Ann Coulter in studio for fill in Mark Shimone; on the Bin dead whitey cracker show (below); she answered the question about this three day retreat to her house and dinner party called the Restoration Weekend. It is a war, not a god damn date.
Walter Bin Willie described the reason for 911 and terror plots during the Clinton and Bush hegira. Bin Willie said “we have to stop this… have to figure out how to prevent this from happening” but gives no mention what he did, how he violated the law, and who is behind it: http://getthehelloutofmy.blogspot.com/
Friday, September 04, 2009 So I am a little offended by the idea that we send our kids off to college and all the sudden, a teacher or professor entrusted to follow the laws violate all of them and put them in some standoff and kidnapping plot which leads to the rescue and recruitment from terrorists, spies, labor unions, and DC. Then I find it offensive how the college loans are moved to a private firm and it begets the same pressure, garnishments, and collection agencies which a credit card would garner; meanwhile the government just turns their back as if business as usual or this is the college experience and liberal academia. I also am offended I have to be put in some advanced left wing training, leadership program, and advanced communism school; without my knowledge and consent; while I am expected to make payments and pay for all of this as my entire life is rewritten, mistaken for Dealta Force commanders, and nobody has any answers.
This hate and rage of poverty; the right wing, and capitalism is the disease they are spreading; a sense of disgruntled hatred for America and the world; they are still spreading this disease and came to the rescue with the forced medication and lifelong prisoner or mental institution. We were trying to raid them and they pulled an ambush and surprise which locked us up for three years and a coma where it took two years to learn to walk and talk again. Do you think that deserves the death penalty if it was meant to stop and raid the 911 plotters who were attacking America from outside now and changing foreign policy at the Pentagon? That is the chemical and biological problem, to spread this disease and come to the rescue; they want to help and acted callous to the matter. All they wanted was to order us around, blame us, get a judgment, and force this idea we had to live with them in total control and were a prisoner.

So all morning it was to fill me with rage and anger; to piss me off and spread this disease where attacks are all morning and all I can do is defend myself and fight back. It does not stop and like the mob, the people behind it know they are busted and now are enjoying a grand life and a lavish final moment; like all crime bosses; they annoyingly make their last hours free a grand party. The guy upstairs said butted in while I was talking to someone and said, “if you have the FBI and Dealta Force… why don’t they do their job and get this over with.” I told them we will survive and if they want war; we will not turn them down or walk away. He said nothing and was avoiding, all the sudden, and the entire matter and was so careful with this and used the utmost care. Should I sue George Mason University for creating or hiring the people who created or put me into this long 10 year standoff and kidnapping? All I did was take classes, try to get a college degree, get married, and live out my plans I had with Ann; we got this instead.
Here is what I want Sean Bin Hannity to address:
• Are you still convinced we are wearing a wire and wish to keep checking us? Can you even figure out how you are being watched and how many eyes are or were on you to bring you to this point?
• I showed you today I can switch it to four languages and check that is on the other end; the people I talk to have four language people ready and know how I can go total encryption. I want an immediate reply if I do not think it is who I think back there.
• I told Walter Bin Willie that if this drags out and they do not have a political solution; the black population and the white underclass will become worse and worse. 60% of the black population will be lost to crime, criminal record, and prison. This adds to the lack of college or a stable family. Close behind are the whites and then the new kids on the block the Hispanics. So if you are intent on waging war right now; that trajectory is going to start falling fast and things will get hairy for you all.
• Who the hell wants to join you? It is your religion, you are a predator and you hide this story while not earning one bit of your welcome in America. You mistook us for Dealta Force and threw everything you had at us and that is how we got this; then you checked us for a wire repeated and watched us undress and closely (24 hours) to serve your goals and self sinister interests which was total criminal and insanity.
• There are three full pages of felony charges; but yet to this day you cannot explain how we did it, if we did wear a wire, how many people were watching you, and how much we know. You think we are playing games and this is how powerful you are as you live this rock star life now and insult us with how we need to raid you and hurry up; prevent this if we can. So your behavior after being caught says who you are also. They look for easy targets and the most vulnerable, not the strongest. If you are the legendary General Maximums, they will weaken you and kill your soul first. That movie verified my plans in 1998-1999 and got to who helped me plan it.
