I developed Satellite Warfare to combat the spread of nuclear weapons and we have shorted the gap between nuclear and conventional forces; no longer needed in my book. There are approximately 200 chapters. Most were written and researched while in college from 1988 to 1998; I researched it by taking over 190 credits from different universities. They also span from childhood reading since age 8 and up (military science, weapons, martial arts, etc...) I have been getting ideas from people about doing a complete series; all at once. They start off with pure science and ends with a complete understanding of where this world is headed and two particular topics called economic sustainability and totality; then it introduces the reader to a new series of books on satellite warfare; the science and the art. Naturally, they call me the father of satellite warfare and I have put in over 20 years to this field of knowledge; perhaps the best in the world, but my readers will judge who is the best in their world. To get here; we have taken harsh punishments, suffered torture, was kidnapped, humiliated hourly, and had our life trashed and rewritten by no fault of our own. That is called terrorism. That is called war.
We have the moles and spies who got it all wrong and could not break our encryptions. Who is my age, Asian, and trying to call himself "Sean H." while in my home and having a dialogs? Now who is white, her age, psycho looking, and calls herself "An" "Ang" or "Anh" while in our homes, life, and personal life? Who do we know this psycho, peasant like, lawless, draws in the police, claims to be the police, bottom feeders, and the birth of the "Air Force." Who is using self destruction as a method of attacking our life and keeping us as hostages, kidnapped, or prisoners and who do we name and charge of all this? Who targeted my brother and got it all wrong (most of my family spend their time in Asia for commerce or business trips; even mountain climbing and extensive travel globally). So who is trying to hire us as moles and spies for the communists and now the Catholic-Jewish labor camp? They mistook me as a US Navy SEAL and sent a female SEAL named Tonya McMouth from Silver Lake, MI. This is where they claimed the serial killer was at; some college campus (CMU); got it all wrong as well. Who do we know in Michigan and a SEAL?
Note: you will see a pattern of systematic targeting, hit and misses, and decoys as a shell game is played to stop one side from winning. They are communists and they are there to agitate, harass, and pick a fight. My brother in 1984 considers going to West Point with his buddy Summers; then turns down VMI and enlisted against the wishes of my father. Meanwhile, the heavy metal rocker and body builder turns up as the one who shuts down the entire global resistance, reorganizes the DoD and carries on the mission; they got it all wrong and were chasing the wrong good guys. The game here and this cold war enemy is into the business of self destruction; so war was by stalking us and damaging, disrupting, and weaken us by hold us as captives, prisoners, and hostages. They got the story all wrong because we were hiding it and flushing them out while capturing and exposing who was behind all of this. I was never offered any VMI or West Point admission; but life turns out very strange, even if they are all over me, doesn't it?
This will be a report on cases involving military or an internal mole problem with spy masters similar to the Limbaugh-Hannity ring we caught and exposed. Before I start, let me explain how difficult the current situation is with this nuisance, pest, and suicidal enemy. They claim to be our friends, mates, helpers, assistants, staff, and has a reserved job due to some exclusive access to our life. They also claim to be a secret police and I have informed them to turn over their badge or let me report it to the authorities or face/accept execution or lethal force. They accept death and execution; but are resisting and fighting back. What they do is install tracking and spy software on my laptop or play with my wireless switch, graphics DPI setting, and various operations which prevent the consistent use of a an operating system; like a labor union, they strike or disrupt matters, no less steal anything they can. So this secret police, highly communist, ice cold, enemy-spy, wants to tag along in all life matters and insist they are peaceful, friends, protectors, and experts who can help. They claim they are not violent and will accept execution if we can defeat them. They refuse to surrender their badges, turn themselves in, or not introduce force or illegal intrusion in our life. Each time I detect disruption or some protest, I must load a new operating system as the moment I connect to the servers; the State or spies install tracking and hijacking software. We have tracked, trapped, and caught their leaders; exposed this terror plot spree to reorganize and grow stronger.
