SWINE FLU HOAX: Former Finland health

Here is an example and an article called, "Palestinians wrestle with Major Hasan’s motives" from the AFP: "AL-BIREN: Palestinian relatives of accused Fort Hood gunman Nidal Malik Hasan grappled with his motives today as some neighbors hailed the rampage as revenge for US wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Many Palestinians living in and around the West Bank town of Al-Bireh have friends and relatives who have gone to the United States and prospered after finding that opportunities lacked in the Israeli-occupied West Bank. But like much of the Arab and Muslim world they view American policy towards the decades-old Middle East conflict as hopelessly tilted towards Israel and were outraged by the US-led invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq." So that is how you all get here and become this army of the damned; you are moles and rogue spies. It is your immigration Trojan Horse.

Q: Last Friday, November 6, 2009; I asked if you were planning on quitting Fox News or if you had to be forcibly removed. You gave a bizarre answer. How does it feel to be facing life in prison?
A: "Let not your heart... this battle is not over yet... want to be part of the program." What if you are wrong? You face life in prison. "I am not going to lie, it is a lot of fun... it was really a tie... the kids were hold up in the... I just rushed them... I had no more bullets in my gun... I was the most aggressive... out there in front." So this is how you will end out you life or career? (MISS AMERICA SEX TAPE RUMOR)

A: "Connection to Al Querida's... hit that hard... only one news channel that covered it, Fox News... we have fed up... all of their names... try and act as if they are fiscally conservative (are you communist or conservative) find out who your candidates are... at the end of the day that is the answer... we can stop this... urge you to fight hard." I get the same messages from you over and over and I want to inform you I alerted and put our raiding team on red alert and shoot to kill; I am the negotiator and Mr. Intelligence. They get all of it from me and I said shoot to kill. "The destruction of the world is inevitable... it will result in rationing... (communism) how their promises cannot be kept... all of this takes time... going to be awhile." So why do you hide it if this is what and how you believe? "They only won by a mere 5 votes... some retribution... how much of your money promised... sold out... ended their political career... what we know is... so desperate... one of the tactics." If you are so confident and still up for grabs; why not be honest and admit it? "Over the top... got so nasty behind the scene... arm twisting... go along... leaned on all these rank and file." Something is not right and your story does not match. (MISS AMERICA SEX TAPE RUMOR)
Q: So if you are going to be arrest for 911; would you spend time give items away; saying good bye to close friends; last moments and memories with family and who you love? I would think your legacy is important to you; I am not with you; I am for only legal and I do not violate the law; stop saying how I am with you; I will bring you to justice. "Inferior care... get involved... sad thing about this... real tactics, how to look at it... how quiet they have been... Nancy Plosive and the left have been in on this... target them and go after them... (That is up to you to turn them over, we are not with you; we are in no way part of your conspiracy or objectives or trying to egg you on; we want to stop you and put you on trial; you keep saying we are you and you are following us) how they respond to you... at times it gets disheartening... ought to motivate you... double down on your efforts (oh we are motivated when you speak to us and when following and stalking us on our side or in our homes) choke hold... billions in dollars... you are going to pay."

Q: I am trying to be your US Army psychiatrist; if I was in this much trouble; I would want to be by myself or with family; not spew out threats and get in more trouble. Why not be honest if you will be arrested for lying? If somehow ask you what happened this last year; what will you say or explain? If they ask you how you face life in prison; what will you say? "Being tricked... hoax... our freedom concert." Dude, are you in denial? Are you disconnected from reality or are you just playing games still? You face life in prison for 911 and terrorism; also propositioning us not once or twice; 20 to 500 times from 1998 to 2009. You have five pages of felony charges; what the hell?

