The last event which struck of bizarre was when Alice H. came downstairs on a Saturday while preparing breakfast and leaving for work. Alice came down stairs in a wedding dress; stopped on the stairs and began to strike a pose and talk. Odd and even not funny at the moment, I did not inquire and decided to leave early. Then it was one effort after the other by her cat to vandalize my RX7; already targeted once. This time the cat kept jumping on it for some odd reason; never before. Other cars were not a problem; only my RX7; and then it was a cat and mouse game with the cat to see who could get who first. The last girl during this time was a very muscular woman who seemed to jump on the bike path right at the moment I drove by near Georgetown. She rode in front of me and closes so I decided to talk to her. Quiet and friendly, I was not sure if this was a Suzanne trick; some hit and run sex act but this time I was ready. So we got beers and rode around DC; and then I got her number. Like usual, nothing and no return call; odd.
Eventually Alice H. asked me when I was going to be done at GMU and I told her winter 1998; she said she was not going to have another roommate and nicely asked me to move; her mom was moving in. Tension built up with Alice towards summer and graduation because I had planned a trip to Ocean City, Md. in 1997 (records at Shangri-La on 120th+ Street). I sold my "Tom Cruise Ed. Full Race Prep" Ninja for 2200 and used this to take the vacation. There I met only one girl, Liz Dillon from Bucknell University (Clinton daughter look alike). Liz introduced me to her dad, her brother, and then left a way to contact her at her sorority house. It got nowhere and her sisters claimed she was always on a date with a boyfriend. Ms. Dillon acted and looked like Chelsea; but her parents were huge and mean looking from Pittsburg. What was odd was how I met one girl over the course of 10 days; no other girls were at the beach and these whales who kept asking me to dance. Then they would end up on the floor after steeping on my beer bottle or some object; the ambulance had to be called. It was very condescending the way they had approached things because I tried to be nice and am always outgoing; even hiding bad life experiences. These people are super predators and look like a buffoon; but they hide it well and the only thing which makes any sense is "leave... you are mean." Now nothing makes any sense and even their police pick fights.
I admit I told Ann I was going to the beach and might date or cut loose; meet me there if she was not busy. We even planned I would stay home, raise the kids, work part time, and she could work full time and focus on her career; I was retired and still writing the satellite warfare programs; not perfected yet. It was a lot of danger and I can keep a secret for 20 years; and when the kids were at college and grown up; we would make a break for it and be financially comfortable to defend ourselves. I could start a company and even ask the DoD to place me on full combat or under attack active duty; a security detail. The stipend I had was small and meant for security (armor, extra safety, alarms, etc) not for rent and used like welfare. I got everybody in this world after me and now it is even three times as worse. They all think I have earthquake machines, a wave machine; I pelted their cars, or caused some form of harm to their life. Again, we had this very well planned and someone was very well hidden and snuck up on both of us; and then took Ann to her price and me to my breaking point. These roommates and rented apartments did not impose severe restrictions as part of the living accommodations; in other words, there was no contract stating forfeiture of rights and denial of the truth. However, this was blatant from 2006 to 2010; as every aspect of life was dictated and regulated by some lunatic watching and seeking more advantage and control. Hacking allowed them to turn things off and act as if they were some parent or warden; to them we lived under their roof even if they refused to refund any rent and had murder-conspiracy charges. They claimed it was a privilege to have them in our house and any sign of disrespect would not be tolerated or acceptable; odd how they rob people isn't it?
I moved in with Troy B. afterwards and my RX7 mysteriously just went dead at 117K miles; very odd. I attribute Barney Frank or some gay mafia pulling the strings; definitely Jewish and very forceful but disgusting looking. They push you down and weaken you until a breaking point; a hiring and employment pitch. After one more year I got fed up and shut my entire life down; then began long range delivery jobs. The reason why I am hitting on these women is because of Ann. We goof around and were in touch; she surprises me all the time. She had moved to MD and got a townhouse as well; ready for marriage; and was near Walter Reed AMC in DC (GA Avenue - babies). I told Ann to hurry up and meet me; so I could not tell who was a friend of a friend; to invite me somewhere or to an event; Ann said she was there and we even talked about a deadline of 2000. When 2000 came she was nowhere and I told her one night to drive to Ocean City, MD. at 10pm. At 2am I met a girl who was not Ann but was angry and in such a bad mood about how the police kept ticketing her; gave her two tickets that day; and she invited me in and said I could stay there with her. She was livid and I was scared; then she blew up and kicked me out so I left Ocean City at 4am literally; and got home at 8am. That was as close as we got; I talked to her online at 10pm; she said she was already at the beach and had a place; I was excited and so relieved. Even more odd is how they complain and see no problems; only what others have done to them.

