


I developed Satellite Warfare to combat the spread of nuclear weapons and we have shorted the gap between nuclear and conventional forces; no longer needed in my book. There are approximately 200 chapters. Most were written and researched while in college from 1988 to 1998; I researched it by taking over 190 credits from different universities. They also span from childhood reading since age 8 and up (military science, weapons, martial arts, etc...) I have been getting ideas from people about doing a complete series; all at once. They start off with pure science and ends with a complete understanding of where this world is headed and two particular topics called economic sustainability and totality; then it introduces the reader to a new series of books on satellite warfare; the science and the art. Naturally, they call me the father of satellite warfare and I have put in over 20 years to this field of knowledge; perhaps the best in the world, but my readers will judge who is the best in their world. To get here; we have taken harsh punishments, suffered torture, was kidnapped, humiliated hourly, and had our life trashed and rewritten by no fault of our own. That is called terrorism. That is called war.

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Sunday, September 19, 2010



The VC Gook upstairs was given a 24 hour ultimatum. They kept blaming or saying how we were "steering hurricanes" so I told them I will have to steer another hurricane on Las Vegas somehow and to put their boss on the line in 24 hours so I can grill the SOB with "what in hell do you think you are doing." Bill Clinton comes on NBC and begins to talk about how he lost 24lbs., he kept saying "here is the thing, what are we going to do", and would not answer any questions. So the reason why these red heads are acting stupid is him. The reason why there is bizarre, lurid, and the most perverted sexual allegations; is him and them. The reason why there are so many skanks who keep engaging in adultry is the standards they live by. The reason why it has to do with Vietnam or some retaliation or revenge, has to do with their stupid American experience. The reason why all of these marriages is because of their insane mating habits. The reason why I have complained about screaming "no" at them so much is because of their daughters and how grotesque their appearance is. When there is danger, they do what is programmed in them; bend over like a man or roll over like a hooker. That is why. So the leader of all this Viet Cong, Gook, and communist master plots is the Clintons. The odd part is they may be right; Clinton is in Paki-stand and Clinton II is in Hate-me. Oddly, they claim we are steering hurricanes so let me try to steer one on Las Vegas! So that is who is behind all of this and why. That was twice they were ordered to put their boss on the phone and address this; instead they keep saying, "what are we going to do?" So if God or something "steers" a hurricane or tornado on Las Vegas, tell Clinton to ejaculate and shut the F up. Nobody is interested in having sex with them or their daughters; no less be an adulterer; knock it off. It is also the mafia behind these terror plots and all of this crime; but Clinton is their leaders and we have their Generals. So they are terrorists and going around acting like VC, then telling everybody Asian are sympathetic or are in love with a piece of trash liar.

Although the VC Gook upstairs is a total inferior jackass; they are sneaking around at 2am or 4am and having meetings with me. The adultry levels are over the top and a game of these females. This Israel or Zionist plot to control the work is also immersed in this as I described; so the King Jackass is Clinton and their General; iRush is taking the fire and ice of it all. If you want to see the most disgusting human being imaginable; we have them now and he or they keep saying, "what are we going to do?" How about "talk to me one more time or try to sleep with me, man or women, I will retaliate and punch your lights out like the jackass and skanky slut you are. This is also why the landing strip traces back to red and this repulsive "cannot be beaten" imbecile who is a total disaster. All of them got married in the last two years and all of them are back at the sleeping around or adultry problem. Clinton like the moron and idiot iRush and iHannity is; is just dropping his stinky biohazard semen everywhere and we did not know who did it or why; now we do. They have a problem with reality, are oblivious to danger, cannot withstand facts, and are so psychotic they do not want to be insulted. This is why the global communist, North Koreans, terrorism, and police-murder problems. We have a string of murder and cold cases which indicate a police officer or an assasin, a death squad or serial killer. Nobody is happy when an idiot and jackass thinks they are God and is dropping their semen in the life of others mysteriously or annonymously; no less a fighting iRush to subdue superior or normal lives. None of them have a normal life, all of them are adulterers, all of them are skanks and perverted, but they only see victory and destruction. That was twice they were ordered to put their boss on the phone and address these complaints. They keep saying, "what are we going to do?" I want to personally tell the mafia and their rich leaders nobody wanted this; nobody. Nobody wants to make love to them married or not; red head or brunette. What are they going to do? Have they tried stop talking to us? Also, tell the mafia to get their lazy ass down here and F that fat skank; it is going to be a funny orgy when they get leveled and got bukaked! Also, I want each of them to get in an adulterous affair with a nit-wit jackass or piece of trailer trash and write stories about how powerful it feels.

