


I developed Satellite Warfare to combat the spread of nuclear weapons and we have shorted the gap between nuclear and conventional forces; no longer needed in my book. There are approximately 200 chapters. Most were written and researched while in college from 1988 to 1998; I researched it by taking over 190 credits from different universities. They also span from childhood reading since age 8 and up (military science, weapons, martial arts, etc...) I have been getting ideas from people about doing a complete series; all at once. They start off with pure science and ends with a complete understanding of where this world is headed and two particular topics called economic sustainability and totality; then it introduces the reader to a new series of books on satellite warfare; the science and the art. Naturally, they call me the father of satellite warfare and I have put in over 20 years to this field of knowledge; perhaps the best in the world, but my readers will judge who is the best in their world. To get here; we have taken harsh punishments, suffered torture, was kidnapped, humiliated hourly, and had our life trashed and rewritten by no fault of our own. That is called terrorism. That is called war.

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Thursday, December 25, 2008



(Sean Hannity Show comes on about Chambliss in Georgia and how he is careful not to see his friends lose their jobs. Sean says government destroys all jobs, all, and he thanks GA for coming through for him; support our troops!) “The people who have caused a lot of these problems… their industries” Hannity says the Constitution and the right to exist has nothing to do with the government and the bail outs; or is this about mismanagement and political corruption? Is the full story being told and reported here? 12/24/2008 3:39:21 PM If Sean is guilty, then why does he not read the account with Rush and the request for solid evidence? We can make it happen and we are commandos and the masters of the situation; we have the authority and most especially at DEAFCON 5 if it will produce valid and good quality work. Keeping to you and letting the stealth candidates or sleepers to activate, as tried on us, will not work. You do not know what we have already.

We will overlap it with what we have but it is not known at this tie and not even sealed; to produce solid evidence is a very polite gesture and good quality everybody can live with. Hanging yourself can only hurt your work and effort for a pardon. “Shut down all government” while flying flags is not the answer Sean 12/24/2008 4:16:12 PM. You sound like the judge, jury, and executioner; but this is the problem with an honest debate and why it is not present. Nobody is looking bad or has to do anything they do not wish Sean 4:17:53 PM only you can or those behind it can look worse. When injuries are real then pretend ends. If you do not know what is coming, then you cannot say you are joining aboard and how it will make you look worse? Similarly, you will be in a position of why the rejection of this effort is being fought for, why is the full story or the full coverage of this being sealed on us or the masters of the situation?

We are one step away and this is no time to be negotiating a deal 4:21:52 PM; what are you or they looking for? “Capitalism will reign” and “the bail outs” will be at issue and no more cause will take place, we sent this terror and communist cell in disarray. They no less have a crystal ball then we do but how do they know someone had not cracked already and was going to get protection? Either you beat them to the punch as usual or fall victim to the opportunity offered 12/24/2008 4:23:58 PM; eventually, someone will. There are at least four intelligence agencies on the case and the entire allied military forces. We had identified ourselves; we need others to identify themselves. The crystal ball is in the favor of all those forces and allied powers. The crystal ball almost promises an eventual conclusion and eventual inescapability with the work of special psychics who had built the case; now we need solid evidence to make it a reality and public victory. We grant immunity based on the quality of the material or evidence produced and can make this a reality but we offer the opportunity; those accused or caught do not 4:28:31 PM. The first step is the quality of the material and how much is not being offered; such as disinformation, propaganda, a cover up, or another conspiracy.

Keeping to themselves is a detriment to the case and the effort and so is the gamesmanship being deployed. Brinksmanship never was a good strategy to victory during the Cold War. We also need to know what risks we are facing and what is around the corner while emissary calls us or talk their way out of it. The more the delay, the worse it gets because forces are amassing due to the false negotiations. That window of opportunity gets smaller and smaller now and it will become a big problem later on 4:34:48 PM even if the brinksmanship ends suddenly. Beat someone to the punch before it collapses and too late, consider what is worse. Pussyfooting and morsels of truth is not the answer to the situation but it does amass force and amass a larger army to combat this problem and “fearless fight” to the end.

We do not if the argument is for or against the history of who they are or how they got to this point of conflict; nobody knows what their true intent is or what they wish others to convey about their dishonesty. If those behind this have not felt the paralyzing aspect, how much force is against them for being on the wrong side, and then they have no idea what is coming for them or adding on to more tactics and strategy. “Who dares” who to sue you and phony “tactics” “let’s get this on the record and come after me, I am right here?” We cannot sue each other because we have never met and I know about you but you do not know about me; all you know is I am a US Army commando. Beyond this, you know a damn thing about me then I do about you. Furthermore, if you do not know my work, then it is difficult to say you were in the lead or can prepare for it. So you are forced into this position by me but as I have said; you know nothing about me except what I have told you and I now know nothing about you except what you have conveyed. This trap is impossible to defeat no matter what angle you view it at.

