You use financial fraud to load up debt and either pushes it to socialism or bankruptcy; so how do we fight that but to destroy your bank that is doing this? If it blows up or you go bust, you go back to the homeland and new financiers come to fix you or aid you. That is how you use immigration or illegal immigration; New York. http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5iC3CYATP4ke7JDlA0Hkb9nxXZ9tQD9AS2QA00 (Hosted by Google Back to Google News, Democratic fundraiser indicted in NY, By LARRY NEUMEISTER (AP) – 18 hours ago)

Then you use race to alienate or isolate someone before you move in and instill them with fear or paranoia; to steal the power of self sufficiency and individualism and replace this with collectivism or destroy the soul to the point where we cling on or live through someone else: (www.americanthinker.com) September 21, 2009; Why is the Left so angry at Blacks who love America? By Lloyd Marcus
So first it was how you were engaged to Ann Coulter. Then it was about how I did not have enough money to buy her or afford her because her virginity is up for sale and on auction. Then it was how you did not crash our wedding and you intended to crash a Hillary wedding. Then it was FReeP and CPAC is a singles club and facilitating this transaction; they get a cut and will bid first. Does the term white slavery or white prostitution sound familiar? That is not all of it; you are charging us with ridiculous things in order to be more powerful or live this Gatsby like life. How you cannot be caught and too big to fail but like Elizabeth T.

I am not sure if you are just insane or a weasel of a criminal; dirt scum bags. I am complaining about removing your camera and anesthesia out of my car; vandalism to my convertible which I never drive and drove only 5 times since 2006 (5 times on the road only over 30 miles range); and you say it has to do with a hit and run. Listen, there is no connection between a hit and run, this idea insurance will fix this, and my complaints. First take your crap our of my car and house. Then fess up to the vandalism and over 10,000 dollars. I will not mention the terrorism investigation or what this has to do with it; however, I brought you back to the home invasion, how they are the surrogate and the focal point of it all; and their role on the vandalism and home invasion. What the hell does a hit and run have to do with it and insurance? You mean to tell me I am guilty and not the guy upstairs; he did it but did not expect we would know? You fuckers are dirt bags, why are you in government and public service?

If you are charged with terrorism or kidnapping; why would someone drive away or claim it was all a hit and run? Every time you know I am searching or trying to buy a car; you throw out something I cannot refuse or a massive bargain. That is who and how I got my truck at a Tyson’s Nissan in Vienna, VA and they gave me one hell of a time. I had to calm them down and to ask them to stop yelling and I was buying a car from them. I bought a convertible when we suspected how a hit was coming and had a plan to defeat it. Does that upset you to vandalize my counter measure? So I knew how you were going to hit me and you were toying with us to shut us up, fuck you. I did not know I was guilty by defeating your hit and kidnapping; or the cover up of a terror investigation and plot. So now we are guilty and you are the police! When Huey Long was assonated in the Louisianan court house, his body guard and the gun man got in a gun fight and they hit him first but the gun man died also. Does that sound familiar?

This is the same damn BS with the terror plot. You have three pages of felonies, a bag of shit, we wish to strangle you, and you skirt around as some hero-victim and great American. You deserve to be knifed but your criticism will be how we are animals and hateful. We ignore you but even that is impossible. So if we put a finger on you; your claim is we are terrorists and criminals when the problem is you are a dirt bag and a bag of shit. Now you are a really tough or a tougher target with the 1960s, terrorism, and being the police. The truth is you are the scum of the earth, a bag of steamy lies, and you deserve to die; but if that fate is mentioned; it becomes terrorism or criminal behavior. You see race and hate as your handicap; both for and against. So now you wish to file a formal complaint and log your right to protest? Who is denying you the right to protest? I don’t get it. First it is conspiracy. Then it is how we blew the locks and levies in New Orleans. Then it is a hit and run. If you wish to file a complaint and think we broke something raiding you or this terrorist investigation; then file a complaint and at least log it down; not use urban legend or insane-ridiculous allegations; such as sex and Ann. We know it is the same people and the jackasses. We never heard “you did 911” or any pressure about it; that is how you fight back.