Fact: The name of the Robere Gibbs look alike is Chris Dawkins (red hair, bully, trouble maker, mooch, stupid, nowhere or dead end life, rich parents, always wants in...); compare the two and ask why I keep saying they are the HS spy ring? Dawkins was insane and so annoying, I left parties and did not even want to be in the same room with him or his friends.
Fact: Did the South African girl I describe, the nanny for Sweedish ambassadors, have an accent? No. Oddly, she had no accent and was only in the states for a Nanny position. Did I ask to see her ID? Yes. She said she had none. Also, the name was her "roomate" who had to leave the country and she was a fill in. Did I offer to drive her home? Yes. She said she had to take the subway; I said let me drive her and she was very in control. To make it worse, they sent me a 25K bill; wonderful service. Not long after my email was bombarded and shut down by spam; often from Nigeria and this Prince, send money. Everybody thought it was so strange and a joke.


As mentioned repeatedly, we are easily mistaken as royals or the leaders of the cold war. So who would contact us and who are their Princes and royals? If this is about oil and terrorism; who is on the top of the list? To contact or sit at the table with royals; you must show your credibility and sanity; not send dirt balls or scum bags; who is credible enough to sit at this table and finish up the talks began around the 1980s after World War II and Vietnam? We know their church is spying on us but is it Islam or the communist trying to unite and become partners? To sit at this poker table, you must show you are credible and of equal power; otherwise, plead guilty. Is this about the Unabomber or bomb plots or only the impact of technology and Asia? Who out there is powerful and smart enough to logically sit at this table or lecture like a college professor; a master spy and the most elusive terrorist on the planet who can disappear and remain hidden for over 30 years? Who can pay for tuition or act royal? It is almost strange how the Civil Rights and race card in America resembles the one in Africa; if not dependent on each other. So is the American Taliban or jackass writing policies in Africa?

The immigrant period of 1850 to 1950 had already ruined their reputation and future; they needed a replacement or a proxy. Why use foreign enemies to unite or garner foreign aid? Why use us or a superstar status to lure in investments or rip people off blind when everybody knows who they are or what they are up to? How do the bad guys spy on the good guys legally? All compass points north; theirs points south and we know this; so they use ours and we not only know it, we caught them in the worst way possible, HQ video. So how insane are they or is it just a theater? A horror movie meant to give others perspective and intended to be scary? How big is this hole of insanity? This is how they mistook us as royals and leaders of the cold war; it is in their head and not ours. We do not take prisoners or have any use for them. Why are all compasses pointing north again when we know theirs only points south? So the world now knows they are not fake, only liars, and not inferior or scared; they are not going to reform, resign, or give anything back. This is their home, they are not scared, not inferior, united, and they are here to save America; buzz off.

At or around the late 1980s, a bank called BCCI was shut down. BCCI and the CIA go back a long ways; but so do drug dealers, arms merchants, and other crooks or criminals. When the criminal and communist world takes such an accounting error; the process of finding a correction must be made. The best way is to use cash cows. The best cash cow is oil. Oil is not only a commodity but the liquidity of it is easily traded; hence, Enron and the scandals in the oil and housing industries. So billions are hidden and moved offshore and returns in the form of oil and energy (i.e. uranium, gold, diamonds, etc...). All a crime organization has to do is set up a middle-man. A company is now a front to move this imported commodity from a wholesale to a market level; each cut along the way determines the process of sale much like the drug trade; to go from wholesale to retail. Guns are another lucrative product; hence the merchants who move billions in military goods. Cigarettes can be a problem but cigarettes are street goods traded for lunch money. Essentially, anything that can be bargered can be used to launder money.