This new who is who of the crime and communist world is expanding their reach and political power. They were attracted and panicked by seeing "Administration of Justice" and various police science courses in my college degree; also my background in satellite and computer engineering. I recall being contacted while in college by the Cubans (Villarreal) who identified himself as from California and in the US Army with the same MOS, satellite technician. This occurred in 1997 followed by a Fairfax County Police contractor working on "biometric devices." Nobody knew what I was researching or doing but this was the end of the cold war and the communist. We are seeing an eruption of scams, terror plots, murder sprees, and various suicidal crimes which cannot be solved. The problem is their politics and involvement in the history of America has blown up and come to a quick end. The communist incited this and they use the Catholic Church and labor forces to attack. They will say and do anything to win our trust; be our lawyer and voice. They will pose as money managers, gain access with sex and drugs, and watch us 24-7. We began detecting them on attack in the mid 1980s while in HS; then at VA Tech in 1988; and then trying to do a pick up or recruit in 1989 to 2008. They were and had been in our homes and flooded the radio and TV with "friendly" messages to keep quiet or win our trust. The simple fact is this was illegal search and seizure and they called it a "campus" or "teachers." This was brainwashing and trying to tell their story or side according to them and through their eyes; then it blew up and grew worse as they became forceful and relentless.
There is a war/standoff now and they claim I must learn to live with them and accept they are my boss or in control; otherwise, kill them; they are the secret police and sacred or scared; living in fear and expulsion. If we resist, then things will be ruined, destroyed, disrupted, or does not work well; our life will be damaged and we will be forced to regret or weakened until this expulsion ceases. They are forcing the matter and wish others to live with their decisions; execute them or take them out by force. It is not an enjoyable predicament but has been ongoing for over 20 or 30 years. Again, we asked them to surrender their badges in peace and we do not enjoy or wish to waste our time with this matter any longer; the FBI and military will eventually be needed because we know what they are up to and doing. They are the trash of Europe and Christianity; now radical bullies and terrorists. They are also the peace movement and claim no harm or violence. They also claim they hold some special ticket which gives them exclusive access to the highest powers or intrusion in other life and residences. We have a law suit on them and so does the US government. The objective is to become friends but enter our homes using the radio, TV, or some form of media and claim they are the police or lawyers. We knew it was bad but not this bad; similarly, our objective was to catch those behind it as they made it impossible to do so.
We have and try to show how dangerous and deadly they are; facing death penalty charges as spies, terrorists, and a secret police pulling the strings of the bad guys. This enemy, church, Europeans, and moles are sympathetic to the communist; fighting Nazis, and want to know if a conspiracy was ongoing to defeat the communist globally. They are hunting the leaders of this so called right wing conspiracy; execute them. They needed us and tried to tag or double in our life, like a Remora on a shark. We are talking about lunatics, ice cold murderers, and a total thief and communist spy. They must be socialists and the military involvement is due to socialized medicine. By studying the military system; they can compare and contrast the private or civilian hospitals. Also, with the eruption of shingles, skin rashes, warts, flesh eating bacteria, cysts, itching problems, and various health related matters; it lubricated the political recruitment and ideological resistance to the left wing.
THE CASE OF COL. MARACEK, CZECH SECRET POLICE, AND MURDER OF THE COLONEL'S WIFE IN 1991 AT FT. FISHER, NC: This murder was planned in 1989 and I was told of it but did not know. When I returned from VA Tech, I worked for a sales company knocking on doors and selling coupon books. I met a man named Doug Smith and he asked if I wanted or need a job; so I came in and listened. He needed a babysitter and house sitter; his neighbors did also. It would be for several months and after a few meetings accepted the terms. Doug worked for Motorola (Gov) and satellite related he told me. However, what was odd was he was a drunk, drunk 24 hours, and had a Thai wife. His neighbors knew me immediately and even asked me to house-sit for two weeks and take care of a gigantic Cajon like dog named "Bear." Bear weighed almost 200 lbs and looked like a Polar Bear. During my stay there babysitting; Doug asked me to live there if I wanted and I did because of the return from VA Tech and the chance to get away. The house was on Woodview Drive, Springfield, VA. Doug taught me verses from the Bible and we discussed Christianity and religion for hours a day. Oddly, he cooked Asian food and knew all spices and recipes. His furniture was all imported from Indonesia and other rare locales. He drove a junk and very old Grenada in 1989; oddly, he drank hard liquor all day in coffee cups; you could smell it. He had his daughter Valerie there who was 6 years old and Valerie is a name of all the suspects later on from Chicago and TX. Doug claimed to work with satellites and had Air Force officers live there with him for months; they came and went oddly. I never asked why but they had kids and were passing by; all very religious. Recall the report of Troy Bernhard the US Navy suspect in 1998 who was absolutely cruel and ice cold. Someone in the military would also drop in oddly; as if a script was repeating.
