I developed Satellite Warfare to combat the spread of nuclear weapons and we have shorted the gap between nuclear and conventional forces; no longer needed in my book. There are approximately 200 chapters. Most were written and researched while in college from 1988 to 1998; I researched it by taking over 190 credits from different universities. They also span from childhood reading since age 8 and up (military science, weapons, martial arts, etc...) I have been getting ideas from people about doing a complete series; all at once. They start off with pure science and ends with a complete understanding of where this world is headed and two particular topics called economic sustainability and totality; then it introduces the reader to a new series of books on satellite warfare; the science and the art. Naturally, they call me the father of satellite warfare and I have put in over 20 years to this field of knowledge; perhaps the best in the world, but my readers will judge who is the best in their world. To get here; we have taken harsh punishments, suffered torture, was kidnapped, humiliated hourly, and had our life trashed and rewritten by no fault of our own. That is called terrorism. That is called war.
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Tuesday, June 30, 2009 Here is why Sean “Khmer-Irish” has problems and is a rogue. He feels that if we are kind or nice to him; he will be kind or nice to us. Break that rule or ask him to leave and go away; they will attack and kidnap you. Hostile is not the word, maniacs is. It is the same Irish and union mentality which causes Rush to stampede Sean’s union ties and how he is a big union boss. His dirty work is being done by the local 82 upstairs and another Khmer-Irish who follows me around the house to tell me they are ready to murder someone and how they will retaliate and penalizing us for not being kind and trying to escape their kindness or kidnapping. Does the FBI know Sean has a bunch of losers who call themselves a spy ring? From the CIA manual; a rogue is a spy group who is against everyone except their alliance or inner circle. In this case the 911 plot was pure profit and gain.
Why then would he go after military personnel, spy hunters, anti-union proponents, very educated scholars, royals, superior masters, etc… is it because we are not kind to him really? Could it be rivals or could it be he is running a spy ring in America? What a farce and a cork full of lies, he is a terrorist and a communist mole. He just said, “What do you want us to say?” Well, if you do not go to the press, write a confession, tell someone close, drink the cool aid, or document your exploits; it will bite back. How hard is for you to find out. Oh my god, Sean Hannity is running a spy ring and operating a nest out of New York claiming to be conservatives and masters morphing from a communist one and cloning the right wing. Call CIA and FBI and ask if they know this yet? CIA is like tunnel rats, give them time and they will sniff you out and destroy you from within.
Love, sex and romance is very confusing and like the Duke Lacrosse case, the Meredith Kercher case, the Alabama girl, and so many other date rapes and women issues; we have a disaster and mess. Ann says what she did was nothing wrong and motivated by blind hate towards them for the kidnapping, espionage, and terror plots. They feel she is a mistress and is “really into” them; not able to resist or deny the facts. What facts? All we get are innuendos and photo ops. All we get are tricks and lies, influence, and perpetuating lies. Rape is a very difficult matter but the facts have no been presented even if they keep claiming there is no struggle or fight. Rush and Sean say there is no fight and struggle right now. If there are no facts and a struggle, they must be fired immediately. It is clear and obvious a massive struggle is subtle and invisible; it has death penalty punishments. It is clear and bilingually obvious Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh are lying and so are these other men.
Why are Sean Hannity not fired or Rush Limbaugh when the struggle is near life and death? Let his wife and kids read about the struggle with him over murder. Sean Hannity can speak and explain this struggle when and if he is ready. This is the insanity of these madmen living well beyond their comforts, ability, means, debts, and political fantasy. Rush says Ann is a traitor. Either Ann has to stop pushing these problems on me or identify who is behind, “Will try to fall back in love with his wife.” Rush is saying that if Ann ever tells me, “he crossed lines with other women but never had sex with them.” Ann has never mentioned to me about “crossing lines with other men” but did tell me she never had sex with them and how she messed up. Ann did say she is no angel on fox news. Either she loves them, was bad with them, or hates their guts. The threat is huge. Is it rape and an attack? Is there a struggle and documented evidence of a struggle? That dirty little ape of an Irishman (the one upstairs doing this and struggling with us right now); did you really think you were going to get away with it or this?
We have never seen a suicide psychopath who claims to have power over others and women or is putting up this much struggle while accused of rape and murder. Well, maybe not rape yet but the struggle speaks for itself while he wants to take his family with him to hell and nearly goes on a shooting rampage about how hostile the world turned. This is how good and almost as good as the Bush family and this high level mole and plot we uncovered and know all about. So the more they struggle, the harder it will be when the evidence is put in front of them at the finish line. That in itself will be another ordeal they must live through if they do. it is a neck and neck struggle and with no consent or truth. We were very lucky to escape your death trap and kidnapping, very lucky. People see the skill level we used and the elevated fight of the best commandoes the US Army has on earth. To escape you have to be masters at CIA and have the royal marines show up.
Here is what Rush said about you on Tuesday, June 30, 2009. Read about the full struggle on the Rush Limbaugh pages and more about them or what they are up to (911 masterminds):
My emotional well being is my own responsibility, it is not Ann's. At the same time, her emotional well being is not my total focus; it is very messy and her life is not a calming effect for anyone. However, Ann has to remember that when you are in a real relationship, you loose your freedom and are expected to treat the person you love with the same calming effect instead of outrageous calamities. In the end, if she presents enough disturbances or has no answers to the random outbursts, maybe even attention seeking skills, it will affect and it will destroy the semblance of calm and nudge reality into the realm of pain, hurt, and suffering.
I have listened to Ann and how clever she took what I had told her, my battle intelligence and reports, and did the opposite. So where I presented maximum fight and every combination of a maximum fight possible, she presented no resistance and became the amour. Well, she is not the enemy of course but she made them think she was also. But here is the problem with this reality and this interlude with this political fantasy; what they think of her and what she and I know is true has to end at some point. So the struggle here is described as a total lie by the people who are struggling and also perverted in description as a fetish for rape and various violent and forceful acts having no meaning, no consent, or any truth.
So when or where does the struggle begin? Does it begin in 1998 when the kidnapping, struggle, and resisting recruitment began with this terror and communist group behind 911 or does it begin in April of 2008 when all the evidence was laid out on the table for them to either dispute or deny? Funny, because that same struggle is as intense and in full force up until July of 2009 with the exact same people who were convinced they had gotten away with the entire matter up until April of 2008. It is a shame when we count up the lies and the total amount of efforts to escape punishment and correlate this to their political fantasy and adventures well past their means and financial debts.
Let’s see if Sean makes any comments based on our side of the story, his side, and the vicious and long struggle we have been in. Sean also claims he is happily married and puts all the blame on Ann and me. Just like a rape crime, his story does not match the accusers, the story, and worse the vicious struggle with him and the constant escalations. All we have to do is prove a struggle occurred with him and tell our story and Ann’s and he can get fired for various things; but we want him for something much bigger; much bigger. Let’s see if he shows any remorse or shame or is going to put up another day of blame and struggle; then complain about his hostages and captives. To file a police report you must have two witnesses.
To have a crime, you must have a motive, an act, a serious act and repetition, a body or a victim, and a confession or details. Is there one event to suggest Sean Hannity may be up to no good? Is there one event to suggest he lives well beyond his means, debts, and lies? That is not what we want him for, that is just to highlight his grandiose delusions and the vicious struggle as his captives, complaining about captives “terrorizing women, children… 7:50:02 PM”, and perpetuating lies to cover it up and blame the victims and hostages, such as his wife and kids; to make them suffer for his crimes. Sean says he was not and is not terrorizing us and there was no daily struggle or a struggle with Ann or her lifelong partner and friends.
Sean says she wanted it, he is her number one fan, goes to Florida and likes tennis, had dinner with her mom (which means not interested I presume you adulterous psychopath terror plotter), she never misses a Hannity event, and he never terrorized her marriage while lying how he was happily married. That is not what I had in mind with him but it kept coming up and he wanted to know every single detail and proof we have sex, had sex, or lurid details to fulfill his fantasies no less political fantasies. Rush says he is a powerful union leader and very angry; very. Sean is so angry he is ready to kill someone and wants to penalize us or anyone who witnesses him doing a major crime or helps a hostage of his. Sean is not a big union boss, he is much more. He is a master spy and a propaganda sleeper. This is the worst they get when it comes to spies, menu of spies, types, and what they are capable of.
The record will show he is suicidal and slipping. Sean knows this will follow him and if he is fired, the transcripts will follow him. It is better to end it before it is too late and not perpetuate it to cover up a terror plot or kidnapping. I tried to warn him and to stop digging or moving when in quicksand. You will find my location fixed. You will find Ann’s location known. You will also see Ann fondly confides in her best friend and who she is madly in love knowing he is military and will put up the fight of his life. Will anyone catch him or his terror plot if it has so much profit? I will not repeat what Ann says to me about him but does anyone think she is interested or telling him “not interested” and stop recruiting us in the worst way? Recruit us again… and again… yes blame us and wreck our life.
Oh he is just asking the hardest questions for ten years and did not do anything wrong. Sean is play fighting with the enemies while we are under attack. So while he is doing this to us; he is looking for the real fighters and the leaders; that is how he got in this situation and why Ann is his playmate or how she dooks it out with him; she told me that. Sean cannot hit anything but he copies everything and only stands on tax policies; but what else is he up to we do not see? What he says is like the tricks he has been caught for; he is living a political fantasy and cannot hit anything. There just no reason to believe a fraud or grand deception is going on after hearing total lies from him.
You will see identical accounts from both people and documentation of all of it; not a mistake or a single missing piece. Ann will dook it out with him; but me I will corner, wound, and then finish him off. I wrote the book and manual as a master of warfare. Sean had no chance to begin with but he used force, arm twisting and primitive methods to beat us over the head. He said we could not use force to get him to release the bite on Ann or her life which involved stalking and “finishing the job.” (Someone said Sean is suspected of life insurance fraud and may try to cash in) Sean has made some very erratic comments and statements. I am not after Sean for lying about girls or tormenting our life about romance. Sean knows what I am chasing him and will not let go of him for; it has nothing to do with women. It is about his political fantasies. Intel says child molesting for some reason; I have not been informed of and do not want to stray or loose focus (Ask Ann about the father who adopted son and got busted).
Controlled demolition Mr. Hannity, I will take a name and a coordinate to verify it is factual and not a wild goose chase. We can verify and check who they are, whose spies, who they work for and much more to identify them; he need not put any blame or direct us on how to do our work or finish the job. Sean is a major prize and trophy once captured and can give us a lot of intelligence. We are not worried about your forces taking Honduras; we can send SF down there and take it back and drive them out in a week or less. Rush been doing this all day also.
Alicia and her marriage, who? Sean why do you keep mentioning Alicia, I thought you and her broke up? She goes to all your concerts and dines with you right? You send her notes and have intimate conversations right? Have you ever sent her flowers or taken her to Ruth Chris? She was seen in the same hotel and same place right? You were going through a break up and were harassing her husband and now suffering from a breakup? Now you are complaining about how small her reception is and how you are giving her a bonus. That does not sound like you and her are going through a breakup; aren’t you suicidal? What is causing it, maybe Alicia?