Nations fight wars over oil. No nation fights wars over drugs or narcotics. Oil is so desired; billions of dollars move daily. In 1973 at the advent of the energy crisis; the entire money system was shut down due to the inability to meet foreign trade and debts. The same cash cow can applogize for banks or blood money involved in terrorism. In this particular case, the exchange is in a form of a promissary note, a loan and then sold internationally. The note is worthless or junk; and the life cycle of transfer disappears. The use of cash cows or imported goods is the most flawless method known on planet earth; the next is exchange rate and bank currency bonds. A proxy bank is formed and sells bonds based on the currency rates. When a bank dumps that currency; the note disappears in thin air or is traded off to a larger bank. So the problem with the Middle East countries and oil politics has always been a hinderance and barrier to communism and this religious process of forgiveness; liberals and liberation theory. The financial end of this terror plot is also a dancer like game of death; if you cannot beat them, don't join them, rob them blind. If anybody asks, it is a conspiracy.

STALKERS, ADULTERERS, PERVERTS, CHILD MOLESTERS, TOTAL FAGS: Spending this much time with both of our attacks has really F'd your life up with both sides; you now have no control or weakened. The question is how you wish to survive; on good terms, bad terms, or by yourself; to just go away and have peace. You can finish you life broken and by yourself insisting you are happy and the most feared pundit. You do not have a plan or else the huge gap would be fixable. This time with the enemy inspired them and won their trust and admiration; now they work 24 hours to figure out how to end this with a win or on top. They are dead; what happiness do you have with them or making your life harder? Your message is not to leave; your message is not to tinker or order others around; you have a very pathological ending to this. It is not leave, go home, we are not inferior, and we do not hate; it is we are hated; we are survivors; we suffer; we fight to the death also. So the way it ends shows how similar our goals in life are and how bad some humans get to get there or to win in life. A madman and sex offender as I describe intimately. Also a peeping tom problem and blackmail-sextape with some recording device or surveillance.

FOOD PROBLEMS: We got hit by food poisoning repeatedly and nearly hsopitalized in 1998 due to vegetables and lettuce from California. It was contaminated by the Salmonella strain. Then it was present when I was in federal prison, told not to eat the food. Then it returned in 2006 to 2009 to Upstate NY; this same strain of Salmonella. It causes your stool to become blood red and makes you think you are bleeding internally. This crisis or PR firing was about the food poisoning and salmonella around the anthrax and 911; a domestic labor union in California linked to FRee, Mickey, and this illegal immigration issue. This is also the source of the kerosene heater in 2006 after the 220 hot water bill bought from Southern California on eBay; and also the flesh eating bacteria in my headphones from South Florida which ate away half my ear and permanently scarred my right ear. We knew it was iRush and his ear problem; deaf in right ear. This bacteria could not be killed and is still present; from 2006 to 2010. The flesh eating bacteria was revealed in upstate NY or unleashed at or around 2008.

STUCK OR HOSTAGE: There is a reason why it has gone up from $100 million to 1.4 billion dollars in 2010. They claim they already lost, do not know what to do, and just wants to be left alone; go away and go home. They even have the police on us and doing this in a time when people are losing their jobs by the millions. It makes you think they must have a mental illness or a personality disorder; all day and all night, if it is not hacking, messing with something, yelling some degrading or outrageous comment, then it is pressure or duress. This on top of a prisoner status; so for over 20 years we dreamed of the day when they would beg for their life and it has come true. It sucks to be them but it feels even better when this is over. They just want it all to go away and to have their way and look how much worse it got and how bad they are. That is a maniac and a traitor all wrapped up in a flag of deceit and hate. Even if the economy is horrible; they show no care in the world about their job or how to make a living; a total lunatic. To have hackers on us all day long and the police to participate; along with day and night chanting is the theater of the absurdity.


