• Yes, I am suing and charging the upstairs with eavesdropping and intercepting both official and terrorism alerts; since I was teaching the directors of intelligence and counter-intelligence agencies and documented numerous attacks, retaliation, and strong arm tactic to suggest we were helpless and could not fight back. Add also blocking the outside world and trying to hide or prevent escape of a kidnapping. That already carries life in prison so I hope she and the Irish drunk upstairs can read; that is life already; want to roll the dice some more? Oh, add intentional infliction of emotional distress and torture to extract classified material or watch over their transmission. Who is the teacher? I suggest they plead guilty and do a plea bargain; a surrogate for three sides and foreign enemies upstairs. Bin 911-Beirut Hannity has three times the charges and tried to cover it up and lie on camera.
If you want to watch another display of gross dysfunctional behavior; watch these two. They have no clue when it comes to relationships or love and will sit there and rip each other apart; day in and day out; then pretend it is foreplay and a date; or some invitation to go to dinner after the show! You cannot even tell the difference and they are both dumb about it. One pretends to be a victim or warrior; the other pretends to be a champion and on top of his game; it is pathetic and ends up some love fest where they go to some hotel for a restoration weekend and kiss to make up. Or they go and get drunk and follow each other around. They all follow each other around like a kid lost at the mall. I feel the same way. I am glad she is having a marvelous and the time of her life; I know I enjoy watching it and reading it. What do you think the secret weapon against a jackass is? Yes, another one. How about a super mean and psychotic lunatic? So how do you fight a bag of shit, such as upstairs?
So, had I not told you, you would never know or even notice; the worst part is when Ann explains; she cannot and draws a blank. It is sort of annoying and kind of pisses you off. I hope Ann notices how I am sick and tired of being dragged on her excursions which usually lead to nowhere or her having some sweet blast of a time while calling me and telling me she is having the time of her life, “oh I wish you were here and we could spend time together… I miss you so much.” Are you insane and have you lost your mind; I am baby sitting a serial killer and terrorists in my own home even. I am glad one of us is having such a good time with them. No not one or two, it is string after string of pearls stolen from the sea; but she likes them because it makes them all look good and if they look good we win as a cartoon character. The proud owner of the secret weapon against jackasses and a stampede of lunatics and fanatics who think they are in heaven.

I am glad the love fest with Ann Coulter and Sean Bin 911-Beirut has already started this weekend and noticeable. Coulter can speak and go to hell in two weeks! September 23, 2009, 8:18 PM COULTER TO SPEAK IN DALLAS IN 2 WEEKS! - Revolution PAC Fundraiser with Ann Coulter October 10, 2009; take the love fest and the long trail of problems with her. It is another recurring sex dream and one more notch on the tree for this toothless sexual harassment giddy-good cowboy up act. In secret talk, it means a social, drinking event, party and another let’s spend the weekend singles party. So exclusive you have to pay money to have giddied up pictures taken and a hotel party. If you are lucky; you might get dinner or get to say you had breakfast with the cougar. I do I puke when I hear it repeated? Another one and another god damn hotel party. This time a singles meet up in Texas! I bet she is going to travel with her ferocious conservative men; that are ultra conservative and fierce men! Did you know I am banned from all of them and cannot get in them? Moreover, what happens there stays there and not even I know? Talk about sex time and feeling unfaithful! Now would you sneak off and have dinner with her and why? Even I cannot get in these things and are locked out while Ann hides them from me; for real. This is how it brews and boils over and it is as pathetic as one can imagine.