A: "We are launching... featuring... Freedom Concert... (won't make it this year or next year) shut up will you... know how great they are... coming to these concerts... best show we ever got... special christmas gift... " So you will rip off those who buy these tickets and steal their money like Bernie Maddoff? You admit what and who you are? I can see this now; the Bernie Maddoff of rock concerts! I refuse to shut up... that is an attack on liberty and freedom, don't you agree? Ann and I may release our sex tape okay; neither she or I have any sex tape for anyone to see or have; neither. We may release one when we turn 90.

A: "This is getting pretty frightening hear... what do we know... what he ignored... guides military policy... now when it deals with radical Islam (Civil Rights and individual rights; Jews)... not to bet caught up in speculation (sue the police and government in the name of communism; but use your enemies like you use us and Americans) pose a real threat... why were those signs ignored... political correctness... blow whistle on this guy... anti-Muslim... " Let me ask you why the Palestinians would but the Jews or Mussad in control again and place an APB or racial hoax on us? He is the same age, went to the same school, is US Army, classmates, lived in the same area, etc... "Fear of appearing discriminatory... masters program in public policy... should have been confronted about." This is like suing Michelle Malvin and Sean Hannibal for racism or white supremacy! "War on Terror... frightening thought... we cannot look at the truth about this." This is why we are going to arrest you and ask for your cooperation and honesty; you lie acrimoniously and profusely. "He has had 10 months... been out there... we cannot even use the term terrorism anymore... arrogant and wrong... willfully... dismantling our defenses." I never said that, I said we can see why you would recruit us or stalk us; we can see why you needed secrets and lied about all of this; we can see why you would use racism as a weapon to proposition us 20 to 500 times a day; even a terrorist plot. "Not willing to do what it takes to win the war on terrorism... on the march again... Iran thumbing..." So we will sign up and be Mussad agents? Is this legal? Why lie about this. "So we can launch and attack on the anniversary of 911... thanks to this white house and his soft on terror policies." Yeah I figured you are attacking or planning another one under Obama; to give us the strong on terrorism signal while you lied.
Do you admit you are a communist or were?
A: Do you admit you used 911 and terrorism to recruit us as communist spies? "I am telling you, it is an incredible business... still standing... in the hands of a few media outlets... sex tape... no opportunity there to apologize for America." Take a bow and be proud of what you have done; yeah okay.
Do you admit you buy secrets or tried? You hounded and propositioned us; finally, you were convinced we had to give in so you made a special appearance.
A: Why lie about it or hide it? Even in a line up, you cannot lie out of this. It is like a sex tape; there is so much you can do; why fight it? Lenard Skywards calls and said they hear a lot of buzz about him and it is not all bad. "Ricky wedlock is checking in with us... (boy you hoodwinked them also; they are going to be a little upset don't you think; what if they got arrested and got in trouble because of you or your secret life) I cannot get away from my work... I eat, sleep work... life being changed at its core." It sounds like he doesn't pay any attention to it or notices any of this. Life is fine and normal. Am I hallucinating this or is he totally insane? "We want to invite people... god bless you, Ricky wedlock... (God bless you too Sean B Hannibal)." A great and easy excuse, you want to invite as many people as you can and cut in line or tried to be the first ticket holder; right? How did we know?

