Then it was the professor and the ring twisting. After 1998; it was the long string of roommates and junkies; all Catholics.

In 1998, I moved in with Cassandra in FC at the apartments; my first time. Soon after a company called "Great Expectations" called me about a dating service. I ignored it and they flooded my mail. So I called and they were across the street from George C. Marshal High School in FC; across the street. So I did not tell Cassandra and knew something bad was going on and went with it. I met the lady who committed suicide; the DC Madame. Then she had this plastic face, a very dyed black hair, and looked tacky fake. She was even in a black business suit. She thru chocolate kisses at me as if it was the best thing in my life and so I went with it; said cost was no object (bankruptcy coming and planned). So I signed a contract and they did not even tell me the price, they said do not worry about the cost; this is a lifetime investment; how can you put a price on that. So I got a foreign date with a cheap ass Nanny from South Africa. The same type I met in Upstate NY in 2006 named Alicia. I did not get a positive ID on "CareBear" or Alicia from upstate NY; she was dirt poor. Alicia is Hannity's girl on the radio who he keeps taunting me about and how easy it is to hook me or trick me. To this day, Hannity keeps chiding me and hooking me with this CareBear and Alicia; I think it is Patty. She called herself carebear and Binnie the pooh.

They are all dirt poor and mountain people; probably Irish, not South African. She did not have an accent either or an address. She said for security, I had to pick her up at the subway and she lived in NW DC for a Swedish diplomat. One hour and one meeting and I said it was a scam; total fraud and hoax. So the DC Madame called back and told me more lies, "It takes some time... I know you may not like the initial match.... it usually takes four sometimes 8 matches before we strike gold... it takes time and you must commit to the process of finding a life match." It was good stuff; but I said no thank you. So next thing I know, they nail me with a bill; $25,000 for one date with some dirt woman who "was in a mall and someone asked her for her name and address." She was in a scam and put her roommates name and address; she did not know it was a dating service and was so sorry. So they nailed me with 25K; a dating service Hannity took over in 2005 with Next thing I know; Cassandra is all over me trying to do the same thing and I identify her as the primary pick up trying to learn my dating and sex habits. She brought girls over and slept with them but I was not allowed to talk to them.

"Alicia" had no ID and gave me a false address; but met me. She was butt ugly and pretended it was all a game, no big deal, and just a trick. I had tried to get her drivers license and she said she had none. So I could not put down Alicia as a verified suspect; she was too good and too careful but comes on the radio with Hannity all the time to flirt and fuck with my head. Then she pretends how she is getting married, Hannity is the best boss, he is on his best behavior, etc... Cassandra traces to the Chronic ring and this Blue Iguana guy who gave them the pistol. I had met him somewhere and did not know when; it was at the gym while with Cass. Floyd. There is more to this and my memory was almost wiped out by psychoptropic drugs; I was nearly crippled by it and made my skin feel like chemical torture in the Above the Law movie. We know now who is behind it and why; it was a terrorist plot and all these fake phony military wives or communist infiltration; they kill when the ring ends or have finger prints on these other smears on the US Army. Mocking and messing with us incessantly; it leads to a string of environmental disasters, oil spills, Turner Diary plots, and 911 widows. I got fed up with this a long time ago and called it quits; leaving the country and asked Ann to come and she did not so I got a decoy and went my own way in 2002. Now Ann finds me and we got all of them and hit back like the Empire Strikes back or 301 Battle of Theymopthisup.

So the brunette twist their rings and the college professor at GMU (economics teacher) and then Stef Delacruz all led to Great Expectations, DC Madame, and Hannidate. The trail ends there because she is dead and committed suicide so it goes cold. So now Hannity's dating service and spy ring led to Sue Place who chases me hourly and barks back psycho sado-machoist slurs. Meanwhile, he chases Ann and keeps causing her to come in and debate him or explain why she is not interested; which he uses back at me to suggest "they share the stage... spend time with each other... when we are together we talk about." I had dinner and was upstairs daily; I was in their residence as new neighbors 5 days a week initially to learn who was there and why they slept through the home invasion and came to my rescue in 2006 with bond and bail. They got a piece of it, had to be cash, and refused to care for my car as I had asked. Hannity is still on attack-kill mode and so is Sue the State. They admit we are their hope, they do not want to be hurt, and are communists. They do not realize the level and power we are at; and keep attacking and making it worse. There is more but my memory is faint; Ann knows some like the grades at GMU and who made contact or was stalking us. It was Newt Gingrich who came on TV to berate me; he increased the bankrupt laws from 7 years to 10 but that made no difference or impact.

If they take the satellite warfare heist and do not surrender; we will have war. They are infiltrating and we have no chance to defend or manpower. So do not drag this cat and these fuckers closer, I will go ape shit. I got Hannity on the radio talking about "we have RINOs in the Republican Party." Hey Hannity you bitch, we got a communist spy called Sean Hannity busted and now trying to match every move and clone us. I am going ape shit and have thrown the last card down; they will either take or shake and bake. There is no 200 advance moves we have thought out and it is over; so do not tell me you are getting closer to Christianity or how these dinners are 50k a plate. We do not want or need them; nor does God and America; they admitted they are communist already. Now they brag how they want you still, are angry with RINOs and what you two talk about. Knock the horse play and goofing off; we are facing war with them on a space age shootout. I am scrambling to just get my fucking rent back for medical fixes. So now you have stirred up the Tea Party and we are glued to them and their hope? I am about to go ape shit and want you to hurry up and finish this up, you FBI fuckers work slow and love to dine and wine with communists; thanks. Read my lips, this is my last card; also they have 80 per cent infiltrated and I am blowing them away; not recruiting them or trying to have dinner with them; got it? I would like to have kids maybe if we make it out alive. Now I have to hear Hannity, Gingrich, Boehner, Oreilly, and these fucking communist cop shake their ass and blow in my ear. Hurry up god dammit; you are not getting closer to God or Christianity; trust me.

I told you to meet me in a safe location and lets retire and get out. You had to stop me and play this game where I go ape shit. I and you would be on vacation, sailing around the world, and all my cards cashed in with a note to clean it up in 10 years; who will win? Now I am sex craved, lonely, without one tooth, skin rashes everywhere, and have idiots who feel powerful. Had we retired and just got out of this while we can; they would be cleaning gutters, shooting at each other, and a mad stampede. But guess what, you cannot have kids, I am asking when we are going to effing have a romance, and going ape shit watching this shit and this insane jackass who has no clue what is going on or how close they are to disaster. I am trying to F you and retire; maybe have a kid and marriage okay; but you waved me down and someone stopped my cards from hitting the floor in disgust. So now I have to sit and wait to cash out and go on vacation or get medical attention or a fine piece of ass? God damn I am losing my mind.

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