I developed Satellite Warfare to combat the spread of nuclear weapons and we have shorted the gap between nuclear and conventional forces; no longer needed in my book. There are approximately 200 chapters. Most were written and researched while in college from 1988 to 1998; I researched it by taking over 190 credits from different universities. They also span from childhood reading since age 8 and up (military science, weapons, martial arts, etc...) I have been getting ideas from people about doing a complete series; all at once. They start off with pure science and ends with a complete understanding of where this world is headed and two particular topics called economic sustainability and totality; then it introduces the reader to a new series of books on satellite warfare; the science and the art. Naturally, they call me the father of satellite warfare and I have put in over 20 years to this field of knowledge; perhaps the best in the world, but my readers will judge who is the best in their world. To get here; we have taken harsh punishments, suffered torture, was kidnapped, humiliated hourly, and had our life trashed and rewritten by no fault of our own. That is called terrorism. That is called war.
Looking back and remembering details I had overlooked before; I am beginning to notice slights and suspicious behavior. I state how my father was from a very wealthy and powerful family; thus, was one of the military officers who ran South Vietnam. Unlike my uncles and aunts who had European college degrees, his "prestigious military academy" got him nowhere in life except exile and was not marketable in America. So I lived with this idea he was an under achiever; not realizing someone was attacking him, our family, and causing resentments or trying to rip our family apart and swoop in to grab us. I compare this to what is occurring with Ann and myself. It begins with some form of oppression and this lack of fight; some "legal pressure" or unfair fight. The difference between this under achiever and our sudden loss of royalty is my father was not an evil man nor did he surround himself with evil; there was just too much in VN and the history of war there. Also, my father instilled lessons which he did not respect but wanted us to learn; an education and always to put the least amounts of restrictions on us. At times, I felt I was unloved but he always would work two jobs or go out of his way to buy things which led to bad events; yes we were scolded and yelled at for this. His years raising us as a single parent caused him loneliness and a near desperation of not enjoying life to the fullest; even as royals. He had his military officers and did what he could to help his officers below him who had to endure re-education, torture, and tremendous hardships; even escape death. So I did grow up feeling disappointed he did not do more or had so many problems in life; I had no idea they would loosen the grip on him and come after Ann and I. Why? The changes and this idea we were the core or power of the cold war; we have disproved this. So the VA spies and left wing were after my father originally and he is a very skilled diplomat and trained; like the Brig. Gen. and four stars to "go into exile" or undercover. My father did not have the answers and never claimed to; he said do good and get an education so you can better yourself and did everything; I took advantage of this when my life was invaded in 1986 by a wild bunch of labor unions and trouble.
The next odd events is my ex GF/basket case Linda. I had a string of women through life since kindergarten. If you look up the Coulter family; they have been there since kindergarten to 1989 when Ann and I got together. Mostly, we had government employees or military personnel as classmates; so they came and went with new administrations. Things got crazy in the 1980s and decline began. My friends circle was invaded by Catholic menaces and bad elements; then I fled and dated often. She was gorgeous, rich, and displayed very suspicious and odd behavior. She looked conservative, acted secret, and had a secret or very unwanted history. She was clumbsy and always drove in a fast or scary manner. Always there and constantly remorseful when wrong or hopeless. I viewed her with respect and admiration at first; lucky and in a very loving relationship. So anything that happened caused guilt and determination; but my pursuit turned into not what I signed up for or was in love with. So things turned very sexual around 1988; and got worse when I left for college. Sex was great from the start and got better; this kept me so in love. Then things made no sense; I was belittled and felt a lost of disappointment; with an idiot or weakling liar who cried incessantly. I began to look to other women who adored me or had always. Some of them waited for years and came back to see me. I could not break this grip or relationship. I tried to breakup and got a reactionary mess instead; more effort or crying. So I felt bad or guilt and tried. Then I was so happy with other girls who were stronger or was widely liked. I felt trapped and love was inescapable; so I tried to cheat and failed. When I got to Va. Tech, it got even worse. Sex by then was insane. Now the cool thing was to get high and have insane sex. I grew depressed; angry, jealous due to rumors, and felt I was committing myself more when my intention was to cut things off. I felt she was playing with my mind and causing me to feel suicidal; then guilty; and then insanely jealous. Women were never a problem; never. Sex with women was never a problem; ever. I felt like a yo-yo on a string; my heart had much to offer and trying to escape for a much better female; but on good terms.