Alicia and her marriage, who? Now you expect me to think “the Sean Hannity” will just roll over and give up as he goes through a breakup and watches her marry her true love? Is this some joke? We should be seeing dead bodies. Sean should be living in a house on Sunset Blvd. shooting heroine. All of the sudden life is beautiful and just perfect and his daughter and he are going through a breakup? What? Now it is to celebrate her send off and new life and not a break up? Do you expect me to believe that? Shall we get the rape kit and check for forcible entry? The actual wording is “forced unlawful carnal knowledge” if you must know the encyclopedia term about your breakup with Ms. Alicia.
Sean says he dares we sue him and he has witnesses. Keep hanging yourself Sean, the more you talk, the more we know and the more you hang yourself. Unless you know what hard evidence we have and how we got it; then you do not know what you are in or what you will face. All these liberals after you and nutcases; right; you may check the record how this struggle began and how it got big, intense, and really big. It is available if you wish to read it Sean but I will not let you see it yet. You are not allowed exclusive access or special privileges. It has been over a year. Can you explain this struggle for over a year Sean? Why did you have a bite on Ann’s head and why didn’t you let go? How many murder plots did I foil and why did you take such extreme risk?
You can cross check it with the Rush Limbaugh pages and what both of you said. Just because we have not proven it yet and have not issued a warrant does not mean you are scout free and safe. You are saying this, catch us if you can, we will do a terror plot and see if you can stop it and keep doing it. You did the same probe with Ann and tested us as bait also. That was how you got caught before, do you have dementia? If you are all that; you would do it so we can catch you, those are the real test. It is imperative you stop Ann and I from falling in love to complete your end of the mission; otherwise it all implodes and collapses. The reason you kidnapped us cancels out if you cannot stop Ann and I and now you break up with Alicia and send her off? Get real you psychopath, we are psychic; I keep telling you and warning you. Kidnappings do not work unless you can finish it off Irishman. We have not disputed you enabling Ann’s career or banning her for life on your show. There is no need to right now. I have not disputed your tax policies. Sean is using people who are on his payroll to build a lie and a character witness.
Sean if you ask and check the video of Laura Ingraham, you will notice she got spooked and let go of the bite on me; then did not come back and has not had problems. Ann Coulter appeared on Laura’s show twice in July 2008; check what they had to say and the exchange of words. Check the records and how Ann confronted her to say he is mine and we know what you are doing. She then had to do this again once in March 2009 after I asked Ann about sharing a bed with a man which Laura said while I was in bed. I asked Ann if she ever shared a hotel and bed with a man but no sex? Ann said no absolutely not, and then made a surprise appearance on Laura’s show, check the transcripts.
So you broke up with Alicia and wish her well now; slip her the big check in her pants. Why is your case so much different than hers? O’Reilly even asked her on his show “why are you like some of the other conservatives who refuse to speak out about…” so asks O’Reilly, he is on our payroll also right. Can you explain that one a year later? Now why is the near death struggle with Sean and Rush and the unions upstairs who are Clinton and Israel? It is not that, it is who Ann and I are; you did not just break up with Alicia, you broke up with us. We are mad about that one and were going to bag this spy and terror plot. I have not messed with Laura; O’Reilly did; so go and ask him. Ask Laura how fast Ann jumps on her if she just looks at me or hits on me. The same with you; you talk smack about her and you to me and she is on the show the next day; look at the number of appearances from 2008-2009 and check the transcripts. Ann does not listen to Rush or Sean; she lets me tell her from 2006 to 2009 and set you up.
This is how I knew Ann went to dinner with Rush once. Yes once and he said he stayed out late and till 4am. The restaurant was Elaine’s in Manhattan in 2007 and Jimmy Walker was there with him, not Snerdley. Rush was using it to make me jealous and Ann went on the Mark Levin show and told me or said it; check the record, she said “Rush was insanely jealous and knew then.” Mark Levin says she recorded it and I can go back and check. He is right; he also knows he is tagged also. How many conservatives write about their dog when I only had it on I also studied every supreme court case while in federal prison; who is shadowing me?
Did Rush know anything at the time or what was going on? Rush was courting me in 2006 feeding me junk; talking to who he kidnapped and had as a hostage. I did not say anything until April of 2008 and he flipped out, freaked, and could not breathe. He could not believe we caught the sneakiest mole on earth and the communist master spies, the ones behind the 911 terror plot and our recruitment and the 1960s. Check the records before April 2008 and then afterwards. Rush had both Ann and I under surveillance. So how did you come along Sean? Sean said “we tried to stop, you tried, I tried…” When did you know?
Mark Levin says, “We want to turn ourselves in… want to be connected to the power… truly great people… reason why he wrote the book.” Hey I don’t like him copying every minute while living in %$%#% terror plot big brother house where Khmer-Irish union goons stomp on the floor day and night and tell me they are ready to kill someone daily so I am intimidated and behave as I am penalized daily. Levin says they are “rogue” and want to turn themselves in and be hooked with power. He means let them go and forget about this or else. Leaving says, “This is why he wrote the book… rogues… want to turn themselves in.”
All along I thought it was to insult us, be a rival, beat us over the head again, this struggle with a terror group, stealing our life, rewriting our biography, and to complain about their captives and hostages for getting ahead, kicking them out, and seeking independence and self sufficiency. We did not struggle with Leaving, but he seemed like he was spying and copied our work; then tried to beat or outdone us in a quest for power. Now he knows the white flag is the only book left; surveillance, cheating, and copying our life or not. We thought about that, encryption, and added clone proof security measures. Gotcha you little weasel! Yes we knew and got reports about cloning also. You will not be able to clone either Ann or myself, impossible. It is already built in.
Mark Levin is a complete thief and crook. He has been shadowing us like Rush and claims they are rogues who are in the conservative movement. What the hell are they doing in there? Also I would denounce and castigate him because he has no white papers or research in economic sustainability which is actually the source and the intelligence field. Given he has no white papers; he once felt they could be rivals and match us but know now there is no chance. He knows this is asymmetrical and 3rd and even 6th dimensions sometimes. I would walk him like a dog in the field of philosophy; Kant, Hegel, Spinoza, Hobbes, Moore, Heidegger, Socrates, Plato, Rousseau, Nietzsche, Descartes, Weber, and then school him in classical literature.
The problem is what Ann said about Rush, “he is insanely jealous” and why is that? He is watching his kidnapped victims and hostages prosecute his entire life while he is schooled and discredited on each and every matter. Mark Levin is Rush’s response to the academic gargantuan Rush is facing. When Sean acts normal with Alicia, he forgets we are not gullible and who goes into politics. Liars, crooks, communists, morons, losers, spies, and a very few decent people; we know they are not the decent people so that does not leave much left to desire. I am a little offended they kidnapped us and now try to steal our life even more before addressing what they did or tried, then superimpose rogue spies on the conservatives.

Monday, June 29, 2009 Let’s see if Sean Hannity has anything new to add to the Rush Limbaugh show. We struck gold with Rush and him ready to take down Bush and his administration. I do not think Sean will ever step over that line or step forward but Rush may end up taking him down. Sean might now want to make it to retirement but he works his butt off and slaves over the machine and the bombardment of propaganda. Let’s see if Sean talks about Michael Jackson, gay underage and polygamous marriages, and goes off on Bush as Rush did. I do not think and I really doubt if Ann is interested in any of these guys but they bombard her and flood her life with interest and admiration; maybe they will wait till the end of time?
Sean as far as you, Rush, Bush and all these other men; here is the best way I can describe your experience and my relationship with Ann. “So why is Sean trying to finish the job now and why has he finally given up if he was their best chance to get even? Ann says go away and get lost loser but in the worst way; imitating what they did to us and why. So why are they still here so mean to us? After it is all said and done, Ann was a miracle to my life as I was to hers. Ann is not madly in love, trust me; and I would not tolerate with anyone who had a personality problem; one little thing and it can cause permanent problems.” Ann likes to and causes a lot of problems but they hijacked her marriage, best friend, and imposed severe hardships for a full decade and more. Now they cover it up. We are catching you and charging you; you are not catching us and charging us; how the hell do you get away with this terror plot and infiltration? You must have full and total control of the government.
Rush says she does not care and I cannot trust her. Rush and this spy group has a message been peddling the idea “white people made you poor and oppress you” and then reversing it with “Irish, Jews, liberals, fugitives, terrorists, communists, stupid people, maniacs and unions are your friends and heroes.” It would work on an idiot or one of their sissies but not the best in the world and elite psychic commandos who can map their brain and explain every single function. They are blind and do not even know our powers no less their powerlessness. They get so angry they sick the police, go in some tirade and stomp on the floor all day, follow us around the house like they are going to murder us, and act like they are going to kill someone each time they are humiliated and made to crawl.
If they have control of the local police; they will recruit serial bank robbers and try to recruit terrorists to do their dirty work. That is how they train them to be confident and to not worry about anything; they will cover the police and the legalism. They have control of the police and want full control of the security forces. They keep testing it until they can do this in the open and without any fear. This is why they have no fear targeting FBI, spy hunters, military personnel, or anyone who opposes them. They have some type of cover or political protection; maybe control the police. Oh the drama between Sean Hannity and his assistant Alicia who get along so well and Sean enables her to be married and would never foil or sabotage ours; never. He openly talks about their marriage as if he is their father and best friend, “that is the problem; they do this in the dark of night and then ram it down our shoulders.”
Sean is rolling off about the Constitution but I dare he tell us what they were up to and did; dare him. Almost as good as Madoff was in scamming others, almost. Sean thinks it is play time and he and Alicia have this love-hate relation where he is such a drive and influence to her life. Here is the test; would he dare invite himself to our house when Ann and I live together? It is not fun and games and the charges on him are not playful; they will result in severe punishments. The usual act and union tactic, “we did it for our family defense” and his kids again. Has Sean ever said, “maybe he is wrong… maybe he is blind… maybe this is a knee jerk reaction to paint the Irish wrong or mistreat them… maybe he is playing our bluff.” Play the bluff and lets find out Sean but I want to know if you can add to Rush or wish to take down Bush and the Democrats as you claim. That is like going after your sister or mother. Turn in your mom and family Sean; learn from Rush.
I am never wrong and do not make mistakes. I would never take this chance and pursue Sean every single day unless a good reason was there. Sean Hannity is a phony, evil, a terrorist, and a communist infiltrator. He said himself, “I am sick of being discriminated against and being poor” as if I and other terror plot recruits were supposed to consider the gospel. Just like VC, just like blaming the Pentagon after a bombing, just like using injured kids as propaganda. We hurt him and his family but they cannot tell us what he did and is involved in. We have to catch him if we can and when we do; it was just fun and games. It was just pretending like they do in prison to survive and drive you insane. Street punks do this in prison and get beat up, almost killed, and beaten to the point where they are permanently damaged. They did this to me constantly and then would ambush you or jump you. Sean takes our test and think of a code so complex nobody can would know. Also, you know I will ask you to tell me or else it will be decide and leaked. I do not think you have a fighting chance; this is why the change in strategy.
