Excerpt 1: Murder She Wrote: Protection Rackets and Terrorism
Excerpt 2: Murder She Wrote: God, Religion, and Medical Care
So I do not get it with the Irish, Zionist, unions, and the parasite terrorist upstairs. They come here under false pretenses and bad agreements. They are viewed as scum bags and dirt balls; yet they claw and crawl their way to our life to take it over. As unwanted and worthless as they feel, they come here and ruin our experience and wreck the country, then try to steal everything; it is not as if this is an open secret. Then to top it off, they get in your face and torment us every single day in order to force us to turn a blind eye to what they are doing and were doing. I would love an answer and would love an open discourse; this coward and traitor owes this country an explanation; but these cowards and traitor scum bags are shameless and impervious to reality. We need an explanation and someone has to explain to the country why they are up in our faces and violated every single law on the books. They pick these people to live with you and to go in your homes; then fill you with rage and anger. Even fresh off the boat and not a word of English; you get this dictator and overconfident jackass. They make it about immigrants dominating or powerful.

To top it off, they torment us daily and scream "go home" or "common nigger" in our window every single night and at the most odd hours. Any clues or credible explanation or the usual turn the blind eye and do not say a word? Are we supposed to check into a mental hospital or seek therapy for this? Yeah, they get in our faces and emphasize how Irish and labor union they are! Why do we have to be the victims of white and black trash that should not even be here? That is the key; they should not be here and on a military base. Should we attack Ireland or maybe Israel over this problem with an insect liberal? What about bombing Uganda or Kenya? These jackasses are repulsive, disgusting, meddlesome, interfering, always in your face; what is worse, they make you disgusted, repulsed, and disappointed to be alive. How the hell does a scum bag and a piece of shit get the gall to do all of that and be so god awful stupid? That turd and human excrement is behind all the good of the USA and our history? Give me the “break in case of emergency hammer” or an effin break! I am teaching the white race hate and what white trash is?

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