


I developed Satellite Warfare to combat the spread of nuclear weapons and we have shorted the gap between nuclear and conventional forces; no longer needed in my book. There are approximately 200 chapters. Most were written and researched while in college from 1988 to 1998; I researched it by taking over 190 credits from different universities. They also span from childhood reading since age 8 and up (military science, weapons, martial arts, etc...) I have been getting ideas from people about doing a complete series; all at once. They start off with pure science and ends with a complete understanding of where this world is headed and two particular topics called economic sustainability and totality; then it introduces the reader to a new series of books on satellite warfare; the science and the art. Naturally, they call me the father of satellite warfare and I have put in over 20 years to this field of knowledge; perhaps the best in the world, but my readers will judge who is the best in their world. To get here; we have taken harsh punishments, suffered torture, was kidnapped, humiliated hourly, and had our life trashed and rewritten by no fault of our own. That is called terrorism. That is called war.

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Monday, October 20, 2008


10/20/2008 3:28:37 AM

After a two hour talk, Ann was asked if I had ever in 20 years once crucified her? She knows I would kill myself if I ever did treat her like that. Then she was asked if I was crucifying her or unfairly crucifying her she said yes. She said she understands when she goes out, how I would feel. She said she also does not like it when I go out and she has to stay at home. She said I was way ahead of her but it was okay. She said she took second fiddle to the wild lifestyle but tried to show some interest in going out and not be boring. Women are homey and can be viewed as boring. Then she said that an army of private investigators were hired to dig up anything on her such as parties, boyfriends, old acquaintances, etc… she would feed them disinformation to make them upset and declare there was nothing on her. Now they find out she had been taken 20 years ago and they know we are closer than even their own spouses. How did it slip their radar? The private investigators were looking at parties and social events.

I will take down all the postings in a few days. Ann is innocent and a really good girl, I remember all of this. One person said “she has been my drinking buddy for years” while the other said “she would make a good drinking buddy” but nobody said “we go out for drinks 30 times” or “we have a beer three times a year.” That is their trick. They never have the courage to say “we went out on ten dates” or “we had the time of my life” etc. The army of private investigators were looking for anything… she also wants to save a few things to say to my face to make it more meaningful. She asked for some slack and I said okay… she knows I would never crucify her, never, but did say I was but it was not our fault. To her this is personal and she takes risks when it is personal. Ann, if you are reading this, I am so sorry and it has been a hard life up till now, a very hard life, for you also. Sometimes it is easier to give up then fight upstream.

Sunday, October 19, 2008


10/19/2008 10:51:23 PM

After talking to Ann and her very loving conversation, she asked for some slack because she was a very good girl but took some risks and got a little beaten up. She has some slack for being good but a little gung ho. She is a loving girl and almost like a little girl sometimes but it is like warfare and she is unable to take risks due to her physique. Seeking an apology is insane from terrorists and stalkers. When you can loose everything it shows who you are, she asked for some slack to get even. I will take down the posts on being mad at her in a few days. Ann is not interested and did not commit infidelity or blatant error. She was forced to take risks and became so angered and took it personal, she wants to take unnecessary risk even if she can be a push over. Her own friends took advantage of her and made her their prisoner. The typical white guy or black guy reaction.

To Laura Ingraham, we are coming and they are coming and we will rescue you and get you out of this. I promise you, we are coming to get you out of it. We do not guarantee their safety either. Is it the white and black guy? There is more fight in the girls than both of them put together. The best of the best are not their subordinates, they are ours.

Here is a list of only the conservatives but everybody will get the idea:

• Is Ann Coulter to blame? No.
• Is Laura Ingraham to blame? No.
• Is Neil Cavuto doing this? No.
• Is Kudlow guilty? No.
• Is John Gibson doing this? No.
• Is Ted Nugent to blame? No.
• Is Limbaugh, O’Reilly, Caldera, Maher, Hannity, McCain, Bush, Powell, Rice, and a lot other? Yes they are guilty and lying.

Had they put Hillary on there, they would have blamed John McCain for having no fight in him while being called a Maverick. He has to rip their head off so we do not get blamed. The only person who has a fight right now is Sara Palin. We are not getting blamed for this and McCain should have ripped their heads off to avoid any and all blame, a fatal mistake.