Sean is talking about MJ and says he was “so talented” and this “was so sad… overwhelming majority of celebrities mess up their lives.” Sean Hannity really messed up his life and in the worst way possible. He has stopped pursuing Ann to finish up for Rush, Bush, and Clinton. He did think it was more effective and a better strategy to go after me but this would make him an accomplice and suspect. Sean says “do not know his involvement but it was not natural”; Sean you said last week you “ask the hardest questions” and tried to explain yourself or for your bosses. That is your side but again; you wish it to work and we go away like Madoff. You want us frustrated and helpless as you tell us without a full confession; just like a serial killer. You try to stump us and then say give up and go away now. The CIA is more skilled with sleepers but now they are on our side; Sean knows he is not trusted and we caught him trying to do a hit on Ann and myself by kidnapping us. Sean watches “Terminator I and Terminator II” that is you and you are chasing Ann and me in our trap; that is when we began this trap. Why are you in it? You don’t even know who you have yet. You are in a sting you idiot. Look at the dates, it is all true and we can even explain it to you.
6/29/2009 8:57:05 PM Sean just said someone was going to “assassinate us.” I do not think for one second he is a victim; I think they might beat each other over the head in order to retire and hush each other up. Why don’t you write a confession, implicate a few people, write down what you are up to and involved in, and stick it in your safe like Rush did as insurance. You can also walk into an FBI office anonymously, tell a friend or confidant, send a random email or file, go to the press and newspapers, or write a memoir. I do not think for one second you are a victim and have named off whom is behind it, which you fear, why or motives, etc… When we make fun of him and he gets jealous; he rolls off how much he hurt or injured us or why we are not happy in life. Then he says he is totally happy and fulfilled. (The Irishman upstairs is making noises again and stomping.) I know who they are and how dangerous they can be. It is so phony and a total lie. If people knew what they are doing or did them would freak and go homicidal but honorably.
I have yet to hear Sean move and take steps like rush based on what I know and how he plays his cards as a fugitive, on the run, and being hunted down. Sean is IRA and he is a terrorist and hit man with “exclusive access” or information to itinerary, press and media, and can have the goons upstairs who are agents and union goons contact Israel as they keep escalating it to or Clinton. There is no defense for Sean Hannity at this time except some VC propaganda. He has not taken one step to stop the inevitable except attack us or implicate the hostages and kidnap victims. He has yet to mention the “murder plot” or the many we had to foil and scare him off and make him give up on Ann. Ann tried to do the same thing and they panicked and arrested me to check if I had a wire or file. Sounds like they are very nervous and do not know if they can get away but want to portray this while they think out what to do; they have no escape but think it is a conspiracy; here is there chance to confronts the other side. You got caught recruiting and being a sleeper dialed up to strike back at the empire. Sleepers are difficult to catch. You can go after their stable or use bait to fool them but sleepers are super secret. A sleeper is almost impossible to catch and we should not be having this dialogue.
The movie “Terminator I and II” is exactly what Ann and I went through; also, when they hatched the plot and began this. We cut them off and they did not have any access until 1998. Look at the dates on that and double check your operation and when you began this failed kidnapping and assignation plot or defection. Now watch Pulp Fiction and check the date; that is when I graduated from college and Ann came to DC so we could get married. You did not know about Ann in 1998 and was playing cupid. I knew play by play and what you were up to. They want the inside scoop and have been waiting for this moment for over 20 years.
If you look at the ending; that is exactly what happened to you; now check the dates on it and double check your dates when you began or hatched that plan. You all did not stop when the cold war stopped; we did. You and your sleepers are still fighting the cold war when we stopped and went on another mission and a more important one. That is the stand off; now who are you and your personality? We even let you win and ignored you because we had a much more important mission to complete and was hoping you just left and got lost you loser. Your spy ring never left and took us hostage then put me in prison; you moron. CIA even had a “pulp” statue made of newspaper erected at HQ; check it. I will also tell you how you built up the knowledge you were trying to extract from me. I was working security and sites around DC, access control. I always had the best buildings and high profile jobs. I will tell you where you got it from and you could do it to CIA or figured out how to.
Tell me what a sleeper is you idiot. Tell me what sanitize with extreme prejudice means. Tell me what a stable is. Tell me what a drop is. Do you want more and my level of knowledge? Do you think I am mistaken if I can roll off and educate you in the entire manual and am handpicked by Generals? We can get into plausible denial. Now watch “Mission Impossible” and where you got the idea from. It was about cyber warfare and I had not know you would see sinister and evil I it. In it they use satellite warfare and cyber warfare integrated and also sneaks into CIA using fire trucks. That is what you did and where you got it from. Also, I was working for DoD at the time and got poisoned so badly (food poisoning at the cafeteria in Arlington, I sleep for two days and threw up like the movie.) someone was watching it also with me; shadowing me, tormenting me, promoting me, trying to recruit me, and I had to figure out who and why.
Here we are now are you surprised who you ticked off and who is chasing you since you are the hunter being hunted? We know and had known you always try to beat us as a rival and try to pull rank and power. So where is the alien we are hunting and who is the leader we are searching for; you found ours; surprised now? If you found our leader, what does that tell you about the trouble you are in? Understand now? It is almost a mental game between you and me, arch nemeses, but I need backup and reinforcements as it is nearly 10,000 to 1 odds in your favor. How did I smash and beat you? You have to reverse everything and fix the media; that includes fixing the 1960s plot you hatched and were worried about. Whose reality are you in, mine or yours? We caught who is fighting the CIA and Pentagon globally for power and as rivals. We also got their national network here in the US and they are reluctant to tell us about it.
Now, Rush knows I go that park where the planes land as they come into National Airport across from the pentagon. I was counting the seconds and studying the different planes and engines because I am an expert on the topic. Why? Well, I was working on how to make an entry on them. Now watch the movie “Executive Order” (Look up Executive Order 9066 and Steven Seagull; I was working on this and explained I had adjudicated the Japanese internment during the Reagan years.) With Seagull and Douglas; I got the floor plans, electric configuration, what the US Army has, and every detail after on board. Ask Rush how many times I go to X Point from 1996 to 1999 (did not go once from 2000 to 2005); then something weird happened when I went there in 2006 each and every time (chasing me away or suspicion and being watched). We actually knew about you all in 1989. By 2006 you were busted and we knew everything. We have to cover every legal aspect because you are using the police to blame us. That is the terrorist recruitment plot and how you control the police for hate and racism; terrorism and the intersection with Vietnam and the 1960s. We get you out of the gate and when you hatch a plot.
Whoever it was on me did 911 to torment us and like the crazy B cow and Irish upstairs; stomping on floor, anger, ready to kill someone, etc… while we were kidnapped. In 1999, a recruiter in New York got me a private company to travel and I was out of there for good. I finally figured out how to escape, make a living, and ignore you all while waiting for Ann or trying to find her and marry her. We had a rendezvous and were changing the plans how to meet and get engaged or date. I will be honest; we needed a good cover story for being together since 1989 and ten years together. Things just go so messed up but nobody would have known we were already together for ten full years; all we had to do was meet at the beach or her follow me to the beach or a bar around DC. I grew up there and told her it sucks and you cannot meet anybody and she wrote this to talk to me about what her plan was. We needed a cover story and some romance story to cover up ten years; then I was going to write one book and take care of the kids and stay at home. Look at what you did you evil, demented, traitor, and terrorist mole; just look carefully.
Sean keeps saying “buried evidence” today; usually he does not repeat it. The movie “Mission Impossible” is about tactical satellite warfare and the use of cyber warfare; “Goldeneye” is satellite warfare and “Under Siege I and II” is about satellite warfare. It is encrypted and depends on what I am working on and need details for such as the belly of a 747 and the electrical schematics, CCTV, and security. So I do not want to talk about it as it is a lot of material and encrypted; it is impossible to read it or interpret it unless it is between me and the Generals who handpicked me. So they are shadowing me and watching the same thing but do not know what is going on, until they see the Mission Impossible and get this idea about profit and “burying the evidence.” It was how they wanted to “sneak in the CIA” and can beat it; but it was comical about sneaking into CIA; that is what they did and the Bush’s are the masters of this.
They thought we were or were learning how to sneak in CIA and we were not; it is encrypted and depends on what we are working on; training by my honorable and trusted Generals. This was how they snuck in CIA and used terrorism; then assonated or did ambushes on us. We are the good guy, which is the difference. Now watch the Alias series and the hit on Vaughn; that is what happened and why Ann “did not care.” Sean says, “she was there… going to give a blow by blow… we are worried.” That is the early years from 1990 to 1999; Ann was there and saw it but she was helping and so was her dad. Listen and watch as Sean trying to slip in and twist Ann’s arm to love him or surrender by giving him what he wants. Sean is a 911 terrorist and so are the upstairs people; it is their final hours; almost 60 years of political spying and overthrowing the government; their last act and last shot. Screw this up, it is game over. This is why the size and so many people. If they fail, they will never get another chance or can recover, never. They feel a secret group is hunting them and had foiled and known everything. Would they stop them now? Can they stop terrorist attacks if they know or caught them?
The reason for Alias is 1999 when I kept saying to seek my dossier; I am protected. I need reinforcements and am under attack by the communists to seek revenge. All I can do is sue them or get them for slander. They are all over and on high levels. Alias is a more accurate story of Ann and I but it is encrypted; intended to calm down and stop the suspicions and police raids on us. I wrote to contact the Pentagon and obtain my dossier and they refused and arrested us. I had begged them to double check and how important it was to be careful and use caution. I told them over and over to contact the Pentagon and seek my dossier immediately; we are under attack, they are terrorists, and they just murdered an FBI agent and a lot of people. They said I was doing it. Take a guess why things are so messed up; why the country is almost fallen to the left wing and communist moles? Now take a guess why I am pissed off and so angry; why every single day I get scorned, feet stomping, harassed, and have to listen to them every single day try to slip by and squirm out of the trap they are in.
Take a look at where they are now and what I am saying to them. It is an insider’s game and a mental game; they know and I know but nobody else knows. They know it is over and they have no chance, thus, “we don’t want to die” and “we do not know what to do” from the upstairs people ready to kill someone if we get them caught or ruin this last effort. This is the final standoff; they cannot recover after this; never. If they do not shoot it off and what they have in their arsenal, the chance will never return. So how did we open nodes, activate them, and throw a net so far and so wide? Ann is better at that but she knows how to get their attention and get them in the nodes. If they are released, they are not who we are looking for but only a suspect. I asked if they wish to file a complaint or have one instance of being mishandled; we have a lot. They are primitive. So why are they national and refuse to explain or tell us what they were up to?