So the truth is nothing sticks on you dirt bags and you become a harder target; especially when we have the shakes. How did we get those shakes? Who has the shakes now? So you will win this? Really… or did that change and were you waving the white flag? Before it was a conspiracy and we had to tell you or write out the details so you can prosecute and finish some case on us. Now it is about how we are a victim of the vast right wing conspiracy. That is why you targeted Ann; you insist it was a conspiracy on your race; and you felt the same with me. Now all the sudden you cannot let go of our nipple and want to keep sucking; we keep crying and moaning about you? Wait a minute, who has the story reversed and wrong here? So is it a conspiracy or not and why are you being charged for conspiracy charges? How do you leverage it when we caught you? You never even filed a god damn complaint or charge with the FBI or Pentagon and bark down our neck every god damn day for over 30 years; now do you wish to file a formal complaint because every time before you shut up and got silent. Why clam up now?

9/22/2009 So why didn’t you all file a complaint with the Pentagon or FBI about conspiracy, breaking your door down, or logging in some official opposition; all lies or some smear tactic? Were you scared we had evidence or a trap was going to pop out and arrest you? Okay, so we pretend to be the Feds; put out propaganda and wait for you to show up? Now you are still complaining and saying how we did a hit and run; no that is not the story and that is not what happened. There is no link between vandalism of my car, the banging I heard prior to the dent, the actions and behavior of those upstairs, and the criticism you used back on Ann Coulter once you had me in a death trap and I sent out mayday and ordered her to hide and do not get injured; I ordered her to stay and I would try a sacrifice play and a trap at the same time; then we will sit back and see who shows up. I am mad at Ann because of stories I hear about her making out on stairways, stories of her on dates, stories of engagements, and this drinking buddy and dinner problem. She admitted she was unfaithful and felt guilt; but she did not say who or the details.
“They would go and confront… challenge those about human rights… to give voice who were battling these ruthless regimes.” Yeah and you have not explained three pages of felony charges, a terror plot, a conspiracy to rob us blind, and kidnappings, stalking and a murder plot. I think you have the story wrong. If you have a legitimate complaint; I can tell you that nobody will be paid so long as you play this game and screw up everyone and everybody. If we broke your door down; why not file a complaint? How do you expect to get paid or get reimbursed if the Pentagon and FBI is ready to consider the case? Do you honestly think you are a victim of discrimination, hate, and some conspiracy? Honestly? What about this go home and jobs; you got banks to blow up debt and then start fresh somewhere else again like you did to us?

Who dented and vandalized my car Bin 911-Beirut Hannity? You got a camera or surveillance now; you mean you just sat there while a home invasion and vandalism took place and we could not file a case on you? Who dented my car and do not say I was in a hit and run. “Stunk up the air… bad ideas… paint cars… you are right… (Would not say) this is my program and I will answer your question my way… bringing them in after the analysis… made a commitment to put those missiles there (he thinks the upstairs is placing missiles in our life as a threat or balance of terror) You know you are busted so lets be clear… (Who did this is very interested in the love life of Ann Coulter and Jews; is trying to auction her off to their spy ring and ring of terrorists) the analysis has been done… it all goes to this anti-capitalist agenda.” He admits it and is hiding it.

So if you will not tell me who dented my car and who put the surveillance in my home to have this conversation; let me ask who put the dash camera in my pickup truck, the transponder, and the anesthesia? “We can actually arrest Khadafi while he is on our soil (so you feel I am Momma Khadafi… are you a nut ball and do you have any idea who and what I am or my guardians).” I did not ask if you are the police. I asked who put the dash camera in my car and used anesthesia to shut us up once we detected you or once you grew wary of surveillance and retaliation. The police argument will not work and is easy to defeat jackass; not unless you want murder charges. You are in a world of trouble; I would suggest you show some compliance. Now he says, “Can they arrest Khadafi while he is in New York.” This is a prime example of what can happen when we let dirt bags, scum bags, and white trash come to America and screw it up or turn it into their useless life. We get this little game and stand off with this “superior race.” He would not answer the question or why the vandalism happened after they did a hit; to shut us up. So the surveillance is the question and who put it there while all these violations occurred. Then they said Ann was also watching all of this and did nothing; so they are her voice and partners.