I believe the case with Colonel Maracek is a smear, a three way fight over Asia. It is a recruitment plot as we indicate during the Cold War by evil and spies. They use colonial powers such as the Catholic Church and French to smear the Protestant and use hate and racism as a weapon. This particular case involves a close knit group to our family; Maracek is not in this circle. In this circle of close US Army Embassy personnel are: 1. Col. Harry Summers (Korea and Vietnam Officer in embassy) 2. Brig. Gen. Archaeus Hamblen (very close friends with my father and my God father or protector) 3. Several US Marines officers such as Gen. Dozier and other Colonels at the core of the Pentagon-VN War. The goal of this smear is to determine if a conspiracy was against "them" or this secret police of European or World War II die herds. They claim to be fighting Nazis and are the most forceful, ice cold, and deceptive spy you will ever witness; robots and evil as evil can get; deadly serious and never with any sense of human quality. So this smear is aimed at the US Army as we see in all other cases. The Vietnam connection is the superiority of politics over military; so they are the people's police and have US handlers in the Democratic or communist forces. Also, we have traced this to Israel and Molassas spy agency. The same event is occurring and ongoing right now, the same smear, the same group, and the same crisis-global war. This plot or these cold cases originate from my HS yearbook; this one is from Brezinski, who was on the soccer team with me. My unit in 1990 are all from Chicago oddly; and a lot of blacks bullying me; nearly identical to what occurs later on. The case in 1991 happened when I was in training and active US Army. Why?
From 1984 to 1986; my brother and I used to crab on the Chesapeake, mostly weekends. My brother told me to use his ID and get a job at Chess. Bay Seafood; and I had a part time job finally (100 bucks weekly). All the food came from Alaska; hard work. Back then it was just him and I mostly; not many people. Then we got invaded, someone crowded us out; mostly Filipinos or very poor Koreans. To me, they appeared to be peasants, we ignored it and have. In 1986 my brother entered the US Army and I stopped crabbing and salt water fishing. The Chesapeake got trashed and severe problems erupted; some form of environmental dumping in the 1980s that destroyed fishing. I began motorcycle riding and got a girlfriend and joined the varsity soccer team at a young age. It will only be in my senior year do I return to PAX Recreational Center, MD with a few friends to go drinking and crabbing at night before leaving for college. They sucked and are city kids; weaklings, mostly Catholics and labor union kids who parents I was not aware of. I took them on a charter boat and they got drunk and passed out; really revealing to me. I describe them as just city dwellers and a waste of time; they got in a lot of trouble; got me in drugs; and got bad grades. But they were rich and treated me nice; almost bullying occasionally. I had dumped them and just wanted to end the school year with some celebration or trip. In 1998, I shut my life down and went fishing and crabbing almost every week.
They managed to clean up the Bay tremendously; and it was fun. All of the sudden, the water got trashed again. I began to run into Filipinos-Koreans at 4am and they looked suspicious. I was under attack and not enjoying the usual PAX site so I left for a new site; the Choptank River or the Georgetown/Cambridge MD area where shipping history is the only life. Oddly, Dick Cheney moves in there and I begin to meet girls from this area. Most are red heads, have a child, have fat pale ankles, etc... I just played along and would describe them as the "Irish Princess" type. I also was being hounded by what turns out to be the FBI Civil Rights ring; Black Panthers; and Catholic/labor unions. There is just too much and I describe a total invasion of my life. The events in 1998 to 2001 are well documented as I expected with the cities I visited and credit card statements. I also have bank statements and I kept getting tickets by this secret police which caused disgruntled or animosity with the secret police and my tormentors, Catholic and labor unions. Let's go back to Doug Smith.
