1. Make a list of those who try to rescue him. 2. Throw rotten veggies and eggs at them each and every time they exploit and try to pull another fast one on the nation. 3. Impeach all his mentors, teachers, associates, and financiers. 4. Send in Dealta-boi and let the FBI Civil Rights division “blood and guts” rip them apart limb from limb. The more they delay and hide this story or drag this out longer; the more he should be bombarded with rotten veggies and eggs on stage! Say no to terrorists and sex offender-stalkers. Tell this white leech he is a racist pig! Tell this white leech how his church and army of the damned has no future in America and a Christian nation! His career as a sharecropper has come to an end by using our family and wives to penetrate anti-terrorist elite military forces.

I call on all my military brothers to rip him limb from limb or any of their rescuers or spy-terror members. Let this kidnapper and sex offender know this nation and we never invited them, uneducated crime families, or desperate and undeserving labor fuel BS plot. Teach them upstairs how we deal with weirdo stalkers and psychotic spies who come to America and invite their rape into our life and ruin it. Teach them to fear America, her military, and the most elite military units on earth; show they the fear in our eyes and the redness of our anger. If they want a fight, then give then ten times the fight they expect. Ask them if they want to stay here and earn it before they try to bury and cover it up. Call in Dealta-boi and let him rip them limb from limb!


“Alleging Bush and Cheney engineered the 911 attacks… (that is not the allegation, the allegation and raid was about kidnapping and mistaking someone as Dealta Force, talking to their fiancĂ© and family intimately, eschewing a heart warming story when it was a rape-kidnapping attempt, and getting busted and not even wary of this; then having a protection racket exposed right on the media and without any concealment; then lying every single day and covering up; what prosecutors call conspiracy to prevent war and a death penalty, and trying to sit next to us and penetrate Dealta Force and the SOCOM or Southern Command) Bush and Cheney should be treated as if… “Say no to spies and crime families; vote out their close associates and ring; impeach Senator Grassley. Bring me who is doing a rescue for these terrorists, kidnappers, child molesters, rapist, sex offenders, Irish union bosses, crime bosses, Zionists, Kennedy ring, Catholic Illuminati immigrants, etc… the DMC and this head butting.

“You know the… have declared war on him 9/3/2009 7:28:04 PM… if you do not like the way things are turning out… (How many warnings and sex offense, stalking, harassment, terror alert, and military warnings has he denied and ignored; then said it was just a disagreement and misunderstanding?) No we just disagree… Charlie.” Sean Bin Hannity is a communist spy trying to rebuild his career and fulfill the next level of the 1960s when it is need not apply and why. His behavior and strategy is to ignore it all and display a total inclusion and total unity while living a secret life and a total lie about the story he is hiding and refuses to say; a terror plot, penetration of Delta Force, and a kidnapping of his arch nemesis’s family; this did not include the stalking and attempted sex offense and murder plot. Impeach and vote out Senator Grassley, the weasel’s mentor Newt Bin Gingrich, the UAW union boss from Kentucky Sen. Mitch McConnell, and those who came to his rescue to bury the evidence and crisis. Impeach all of them!

“9/3/2009 7:39:25 PM Get the bleep out of here before I throw you out the window… you think you can take me you little wimp… shut up… (I bet Bin Hannity has never been flipped by Judo, Aikido, or felt what being manhandled is like; he respects nothing but evil and lies; not even power and the military as a traitor).” Throw the Irish bacteria out and throw rotten veggies at him every time he is on stage! “911 commissions… we are at war... sick of it… Michelle Malkin says get ready for all Barracks children (he means get ready for the Kennedy Klan and the communist spy ring of the 1960s; their children and illegal immigrants).” Now Bin Hannity is acting as if he is upset, angry, sick of being mistreated (just like home invasion and what they said to us, read the transcripts) and wants a fight; send in Dealta-boi and let the FBI rip them limb from limb; I will ask him if he fears America and her military.
Also, impeach his white trash Karl Marx Rove! Teach them to fear the nation they steal and ruin! (Bin Rove is saying “oh my god… know we are lying… means money in their pockets 9/3/2009 8:12:24 PM. ” and knows it is a sting and we know it all; he knows Dealta-boi and the Civil Rights division is going to rip them limb from limb and they will never surrender; they are traitors, moles, and terrorists.) Show them who is tougher, who is stronger, who fears who, and who the hell do they think they are kidnapping and stealing from as a traitor and terrorist spy! “This man needs to be fired…9/3/2009 8:19:15 PM.” No these mean man needs to fork over and turn over the details of this plot and the entire story; then we will and can fire him and all with him.
Bin Hannity has Paul Rodriguez from East LA on his illegal show and they are talking about the minnow and water in LA and carrots from China.
Shouting match and more of this heart warming story about using spouses to penetrate the Southern Command and Dealta Force; busted by the masters of war and dragged in the open; watch how they work and operate; this is the 911 terror plotters and the protection racket leaders expanding and being the police; see if you can stop them either or be their victim. Drag them into the open and send in the blood and guts of the FBI office of Civil Rights to mutilate this asinine mother fucker! Don’t worry about Dealta Force, they do not fear them; send in the FBI Civil Rights division.

Shouting match erupts on Hannity, September 2, 2009 between Ann Coulter and Rat-dog Sean Bin dead cracker Hannity over engagement and not having a pleasant experience: (Video of Hannity on September 2, 2009 and shouting match with Ann Coulter; they know she knew all about their plot, kidnapping, and traitor or terror plot.)

Kennedy Memoirs: (Mary Jo’s death led to the death of his father)
Clinton and 911 (a police matter):
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