How do I know? We know everything and about them. How did we get here? They know everything about me; except the cards I have or can play on them. I am not sure, they are nuts and are silently dumb. This will surprise them and inform them of the contingency on their tail and been hunting them; they just need someone to dook it out and we did. We dooked it out with terrorists, sleepers, and communist moles for over ten years had us under 24-7 detainment and surveillance; and talking to them now; this is their last stand and they are not letting go; definitely a game of death with them. If they fail and cannot fix it; they will loose and that is it. Rush said they did a 180 and reversed everything; they had to and can only try to fix the media and keep trying propaganda. It is not working for them and they are near suicide; they cannot make it stop. This is who the CIA is fighting internationally or have been; they are in power and very powerful domestically. Here they are and this is them; they do not think I have a wire and have one on me 24-7; we have nothing to hide.
They are ready and have been ready to kill; take it as a serious threat and a very dangerous sleeper. They act dumb and innocent but they are not military or who they say. They do not have top secret or command anything to be doing this or confronting us. We caught them after the kidnapping, abduction, interrogation, brainwashing, torture, imprisonment, and then cover up. We are so injured because it would spook them and they hide so much we could not flush all of them out or how high they were. That is why I am so injured; each cut made them bolder and each ambush made them feel safer. They think I am wired and they are checking me out thoroughly before making supreme contact. When they were convinced; we shut all the doors and they got caught in it. Ann jumped out and spooked them big and they were ready to kill and do terror plots like a waterfall. Then I began to take Rush, Sean, and Bush apart knowing they would be jealous of Obama and Hillary; their subordinates.
Why let an undercover person suffer such or so much? It can collapse on them any day and the charade and phony lies can all come out. I do not know why they want us so much if we hate them and do not wish to join or wish to be part of a terrorist and communist group. If they enter a node, they are checked out and tagged; if they are a major threat, a team is on them; trust me; they are in major trouble and have no escape. We can bag all of them and all the masterminds in one week or day if they were not silent and retaliating. That is what you are watching and if they were aliens, I was ready and had a contingency plan. They do not have supernatural powers, mere idiots and criminal beings. If they were advanced, they would not kidnap or beat each other over the head. Sean does not mention how he and his bunch of spies are fighting the CIA globally and are secret and national in the US. Why? Are you moles and spies? Do we know this? What do we know or will they tell us?
I am being told that who we are hunting may not be human in Terminator I and II. I am going into combat and a spy trap; I am informed of and have evidence already not disclosed what is out there; now if it was an alien, this is what it will fight like and who it wants or some tricks to improve my survival rate. Ann’s father said if I had to; be a double agent for them so I can get out. My father also used his diplomatic training to advise me. The Generals were confused and angered. I am activating nodes and roping it to nodes where I control and activate based on what it knows, we know everything, and what it does not know. If it knows and tells me; then I shut the node down, and open a new node to figure out how they know. They did not pass any of it; they knew nothing or what was going on. They are not an alien or a supernatural being; it is a beast of this earth and we know this and have verified it; it is human be not a human species. We are human but they do not recognize humans.
So we are going right at them with something they want and need. Two things will happen; they will fight or I will make it to the finish line; reach the top. If I do not reach the top; then we have a major fight on and open the nodes then activate it to isolate each problem. We began this looking for a beast and a monster, an alien and we got a Neanderthal and a total criminal fugitive. I went straight into the fire and did not make it; Ann did but she too got captured and put through major pain. When my defenses could not fight them off; she was told not to try it and the strength the left was or where they set up camp was too strong. It is like the C and O canal and you open a node and release it; that is how they were caught and what I designed but it was for an alien; this is why they are in it now. They were too confident and bold; very careful; very vicious and did not care about us whatsoever; only what they wanted and needed. There is no way someone goes through the intricate canal and Ann snags them; it is impossible.
Ann did the opposite as I did by going around or under it. We ran directly into a kidnapping and a recruitment trap they had. Then deployed and employed every evasion method designed for alien and supernatural beings; we did not have any spiritual, demon, or some demon beast talks to our soul; it was human and only a human threat. It was brute force, arm twisting, beating others over the head and harassment; primitive tactics of the unions and the left wing guerillas. Someone keeps saying the FBI was taken over and is under their control. CIA is too difficult to penetrate and has too many layers of protections. It is impossible to penetrate the inner core of the Pentagon. The military is being bombarded by them and have been thus it split in different teams and sides.
Read Rush Limbaugh for June 29, 2009 and listen to him finger Bush and explain what he was up to and cannot achieve at this time:

6/26/2009 8:57:12 PM Sean Hannity and Newt Gingrich is using the energy bill in Congress at this time to scare everybody and also gain. This tax is insanity and I got an insane day also with some garnishment or attempt to collect in the mail by the Treasury. Is Obama the rescue team or is he the terrorist and attacking team? We know Bush was the enabler and also linked to those behind the terror plots; Rush insists it is Bush and his family from Texas who were the moles in the 1960s; why would they be behind terror now?
We know for a fact Sean Hannity is involved with 911 and this recruitment because he said this “Ask the hardest questions… now having a tough time… thanks for telling us… reversing course (you are welcome, kidnap me anytime you goof and do my spouse the same also – why not recruit me for a terrorist group or spy group and ask me a litmus test)… promised these jobs (so I lied)… well where is it… America’s compensation Tsar… stuff it in their pocketbook… most of the people in that room are overpaid (crime does not pay Sean Hannity no matter how much it will benefit the country; you can draft us for a terror war but we just don’t like you).” See, they are behind this and they did this.
That was Tuesday June 23, 2009. Ann went on Hannity the next day and “asked Sean the hard questions” on his own show and he froze and did not respond to any of them. Who is copy-chatting and literally steals everything in our life and hides this kidnapping? Why would we answer him and also give him military secrets when they “ask the hard questions?” Now he got asked the hard questions by Ann and me and he just goes into weasel mode or communist spy ring mode. At least we do it in the open and not like some terrorist group or a spy group. Sean is who we are looking for and they keep saying, “Give us a break” and “it is only oppression.” It is not and that is a complete lie. Sean finally explains why he is suicidal and swore not to be taken alive and some final rampage instead of a raid. Rush was reluctant to say it but Sean would not; he did this week with Mark Stein and Mark Davis. Mark Levin has not taken that step. Newt Gingerish has not taken that step either.
Today there was some kind of garnishments and tax insanity in DC as retaliation. Rush was merely mentioning and hinting to the tax rush in Congress; then once I checked the mail, Sean followed up; it is from Birmingham, AL and Madison, WI (I have to contact the special office in San Diego, CA). I think it is them and this should have been taken care of in 1998 when they forced a bankruptcy. Newt Gingrich then came on the media and said he is going to raise the punishments for those who “skirt the financial responsibilities” and extend the law to 10 full years on your credit report for bankruptcies. Newt and Sean is using this to gain and exploit to intimidate and make us dependent on them. They are on both sides.
2008 is the year they got word. 2009 is the year they fall. They are in serious trouble and trying to find, locate, and kill whoever “knew everything” or else it will be used back on them; like now. Someone has the evidence on them, the hard evidence because they were defeated, smashed, and then caught. Who will cut whose throat first before the inevitable will make it to retirement? That is who they are trying to capture also by using us as bait and who they wish to capture, lure, and kill. That is who they are looking for and felt we would lead them to them or use us as a double agent. They will kill them and keep them as prisoners like us. As the governor of New York said it, “the people’s business is being denied by the Constitution.” So killing who can take them out is the people’s business. It is not just one side; it is both sides looking for who has that evidence which caught them.
From then on I hated his guts and felt he was behind it or had something to do with it but he advertises himself as an Army brat. I got Generals and the entire military echelon babysitting me when young; who is he? So I am not going to say anything and will contact the authorities that we have an active node and they are playing chicken with federal indictment and arrest. Sean was saying how it might pass and got Newt on to inform us to call and put pressure on the “leaders.” We can file another bankruptcy and file a warrant on them for obstruction of justice in a terror plot; but this is the same thing with they caused in 1998. It is the exact same thing and a replay of battles. At least they are finally breaking up and not able to reverse what they have done. Rush said they have to reverse it and fix it.
Are Bush and Obama going to make it to retirement or will they get each other? They are giving out a lot of money to make this go away and bury us and it. You all work to the bone and copy us all day; remember that if we have evidence on you and you copy us; there are no guarantees you will not be taken down before or on retirement day. You might work off some of this and end up in jail your life. Sean this is a “Catastrophe.” Let them make a mad scramble and then collect the evidence and issue warrants on retirement day or when they think it is over. Before Slander (2002) was written, this was a civil matter, now it is a war, treason, espionage, and terror charges. This is no civil matter. Why would they use a terror plot to cover up slander or stop us from announcing a failed recruitment by terrorists? Answer is, they knew we knew and felt it was a conspiracy and were after “those behind it.” Yes, those behind what? That is the hard questions they are asking. But why do they want our work and us to give them our life? Is that similar to the People’s Temple? That is making it worse and digging a big hole.
6/26/2009 3:54:22 PM I am not sure I understand you Rush or the union goons upstairs. You know I have security and very super tight if I caught you and smashed you. Yet you play this game believing I have none. So I will open the door and let you do what you want and right after you retire and cannot work anymore; I will present for you all the evidence and how you slaved or dug holes for your life while sneaking around with this terror and life of crime to steal everything. Remember, I let you do anything you wish and the game is whether or not it was for nothing or if you will ever reach retirement being a terror plot and communist spy ring. If you want to retire, you better figure out what we have on you because you slave day and night or take the most dangerous risk for nothing.
So the guy is messing with my stuff means nothing unless they can escape security and body guards who may have them under surveillance and want to wait until they have no chances; if they are still around; then we get the life of crime and your loot. So you tell your goons, unions, spies, and moles or saboteurs; my security is good and we caught and smashed you; so they must be much better and if so; then what do we have on them? So if you know what is good for you, you ought to begin and clean your defenses because we are headed right at your entire retirement and plot. Tell New York the same; it does not matter unless you make it to retirement. Sell all the drugs and steal what you have to; make sure it does not end up as someone’s or your side getting rid of your so they can retire. We also need something to do when we retire; such as catching goons, spies, and murderers. I would get rid of them and cover your tracks now.
Friday, June 26, 2009 I have been trying to get information on Michael Jackson’s death as I was intrigued when Farrah Fawcett lost her fight with cancer. I know the song “Beat It” and “Untouchable” is about you Rush and you love it. It is your dark side. You have been very quiet today Rush and I have been trying to teach a kid how to fish as I am a master salt and freshwater angler. I spent my entire youth on the water and on the Chesapeake Bay. I will say this, from what I know about you all, you treat men, women, and children’s the exact way you treat adults. I had to scare off a lot your “goon offers” before and thought you are disgusting and will not stop.
So I think you may be living some dual reality and universe with Michael Jackson and his legacy. I know he liked kids a lot and so do you all. I do not know why, but we differ quiet a bit there and I like Ann and older women. You are obsessed with Obama and obsessed with us. You watch Ann and I daily and in our own residence and private lives and I am not a famous person or celebrity. You are looking for money and some payment but keep saying you want to promote me. Do I pay you for freedom and join your communist and terrorist group or are you out of my life after I make a payment to you? You never told me the details and what you wanted; only hints.