It was odd and I felt Doug forced Valerie, his 6 year old on me. I took care of her and she was a really good, pretty, and super genius girl. I took her sledding and she was such a doll and blast; so polite and fun. Then one day I met her mom; a very beautiful Thai lady. I was shocked she was married to Doug Smith, who looks like Ambassador Bolton of the Bush Era. Amp. Bolton and Doug are identical twins; I cannot tell the difference, even the shaggy mustache. So I had moved out, moved on, and was going to night school. I came over one day after running into him and we sat down to talk. Now I recall the odd "rendezvous" as I felt it was a coincidence. I told him I was entering the Army and bought a pistol and submachine gun; bringing my skills back to expert level again (was taught very young and almost a gun smith by age 14; a home job). Had my brother been at home, I could get a license and FFL permit to be a gunsmith; I am that good by age 14. I had memorized an M16 by age 12 and planned to build one from scratch ($275 total). So I talk to Doug and told him; then asked if he wanted to see my pistol. When I brought it in from my trunk (Ruger P38) he began to wave it like a maniac signaling to "move on" or "go forward." I frightened me and I said, "Whoa... let me put that back." I asked him if he has ever owned one or knows what to do? I also thought he was drunk; and asked for it back to check the chamber. That is how scared I was and he lied.
Back to his wife. She showed up one day and the neighbors were on high alert (so they say). They said she was a lot of trouble and had mental problems. Doug said Thai women marry US servicemen occasionally so they can come to the states. Then he said she was wild, always unfaithful, and he did not want her around Valerie. I saw her as very pretty; even a model; I spoke to her and she avoided confrontation or talk. From what I heard, there was bad blood and he and the neighbors wanted condolences; did not want this to happen again; and had a very negative view of "her" or Thai women. I asked him how they met and he said nothing. I asked him why they split and he said she was wild, would go out all the time, had all these social friends, and snuck around incessantly; he was tired of worry and confronted her and got a cold shoulder. So based on what Viagra said to her friends; and then what Doug Smith said about his Thai wife; it was two different stories. Is this the usual switcheroo they do? Yes. Also, look at the death of a black soldier at Tybee Island in 2001; it was the same story. He (black male Spy. rank) was not my wife or is he? Total insanity and so disturbing how the characters are all switched around; I report fags and sex offense or open lewd behavior. Right now it is a white union male covering all of it up blaming it on white uppermost; not blacks, communists, Catholics, or liberals; study Sue and Chris. They represent Chicago and are surrogates as usual. I would describe Doug Smith as evasive, sneaky, a Christian fanatic, secretive, deliberate, kind, always there for you, and drunken 24-7. Only alcohol would or could tame him; so this case just jumped out at me. Most unusual is the Czech (Tom Stenach and Tom Kecevich, 1980-1983 with Colonel Summers or Brian Summers). After 1983 there is nobody of Czech origin in my life; only soccer.
So Maracek (Spc. Forces) is Limbaugh like; ice cold and a pathological liar; a mastery spy so difficult to catch or notice. All of them are suspicious of the Vietnam War and being flushed out; they retaliated with their own "Seek and Destroy" mission. The goal is the core of the Pentagon; blocked and not allowed in; they wish to know if a conspiracy exists. Also, I was planning on moving to Cape Fear, VA-MD in 2000 because of the problems; I went there to look at homes on the Bay. So I began to notice this Filipino or Korean peasant like spies while fishing on the Chesapeake Bay, MD. I had a close friend who tagged along and very religious in 1984 (Yong Sic and his brother Soon). I enjoyed tennis with them and they were very polite and good friends. Then Ukwang came along with Chris Liebig and began to bully me and make me tag along with them after invading our circle of friends. I felt they kept saying "three is a crowd" and "leave, you are not wanted" so I did and got a girl with Adam. Ben stayed with them and told us each week as Adam and I dated; Ben was intelligence and always plugged into this network of parties. Another odd part was a serial killer in Michigan. I report vast attempts to contact me in or around 1998 by females in MI (CMU - campus) and I went to investigate or scout it out. It turned out to be the entire town and a conspiracy of infected zombies; I listed all of them. Odd, we describe them as a serial killer named The Red Dragon.