By this time, a SI model like computer major was coming by my dorm; we exchanged looks and I was in love. I hung out with girls I had met at parties or from Richmond, VA in my class. Yet I would always be trapped and threatened; so I grew worse, depressed, and began to self medicate and increase the female companion and chase. My intent was to break it, have a new girl, and fix this insane sex problem. My grades went from Bs and As to Ds or Fs. I was traveling back and forth every two weeks due to high phone bills; trying to resolve this and find some way out. It always led back to some marriage counseling or trip to the beach; insane sex and more usual emotions. Finally, I had a breakdown and was overcome with worry; now there was a new guy tormenting me and my efforts failed. So I took time off and my goal was to break it off. This worked for a while and things slowed down. Then this new guy and my ex began to follow me or hang out with my own circle or crew. This angered me and caused me to think she was doing the same; while I was in recovery or a deep redemption period; she had moved on and so did I. I was with other women and had a female in her late 20s now; even showed her off once. Even Russian women came to my rescue in 1989. Even Adam's girl Sara came to my rescue with her friend Marsha Jackson; both took me out and not on a friendly level. That was what I call friends.
I recall a strange event, near abduction in 1987 at Christmas at her Catholic Church; all these girls were drooling and the preacher was talking to me secretly. Then Linda caught on and wanted to leave; as if she was left behind. I never went back there after this; never was interested in the Catholic Church; until in 1989 when I returned to night school. So along came two people; Katherine Moynihan again and Chris Liebig; two people who keep recurring and it only leads to trouble. I am already shaken and very weak right now; near suicide or rock bottom. Feeling like a prisoner of my surrounding; I decide to cut off everything and everybody; only kept Ann as a friend for life plans and great sex discussions. Ann and I talked about sex all day and night sometimes and had work to do; a lot as we planned our marriage. So we went military and into high caliber level; a man on a mission. I began to do things which drove my ex away; berating her, making fun of her, and even spying on her to cut off any "guilt" or "strings" remaining. It all stopped and she was offended; but she wanted and liked the insane sex and the ongoing drug access with my social mobility. In other words, she felt I was her pimp or junk hunky and I want to end it all; sex, drugs, love, and everything; I got a fabulous older woman who brags incessantly about how rich she is, how pretty, how preppy, and how religious or moral. I was gone and never going back; never. So this was 1989 and I had to get a job, go to night school, and save up for full time college.
It wasn't until going to the Army that weird or strange people returned. Some guy with an African wife named Horn. The entire squad must have been from Chicago. We even had a nympho in our squad who bragged about this and never turning down sex with men; it was insane. I am in recovery mode and now being bullied by inner city kids who likes to bother or agitate Rangers or die hard military types. Now this must have triggered another break down and made things worse. The bullying and short recovery caused my head to spin and I had to resign; I admit fault; accept it. The bullying caused my MRI to go so haywire; already paranoid and an expert on security; able to go black and deep cover. We had already been trained by ATF, FBI, and DEA; also trained in black up by now; just needed a military unit and mission. Ann was going to meet me and be a military wife; now I faced a medical retirement; so I was given several options and things are insane; I am undercover still trying to get my college and work on Satellite Warfare and reorganize the cold war. My family do this for a living and I am not sure where it is leading; so I go with it and bend or go with the flow; I decline the therapy and choose retirement due to the constant attacks and bullying; just fights all the time like prison. I could not believe they put these people near us and the total insult. I felt more and more trapped and this was an escape and a new start; a way to work and get college; an arts degree by night and a electrical engineering degree by day with satellites; all I do is have it accredited like computer science. I call Ann in tremendous pain and worry; she says do not worry she is going to DC and to just come back and lets meet up; she was done also and this would work out always. So I went and began the out processing and this is when someone hit me with bio-terrorism.