A: Caller says you are God fearing; this man is a Muslim also. "Perversion... use religion to kill humans... political correctness, we refuse to address it (how do we know he does not also)... we did not address it... correct... we need to get to the bottom of this... did nothing about it... frightening signal... lowering defenses... don't you ever go to school." Well a lot of human beings on this earth kill other human beings for economic, religious, or political reason; just some of them are lying about it and are pathological liars; so you cannot single out Muslims or maniacs as school shooters or gunmen on military bases; military personnel operate under strict rules and guidelines; I would not describe them as terrorists and start shooting people for no reason or anger. I do not think military personal shoot up human homes or lives because of Civil rights or to sue America or Americans. You keep saying we are or trying to do this; we are trying or were trying to get rid of you and tell you to go away and stay away from this mission and satellite warfare; understand? What the fuck are you in my mission now and how did you get a ticket 19 years ago or stealing it? We have not released it or showed you what it is yet. How did you get a ticket? Care to explain?
Do you admit how hard it was to ID you in a line up after 911?
A: "I can only say this... we want the same things you do... buy their own policies... " Well as a human being, we all have to eat, sleep, drink and work. The question is if you even respect human life and wish to tell us the truth about what you did or were up to? You keep saying you will shoot it up or have some workplace shooting; stay fucking away from me and others then; step down or take two months off; quit and resign and stay the fuck away if you know you are getting arrested and your life is falling apart? You always do this, you drown and you hang on or sink us; as lifeguards, we have to beat you down and rip you apart until you let go or follow orders. I never said you were an alien or a Martian and have different needs you idiot. You claim families and helpers; how we are staff and how long you have been in our life; scary! We had plans and you wrecked all of our plans; even maddening how and what you did.
So you want us to sue you for Civil Rights and you are suing America for harassment or are you being harassed? We know you are the communist and the little guys; is this war on terror a law suit on you or is your happiness suing this nation and us? You did not make a complaint. I also answered Chris Collins when he accused us of anti-antisemitic and setting up the county or country for a lawsuit. First it was Reynolds in Buffalo and now Collins; knock it off will you.

Q: You sound and look nuts. "(Reagan and us again) Oppressive communist countries... America who led this cold war... we... established a military... a real war... led the way for that." I cannot see why we would need a military or what reasons we would have to even think about oppressing humans such as yourself; none whatsoever. "Controversy and sex tape out there... Jessica (the girl I shagged baby rotten when she turned 18 and I was 22; gorgeous platinum blond; she was a virgin and was moving; parents had already left and sold house, I admit I shagged her rotten but did not want to get high with her in 1992; I was the horse and she was my silver, the pale rider who will call you a stalker and creep; I did not shag Charlene; she wanted a relationship and marriage; Charlene's father is a Marine Colonel, so no way!)." Where are we going with this baby... grrrrr...
Do you admit you mistook both Ann and I?
A: "As life has gone on for me... the more confidence I have... fairest... (keep in mind, sleeping with a girl is not a crime unless you are married; you use it as a weapon when you ignore your problem) is really a socialist... he really is... complaining at the time... portrayed only what they wanted to portray... his ideology was radical... (as radical as it gets baby... grrr; just do not steal my Tojo) glad you are on... call anytime (fuck you loser)."

A: Well, you hit up the right guy! It is not as if we do not have a motive, crime, and suspect. "I bet you are really proud about that... being gutted by this bill... (yeah you did that and we have documented what you did) the government should pay for that don't you think (maybe, but if so I will bill them okay)... this is not a stand... you were right." What is it to you? Do you have clearance or have I done a background check on you? What is the password then? Wrong spy. Yes I am proud about that and it is like being hit by a terrorist; how proud do you feel and who is going to survive? You feel fine; we were hit and severely injured. Maybe I am joyful and always had been before you terrorized me; just a happy and hilarious person. Right babeee... want to shag now? Ann does... lol. Hell, she waited long enough to get it and the way she wants it. Women want the total package and will wait; even if that means I screw up on practice dummies.
Do you admit we knew what you were doing or were closing in on you for over 30 years?
A: Well, do you... "Dayton... come... we were able to unlock it... new discovery... adding more and more everyday... (so I am going to just release you like a bird now right after you attacked the nation and are a 911 terrorist and radical communist mole) Knut... natural gas." If you want to blame Knut then that is up to you; make sure the recorders are going when you do; got it; you avoid written material, verifying facts, authenticating, and reality a lot; a total mess and a disaster; a complete moron. New=knut=Newt=noose? You got busted as spies and were propositioning us; then you used terrorism for some legal reason; it boggles the mind. Next thing I know; I am arrested because you filed some phony harassment or police report; twice this happened, twice! My home is invaded and your union spies and assassins upstairs sleep quietly through it while yelling, cussing, and a near butcher knife fight ensues? Good one... they will need to explain this also and the list of charges we filed on them. Let's try it again and warn him about one lie and lying. "Our victory... join us... release... book... up for sale today... will continue." Okay, and one last one; do I look Middle Eastern or would be part of your conspiracy? Exactly; do I appear interested or welcoming you mother fucker? I will murder your saggy loser ass you fucking idiot. What the fuck is going through your god damn fucking civilian mind; you god damn fucking terrorist and spy; what the fuck and who the fuck do you think you are?