4:40:45 PM Again, this option and these demands are not yours to chose. We asked if you were willing to assist in the apprehension of this terror and communist cell; to say “The Republican Party” is not yet fully determined by anybody 4:42:04 PM. Again, this is gamesmanship and bad deception. “Put aside… for the safety and security of the nation” sounds like a heroic act but not being discussed at this time. Once again, the “overreaching” (which is coined by me during college as overreaching the Constitutional arguments and authority) has so aspect in this open ended talks or what is being conveyed badly 4:44:14 PM; “they won’t go after members of their own party?” (End of talks and negotiations) with “let them be the party of corruption.”

12/24/2008 4:45:05 PM We all understand their point of view or lack thereof, however, we disagree on the services being provided and the hidden material or the quality of work. People want to know what happened to them as we do; why our life was taken from us or stolen. People wish to know who and what the evil was behind the terror and the attacks which date back twenty, thirty, and even more years. They want to know if we made a vigilant effort to defend the nation and expose those who felt terrorizing human beings is a science and tactic to justify their science and moreover; allow them supreme access to control the politics or their colleagues. They use these tricks to gain advantage on others and beat them before those taken realize they had been deceived or cheated.

So we feel we are doing good work and quality work by making it known what we have and what we had to endure and go through to get to this point or obtain this level of work crucial for both the defense of the nation and a some standoff with evil who feels their political admission has been and was overlooked. We have taken steps to ensure nobody is hurt even if we had and are fatally wounded and are presently with real injuries. We do not accuse anybody; we only try to surmise an open debate until otherwise. Those who wish to enter the debate can and will and those who were behind it can and will join us as they sought so desperately. We can no longer stop them now then we did back when this began; so we make it known how nobody has accused them and only they have accused us wrongly by not reporting the full story or what they were doing behind the backs of others. If anybody had been accused of mind scratching wrong doing, then this is over and done with; now we collecting and gathering forensic evidence to suggest it was for a reason if not a good reason to attack the nation and overpower the right wing or conservative movement to complete this foiled plot.

So we understand their feelings and predicament; however, we no less can excuse them than they can excuse us and this is what they are grounded on; a not so open debate and honest debate about the science being gathered on us. What are they grounding their works on and where has that anchor led them but to the bottom and a passionate appeal to not have an open debate or discussion. However, we disagree about who is right in this matter and who in the public sectors wish to know was behind the conflicting and terrorizing attacks on both the nation and their own existence. They might be next and if they stand in front of it and try to stop it as we did, they might get dished the same punitive effort to break us or wrecked fight which has now turned into an amassing force against them or their party subversions. We need to know if and when this slaughter is going to stop and how it ever arose in the first place.

We understand but we have reached that point of excusing it; whether or not we get there is up for grabs at this time. Also, this idea we are in gross error or furthering a crime is absurd and a blatant tactic as always by the same suspects who have nothing to ground their terrorizing science on but the mere idea they are in control of their fate, our fate, and this nation and global fate. We have not gotten that far yet and they are insisting we are holding them up and in the way of their scientific analysis. This is like giving Charles Manson a college degree and a doctorate to teach others how to be the same as he is and how to capitalize on this sort of intervention and science so terrorizing it remains silent and keeps to itself; for good reason we hope also. It is a lonely place where they are now and they have surpassed the threshold of the edge, so if anybody is as fearless as they are, they will make this known and make this clear that they are and what their science is about. All we do is defend the country and the world and try to do the best we can and to prevent this ugly gesture that life is under their control and command.


The following chapters are the messages conveyed while listening to only the right wing and conservative voices; we can imagine the problem if we were to discuss this with others. Although they were not or have not been confronted about this and the date is stamped on each of the “subliminal” messages and conveyed messages; it must be understood what or how someone says something does not suggest it is what they mean or how they feel. Therefore, this is merely an analysis and thoughts which were conveyed while listening to certain people while investigating this terror and communist cell as described. It does not suggest we are protecting them or know what they are up to and it does not suggest we have debated or interrogated them fully about the Constitution, how to contradict and produce this science of politics, and the attacks and observations we had documented. Would an effort be made to fix it or apologize or would the message be sent to catch them if we could because sooner or later; one of them would break or someone who had been caught already would come forward to break them. So the question is it fears that someone would ruin it for them or the process of seeking a pardon which we knew they were doing.