My entire neck-back of head breaks out with rashes, cysts, and shingles; constant itching and inflammation. This lasts for over ten full years and constant check ups. Once I got back to VA in 1993; my car is vandalized by 10 gallons of gear oil dumped in the rear cabin. Whoever this was; tried to pick a fight, was using blacks, and tried to get us and the Rangers to Africa. We know now they are communist and labor unions; the Irish and Catholic Jews. There were a few NY personnel; Porter was one and Piccard was the other; and then it was a suspicious one from Philadelphia who beat my expert marksmanship and took rank number 1; my gun jammed at 39 with one dud at 300 yards; total disaster. I was surprised someone defeated my 1000 rounds per week skill level; but I did not challenge it. Some little scrawny black kid defeated me in jousting and knocked me off my feet; the left wing and under achievers at it again; the Democrats and the Catholics. I did not notice this then; along with the incessant bullying. As they explain it; they are superior, we cannot be happy, inciting violence, building a profile of a killer, just oppression, caused unsafe feelings, and are our teachers or recruiters.
I feel the Army or public service was being used as recruitment; saved slots or reserved. I believe this is where the Black Panthers came from and the FC recruiting office for the Army in 1990 (Lee Hwy/Arl border). The recruiter looked like a radical black Muslim and put me in that position or situation. It just did not and would not let up so I ignored and learned to shut it out and off; I was with Ann and total bliss; just day after day planning our wedding and bragging about how successful we would be (each of our careers and work). Ann knew I was on the verge of genius and blowing her mind with college research; just total bliss and partnership. Sex was also over the top but there was a lot of work and I worked out 2 to 5 hours a day; so Ann wanted to wait and was a tiger in the grass ; - 0. Take a guess what happened to our plans and who came back and just tormented our life? So the story of GMU begins in 1997. I was done and ready to go to the publishers; until one morning I woke up a god damn hostage and prisoner and it has not let up, ended, or been a new day ever since. It literally felt like a Pearl Harbor; just all quiet and peace; then all hell breaks loose. In the years from 1993 to 2000; I visit the General numerous times to report of odd people and some attack or shadow. I did not know who was behind it or why; only how I planned on trapping them; confronting them; and waiting for the day when we would get back and settle the score. So here we are in 2006 and met them in 2008; and now demand their arrest and punitive damages in 2010; read it, there is no lie or exageration; no delusions or story telling. In all, five years of undercover was draining; ten was exhausting; 20 years and prison was beyond comprehension but they are not sick of it and have not let up yet. What the hell are we to do or expected to say?
All the women in my life are super hot. The one who admires me the most is named Coulter since kindergarten. I had chosen Michelle and Tori over her; but kept her as friends. That Coulter was no where near this Coulter but her mom was stunning and brunette. There are 100s of girls who are drop dead gorgeous from 1977 to 1989; then it all comes to an end. The rest I have no idea and are considered unknown, unverified, and part of this recruitment or problem; only one girl was allowed in and has remained; only one, the rest are used as decoys, suspects, or used as a stage prop in a trap. Even if I went to the beach or traveled around the world; there was only those 200 gorgeous girls before 1989; no other or afterwards. None of them had the total package but all of them were the dream of any man and that is what caused tension and a sexual anxiety where they had to chase while the window of opportunity shortened. I shut off all dating in 1989 and the key to my heart; but in 2000 something happened and required a master tactician and strategy. Ann and I went our separate ways for the first time and she made an effort to find me or come back; this meant our signal and secret password. We had a backup or an emergency plan and that was the signal things were safe or under control. The other plan was to meet in a secret locale and under different circumstances? Why? As the father of satellite warfare, I can implant tremendous thought and changes in this world and the future of military planning. The movie Gladiator, Under Siege I and II, and 300 all depict similar circumstances. So I do live in squalor and am repellent; but I did this on purpose to prove a point; repellent and now mouth dropping begging. I do not plan on living in squalor for much longer; only until the repellent works.
