The problem is simple. I do not like how Ann Coulter lives her life through mine; where once I did not mind. Now I have my wedding crashed, I am belittled by my best friend, I have to deal with infidelity and constant or persistent paranoia by her friends and stalkers, most of them own web sites Ann uses, so I am banned from all of them, and they live their life through her. Yes, they are so exploited and so demented; they live life through her and each other. Worse, they are not conservatives and it is nearly impossible to get rid of them because they are the unions; liberals who are posing as conservatives; very similar to the reverse or reverse-reverse which Ann had pulled on them. Now it is an up and down motion every week; they win her back with a dinner or speech; I dump her she crawls back and feels ashamed; I ask her what she is doing and she says nothing and hits me back; I court martial her and she comes back but never apologizes or explains. Then I ban her for life and she says how they refused to call her a hoe now or a slut. So is she going to heaven and who did she cheat with? Is she ever going to have a real love relationship or a real family; she is really good at destroying them; but will she ever have a real one? They spy on our private life also!

• I bring you back to the month of May-June 2006; and then the year 2007 and 2008 after the home invasion. Can you explain to me who is behind this if our home is being invaded; screaming and yelling, sticks hitting wood and a 3 on 1 fight or a gang trying to jump your neighbor? Now how many times did the police report on the scene? Is there any effort to call the upstairs or get an opinion of someone who was there and heard or overheard the invasion and massive struggle where two butcher knives were requested or vandalism? In the report, a sound was heard prior to the dent on the hood; a banging and dropping of an object. Go through the report and ask who is banging and making that noise? It indicates the upstairs as the hidden and guilty party; spies and terrorists as we indicated.
• Do you or Ann Coulter have any idea how many women wish to date and gratify me; to be impregnated just to get back at her and hurt her? Shall I and ask if there is a crime being omitted? How would she feel and what would she do? She is not getting younger and her heart and soul is the last possession on this earth she has to cherish.


In 2008 around the month of January; I was discussing a security plan with Ann and she pressed the panic button on her bodyguard. When I asked her to describe him, she said he was “a nice, family man, and who you least expect; very professional.” I did not immediately focus on him or direct my attention on him. There is a link between Lisa-Floyd-Rush; or the Bin 911-Beirut crew; apparently they are partners in crime. Ann already identified a murder plot on her with Lisa as the “historian and biographer” to clean it up a little and tell the “only true story” and “years as friends with the murder victim.” I confirm and also broke up this plot and Lisa was acting erratic, Rush was, Sean was, but Floyd was not; he seemed oblivious or did not know. So why did Ann press the panic button on Floyd? Floyd is Lisa D’s eyes and ears; possible Giggle-hoe. We know all about the Bin Beirut brothers L and H. Now we have some historian or biographer side of this. Who created these monsters, what organization, who financed them, and why are they all linked up and behind our kidnapping also and attempted abduction, captivity, imprisonment, frame, murder, failure, and theft-rewritten biography? This is a hardcore left wing spy ring; how can it be the leading voice in the right wing instead?

• (http://dneiwert.blogspot.com/2007/03/crony-conservatism.html) More interesting, however, is Resnick's partner is NYCPS, Lisa de Pasquale. De Pasquale is apparently a very busy lady: she's not only in the bodyguard business, but she is also the Director of CPAC (which means, basically, that it's her show). And she's also Ann Coulter's publicist -- which is why Ann saves her biggest steamers for CPAC events. As a side job, de Pasquale & Resnick were researchers for Malkin's book, Unhinged. She mentions them by name in the blog post announcing the release of the book: “My intrepid researchers, Lisa de Pasquale and Floyd Resnick of New York Close Protection Services, dug up many of the photos featured inside the book's Unhinged Gallery and many more that didn't make it into the book. It’s a small, small world.”
• "Many thanks to Lisa De Pasquale of the Clare Booth Luce Institute and Floyd Resnick of the New York Close Protection Services for their incredible research assistance and encouragement. And for watching my back. A special note of thanks to David Limbaugh, for his always wise counsel and support of this project." From page 173 of the Book "Unhinged" by Michelle Malkin. Again, this is the unions and they are behind violence on the unions also; we call it kool-aid. They call this exposing liberals gone wild; I think it is called exposing liberals posing as conservatives gone wild. Now it is culture of corruption which is one of my chapters posted around February of 2007. We know who it is, the unions; specifically, the teachers union. These are their historians and biographers infiltrated.