(From the Bin 911-Beirut Limbaugh Show) “This is embarrassing to me… it was horrible… right out of the stinking left wing playbook… I want to talk to you about my self esteem… has ruined my self esteem… feeling worthless… we have to build it, feel good about ourselves… our children need self esteem, to tell them how wonderful and great they are… break another window… here is a brick… did they throw him off the stage or did they escort him out of there… escorted off by a female… we are mean, arrogant, we have stolen… My self esteem is in the tank… I can imagine yours… yesterday it was in the cloud… two days and I feel worthless… wandering shred of human debris (or a captured terrorist and spy, the devil and the antichrist that has three pages of felony charges and the death penalty); September 23, 2009.”
I think it is fair to say you all are guilty of not only egregious misrepresentations but down right fraud. Some for the wrong reasons and some to defend nothing or fight for a pile of beans; you can tell how relationships and marriage will be with Ann; hit the bottle every night type matter. It seems as if that is all she can do, go on the juice. This is why people want nothing to do with conservatives; there is this aura of artificiality and watching it is like a wet cartoon; even worse than the Simpson’s get nasty and mean. I don’t even know why I am in a god damn cartoon right now. Both Bin Hannity and Limbaugh not only did it but they tried to cover it up and remove the evidence; then took steps to get rid of all the witnesses and cover it up; only to find out it grew from a handful to several million people around the world. Sexual harassment and attempted rape and kidnapping are nothing to them. This defense they are the police and undercover fell through the roof and can hang them quickly.
The flag wrapping act and patriotism or nationalist act; then the Michelle Malkin pretend I am right wing theatre; it is all spying, subversion and a protection racket; the teachers union, national coaches and spy masters-ring of terrorists. Bin Hannity says Ann is their President but is silent and secret about this; not a whisper! Just like his heart warming story and upstairs is her voice; the unions and the Irish fanatics. Oh, Clinton is upstairs and feminists; so Ann and Clinton are buddies and she is the voice of the union and feminists! So tell us more about your relationship with the President. Now wonder they are quiet; it is a bag of shit as usual. He thinks Ann Coulter is their President and is protecting her; some secret ring or alliance based on false allegations of romance, sex, and special access or relationship. Well, imagine how Ann Coulter feels because one of these days her heart will face me and her tears will be real. What is she going to say or do? They have to face her now; she will have to face me at some point.
(Angry and over excited) More acknowledgments about how great the country is and how much they love it; a real and true great American, just not the most honest one or for real; a proper description is looking for a life saver after getting busted and anything that floats on the Titanic. That is why they misrepresent things and grossly. Yes, now he is doing the world is filled with evil and enemies such as Ghadafi and murderers; just never them. They don’t even believe in facts, truth, or the law. They great Americans and love their country; just not the truth, facts, or the Constitution. Now it is about Iran and Arabs. It has been already been debated as a boxing match with props. It is to give them an undefeated record; but we asked them if it was a slam dunk and if they can buy any of this from Russia or China? What then? Why not emphasize this; we don’t truly trust Iran; we see two sides fighting and neither want to back down or go nuclear. Do they listen to me or tell the truth; not. Who has three to four pages of felonies? Is it Iran? See if they had three pages of felonies, we would bomb them.
Even Bin 911 Hannity has caught the skeptical bug! However, their criticism is much to be desired and sounds almost cylindrical and bully fanatic; as if they do not mean it and playing along only. Ha, Bin 911 Hannity just asked me if I want to be on his show; honestly, no. Do you want to be in mind? I know Ann Coulter does and I am fed up and banned her for life; what makes him think he has a shot? From what I heard; she now knows who you are and is disgusted with you. He said this is embarrassing; I think so also; try being kidnapped and your life rewritten by a stampede of jackasses and fanatic low IQ union goons and drunken Irishmen. Keep in mind, we ran South Vietnam and went through this already; that is a double whammy and a double tour of service; two invasions and two Vietnam Wars. We had to face the VC and communist twice now; in South Vietnam and now in the United States. Who do you think got the better of the other this time? So it is super embarrassing; let me try it on your kid. We knew you were coming and you were so convinced and confident based on the result of the Vietnam War; that is why you targeted the top 2% and the best of the best; you mistook us as Dealta Force and big hitters. Wrong jackass, we are now red belt spy catchers and soon to be black belts. What an idiot, how do you mistake someone for Dealta Force and do a 911 plot right in front of them?
Keep in mind what he just said. Bin 911 Plotter said she is their President; so who is the first “lady” or the little turd that has to do the photo ops and fly around with her? In other words, they got her a hubby, mistress, and presidential life; and is selling tickets already! So why do you think we banned her for life and complaining about who the sex kitten dragged in from the cold? Oh, read the sign, “NO F’ING TERRORISTS AND SPIES.” Ann said she had a list and she should start enforcing it and biting their head off. Zero tolerance on subversives, spies, and moles. If Ann does not like that, then she can tell the fat bag lady and the Clinton operative and spy recruiter upstairs to kiss my ass and I will kill them if they wish a fight; they are 911 terrorists and being prosecuted; want to fight or have a stand off? Let us know if they want a fight and a violent end to this terror plot and kidnapping. So that is why they kidnapped her also and circled her; it is their secret weapon to take over; a puppet and victim who cannot retaliate. Now the singles club and hotel parties are starting to make sense along with the private

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