My family has relatives who live in Germany and we and I have never seen any white spermicide or Nazi group who acts like this. Oddly, there is always a Jewish person who will come on the radio and sound like a voice of reason. On May 24, 2010; only one radio station came in clearly and I was forced to listen to some man who was reading my case and knew it well. Typically, I get international news from stations like the BBC and found them to be unbiased and trustworthy; however, the British were targeted for petrol dollars and blocked out. Now after an hour, he kept on mentioning how the Nazis would stockpile weapons and satellites are a type of weapon the Nazis would be highly interested in; as if they were not and would never go against our choices and life decisions. Again, this feeling of being targeted, tricked, and just naked brainwashing when it does not work. If they do not know if they are bullies or victims; so along comes the worst victim of all and the weakest of the bunch; the voice of reason or trust. Oddly, we still are not sure what a Nazi is or who can define one logically. Yet they throw it around as if a boogie man told the truth about them and they were arch enemies who wanted to kill each other. Here is the deal; we are from a royal lineage and have family who live in Germany for over 40 years; this can only be from a weak on crime and a complete insane buffon with a high criminal or sex offender penchant; to hook on us and not let go and claim to be a parent when they look grotesque and repulsive. Someone is playing with our minds and using this rental property to warp and destroy our minds; and then berate like a Drill Sgt. in basic training about eviction or feebleness. They want love and respect; thus, to be there for us.
Grosse Pointe Blank Trailer and Hard to Kill Music Video Clips:
This hacker on 23.9 hour watch is a total fraud. I was looking for a 10 pt kill and a head to mount on my trophy case. However, they are not educated and screwing around with already programmed or packaged hacking. There are skill levels and some hackers are trained in computer science. I am a trained computer programmer and am testing or grading their capability. We drained their lake; to see how they can operate under difficult or scarce conditions. What they are doing is riding on the NY State Police who were the ones playing with my firmware and turning off some capabilities. Then this hacker exploited the situation to boost the overlap or shadow. So I felt this hacker was an A plus or world class trophy I was about to catch or mount. The shell scripts are not where they are hacking; the State Police hire or use programs to simplify this. They claim to be coaches and trainers; this is a hoax and impersonation. Once I revealed I was undercover and an FBI informant; I asked for their badges and they pulled out; I said do not push this; I am the father of satellite warfare, am world class, and conducting tests; so they released my firmware on my audio card where the past hackers had hit hard (over 20,000 dollars in damages). So it was not provable to suggest this or that particular police agency did it. They also bring along a shadow and very stupid. They claim we have everything on them from 1980 to 2010; even farther back. If we did, why don't we hold a military tribunal for them and make it quick and violent? They also claim we do not have them for espionage charges; only murder and terrorism. They only wanted to match or beat us so this is why they are communists.
The dossier of this hacker and their hacking program is very primitive. They hire computer science or programmers to help by "packaging" ways to be a total terrorist or torment someone. However, the boot line and the startup is only seven to ten lines and they feel they are world class hackers by adding a line or installing their own "stealth" procedure to run before the op system. If you wipe out the drive, then they must start over. If you restore the program; they try to throw you off and also use a separate wireless channel to turn on and off the capability to abuse access. I have jammed their system before and second channel; they freaked out. So this is no genius who can analyze 200,000 lines of code; this is a total loser to took some weekend course they have on hacking and take advantage of technology or hired guns to hound, terrorize, and disrupt 23.9 hours a day. I even drive them into insomnia; odd hours of work, and what they call "secure computing time" procedures. I have never seen them do something like shell, DLL, or manipulating windows proficiently. I do not use security and used to; to drive them to hell. The hacking and use of a peeping tom camera made you want to kill them; however, this would fulfill all of their dreams and stop us in our tracks. The mind games grew so intense; we hallucinated who was the police and who we were; our own identity crisis with this going on hourly and so grotesquely widespread so they can use us as some hope, redemption, or propaganda. They use dead people and their own victims as propaganda and PR.