10/19/2008 8:32:58 PM

• Is Ann Coulter guilty of infidelity? No.
• Is Ann Coulter interested? No (she is in a 20 year relationship and taken)
• Is Ann Coulter guilty of breaking communication silence? No and yes.
• Is Ann Coulter guilty of breaking security policy? Yes.
• Are her stalkers still lying and saying she is interested? Unknown.
• Are they still up to the usual? Unknown, Rush is saying lighten up.
• Are they willing to exonerate or fix things? No.
• Is she avoiding our legal cases against them? Yes.
• Are they still stalking us and in our life? Yes.
• Did they kidnap her? No. Did they kidnap me? Yes.
• Do they still have “with us or with the terrorist” policy for socialism still? No.
• Is she annoying me? Yes trying to prove her again and again or sneaking around trying to act sneaky or to show how sneaky she is. That is what she is doing, trying to show off how sneaky she is to me and I am ready to punch her. It was a bad performance and her stalkers busted her up. They are not bawling their brains out or ready to jump off no bridge. Who is?
• Is she taking unnecessary risk or increasing the potential of problems? Yes.
• Is Ann Coulter taking unnecessary risk because she sympathizes with the stalkers, sex offenders, and moles? No she hates them like death.
• Does she want them gone and out of our life? Yes.
• For some reason she wishes to ask for an apology from terrorists and hardcore sex offenders by taking these unnecessary risks. They all are on a list and being positively identified.
• She took unnecessary risk and an image problem with having drinks with strangers, stalkers, and creating this wild image when she was taken and already in a long term relationship. Now it is biting back.
• She is guilty and blamed for taking unnecessary risk because of a personal or emotional breakdown. She has gone mad and now being blamed for these unnecessary risks if she is able to think clearly. She is poking them and chiding them to ask for an apology from terrorists and she feels she needs it.
• For some reason she feels drinking buddies was needed, an apology is needed, and more risk taking needed. There is a fine line in war and fights that say when you are so busted up that your own security is punching you, stupidity sets in quick. The real fighters and bad subordinates are different. One wins and one only wish to get more beaten up. It is useless and worthless but some effort to say she is not gutless. It is sheer stupidity and machismo from a female.
• Nobody risks everything for an apology or to stick a finger in the eye of a terrorist when they are also watching her and in her home. Now they are telling her and us to lighten up and this is all horse shit. She is acting stupid to an even more stupid person thinking she will not loose it all or risk taking will not have any impact on her whatsoever. It is just stupid pride and ignorance from weaklings and subordinates who refuse to listen or clean their act up.
• Does it feel like I am herding them to her? Yes. Is she shooting off blanks? Yes. Is she taking risks and shooting blanks? Maybe.

That is the problem with Ann and why she can be a big pain in the ass when hanging around big risk takers. This is her way of saying she is one also even if it is unnecessary. In war or a real conflict, a sniper would take her in a few seconds. You do not break security policy for apologies or to tinker and play with dangerous terrorists. When someone thinks they are a daredevil and wants to stick their head in a tank of sharks, the urge to kick them in is very tempting. Now that is more entertaining. She is guilty and too self reliant or independent to please anybody. I am beginning to understand what the problem is and why I have all these stalker problems all the sudden. I told her that when I am able and have strength, I will seek a better life and a more peaceful one; I will try to find a good spouse who I can relate to better and not always question. She causes people to have a lot of doubt in her because of unnecessary risk taking. She is cosigning it with me.


10/19/2008 6:58:11 PM

Ann, are you stupid? Who is jumping off the bridge and do you have any idea what your drinking buddies are saying to me or doing? Do you? You invited them into your life and were friends with them and now one day flings, drinking dates, and romance permeate my conversation with your Clear Channel Communication buddies. Meanwhile, do you know who is stomping on the floor? The liberals and the labor unions of this church are stomping on the floor upstairs while this is going on. They all recently got massive contracts and big bonuses and we just saw a massive bail out. Who is jumping off the bridge now? It is all about this drinking buddy problem with Clear Channel and how they told me to get lost and not talk to you. They said I was warned not to and now are saying to lighten up they are the bosses. They are bad subordinates and jackasses. It is the same god damn church of liberals. The people stalking you and your drinking buddies are the same people stomping on my god damn floor.