• From the Daily Texan, May 05, 2005: “Ajai Raj, an English sophomore, was released from Travis County Jail around 3 a.m. Wednesday after being arrested for disorderly conduct during political commentator Ann Coulter's speech at the Lyndon Baines Johnson Library auditorium on Tuesday. According to the police affidavit written by an arresting officer, Raj was arrested for using "profane and vulgar language" and performing an "obscene gesture." Disorderly conduct is a Class C misdemeanor, which is punishable by a fine of up to $500. Other offenses considered Class C misdemeanors include: minor possession of alcohol, public intoxication, noise violation and simple assault.”
LET’S SEE IF SEAN BINS 911-BEIRUT HANNITY HAS ANYTHING TO SAY OR TO ADD ABOUT THIS MATTER! (BONUS: SCREEN SAVER PICTURES OF ME AND A FEW FRIENDS! Note: some are body doubles and stage props the real action and combat is private.)
“Not even true… nobody knows it is true… there are a lot of people who are nervous about this (You mean me shagging Annie rotten… rotten to the bone! When I ask her if she wants to shag now or later, it is always now!)… If you get enough calls, then you will get an investigation… (Ah ha, Mr. Breitbart and Acorn) he gave parts of this case, bit by bit… you helped us when we won, but now we need your help governing… it is an act… it is all out of bounds… you can see it… when you look at what is being said to… nothing can be more clear… they are also pushing for… serve dot gov… to get you to become an activist (I concur)… being asked (voice of Bin H).” Now Caddell, “I am shocked…watching… closest aid to the President… now the problem here is potential violation of the law… not allowed giving money to… to support political agendas… NEA is a separate agency (no spearhead for the arts)… grants and endowments… helps oversee, according to her… we have all of them participating… let me tell you what you can do… have who started this.” Breitbart, “we will have… you will see… I will also add for humor sake… (Hannity says if… they broke the law) that is what I heard… I am not a lawyer but… (Says Hatch Act).” Caddell, “There are three people on this phone call… all of them are recipients of money… we should review the transcript.”
“People got this money… asked to support political agenda… (Breitbart, “to drive people to this web site and to encourage their help) I was out in California… Delta… not even on the endangered list… it angers them… people were more than willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.” Let’s stop there and ask about CPAC, NYCPS, and Lisa De Pasquale and Zionism and this Catholic plot which began with the Clintons and ended with Bush? “A history of abuse… past evils… shows what kind of country we are… how great we are… their assault was just as vicious on Thomas-Estrada… it is all just terrible.” What does this have to do with Protection and bodyguards, CPAC and Lisa De Pasquale? Is she a Zionist? If so, they contacted me on a Canadian site and were talking to me but would not show her face.
She only wanted to be friends; then set me up with some Jewish girl who said she was coming over and never showed up. She was using pictures of some girl and was faking this; so I had called her bluff and knew who was on me or watching. I have pictures or we can trace who it was and what site or date. Usually, I sit there to see who makes contact with me and what they know or wish to tell me; like right now; what do you want, explain what you are asking, and tell me who you are and or give me an accurate photo. They have a cam feed which ends up some other person; to trick you or always pretend to be a 15 year old. So a Portuguese girl did contact me online and lived in Canada. I also asked her what foods and things about her; such as religion, culture and restaurants. Nothing was acquired today about this.
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