I see what you are saying. There are two suspects who do not look the part. You are searching for someone who would have interest in my work or Ann's; they must obtain it to stay on top. At the same time, you are looking for some black politician in Africa who is smart enough to be a college professor, a puppet master, and has the stealth of a Nigerian prince. The link is oil and emails. Obviously, the race plot and politics in America has a deep impact on Afrikka and if they are Princes, then this cannot slip under their radar or remain an open question. Was this an open attack on the US? They are regional experts and puppet masters for an entire continent; former Soviet master spies. They could not stop or catch the Nigerian Prince; so I suspect he is still on the loose. We do not know if Nam was involved but he is the most sophisticated and as smart or smarter than Professor Sewer.

In the case of Moon, the labor unions and the unrest is the result of many labor factions. The riots they hold shut down the country and lead to looting, violence, and total chaos. It is strange that a South Korean has so much knowledge of US politics when they are not regional experts or know the right people. So in both of these cases, the point is to know the right people if you wish to stay on top of your game. It fits the "Limbaugh" or iRush Gatsby type; a spy master that is a media expert and can teach a college course. We know that foreign aid and was based on Jonas Savimbi; socialism. Labor unions and socialism go hand in hand; especially during World War II. When it comes to labor unions, one name comes to mind, the Catholic Church. When it comes to Catholics, only one name comes to mind, JFK. So there is a reason why this Prince would hide or go into hiding; such the case of Osama. The Koreans have not contacted me; only the labor unions.

Did the Nigerians contact me? Yes, in Virginia (2005 and 2006). Look up my previous vehicle (Buick Park Avenue 1998). I installed a computer chip in it that changes the engine, this is how they are doing these plane crashes. The chip controls the intake and fuel. It is installed in less than 10 seconds (tap wire method). I purchased the Buick at a DC auction for $3200 and sold it to a Black guy in cash ($5900 no questions). Then a car load of Nigerians came to my home and purchased subwoofers, a DVD dash stereo, and car alarms. I bought this surplus off eBay and sold it used. They were in BMWs and told me they were Nigerian. They wanted or were interested in "any electronic goods" I had to sell.

They call this a "blockade." My finances sufferred tremendous, just sitting here doing nothing. I put it to good use and wrote 4 books. I asked Ann 3 times to verify, she says come to FL in case of a problem, near her. She tells me she and I are in danger; stay close. They made it impossible to stay close and the danger becomes attempted murder. So the best computer scientists out there are the Nigerians. Oddly, I have a basement full of things I cannot sell, stuck. This is how I restored my Trans Am; buy five DVD players and sell them; get one free. I also fixed up computers at the landfill; I have pictures of a truck load of high end computers or office equipment. All of my cars have new computer chips; I assume a cop just hits a switch to shut it down. With 6K cash, I turned around and searched for my dream car in NJ; paid $5.2 K for the Trans Am and dropped 3K on restoration; total bill $3.5K.

In elementary school, I met the strangest foreign kids. They literally tried to beat me up; and then they disappeared or was transferred to another school. The area is a nest for diplomats and spies. There is a string of Filipino diplomats. There were North Koreans, Pakistanis, and Indian diplomats (worked at the embassy). The majority from K-12 was Filipino and Koreans; whether or not foreigners. I have never and did not meet any of these people mentioned. The area was controlled by my Godfather a General and controlled by the Pentagon; you do something wrong and can end up transferred to California or Washington State. That is how the Pentagon operates, a process of "meeting people" and high up. It is very similar to saying, "I served and worked with Reagan" or "I served under the command of Eisenhower directly."

As far as the Nigerian Prince; computer science has never been a strong ciriculum there. I have never met any Nigerians in computer courses or electrical engineering schools. I have no idea who is teaching them or who the school they go to. At these conferences for computer security, I never met one black person, let alone Nigerian. Most of them are caucasian and a few Asians. The Prince was requesting aid. They are interested in electronic goods and high technology. They do have oil and govern over radical Islamic states. My research 1993-1995 indicated severe drought, soil depletion, soil erosion, and an inability to grow food or feed their population; severe and catastrophic basic functions of the state. In oil states or diamond states, politicians looted the government who would loot the companies for protection money or political curry.