Here is what you said, “global warning… Obama is no different… won’t matter if they limit our freedoms one way or the other…” and now you are speaking about Ian Smith and Rhodesia, “Obama is nothing more than an old school colonial.” You do know that Britain disavowed the Rhodesian state and Ian Smith launched a civil war or a colonial war based on no backing of Britain and fell very quick. I believe the Rhodesian Scouts as they are called, lasted a few months against what is today three African nations. As a matter of fact, the US Army has a command post which deals specifically with Africa if you are interested in this or wish to trade salvos; there is a US Army team who are exploring strategies and tactics for Africa. I am not part of it.
About my tomato plants and the problems of stomping on my stuff, the good news is a wind storm and thunderstorm got them but you all did not. So if they went by a natural event and not by your hands; I am okay with it. The weather people said it was going to hail and I knew the front from Michigan was rolling in. That storm wiped out Michigan nearly; so I was expecting golf and baseball sized hail and damage. So long as it does not come by your hands or your New York union goons, I am okay. I am not going to make a victim out of it. I also met a guy and his little brother the other day from California while crawfish hunting. So if you got something to say, go ahead and tell me.
So why do you like little children or youth and see it as a “disguise.” Is there some logic to it, “do not understand… education and intellectual plane… understand nothing… lie to others… why they do it… deprive… followers and you are the enlightened one… his father was a Marxist… only about power… regulate your privacy and behavior.” You got that right and you did all of the above and kidnapped us. You treat females the same way you treat men; you do not even show them some understanding and help them out. You also should talk to the US Army about Africa; they have a command post set up for a discussion and forum.
Ann tells me that liberals like youth while conservatives like age and elders. As a Presbyterian, I grew up around very wise and powerful elders around Washington DC. The Presbyterian denomination is very Calvinist so there is a sense of hands-on, rugged individualism, carpentry skills, and a life of knowledge. The people in charge is not the pope but a committee of elders; I have never felt threatened or had a single problem but the Presbyterians stress academics and scholarly work. Being a scholar is really emphasized. My father used to keep me busy all the time reading the dictionary and doing homework if I had none. The insanity of other religions is not looked upon in good light and your mental faculties are stressed as a life long pursuit and an emblem of your honor. So I am in very much disagreement with you and Ann and I have been working on this for a long time.
Ann and I are almost identical; like to the T. My fashion is the same. My hair is the same. I flirt the same way very feminine and graceful. I am demure as Ann is, to seek marriage and family. I get angry about the same things. It is literally like living my own life through her and vice versa. You are reading our life and like everyone, we wish to retire and work hard for gains we reap in the future and not presently. We make sacrifices to save. I hardly ever spend. I live on a budget. I am always hurting for money. I am not a cheapskate but I am very frugal and efficient. I bought a fur coat in 2006 at a thrift store and orange slacks; and I bought a white fur vest for the first time at a thrift store; Ann followed suit.
I get obsessed with things and then move on once I reach the plateau. From age 6-12 I was obsessed with warfare, firearms, fresh and saltwater angling, travel, and reading. From 12-16 we were obsessed with sports; all sports and every sport. From age 17-28 I was obsessed with motorcycles and engines, racing, speed, and high technology. I have motorcycle jackets up until 1997 when I sold my last bike, my 1989 Ninja 600 jetted and fitted with every racetrack upgrade by a professional racer. I bought my first property in 2006.
It was not until 1989 when I got with Ann and joined the military that I began to throw everything away and only focus on Ann, this book, our life work, and my schooling and college. I have a goal and a mission and was obsessed. I scoured every textbook ever known to man and had the support to answer all my questions. So both my mind and body is like a razor. I do not go into it half-assed; I become obsessed. I was obsessed with programming and computers; then obsessed with satellites my entire life. I have reached the plateau with satellites and programming by 1995 (age 23) and was able to focus on other interests.
I traveled around the US and enjoyed Canada; it is nearly identical to the US in attitudes. I make friends easily and people know I am quick to the jokes. I am a real heavy metal type; not a fake but the real stuff. I describe myself as a heavy metal, surfer, comic, and total package. Almost everything I do, it just comes easily and I get bored easily, I have to be challenged. Ann says I am a natural and my motor skills are so aligned to my thinking capability; I can scale a tree or a building with one hand. It is like hating yourself.
I would not describe ourselves as religious but we put more effort to be decent people than you all; that is for sure. You target people in first place and with superior talents because you are in last place. Then you demand I change your diaper when I cannot even stand your stink, but neither can you. Yet you think you are angry at us and we are denying you of rights and the people’s work. The governor of New York said he was going to dock the pay of legislatures if they did not return to Albany because “the people’s businesses is being neglected and blocked by constitutionality.” I have never heard a governor threatened to dock the pay of the legislature or assembly.
“You have to come up with… club… we are nasty… retail-trade… they know bill is going to cream you… shut up… who is going to win…” as you can see I am still asking myself what the hell is your problem and why you are kidnapping me to fight me when I am one man and one army. I demand Army strong, to be the best you can be, and expect you to be an army of one. You on the other hand and these people do not believe in any of this and fight us all the time. Don’t ask, don’t tell is like a joke to you but you just said it is about power and you are a club (spy group and espionage agents with foreign government backing) and you always tell me to “go home” or join you and I moved out of the country and was disgusted.
Either you had to kill me or I would gladly trade in my citizenship than be a communist or terrorist. When you wish to trade that; let me know again. You tell me I am the problem and Karl Rove said we “are released” now because “it is not going anyplace.” At least I would move to another country and trade in my citizenship while you badger me and secretly recruit me while you pretend to be some club and protectors; you are a communist, terrorist, mole, and super secret espionage group and want both Ann and myself. We are military and we gave you the fight of our life. Even in 2009 you are still making threats, vandalizing my life, scorning us, and acting like hostile barbarians who cannot wipe your ass because both you and I cannot stand it. I have some advice, wipe your own ass and do not tell me or kidnap me and tell me how angry and violent you are and I should either fear you or behave around you or the left wing, “we are cooked… they are using it as a fund raising event… they are a couple… walk away from their President… worried about this… identical formula… bunch of corruption… the corruption (FBI needs to hear this)…”
Here is the other kicker; you still refuse to turn over this spy and terror group who are so comfortable with kidnapping and taking hostages for some recruitment and sadistic approach to wiping your stinky butt you cannot stand or know what to do. At least I would rather die or trade in my citizenship before joining and letting you subjugate me while you lie; but I was coy and used my killer instincts and character; my military training to defeat you and look at it now; all that pain and grief and I am holding the trophy and look at the first, second, and third place. All your effort and you are in last place.
Look at Bush and the Bush administration; for a mole and sleeper family; they have the gall to be angry with us. You have the gall to be angry with us, which is your arrogance and problem. If you wish to document honestly, then read what we said about you and what you did. Now your problems are just beginning. We got this from the Clintons trying to bat for someone and beat out those who we call friends and are closest allies; your defection scams drive us into ruin; you give 24 hour effort and use back anything we do to cut us down, cause medical problems, or used back for ruin.
You bugged and had CCTV on us while we were in god damn college and we did not even know, then you come around and tell us as if you are watching and feel proud. Then you try to mate with us or steal our marriage; then you sit here and talk about how our spouses are so in love with you and the left wing. You offer everything or anything and it is disgusting and violates every single law so we have no escape, excuse, or can refuse. I was offered boys, girls, drugs, terror plots, etc… We hate the unions and labor if not already. Look at how well documented this is and our life is. It gets worse from here because of whom I am and who Ann is. What you feel is fear of punishment.
Then the effort was to cover up and hide what you did with daily threats, intimidation, extortion, and frivolous law suits and police tactics. That is still ongoing. At some point Ann and I would like to get married but you are making this really hard and we are not trying to make this worse; you are. Why are you still doing it and also running loose; we would like to get married and spend life together but the biggest threat on earth is here in our life and country; look at what they did and tried, “there is a huge profit potential… there is a huge need for the people who tried it… if there were profit, we would have it… don’t believe any of these conspiracy theories you hear… amazing cost to it…”
Rush, just a few days ago both you and Sean Hannity said you did a complete reversal and a 180. So this profit and adventure must be a fantasy that caused your life serious harm and will be fatal to your future and our own life. You keep saying there is “huge profit potential” and how we are revolting against your success. Let me make this clear, if for one moment I felt you are a capitalist or a right winger who acts on principle; I would not smear or slander you while documenting what you did and asked of us. You will do the same and ask others. This is about power and a left wing club remembers, you said this today, check the notes and time 1:54:49 PM. That is called a blatant, incoherent, and illogical excuse or lie, “just to say they created some miracle.” Well, you cannot kiss someone and make them faint or make people scream out loud when you are on stage.
People do not know how evil and sadistic you truly are. After over a full decade, yes ten long years, there has not been on day where a knife was not on our back or in it. So your miracle and how you make others scream while on stage has a trick to it, this profit you keep telling us about has a kicker; it is at knifepoint. Not one day has gone by during a full decade have you not used a knife at our throat or one in our back; yet you are able to sit there and tell the biggest lies and the world’s greatest fraud the earth will ever witness and see. I wish them to take a good hard look at how we view the same event.
Who is telling one side and who is yelling the other? It is not as if both of us are nobody and do not know what we are dealing with or who we are dealing with. Who are you dealing with and who is charging you with a communist and terror plot we have now? I am not charging you because I imagined a fantasy; you showed it, showed what you are working on, asked for help, then demanded and attacked us after years of ignoring and ridiculing you. I know who I have and when Cheney, Rove, and Bush all link up to you; we then know you are sleepers and a spy ring. Your legal defense is shabby if not very tacky. There are a lot of eyes on this and I think you know and I know how wooden and perfunctory you truly are with your own life and your own demise.
Read Mark Stein and how he admitted he was a communist. He literally explained to me what you are up to and why; now how do you go to college and get that kind of thinking or work? Now you want to be teachers and are jockeying for positions to teach Pentagon and CIA officials? That is like crashing your plane into their house or work place. Did I or anybody hear once how we came to you, solicited your wrath, did not avoid you or steered away whenever you try to ram us, and the scores of chicken games and power plays you obsess over as profit? You cannot even wipe your own ass and cannot stand the stink or the punishments; what makes you think we will or how you can get angry with us? Profit?
Do you have any defense for your actions beyond profit? Or is it a lie for a fantasy of power which blew up and is a disaster because you just said it “effort to become competitive again… save us from this… got a call from Congressman… from Virginia (source is from someone who went to DC and resided in VA)” 2:10:21 PM. “Wanted to buy off the Senators but… trying to reach independence by year… and reach (unknown) in twenty years while keeping cars affordable.” Not one day has passed without a knife at our back or in my back, not one, and you claim I am wrong every single day and how you have been with us all along and to the end. Do you think I believe that? You knew and know our talent and our ability; you know and knew who we were but you said we were the problem and could not defeat you because you were “too big to fail” and “were killing people and making them sick” but also the protectors. Who protects drug dealers and fights the same battles, spies? Who does this in South America and the Bush family? “Recycling the same lies” is very accurate and also the 1960s.