So what happened between Linda and I? My honest opinion was she was a disaster, a burden, and was hiding things men did not want or need. Ann is a genius and just a tremendous help or addition. So in 1997 I was at George Mason U. lifting in the gym as usual and a girl who I swore was Linda walked in and look terrible. My reaction was grotesque. She appeared to need help and made sure I noticed. I just freaked and said nothing; but I was sympathetic and hoped she moved on; my life had changed for the better and Ann and I planned on finishing this out. So she tried to lift, did not belong, and really looked horrible; no less a smudgeon or cruel joke to the life of Ann and me. We were geniuses and with high degrees; Ann was not a celebrity at the time and starting out. However, they looked identical at one point. Linda had the Barbie hair which took 2 hours and she went downhill quick; stating how annoyed and bothered with so much work on her hair. Ann looks brand new and a natural knockout; while Linda was all tricks and elbow grease. So who they are and how they aged veered off drastically. So I did not scold her or say anything; I remained quiet and tried to ignore it and the problem. I also did not take her serious in 1997 and still do not; but we are here now and coping with some menacing enemy who inflicts tremendous injury and damage. Her heritage is Poland so I do not know whose side and what issues are below the surface; only trying to escape and find a better life, sick of all the problems. So she went downhill quick while Ann still leaves me breathless after over 20 years. Again, I met her in a public place and was disappointed and trying to find ways to get out; but the sex and the insane behavior kept me there. Then it was one medical problem after the other and one crisis after the other and I grew guilty and trapped. Eventually, I had a nervous breakdown and felt toyed with or too mushy by someone I did not want. So Ann talking to them and proving to them what their problem is rattles them but did not stop them or shut them up; they still feel superior, our tormentors, our kidnappers, and hooks sunk deep we cannot escape.
If you like what you read and wish to understand this more; read below and the entire disaster, recruitment, and come back or raised from hell... help me help you; that is the only way to survive this; otherwise, we are all dead and will be overtaken by the under achievers and terror plots. I have defeated them and checkmated them on all fronts; but they refuse to surrender or turn themselves in peacefully. I have even ended their future and the of all criminal elements in this world; but I warned we would be attacked and had to prepare for a massive one; it arrived quicker than I planned and was more ferocious; but we were abducted and could not fight back while the injuries piled up and we had to hunker down and wait; then wait, and now wait some more.
In 1984 there was a shocking plane crash in the Potomac. School was out that day and I sat there all day and watched these people die on TV while horrified by what I was seeing. The storm of the century dumped over 3 feet of snow on DC-VA and lasted a full week. Oddly, this was the destination of USOCCOM so if he and they mistook me as Delta or a Spc. Forces Operator; then they got it all wrong with my brother. At the time, Summers (Col. Summers son) and my brother were planning Jr. ROTC and West Point; hardcore military brats and always cracking jokes or hanging out. On Strategy had just come out and the Pentagon in full swing. So if they struck in 1983 with Tampa, FL as the label; then this case is a near perfect match and profile of a killer; just reverse the names, story and see it through our eyes instead. Maybe they are planning some special reception and an entourage of friends to treat the new introduction to the wonderful family; now had a sense of death and angry resentments. Sandy is truly beautiful and her beauty was manly taken away by another younger, softer looking, Anglo like, spicy situation; even the fighting and abuse did not make the princess more beautiful and beat up but some men like women who get black eyes and into a lot of fights. This is more of the same copy-cat, through their eyes insanity. The crime on this Italian Princess took place on July 2003. Understand this is only my life; and involves Linda. Amanda Knox is about Ann and this is why the girl looks like Amanda Knox; she is the GF.