We cannot say this was what they meant or how they felt but at the same time, we cannot either; it was simply the messages conveyed at a period where we had feelers and listening posts to determine who would show up or had anything to say or do about it. We released the information to see who would call, what they would call about, and whether they wished to give a public explanation because the inevitable was soon to come; an inescapable hunt for the people behind this. We were merely one step away and had one last stronghold before this occurred and the following were merely some of the items which showed up and some of the measures to send reinforcements to those who were fighting it or not trying to exploit the science of reality any further. This is twenty years of work and not some blind guess or stab into the darkness. Beginning in 2006, the case was released for public to see what came in and who was brave enough to stop this manhunt. In 2008, we finally got a break and the people behind it were there all along after we unsealed the last and final part. So these compilations were recorded and compiled from January of 2008 to the present.

We know they were watching intently and trying to figure out who and how the case on them developed. Furthermore, while this was being written; they got a hold of the work and beat everybody to the punch. So it deserves retaliation and a clear signal of how we feel about this ongoing effort to work on projects not even released or granted to anyone. Moreover, they now beat everybody to the punch and are considered some next best thing after the masters of the situation; which they are not. We have to make this very clear to them and let them know how hated their efforts are to squirm and sneak past everybody else by watching us and unable to explain their positions because they lack any and all education. We also have begun to encrypt some of the data and make it so complex; they will easily be identified if they try by dating the material. However, they found a way around that and were beating us to the punch and release of it forcing us to beat them back until they stop watching over our shoulders to see what they can get and how far they can go without explaining the situation. Naturally, all we have to do is ask for a written answer to see if they understood it or were merely stealing it and beating others to the punch and “31 seconds of sound bite.” If they want to beat someone to the punch, then the opportunity is being offered right now. We have ten years of evidence to go by and they know the news is shortening their rope of hope and fear. Again, how can they seek these analyses before it is released when they do not have the proper explanation to state how they got to this level? What are they doing in the lead and can they explain any of it or the charges against them. Why are they seeking help by those who are prosecuting them and who have amassed a multinational coalition to break them in disarray?

We do not know or can determine how they had more information then we had and how they knew more about this case then we had given the ten years since it began. This is what we were looking for and knows; how did they know more and what did they know or is it what they fear; what we have on them and on tape? How do this terror and communist cell know more about the situations then we do? Furthermore, where did they get it from and who if it is under seal for now? Certain aspect of the case is sealed until either an event occurs or a time period expires so that the empirical data can be processed. We let the public decide who and why those behind it were tricking them and how they knew about the cased before us or before we released it. Part of the problem was fighting this effort to unseal the case before they were prosecuted and apprehended; however, imprisonment twice and “over our dead body” was the only choice offered to us and our investigators. Again, the case had been sealed, parts of it are released when it is beneficial or when needed, many efforts were made to unseal, burn, change, and cover up various aspects of the case had it not been sealed. Now the process was too unsung and to unwind it and the evidence or lack of evidence we had, had to come up with, and the devastating result on both sides; the good and the unknown.

It is very hard to run and hide from millions of people but it is not very hard to kidnap or hold a few people prisoner to make sure their existence is not threatened. However, that is what the basis of the case is about and how it got to this point; by ignoring them and letting them chase, they could escalate it to give us an idea what level and how far they were going to take matters and how badly they wanted what we had. Yet they did not know what we had because that was sealed and that was the mistake they made. The idea is who has the authority to say no and why? Understand, by 2008 this terror and communist cell had made major advancements and their science had taken them either to the top or the bottom. How they got there is the case itself. How they dealt with the problem was also who they were to become.

They could not stop millions of people now when they were only stopping a few or one before. Meanwhile, they still insist we were not playing along with them and were very interested in how they had pursued and kept us a prisoner by this kidnapping. Yet, after they release us, the evidence changes and we do not play along for any fear of retaliation, opportunity to expose or accumulate data, and no further effort to bad mouth or spread fear as intended. Even if they had anything on us, we had discussed it and had a defense ready but would their case be ready for the proof and our documented effort? If they had isolated us and had only one person as a prisoner, that would be one thing; but if they now know how more than one person were working against their effort, then we had the upper hand and were playing along to ask what they wanted and were doing it for. This is how you catch these people and to do so, it is so dangerous not many people will volunteer after they recall the documented case with no reinforcements and backup. You are captured, tortured, and punished more than you know daily for ten years and we had five years just dealing with federal imprisonment; that is only five years to tell this story and case. So this will show the effort in only five years not fully ten as suggested.

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