I had dispelled the idea Angola was the African Vietnam. In 2006, Savimbi popped up out of nowhere; a Jason Bourne like reappearance. I was writing my books then and just moved to NY. It seems like a lot of people made a reappearance or showed up; the entire cast. I describe a white supremacy group and severe abuse. The entire State of NY was controlled by blacks, oddly. There was a rogue police and some prisoner problem; it was Buckeye on the loose. Joseph Sullivan the mafia hit man is all that comes to mind, he is the only felon to ever escape Attica, a famous iRush mafia killer operating in upstate NY. I then wrote you to link the Craig Titus murder in Las Vegas. Also the Craig's List killer (Leonetti's son). All my advertisement and this book on the private life of Ann was advertised weekly on Craigs List all over the US. So I blended in and managed to keep the lions at the gate of hell for two years; then they moved in and attacked again. So this is how or why Nam was involved in this.

In 2008, If you searched "Ann Coulter, romance, marriage" it would come up with a link and this book. You could then read it for free; I advertised it in the book section of major cities. Next thing I know I need a phone number and address verification. They had shut down my eBay account the same way; false charges or trumped up accusations. Craig's list does not produce, eBay does. Yahoo does not produce. Newspapers do not produce. It was free. Now Craigs list kept this book running on all searches for a month free and it led you to my blog. So they failed to shut me up and began to cut off my phone, service, and put me on a secret WAN while a peeping tom camera kept watch.

To get away, all they had to do was steal it. All the sudden porn, sex services, and trash flood on to Craigs List (SF based and very liberal); I am a bad boy so I can go with the flow. They contacted me, a girl in South FL; a Sarah Palin look alike; says 5K for a weekend and I said, "I am prepared to offer you a generous sum of $15 for your services" and the girl goes psycho on me. Then I say, "I will reconsider and am willing to up the ante with dinner." Then I contacted her and asked if she has thought it over yet? So I knew someone was watching or wanted my business. They locked me out of eBay, now Craigs list, and was isolating me. I wrote to you about how I was locked out of Ann's life as we were emailing and goofing off online; advertising the dynamic duo on various web pages. So Ann was going to political sites and had a man or BF with her and this got shut down quickly also. I was banned from "all conservative web pages" while on this secret WAN. Whatever I did from 2006 to 2010; there is no phone, no internet, and no cell phone; how? How do I write you and tip you? Someone has to have an explanation but nobody does or can, how?

As you can see, they are studying Vietnam and the Asian economic dynasty. War does not produce economies and post war or World War II reconstruction is not the premise of the Marshal Plan. So all of these mysterious terror plots and linked to African or Middle East nations is not the process of profit and nation building. It is true war afflicted Asian nations since 1900 and it is true after they recovered and moved onto bigger or better things; but this is not the premise for a global terror plot or the revival of the 1960s and communism. Communism is war and it is not the impetus behind our success or this God like parent; only an idiot would kill off millions and expect to be paid or a pot of gold. Then again, the data clearly indicates a total madman and the most psychopathic serial killer we have every encountered. They are so inferior and justify it with the most insane scams; the duuplication process is similar to a serial killer; if you do as God does enough times, you too will become God. So this is how they stay competitive and match the good guys pound for pound; or smear and tarnish the world trying.