I am closer to Ben also; so it was a good chance to even out the relation with Adam. Ben and Adam are not Catholics, Episcopal and conservative/cool/hip. They are not risk takers and do not start trouble; very careful and avoid danger; but they like everybody enjoys parties and being accepted; the same trick I fell victim to and had to escape. I think we all (me, Ben, Adam, Ann, Presbyterian, US Army, etc...) got hit by the same people. All of them abuse some form of drug or alcohol and their goal is to hook you. I got hooked, then I hooked Ben, and then Ben hooked Adam; like a daisy chain until Adam and I left. My grades went from straight A's in 1986 (Ben and Adam also have A and B's, I have straight As) until Chris and Ukwang came along. By 1988, my life broke down and was total hell; rock bottom so I had to reorganize, grows stronger, and dumps all of them to regain my power. I did not know they were doing recruitment or kidnapping. Now I do and now I know why. North Carolina is where Ben and Adam spent their summers at Kitty Hawk. If you go from PAX Recreation Base to Fort Fisher; there is no break in the two. So why did they pollute the Bay if NC is better fishing and FT Fisher?
NO VIDEOS OF THE MARACEK CASE AS IT IS WIDELY FAMOUS AND TOOK 3 TRIALS TO ADJUDICATE: READ THE REPORT OF DROWNING IN NC IN 2001 WITH ARMY PERSONNEL AND BLACK SPC. (ONLY FATALITY AND A VERY CLOSE CALL) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________
These females exhibit traits similar to the ones who contacted us in Michigan. They are communists and their objective is to be teachers, friends, and establish some relationship for recruitment. We shut off and down their "teaching program" and all the friendly people they had bombarded us with; as they were watching on a peeping tom camera and using surveillance equipment and claimed to be the secret police. This is where the story of the Nazis arriving one day and the communist arriving the following day. The case of Col. Slute is not solved; another conspiracy theory which cannot or will never is. The idea is a serial killer is on the loose (1960s killer on the loose); similar to the Jeffrey McDonald Case in 1970 (spouse), Marine Todd Sommers (Sand Diego, CA), Green Beret Maracek (spouse), Marine Black-White couple in 2009 (Sand Diego, CA), and the suspicious death in a house fire of my own mom in 1975 (another military widow case). This was not about stealing kids or adoption; it is about a killer on the loose, conspiracy, and questions through life. In other cases directed at the Pentagon or military in only NY we have a pattern (McVeigh super secret, Jon Muhammad takes a long time, 22 cal Killer only confession, Shawcross - black sheep and broken chain but very bizarre conspiracy racked case, etc...) We know these terror plots are aimed at the legal system and policies; also, the system that does not work for the bottom up zombies.
The case of Col. Sue is the same erratic driving I did when gassed in 1998-1999 and then again only in 2006; never again. I weaved in and out of lanes for no reason and would "come to" and then slip back, then come to, and then would pull over asking what is going on or wrong? When this gas is cut off, you come to and do not remember anything; where you are, how long you were asleep, and what the situation such as a runaway Toyota. This was the only way they had or the only access; no other as we were doing escape and evasion; using vehicles to go mobile, break the control, and increase the risk. Colonel Soon upon first glance reminds you of a politician named Evan Thomas, catholic and Democrat in origin in DC. It might be a PTSD related matter. It has the State Police problem in it. In 2006, a girl named Valerie from San Antonio contacted us and it traces to Doug Smith, Troy Bernhard, and the Air Force (maybe impersonation). The location is Bernie, TX and we are looking for Bernie’s. All these cases involve some form of 911 Widow Scam; a pawn in a larger and much wider conspiracy or game of death by serial killers and lunatic spies. There is another case of Marine Todd Sommers and his poisoning by arsenic; the usual problems with a few women I describe already and who we caught behind all of it. I was also "hit" by a mysterious death in 2002 at Tybee Island, GA; but this was no "spouse." I myself almost drowned that day; but the odd part is how fast he (black guy) drowned and not a sound (5 to 10 seconds).
The very first "abduction" memory I have of a strange or severe "forceful" recruitment is at St. Andrews Church in Annandale, VA. My ex GF (Linda and Ann C. look alike) took me to the church for Christmas and these (super hot) girls began to make her feel little. She asked to leave after an hour and the priest there was talking in code directly to me; I felt odd, like a spot light was on me. Her mom was there and from what I understood, she was a former FBI employee and from the hills of PA; also of Polish ethnicity. There is a long string of Polish and Czech characters in my life and my brothers oddly. If this is religious or an Army of God; then it is local and from AR, NY, VA, MI, CA; starts with some agitation or incitement of violence; then lads to "a demand for investigation" or fact finding inquisition. The message is why JiFK's death is different than these 911 widows? A form of retaliation and conspiracy problems being tested, cover-ups. The first introduction to "USAA" was with Troy Bernhard in 1998 when he said it was his "insurance company." I had never heard of or knew about USAA before.