Again, we drained their lake and this is why they are so angry and demand sex or some baby from both Ann and Alex. Getting a thorough lobotomy, they hung on close and for dear life with the peeping tom camera and used it to the max in the final moments; but that was all separating them from insanity, losing their minds, and being crippled. With the police gone, we could throw the police brutality or racism charges away (white supremacy groups). The problem is they want to rescue others and view themselves as involved or a proud parent. The way they act and how they view you as their child or involved in our life makes you want to kill them; but this is playing their tune as a martyr and victim hood. Again, this syndrome of severe narcissism and not knowing one moment if they are a bully, lunatic, or a victim; they seek more and more involvement in our life and hacking or watching closer from 2006 onward brought on more opportunities for a predator and sex offender. They also claimed we would have to prove they did any or all of this; then came back by overwhelming it with more and more layers; hundreds of attacks daily. So living in their nest or slaughter house was an opportunity for them to warp the reality or torture a subject by seeking involvement and demands as if a parent and dictator to a captive in his own home.
Each time we wrote about hacking or a peeping tom camera; the police drove by as if this was one drive-by hit after the other. They went on the radio and impersonated police forces for years in order to intimidate and bully others into surrender. This was an insane lunatic one day; a victim the next; now deep into the web of deception; on a suicide run to get away. So every hour from 2009 to the summer of 2010; they screamed "go home... when are you going to leave... he does not want to leave" and the police would drive by each and every single time because the landlord got a letter suggesting a refund and we were FBI informants doing undercover or classified work. It was as if they trumped everybody and was the judge, jury, and executioner; but staying here was made much worse if you complained or asked for a refund; a form of insane punishment we describe around DC-VA. It is not a teacher-student relationship; it is not a father-son relationship; and it is not a wife-husband one either; it is how you treat a captured enemy and brutality leave no evidence of torture and attempted murder. Now in 2010 they were avoiding the FBI and playing mind games as if they had no care in the world and the hacking problems were getting worse and worse; we should not complain if it came and went. All of this came and went; we should be fortunate and grateful.

The problem with the police arose from what they call a “static mode.” In deep cover or camouflage; both Ann and Alex had no defenses. What they use for defense is none; meanwhile, you place all probes out and create as many problems as possible. They will come in and make a move as they are losing their minds. So Alex would download anything from porn, to sitting in chat rooms all day and wait, to joining dating sites or talking to anyone who made contact. We knew and wanted to know where it led; what nation and which Generals because when we spring the trap; they must by international law escalate and put a leader on the line. This is why the charge daffier was filed. This is when they claimed it was their home and they were the police. We were being investigated. So we kept the FBI and all forms of military justice out of this until 2010 to see if the bait works. The people who facilitated all of this or were behind most of it was the State of NY and the police in the local and regional areas; perhaps under orders from higher up.
Here is what our conclusion became. In order to make the Timothy McVeigh, white supremacy, secret police, and Nazi stick; they had to do a cover up or secondary attack to overwhelm what we had or wanted. On the path of the communist leaders; they had to create a second path and overwhelm it; to distract and veer or fork the road. So in 2006 and even before this; they did so. The excuse is how they are the police and made an excuse. The second excuse is the Timothy McVeigh hoax; it is going to be revealed and blown soon; so they kept 24 hour watch and attacked all day. At most times, the police were cover and the politics led to Albany, NY. Then things got bad and turned bad; the story or plot had holes all over; so they kept trying to veer us off or smash into us and ram us off the road. The only way when we are holed up inside all day is 1. Sources of life (job, grocer, media, etc) and functions such as medical, banks, phones, letters, etc... 2. Each and every time the front door is opened; they had to keep pressure and control while this veer or new road was created. The use of this spy or peeping tom camera endangered the lives of many including any raiding party. It shows we are dealing with a cold, guiltily, cruel, and deadly enemy who has no respect for human life or dignity. They are at the mercy of federal defense forces and they pick fights hourly and make this worse; then use the police to feel better about being in the line of fire. Again, they are at the mercy of military and law enforcement forces but somehow immune from reality.