If you have a defense, I encourage you to listen closely; when we say we want a terror and communist plot; we mean details so we can bag this today. Not in ten or twenty, or thirty, or forty years (Rush says Bush was responsible for Jackson’s death; I think it was the drugs he was taking like steroids so he can start dancing again; a cocktail of dangerous ones and the depression of his life). I will leave it at that because the more you delay and stonewall us; the worse it gets and people are documenting your doom and how long you can keep this ongoing and keep up this act. It gets worse and worse, it never stops, you cannot make it go away, the only option is suicide or face the charges and our initial discovery; this is discovery. You think you are the same and our equal; as rivals and someone wishing to hire and recruit us because you dominate and are superior.
I am and have been honest beyond revealing battle, military, or information which is detrimental to the military or nation. We want to capture you alive so we can bag this today; but it is slow because I too walk on eggs and am severely injured by your failure and false fantasy. You are living in a big and demented fantasy and I hope you realize this and stop portraying it as your excellence or superior Americanism. Your energy level is nearing 3 or 4 out of 10. You put us in the negative range and I was operating in -4 sometimes. So if there is a hell and you are that tough as I am; then we will know soon enough or you will gladly provide the communist and terror plot that at last count is over 60 years old and two generations long of evil deeds on us. I think you can go in the negative range and you are not close to it yet; Sean Hannity is. I badger him daily about giving us vital secrets about our enemies while says he cannot speak the truth to enemies and adversaries (Karl Rove said that).
End of day and week.
Thursday, June 25, 2009 Sean Hannity got “ripped” another by his number one fans and those who he is asking to wipe his stinky mess and diapers. We thought the problem with terror plots was bad; then we get the siege of spouses, then we get trying to drive us apart, then we get the stalking and smears of total lies, then we get the weasel duty to cover it up with covers Sanford, Iran, Paling, water boarding, beating them in the polls, Rush Limbaugh, fund raisers, freedom concerts, and total fraud. Hey, do the stink and the ass get any worse and why is he and they angry about us not being able to stand the stink? So why do they hide this and cannot ask when they themselves are so disgusted at “not all human beings are perfect” they are driven to a life of crime and silence. Last place is a good place to fear the might of the mightiest and their leaders. Cool moves and sneaky persistence; yet the ego and the ridiculous life are too much.
I think it is the whole personality of politicians that you can see in those Sanford emails... he is so full of himself and to think he could get away with it, I was not a huge fan of his. I wouldn't have known one way or the other but in general; politicians, and there are some honorable politicians, and god bless the many of them; but they are narcissistic and they need people to love them, they think they are and also they were all nerds who could never get a girl to kiss them in high school. I mean, look at these guys; from Bill Clinton to this guy, it is not exactly a hunk of burning love here. That is a lie, people can see you Sean. Do you have a mirror? You know you were not a nerd in high school, stop pretending to be one. Yes, it is a character issue. It is one thing; I think it is silly the hypocrisy point... I really did not believe any of that Christianity stuff. No, it has wrecked their lies, it has wrecked their marriage, it is just wrecked their children's lives; of course they believe it, and they fell so I do not think it is a question of hypocrisy but a question of character. - Ann Coulter on Hannity,; June 24, 2009 –
Hey Hannity, tell your band of thieves and the cops and owners of the bar God is angry with you; you are even angry with yourself. I wonder how long you can keep pretending before you are done and it collapses on you. So here is my advice. You are in last place. You do not control or order people in last place. If you were in first place, it is clear why you did not deserve or are backwards. You hold ruinous elections and spend in the same ruinous manner to win them. You hate your country because you fear the best and the best answers. You fear us and hate us because we know who you are and how evil you must be around us. You are angry because your backside blew such a massive explosion, even you do not know what to do and want us to change the diaper and we are near dead by your stink. What the hell are you mad about; we have to put up with you. Sean says “this is a massive attack (21st minute)… “
Intimate conservations: (same thing he says to his kids) “what did you do today” or “what are you doing next week” or “what do you think of” or “will you at least tell me when” and a few other things. I have not heard this one, “I want you back Ann” or “How can you do this to me after…” or “Don’t you think that hurt me more than it hurt you” or “You mean you never was interested at all” or “Ann we need to have a private and serious talk” or “do you think I know what I am doing, it just happened.” Instead, Sean knows there is nothing between them except a pretend game to see who can tell the biggest lie. Ann says she ignored a lot of emails and he tries too hard to talk to her while she argues with him and it is not an appropriate setting such as private and personal time. It is also career related and business related or a special event.
Sean, have you ever seen a stalker and obsessed secret admirer? They put up a lot of effort while the girl either puts up none or places all her effort to care for her man. Let’s say you were a bartender and get hit on every single night; do you understand now? You get the tips and must be very straight forward with any girl who is in that type of position such as a waitress or even a Hooters girl. I have had Hooters girls grope me, give me their numbers, and try to rub up on me; if you cannot recognize it then do not hide it. I said you screw your kids but that is why; you say the same “intimate things” to Ann and consider her like your kid or daughter. There is a stark difference but you make it no different. Consider who Ann puts all her effort in and who she would rescue or risk her life and reputation for.
Everybody says either you are a psycho, hit man, or so bone obsessed and insane, we do not know if you are a threat or a deranged fan. We know you all are very angry while you conceal your face and hatred. It is all about brainwashing us and we are your children, “you will do this” or “you must seek my approval and permission.” You told me you are IRA and I risk some wrath; but I am not sure if you are lying or serious. I know you are anxious to join forces and join but we are the opposite and hate your guts. We have a list of charges on you and you pretend it is invisible or delusions. I am sure the accusation you are a dictator is also nonsense; but both side will present an honest and truthful representation if we will ever resolve this honestly.
At least you did not wear fake eye glasses to improve your looks; instead you copy us or use it to control people. You are a pinko but want a fight, but you are in a lot of trouble. You are right now getting the fight of your life and gave us one hell of one also. Now you violated every single law and are up to no good but you feel you are not a threat and you hold your head up high even if you were “set up” and angry about being caught. You have a dark side nobody will ever believe or know yet; wait till they see it. You are very unsuccessful at trying to be like us and that anger comes out sometimes with “go away.”
We tell you to “go away” for a different reason; it is not the same and everybody knows who you are. You do this also and pretend to be influential. I see it as excellence just like you but only some can say you are a divisive character; it is just way too much and not intellectual curiosity. Do you see how your two brains are tangled in your professional life and people are criticizing you severely? You cannot even explain and pretend to be childish and playful. You work in the media and scorn people but you still have not learned how to deal with danger. It is like a clown or a very dangerous hidden person. We will gladly save you if you are a master but trying to impersonate us is a far cry and got you in trouble. Pinkos do that also when in danger or trouble. However, you have this really dark side that hits back and like a cement wall of lies and it is murderous. Then you will call and ask how we are doing or feeling; how we feel about you and pretend to be friends. Do you honestly think we understood you a little better after you went through this transformation we are nauseated by?
But wait, are you detracted now or are you keeping the pressure up? What ever happened to your promise of “hands off policy”; why are you breaking that hundreds of times and still meddle in the private life of life partners and happy people? That is terrorism. That is sadism. That is violence for gain or benefit. Nobody would do that to you and even you do not expect that; but you are quick and willing to violate the respect of human beings and their life or privacy. So keeping us prisoners or some big brother house where we are always under surveillance feels like a prison or some captivity. It is not just us either; it is a lot of others. Remember when you were giving out flowers, dinner gift certificates, and a lot of prizes; you pretend it is some equalizer. You are not an icon but much bigger than that; but you are not comfortable with who you truly are and Rush is the same way; a monster underneath. Always stealing from us day and night with an obsessive drive; you claim your intentions speak for it. Where have we seen this before? Perhaps with polygamists and child molesters; this idea of being protectors and guardians while harboring some love hate relationship?
Then you try to present yourself as family or close friends; my god, if we had best friends likes this; we would be terrorists and communists. You do it to women and those you are obsessed and stalking; trying to hurt for denying you and rejecting you. We really make superior staff for both you and Rush as he has explained with the “dog and cat” analogy. It is sick and disgusting behavior when people figure you out. Does it matter who you are or our allies? You worship the devil. That is pushing the naughty limits don’t you think? I hope you do not have video and watch it of us and get your kicks or joy. At least you know what to bargain and deal with; or use to lure us to this spy ring and terror plot. We caught you coming out of retirement and a 40 year hibernation to fix this problem with your plot and ruinous elections. So you will be a martyr and will go down with guns blazing to keep up this protest and reversal?
You are the losers and in last place going after those in first place or royals. Worse you’re the Gestapo and the police are the only way you can win; so we guess last place is where all the threats are and why you need the police. You are not and definitely not protecting America or know anything about the country you live in even if we have to listen to you daily excuse your behavior about how it is your home. You are in last place, after that it is jail, what home is that? So why are you doing things which will affect or exert this stink of yours to our life and spread this anger about you nobody cares or knows what to do? Drink the cool-aid, “we can improve the system… insist everybody goes… (communist plot in reversal and law suits for reparations of hate and racism in America) 6/25/2009 7:19:37 PM”; yes we know all about the communist and terrorist plot and what you had been up to. Why do you think you are in so much trouble and pretending to be fitting in and have no worries? We know all about the improvements you had been trying to do before disaster befell you.
The Karl Rove act was super world class lying much similar to your pretend game right now. Good god, the Michael Jackson death got the local radio stunt all going berserk so it is time to pack up and beat it for the day; you might want to listen to that song even if I have no idea who or what those songs are about, beat what? Sean is talking about Sanford in the last hour. Hey Sean, why would you mention Ann’s name when we already know the story about her but we do not know the story about you yet. Why don’t someone come forward and tell the full story or make an effort to tell the full story? That is the problem; you ignore it and then lie in this manner that not only covers it up, but it paints a completely double and triple lie on top of a criminal act already. Sean, you are in last place and think you are in first place and it is so wooden and perfunctory; it is disgusting. Sean, when are you going to recognize danger and protect the bung? You got it bad by Sanford and some pay back even if he messed up badly.
Let’s see if we can count how many criminal acts that are… hum, one, two, three, and four… It is an insult you are passing out tea party tickets 6/25/2009 9:46:47 PM; you make it rotten; just like Iran, and just like America. Look at you now try to throw the blame back on me and Ann when you can face life imprisonment for kidnapping and then death for a terror plot or conspiracy. Tea Party tickets, “appeal to them and use this to… about to engage in behavior that has an impact on their family or children… exchanged emails with…” Yeah and I walk in a bar and score all the time also Sean. I honestly think you are a total nerd and a loser in high school and got worse as you got deeper in trouble and your life of crime. I am sure Ann loves your life of crime and what you are up too right? When you get a woman to stick up for you; let me talk to them before the bust and then after, cool? Just remember it is very serious for you and the way you act makes it worse and worse; you stonewall and drag your feet while you say you beat it and your intentions judge it.