So the dash camera and anesthesia was a weak answer about arrest and also police or some suggestion they were. Let me ask about the picture of the girl. She is the only girl allowed to be with me during this kidnapping. “The only person who is going to be jealous here is Khadafi… we would loose.” I had a problem with Pete’s fiancĂ© and refused to talk to her as she was pretending to fit in and I was really annoyed how weak and frail she was hanging with champions and jocks. So she can talk; I don’t want her or to talk to her. I don’t even want to talk to any of these plotters and shadow government spies. She can talk… “Established… majority… debating your own brother… let’s see who wins the debate (our family is very anti-communist and also a spy family; we know the dangers and must assimilate; don’t push it); we also have protection; got it?

I don’t need to talk to them, but they can talk, “The entire Democratic establishment… is smearing the tea party folks… bad for Democracy.” This is stupid; let me repeat what I said. I have nothing to say to Michelle Milkin and do not seek her conversation. I think when she drinks tea; she looks like either Marcos or Aquino. I had Filipino friends when a kid but felt something strange when I was at GMU and that girl came into the picture and you get those vibes she is hiding and sneaking around; she looks the same and was engaged to Pete Bennett; another one who showed up mysteriously after high school. It is like damn, they are coming out of the wood works; I am scared to keep or have friends now; look what it got me just talking to people or going to the same school. My god, you go to a school they are at and you get targeted or kidnapped; then murdered or become bait. Now we get a global standoff and a world war no thanks to our sneaky classmates. I always wondered what was wrong with them and why they always showed up but something was wrong. This chick is pretending to draw me out with a fake right wing act. Sorry, not today.

I need information on CPAC, Lisa D, or access. I do not need to debate why she is annoying and fake and drinking tea shows how ridiculous she is. (9/22/2009 8:16:27 PM Malkin is talking how we smeared them as racist… no, we are learning who they are and if they are calling us a common nigger up to 29 times a day; it must have a reason. Nobody said they were racist, I said it is clearly a white hate crime; no word called racist was ever said or racial profiling. We never mentioned the Japanese or how I adjudicated and worked with Mr. Kobayashi in 1985 at age 15 and the Reagan administration resolved and set closure on this. I asked Mr. Kobayashi, who is the head of the Japanese American Union, the strongest Asian political action group in the USA after spending a week with me what he wanted; then I got it done. What you want something now? Did you have him under surveillance or was shadowing and stalking him and notice a super kid? I was 15 years old only, for god sakes you psycho.