Another odd facet of this case is Col. Sue’s rank and the house they just purchased. He did not make it to General and the sudden retirement, depression, purchases, and hypocrisy from all involved indicate a cover-up. So if there was animosity or pressure from Mrs. Slut; then this big leap of faith was accomplished by his sudden death. Rush uses the term "famine-Nazis" frequent and I describe the contacts as "anything to win trust and friendship." So if this was retaliation (JFK), conspiracy ridden, testing CID, 911 public servants union investigation, blaming the Gut (anti-Govt), and a Catholic-Irish problem; then we have a pattern repeating again with 911. Who are the widows and why do the name "Jackie" keep coming up; also Upstate NY and the Greek? This case with Col. Sue also involves a mystery not solved about abduction, torture, the police, Catholics, JFK, and the military. It is a cover-up and to stump investigators in 2003 when this began in 1998 to 2002 and then 2005 to 2008.
So what were they after and why is this effort aimed directly at me or so strong, coordinated, and so high up or worldly? 48 Hours The Curious Case Of Col. She 2, 6, 7 (JFK, Runaway Toyota, usual Military "system" mystery): 48 Hours The Curious Case Of Col. Shue 2, 5: (I felt "he" drowned himself also and did not ask for help, yell, but he-they were with me)
AS THE FOUNDER OF SATWAR AND THE NEW COLD WAR I REQUEST THE COMMISSION OF A NEW BREED OF MILITARY-POLICE UNITS: We need to introduce a Time Cop mega unit; a top secret military based intelligence wing of the FBI-federal authorities who can dial in time, location (lat/long), and watch a movie of the crime scene and follow the suspects to their hideout. This time cop will pressure this reckless and persistent menace until they are removed or kicked out of the criminal world by their very liberal and greedy leaders; mostly they cause welfare and social crisis; but they do return profit and power for their bosses. This Time Cop unit cannot be of a police origin; a military and Special Forces element where wars are fought on a more highly secretive level; where mistakes are intolerable and power is harnessed and understood to precision. So this Time Cop element will shut down the petty ability to burglarize, rob, go into homes, or commit murder by always being at the scene of the crime and following the culprit to their home and hideout. When the leaders realize the worthless value of the 1960s freedom of criminals; they will take the measures to rid of them from politics and participation likewise. If the Time Cop units fail, then the sheer risk of civil war or world war will be real and immense.
The Time Cop units will be empowered based on how Special Forces Units utilize C four; command, control, communications, and intelligence. They will have access to ultra top secret technology so protected, the police are forbidden to bear witness to it and have access. These are two beasts on the battlefield; one military and one a police element. The problem with all technology in the hands of the police is the timeless problem of them falling in the wrong hands and in the hands of the criminals; so a divsion must be made as an eruption of terrorism has invaded America on the backs of crime, murder, and immigration robbery. Special Forces (SATWAR) units are trained to defeat nuclear and satellite technology; to defeat surveillance and a prisoner status while under 24-7 watch by a predator and enemy. Therefore, war must be declared on crime and the leaders of the new communist are informed to rid and expel the political front of the 1960s and the peace movement headed by liberals.
Any further resistance or demands by our own kidnappers, such as bleeding us in NY or delay tactics, will result in higher and more ferocious retaliation and shut down; a process of starvation and attrition strategies. Any further bullying, harassment, and illegal search and seizure by fascist or communist spies will result in unleashing the leaders of evil on the weakest criminal elements who need political power. As the founder of satellite warfare, I request the commission of SATWAR Forces to curb this menace and our tormentors who are keeping us as political prisoners or prisoners of war in America; we and the entire police-military branches are hostages to the system headed by this new spy element. This new force will not have or contain any identified problems or links to those who are notorious for parading a state of denial and lackluster truth of doing nothing wrong (Ex. Democrats, Labor Unions, Irish Heritage, Italians, from the state of New York, of Jewish Heritage, etc...) due to the nature of the problem and the levels. The enemies of America are infesting the entire political landscape and claiming to be our parents, family, friends, and voices.
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