Hey Sean, you are almost home, try harder, you are almost there and it is almost stolen and a total lie. Dig faster and try harder, you are almost there Sean, tell Rush do not give up and full speed ahead on the USS Weasel. You are secretly and fighting the gospel truth and a conspiracy to infiltrate our side. You just say your tax policy justifies all other lies and I do not think that is true. Sean just said he is “appeal to them and use it to… deeply misleading” and he says “sick and tired of them attacking this woman.” So Sean admits that Paling was created in order to “use this to appeal to them.” There it is, Sean says this is about “pay to play” and “exchanging it for a new system.” We call it soft money, self interest groups, and campaign finance laws. You call it pay to play instead. Sean escaped the Blogo controversy also. He is still holding his ground and says to dig deeper and full steam ahead; we are almost there, moral support, with us all the way, will stop when they pry his cold dead fingers from the microphone, and seeking approval. “He breaks his word all the time but nobody pays any attention to it… mocks… what he does… “
It is called telling a bigger lie and seeing if anybody corrects you; then telling a bigger one, then a bigger one, and then you are too far forward and see it posted in front of you. Do you know how many CIA and FBI veterans are dying to read this and get the full operation before they die? They obsessed with catching you all and we ran into a wall of lies and cut down by surveillance and the Gestapo constantly. They still do not know who was behind the 1960s but knew what you were up to and what was happening on the perimeters. Now I am sent on a high level US Army seek and destroy on an alien trying to control our fate and I run into lover boys who are ridiculous. I mean it was really disappointing getting redirected and rerouted to my own kidnapping instead of focusing on an alien attacking the US or the fate of the world.
I have proof something is out there and will not say; blame yourself for that you idiot. You will be scorned for being a complete moron and idiot. Now you tell me you did nothing. Yeah I am going to jump up and down while hunting a predator alien? Do you know how prestigious and excited I was to do that mission and how quiet I was or had to be to sneak up and take a look? Jackass showed up and made this really a might-mare. Yes like I am going to jump up and down or sit there and let you get away while you kidnap my family and prevent me from seek and destroy mission of my life. I had a really good book on satellite warfare and bagging the alien but now I bagged Romeo the loser rapist. Stand up and support our military; hey Sean, why don’t you god damn talk to some special forces and figure out how they do things or annoyed the get.
Yes, you all were in the process of “remodeling… saw us as a threat… different…” or this 180 and reversal because we were supposed to deliver you jobs. Why the hell would we deliver jobs to a communist and terrorist plot? I am on a god damn mission, stop asking me for jobs and shut the fuck up; you are really screwing up my efforts to observe the footsteps and set my traps for an alien. For real, are you a complete fool or just a moron? I am not interested in bagging a communist and terrorist group and plot. Put my god damn seek and destroy mission back or else I go public with this. You will not like your life and you will be laughed at for messing up my god damn after the cold war seek and destroy which was so secret; we knew this thing was coming and I know how to beat it.
Now I have to be angered every single minute of every single day for a full decade, imprisoned, and listen to Romeo and the damned act and pretend they are cool and powerful. I happen to be on a very, very prestigious mission while yours will land you in jail your entire life. Sean says he wants to participate; maybe in the next lifetime when you come back as a weasel. You all are getting the full force of the law and the might of this country. If you think the public will save you, then that is your option, full speed ahead and dig deeper and faster. Who the hell is this woman acting like she is incoherent or psycho rambling? You cannot even get this mission and you sit there and act like you are in last place and falling; oh wait, backwards you act like you are in first place when truly in last place.
I doubt if you will pass my background check, note my background check or get caught doing something really dumb. Yes, you got caught for a communist and terror plot because you went back to the scene of the crime when the military and special psychic commandos were going through for seek and destroy to finish it and find this god damn alien and supernatural force. Oh I am really terrified of you and all these goons and tough guys; wait till you meet the supernatural beast. You will loose your reality and your sanity; and that sucker will eat you alive. You do realize I am pretty high tech and I am sneaking a peek and observing the footsteps. We active a trap or node, then get rid of it when we do not get the response we know them for. Your stupid insane and nauseating lies fling insults and smears. That is our Neanderthal, not our alien and predator. We need the masters and leaders pulling your strings and then their strings. They respond and activate a node on the supernatural levels and I have lots of notes pertaining to this.
I know how angry you all are and trying to fix this total reversal of the plot. We are talking about risking life and limb to get there, now risking life and limb to fix it and get back alive. Sean Hannity, Won Williams, and Dana Perini are in tight and asked if we wish to cut a deal with them; they are the in crowd and the cool kids. So what kind of military weapons were you looking for and trying to torture us and our spouses for? Want to explain that one or is it merely harassment and oppression.
So a communist and terrorist group would harass and terrorize us for over a decade just for kicks and for oppression and harassment? You risk your life and limb for kicks or just to oppress, intimidate, and torture us? I doubt that thank you. You are in an active node and I know and isolated what is in and what we have in that node; I can pull out my traps and equalize your power. I will know what you know and see what you see but you will never reciprocate it unless you are on the same team and this seek and destroy. I am trying to sneak up and sneak a peek. It is ridiculous to write “I caught a bunch of jackasses who are complete liars and total phonies. I am trying and have been trying to kick you out of our life and make you put it back to its perfect seek and destroy mission. We happen to be 10 years behind and you think I will hand it over to you and you will… with it? As Rush says, our mission must be returned to the rightful owners; him and this terror and communist mole team?
What would you like me to do?” Sean just said, “this is why we need them” as if we re idiots; you seem to think we do not know what you are up to and why you are doing this; we only sprung the trap when it is impossible to get out of it. I am trained to take down an alien, I am not going to let it get away or take any chances considering it murdered a lot of our soldiers in war. I do not need a lecture or hear you call me “boss” you idiot and mole. Do you read English or in total denial? You think a communist and terrorist plot is no big deal and we need you or need to cut a deal with you or else you will attack and cut our life down again because you are not scared at all of the consequences. Why are you telling me my best friend, combat assistant, and life long partner is in love with you and you were “hot” with her?
Sometimes trying the diplomatic approach does not get through to the people who are in last place and utterly pathetic of how they expect others to treat them or give them. Consider a baby who as a dirty diaper, most women would not do that job and if they did, expect a large compensation. Now consider the big ape we are dealing with who is in last place, orders the country in last place, controls our life and ticks us off in last place, and stomps on the floor because they are angry about last place; is it about hate and racism as they try to make it or is it because the stink is so unbearable even we do not want to change their own diaper? Exactly, if they can sit there all day and wage war on us or stomp on our garden and tomato plants; then when it comes time to wiping and cleaning that big fat bottom; they are the only ones who can stand their own stink. Don’t order or ask anybody else and don’t yelp when they find out it stinks so badly, they are by themselves and alienated. So why do they need the police again or is that the only way they can win when in last place and jail is the next trinity in their well documented life? - Interview with Sue the Feet Stomping Momma, by Author; Thursday, June 25, 2009 -
Ann was on this mission with me and we were supposed to marry. So she is going to trade me in for you and throw away the 20+ years and our biography? Go and have sex with a dog or a llama and you will know how she and I feels. Do you expect anybody to believe that while you rot in jail or kill yourself by drinking cool-aid as you were supposed to do a long time ago; we would visit you or care how you are with us all the way, moral support, and playing a game of deadly lies with you? You will be in jail the rest of your life and you know it; you already told me what you will do if caught and if we have evidence.
Let’s just say we verified and know you are no alien and who you are along with everything you are up to. So you want to attack and see if we will block or stop you? Draw us out or draw fire? Now you want to fight this alien also? You must be cocky or pure stupid. How many verifications until you admit you are a total fake and so phony? Now you describe Ann as “subservient?” This is not by choice you realize and we did not get kidnapped and lost our freedom because of freedom loving Americans.
Look at who you did this too and what we were up to and caught. Ann is not subservient; she is second in command and my life partner. For being backwards you all are invincible and you violated every single law ever written, every single one; even cold blooded murder. Now you wish to join up and join us; is this nightmare or a joke? Are we recruiting terrorists and communists or are we catching them and trying to destroy them honorably and hold them accountable, “George Bush won so many people their freedom… freed them… axis of evil… made fun of.” It is not as if you wish to come forward with this but you are fully conscious and aware always telling us how angry you are and how we better “shut up” or face your wrath. Now you want to join up and you need people like us or of our greatness?
Are you suggesting we are slaves and subservient to you or how you can snatch people off the street and just keep them as a hostage for over 10 or 20 years? You know that is illegal and close to hostage taking or a prisoner exchange. It is a terrorist tactic. Do you know how stupid you are and how genius we are? Do you realize we are perfectionists? Why do you think we are the same and cannot tell the difference in two people here? One is the devil and the other is not; we also did the opposite and know. I would rather die first before joining with you; now you obviously joined us and I might still move out of the country it is nauseating. Do you know what a terrorist recruitment tool or defection is? Have you ever seen one or who is behind them? Are you suggesting George W. Bush liberated you and is your leader before and now you have to reverse and fix his mess? That is a funny joke, no wonder you are so angry and vicious; the lightning is going to strike you twice.
Yeah, well then you can tell us the full truth and the communist and terrorist plot. Sean, we knew we had a mole and an inside job. We know what you want and were looking for; you think we are sloppy and forget easily. Sure you asked years or upwards to 10 years ago clandestinely and we had to trap you and flush you out. Now you forget we had to drag you out by your ears and there is camouflage and phony uniforms in your trunk; the same ones we were after. Also, you got the rape kit (duct tape and plastic hand binders), said the same things, wanted the same things, and you claim you were honestly only trying to ask us the hard questions. Remember Blogo, Sanford, Paling, and the media war? Is it a surprise to you what occurred on Sept. 10, 2001?
If you wish to join, enlist in the Army and get your AIT and basic, marksmanship, and go through infantry and Rangers if you wish to be a commando and serve with the military. We get one on one and started a long time ago; so you have an entire life to make a military career out of your fantasy as a terrorist. You are not even a military family and you hate Vietnam because it contributes to the “murder of communists and liberals” so how can you be from a military family or join the military? Answer that one? What do you have as credentials? Spy hunting tradition and experience in this field? Please, we are not fooled and we are the best; you have no choice in this matter and as you said, “we are dead.” We wonder why they were seeking and searching for military secrets and weaponry, especially ours.
It is odd how the Republican Party did not worry or knows what you all are up to; so what are you claiming to be? Are you saying we got captured and Republicans won our freedom or your spy and terror plot nailed us and stole our life and you almost got away with it? Karl Rove says, “Released” and I would dare him to tell us the story why we are “released.” Had you been SDS or a left winger; we would be calling you communists; now as Republicans we are forced to call you the Gestapo. Karl has released us and won our freedom. However, he has given up his. He knows I will fire him and demand the story and this plot or else all of his associates with receive conspiracy charges. Look at it now grow bigger and people get sicker. Who said they were “released” and innocent? Can they give me one or two names in the Republican and Democrat side? Can you tell me who at CIA and Pentagon or FBI said you were “released?”