It was from the landlord, local police, upstairs, and the state of NY; to make the McVeigh 911 plot or cover stick; racism but never the communists. We see the same use of this plot by the Catholic Church and the Jews in 2002 at Ocean City involving a couple. As things unraveled and as things entered the military and FBI level; the police were in a higher crime scene and had to scatter; thus did a sacrifice move so their political party would not fall or the sting would last too long. So this is why 23.9 hours a day they watched us close with a peeping tom camera and exposed the crew upstairs, landlord, local police, and even the regional state police; they came up before and were involved in other cases (Clinton, Amy Baker, California, Oklahoma, Georgia, etc.) On the line was the future of their political corruption and lies. This idea they were the police, secret police, racists, and we were the problem was very difficult, unfair, untrue, and very intimidating; but the bully turned victim problem with the left wing, Catholic-Jewish Church, liberals, and entire state of NY would not stop bullying or imposing themselves on others even if it involved the most lunatic of sex offenders in their criminal organization. What is strange is why they are complaining and angry; we are on the end of it and constant ramming.
When you know a law suit is underway or is ongoing; you are forbidden from any contact. When you know who the lawyer is; you must put all communication in writing; even if it was the police. So they would do this all day and chase us in a pursuit to suggest we could not win, they were trapped, and this would never end. It coated them a lot because we had drained their lake and they were risking much for very little. This is how the hourly calls, unwanted contact, incessant calling, and just unclogged and illegal activity got up to 100,000 unwanted contacts at least in 2009 and 2010 alone. Usually when you are in a murder, espionage, spy ring, or terror investigation; you do not chase those who caught you around hourly or masturbate over their bed daily to “engage” or “encourage” them to care more about your plight. Things got insane in 2006 with the cover-ups or home invasion; and then got even more absurd, outrageous, and insane around 2009 as evidence surfaced. So now we are told to mind our own business; they did not harm us and we are lucky. When two biographies they tried to write and add to their theater failed; they sought to destroy each of them again; we could not sleep with our eyes shut and if we turned our backs; the terror plot and communist were at our throats amiably making demands and seeking blood. So our biography was in the hands of bigots and deadly hypocrites; but they claimed to worship us and had so much to gain.
They claim they only took it out on us lightly. Their handy work was amplified across the world while they were being charged and raided for programming a female and trying to kidnap and do the same with a male. The female had to be either removed or deprogrammed while the male was repelling hourly attacks that erupted the moment our backs were turned. The lies and force snowballed into a terror plot and murder attempt as it grew violent and endless. They lied about why they were in our life or if any invitation was ever given; sharing while they ruined it and weakened a tortured prisoner. So when we fight; they fight us. When they worry; we are made to worry. If they are scared; they force us to be scared as their hostage. In the end, if we won or crossed the finish line; they felt exuberant about erasing their past and who they were; deadly communist spies and terrorists. In 2006, they tried to scare us off and we hit jackpot; it all came to a quick and deadly end. So being in our life led them to this end; however, not being welcomed and abducting us got retaliation and severe punishments; and then snowballing got them murder and other charges inconceivable by a normal, peaceful, and loving human being. There was at least 100 scams to take the focus off them and to ease the high alert or lure the guards away; if the scams failed it was round the clock efforts to quiet the matter down while they tried to explain or get closer to us. So the hell to pay was we did not need them and hated their guts; and they claimed how they had a good reason and we claimed we had a good reason also; they were communist spies and we were military legends; it came fast and furious in the end. Now they still claim they have a good reason why we need them and hate their guts.
You do not do stuff like bio-terrorism or wishing a fight by denying all of it and chasing those who are working on the case as if you are trying to kill them and permanently injure them; but it happened and hourly if not more. With no way out and wishing death; they wanted to be known or recognized for something; not being a total buffoon and brunt of jokes. Due to the constant, incessant, and upwards of 200 intimidation and torture methods in our own residence; we went to the landlord and were forced to tell them everything about the case. There was no problem or ever; we were and pressure was either kept up or increased to bleed us to death, permanently cripple us, or break us into some vegetative state. Again, the atmosphere of communist spies and deadly terrorists pervaded and tried harder and harder as the lake was drier, more desperate, and getting worse; even attempts to inform those involved we were FBI informants and the prosecutors of this case; legends and worth millions being damaged more and more and denied any relief or medical attention; it fell to deaf ears and strategist who were on a suicide mission; to win or die trying. So the problem was how the state and police had done a cover-up in 2002 and then in 2006 and then tried one last effort. Did we really expect them to come to our rescue or work with us; they claimed we were their teachers and the problem when we were the prosecutors and legends. Even the landlord was caught up since he had arranged the living arrangement and the command center upstairs; in their spy nest and terror plot HQ. This was on all of their minds and how it turned out finally.