A: Let the records show a nasty exchange and two years passing; then ten full years already and we do not even need an introduction. Imagine that; he meets the most powerful politician on earth; the father of satellite warfare; and he does not even need an introduction; instead he demands I show proof I had sex with Ann Coulter. Day after day, he demands proof we have sex or had sex; I said we are practically married and to leave her and us alone; we are trying to email. Now he claims he does not know us or needs an introduction? So what the hell happened to his life and Rush Limbaugh's life the past 12 months? Can you explain for me in court? Do you fear losing your job and why? Is it because you are being accused of 911 and terrorism or loving us too much and wishing only our best interest? So we are family and your children and you only wanted our best interest; only wanted the same in life; all you can say at this time.
Do you admit we have to serve prison with you or this is your wish?
A: You face life in prison and worse. You seem rather unaffected and certain you will win or have a really good explanation for all of this. Well, let's hear it. How the hell do you explain any of this or the charges we are trying to find you with? Okay, so let's hear how you want the same things in life. "(Panic in voice) sent videotape of herself to a boyfriend... TMZ... going to address this... conservative women are hated... Perez Hilton... why does the media tolerate this double standard... seemed as if you were fair game... busy busy telephone." I am glad you are taking loosing your life and life in prison so well; wait until you are in court and have to answer! I am coaching you right now. Let's try it again, "These charges... vetted and vetted... like trying to get out of a speeding ticket... none of it sticks... what is going on." Just so you know I would be scared as hell; I would stay inside or hide; not even say a word or talk shit to the arresting officer. I would not make death threats to him or them; or try to have a steak dinner at Ruth Chris with his wife or future wife; most especially if they were together for over 20 years! "Where they stand... then you will know... love on our website... wedding pictures." (Alicia says maybe they are more popular and totally awesome) they get better every year she says. Yeah you sound and look much better; awesome is how I would describe you and this.

A: Take life in prison and 911 charges serious will you; please? "See why do you... I am trying to understand... why are you fixated... created a disaster... (we were on a mission and you came in and said how you were god and Jess h Christ; we must work for some communist spy group and become terrorists; then you prevented us from living life, escaping, or doing our mission; so now we are doing it simultaneously)." Caller and him are yelling he says please do not lecture me, he says "I will lecture you... I do not need a lecture from you... I know what works... let's make this an experiment... let's see what works better... we have proven it over and over (terrorism and 911 plots; also murder)... let me see here as we say hi... " I admit you are better... better off dead! Oh and you did prove to us what works better and how your experiment is for real! I see the dead bodies and the police chase. "Cold war... humiliated on the world stage... hostages in Iran... unemployment... economy was a disaster... people are worried... all that happened... it is literally paving the way... we want to lead this as much as we can... we know it is the right philosophy for America... it is good for... freedom... liberty... why we are putting this web site together... building this new coalition... by forcing this down our throat." You are welcome dad. "I appreciate the call... call again will you." No thank you!
War and peace to you is two parties of blame; it takes two to tangle. Is this war or peace right now?
A: "Stay away from this wall... taking sledge hammers to that wall... (is that what we are doing sledge hammering you) you know Reagan... thought he was going to start World War 3... pursuing strategic defense... Pershings in Europe... (I studied all of that and do not discuss it; only in top secret and I know about the total of Pershing I and II; then SDI and Carter, Bush Sr. and Bush Jr.)." He says he is the leader of all this now and how all of them are walking away and do not owe us a damn thing or wish to thank us; we must thank them; for what I have no god damn idea; we owe him thanks. "Contact Al Querida... involved in a big controversy." So now we are trying to contact Al Querida and we told him or said this? WTF is this dude on? How the fuck did you come to the conclusion we are Al Querida or wish to contact Al Querida? How? Now he claims we were trying to dial them or call them. I asked him how he came to this conclusion and if we ever dialed 911?