• To this day, you do not know how easy we can check things; we do not wear a wire, and how we caught you; no idea. You think you are God and are in total control and we ask you and you sit there blank and stupid. Now that you are convinced we are not wearing a wire; you pop up and make a dangerous contact and show your face; then are busted immediately. The entire whole damn thing the moment you showed up like a chump and to this day you think we are wearing a wire, are the police, and Dealta Force. You keep saying we perform miracles and you are God when you are a dirt bag and scum. At some point, reality has to hit and as clever and sneaky as you are; you have to get a clue. All you do now is live like a drug kingpin waiting for arrest and a warrant to be served.
• If they want war, we will not turn them down and we actually want to rock and roll the moment this terror plot brandishes a weapon or signals. We assigned Dealta-boi to them to check their weapons, force power, foot soldiers, and what they are able to do; it is to their benefit to surrender and turn this over or face some punishment and wrath. They are in no position to be agitating daily using union bullies and filling us with hate and anger. It is and getting worse and the jobs they loose for turning their back and this half-ass effort will mean their job. Come to their rescue and it will be fair game as well. It is a really good time and a window of opportunity; to shoot it out with Dealta and federal (FBI) counter-terrorist forces; if they want to rock and roll, then say so; if not, turn themselves in and surrender. We are waiting for the signal and the initiative.

Odd, Ann and I have not been getting along well and I would think she would be out to dinner or hanging out with the people who degrade me all the time or were behind my kidnapping by mistaking me as a Dealta Force commander. I usually hear some heart warming story like the Jaycee Dugard kidnapping from both Bin Limbaugh and Hannity regarding how Ann and them are having kids, engaged, and I am meddling in their affairs; then told and warned not to talk to her or get in the way. Now the story is how they have really changed their life and we would be proud of the work they are doing or how it is the complete opposite after finding out who we were and they had no chance out of this. I guess she knows I am working hard and wants to spend Labor Day with me, whatever. I am the man on the ground, the ultimate warrior, and nobody has yet stepped forward to defeat or do better; so I make the rules.
There she is 9/4/2009 8:07:53 PM… “little propaganda factories… watching inconvenient truth…reading and writing… leader of the free world, leading and commanding the law enforcement officers… who does that appeal to, teamsters? I think not… this is completely different… it is great for the President to come to your school… I do not see Dick Cheney doing it, can you? …because of out roar, I suspect some parts have been changed… most of the original points… perfect audience, small gullible children… why it is absurd… (Annie’s love pledges… she was making pledges to make this better) no I don’t think so… liberal friends say everything is fine and the water is safe now… I wonder what would happen if he walks in a restaurant you and I go to… pretends he does not exist… debate and humiliated.” Okay I will stop here and say to Ann; my life and view of her has changed.
“Years of sexual harassment repressed… need sand here for someone else (sandbox)… fine with congressional aides… huge table with wine bottles… saw him at the table after the sexual harassment and he was eating alone.” Ann does not understand what is wrong and how I feel about this and if a woman steps in; she can get very caught off guard. She is living a life I am not accustomed to or approve of and justifying it but I tried my best and have a clear conscience. What does she want other than that; it is like revolution; do not create it or wish it and it will not happen? My lifestyle is so opposite and different than hers and we argue about how she exercises her female persuasions or how different her lifestyle is. I do not stop it or obsessed over it; I gave up. After all this emotional confusion, I let go and gave up. We will survive and the stress of this does not heal; listen to the documented stuff for the last year and look who is behind it. Now they act with a liberal and blind eye how we need to move on and their career is not a total failure. Ann won this. She does not need to cheer them up or parade, boast, or celebrate; I keep hearing about it though. Eventually it will be underground and hidden from me as her friends or my kidnappers feel I am to blame or they can keep quiet about who did what. It is opportunity to squirm in this and replace the power structure.
“Going to get this through… communist only want this… the American people are rebelling… I did not think anything was wrong with Jim DeMint was saying… oh he tried and failed what a loser… we will kill the Presidency with this… (Yes that was what they were doing and it did affect me; Ann disregarded it and ignored me) sent to cheer people up… (Says she is only trying to cheer who up? I had to listen to what for over a year and hear what kind of stories and what she calls total lies? Who needs to be cheered up?) I think I will write up a column on my one page bill… (I have never gone to dinner with Ann and we talk and keep this long distance relationship when I am 100 per cent against this and she knows it) yes they are fascist and everything is a war to them… liberals were protesting them… he must be a fine adult… but he is a liberal, well then screw him… what kind of argument is that? …I have a one woman boycott going… one thing he is right on.”