So this carried into the late summer of 2010 while attacks on the prosecutors and investigative units were ongoing and in our own homes; sometimes upwards of 300 or 500 times (online and internet) to make us beg, break, forced to cry or plead, and bled us to death by torture and this attempted murder. That was the best outcome if any was even available and the police, landlord, and the state of NY sat idly as their job and career was on the line. All they could say and would was, "sorry, we do not know what to do, when are you going to leave, we are the police, we are ready to die, we cannot even shoot you, this is about money, we are better" and this insane notion we were their hope and they did not want to be hurt fighting to the death; they only wanted to recruit us and others, then live through us by re-education or brainwashing us into a ticking time bomb attacked hourly and broken by despair, police abuse and brutality, and severe torture. That was how this 20 plus year cat and mouse game ended very badly as the good guys won and the bad guys on a suicide mission trying to be the good guys winning. The incessant lie was we were madly in love with them and stalking or trying to be in their life; we had a price and breaking point; a hit or miss affair.
This fraudulent alibi was no racist or genuine White Nazi Organization; they were communists and union Catholic terrorists whose political future was ending and their last fight was to the death; an act of suicide but by using us as their hope and cowardice to be the bad guys draped in the good guys or police drab. This was also the same plot in Oklahoma, school shootings, WTC 1 and 2; and a lot more violence. On their mind was we were the problem and they were the solution or police; however, it was very hard, injurious, intimidating, and very cruel to treat us so unfairly when all we did was catch them and they tried to use or exploit us; as their hope and to steal or copy every aspect and as much of our life as possible so they could cookie cut new candidates, anti-terror, super strong, or the leaders of tomorrow from a core of communist spies and terrorists. That is why they needed us, used us, and even tried to rape each of us; everybody has a price and in this case, also a breaking point. So this is how their American experience ended after 200 or so years trying to win their freedom and control of the military forces.
The politics of corruption and murder has reached an all time high and rock bottom value. The left wing has chosen elections and stealing them to win or take over America; this is how they fund it. The goal is to win by majority or elections; but the ammunition was all lies and scams. We were not the problem and they were not trusted; but they kept using us as their hope and human shield while viciously kidnapping and torturing us; and then concocted some dual murder plot made to look like a lover's quarrel or love triangle. The problem is they still have not found an honorable solution to bankruptcy or population loss decimating their political future; now using us or terror plots to drum up business ended with them knowing we were undercover, high military experts, and FBI informants; much better and more powerful then they will ever face in their life. After hearing news reports and analysis over the BBC British networks; they sought a campaign to discredit and extort disaster relief from the British government and oil companies in the Middle East. Apparently, the Teflon spies wanted us to know and feel deeply this was not friendly action and they would not stand for it. It is clear every action is intended to conceal or prevent arrest or prosecution.
Hunting Nazis and racists would only last for a short period and stall the investigation; but it was no solution to a bully who wanted to be a hero and victim enough to stage their own murder or invasion; then claiming it was their home and their fight to protect it and us. Trying to dictate and decide who we could talk to, be friends with, do business with, who we could email or call for help, marry and have kids with, or shadowing us each time a door was opened was the last straw that broke the camel, the US, the world, and our backs. To do this they would call us their wife or husband and we saw them as total strangers; but they were also behind the peeping tom camera and on the losing side; repugnant in looks and character trying desperately to act like or similar to us; then actually impersonating our life as a deranged fan and stalker would. The entire world on fire, our life partners a train wreck, guilt of turning on friends, our entire biography, the US and America, our top secret work and creations; all of our private, personal, and business affairs became a disaster and they were the ones who would not leave and wanted to be there for us; this after 20 years of hating each others guts and trying to lie about it. Our life slowly transformed or was warped into a skeptic prison viewed by torture, captivity, and violent rebuke or imprisonment. Those supposed to be stewards of the truth manhandled us as if we were the homo-cast museum just built in 1998 for this mission.
There is a mindset and a culture of corruption and murder in the left wing that remains unspoken and secret. This is what onlookers call a violent fight or standoff between the forces of good and evil; the prize being the future of the US and military affairs. This was just business as usual, another day at the office, and how business decisions were made among communist spies and now bullies who were homicidal angry terrorists. They saw us as the problem and still profess to all of this; a death sentence and their home. Their entire argument and motive for murdering us and kidnapping us was we are the problem; they never are and this is just a day at the office. Even the NY State Police and their top leaders broke down and said how they are better people today due to the dangers but were right back at it when the crocodile tears failed to appease the situation. At least Ann and I are trying to work things out and talking or have some way to stay in communication; even yelling is good or arguing. You have to be an idiot not to notice or act like Rush or Sean; how she is dying to date them and can ram her off the road or drive off with her. That is the police behind it and who is doing it on this end; they must create a fork in the road.