End of story; now you wish to hit me up and kidnap me and write books about how awful and flawed my work or judgment is? Do you even know who the Kobayashi family is or the Yamamoto; even the Olympic skater Kristi? I was 15 and spent a week with the most powerful Asian political group and in less than one year; had their case resolved and on good terms. They are rich people; all of them are wealthy and business owners. They were charged nothing and no kickback was ever given or asked; you obviously do not know me. You look up his name and the Yamamoto in America and trace who I spoke to and who he relied on to resolve this; it is case closed; they are good Americans and they produce a lot of jobs and wealth; end of story. I don’t even ask for a thank you but I cannot seem to get rid of you or end this kidnapping and terror plot. I never called them racists or accused Michelle of calling anyone a Jap. Go back through the records, I asked why they called me a common nigger for over ten years, humiliated me, and did this up to 20 times a day, even more; I got an answer from Walter Williams, “we have to prevent this… we have to figure out a way to stop this” and Michelle just confirmed this plot and effort; so it is linked to Bin 911 plotters, upstairs, New York, and Michelle Malkin.
So I would like to know how Sean Bin 911 Hannity knew who the girl in the picture is. He has mentioned her several times in the past; however, I did not say anything and waited for the right time. That girl who has the sword and is in the tub; how does he know her or who she is? Can he tell us? Yes I knew who she was and Ann abuses them as I abuse them also. This is part of my abuse; what he is trying to do but stalks us. They cannot take no for an answer. So tell us how you know her? He just said it, “inferior care… wants the best employees… we will pay you this much money… will go out of their way… (Failed recruitment) all of them are socialized.” Did he want to know our reaction to Jews or if we would marry them? Have their babies (upstairs)? She is going nuts right now and stomping as if she is mad or wants to say hi. She moved to Florida the same time I moved to Canada around winter of 2006. She was telling me how she had a beach house at Ocean City and I was going to sleep with her, in her bed, but she has a boyfriend. You figure it out since Bin 911 Hannity knows who she is and has mentioned her several times already.
“They are on the same panel… now give us money for… you are killing the earth… they are providing the contact.” So tell us about the girl in the picture who is Russian. How does he know a Russian girl in a picture with me? “Brezinski… shoot down planes… denying the holocaust… we have the top NATO commander (beating around the bush).” Farmers in California and immigration are what he is talking about now. We will play the game with him and go along to see where it leads; a move to Florida in 2006.
So who is Ann Coulter cheating with? If she is intimate and feels guilt; who is she with why did she admit infidelity? “All these kids labeled her a racist… I monitored her very closely… asked her all these questions… got nothing… this shocked me when… taken it all off the table… got put in a position of defense… well, we love you anyways… I was kind of proud of them… (Are you talking about Ann Coulter or Michelle Malkin) they are able to act with impunity… that is the solution… say all these things now… don’t take us wrong, but it is an easy gig… guaranteed a job (to accuse everybody of being racist) facing dangerous time… (says to talk about… in the spirit of fairness) in the spirit of fairness, let’s not talk about Acorn... don’t you think they would call the police and say I am not going to help you do this?” We did not ask for your help, that is the difference; we have a problem with you idiot. Why do you keep saying we are the problem and how fair you are or in the spirit of fairness? That right there is your problem; along with stalking, meddling in every aspect of our life, dash cameras, anesthesia in our cockpits, terrorism, murder, spying and communism, etc… we have a problem with you, not the reverse. We have a problem with you invading our life and country; then saying how you are the police and saying I am not going to help you.
The conversation will end here. John Bolton does not need to comment on Israeli planes being shot down trying to bomb and start a war with Iran. They are forbidden from spying or targeting VIPs in America. They have been warned about the kidney shots on me and the use of the APS technology which they had just gotten from us as a trap; to suggest we must do as you tell us or else face six to 10 hours of pain in our body organs, liver, chest, or other vital organs. I have had this for the past 10 months and we know who is behind it and who is warning us; Bin 911 Hannity kept saying “there it is again” and they would turn it up and down; then when mad would put it on us for hours on end; then the bag lady upstairs would stomp on the floor and it would start; to signal they are punishing us or beginning some behavior modification session as usual to break us.
I have nothing to say and I would encourage others to turn off their radio as I will. Tell John Bolton to go to hell and to rot in his asshole. Don’t ever talk back to me or else I will smack your sorry white trash so hard, shit will flow in your diaper. Also, take your fucking dash cam out of our cars and remove the anesthesia; stop stomping on the fucking floor as if it is an insult; and get the fuck out of our life and home. The problem is very clear and very obvious; there are three pages of felonies, you contacted us about this (Israeli Lobby), said so what, and added more and more charges. So my response to you is to fuck off and die! As fugitives and involved in a global terror and communist plot; I suggest you provide us the details and the details instead of saying we are the problem or racist. If you are that mad the left wing collapsed or communisms ended; then die and let us watch and laugh! When you honorably resolve three pages of felony charges and an extra page just added; you may have a fight in this. Now we have to hear about how we are moaning and crying about how stupid you are and what a menace you truly have become? This world and this country will be great and recover when you are dead and gone; how do we convey this message to you so you understand English and the voice of God? Oh he hates your guts also.
Video of Glen Beck on Obama “In His Own Words”: Soros, his circle of radicals, and the Trojan Horse of rhetoric (Pt. 1)
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