1. Forcing marriage on us meant they did not have to testify against their spouse. The profile and interests are all the same; a perfect match. 2. Sandy Rozzo is a cross between Carrie on Sex in the City and Linda my ex; near identical to Ann and the Upper East army of female writers. They are all look alikes and some are all FX or beauty shop glue. Sandy at age 37 (same age in 1997) had a dead end life, what I describe as the result of this stalking and recruitment; radicalization. Sandy is a hostage in this film but Ann is the real life hostage; not on film or reality TV. 3. In 2008 Chris and Sue do a shotgun marriage. Nobody knew exactly why or what "Thelma and Louise" moment they had planned. Then they doubled down and went on full, round the clock, unstopping, and reached their threshold of options. They even said they could not shoot us, this would never end, they did not know what to do, they are ready to die, etc... 4. The sex in public was bizarre. I was caught with this girl also. It was an insane fetish and open ended phony to lure in men. I fell for it also and it is on my record; also the movie Titanic. These women are total fakes in bed and I know this. They use it as a business or to keep men tuned; a job for them like a spy or assassin. I began to see or recognize the artificial sensual or insanity of these people; total thieves who prey on others. 5. This is a washed up, whacked out, and a dumber than dirt lunatic who is bordering on idiotism and a buffoon but feels very superior and the same. They won't shut the F up and keep saying "we do not know what to do... we are ready to die." How about STFU and GTFOL immediately or just run into a wall and blow up? Now we are the same and radicalized by this moron; this American Dream Terror Plot and re-education camp; hippies and homicidal dopers on a total trip.
They are scared of hardcore drugs; too must risk. This is and was about drugs and crime families. I describe the church recruitment at St. Andrews in 1987 and how forceful and odd it felt while only 17 years old. It is linked to moving trucks (Ryder or Uhaul) and the Chronic Ring in Chantilly FFX, VA. Catherine went to Robinson and there were massive drug busts there, even LSD rings. Meth was the new thing and for some reason met all of them in prison; kingpins and coke feins. Only the Jews and Stallone copy-cats use 22 Cal killers; like the shooters in upstate NY in 1983. When I moved to 2006, they tried repeatedly to sell Chronic and new kinds of dope. I have not told this story yet but was hoping they should. I identify Cassandra and Marymount University (Arlington) as part of this mafia-dope ring in DC-VA. They tried to get me to attend Georgetown, then Villanova, and finally Marymount before invading GMU in FFX. I met the Blue Iguana manager where the Chronic ring was based; at the gym and through Cassandra. So the drug and dope ring is a catholic thing and a hippie sex thing; the women love to get high and have insane sex. They do this to lure in weaker men and use Diva like men and women; whatever works. Even Troy and Trevor were into this dope or kept mentioning it. The girls have glue on beauty; then it disappears or they get fat. The problem is below the waist and the rump; a bubble butt. The Amanda Knox Story is how they view Ann or build up this smear. It is either the mafia court or some social justice for communists and Catholic Jews. Oxycottish is the new thing and they addressed this with judges in the NY area in 2006. They are behind the terrorism, environmental destruction, Chesapeake Bay and fishing disasters (religious or Bible), and the evil oil and pharmaceutical socializing; MD and Annapolis/Bay problem with Patriot Games. So they jazzed it up and are trying to survive now.
So the drug and dope ring is a catholic thing and a hippie sex thing; the women love to get high and have insane sex. They do this to lure in weaker men and use Diva like men and women; whatever works. Even Troy and Trevor were into this dope or kept mentioning it. The girls have glue on beauty; then it disappears or they get fat. The problem is below the waist and the rump; a bubble butt. The Amanda Knox Story is how they view Ann or build up this smear. It is either the mafia court or some social justice for communists and Catholic Jews. Oxycottish is the new thing and they addressed this with judges in the NY area in 2006. They are behind the terrorism, environmental destruction, Chesapeake Bay and fishing disasters (religious or Bible), and the evil oil and pharmaceutical socializing; MD and Annapolis/Bay problem with Patriot Games. So they jazzed it up and are trying to survive now. I compare them to a parasite or unstoppable squirrels who breed and must be shot by kids who are bored; insane.
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