I rememeber a hooker, a red head in Las Vegas. She had a weird name like "Misty." I do not remember the actual method of contact but usually it is them popping up unexpected and surprising you. This girl was a red head and worked at the Bunny Rank in Las Vegas. I think her name was Ashleigh or Leah. I do not remember much, she was trying to parade this red head and how sex was on everybody's mind. She was not what we consider a keeper but she asked if I had ever been to Las Vegas and wanted to visit. Then I had people online I suspected or did not know what they wanted tell me they moved to Las Vegas and how happy they were. Oddly, they are behind it all. They all act like foreigners and total lunatics; you cannot tell them stop or go away. They demand we understand and tell them what they are going to do. So this was the only hooker and a really high priced one in South Florida. If I saw her picture I would recognize her, she sent me nudes to market the service and I did not even bother to keep it. Not even try to catch her because I felt sorry and she seemed to get a lot of direction from this business. The hooker in FL was stunning and from a rich family; the Clinton red heads were sort of funny. Take a look at the problems they caused and how they keep at it. Go tell their fat fart leaders to dump their gorgeous wives and get it on with a water buffalo or trailer skank and write about how powerful and in control they are. Nobody even wants to have sex or have an adulterous life with them; no less talk to them. Now they are going around Asia telling mobsters how Asians are in love with them or totally dig their Harley. If we breed an Sicilian with one of these losers; we would get a iRush Limbaugh.

There is failure and then there is gutless inferior and worthless piece of trash. Let's see if we can measure how big this hole is and how deep? There is getting caught, getting caught with your pants down, HQ quality video and youtube popularity, then there is footprints to your home, dye in the face lies, and then we have daily TV or radio messages guilt. No it is not a tele-evangelist, it is a communist spy and a freaking terrorist plot and their leaders. So why would a piece of trash and dirt ball want to deposit eggs and slimy semen into our life no less be a slave and sex slave? Their church is huge and global; they are uncertain about the future, so they do what they know best, sex slaves or rape. There is no mistaking the poor, the labor unions, and the communists. They said, "this is our home... this is our world... you are in our world... we want you to leave" every single day for a god forsaken two years. This mathematically is the voice of an imbecile, idiot, rotten terrorist, trash pit kidnapper, and total loser barking orders over 700 times in 24 months the same demands and the same things. The iRush says he and they did all of this "to get along... unite" but it somehow ended up "we were sworn enemies." He does not understand in his mind how or what went wrong; he merely says, "you must show pain... you have no rights... it is a death sentence." So if Vegas is shut down and they pick food out of the trash, expect their wives to be back at it or with every man on the strip; see how they like it? Sin and adulterous jackasses can be a hinderance to their life and happiness also! I got a better idea; why don't they sleep with the imbecile and idiot instead of ordering us to, then telling us we have the problem and are mean!

Q: memory serving, was htere any other girls who contacted me? Yes.
1. A very expensive call girl from a very rich family in South Florida via IM messenger. Coast $5K for a weekend.
2. A female on the C and O Canal, a bodybuilder, in 1996. Spent the day riding around and she refused to give me her ID or phone number after a full day and chatting at a bar. I ran into her twice, she refused to give me an email or contact; I could not track her down and question her; this was in 1996, a muscle bound female on a bike, very elegant and pretty. Again, I felt she was on steroids. I then meet Cassandra, a huge and gorgeous beauty queen as a roommate.
3. The same type of female in NY in 2007 named Leigh. All contacts were in 2007; 2006 the girls ran me over or had men try to beat me up. I forwarded the license plates of these females.

Leigh did not run me over. Most other girls ran me over or tried to win a fight. Leigh has a cheap bike, not professional. She is 170lbs but not fat, muscle or big builds. She is attractive and humble; does her own thing with no input needed. I used to bike every day; to the State Park and back. I sat there and talked to people, socialize and heard good stories. I used to take a camera and snap tourist pictures. Then she appeared when I began to ride 25 miles to Devils Hole or Lewiston. Leigh smoked me. She did not work up a sweat, superior and not inferior. I did not know how she met me out on the course; each time she appeared at or around the water plant. I rode with her at least 5 or 6 times; I had just been contacted by a female online with a fee of $5K. Was this a follow up? Leigh gave me her email; and never responded. Why give an email and only meet face to face? I called her "Leah" and she said no "Leigh"; like "get lay." Did she want a date or romance? She appeared to me as arm candy; super muscles and pretty face. Leigh is very light and white. Courtney is very dark, almost Hispanic. Carmen is pure Italian and rough looking. Do they want to see light or dark into this?