Ann knows I am hurt and a little scared of her (or really terrified of her wild life) which was not what I signed up for or wanted to hear. That is all, I never said I did not care for her or did not love her; I said we have two separate and what is supposed to be one life together. It is not insecurity, I am just tired of being the villain and having to sit and deal with bad choices or other people’s bad choices. Since college, I have yet to enjoy my life, gotten to live life, and I do not want to sit and wait or wait for someone; I will make my reality and right now; they are hiding it. They are so flawed, so evil, and such jackasses; they are paralyzed and turn a blind eye now, total skeptics and feel it is a total waste of time or we live in their reality. Then here is the ultimate insult when they say, “You don’t have to be here… nobody forced you to come here or be with us.” That can work two ways and both ways also! Nobody invited them either and their life is not as cherished as they make it.
I am not mad at Ann, things happen which pick at and cause me to spiral or go down the road I refuse to. All I am saying is I refuse to go down that road again and another year; no more. Not even one argument and she promised me. I have to pressure her and attack her to get results; how can that be love or how can that be healthy? I have to fight to get my own other half to… and then debate and argue about what is best for both of us and not just her. This is not and was not what I signed up for 20 years ago and Ann knows this and is trying to make it up; to make it better but could not or felt exasperated by the entire matter. It is overwhelming to be a victim of sexual harassment, under captivity of a stalker, terrorist, and peeping tom. Then to have years of repressed sexual harassment; it affects me tremendously and makes me feel helpless and that is why I wanted her to get me and let me take a swing at these guys. Instead she… yeah… then they blew up and committed on air suicide. I had no problem kicking their ass and her to drive me from one party to the next for a prison brawl; I always win them and have. (Bin Limbaugh and Hannity tried to cover up this kidnapping and sexual harassment by diffusing and driving terror into us; which ended up conspiracy for several people.)
I do love Ann and am surprised she is not out partying or having a blast, the time of her life as she is rescued and freed now; no longer a victim or this years of repressed sexual harassment; but I am still trying to capture them dead or alive and do not care what she decides or does; I wanted her out of the way and let me work with my forces, both federal and state along with Dealta-boi; and finish this up since she ruined my Canada raid plan. I did not complain about that and dealt with it as I was not happy with what occurred or transpired when she came into the picture. Ann did deliver their head. She won it and beat the odds; go celebrate or live her life. Do not torment me and bother me as I am very angry and my eyes are bloodshot about the entire matter. I want them captured and prefer dead over alive with no ears; maybe my wish and dream will come true?
If you listen carefully, my Annie slips me a message to “what the hell is this Restoration Weekend crap.” It is so that they eat at the same restaurant and shares the same table, eat by them, and saw a few people show up without her at this restaurant year after year; which is right down the street and she cannot avoid it or say no. Say no, not says but this is repressed sexual harassment and years of being buried by it. Tell them to go to hell and bring me there and let me show this problem how angry and how Dealta-boi did not appreciate their mistake and what they are up to.

Pat Caddell said he was just talking to Ann before the show about this; also she introduced him to some guy in California who is wonderful, a financial guy who predicted this collapse. There was some report about Ann eating dinner with some guy who is her financial planner or accountant in New Orleans; I have no idea; as I said, we have two lives. The guy just showed up and then disappeared so maybe she is hiding something; she said she had zero intimacy with anyone and for me to not worry. Ann is pretty good when it comes to love and sex and sticks to her promise. If she said no sex and no intimacy; then she might have led someone on and was embarrassed due to this repressed sexual harassment. She says she is in this for me and us; I have lost faith, so whatever she feels. Who this guy in California is, I have no idea and do not care; Ann never said a thing to me about this California financial guy.
One last hint, the reason why they got caught was not because they are dumb; they are extra-extra careful. They do not leave a trace or a clue. However, when you choose who you think is the easiest target; you are surprised when it turns out to be your worst nightmare and the most difficult. This idea we are or were Dealta-boi was iridescently ridiculous. As a super predator, they wanted to make an easy defection and recruitment and ended their entire career and global campaign. We ended up with it all to include each and every cell. That was the raid. They checked for a wire and did not make a mistake; but to this day they have no clue and cannot explain what to look out for; we asked Bin Limbaugh to see if he learns from his mistakes. He has no idea or what we know; how much we know; and what we can do to retaliate. All he knows is it is a total disaster, they are injured severely, and are limping to get away while living some high roller life, like all drug kingpins, before the time comes and the final hour.
Hannity: Guilfoyle and Cupp on firing:
Shouting match between Ann Coulter and Sean Hannity:
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