They are telling me you are no mystery to them and their unpaid whore, they have not paid you and you are to choose one of them as your prison guard and rapist. Now do you know why I am mad? I am fighting the hell out of them and beating them down while you have drinks with them and they are soliciting you for sex? That is what they told me. They told me they are on my side and best friends but I cannot get rid of them or this spy camera and surveillance equipment they set up in our life. Who is jumping off the bridge now? Did you really hurt them or slap them on the wrist? Why is this ongoing problem? Why are you taking all the blame for them and asking me to beat down your stalkers while you are about to jump off a bridge? They are in your love life and you invited them didn’t you? Well, that is what they said because you have been their drinking buddy for years and really close friends. It is all about this drinking buddy problem with Clear Channel and how they told me to get lost and not talk to you. They said I was warned not to and now are saying to lighten up they are the bosses. They are bad subordinates and jackasses. It is the same god damn church. The people stalking you and your drinking buddies are the same people stomping on my god damn floor and they are not jumping off a bridge are they?

Saturday, October 18, 2008


10/18/2008 9:47:37 PM

I am so in love with you Ann and I am reading the stuff you use to piss people off or say you are not interested. You have people who claim to be your… and it is clearly not true. It has to do with dinner and drinking buddies. I can tell you what the stalkers are claiming, whether or not it is true or not. You told me nobody got a second date and they claim drinking buddies and dinner. You can be in real big trouble with me but I am sure it is a lie and some deranged excuse to stalk you and make our life hell. You have everything and the love of your life. How much more fulfilled can you get?

Ann, listen. Do you feel that hurt? It is called getting crushed. I crushed you and I feel no remorse crushing you. Since 2002 you have lost your mind and have been trying to prove either you are a bad or a good spouse to someone. It is clear you are not interested. Did you have to always have drinks with guys or go out to dinner? The more you do that, the more it says you are a bad spouse. I have gotten out of this mess because you are saying to me what you did to win back what you had and lost in 2002. Now I am mad with the stalker problem.

Maybe both you and I did stuff to track down our stalker. I did not do anything I was abducted and kidnapped. You got them out of hiding. You are the reason we were able to actually get them and corner them. We will deal with this later and discuss what you had to do and what you did to go against me. I know you were both hurt and jealous. You had gone mad and in a sort of denial state where you resorted to emotional pain and almost blocking out the reality of our situation. We had been wronged and we had our life stolen. I know you were upset at me and felt abandoned by the ordeal so I know you might have tried to push a little of that pain back. To say we share life. That is what women do.

I am a good spouse Ann and I would never spite you or do that, never. I would never intentionally try to hurt you. Never. If I did then it was because you are or were a bad spouse. I am not a bad spouse; I have never been. We been through this before and it has left you busted up and this ordeal with the stalkers. I am mad. I do not understand why you have so many problems with stalkers. I know you are not interested and I know you are not even

Don’t you think I want to hold you and tell you I love you and everything will be alright? I know everything you did was to say “no thank you” and “not interested.” That is the message I go and also how angry you were. You had gone mad and I would have asked you what I am asking now, are you a good spouse. But what you did pissed off the stalkers and the people pursuing you. I do not have a problem with that Ann. I have a problem with the idea I am dealing with the fighting off your stalker while you were sneaking behind my back or doing things and not telling me. Not jealously but just a different life. I did not like the stalker problem and them telling me disinformation about you. They were keeping tabs on you and were in our homes wishing to share our life. It was the liberal church again. It was the same god damn church and your friends. Now we cannot get rid of them and get them out of our life.

We two different people and lives; you go to the beach and I am sitting at home, you travel around while I sit at home, you go on vacation and I am in jail; that kind of stuff. That is why or what I would be mad at and had dinner or drinks with some strangers or old friends. It is not jealousy and I know you are not interested, but if it means so good and much to you then you deserve them. Do we have two separate lives Ann? Our life is supposed to be identical, if I go out, then you go out. if I stay home, then you stay home also. It is good that way. We can have a good union and we have had 20 years of the best love in this world. I want to know if you can be a good spouse? That is the first problem. Yes I am a good spouse and a very good person also. Can you be a good spouse or are we doomed by you

Ann, I am reading the same material everybody else is reading so I need you to tell me what is true and what is not true okay. I need to know and want to know if you were starving or had dinner and drinks with these guys for a reason or was it social. If it was social, then they are going around and saying you are some type of quick turn around girl. These are people who are very close to you also. I do not want a girl like that in my life. I really do not want to be stuck with someone like that; you told me nobody got a second date but was it social or not? This has to stop and stop immediately. If you want to have a reputation as a quick turn around girl then when they call you, go out to dinner and drinking with them, understand you will be going against your spouse and a good one. If you do it no matter the reason, it is on you. You live with the idea it will crush you and make you mad. Next time, call me I would love to go out to dinner or drinking. Instead, I am dealing with our stalkers and fighting them tooth and nail to defend you.