At least the evictions stopped. At least the incessant attempts to pair up or join from the hip; a beast like female creature that had tag along expensive hooker marketing a mafia like prostitution and drug ring. The only catch was the soon to be lunatic widow was the master and not the monster; nothing could separate the idiotism of a hooker job or joined from the hip vulgarity; not even a ferocious fight and military actions. Worse, justice was not an option. The omission of events, bombardment of hookers or drugs, the constant threat of eviction or career ending misconduct, and constant threat or unsafe stalking was just the first, last, and same straw over and over; for a worthless ungrateful lunatic of a loser on breed and friend mode. It is clear, every method or deception is used to block or prevent justice; to confuse or deny the investigation. Even after we caught them in 2008 and exposed them; the degree of actions and responses from 2008 to 2010 indicate a deliberate effort to stay below the radar and on a world class, never before seen level.
Clearly, they have done a total invasion, weaseled in and out and now are caught deep behind enemy lines; thus, cannot retreat and wants war or a raid. We do not expect them to stand trial and be taken alive; most especially the constant complaining with the police and directing fire on this institution. It was very condescending the way they had approached things because I tried to be nice and am always outgoing; even hiding bad life experiences. These people are super predators and look like a buffoon; but they hide it well and the only thing which makes any sense is "leave... you are mean." Now nothing makes any sense and even their police pick fights. The entire state of NY and the core of this plot to invade America and hide this syndrome is an complete and utter breakdown of lawless, defiant, inferior, and highly hostile bullies. Even their police should deserve a bit better treatment but they make it about money and image problems; a wily silly rifle butt to the face syndrome.
These are the worst and most deadly of the communist forces in North America. It all came down to my college thesis and my work on the Cold War. I describe the strategy of perpetuating the DoD finances using the banking system which saturated the chance of a communist challenge militarily. Then my financial matters were blown up and I as a political prisoners. Next, my life was nearly extinguished many times and these spies knew my family had run the VN War and I had access to military secrets. All of this was a fact finding quest in the 1980s; furthermore, this came down to the Reagan years when the military surged ahead but debt tripled; a conspiracy against the bankers but a way to beat the enemies militarily using the capitalist system. Hannity and all of these communist spies attribute their father or birth was Reagan; meanwhile, they are seizing the banking system like our life in an effort to retaliate and seek revenge and take it over. They are weakening the military financially and then will surge as the strategy was already analyzed; however, my good wits and tactical mastery has defeated them across the boards and they use this to claim how I live in squalor and cannot get up; while they know I have checkmated and bragged about letting their leaders speak. In other words, they did not see it and felt we blew up communism by war mongering or jihad. The deadline is 2011, so if they were trying to surrender or decrease this; after the deadline is a full scale response effort. This means if they were hit or worried before; they should expect to get hit or slapped a little harder. When you pick a fight; there is a point when the fight comes to you.
This put the banking system at an advantage but the Pentagon and bankers are at each throat. Both sides now ill use the banking system to bring hell on earth; to destroy militaries in the name of peace and they will claim their army of the damned and peace are too big to fail. So they knew my moves and had an ongoing suspicion; they got blind sided and destroyed royally and hands down. So that is why all these petrol dollars, debt, and hidden liability; nearly 53 trillion is being hidden in bad loans and the FDIC is ridiculous; they want the internet and Silicon Valley next; even told us it was theirs and to stop them. The communist and liberals are in control of the banks and wish to use deception and lies to suggest the DoD and now the father of satellite warfare for war mongering and being mean. They cannot show their cards or curry more hate and resentments due to the disaster of cities and public mismanagements; so they can only copy us and wait until the resistance and guards are incapacitated; we were the first strike or used as an alarm system; to flush out a challenger from 1995 to 2008.