The year is 2007. Even weirder are online contacts and steamy muscle ladies. I began to get contacts online. These girls are huge; not fat but full of right stuff; then like an angel from above, a female from Portland Oregon who had been resigned over steamy 911 pictures; come into the steamy picture. All of them are A+ quality; not ugly but super sexy. I had her on and she slipped in a short skirt and no underwear picture of her; PS I love you. She was also on NBC and her name was Shaman. I kept the photos. Another girl was from Austin-Dallas, TX. Her father was in Vietnam, in the 82nd Airborne and she is very dark complexion. This one is a beauty queen and professional body builder. She has won number one and champions, Darknees. Darknees begins to send me nudes or steamy pictures; she is a professional model. Why are female body builders in this and contacting me? Are they hookers or potential wives? Darknees begins to get risky and sends really risqué pictures on her misplace account. The other girls do not; only the bodybuilders; I have mostly surfers, a few friends from HS, and a few bands. These girls contacted me, I did not contact them. Is this to sell me sex or steroids? If so none yet; they want to see risqué behavior and we are telling them to increase the stakes; will they? What do they want, where will it lead, and when will this end?

Remember the days with Leigh? This was no fake picture or a myspace account. Leigh was a joy, quiet, never a comment or complaint. I asked her if she was on steroids, she did not say yes and no but avoided the answer completely. She told me she rode all the way to Devils Hole and back 3 times a week and still weighed 170. I raced her full speed three times. She is so fast, by the time she reaches Niagara Falls State Park; she is not in a line of sight. I asked her where she got Olympic level strength and endurance; I have it. She said nothing or would not explore that road. It was hard for me to believe a girl carrying so much weight was able to calmly peddle like an Olympic athlete and had no answers. Is she some sort of super soldier? She said she lives close and in the area but when asked; nobody knows her. The "mom" with her looks like Lori in the FBI Buffalo office; or similar, very graceful and elegant. I did think she was or may have been an FBI agent sent to protect me; if so, thank you. Who were this girl in 1996 and all of this muscle? Why mimic Laura in the FBI Buffalo office? Is this a Kenneth Starr, Discovery James Lee, or Val Tech Choice? Is this some smear or clone; a different world of cartoons and criminal madmen? It led to Craig Titus and a bizarre murder case in Las Vegas involving his wife Kelly.

Carmine and Court-me are easy to find. They never solicited any money or wrote me directly; more tease and sexy time. Leigh is a ghost. Nobody knows her and she does not come around any longer. Lonely again, I rode my bike only at night in late 2007 and 2008; at 2am-5am only. Nobody came out there with me or met me. iRush was watching me and making comments about "Dumpster Diving"; Ann got mad and referred him to Denver and the Democratic Convention. He keeps repeating “dumpster dives” and knew I was, not kewl! They went into the trash and salvaged the flags; Ann used to tell me to do this and see what they say or do. She wanted to establish the fact they knew and was talking to both of us. So twice a week I went dumpster diving and it was a treasure hunt; not something you do, something you have to do. The gigantic whale was on the line as we suspected and established; it was on and a full fight was in order. Search Ann’s posting for dumpster diving in 2008 to 2009. Leigh now disappeared; so did her mom and super fast 60 something Italian with long flowing hair on the Specialized ($800+) bike. I guess if I can afford Ann, I can also afford them? What more do they want or how much further can they take this?

In 2010, I asked around. Nobody knows Leigh. I asked the fisherman on the banks; said only a mom and her daughter ride through there. Odd, I did ask around from 2006 to 2008; "hey do you see any hot girls through here... how about that one that looks like a body builder?" She was only out there when I was; but it has to do with this peeping tom camera and sex tape Ann is telling me about. I knew who rode through the bike paths from 2006 to 2008 from 6901 to NF Park; a security detail. Once I detected it, I began to test them; at night, late in the PM hours, events or crowds, etc... I personally do not think the FBI would do this or waste their time; meanwhile, I am swimming with the sharks and waiting for a signal. These girls are annoying, are they gold diggers, they sit there in a surprise and useless manner. What do they want? Have they ever seen Johnny Utah and his muscles? He has legendary muscularity and can easily operate on Olympic rings. That is the test of strength and power at the Olympics. So they are not inferior, not lazy, and do not sit there like a bump on a log with their hands out?