Do you understand now? There is nothing to be jealous about but I do not like you snaking behind my back and making plans without me. If you wish to make plans and have fun with someone, then you deserve them. Don’t come crying to me and don’t be begging for my forgiveness or sit there quiet when I crush you. You will end up with nothing but asking whether you are a good spouse or not as I am now asking.

Friday, October 17, 2008


10/17/2008 7:25:24 PM

Okay what about these dinners? Were you starving? The more you avoid it and the longer you avoid it, the worse it gets. What were the dates and why? You been raped, jot down who you had dinner with and why, when, and where. I am not happy you are no mystery to nobody at all and they like you very much and watch you jerk off in bed. The more you avoid it, the worse it gets. If you even say Bush I will punch you. Where is he now? Did he fight off your stalkers? Who did and you want to say his name like a Saint? I am really getting mad with you. Complain about not being able to respond okay. I need you to clear this up and tell me if you can be a good spouse and why. This is getting very serious and very disturbing, before it was a game now it is near rape and a dumb subordinate. This is no game. This is no fantasy.

Ann is beginning to become very annoying because she justifies what she does as doing it for us. However, I am kept in the dark, she was never asked to do it, and insists that dinner, drinks and social events are for us. Starving and greedy, it is not. There are limits to lying. We had financial problems before and I was imprisoned and unhealthy for six years. She was never asked to and was likes to sneak around and lie about it whether or not she is guilty or not. She ignores lots of things and claims she is not doing anything wrong while begging, pouting, and keeps insisting it is for us.

Can she stop herself? I have asked her to stop and she comes back and says it is for us and I gave up. I am too frustrated with dealing with her and her never explaining or having so much to explain. I cannot have this in my life and it growing. It has been nothing but stalkers and deranged fans. Every single day with Ann the topic and the conversation is stalkers and deranged fans and what it will take to beat them down today so they do not watch her undressing. Now they claim she is no mystery and is done so we can talk. They did not leave or behind bars, just we can now talk. My friends or her friends?

Now I have to deal with all the stalkers and the insult of what they said about how they were done with her now and her saying she did it for us. Do you see my frustration? So I had to ask her, do you have to go to dinner and have drinks with these guys even if you are with me? It feels like you are dealing with a subordinate and a stupid 40 something stupid bitch that is stuck in some lifestyle she does not wish to give up. So I am not going to fight more stalkers and have more problems with this; I am tired of it and hearing them say they were done with her now and I could talk to her was the last straw. I let her explain when and if she wants to respond. She has not and she is slow to respond. She professes her love almost like an obsession and death if it ends. You are allowed to respond and tell the truth; this is not a threat or some extortion tactic. I never knew we were at war, scared of wrath, who Ann? Never. I have told Ann and made it clear to her in High School, I am only interested in marriage and family, only. I am not interested in anything else or making things work, I need a good spouse and partner for that to work.

Some advice okay Ann, when the other person is trying as hard as they can to be a good spouse, it helps to be one also. When someone says do you have to do this or that and you say it is for us, it does not look good no matter what happened, how many stalkers, or what the problem really is. Is she a victim? She claims in frustration it is because of her career and being a pundit which caused this. I have had to ask her and did not blame her because she has not explained and said she was crushed by what I said. She does not think or feel she is doing anything wrong. I can handle the truth but Ann is having problems with it. I even told her if she said “Bush” around me I would punch her in the mouth. That is how mad and how frustrated I am with this rape and stalker problem or asking her if she wishes to be a good spouse. If she does not want to be a good spouse, she will not be one either. She insists it is not over with us but resorts to crying and pouting hysterically, she does do this. It is very frustrating, very trust me, it feels like a very dumb subordinate. Being unfaithful was never an issue but the frustration continues on and she needs desperately to address this immediately. I never planned on sticking around and I did not, I was made to look desperate, so I left. Now I am frustrated with the solution from Ann.