That challenger would have been taken out or a captive; brutally interrogated and tortured similar to how our royal legend has endured. Put yourself in their shoes; how in hell are you going to stand in front of the cameras and media and admit to all of this? Unless they surrender or go away; the only chance is to blame the Pentagon, capitalism, and put it in ruin; to start some invasion or begin an attack in 2001. This is so far and high up the Pentagon and major universities have not even seen it unless I release it; my encrypted work and reorganization skill sets; no research or special training needed; already armed, ready, dangerous, and rocking. I am just really pissed off and annoyed with who it is and why. Can socialism work with sustainability or the banks; if so then they will militarize; first is socialized medicine and next is oppression on the internet. They will be the bully and the secret police on the world wide net. They appear to be brain dead or is unable to be quized on an educational value but they feel superior and have crossed the finish line. They continue to insinuate and instigate fights with the careless demeanor they seek and provide trust, comfort, or some employment.
You can see how they operate and how this police operate. What they do is create a disaster and expect others to write about them or figure out solutions; all they do is give orders or make demands. However, when it came down to judgment day or the end; they were acting as if they had no worry in the world. We knew this because they had begun this a long time ago and got caught a long time ago. So the only work they had or could produce was all total lies. Insofar as this case and how they were on top of it; they had nothing and was uselessly incompetent to say the least or the boss of evil; no worries and useless but in their fantasy world; the winners looking at their prize. The incompetence of their own investigators and militant force has not been presented fairly because they had nothing; not even the true and full story; none of them did and this clearly shows they were participants and conspirators. If judgment day or court arrived tomorrow or the next year; they would live it carefree and fighting to the death; a total lie. The problem is judgment day and the truth; the worry to be tested and quizzed; and also the work they put into presenting this. Who is judging them not who they are judging; they got the story backwards. Their excuse is they never thought about this or it never entered their minds; they did not know what they were doing and had no guilt. The repeat of the errors and force on others was a snowball that got bigger until a human being became hysterical and called it rape or some abduction.
The problem here is not how they live their life but what they did in ours and what they tried to win; nothing but a big question and a total disaster. So we expect them to perjure themselves and fight to the death; but we know what they did, are up to, and wish to fight this out by creating repeated acts of war in the most deliberate, insignificant, and senseless manners. It came down to us doing all the work and having all the information on them, they were pathological liars and deadly communist spies, and a feeling of belonging or a lack of reality pervaded their stupidity or lack of care; even for their own life. They were at the crime scenes 24 hours but had no material or nothing to further the invigoration; and they could not get their story right or use what masterpieces they stole correctly, thus hit and miss, trial and errors. Now they have to be unplugged or destroyed in the most forceful ways because they lack truth and are neck deep in trouble. Like the Nazis who invaded Russia, they were too deep to retreat and had to push onwards; but they know they are being unplugged and a violent ending is close. The only way to reduce that force exerted on them is to jinx or hijack the raid or trial; and then damage or kill off any opposition. It was not if they were capable; it was a long history of this and using the deaths for propaganda or to throw off investigators. So how did we magically come up or solve this bombing and terror plot? The problem with this little shop of horrors or left wing theater is how easy it is to corrupt; the mix of money and secrets can produce warped and bizarre outcomes. Add this element to a military, state, or federal function and you will have a cleverly devised smear or a disaster in the making. There is all the reason in the world to ban and unplug them but they feel we are living their life and in a political prison.
Their minds are lubricated and life is just theater to this bunch; however, they reject the truth but keep an open mind. They no less care who is judging them or why they fail; circumstances surrounding their life they are not able to see or describe as a total lack of truth and an pretended openness. If you enter their nest or slaughter house; they become agitated and highly hostile; as if you will uncover some hidden terror plot or a new bombing plot they are cooking up. That was essentially the treatment received by New York and what four years of diplomacy or being a prisoner of the state meant. It is fair to say their life and worse their religious beliefs or lack thereof of any sense of right and wrong; are incompatible with America, the Constitution, and has no meaning in our life yet they insist and forcefully remain while being charged with kidnapping and abduction. The total lie is how we are dying to meet them and it has turned into a lover's quarrel. In trying to win and cover up all of this criminal and illegal activity; they wish to erase our memory by suggesting we hate them, are too mean, and some conspiracy to ruin their power; hence, we are living their life and it had belonged to them. In order to figure out or trouble shoot what the problem is if any; they just keep an open mind and a close watch with a peeping tom camera. The problem is they never thought about this and repeat the same errors while objects are thrown at them and screamed at to stay away or keep away; but they do not hear it or wish to. They see a potential crime and suspects only; the details had they been at the crime scene; mental power is obviously lacking but they must snatch up why and how to improve on life; how do they win the cold war if they are here to invade and attack?
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