Have you ever met a guy who was caught on tape heffing a cow or a goat? How about a chick that films her husband heffing a dog; then goes around and tells everybody how he got it going on and he is a champion. Okay, well that is their hell and that is what is going on in their life. Worse, they are stoic and acting as if strategy and intelligence has taken them here, "we cannot deny it" or "we are ready to die." Do you need to remind everybody how stupid and what kind of an idiot you are every single day as if strategy has or is going to blow you away to some paradise? We are talking about human trash that is willing to be eaten by sharks for screwing up a suicide mission and crime. We are talking about guys who are diseased or women who are so insane; they have to use trickery to get sex or order men to give them pleasure. A tyrant, dictator, or control freak does not even come close to what and who we are dealing with. As the interview clearly shows, they are rational, logical, but mildly cunning and manipulative.

The worst part is they try to communicate it and expect others to take them serious; as if they have it going on, are special, or feel powerful. So iRush says it is only a sensation and your surrounding determines this; so how come they are oblivious to their surrounding or the facts? How come they are oblivious to the environment of danger or this dying effect? It is them who also said confidence is only a feeling you get from the surrounding. Ask this question, why they are oblivious to the problem if this is true? We can test this in war, to see if it is just a sensation you get from the surrounding or something else. Most people who are in war tend to avoid danger and accept the outcomes or consequences; not this inferior idiot or imbecile. It is that super smart and macho insider problem and why others are just not into them; people are not nice and the truth is not deeper than who your friend is.

So that is how this started, how it was in the middle, and how it ended. It began with upstairs and Sue-landlord; it ended up with only Sue-landlord and this plot. How it got that way is up for the investigators and I have documented only observations and how it got the way it did; I have not gotten the full confession or explanation yet; they deny it all. They also refuse any rent refund or the charge of attempted murder. Now they want kids and for the hubby to watch! How disgusting and how rotten can a human being get? They want a kid... so is this kidnapping or just a murder and terror plot foiled? Why in hell would they copy the females at the FBI office who are attractive but not criminals or have a secret life? Is it stealing their Mojo or more of the same embassy party we describe; to lure investments and rip people off blind? In the end and like all cowards, they insist they are "not fake... not inferior... not scared... do not hate... and dared others to punch them in the face." Why? We knew it would not be long until the mafia caught up to them and their family; for bringing their gambling operations to a screeching halt with these terror plots and endless scams. However, the wood chipper kept on chipping and pulling people deeper into this hole until their future also came to a screeching halt. Our future is fine and we seem to be very happy without them.

Even worse, Sue begins bacteria and starts a process of torture and medical injuries. As bad as it is they now inflict physical injuries and embark on calling in bomb plots from 2009 to 2010. While this is going on, iRush says it is "still up for grabs... [we or all] married now... a female cannot be accused of rape... king of pain... we have no rights... in this together... what is in it for me... shut up, you have a book now... mistakes were made... we are better now... better human beings... death sentence... do not know how they feel... " and all day and night is a crazed female and an impotent child molester saying, "we do not know what to do... we are not inferior or hate... we want to die... ready to die." If you can beat this trash and degree of inferior, then lets see it. There is getting caught and then there is standing there and asking where they are now and if we are closer to winning. They are asking where we are and how we are going to escape or get out of this; not the reverse, how will they? Hence, this repeated daily, "cannot deny it... already dead... we are dead." If the FBI or the best in this world can feel the pain of this piece of trash or Don's Jon in our life and trying to be a sex slave or some partner in life; then we have the most disgusting story the human mind could dream up or imagine while a piece of trash and caught like a deer in the road.

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