Sunday, April 26, 2009 Now that you understand the charges against you and are in no mood to negotiate or play around, let me say a few words. Lying sack of shit and a total god damn terrorist and spy; you were there to "do it" and the only reason why you did not was because you and Maher thought you would rape her. How do I know? Oh, how did I know? You tell me… I will verify it with your coded alphanumeric code that only you know okay. So what “did she see” Sean? You tell me boy.
Rush said “she saw something” and I had to subdue her before springing a trap on your ass boy! Ann was hysterical and totally panicked! Do you really think Ann has your file or the list of names she openly wrote in her column after the election? If she had the list then why would she tell you? Why not send it to the FBI right now dumb ass? You got to find it boy! Then you got to kill it boy! Ready or not? I just told you last week who has it. You heard for yourself and with your own ears that was drafting and would initiate the arrest warrants. I posted it if you missed it. Take that challenge and find out yourself:
Miss America says “Game over Sean!”
Now you tell me where you got this from and how you learned to play at this level with Rush? Did you learn it from graduate school? Did you pick it up from a church or a union group? Or did you get it from…
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Huskies v. Hannity (Take him out Osama Bin Hannity because we want Clinton unless you are a die hard right winger? Are you going to tell me what I want at this time or later? I asked if you are going to hand over Clinton and Obama; Clinton first? It is growing bigger and Obama himself said he lost control of it. Want to play ball or not?):
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