Wow, let me get in line immediately! I fucking love Bush and their family; can you tell? The MF sends us Christmas cards for no reason and out of the blue with the WH address on it, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue; then some sexy ass cheerleader chick shows up in a bar at the beach when I am trying to yank a girl to hide behind while assassins chase me around trying to rip Austins tight hymen ass apart; can you dig it brother? You fucking Israeli spies and Mussad are whacked; totally whacked. You don't even eat pork; how the fuck can you be my dad or sit down with me at dinner you Kosher dick eater? Try asking... dick shit anal butt dumper. Life would be so much easier, don't you agree? Why didn't you ask me if I wanted to talk to Al fucking Querida or Osama bin Lying? I was having a hard time fending off terrorists at that time and we were fighting for our life. Let's roll you fucking Jew; we are mission accomplished; high five and fist bump mother fucker! You damn cool and you got the MOJO don't you anal breathe and amazing dick eater?

A: Carrie is hot as hell! Fist bump. "Sex tape... settling your lawsuit... (says she was young and humiliated... I want to see it and if she is any good in bed... she said he got 10k to 20k for it... sent it to her BF... fight against gossip.)" Hold tight; was she underage or 15? I don't even want to see none of Appalachia or the Himalayan Google. I am not into peeping tom tapes or up skirt Sean Hannity collection tapes. "It is humiliating and I am taking responsibility for it... we are going to destroy her... still strong... face it... face reality." Not that bad and end of the world if it was when she was 12 years old and doing the nasty with surfers. Sometimes sex tapes are a brag to women; sometimes. It is like posing nude or showing your body; it all depends. Had it been her, a dog, and an empty beach; we may look at her like an alien or seek to date her incessantly and obsessively as men. So it all depends. Rush Limbaugh always says horses are his favorite back end treat. So she will tell us when she was sexually active? So go and get married and move on or be something. It is not the end of the world. Had she been married and pregnant from three men at the same time; then I might date her. Men view it differently. They view privacy and bragging about things as humiliating for other women together.
Let me give Carrie my email and have her explain to me what is going on and how bad this video is that is floating around; I promise not to post it and humiliate her anymore than needs to! Yeah baby... fist bump. I saw Pearie... she looked like she was shopping during sex and playing with night vision. Advice for Carrie; dating sucks; so do strip clubs and sex bars. Sex is better after marriage and in loving relationships. Women who date are losers and have gigantic asses or need to take a shower. The bar scene around the US or dating life in America is like life on skid row; nobody does it except those who got nothing. Out of 100 women; 10 are keepers; she (Carrie) is a keeper and one boyfriend is not a life ending event; not even for Mr. Conservative! She learned and knows it sucks being judged badly and move on; no crime but do not make it a habit and lifestyle. It is like smoking dope; most kids do it by 18 and get a real life. Some love it and still do it in their 40s and 50s. Most things you do at age 16 to 22 are overlooked; serious. After college; the reality hits and the life ends. THANKS FOR BEING THERE MISS AMERICA! LOVE YA TOO!

Do you want your children and family to visit you or to be added to your visitation list? Please be clear who is your family and why; avoid your poetry please!
A: "Stole identities from... then used them to steal millions more from others... while working on Wall Street... used stolen identities to set up false accounts... then funnel them to dummy accounts... we cannot stop identity theft... why risk it... I have it... when you mention my name (wok thief and Mr. Identity theft). He did not answer the last one; only brought Carrie on. So Bin Hannibal wants all sex tapes of conservative women now and will pay $$$ Mullah!
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