Karl says, (Israel) “we do not want a medal… the people will decide… it is up to you… we know that is not true… you cannot speak the truth to your enemies and adversaries.” If you do not want to get fired or arrested; you may want to tell your boss if you are spying or violated every single law and got caught; yes or no. No need for psycho babble, it is yes or not. Did you get caught for spying and a terror plot? Rove is saying he does not want a medal for spying for Israel and another country still not mentioned. I would think not and to keep it under wraps if you wish to avoid jail and severe punishments. The people of Israel have no say and the aliens on earth will not care either. If you admit it, then you have to give back the money they gave you.
From the new chapter on Sean Hannity, “The New Cold War and Weasel Duty”:
“There are times when words are inefficient and not hitting home due to the impossibility of who we are dealing with or engaged for. You do not point satellite weapons at the founders of it for frivolous reasons or law suits. If you do, then be prepared for war and to be hunted down and treated like fugitives; there is a verification and certification process. There is a zero tolerance on terrorism and torture; no less frivolous law suits meant to extract information, anger, or some emotional response. There is a threshold in this world and we have gone well beyond it and are way past all the barrier and caution. We need results and immediately; we need these people gone or hunted down like animals so a fair and proper trial is available. We cannot have more and more fugitives demanding we share our life and loved one; no less claim they are with us to the end after being caught or with their fingerprint all over this.
It is time to put away words and demand action and results. That is the problem results and the cause; frivolous, veneer, baseless, and radical left wing accusations and legal suits. We just watched and did nothing while trillions of dollars disappeared off the face of the earth and three buildings collapse for no reason but myth and black magic. We cannot have terrorists, fugitives, radical communists, and cold blooded brutes that lack an education and life; pretend their way into ours and dress up as every enemy imaginable to advance their leadership and these insults to this future we are protecting and put our life on the line for. It is either time to deport and fire them or be forced to foreclose and wage war on them. We cannot be kidnapped by fugitives who are sneaking around trying to share our life and steal everything including our biography, national destiny, and entire soul. The more reality hits them the quieter they become. Silence as a strategy does not work well and is effective with the problem of scarcity. Similarly, there is a threshold where a loser crosses into a traitor and spy.
Weasel duty is whether or not leaders, future leaders, and current leaders are made, taught, a process of natural selection, or some other such as kidnappings, artificial boosters and experiences which are intended to cater a political party or experience and why the future leaders are weak, frail, failures, and ignorant to facts and truth. That is the basis of the weasel duty of the ill hand cream we gratefully dislike but came from for no reason than to make, turn us into, or recruit us for; the future leaders of this world and top military thinkers. So why weasel duties are still a mystery and why those behind us or it still not behind bars or executed for treason and espionage is open ended still?
Weasel duty is the idea that you must strengthen their law suit and case as they rip you apart and plant you into the ground about frivolous and deranged law suits they use to succumb power, turmoil, helplessness, and disgust while some dark and mysterious figure waits for you to knock on their doors and ask for help or a rescue. Most of all weasel duty is about contributing to the violence against the liberals and the left wing; a war which they are losing badly and on their last breaths. Maybe they do not understand human beings or get along well with them because they are some other creature? Thus, silence suits them well when scarcity and reality hits their life and the wrath and greatness of their country hunts them down and stops them dead? What are we supposed to do celebrate their life and lies?
Weasel duty also entails the idea that Asian economies and soon South Asian economies stole your life and made you unemployed or penniless. This is because the free market allows people the freedom to better themselves and seek and education and escape this same weasel duty; however insipid and reclusive remedies are applied to the idea you must either be their lawyer, add to the strength of their “hate and racism” laws, and consciously push or advance radical left wing and communist psychological delusions and déjà vu with destiny in order to make lengthy an extortion effort and a hostage situation where extortion, terror, and intimidation arrives by way of terror plots, kidnapping, harassment, home invasion, arrest and imprisonment, and the blatant use of the legal system to surpass at the same time usurp all the laws in a blatant use of the legal system to oppose the future or rewrite the future of every single human being on this earth.
Weasel duty is the grainy or sandy effort, not really real to the mind yet but a very lengthy question, why those who created it are not behind bars or eradicated for all the right reasons, erased from weasel duty itself? Either it is contributing to the violence against liberals or a true expression of passion and commitment to play soldier to an endless and tiresome gesture we can escape this duty and also those who govern it. The discounted math evolving from weasel duty is the same grainy idea it is an open ended question and a mystery still. It is not what they do but how they do it silently and say it is hope or no big deal. Why are they in our mission and the mission of this great country when they bring neither or a good experience? Why are they meddling with our lives and lying about this?
Why is the recalcitrant idea the government is harboring, training, and promoting this such an evil and awful idea while they launch secret trials and a beleaguered idea they have a law suit pertaining to slavery, hate, and racism in America which is to line the pockets of the left wing and dispel all the existing knowledge about them into the ocean of doubt and mystery? It is an abuse of power and a catastrophic violation of the mission we are on and was a direct insult to the railroading of our mission in life, this country, and to fellow human beings. Who wants to be on this death sentence and weasel duty or do we need to justify the need to hunt it down and kill it with every possible means available and necessary because it is a reluctant seat to a view of the whole mess?
Weasel duty was also a hidden gesture and also a broken deficient ceramic heater purchased at Wall-mart gone wild and nuts in thinking. To think they are and were with us all along suggest we are hunting and killing them for no reason; then it suggests we are in favor enough now as before in joining their planning and political experience to pound the government and others in to the ground in the name of hate and racism law suits, which by the way were defeated one by one in the course of ten years with the homosexual chance our spiral bounded mess was bias or could not understand the truth clearly enough to rule in favor or tell the story after they were done with us and would continue to engage in warfare with us to supplement their dutiful weasel duty on the mission of the United States military and the future.
Add the royal red, white and blue parts…
Weasel duty is a conscious death sentence by the “army of the damned” (as our capture terror suspects describe themselves) to act and feel “too big to fail” while law suit after lawsuit are levied against us which only pertain to hate and racism; the oppression of the left wing and a spy organization who must now find their way back home and demand “we are and were with them all along” for the joy ride. Weasel duty dispels the idea and orders to fire them immediately for the gregarious and drum stick like chicken leg which discounts math and never intended on measuring the mission we are on and the importance of it such as their efforts to steal or wreck it. If it is their mission and we work for them; can they at least take some quizzes and tests to determine if they are phony and a fraud?
Weasel duty is a moniker of a trap which right now we have no answers but demand one from this weasel duty so we can erase this black panther like mess from the process of reparation and leveling the future of this country with for reparations when they not only wrecked it, held it hostage, kidnapped the leaders, terrorized and tormented it, and then demanded payments year after year for over two hundred years. No, weasel duty is the similar aversions we are experiencing right now and the infectious and finalizing moment we come forward with what we have and ask the same. A laceration to the idea a crime was commuted and a process of resolution and punishment is available. Again, it is a wall and an enemy to the mission we are on and were on; now passed to those who are paid to finish it.
Add the royal red, white and blue parts…
Weasel duty was a mission of what we saw and observed, military masters who can take this enemy to the sixth, eighth, and sixteenth dimension of reality and apply computer wizardry and recursion to keep them there while they try to teach and act like a professor about asymmetrical warfare and how they will be hired in loving memory of the country they are fighting for and claims loves them. Not only is it a penchant for a nuisance to this erstwhile problem but it will also be a perpetuating and evolving solution. The tyranny is why they are not fired immediately and on sight but become a pliable annoyance that sticks to anyone who does not make a mess out of life? Don’t try to buy into or be part of greatness when you are scared of the same country and same people who yield it.
What is weasel duty and how to you get fulfilled by it or know your own identity and destiny? They live by the sword; they will die by the same sword. If they live on immigration, they will die of the same abuse of powers. That is not the right wing but is instead the liberals and left wing who define their political future, welfare payments, voting base, and tradition of nationhood in America. Why are they with us to the end all the sudden? We were just their hostages and they refuse to go away; now we are propositioned with the idea we must seek permission and their approval over our own life, private life, and business affairs. Did we mention the stalking of our loved ones and the stalking of spy hunters and military families by serial killers and terrorists who infiltrated as race bullies?
Add the royal red, white and blue parts…
Consider how this will contribute to the violence on liberals and the left wing when what they read is the absolute truth and no other voice can tackle fact by fact, line by line, and charge by charge? Is there only silence or a pink slip beheading in the making? There is not a moribund of homosexual risk involved in winning what they set out to step on or change the minds of; the masters of the world and the masters of warfare. That is weasel duty and that is their death sentence either by use of hyperbole or kidnapping this mission and now claiming they were and with us all the way to the end. We by bad fortune was misplaced into a manufacturing facility of robotic royals who keep insisting the courts will resolve this mess and our life when there has not been one clear or redacted answer to each escaping question we have brought forth. Why must we keep educating the same problem about the same problems? Why must we keep defeating the same enemies and fight the same problems over and over as if World War arrived at our footsteps again?
So maybe our imagination has escaped the mess or problem, but those in control and power at this time are all guilty of harboring a terror plot, homicide, several left wing terrorist groups, and this weasel duty gone awry. So this idea we were inadvertently picked up by some future leadership manufacturing facility (a terrorist recruiting tool) and put through legal training which we refused from them after ten full years of post secondary schooling by an espionage group who were being directed by Israeli handlers and the Democratic Party of the Americas; then made to feel inadequate in every aspect of our life for the guilt and crime of perfection and natural motor skills of perfection, lead them to this mission we are on with founding satellite warfare and now the instant gratification they can be shot dead if they do not give us a higher effort and answer some very important and needed esoteric related to a terror plot and various other plots to overthrow the government and do the same exact thing.
What exactly is weasel duty and why is it a death sentence? Weasel duty is the mortal enemy and the antithesis of the mission we are on as the founders and the flagship of satellite warfare and the future of this nation and the world. Weasel duty entails living as a prisoner to a police force, a surveillance effort, and life as a prisoner while Israeli and foreign spies try to pound you into the ground for what is otherwise described as “hate and racism” policy in the United States. Either we refuse to live with fugitives and serial killers or there will be war and massive retaliation. There are times for peace and times for much needed anger. Is it the ruinous ways they win elections or just the ruinous election itself which leads to more ruinous laws and policies by a ruinous bunch who are free? What makes this same ruinous bunch think they are free and the police when the military wants them dead and has an order to shoot on sight if they are a terror suspect or lied about it?
There are people in this world who reach the bottom and stay there for a reason and there are those who reach the top, by destiny or hard work, and just stay there irregardless. These people deserve what is coming and all that is coming with the fury and might of this country or its future leaders. There is not one case or claim of mistreatment by us or unfairness; however, we have a massive problem with them. They have a massive problem with this country and their enterprise will and has to be shut down immediately. That is weasel duty and what the future orders of us and the masters of war; that is our destiny and true calling. This is also their fate and reproductive disaster which aimless spending will never fix or address. Do not try to be part of greatness when you are a hypocrite and scared of the country of who yields it.”
Video of Disturbed “Stupefied”:
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