ALERT: The CIA "Mexico City Plot" has changed course from foreign to domestic support. Therefore, where they were once full of illegals; we are now forced to support their strong anti-war stance and strong anti-crime or police policies. It is straight out of Eastern Europe and the Turner Diaries. (The name Turner is odd; our goalie, a US Army soldier I served with, and this same North Korea plot involving Va. Tech and "Thelma and Louise" photo ops. The super hot cheerleader was Yong Bae at our HS and she was smoking perfect 10. She even out did the Japanese girls and Hong Kong cheerleaders; this was a difficulty level of 9 and above. Off the top of my mind, I would say the unions, NY, Moynihans, peace activists, Asia-Pacific Theater, and running from the law in AR; the same as the Irish Jews in poverty. Fact: two girls from HS are reporters for CNN and one had a brother who had a crush on my sister. So all of this swarming around the Gores and the Clintons indicate how well they are completely out of touch and are using a peeping tom camera to enforce gun to the head politics.
They claim they are not going anywhere and neither is their family; but we are at war with them and they do not want to be hurt as they use us as some form of hope and a dope. We are talking about off the charts predator and lunatics; therefore, we need higher "lethal" methods and have drawn a line in the sand, 2011. They keep claiming to be our family, they do this for their family, and they can use our property any way they choose by living through us or sharing our life. This is why they are weak on foreign foes while strong on domestic spying; they are spying on us and the police; the left, the unions, the Democrats, and the communists. Now they have changed this approach and taking the hardest or strongest stance across the boards. There needs to be lethal force and retaliation or else they will crawl into the Senate and drop lincoln logs everywhere to build a home. The problem is easy, we cannot get rid of them while they torment and hold us hostage. So they want war and signaling; I advise shooting down their satellite and asking if this is what they meant when they said "we are at war." It is also Upstate NY and Gomer Pyle of Full Metal Jacket; place a flag on all in Michigan and Upstate NY.
Lisa Ling and Laura on Reliable Sources: Somewhere Inside Book and photo op, Media Role in Freeing Lisa Ling Sister: North Koreans Hit me: Ling on Captivity: Captain Sing is the Korean officer along with a Major who retired me or did my MRI in 1993 from the US Army:
Hillary Clinton, Sorry, North Korea : Lisa Ling Follow-Up Interview On CNN's "American Morning"
CORRECTION: Ben Davis was the first to have a GF while we were in 6th grade and all through JHS. He was on the swim team and an older girl named Julie Luzick had a crush on him. So we got annoyed when he kept wanting to drop by her house when riding home on bikes. Then Ben remained single for so long probably due to the bad experience, Julie preyed on him and was not all that. I joked with Ben and made him crack up so much; I did pinch his ass once or twice because he was in love. The one thing about Ook (Ukwang) which caught my suspicion was his bullying and always trying to have personal time with those I had grown up with; an inadequacy. He also during a time we had a lot of girls in our life; incessantly make comments about Debbie Ice, "Did you see what Debbie was wearing today..." and trying too hard to be friends with Ben and a girl who grew up with Debbie named Jennifer Burres. I grew up with Jen and Deb; and Deb was smoking hot. We were not gay and all had GFs. She dated Chris Walk who is best friends with Chris Von Hoene who has the "Marine Drill Sgt Father" and goes back to Brian Summers. Chris Walke could never find footing or get his act together; a lot of family problems also; a straggler. My brother and I used to be close to Chris and go to his baseball games; so Debbie was some target and goes back to the Bolands. This may be related to the Bolands and Debbie at Virginia Tech; what she wore and what it did to Ook and Chris; if they were shadowed or supervised. Von Hoene is from a Marine background, not an Army brat like Summers and my brother was; but he fit in and was always there; he also has a top secret job. We worked in the same field and would never mention anything to anyone.
Debbie walked up to me in gym when in JHS and began talking; then fell in our group by dating Chris Walke. This put her now in the circle with Ook and Chris Liebig who I describe as invading our circle and causes an exodus. If Ook was fascinated with Debbie, he hid this or tried to hide it; however, he never was comfortable with girls or sex; very in your face type. I know Debbie drove him crazy by what she wore and I had to listen to this all the time. Debbie Ice lives near the Bolands; Mr. Boland is from the J. Edgar Hoover era and close to Pentagon Generals. Mrs. Boland is the sweetest old lady I had ever met who drove us to school and made me ham/mayo sandwiches all day; then she had a daughter who had a grand-daughter who had been a trouble child. So they moved to FL around the 1980s and this is when I met Debbie in JHS; she is a goody-good and we were trouble. I knew Debbie since JHS and who she dated; one of my brothers best friends who used to be close to Von Hoene. Debbie became close but never a come on or in the way; never. She wanted to be friends when we were growing up; so she knew I did not care and was mad. Von Hoene always kept his distance and was a loner; but his sister is smoking hot also and his dad only looks "Mr. Drill Sgt" but never around. I always did my own thing and Ben and Adam follow along because we grew up together; but these people won their trust and invaded so I left. It seemed like we cracked up so much growing up and now was at each others throat because of this invasion. I was a kid who needed a lot of attention and would ride all around town or do things; so I hit them up and they always said okay. We all had chicks galore; me included! So this drove them nuts or insane watching. So the girl thing is what drove them insane and homicidal and it shows in the VA Tech videos; now this one surfaces. What they are doing is swarming around Pentagon people while being supervised and going insane.
SINGLE EVENT: There was this one party in 1988 when we graduated HS. I had a motorcycle, involved in computer science, and did my own thing; a loner. I hated people riding with me and did stuff like a stud would. They rode wild and without grace; church style. Then one day Ook (Ukwang) came up to me and asked me if I was going to Debbie's Crab Feast; some party at her house. I was shocked to know he was so close to her and why I learned the day before. So I called Ben and asked him. He said he found out three days ago but knew beforehand; then he said you had to pay only if you wanted to eat crabs (like all you can eat crabs). Well, I go crabbing all the time; so I decided to go. It was a really weird party. I met her mom and then she left for the weekend; I stayed for a short time. Debbie never said anything to me but how she knew I had taken them crabbing was odd. I would fill bushel baskets. Also give them the crappy crabs because they threw away half of the damn thing. Since I did my own thing; I was really unattached to matters but felt odd being the last one out. Debbie never struck me as the crab type of gal; but while at beach week Patty (Hottershell) kept on wanting to go for an all you can eat so we can hang out and be one big happy group. Each time after graduation, Patty kept saying "remember when we were at the beach and you were staying with us... we went out for crabs." Patty was a dog and chubby; but never around Debbie; only Childless and Edwards. I had know Ben and Adam through the Yorks in upstate NY; then Debbie through the Bolands of the FBI. I know it is not them and had never been about them. I never even knew Debbie's father was a detective or saw her sexually; but I did feel sorry for Chris Walke who was a straggler; he was a decent guy and invited us to his B ball games when 7 years old; play ball on their team.
VERY COMMUNIST, VERY ANGRY, MENACING, BETTER, UPSTATE NY, LABOR UNIONS, ANGRY OVER VIETNAM: Debbie was smoking red hot but just a girl I grew up with and approached me one day to be friends. Ben and Adam and I were smoking cigs then and would crack up like insane levels. (I.e. one day we were standing at some parade and I said, "Hey Ben, whats up (slap me five)" and when he put his palm out, I grabbed it and redirected into this semi hot girl's tushy. Heather got butt ugly and fat later in HS. She turned around and acted offended and Ben stood there laughing at me. She then started talking to him and I jumped in and said "Hey Heather... whats up." Good laughs.) I remember him cracking up like crazy for days and trying to explain it; he got me back a few weeks later. No doubt we were studs and someone was watching closely. I know it is not Ben or Adam; nor Debbie. Debbie always keeps Jen (chubby friend who is warm and loving around) but she is forced to be a bit cold to others. I never bothered Deb and she always tried to stay in touch or with the JHS bunch (Ben, Adam, me, Von Hoene, Walke). I know Debbie does her own thing; I know Ben and Adam are very self reliant and independent; both do not like to share or are gay.
Growing up I was never bullied by any of them until HS and this Chris Liebig problem, then the Connelly, Batten, Jackie, Sean Mcgee, Matt Lee (Korea specialist at State Dept. and friends of Liebig; possible North Korean spies), and Hwang. Matt has a father who is Korean and a fat mom who is American. Matt showed up later in life at the gym; also his father is CIA or handles spying cases. I view Debbie and our relationship like Gina on Miami Vice. There was another preacher son named Thomas Moore when we grew up but Thomas went to parochial school and was always in trouble with the law even if his dad was a preacher to their church. Thomas never wanted to come along or do anything until HS; when Ook was around. He got an FZR750 and then wrecked it but was into bikes; so those two are preacher's sons and trouble makers. I knew Thomas to be a "poser" or ran funny while wearing athletic clothing, a soccer stud; always an expert at anything. When we grew up I got annoyed with Thomas but became friends with him later. Lyman Goff was another goof ball Ben and Adam introduced me to.
There is a long string of very aggressive Korean males, in elementary school, who in my and other's eyes; are inferior or feel inadequate, so they bully. One was Henry Cho and a Mongoloid looking and extremely aggressive "Huynh" who moved after only two years. We had Cambodians, Laotian, Pakistan, Indian, Filipino, Puerto Rican, and all cold war warriors. Some want to be your friend, while some want to bully you, so they get you tangled up with them. Coulter was there from K-12; you can see how the circle forms. Coulter dated Nguyen in high school also; her elementary crush. When we grew up, Coulter outwardly professed her love for CIA people or Pentagon people and always cracking jokes or in the lime light. Coulter was always in the background and nobody really paid attention to little curly hair "Annie." Quang's father is a special forces sergeant under my father and Pentagon so she and him were a big ticket also.
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